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Kim Taeyeon, one of the most popular performers on Broadway, hopes to get the title role for the most
successful musical of all time, The Phantom of the Opera which is also the longest running show in
Broadway history. He invited his girlfriend to attend the audition but the latter didnt show up. Taeyeon
succeeded to get the title role but got frustrated that his girlfriend didnt even keep her promise of
being there to support him. Soon thereafter he learns that his girlfriend has been involved in a fatal car
accident in her rush to get to the audition.

After two years, Taeyeon, who is wracked with guilt by his girlfriends death, decided to leave Broadway
and move to his parents home country. Although reluctant at first, he finally accepted his parents
demand that instead of living alone in an apartment or what not, he will be living under one roof with
the son of his dads best friend.

Meanwhile, Tiffany Hwang, who comes from an upper middle class family and a Los Angeles based
freelance photographer slash graphic designer whose life seems to be pretty perfect, catches the eye of
a fashion editor and recommends her to his superior. Her imagination and creative direction, and her
interest to move back to Korea, lands her an instant job as an Art Director for CeCi magazine.

When her cousin, Kwon Yuri, finds out about it, he decides to help Tiffany by offering her to live on his
penthouse instead as he is now moving in with his girlfriend Jessica Jung, which is Tiffanys best friend.
Without any second thoughts, Tiffany agreed on him as it will be more convenient for her and she also
cant afford to say no to the two of the most important people in her life.

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Theres no freaking way Ill be living with that guy under one roof! Or any other guy in any case!

Tiff, weve already talked about this

Kwon Yuri! Are you nuts?! How could you ask me to live with a guy! And yes! I did agree to have a
housemate but you didnt tell me its a guy! A guy Yul! G-U-Y!

'Blue Italicized' are Taeyeon's thoughts
'Pink Italicized' are Tiffany's thoughts

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Dont worry too much about me Daddy, I am perfectly fine here. Besides, I have Yul and Jess so theres
really nothing to worry about, okay?

I love you Daddy, take care~~

Tiffany ends her phone call with her father and decides to take a refreshing bath while waiting for
someone. It has been three weeks since she arrived in Korea and has successfully turned Yuris typicalbachelor-type penthouse into a lovely apartment with the beam and dropped ceiling painted in an
intense shade of pink to serve as a punch of color while the walls were painted in stark white to
emphasize the glossy black cabinets. Lavender flowers, louvered cabinet doors and wooden furniture
painted in white all combined to create a fresh and feminine yet cozy feel to the unit.

Taeyeon, who just arrived from New York, finally made it inside the private elevator that will take him to
one of the highest floors of the well-designed apartment building. Since his father already fixed
everything along with his fathers best friend, he didnt waste even a second to introduce himself to the

Once the elevator door opens, his eyes widen and jaw dropped seeing the most ingenious apartment
design ever presented on his bare eyes.

Oh my God

Coming back to his senses, he drags his suitcase and walks inside the apartment which from now on will
be his home. Being like a curious five-year old kid, his eyes and whole body cant help but to wander
around the apartment. The colors are in the white grey tonality to help the rooms to look more open.
To make it vivid, there comes the pink accent in wall and ceiling parts. A home cinema, a mini bar, a
fully-equipped kitchen and a comfy dining table impressed the New Yorker.

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Everything seems to be fine with Taeyeon but still getting nervous to meet his housemate. Although he
already met him years ago and became good friends back when he became an exchange student for
three years, he still feels anxious since they havent communicated with each other for the past years.

As he continued observing the apartment, hes becoming more and more uneasy.

Lavender flower, louvered cabinet doors, wooden furniture painted in white he softly mumbles as
he takes a sit on the comfy sofa in the lounge area.

and PINK walls.

Thousands of thoughts are running to his mind. Feeling a little dizzy, he closes his eyes as he lets out a
tired sigh.

Dont tell me hes now gay?

With this, Taeyeons eyes fluttered open and hastily stood up as realization hits him.

No! No! No! It cant be! He cant be gay! Hes one big of a player back then. Taeyeon talked loudly as
he walked back and forth the lounge area and the open window.

Aha! Yeah, thats right! Maybe hes living with his girlfriend here and the girl decides on what their
apartment design should be.

But wouldnt it be awkward if Ill be leaving with him and his girlfriend?


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Feeling frustrated with his unclear thoughts, Taeyeon leans on the frame of the open floor-to-ceiling
window which allows him to see the best view of Han River.

Its beautiful

Meanwhile, Tiffany quickly went out of her bedroom, with just a pink towel covering her body, as she
hears someone talking inside her apartment.

Must be Yul and Jessi she mumbles while slowly making her way towards the lounge area.

Sensing someones behind him, Taeyeon smiled and excitedly turns his whole being around to finally
meet and greet his old friend which is now going to be his housemate.

But his smile faded right away. Instead, his eyes widen and jaw drops for the second time on his first day
in Seoul.


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The loud scream from the almost naked girl in front of him echoes inside the apartment. Taeyeon held
both his hands up to cover his ears and quickly closed his eyes.

Who the hell are you?! How did you get in here?! And what the fuck are you doing here?!

Taeyeon was bombarded with questions by the obviously shocked and angry girl in front of him. He
slowly opens his eyes and held his hands down. He stared at the girl and blinked several times trying to
remember if he has ever seen the girl before.

Oh no freaking way he didnt go under the knife, did he?

Err uhm hi? You must be no, I mean Are you err Kwon Yuri? Although stammering, Taeyeon
successfully finished his little but definitely awkward greeting.

Who are you?!

Taeyeon flinched as the girl growled and gave him a deathly glare instead of answering his question.

So shes really Yul? What the hell happened to you buddy?!

Swallowing the lump forming on his throat, he stood up straight and did his best to give the girl the most
charming smile that he always gives to his audience while or after performing on stage.

Im Kim Taeyeon.

Taeyeon extends his hand to formally greet his old friend but to his dismay, the girl just raised an
eyebrow at him. He awkwardly pulled his hand back and unconsciously frowned as he thought that his
old friend doesnt remember him anymore.

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Yah! Kwon Yuri! Dont you remember me?! Its me~~ Taeng! Taengoo~~

Frustrated as he is, Taeyeon subconsciously whined and a cute pout formed on his lips, earning a soft
giggle from the girl in front of him.

Yah! Do I look like a guy to you?! Yuls my cousin but I dont see any resemblance at all between us! If
he ever becomes a girl Im pretty sure Ill still be more attractive than him and---

Youre not Yul?! Gosh! Why didnt you tell me right away?! For heavens sake! I really thought that my
old friend who is actually a playboy has transformed into a girl!

