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TO Chapter X Crystals and Crystalline Reverie Mita a 1 Eve thse once Jd we ica cre trample, one ine tae move needs choi sestng Sea ‘See mans‘ uc a a ter, then, is devoted to the imagination of crystals. 7 per acount septn af oy cones aap Seer in he hyo nner acm wh geet Scull come s wena rede of coer a oe a fore, a a8 Indiacar of tesa imagination, On the conan, ser yah nd gest concn ts ns Patel sa Seine sal sis wid wi sone et ee Senile tc Her cy pe ot mano ade ‘rental ag: E emt ond oar acl a trying rT we tt Cah pono! tao fever I il te oy pee aes he lo ae lw my aul of pn cal lo ha InYSTALS AND CRYSTALLINE REVERIE © 223 as they past from one material element 0 another. This wll pro Sides mesure ofthe exteme mobility ofthe inaglaaion. In pa Tel, T hope to demons dat one may reat the same abet the same cal at Both terrestrial and aerial. In the presence of this mareloue abject, which occasions such fee play of the Ima ration. we wl lear shine and to harden by tors, ening all Uf he powers that he In pare, aid ragparency, We wll see a fematkale synthesis of snags fom the depths ofthe eth and fom he sat sy, revealing the atoning uniey sm revres of ‘tl ad of contletons What beter proot ix possible dat ne fmuse shake oneself of one’s habitat dependence on objective ‘Elerion in ar co fll the sujective magnon wilh enti freedom, sctng iases in their proper place among the eanks tly fname phenomena, "Ar contended evn the Komation of images tely mu rare, tm which the imaginary powers of cath and. heaven, the Tight of diamonds snd of star ae rly interchangeable, regis & proces which is the oppanite of conception. Coneeps ibence prude, sep by sep, by a proces of consoldation, imazination lng extandinay gl of diference, In ring the Toupee separating Precous stones and xm smagiaton makes mile a feorespondence” between what one touches and what fe ses, enabling deers in sense 0 reich oUt To Yo Tun thelt fgets cho, the evel leap of the sors Watching a soup 0 triers gang on the jb, Mallarmé calms "What a jeve, the Tu sky!" Four detinct dream monistone, sky mobi, and fludyeave bound up sn thee we xords. A ogan might well fake exrption, a poet can but admie "Ang iene deme such sages of tut as thee allowing the cnn of things seduce un, going denn 0 where precious snes are lodged nthe cath an ring azan nearly tthe oxbit of the tars one wil ve full credence to Nols who sow miners 8 sstologrs more or les qwned upside down” Geme are the carts stars, Stars ae the skys dlamonde Thee ie erth inthe fi ftament and sky on earth. Buk one would mistake this corsespome Alnce to ae nif no more than general or abr sybis AS BA + corre 1 wil bre oct to decorate, re eaing bese wh «su tmateralcortespondence, with communication between sub: Seances. We read in Roydle Chymle by Orval! Croll book tude hel though th centuries: “Pecous stones are cae in their elemenary state. Presiour stoner dn thelr coor, frm and he fom metas as dictated by the stae Alar Alonso Barby smote ctal writes cies only she some tbe "the prshction| of precious Stones to the superinendeney of the fas Sets wich) ser co imitate dm, oe only in heir brigtnew and lu. te wherewith they twinkle, but principally in the purty and per manenee of det sutetance.” Whether rl or symbol hi come srondence undencoter the syuheing power of the image, To frelon igh sto prepare the way for Ie. Ar paraphrsed by the Sevententheenturyehemit and dreamer of prvous ones Guile Granger, che. fendscemtury. humanist Pico della Miranola caught thie des by ture re led wath lhe ies of wi. ee he Po bled lik ro eo tig te and mall, Beater tar he prerres for hay wo apn tm dhe mater eue iproving wr atu depen, and 92 sich a etn, he th ht sick ht ier arp ed by Hest pouca! nether by fre nxt abt ny by che Teen whose role eof peri and denny thine ely, sconding tthe tangs ofthe Once anda Hera betcha ible Mh, het ol made " Bet before I insist too much on ara inlaences, {want 10 show brify that enya neat ila the bpolrey of pancalst ete i At one pole we se the dreaming soul take iatere in something immense and beau, expecially in something familar sha the be sky, the infin se the fret primeral-an abst fore 9 rand, So diaved sn ytrioue