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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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Data Management (DTM) Group Assignment (DUE DATE: 9-FEB-2015)

Learning Outcomes:
Create, alter and remove relational tables, indexes and data using an appropriate database
Design and justify the design of a database system and select, justify the selection and exploit
any associated underpinning technologies, including web based technologies.

Case Study:
APUs E-Bookstore
The availability of books and reading material for purchase within the Asia Pacific University
(APU) is quite inadequate. Although the APU library have vast collection of books (both
hardcopy and e-books), the availability of it is quite limited and bound by many restrictions.
Student and staffs only have the options of a small book shop within the enterprise. Larger books
store in the city are often sorted for other varieties.
In view of the growing population within APU, the university is planning to establish an ebookstore. The online store will facilitate the purchase of latest books and material of many
genres. Your team is assigned the project to develop the online APUs e-Bookstore System. The
system, among other standard functions, would have the following:

Publishers of books frequently send list of latest books and materials to the e-bookstore
manager. The store manager compiles a list of needed books and sends an order to the
suppliers. The supplier supplies the ordered books to the warehouse. The store manager
records the details of a new book, along with the number of the books that have arrived in the
warehouse. The store clerk updated the website with and the information of new materials.
Invoice is sent to the accounts department to be processed and payment made.

Customers who wish to purchase, need to initially register as a member. Becoming members
has its privileges such as discounts, gifts, etc. Members will be able to view the book, read
reviews and compare the online products with other similar articles.

Members who wish to purchase can select their books into the websites shopping cart. The
cart will show the summary of the selection and total cost to be paid. Once the payment is
made, the customer will be able to print or save the receipts. The store will send the books to
the customers within 7 working days.

The system should manage information about books in the bookstore, inventory, (registered)
customers and books they have ordered. It should also store information about user opinions
and book ratings.

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Asia Pacific University of Information & Technology


CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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Users can also provide 'feedback' for a book, as a score (1-10 which is 0= terrible, 10=
masterpiece) along with optional short text. Users can also rate other users' feedback as
'useless', 'useful', 'very useful'. The bookstores staffs are also allowed to declare other users
as 'trusted' or 'not-trusted', based on customers track records. No changes are allowed; only
one feedback per user per book is allowed.

Coursework Details:
1. Overview
In this assignment, you are required to design, implement, and document a database system for
an electronic bookstore named as APU E-Bookstore
2. Application Specifications
A description of the major functions and data items follows. Some functions will be provided to
the customers and others to the manager of the bookstore.
A. Basic Data
The system should manage information about books in the bookstore, inventory,
(registered) users and books they have ordered. It should also store information about
user opinions and book ratings. The minimal sets of requirements are as following below:
1) Book Data
An ISBN for each book, title, author(s), year of publication, number of copies in
inventory, price, books format (Cookbooks, Science Fiction, Graphic Novel, Comics,
etc), keywords, subject. You should add additional information if necessary.
2) Customer Data
For each registered customer, you need to maintain: his/her full name, login name,
password, major credit card number, address, phone number, books he/she has ordered
and information regarding the order.
3) Opinions and feedbacks
Users can provide 'feedback' for a book, as a score (1-10) along with optional short text.
Users can also rate other users' feedback as 'useless', 'useful', 'very useful'. The
bookstores staffs are also allowed to declare other users as 'trusted' or 'not-trusted'.
B. Functionalities of the system
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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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The following set of events and queries should be handled by your system:
1) User Registration
Registration: a new user has to provide the appropriate information; he/she can pick a
login-name and a password. The login name should be checked for uniqueness.
2) Ordering
After registration, a user can order one or more books. The total amount of its order is
reported to him/her. A user may order multiple copies of books titles, one or more
times. (The charging of the credit card and the shipping of the books are outside the
scope of this project).
3) User record
Upon user demand, we should print the full record of a user:
i. All his/her personal data

The full history of sales (books names, number of copies, date)


His/her full history of feedbacks


The list of all the feedbacks he/she ranked with respect to usefulness


The logins of the 'trusted' and 'not-trusted' users, along with the corresponding

4) New book
The store manager records the details of a new book, along with the number of the
books that have arrived in the warehouse.
5) Arrival of more books
The store manager increases the appropriate counts.
6) Feedback recordings
Users can record their feedback for books. We should record the date, the numerical
score (0= terrible, 10= masterpiece), and an optional short text. No changes are
allowed; only one feedback per user per book is allowed.

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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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a) Design a database solution for the given scenario and document the following:
Produce a complete Entity Relationship (ER) diagram (include attributes, keys and
participation constraints) for the above mentioned scenario. State and justify all
business rules applicable in your design.
Map your ER diagram to its corresponding relational schema and normalise all
relations up to third normal form clearly illustrating the normalisation process
Identify the attributes, data types and constraints of each tables and document in data
Document the Normalisation process that defines the sets of entities obtained.
b) Use any Enterprise Database and an appropriate web based front-end development tool to
implement your solution based on the design produced above, namely:


Produce a set of tables and relationships based on your Entity Relationship Diagram
that represent a fully normalised data model. Include appropriate integrity constraints
in your tables.
Create appropriate website which caters to the functionalities mentioned in the case
study. Users should be authenticated and accessible to data within their scope of
Write SQL statements to handle data manipulation (Add, Edit, Delete, Search..)
within the context of website.
You are expected to include appropriate validations within your application.