Taeyeon sighed in relief and sheepishly smiled at the girl who cant help but laugh wholeheartedly at
him, showing him the girls charm her beautiful eyesmile.

Err sorry

Thats okay. Im Tiffany Hwang, by the way. Tiffany extends her hand and Taeyeon gladly accepts it as
they smile at each other. Realizing that shes still only with a towel on, she excused her self for a few
moments to get dressed.

So I suppose you live here? Taeyeon started the conversation as Tiffany handed him a cup of coffee.
Yep! I just moved in here three weeks ago.
I see hmm Yuls not here, eh?
Hes probably with his girlfriend right now...

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Though Tiffany still finds it awkward, she tries to be as friendly as possible to the stranger in front of her.
Knowing that the building wont allow anyone to have access to the penthouses private elevator, she
assumed that the guy is telling the truth that hes friends with Yuri.

I shouldve changed the security code

Do you know what time hell be back?

Back to where?

Seeing a confused look from the girl, he finds it more and more awkward and starts to feel anxious again.

Err here?

Oh, so he doesnt know that Yuls no longer living here, huh?

Hes no longer living here. He moved in with his girlfriend a month a---
He WHAT?! Taeyeon unconsciously shouts as his eyes seem to pop out of its socket with his mouth
hang open.
Yah! You dont need to shout pabo! Im just right in front of you! Geez!
Sorry he mumbles as he hung his head low because of embarassment.

A moment of silence passed and Tiffany felt guilty for scolding the guy.

Its okay I was just startled

Getting no response from the guy, Tiffany frowns and felt even guiltier. However, it doesnt prevent her
from finding the guy cute as Taeyeon is unconsciously pouting like a kid.

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Tiffany was about to speak again but the door suddenly opens, revealing her cousin and her bestfriend,
Yuri and Jessica. Taeyeon and Tiffany smiled at them and stood up to greet the lovers.

Hey, Yuoof

Seeing his old friend after a few years, Yuri bear hugged Taeyeon as he sways him from left to right,
making the shorter one feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

Whoa~ you look more handsome Taeng! Yuri grinned while ruffling the hair of the obviously annoyed
boy in front of him.
Yah! It sounds creepy coming from you, Yul! Taeyeon smacks his friends hand and starts to fix his now
messy hair.
Well, its true you look more handsome Taengoo~~ hearing a familiar voice, Taeyeon tilted his head
and stared at the other girl in the room. He grinned dorkily as he remembered who the other girl is.


Jessica chuckled seeing that her friend is still the same old dorky guy he met few years ago.

Thought youve already forgotten me. she hugged Taeyeon tightly as she really missed the dork that
she treats as her brother. Taeyeon automatically returns the hug, and being a sweet boy as he is, he
gives Jessica a soft peck on the cheek.


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The three people flinched as Tiffany screamed her lungs out after learning that the stranger she just met
a while ago is actually the friend that her cousin is talking about that will be living with her in the

Theres no freaking way Ill be living with that guy under one roof! Or any other guy in any case!

Though Yuri already informed Tiffany beforehand that his dad requested him to let Taeyeon live with
him, he purposely didnt let Tiffany know that the friend hes referring to is a guy. Tiffany, being excited
to have a housemate didnt even bother to ask any further either.

Tiff, weve already talked about this

Kwon Yuri! Are you nuts?! How could you ask me to live with a guy! And yes! I did agree to have a
housemate but you didnt tell me its a guy! A guy Yul! G-U-Y!

Tiff, calm down Taeng is a nice guy and Im pretty sure you two will get along well. Jessica tried to
help her boyfriend. Yuri told her the news the other night and knowing Taeyeons situation, she eagerly
promised her boyfriend to convince her bestfriend to let Taeyeon stay with her.

Err Yul Jess its okay Ill just find my own apartment Im sure Dad and Uncle wont mind

NO! Taeng, Dad will kill me if he finds out that I dont live here and Im living with my girlfriend instead.
You know how my Dad gets angry, right?

Right Just thinking about it makes me shiver. But

Taeng, youll stay here. And you, Ms. Tiffany Hwang, you have no choice okay? I promise Taeng is a
great guy. Besides, there are two bedrooms here.

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Awkward silence fills the room. Its obvious that Tiffany wont let a guy to stay with her no matter what
happens. While Taeyeon, feels a little intimidated by the girls attitude. Being born and raised in New
York, Taeyeon doesnt mind living in one roof with a girl. But he still finds it awkward as he never
actually stayed in one roof with any other girl than his past girlfriend.

Suddenly, Jessica snaps her finger earning the attention of the three.

Taeng, you know how to cook, right? she asked Taeyeon with an obvious smirk plastered on her face.

yes? Taeyeon reluctantly answered.

Youre also good at cleaning since you want everything to be organized and neat, right? Jessica
continued and Taeyeon could just nod his head slowly while confusedly staring back and forth at her and
Yuri. Yuri, also getting confused with his girlfriend just gave a shrug on Taeyeons questioning gaze.

Its settled then! Jessica blurted out as she claps once.

Uhm hon what are you talking about?

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Well we both know that your cousin right here doesnt know how to cook a real food and cant even
clean her own room properly

So?... Yuri is as confused as Taeyeon as both the two guys doesnt know what Jessica is trying to imply.

While Tiffany on the other hand, seems to slowly understand her bestfriend and is starting to wonder if
it is really alright if she accepts Taeyeon in.

What I am saying is, Taeyeon here can do those things for Tiff. He can also be her body guard, driver,

Yah! Yuri-ah~ tell your girlfriend right here that I didnt move to Seoul just to be someone elses slave!

Tiffany, somehow feeling irritated with how Taeyeon responded with her bestfriends idea cant help
but to bellow at him.

Do you think I need someone like you?! I bet you dont even know how to take good care of your
girlfriend, if you even have one!

Yuri, Jessica, and Taeyeon stayed silent. It is strange for Tiffany to get no response from the two like that
and seeing Taeyeon froze on his spot, she is taken aback and feels guilty for not thinking first before
saying those words.

Tiff, you dont have to say that Jessica voiced out as she stared worriedly at Taeyeon.

Tiffany wanted to apologize but for some reason, no words want to come out of her mouth. She just sits
there while intensely staring at Taeyeon who smiles bitterly at her.

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Tiffany-shi, youre right. I dont know how to take good care of my girlfriend thats why shes taken
away from me. Taeyeon stared directly at Tiffanys eyes.

Sadness and pain are what Tiffany could only see on the onyx eyes gazing at her. She could only bit her
lower lip as guilt rushed in her body.