unity that Individual tee ae Mo 3. Oval Coins S801, Re Chm yn, ran J Ma ‘CRYSTALS aND CRYSTALLINE REVERLE © 225 ger vsblmor the sare night, vst also reaplendent in its stright that, kewise no singe star cam be made ou. At the other pole me se the deeming soul tke intrest in something excep ‘onal beutfal in a beauty thie takes I by surprise, Io thi ine fhe marslowe image hat not the grandeur of» world bue a Beauty to be had inthe palm of one's hand: a lovely miniature, a flower or a ewel-the wos of fies. Tenucen chose tuo poles the opposition is normally 0 great a to serch the capaci of language #0 the breaking’ point. Wonls themsches scrim to change thet meaning with such changes tlmenions even where the eeymologial links appear indictable Ts tothe cam for lntnces withthe two wort fry Mel and nchastinent fre The former ses Beauy in mints, the liter the beauty of a world. A fry bv smal creating lage the dams of power of tre writer hut up ty sore. The memos power of enchantment, on the other hand, oerelns and has the imagination. Te makes an impact though Hs lavish exces fics In the proce of cctaroment there ia no lowe enya fe of centzopleton, od ds to Gnteeplate, Enchantment, br te sence, flows beyond every intuition, ceslsl aking the place of mmement. ie ties even the inagtion, Teen rors ofthis dalle movement between small and large thatthe ends lication beween crystalline feveries and reetes of constellations sm be nalerod. 1 Naturally if the rots of crslline severe ane 10 be sought any wher it in the profound end incormoeruablebeahy 0 ae te crea, Once so exporedy she imazinacon beste ir crane revs along wah i whetee? if gos, Sveneentheentury chemist Guilhume Devivon “persed the frincole of copalaion st work nor jr in sale and mineral stances, but In the call of Teehives and in certain pars of plans for Instance In te leaves are petal of flown” But sch tryst ta thse te, ertain eect, ste phenomens, wheres crylline reverie pan cassis objct deep inside, seeking the gem within. The dren he ee posts with curly Inco the very cer of the precious fone The dreamer dress ater The imagination wil, of course, f tn cree tha ane very loge in ae, but on a feals of eae, ‘The rock croal now” at "the Berne gant” exhib in that iy qh an stance, ae mum specimens clouded with tals Sf white The fact sy in dreams cysals newer incense in se Rather they grow ietensngy tein, marke by © yaering bl Hance am enclosed limp my time 19 ane show ines fie ih oe Casal avakens one to materia of purity AS Vitor Hugo ths unten Cra that mould stain self cannon.” “Throws this proces of comiaction or sondensation of lipid the wer sone seems to fave amined an abslute sly, bone Gr atm of kardened vee one imagines no hammer capable of ‘ating, Whence the mth that diamonds stand p evento “Rane "Thore i this dream of hardness asocated with, cri ‘Numerous seco and svenmenivcencury text held tile dhe con eae tock epsal war a frm of fonen wate” Reaffimad Ait Iseences imbued withthe energy of moral metaphot, this old vaage seems tren hie. Un. Lorne gu Hig expla “Copal fr mblinatel Ke and diamonds ae sulinsted crystal it ied hate turns fo ryt im sbousind years, and crystal 1 ‘hamond ins thousand censure” In much te same way, one has iy desire mh all one’s beng purity and any of heat £0 ie pred celine wich. And, we are alized to noc, although Hugh hinseit no longer believes in the eaitonal image, in Bis ‘oral agnation the radon of he mage nat et For every dearer, cyt commutes an active center aro 3: Ron ane USEAST?, nares cma Ib See Linus Aunts Sensen 463), Queers N It Sia Ha Elo ge T889, en ‘CRYSTALS AND CHYSTALLINN REVERIE © 227 which crane mater forms Hs « commonplace tha a ers I nourised ins mate [anes amare), One author reset this image dedarng shat digestion fa proce of erstalliation, Te fcoron uc as well thot reves of crsalion are revere of scone colin, of automatic hardening. Crystal, wha’ ore, has Tong Been chooght to ponies 9 frm primary and perfect tn che tity of ts design, I wat thin which Ted Delamere wo declare Cysalzarin “among the greet ofall natural phenomena, line "Every sa every stone every metal has the form appr> rite ites Looking futher fear noe to procs tha ter Aeron in icky developed creme, im