c) Minimum requirement of your documentation:

Level 2

Introduction of the system

ER Modelling
Business Rules
Normalisation Process
Database Schema / Diagram abstracted from the DBMS used
Data Dictionary
SQL Statements (DDL & DML)
System Screen Shots with brief explanations
Workload Matrix of each team member.
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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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General Requirements:
In this assignment you are required to:
Form a group of 2 or 3.
Design and implement a solution to a business problem.
Implement the solution using any Enterprise database and an appropriate web based frontend development tool of your choice.
Document the solution as set out in the assignment requirements.
Submit Workload Matrix (describing the individual components handled) signed by all group
members, attached in the documentation.
Each group member is required to participate in database design tasks (ERD and
Normalization), implementation of the web system (minimum 3 web forms with CRUD
operations) and creating suitable SQL commands for CRUD operations and table
Submit Marking Scheme attached in the documentation (last page)
Submit a CD containing the softcopy of both your documentation and application.
It is vital that you keep an electronic copy of the submitted file(s) as your receipt. The
bonus will be on you to produce this in case your disks/CDs become unreadable for some
Presentation schedules will be published at a later date.
Note: It is acceptable for discrete activities of this assignment to be undertaken by individual
group members. However, it is essential that all group members understand the presentation
in its entirety. At the end of the demonstration your group will be asked a series of questions to
explore your understanding and analysis of the given problem. Responses to these questions
such as I dont know because I didn't work on that part of the assignment are not
acceptable and will result in a penalty for either the entire group or specific individual(s).

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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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Assessment Criteria:
Group Component (30%)
System Functionality & Completion
System Integration & GUI


Individual Component (70%)

Understanding and analysis of the problem


Database Design:
1. ERD & Normalisation
2. Database Schema
3. Data Dictionary
Website Development (eg: Forms , Reports, Menu..)
SQL skills:
4. DDL
5. DML

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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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Performance Criteria:
The following guidelines indicate the standard that will be expected for each grade.
Distinction (75% and above)
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the problem. The ERD will be implementable and
any errors and/or omissions will be minor. The assumptions for the ERD will be logical and
almost comprehensive. The database will be implemented to a high standard of functionality,
with appropriate integrity constraints in place and will be appropriately normalised. Queries will
have been attempted and all or most queries will function. The forms produced would be well
designed with user-friendly features and include appropriate validations. The report feature will
be well implemented. Toolbar appropriately implemented, well integrating the working
prototype application. Documentation will be to a high standard. The student will be able to
discuss his/her design and implementation at the presentation and will be able to explain the way
in which he/she has attempted the project.
Credit (65 74%)
Demonstrates a good understanding of the problem. The ERD will be implementable and errors
and/or omissions will be minor. The assumptions for the ERD will be logical but with some
minor errors and/or omissions. The database will function and will be appropriately normalised
although with some errors and/or omissions. Some integrity constraints may be omitted. Queries
will have been attempted and most queries will function. The forms produced will be
satisfactorily designed with user-friendly features. There may be some minor validations errors.
The report feature will be satisfactorily implemented. The toolbar feature will be appropriately
implemented, satisfactorily integrating the prototype application. Documentation will be
satisfactory. The student will be able to discuss his/her implementation at the presentation and
will be able to explain the way in which he/she has attempted the project.
Pass (50 64%)
Demonstrates some understanding of the problem. The ERD will be implementable although
with some errors and/or omissions. The assumptions for the ERD will be logical but with some
errors and/or omissions. The database will function and will be appropriately normalised
although with some errors and/or omissions. Some integrity constraints may be omitted. The
forms produced would be satisfactorily designed though with not user-friendly features with
some validation errors. Queries will have been attempted and some of the queries will function.
The report feature will be satisfactorily implemented though with some errors and/or omissions.
Toolbar appropriately implemented though with some errors and/or omissions and satisfactorily
integrated with the application. Documentation will be adequate. The student will be able to
discuss his/her implementation at the presentation and will be able to explain the way in which
he/she has attempted the project.
Marginal Fail (40 49%)
Demonstrates poor understanding of the problem. The ERD partially implementable or will not
cover major aspects of the scenario. The assumptions for the ERD do not reflect the scenario.
The database may have limited functionality and major errors and/or omissions. Most integrity
constraints will be omitted. The forms would be poorly designed, with hardly any validations and
possibly with integration issues. Queries may not have been attempted or very limited queries
have been produced. Other elements not attempted or not satisfactory. Documentation may be
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CT075-3-2-Data Management

Group Assignment

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limited or not to an acceptable standard. Explanations will be limited but sufficient to

demonstrate that the student understands the work that has been submitted.
Fail (0 - 40%)
Demonstrates poor understanding of the problem / does not understand the problem. The ERD
partially/ not implementable. The assumptions for the ERD do not reflect the scenario. The
database may have limited functionality and major errors and/or omissions. No integrity
constraints. The forms would be poorly designed, with hardly any validations and possibly with
integration issues. Queries may not have been attempted or very limited queries have been
produced. Documentation incomplete. Poor explanation during demo.
Note: Zero mark will be awarded for single table implementation or insufficient explanations
to demonstrate that the student understands the work that has been submitted.

Level 2

Asia Pacific University of Information & Technology


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