Yuri and Jessica exchanged glances before staring back at Taeyeon, waiting for the latter to continue.

A mentor once told me that there's no second chance on stage, and with that, I was trained to make
the most of my first chance. But everybody deserves a second chance in this world, isnt it right Tiffanyshi? Taeyeon managed to smile warmly at Tiffany and the girl just nodded, without breaking her stare
at him.

That's basically all I ask. He continued with a smile and breaks the eye contact with Tiffany.

Yuri and Jessica warmly smiled at their friend. With the same thought in mind, they silently sighed in
relief that finally, after two years, Taeyeon is now trying to let go of the past and judging by how he
answered Tiffany about the matter, it somehow gives the two an assurance that Taeyeon is fine.

So Tiff, what do you say? retorted Yuri with a cocky smirk daubed on his face.


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Since I came here first, you have to follow my rules, arrasso?


Tiffany and Taeyeon are now alone in the penthouse since Jessica and Yuri decided to give the
new housemates the time to be together and start to get comfortable with each other.

This is your room. Thats mine on the other end and dont you ever DARE go inside my room, got it?
Yes, Tiffany-shi!
Dont touch my things especially my cameras. I like a quiet atmosphere so dont make any
unneccessary noise.
And if you want to play around with your girl, dont ever think about doing it here.

Tiffany, still being reluctant on having Taeyeon to stay with her, continues to tell Taeyeon the dos and
donts of living in one roof with her while Taeyeon, on the other hand, is amused by the attitude of his
new housemate.

Just always follow my rules and were good.

By the way, you can just call me Tiffany, were just of the same age anyways.
Cool! Just call me Taeyeon then, or Taeng or Taengoo. Err... actually you can call me whatever you
want. Taeyeon beamed dorkily but Tiffany just ignored him and went to her bedroom, leaving a
pouting Taeyeon in the hallway.

Since Taeyeon just arrived from New York, feeling dizzy with the jetlag plus the little commotion about
having to live with a girl under one roof, he carelessly threw his body on the bed and silently thanked
Tiffany for not painting the room pink like the other parts of the apartment.

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Taeyeon wakes up feeling a lot better than yesterday, he groggily walks to the bathroom and does his
morning routine. He used to be a sleepyhead but he drastically changed when he got in a relationship
with his past girlfriend. It has been a habit for his past girlfriend to wake him up every morning and cook
breakfast for him, while he prepares for his practice or performance.

But after his girlfriend past away, he found himself doing the same routine wake up early in the
morning, prepare breakfast and everthing before going off for his lavish work alone. Most of the times,
regretting that he never had once prepared breakfast for her nor wake her up because she always insists
that he should rest more.

I wonder what she likes for breakfast Taeyeon mumbles as he decides what to cook for his landlady.

Remembering what Jessica told him about Tiffany growing up with her in L.A., he decides to make a Full
breakfast. However, Tiffanys kitchen clearly shows that the girl doesnt cook and mostly eat fastfood.

I guess Ill do grocery shopping later.

Taeyeon grabs whatever he sees edible from the fridge and started to prepare breakfast since hes also
feeling hungry, which reminds him that he didnt get to eat dinner last night as he completely fell asleep
as soon as his bum touches the bed.

Tiffany covers her face with a pillow as she tries to ignore the buzzing sound coming from her mobile
phone. Feeling annoyed at the continuous ring, she unwillingly answered the phone without looking at
the screen.


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Yah! Tiffany Hwang! Ive been calling you for the past hour! Get your ass off the bed, take a quick
shower, and dress yourself! NOW!

Tiffany, who is now wide awake because of her friends loud voice over the phone, is exasperated as she
doesnt understand why her bestfriend is bothering her on a Sunday morning.

What the hell is your problem Jessica Jung?! Its Sunday for Gods sake!
Exactly! Remember we have to help Soo and Sunny with their charity event dont tell me you forgot
about it?

Truth to be told, Tiffany completely forgot about their visit in a nursing home that their friends
Sooyoung and Sunny are supporting.

Sigh. Okay, just go there with Taeyeon later. But atleast be there before lunch, alright? Yuls now talking
to Taeyeon giving him directions, so you have no choice but to go with him. Dont you dare try to ditch
him, arrasso?
Arrasso well see you there.
Great! Now, get up from your lovely bed! You dont want to let Taeyeon starve to death while waiting
for you to have breakfast with him, do you?

Before Tiffany could utter a single word, Jessica already ended the call.

Taeyeon?... Oh, shoot! He must be very hungry now since he didnt even bother to eat dinner last
night! Tiffany hastily stood up from her bed and went straight to her bathroom, in a rush to get ready
as fast as possible.

After about half an hour, Tiffany made her way to the kitchen but stops when shes just a few steps

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Why do I even care? Its his fault to not eat dinner last night. Plus, he doesnt need to wait for me to
have breakfast with him

She slowly walks towards the kitchen, and once inside, she cant help but to be amused by the sight of
Taeyeon, whos intensely staring at the food on the table and pouting.

Omo! Hes sooo cute~~

Realizing what she just had thought about her housemate, Tiffany quickly changed her expression into a
cold one as she sat down the dining table, across the startled Taeyeon.

Good morning Tiffany~~ Taeyeon enthusiastically greets and smiles at her. Since Tiffany is still hesitant
to interact with her new housemate, she tried hard to suppress her smile at the dork in front of her.
You dont have to wait for me you can eat breakfast on your own Tiffany said as she tasted
Taeyeons version of American breakfast.

Since Tiffany rarely eats breakfast at home, she doesnt do much grocery shopping. But Taeyeon still
managed to make them a proper breakfast two fried eggs, sliced bacon, French toast, and orange juice.

Youre not used to eat breakfast with someone, am I right? Taeyeon asked her and started to eat as
well. But receiving no response from the girl in front of him, he just continued talking, trying to make the
situation a little less awkward between the two.
Well then, you should get used to it from now on. He warmly smiled at Tiffany. For some strange
reason, he finds himself comfortable around the girl though shes giving him a cold shoulder.

While Tiffany, although shes not making any expression on the outside, feels warm inside. It is her first
time to have a guy prepare breakfast for her and waited for her so that they can eat together. None of
her past boyfriends had done something like that for her. Not that she cares, Tiffany has never been in a
serious relationship after all.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany arrive at the nursing home an hour before lunch. As soon as they entered the
facility, Yuri happily greets the two and drags them towards the garden where most of the elderly are

Seeing Tiffany with someone, Sunny sneered at the two thats in front of her. Not long after, her
boyfriend, Sooyoung stands beside her and dorkily grinned at Tiffany, while Yuri and Jessica just smile at

Knowing what her friends have on mind, Tiffany quickly introduced her friends to Taeyeon.