plan and animals is truth proces oferaleation, equa Male and female seed Combine as do sale and go the ae eet, wesleing inthe ere tallation of the feet” One fel azongi tae soch intuitions fe but inaginry eet made rel, the erptal had noe a cele treed value In Uagintion, i could not have been rade into che seed ofa dl ‘One ight well obec tha dreams donot always focus on an ini stone-thatf not rte to dream of eaves fed wo ener Mowing with gems of fortune of crystal, gency paring th fire And it might be worth nocng ta, im dreams whom gems ae found thus, In bright eae, they are lays mulcoloed and ‘wily vr. "They ars in face; numer Beyond counting, thee {olor that ed cnr, muliphymortd shade we might rtm the tole] timer. They dapere enchansment. And 30 drew frst i many lights had splintered shee sons as if 90 any Enlors had dicombobulatd thelr nereous sat, lose the thread Uf thee deans, And in fk when tant ino hutary frm, Such sabbow-cloed reams of eves fled with cofers overflowing Weick precow stones are in the ond, cater monotonous, The pic fore of saperdo riches these cons pune» cliche, and readers Romie ts the pgs, skipping ahead to discover what becomes Sf the here afer seguvng such fabslows wealth But thee are ators who enjy such things, Just think for moment of the scene in Villers de keAdam’s Axe in which Sara Clscovers a teaare hidden inthe mountains. oder to urn the tare boulders om their hinges, Sara har recourse to a procedure 228 + cnaeres res ommon in such tles and that a peychonalst would have lle trouble readings “Purting ber hands together on the hi of her swonl, she secre to gather up al he youhfl erent" the nar tator explain, “and hen she these the point of the lance between the ees of the eraliie DesthsHend” At thi all doors swing From the round pening, a grew wer and wie, these ‘scape tx ping carpauting of fc antler of “damon and momen er, an snc of omer of ‘very eck, me th gt iad poi of Bilance wth fd ing tices, pls hewy dimond neces at sting ery Jo th and peat Thi rental shower ing with Lhe seve Sdn tose St shoulder, er cates an he a The Fea and precious ores anced seu ern every die, Chiming oe the comitone male and eoehetng Se rating spk, eering he wht sto ekg He re This text might be taken as evidence of the paranoia inspired by riches. One remembers that Villers de UsleAdam's fiche spent his adur ie im seach of buried treme. In whet way oes this sound of "thundering and ringing cataracts of aq! ol” a they our down and gather at the Bowom of the darkened mene? cho the feof the imagination?” Tn much the same wa, Inateneve revere apy loses interes in the ertalin facture of the Lleidosspe, to fetmeving tnd to ‘urmeous in clement. This i pepe why the term hale Scope Used 3 lighy and alow simaye wth & neque connor tio. 1 eyelf would no wish 0 sper il of «toy I enna The laledoscope can teach a the Bentie of the int, she many esunl beef changes that are posible in crying lighe But thee are experiences the pen cannot desis To make shee rea fs dram with al the powers of aerial imgination. writers ate shia f fashion with greater cate the veriable crysaline vei evel Mefore sate or snge diamond in sen Tes addtionally nesomary wo take cre that the sol uncon scious, moti by grew doce not contminne the natural unconscous ke cae, that i not to ese 8 dame! arnt cally by the carat. In the fimdamsental dram of the sparkling one-one shared by people everywhere, so much so thatthe pee floor none can be eanked among the archeape of he neon et thar ae not fr sale mes, that in our deepest Seouthe dieam of love tf Te is exremely lntereing 9 note, more dems valuables ane never sold, Dreamers lowe what they value tore Bec they lie Haunted bythe ea of lsing it. What one prowess is tther taken may. Somctines, but ral} te ot seiicag-something valued 1 gen avay, but never sol. Te ‘would appenr cht profiad drearing dreaming that ha lft the Tiel foe th comaie walt no wrdewtanding of cchaige “Hardy any of ny patients mane the aight appropri Incl ration whon, a2 often the ease, the image of precious stones ‘Saves uy forthe” neta Reders Delle ging ovat sception 1 expecially acqustie™ patient with spproprited” a diamond tht appeared to this rule the case of ‘tte onal Gzstion wh