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Book Reviews

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The following are the eight required elements plus the if applicable
award category for each book review. Keep in mind that we will publish
your review on the website. Use the format models to help you set up
your document. Please make sure you have proof read and corrected
your final copy before you post it in the Blackboard Messages Area.
Required Elements (Do not include the numbers when you submit
your review.)
1. Author - Last Name First
Title - Underlined
2. Illustrator - Last name first, Copyright Date, Number of Pages
3. Description/Genre - Brief Description of the type of book, ie.
Picture Book, Fiction, Nonfiction, Mystery, Fantasy, Biography,
Poetry, etc.
4. Review - In as few words as possible, write an evaluative
summary including qualifiers such as excellent, humorous,
poignant, well researched, etc.
5. Curriculum Connections - Suggestions for Classroom Use Write all the possible curriculum areas to which this book relates.
Tell how this book could be used with students.
6. Awards - If you are award of any awards the book has won, list
them here. If not, omit this category.
7. NYS & Commom Core Standards Connections - Use
Common Core Standards for Language Arts, Common Core
Standards for Mathematics, and New York State Standards for
Social Studies, Science, Technology and other subject areas to
provide applicable standards connections and performance
indicators for the book.
8. Recommended Grade Level
9. Reviewed by - Your Name, School, Position, Date (M/Y)
Format Models
Van Draanen, Wendelin - Secret Identity (Shredderman 1)
Illus. by Brian Biggs, c2004, 138 p.
Description - Realistic Fiction (First Person), Intermediate Grade
Chapter Book
Review - What a great book! Nolan (aka Nerd) Byrd adopts a secret
identity in order to seek revenge on the 5th grade class bully...Alvin
(aka Bubba) Bixby. The story is a little far fetched, but believable and
the outcome will make you want to stand up and cheer for Nolan and
his terrific teacher. The pen and ink illustrations are a plus.

Curriculum Connections - Great read-aloud for intermediate grades.

Character Education is a natural connection as teasing and bullying are
the main themes of the book. Could also serve as a springboard to
writing a newspaper article or other creative writing assignment.
Awards - 2005 Maine Students Award
NYS Standards - Personal Health and Fitness - HPF1.IFC1C,
Grade level - The story takes place in a fifth grade classroom, but 3rd
and 4th graders would also enjoy this book.
Reviewed by - Beth Disque, Birchwood Elementary School, Media
Specialist, 2/06
Swinburne, Stephen R. - Turtle Tide: The Ways of Sea Turtles.
Illus. by Bruce Hiscock, c2005, unp
Description - Picture Book/Informational
Review - A mother sea turtle swims to shore to lays her eggs. Nature
then takes its course as the eggs incubate and hatch. Filled with detail
about the life cycle of the turtles, readers will understand why people
decide to rescue these creatures. Hiscock's vivid watercolors depict the
perils these creatures encounter. Appended is a 2 page spread giving
more details about sea turtles and their endangered status.
Curriculum Connections - Read-aloud for primary grades studying
endangered animals; Research book for older students studying
endangered animal or sea creature projects; A read-aloud text for
teaching note taking techniques and information organization as a
whole class demonstration lesson; model for writing about a process
and/or cycle; model for showing how illustration represents text.
NYS Standards - Science Performance Indicators MST4.E.LE1B, 2, 2B,
3A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 5B
Grade Level - Reading level grade 3 but useful for a variety of levels
Reviewed by - Cheryl Cufari, Glencliff Elementary School, Media
Specialist 2/06

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