This is Sunny, and her boyfriend Sooyoung. Guys, this is Taeyeon, my err housemate. Tiffany trailed
off as she is sure that her friends wont stop teasing her about the new guy. Well, she cant afford to lie
about their relationship as Yuri and Jessica would have probably told them about it anyways.
Hi, Im Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you Sunny-shi and Sooyoung-shi. Being a stage performer for years,
Taeyeon sure knows how to greet and charm people with just a simple introduction.
Nice to finally meet you again Taeng! Sooyoung and Sunny beamed at the same time, earning a
confused look from both Tiffany and Taeyeon.
Aigoo~ Taeng, dont you remember the shikshin and the danshin? Yuri chuckled along with Jessica.
Yah! the two snapped at Yuri.
Oh God! Choi Shikshin?!
Yeah baby!

The two old friends gave each other a bearhug, leaving a pouting Sunny on the side.

Yah! Taengoo~~~ how about me~~~ feeling a bit left out, Sunny did her infamous aegyo to get the
New Yorkers attention, with a bonus of three pairs of eyes rolling on the side.
Omo! Soonkyu-ah~~ Aigoo~ if its not because of your aegyo I wouldnt remember you~ Taeyeon
chuckled as he gave Sunny a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek.

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So you guys all know each other? Tiffany asked as she cant believe that all her friends know
Taeyeon and seems to be close with him.
Apparently, Yes. Taeyeon here became an exchange student back in senior high for three years. He
went back to New York a year before you transferred to our school. Yuri explained at her bewildered
cousin as the rest of the gang nods in approval.

So hes the famous heartthrob exchange student they always talk about, huh.

When Tiffany transferred to the same school as Yuri and Jessicas, never gone a day without her hearing
about how students there missed a certain exchange student from New York. However, Tiffany didnt
bother to ask anyone about him as she finds it rather annoying that students cant get over the said guy.

Okay~~ Enough with the little reunion, lets get going~~~ Sooyoung exclaimed as he drags Taeyeon
with him. The others just giggled at them and proceeded to their own assignment.

Lunch time comes, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Sunny attentively help the nurses to
feed the elders. Though it is not Taeyeons first time to do charity like this, he feels really warm to help
and make the grandparents smile with their little assistance and affection.

By natural impulse as a stage performer, Taeyeon begins to hum a song as he starts to dance walk across
the garden. Seeing this, some elders started to clap in rhythm.

A little surprise by the sudden giggles and clapping of the elders on the other side of the garden, the rest
of the people within the area stopped what theyre doing as they saw Taeyeon happily dance walking
with some elders.

Seeing their friend enjoying his antic, Yuri and Sooyoung joined him. Sooyoung grabs a pair of chopsticks
and uses it as his improvised drum stick and starts to play with the wooden table, while Yuri borrows a
baby guitar from one of the elders thats enjoying Taeyeons dance.

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Hearing the familiar beats from his friends, Taeyeon smiled widely at them and decided to sing as well,
much to the elders delight inlcuding the nurses with them.

Give it to me love baby I love you

Give it to me love baby I need you
Give it to me love baby I want you
There is only one thing I want
I want to live in your embrace forever

Taeyeon started singing as he stands in front of his audience like he usually does on Broadway, but this
time, his stage is a lawn and his audience is a group of elderly and younger adults with physical and/or
mental disabilities, skilled nurses, and his friends.

My heart goes thump when I think of you

My lips smile when you talk to me
I feel a twinge of electricity when I touch your hand
I think I've become what I've always been dreaming of

Feeling the rhythm, Taeyeon starts to move his body, unconsciously showing off his eloquent

My eyes sparkle when you call me

My head gets dizzy when I hear your voice
I get tears in my eyes when we part
I think I've become a fool

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The one person I miss every day

The one person I want every day
Hold me, tell me
That you feel the same way I do

Swooshing his arms, spinning, flashing his charming smile on his audience, Taeyeon surely fires up the
nursing home.

Give it to me love baby I love you

Give it to me love baby I need you
Give it to me love baby I want you
There is only one thing I want
I want to live in your embrace forever

Hearing laughters and cheers from outside, the three girls, Tiffany, Jessica, and Sunny who just came out
from the kitchen, headed back to the graden where the noise is coming from. Jessica and Sunny beamed
at the sight of their boyfriends plus Taeyeon who are enjoying their impromptu performance for the

My shoulders raise when I meet you

My footsteps become lighter when I walk with you
My heart pounds when we link arms
It feels like I'm dreaming a happy dream

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Taeyeon, who sees Sunny first, danced his way towards her. Knowing what her friend wants, Sunny
happily danced with Taeyeon earning more cheers from the crowd.

As he sings the next line, Taeyeon swiftly switch his partner from Sunny to Jessica, much to the
audiences delight.

The one person I want to hold every day

The one person I want to kiss every day
Don't ever change, promise me
That our love will be forever

Tiffany, who was stunned with Taeyeons voice and creative movements that she never had imagined
that the dorky guy have, snapped back to her senses when Taeyeon suddenly appears in front of her,
giving her his most charismatic smile. Before Tiffany could react, Taeyeon danced in front of her without
breaking his gaze to the awed girl.

Give it to me love baby I love you

Give it to me love baby I need you
Give it to me love baby I want you
There is only one thing I want
I want to live in your embrace forever

With Taeyeons swift move, he held Tiffanys hand and led the girl to dance with him, making the crowd
erupt with applause and cheers.

I'll give you my heart for the first time

I want to live inside yours

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Cherish me like a treasure

Give it to me love baby I love you (I love you)

Give it to me love baby I need you (I need you)
Give it to me love baby I want you (oh)
There is only one thing I want
I want to live in your embrace forever

What are we doing here? Tiffany asked while looking outside the car window as Taeyeon made their
way to the car park of Lotte Mart.

A bit startled by the sudden voice, Taeyeon sheepishly smiled at the girl on the passenger seat, who
doesnt even give him a single glance, as he forgot to tell Tiffany that theyll do grocery shopping first
before heading back home.

Err Tiffany, we need to refill and stock our kitchen

Oh apprehending what Taeyeon had just said, Tiffany slightly blushed in embarrassment and with
how Taeyeon just casually said our kitchen.