inoue of hi deans Here e have a dilestie ty a bank ascount stand ‘On the one hand, we have carefully accounted for bjesiely se nzable wealth, dhe Kind that addons the heat of 2 cali fomcemed wid bral ata, Such ehh & 0 pellcaly werafer thle thatthe ken of pong debs by chock aed ot in eauh can be enough to aie lara fecn thee’ cry. They sign iatend of out thet pain is es apparent, therefore ee acu. ‘On the other hand, we have Incredibly condensed manenations of weal, mysterious yee unmisaable and playing some role ts fvery one of our dreams. Where money renders ur soil power fal ewes render powerful oneal, Maney and evel py chologlal speaking, le at decidedly diffrent lees of experience Tes eay t undemand that selling 2 favorite jel might be ‘naught land one on the payhisrie couch HE precious stones reach down inte deep unconacions region of ‘he payee, could ther abity to concentrate the cosmic fee in reverer of human power come a8 surpri! Thete #0 human wea where the secusiy seretenead ‘Opposie the intimate value of the health, for youth, for hve, of for daiyance-the pre stone docs noe exist 9 sathfy A eral an bring ick, monk asa lowe charm, or protect one fromm ara srt otra ie ran without the need fr necomancy, A the poet Chares Grog fr pu (all gems are “infinite charm.” Bot le us tke the laterite of dreams and eee how arya seems # morsel of onic spacetime to the onliary dreamer. The mere queslon of a eryal's past oxions infin reel ‘Where asi come from! Wha i tx sory’ What secret menor doer i rain of times gone by? What priate hnowiedge hay it recived from those whone dreams hive pase ts way Bele! Tr the moment the jewel ra pretence, token, and s keper of ft, ‘An with so portntous a past, why not fare! What word hae this precious stone instore for? Literate tr filled with sured an erin sone. Bar these brie remarks must appear banal indeed. And they ae, for they are mgues bat anyone who Looks can ey dicover ind lal or whom gerutones playa definite and deci role Tm fing to torn t-a very old an rather complicated passage in the vrorkof Giambarista dlla ort in which the temporality of 4 pe ‘Sous tone reeves exaondinory tetent The great power In pecan aes, they hive Ben ct a he per hor rlsecn, cme fom de et tay ae tro Inely and vigorous an he countenance ofthe as shies fed in hen ne cir Two powerfl eeres combine here: fst, reveie concerning the Cdl Com Gh Ay Mar oe Po Pag ce ne tat bt fre cine we ie wh Tae el CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLINE REVERIE © 231 material influnces linking a substance co one partial planes then, revere concerning the mathematica reations. inking thet tultance withthe star ny their ensemble, Jus at one's hotosope Sete ef de nowcns Goce frm W Seovtencl Binh tn bore scope of + joel ict atthe moment the ges cutter determines ft geometric form, The worker mst dream the cary of stone and femament atone and the sme tne, oming the dehy sly stance tothe als own depth, arring earthly sgnture to here ‘Gien the Infinite reach of auch dreams, that ther unconlous meanings should be rerdetermind scems to without maying, night tex i atl onerdtermiaton, ‘The stare at, wo 10 pea outs, bork india ad together. Jewelers who hope t nwest their work with cosmic power choose # stan In light of the gow ring pliner, then cut fe wth tn eye tothe proaling fue. ‘The sythens of ental and onselaton real. The mathematics of faces and the mathematics of sonelsons come ropster “ey Bola” a» equlalent, js asthe material compotion of planet and sacs a one and the same.” The gem that has bron perked st che precribed time bya dled cuter ts this an aloe stone in the tue seme, Tes analogy Inserbed in aid mate,» koe af Akstny deteriined Rrever in the momen thee desing bind lf lupin’ birt, athe artan cuts the sore fee fom ts tat The stone, which noe only holds hat actual alignment fast i, having infin elee pr phir wre iene iy one ce he teen formed astologial, has the power to communicate it, may thas be considered a halthorescope,haltaleman. Stange reverie with ertalline mater at once a ingle insane fron in time end mit! The Compre de Nous, dreaming in an Eyton Je hol scarab ae droplet of bide cen ‘Susur, once reported: Th ores words remain the exception. For dhe most pot alchemies Je pled by the vary in ieting precios somes wil powerful proper tone of materl ifence. ‘The follwing Towels purmiethe tly maerialat undertanding of imagining W [ propote to look now in some detail at how different hinds of Imagination influenced by other cements ofthe ster maging Hoa, cam Inter with the teresa Imaginacon of crystalline sub stance. As we will come 2 se, no gemstone & uniguly teresa In the rain of dren eral ve slope fred by the flere of ether elementeby fie, by tr and by water The dream of the teal che, the ear in fee, dak rl somber, poy sed latccm the coh te eerie. [nepal sihereace to one kind of matter demands sort of titoloweal MMinnation that clos tes nous to adjecte, Each subrance muse felix is own cual. o> that we might experiences own duel "Tht richness must be actively preserved and lnva raed. One seventoentbcentry chemist, dreaming of the le of Precious snes, consiered the wy shay at rik. Gulaume Granger note! tat germtonen “hive thelr own meas of epee sation-alince with fendiy subwances and avoidance of enemy fat wc» es som to a ‘CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLINE REVERIE. © 233 surance ven the most old of crystal st atively mines sly. Tone & t0 fly undetind the noion of maria ifueee, sacism mst be conser in all ex poe, In prtcula, ust te noted tha the beau, hand sulstnces of recious stones do not pashelyadope the aluence of the stars. Ina, Be mineral sina thease. Ths iagnary traction merely Tlie » dese nvichment 1 basi law of masa posession, ther i ap ‘emacaly reach Feyond acual pouession. Tossing But a dow wit the rely of i illurons. All avs of postction me down wo the conviction tha we ata wey tat ches fetlyincreate their powers he way cmon ers Incense the talus of ones principe “The advaneage of sues of the meri imagination Is chat they present chese themes unselconsioush Thus or Berkley, sup docs fot simply grow under the sus influence but eualy ata the sunlight eo el, atively toring Up all influence, all ts valve Ana this 2 typi reveriey many examples could eatily be pve, Thowph sap may flaw, it eence Ties and no jue bectuse it hums with such infinite granc, ut rather Bose fi aver ral ent ole ener, ogee gol an nstac of sla old and terest old All thse accimulate energies remain In to wart a materialise panacea for this pea opment of the concept of mat But ici perhaps precy fix act om had mater tht the atv of dynamically imagined asl inluene 1s mos characte isc. As Port argues srl Influences enter precious stnes only Wich gresediticuy. Yer by virue of thie face, thei nluence, Once feccved, i even more sly enaconced than itis eee: Ot as ore purl “aotwthstanding that thee ie of the sun's kor are diel eo receive, once recived they ate reine and pre the longer which woul seem to plesure Jamblichin greatly Fethaps le wil be eave o Understand this accomulton af inf nce im old martr through a Ierary image of ace elit. woul be dificult to exaggerate the poral Geswesn material ond ‘oral imagery: Imager of wil flow natural in mater tages This Nietsche writes "How oncom nstne- Slow, slow ». 2 + cnarren ren o become hard ike a prelous sone~and at ltt le there lent Bue let us Inst no longer upon this tendency of materialise reams to valorize their ajets defintely and forall emmy lt wt Look ina ino the varied forms such vaorston fake. v ont for precious stn to shine a brightly as they do with 80 pum alight they musta only satura where the imag awe some share in the dream pomers proper {@ the cther elements which are heth move onetethemcher mad mote inspiring of nein fight. To bein with the move cat, will conslder the conmnbution fst of iy then fre, and then water: Moreover fo the mt pact [ill appoac this abject from the point of view of the moder ‘imsgintion, cing eal shove nex that imagination ‘migit reve tony. To stl the problem init fall hieolcl context would require writing ta chemical enclope, Na sooner hs the ld of jewelry box opened on a sappiethan serial magnaion soars up into the bine hemens The stone soem to have absorbed the Bu of the entire shy. De i, im ect a Primitiey aerial colo. Ln the real of imagen, it belongs the ky before it belongs wo any object, The ble of the hemers having entered the