Getting only a short and indifferent answer from the girl, Taeyeon thought that his housemate is
infuriated at him for making her dance with him earlier at the nursing home without asking her first.
Unknown to him, Tiffany actually enjoyed it though its her first time to dance like that in front of many
people. It was surely a different but better experience than dancing in the club like what she always

You dont actually have to be with me I mean, you could roam around while I do the supermarket
run Taeyeon said. He thought that the girl is not interested in going with him. He thinks that the girl
would rather do the grocery by herself but recalling what Jessica told him before and what he sees in

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the kitchen earlier, he would not allow his stomach to eat fastfood or frozen food while he stays with
Dont worry, Jessica already told me what you want and what you dont want. He continued and got
out of the car.

Tiffany is lost in her own world arguing to herself if she should go with Taeyeon or take the guys offer
and just wander around the place. She snapped back to her senses when the car door swung open, with
a hand extended to help her out.

T-thanks she stutters as she takes Taeyeons hand and gets out of her car. Taeyeon smiles at her and
locks the car as they both headed inside the building.

As they were both inside the hypermarket, Taeyeon cleared his throat to get the girls attention in front
of him

Tiffany uhm can I get your number?

Huh? Tiffany faced him and raised an eyebrow at the out of the blue question.
Well Im not sure how long will it take me to get all what we need and Im also not familiar yet with
the place s--- Taeyeon started to explain but was cut-off by Tiffany.
Give me your phone. She extends her hand to him and Taeyeon gently placed his phone on her open

After typing her number, Tiffany returns the phone back to Taeyeon. Checking the newly saved number,
he smiled as Tiffany saved her name as Tiff.

Lets go? Tiffany said as Taeyeon looks up to her.

Eh? he tilted his head on the side as hes not sure what Tiffany means. However, the girl just rolls her
eyes as she turns around and heads forward.

26 | P a g e
W-wait! Tiffany Taeyeon jogged past Tiffany, abruptly stopping in front of her as he hastily turns
around to face the surprised girl.
Err you dont have my number yet give me your phone Ill s--- before Taeyeon could finish, Tiffany
shakes her head.
No need for that. Tiffany swiftly walked past him.

Taeyeon sighs as he trudges to the opposite direction from where Tiffany walks to.

Does she hate me that much?

Unknown to him, Tiffany already has his number as the girl dialled her own number before returning the
phone back to him.

After walking for a few minutes, Taeyeon stops in his tracks. Blinking several times, he realized he
doesnt know where exactly to go.

Aish!!! Jinjja! he scratches the back of his head as he looks to his left and right.
Aigoo~~ why did they have to make this hypermarket this big you are lost Kim Taeyeon! he talks out
loud, completely ignoring the cute giggles coming from the girls passing him by and stifled chuckles from
the other bystanders.
Definitely lost Kim Taeyeon a voice mocks behind him.
I kno--- Taeyeon stops what he was about to say. His eyes widen as he didnt expect to see the girl,
who is now beside him, yet.
What are you doing here? he asked.
What are you doing here? the girl retorted and Taeyeon insentiently pout at the latter.

27 | P a g e
Tiffany bits her lower lip to restrain herself from chuckling at the cute guy sight in front of her.

Im lost Taeyeon awkwardly rubs his chin with his index finger while tilting his head cutely on the
Thats what I thought Tiffany nodded in agreement. Taeyeon sheepishly smiled at the girl as he gives
her an apologetic look.
Lets go. I dont want to stay here til midnight. Without wasting any second, Tiffany grabs Taeyeons
hand, surprising the guy but still follows her nonetheless.

Taeyeon smiles as he is warmed by the girls gesture and specially for finding him. He is now more
determined to befriend the girl and has confirmed his presumption that Tiffany is not really a cold
person as what she is trying to denote.

Oblivious to Taeyeon, Tiffany actually followed him earlier when she noticed that the guy didnt come
after her but went on the opposite direction instead, in addition to the fact that she has been behind
him all the while, sliently giggling while watching him talks to himself.

28 | P a g e

Good morning Tiffany soflty greets Taeyeon as she made her way to the kitchen bar.
Oh? Oh! Youre early good morning Tiffany! Taeyeon beams a smile as he gently sets the food on the
dining table.
Whoa~ thats a lot Tiffany trails off when she sees the breakfast Taeyeon prepares.

Unlike yesterday, Taeyeon prepared a traditional Korean breakfast for both of them.

The time they both spent at the Lotte Mart yesterday made Tiffany to be comfortable with Taeyeon.
They had a few short conversations together but enough for Taeyeon to know that todays Tiffanys first
day as an Art Director in a fashion magazine. As for Tiffany, she learns that Taeyeon is a former
Broadway performer but moved to Seoul to become a part-time lecturer in Chung-Ang University, along
with Yuri and Sooyoung.

You can just say thank you~~ he warmly smiles at Tiffany as he motions the girl to sit on the dining
Thank you Taeyeon~~ but you dont have to prepare this much or at least you should have wa-- Tiffany blurted out but was cut off by Taeyeon who pulled her and made her sit on the chair across him.

Taeyeon prepared Galbi (Grilled Short Ribs), Spicy Seafood Salad, Kongnamul Bab (Bean Sprout Rice),
Spicy Stewed Fish, Oi Naengguk (Cold Cucumber Soup), Seasoned Kelp, and Radish Strip Kimchi.

Tiffany stared at the food in awe. The last time she ate a full Korean breakfast was when she was in
Senior High. She then glances at Taeyeon whos grnning widely at her and gesturing her to try his chefd'oeuvre.

They say first tastes are exactly that, tastes so just like a baby undergoing a changeover-to-solid food,
Tiffany starts to gradually taste the meal presented to her. After a few moments, she looks at Taeyeon

29 | P a g e
whos waiting anxiously for her reaction. Seeing a vague uneasiness expression on the guys face, Tiffany
decided to tease Taeyeon as she frowns and puts her chopsticks down.

Taeyeons face fell as he hung his head low after seeing the girls reaction. It took him almost half an
hour to decide whether he would make Korean or American breakfast for the girl.

I shouldve stick to American breakfast

Arrasso. Ill make you a--- Taeyeon stops midway of his sentence when Tiffany shoved a piece of meat
to his face. He raised an eyebrow at the girl who has an unreadable smile plastered on her face.

Taeyeon opens his mouth to say something but the girl shoves the food into his mouth. Having no
choice, he slowly chews the piece of meat thats slowly melting in his mouth.

It doesnt taste that bad I wonder why she doesnt li---

Jessicas right. Youre I mean, its good. Tiffany cuts off Taeyeons thoughts. She gave him a warm
smile before continuing her breakfast, mentally adding points to her housemate.

It took a few moments before Taeyeon comprehended what she meant. But being a cautious guy as he
is, he still asks the girl for a confirmation.

You like it? He asked, earning a quick glance and a nod from the girl. Taeyeon smiled in relief and
started to happily eat his breakfast as well, completely missing the sweet smile from Tiffany.

30 | P a g e
Taeyeon was left alone in the apartment. He offers Tiffany to drive her to her office but the latter
politely declines. She also told Taeyeon that he doesnt need to do what Jessica had asked him before
and theyve come up to an agreement to stay and act like normal housemates.

Having nothing to do, he decided to watch a movie to kill time. Taeyeon walks towards the dedicated
media room and once inside, he cant help but be awed by the graphics on the wall. He gawks at the
photos like a boy who sees limited version of Transformers robot collections on display. After a few
moments, his eyes caught five black high-end cabinets of different sizes. His fingers traces the aluminum
knob plated with chrome as he eyes the cameras and lens inside.

Ah~ so these are her treasured cameras cool! he exclaimed in amazement.

Remembering Tiffanys words to him, he quickly retracted his hand from the cabinets knob. Besides,
even if he was allowed to use even just the entry-level dslr camera her housemate has, he doesnt know
how to use one. Not that hes technically challenged but he prefers simple things, a pocket-sized point
and shoot camera is more than enough for him.

After a few moments of being awed by the equipments, he made his way to the couch and accidentally
sat on the remote control. The huge HD television suddenly turns on, showing a photo gallery. Without
any second thoughts, Taeyeon pushed OK on the clicker revealing stunning black and white photos on
the huge screen.

Though Taeyeon doesnt know much about photography, he has a great respect on photographers. For
him, it has always been a wonder on how photographers make great photos.

Being absorbed flicking through the photos, the former stage performer totally forgotten why hes in the
media room in the first place. Browsing through the other folders in the gallery, a particular file catches
his attention and opens it right away.

He chuckled as soon as he sees the first picture. It was a photo of Yuri while sleeping with his tongue
sticking out. The next picture didnt fail to crack him up either. Its his aegyo queen friend, Sunny posing
beside the sleeping Yuri as she imitates the Kkab Yuls sleeping habit.

31 | P a g e

Looking through the other photos, Taeyeon is amused by his friends dorkiness. Almost all the pictures
are taken during his friends senior high days and judging by how the pictures were taken, he knows that
Tiffanys the one behind it, besides he rarely sees a photo with Tiffany on it.

~~ Mary take me to the merry-go-round...with this beautiful sound, sing my song for you ~~

Hello? Taeyeons quality time was disturbed by a sudden phone call from his loving friend.
Taengoo~~~ his friend, Sunny, greets him in a high-pitched, excited tone.
What can I do for you Soonkyu-ah? he cooed as he switched off the television.
Get ready~~ Jess and I will pick you up in 15. Sunny ended the call before the confused guy could
answer or ask any further questions.

Okay? Well, theres nothing much to do here anyways. He briskly sat up from the comforting couch
and headed to his bedroom to get dressed as he doesnt want to make the two girls wait for him.

Not long after, he received a text message from Jessica asking him to wait for them in front of his
apartment building.

I wonder what theyre up to he mumbled as he makes his way inside the private elevator.

Taeyeon didnt wait too long as Jessicas convertible car stopped in front of him, with a grinning Sunny
on the passengers seat.

Would you mind driving for us, handsome? Jessica playfully asks him as she gets out of the drivers
Who would dare to decline a pretty lady like you? Anything for you, my queen! Taeyeon bowed
playfully like a trusted knight to his beautiful queen.

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Not long after, the three broke into laughters with their amusing behavior, earning weird looks and
smiles from the other people near them.

After a few hours of wandering around the huge mall, Taeyeon sits down on the cozy chair as he drops
all the shopping bags on the floor. Unfortunately, the young, handsome, and charming knight became a
personal shopping assistant but still proves his charms as most girls that they walked past, if not all,
squealed with delight everytime he flashes them a smile. But the unfortunate girls had to quickly shut
their mouth up as they received deathly glares from Jessica and Sunny.

Taengoo~ are you tired? Sunny asked the obviously drained guy as she sat down across him.

The trio is now inside a restaurant in Lotte Mall to have their lunch and Taeyeon silently cursed Yuri and
Sooyoung for allowing their girlfriends to have a date with him.

Heol! Dont tell me you are not tired? he asked in disbelief as he rested his head on the table.

The two girls chuckled at their friend but also felt a little guilty for letting him carry all their shopping
bags. Taeyeon cant blame them either since hes the one who insisted on carrying those bags for them.

Oh, isnt it Tiff?

Huh? Where?

Jessica and Taeyeon followed Sunnys gaze and found Tiffany with some colleagues entering the

33 | P a g e
Hey, Tiff! Jessica waved at her best friend.

Hearing a familiar voice, Tiffany turns her head and found Jessica, Sunny, and Taeyeon smiling at her
from a table near the restaurants glass window. She excused herself from her colleagues and went to
greet her friends and her housemate.

What are you guys doing here?

Were on a date with Taeng! the two happily answered in chorus.
Oh thats nice Tiffany blankly answered as she glanced at Taeyeon, who awkwardly smiled at her.
Err Want to join us? Were just about to place our orders Taeyeon asks her but Tiffany shakes her
head, declining the guys offer.
Id love to but I came here with my colleagues maybe next time? she answered as she gave her
housemate an apologetic smile.
Dont worry, we understand. Taeyeon warmly smiled at her, making the two other girls across him
silently squealed with delight at the interaction of the two housemates.

Understanding their friend, they let Tiffany go back to her colleagues but didnt forget to tease her.

Dont worry, well return your boyfriend to you later! Safe and sound. Jessica winked at her.

Tiffany glared at Jessica but the latter, along with Sunny, just giggled at her. Knowing her friends, she
just rolled her eyes and walked towards where her colleagues are sitting which is just a few tables away
from the trio.

Taeyeon, on the other hand, managed to be composed as he knows that Jessicas just teasing his
housemate. Besides, hes already used to the girls frolics.

Aigoo~ someones jealous~~ Sunny beamed at Taeyeon.

34 | P a g e
Huh? Taeyeon raised an eyebrow at her and tilted his head on the side, completely not undestanding
what Sunny means.
You better make a good dinner tonight Taeng. Your girlfriend seems jealous! Jessica added before
giggling along with Sunny.

Taeyeon looks back and forth at the two girls a few times before realizing what they meant. Deciding to
play along with them, he smirked and cockily crossed his arms as he leans his back on his chair.

You know I have my own ways on making a girls heart melt! he impishly answered the two amused
girls in front of him.