sapphire, i sem that an immensity has spp Ie al been enclosed within sore of space without dimenston~is the “sraceles dep" 10 borrow Lic Dietrich’ flctous expres sion’* Ths the spice appears the wares of the precious stones ‘A few lies by the poet Lanaa del Vaso and Diet’ ine into dlucrory commensary will provide us an immediate econ 1 expe: tiene the presnee ofthe sky inthe nartw confines of che sot sone “in the Jewel” Ditch wrins, “opposition between ase tna ight i abolished Mare cies ihe ines feat and no long a ado The lm of co tanaoned by fire met kong ance round int dimond, anne the, hpi of oog sar The oul es nes th ining persion vvand hh CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLINE REVERIE + 235 ie ly oh Ln pote sce bcc of ne Empyreal space and interior space melt together, Light becomes sompreied Sach reverie ataches the adjective sll to mate. ‘Atonerte dram manag, more or ks, 20 ere the anthers omeen shadow and ight "We mig, n fic, understand this ype of poste vel in ters of Hegeln dialects. Cesta, for « Hegelian, sone of thou bod et which adits the extior word ito li foeror. The immense Tight ofthe sid Is ese a fire by opaque Bos wlth ie ine cst in disclosing she incr being. But the proces ofertas, ‘would seem, hy clearing out the mate, bring about = sae of tmater which bas noting more ro hie, As Heel explains, In the fre instance, the Indu Body certainly da, fortis i the ener determination of abatrace tater which i for ely bt this hract darkness is overcome ly. the individuation of mater through the person of form." A crystal thus, by ire of is fovmol yortulats, becomes a “sphere of lighe” and» great model ofthe union herween image and iden. Fr ie acre tha dy ht and spun light unite in clear stone, Crytek us to cmprchend matter, Deng fsmions in bath he abract and con ‘ate senses ofthe term. So much inne ight sess mater’ nc gence, We arve ot a center where Meat dream and tmige med tate. Dreams, 00, know how to ehisk abstr rin erp eer olor sf arated nothing le retained but lights pure eveene. Within the dreaming sapphie pare sky stetches fr and wide ‘When the son's ht ls gente when Hse, fo feeb stl rather than cele. These anecintions ee 2 ston eh ‘erin geveies iis imposible to amie x damon without bring tne ighe to mind. To the reson of denn, sping i » shady 2360+ cuaeren tos phenomenon. The diamond, a Julien Gracq might have put PAStiy hanes” the model ofthe wil to dominate, The di na en gue thc hypatiaes,# atone vested with dhe the gaze: wl return to his pine when 1 come ro the parr fn of fe. For the moment it consider on the Jlamond’s {tists pei poner hype Th ont wo come ine exatence, the diamond! fas concentrated the powers of heaven ad of ere, Rem Bellen has described Teewecn damond and mage, which are Oppo hn inseam Tea good exmple of the iatoary pay bergen “Sey end metaphor the dlamond tact the ee Jost ae che mag fer mera ons Legend taker powerful enemies of these o¥o Shall sont the unliable The eu efingoy Bur who remernbers today that Diamond and Magnet were once acer anvislen arenes [Dignan] due go to esymology lone butt the may tlt powers were imagined! “Tis circ power ofthe diamond, 9 tone whlch concentrates the pons of dh universe, would seem to prome the elements fo & Provhalogial sy of the midway sone between imagination and {Mference, Bur the probes difiule to grasp very clay, forthe ey ccemivenes of the mstaphore involved has had the effect of Trine popular Heli A vevenssntvcerary author reports the fl ing eer among any ater: "The dimond, though vessant forthe mom powerfl forse of the averse, ion and ie els PIAL ital Win fl tne Anon ie Gas f Boel ome bt Finoce Vex 4h 23, dmg + sere sql, ww of we di scconding to Pliny, she guunlt, and ro the Hood of heat tice Fahy drawn Bur then he add "This lain iil in Pais and vo. mat be an odes tak, not to be repeated in food company” The warning shovld convince us thar inson ras cam be found in writen frm at well The ways ofthe work! Te such dat phoophers find themselves prohibited fom sling, Sthether they study ream OF in in the former ea thy should of course, be dewaing their energies to maters that tne serous wth che rigor and igiity of reason ie and, In the inner having taken up the sidy of reverie instead, how dae dey fe detached fom eathusasm ov drop thir iupized tone? And yet there are ar mam’ "questions to" be pondered between the fro extemes! Rasonstion tthe fip fide of rtonaliy, and Ie the crample cited, a changed personal prejudice makes itself own though joking. fe ere my. purpose to gather sinar Ccamples 1 might demonstrate tha laughter without ervely eases A dhe benefie of poychosherapy- Even in the domain of rational nowledge, one uadentands berer faving lushed since vet wl There are fw izes more common than shat of the fey di mond, for miter ocations exer make than dat between predous stones and elementary fie see no purpose in lingesing rer example of such baie urge. The tage of afer” crystal is n't seme natal one, My pespose ere wil imply be to demon: ate how is age has been worked metaphor, exalted imagination beyond all messi "Ta begin wit seome tha the imagination, which never were of riches tend to lod fr heres doe with jewels. The literary fmusnation is lish ine ommamenaion. Even more jewel ae trom in novel than in ie: Gustave Kar, for ample, describes 8 238 + cuarren Tew circus "sa" thus: “A red paret snake weighed aint her betty an enormous opal a her those wflete davag inthe rk Sucumn miss upon the ever, and, clr ard tan, bese a flowing cols burned fa below lke the stone's frcellene example ofthe ping up of ule The te an smc elemene: we, ile fos fie I proves an excllene example a4 ell ofthe ech ton tmuicons of imaginary riches a ree tla ser inthe apace of {singe linemall eis oma cu ede ches! Syebolom set thnge vt “ese la sion imager of multeslored fireworks. In The Ach, Andre Arnyselde describes a shower of flames and spark, “eon kermis" in these terme “Dranken and hounds, aged in this swamp of fre, jugling light, this jewsed tempest Tle asl ripple Hao lanes, esplendene ya emuric ey bight lights color, and space.” That thi deaser can best once fe ser and jase, shower and thrown, i prot in el of she dee ‘connection he fee withthe eruption of jeled Mame. ease nex be firgoren thatthe power of five in such lates lr tied to mone ment. Fite Intensifies the object of tmaynati ay wells agin tion isel. The word ardor spesks to everyone of out sen, Like any asenibge of bright and vari clos, clstr of jew te takes on scam movement, i own wal impube: The sowed immobile fie in precious ssones sem fo antpate the lage of the hummingbitd oe bed of parade, m0 often denibol as s vel tn lige ules Dum report the legend ofthe wise men of Ini svho lesed by virtue of precious sine ard ad “The Mala Jas aes vencrted certnin treads of minature bid of parade, thous co guide and so protec armie of emerald bled of pr auc” He cineludes by noting that “the holy man adorned wih {hel wings Io thewe Bid gined the power of light thereby ‘Whar these legends share it baie wealey the els ffs Ay fut, They cul In ‘numerous images, Bengalis skater ryt it imine Kan, Leche sabe ake Elin dee Ree Blan, 19 2 At Ale doy S14, Ae Sit Mae AYSTALS AND CRYSTALLINE REVERIE © 238 full fight. André Breton renews this image when he descber “a diamond diviible in diamonds enought pve every Bengal bath For the poe, ctl aoa sor of ara snapshot f the tive, Pereean Jue, who Koons how to listenin the rangull Tp many respect, the Phoenix or frebird is a mas of fyggem- “The inl of pri, tl lthing of the res finds ne ha orth te mis eat nw er noernent tan the ‘lal dew Nar, ch bleed thi ind mal igh snd ops im, ge Kut wngy, ln ion to + elon Io meer be ied by comic wth the eth Bene flan maue halle at» Gown thre a a 240 + cuaeren Tes the you Bird weld iy ie the porn nbn fine wml ty Jevels thus ae multicolored, moving, flames in licht, An nner fame animate them, preparing mph le thorough sey of the Braghery Fire in preci stones wou fe 10 eover the entire sperm of sok frm pale to bright, ffom copa Gn the wurde of Charles Cio, “cipe of fe fom med fst vintage wine") co flaming ruby. But rubles provide the best neste ofthe vigot of impretone of fie, The ease pence reals immediatly a6 a metive sgn lose with ay belianee cal for limites prae. Thete valve judgment, thse fgments oF rela ardor, canbe extended further ‘When, in Earhand Revers of Repose, will have further detailed ny sews concerning the enhancement