The trio errupted in laughters earning the other peoples attention in the restaurant, including Tiffany
and her colleagues but the three couldnt care less.

Hey, your friend is cute!


Tiffany followed her colleagues index finger pointing at Taeyeon who seems to be having so much fun
with Sunny and Jessica.

Whats his name? Which one of those girls is his girlfriend? Can you introduce me to him Tiff? Please~~
Hes sooo cute!~ her colleague asked her while staring at Taeyeon in admiration. Tiffany is reluctant at
first but still answered her as it would be rude if shell just ignore her.

Hes Taeyeon. Neither of them is his girlfriend and n--- Tiffany was cut off as she was hastily dragged
to Taeyeons table by her excited officemate.

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The trio stopped their lively conversation when Tiffany cleared her throat to get their attention. They all
looked up to her and she awkwardly smiled at them.

Hi! Im Park Gyuri, Tiffanys colleague. You can call me Gyuri. Nice to meet you. Gyuri bowed to
formally greet Tiffanys friends or more so Taeyeon as the girl didnt even bother to glance at Sunny and
Nice to meet you too Gyuri! Im Kim Taeyeon, this is Jessica Jung, and shes Sunny Lee. Taeyeon
introduced himself and the two girls, extending his hand and flashing a smile to the awestrucked girl.
Omo! Kim Taeyeon? You are the Kim Taeyeon?! Gyuri exclaimed as he grabbed Taeyeons hand.
Err yeah?
Omo! Tiff! Youre so lucky to be friends with him! she told Tiffany without letting go of Taeyeons hand.
You know him? Jessica asked, feeling a bit irritated with the nosy girl.

Though Jessica knows about how popular Taeyeon is in the Broadway, not all people, especially Koreans
shows great interest in it.

Of course I do! Hes the most popular young Broadway performer! And, I must say Im a big fan of
yours Taeyeon-shi! the girl exclaimed with aegyo which irritates the three other girls.

Ahem uh Gyuri, Im pretty sure Taeyeons hand is getting numb now Tiffany finally talked as she
pulled Taeyeons hand from her colleagues grasp, much to Sunny and Jessicas amusement. Taeyeon
mouthed thank you to her and she returns it with a smile.

Thank you for the lunch Taeyeon! I really had a great time with you. Gyuri says as she bids goodbye to
the trio, dragging Tiffany with her.

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Somehow, Tiffany ended up eating lunch with them as Gyuri asked if they can join them. Though Tiffany
reminds her that theyre with their other colleagues, the latter just shrugged and took a sit on the empty
chair beside Taeyeon. Tiffany, who was left standing, had no choice but to get her own chair to sit on.
However, before she could do it, Taeyeon promptly offers his sit to her. Tiffany gladly accepted it and
gave him her beautiful eyesmile as a thank you whilst Taeyeon grabbed another chair for himself and
sat on the head of the table near Tiffany.

No problem Gyuri. It was great having lunch with you and Tiffany. Taeyeon said as Sunny and Jessica
just rolled their eyes.

The two girls were apparently not pleased by Tiffanys colleague as the latter keeps on flirting with
Taeyeon as they eat their lunch. As for Taeyeon, he didnt mind it at all and didnt think of it as flirting
but just a friendly gesture. And despite how hard Tiffany tries to ignore the interaction between her
colleague and her housemate, she cant help but to give some sarcastic remarks at Gyuris statements,
making a few snickerings from Jessica and Sunny.

After a few more hours of wandering and playing around the mall, the trio finally decided to go home
since its also getting late. Taeyeon and Jessica dropped Sunny first to her and Sooyoungs apartment.
Jessica then insisted to drive so she can drop Taeyeon off to his apartment but the guy sternly declines.
Soon after having a few bickerings, they have reached Jessicas apartment and Yuri warmly welcomes
the two.

Taeng, you can use my car first while youre waiting for your car to arrive. Yuri suggested as they
walked Taeyeon to the door.
Its okay, Yul. Besides, my cars gonna arrive in two days and I dont mind riding a bus or subway either.
Fine. Oh, dont forget Ill pick you up tomorrow at 11. Well go to our studio and introduce you to our
team as well. Yuri reminded his friend.

Though Yuri and Sooyoung are both full-time lecturers in CAU, the two also owned a dance studio which
is well-known as it also serves as an entertainment agencys training school. The two requested Taeyeon
to be one of their choreographers which the latter gladly accepted.

37 | P a g e
Yes sir! Taeyeon playfully salutes at the taller boy making his two friends chuckle at his dorkiness,
before making his way out of his friends apartment.

Tiffany is driving her way home when she noticed a familiar figure sitting on a bus stop. She abruptly
stops the car passed the bus stop as she realized it was Taeyeon whos comfortably talking with some
girls beside him. She drives backwards and stops in front of the bus stops shelter as she rolls down the
car window, catching the attention of the waiting passengers in line.

Get in. she said as she looks at Taeyeon, ignoring the glares of the girls who were hitting on the cute
Tiffany~~ Taeyeon beamed seeing her housemate as he stood up from the bench. He made his way
towards Tiffanys car but before he finally gets in, he waved goodbye to the girls making them smile
from ear to ear.

Such a player

Tiffany hastily steps on the gas pedal as soon as Taeyeon closes the car door causing him to flinch as he
puts his seatbelt on.

Sorry. Tiffany mumbles.

The ride towards their apartment is filled with silence until Tiffany decided to talk to Taeyeon.

Can I ask you something?

What is it like being a player?

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Taeyeon stared at Tiffany confusedly. Though Tiffany is focused on the road, he could tell that the girl is
really curious about something but hesitant if she should continue or what not.

A player? I dont know he answered candidly as he continued staring at his housemate while the
latter smirked at his answer.
Come on, tell me. Tiffany looked at him for a second and focused back on driving.
I really dont know. I wouldnt know since Im not one he trails off but Tiffany still heard him.

They have reached their apartment building and Tiffany carefully parked her car. She then stared at
Taeyeon whos smoothly unbuckling his seatbelt.

Yeah right, youre not. She says as she rolls her eyes and gets out of the car.

I am not. Taeyeon defended as he closed the car door and stared at Tiffany in disbelief.

Taeyeon feels a bit offended by Tiffanys remark about him being a player. Never once he had been a
player. Besides, he only had one girlfriend in the past and never had crossed his mind to hit on other
girls as he loves his girlfriend so much. In fact, he never had dated anyone else even after his girlfriend
past away.

Can we just be open with each other? Tiffany asked frankly and glanced at him as they walked
towards the elevator.