of these Imaginary st: tes He el Be necessary to return to the many inpresions which sive vale w precious stone. But even ow me can sce the play Yaloriation at work extning.geatoncr cy be alternately or Appice and denigrated, In parcuan, he imagination sibs tp eematones a set simply by taking menue of ther anor and fire One seventsenthcentry at, Rene Francois had this to ay concerning the ruby’ etrge of wate "The male ruby as greater lame and tare vigorous vrmillon color then the fae sthich tends co be darker, dl and pole, with mes angude ration" We see at work here an fnenfston of the rays ee flames. The modern reader i fee to read the acts gyros and longid as coresponding to Wiley metaphoric stats ex tence. But tis approach to reading, refsing amy oulnary pari ation, prevents knowledge of whatever oncine or mondadhrting Donde tke emthe Gmae Pua uot $1 CRYSTALS aNO CRYSTALLINE REVERE + 241 qualies such metaphors pomest, Jat the alchemist works hant Diatlow « honda colontion, dreamer of gens toque « raby With the proper sign. Far, in point of fat the one wale of & hy is tbe need in dileci ern aconding to ite vgor or I Uenguots The tone oe experienced in iter en nal feat) or softening lends] eis a masculine oF ferinine “Whoever contemplate the ruby by partlpating act ini senting Eellance wl winese lames shooting fr i” Frangols farther rene that Balinese roby (balono i che word or lghe ning in elon) "ean he recognized by 1 lghrinesharp flash of ler taoe and crimson lise" Esen ia purely desrpeve txt ike Jean Piewe: Ramboscots Les Pres preset spina COmement, we are gen a sents of the diamond's untthomable ‘Epi ce mighe be eoncluded thatthe spray of Habe lemited by ‘the dial has deep and unsoundable source. es ams shoot tp a if having phere ther momentum; they erupt Beas they {an no longer be contained”? Light i thus drt 8 inner agit fiom Diamond emp thine On the other hand, how ‘dai this jadgment "The garnet Is iy Bastard formation, fouly darkened, brown in cor, cloudy thick, without 9 tace of aor though We pass for er” ‘Must atention be called tothe ilflnets fold i this axack on asad “batard” of = stone wih i “fully darkened” coeration? These ae not cleat attibuer cally acted with the raterof act Inference of the madern geologht devclung a specimen of Stnoky grt Iaginaton toes ot wr to ts ject by name. Tt tither pres them or depreets them. Nor dae it conten taelf Seth rng ates but grows Intend ce passionate regarding Their god poins and cei bad pots, “approving” them or “Sie approving’ them, Rambosson hat Borrowed this particular descrip fe language for Re Belles, whose poem “Le Rule” includes the line “foul darkened anne le grena salement brews" Tis 4B. J Pee Ramone EIS), La oes Smo |G Bul tenet, OH 3 242+ cuarren Tes veri, writen ncordemnaton ofthe gue, woul dus see 2 play Tally expresed danpprbatoe of is ul shin ‘Wels in the Renaiwance rene contnially to the iden that precious stones poned «dns challenge tthe world of arknes, Garbunes ote ene author, “put the shinies coal to shame” In thelr pretence, “the darker shadows, ineapable of hing or een liming thei woes, are fore thembeles chides” Tes a trang image which hae shadows beaten back int tei ae dace ew hiding inthe dark, sae pushed back by the light. le ol be ‘aid tha there ae mere anc flourishes, Burr x0 concue fw0 forget that forthe worth of thing to he AX ie munt be pens else. Precious stones are droplets of concentrated cxesation. “They permit thei borers to share in thir wll shine. Sometnes a sinde sone alone sufices eo expres this desire 1 shine: One af George Stns heroines, Censine Dich, decars tht thee Is tony ane jewel she wll wea, one sparkling stone, Ut what & sone! ‘Whar a dominerng none Tou enthusiasms ever tis py of amoitions, how i pou be to stop short of cagreton? Vale @ ecrocd without limit We sce one example of ts wld extravagance in giving once cnet tuncondidonally to the fies uf a diamond in Sand's novel Lata. When Nats shows his nephew 2 legendary dimond of pros sous whitenes puri, and si," In the boy's words" seed the ing wun had entered the room. 1 ahue By ee, bu fe wa Ue ies A ved flame fille sy pupil,» senation of unbearable heat

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