Taeyeon sighs as he looks at Tiffany, trying to read the girls mind. He stayed silent for a few moments
while Tiffany patiently waits for his answer.

Okay. Mind telling me what a player is? he probed the girl as he guided her inside the elevator.

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Tiffany was taken aback by his respond but still managed to confidently answer the guy.

Well theyre like you. They act like you. A smooth-talking charmer whos always busy charming and
impressing girls. And instead of focusing his attention on just one person, he tries to win the affections
of more than one person, basically just playing with girls feelings. Taeyeon smiled at how the girl
answered his query with passion.

I see like the old Yul back in Senior high?

Yes they both chuckled as they randomly involved Yuri in their conversation.
Hmm I know I talk comfortably with girls but I dont have any intention to impress them. Im just
trying to be polite and friendly Also, I only had one girlfriend. I didnt even date anybody else after.
she past away Taeyeon explained but soflty mumbles the last three words. However, Tiffany still
managed to clearly hear it as theyre the only ones in the elevator and theyre just standing near each

They both fell silent as the elevator door opens, reaching their apartment. Taeyeon allowed Tiffany to
walk in first as he followed behind. Tiffany felt guilty of accusing her housemate of being a player. She
mentally scolded herself as she also didnt know whats gotten into her. For some unknown reason, she
feels uneasy everytime she sees Taeyeon casually talking with other girls.

Taeyeon. Tiffany softly called Taeyeon as they both made their ways to their respective bedrooms.
Hmm? Taeyeon stared at the girl as they stopped in front of his room.
Im sorry she stared at Taeyeons eyes as she bit her lower lip, thinking of her next words.
For what? he stared back at her with a smile on his face. He knows what Tiffany means but still
enquired her for he finds the girl adorable as Tiffany gives her puppy eyes and a cute pout.

Aigoo~ so cute!

For judging you I Tiffany paused for a brief moment as she tries to argue with her thoughts.

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was jealous? Scratch that! I am NOT jealous. Why would I be jealous?! Dont confuse yourself Tiffany!

I mean, I shouldnt have said that. And, Im sorry about your girlfriend I didnt know it sorry
she hangs her head low in embarrassment. She bit her lower lip harder and shuts her eyes, expecting
harsh words from the guy she has judged.

After a few moments, she hears soft giggles instead. She opens her eyes and tilts her head up to look at
Taeyeon, whos totally amused by the girl in front of him. Tiffany frowns as she cant understand why
Taeyeon is giggling at her.

Fany-ah youre so cute!~ Taeyeon beams at her as he gently pats Tiffanys head.

Hearing the unexpected compliment and gesture from her housemate, Tiffany blushed and ducks her
head to hide her face. She even blushed harder as she realized Taeyeon had just called her with a new

Its okay I guess I was just being too friendly? he chuckled. He stopped patting Tiffanys head and
stared at the latter, whose head is still hanging low. He warmly smiled at the girl and gently held her
hand. Tiffany was surprised at the sudden skinship, but feels warm and strangely feels at ease in
Taeyeons grasp.

Will you look at me, please? he softly asked. Tiffany hesitantly tilts her head up and stared at the guys
warm onyx eyes.
Do you mind me calling you Fany? Taeyeon carefully asks as he doesnt want to be rude by blurting
out a new nickname for the girl earlier.
N-no its f-fine. Tiffany stuttered. If Taeyeons gaze can melt, she would have probably been melted
by now.

Taeyeon leisurely walked Tiffany to her bedroom, still holding the girls hand.

41 | P a g e

Its been two years she got in a car accident while on her way to my audition. I was mad at her during
that time coz she didnt show up I was really hoping that shell come she promised me but I didnt
see her even after the audition is done. You know why I was so mad at her? Taeyeon paused as they
stopped in front of Tiffanys room. They faced each other and Taeyeon continued opening up to the girl.

I was going to propose to her that day he smiled bitterly at Tiffany.

Tiffany, who was intently listening to the guys confession, was utterly dazed. She felt sorry for the guy
and wants to console him but a part of her felt hurt seeing the dorky guy breaking down.

Tae she softly speaks as she hugged Taeyeon, surprising the guy a little.

Taeyeon naturally returned the hug and comfortably rested his chin on the girls shoulder. He closed his
eyes as he was enthralled with the girls warmth. But it seems like it was too much for him as memories
and feelings two years ago flashed back.

Its because of me its my fault if I didnt ask her to attend my audition that day she would still be
here His voice cracked and tightens his hug on Tiffanys waist, pulling the girls body even closer to

Shhh its not your fault Tiffany soothed. She also tightens her hug on Taeyeon and hopes the guy
would feel better.

Though Taeyeon tries hard to suppress his emotions, Tiffanys embrace and warmth makes him feel too
comfortable as his tears began to fall. Tiffany caressed the back of Taeyeons head as she felt the guy
silently crying on her shoulder.

42 | P a g e
They stayed in that position for a couple minutes, both wrapped with their own thoughts. After a few
moments, Tiffany pulled away a little when she felt that Taeyeon is already calm. Taeyeon slowly lifts his
head from the girls shoulder and gives her an apologetic smile.

Tiffany warmly smiled at him and began to gently wipe the traces of tears from his onyx eyes. Taeyeon
affectionately stared at the girl who seems to be so absorbed in wiping his tears. For the first time in two
years, he felt better and lighter after his sudden break down.

Dont blame yourself Tae its not your fault. Im pretty sure that even if you didnt ask her to be there,
she will still attend your audition because she loves you. Tiffany gazed back at Taeyeon,
subconsciously caressing the latters cheek.

Youre a great guy Tae she continued and smiled affectionately at the guy, whose face is just a few
centimeters away from her since theyre still on the hugging position.

Taeyeon greatly feels warm with the girls affection. He felt so grateful to the girl who listened and
comforted him.

Thank you Fany-ah you really made me feel better. he sincerely smiled at Tiffany and promptly
received a beautiful eyesmile from the girl.

You are really something Fany-ah

Ill make you a special dinner since you make me feel better, how is it? Taeyeon beamed dorkily like
nothing happened.

Fair enough. Tiffany chuckled and feels relieved that the guys already back to his cheerful self.


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Suddenly, Taeyeon kissed her forehead making her froze on her spot.

Thank you again Fany-ah~ he said as he completely pulled away from their hug and headed to his
bedroom, leaving a dumbfounded Tiffany in front of her room.

44 | P a g e

Yah! Nicole Jung, keep your voice down!
Ooops! Sorry!

Nicole, Tiffanys assistant, sheepishly grinned at her boss as she bowed to apologize to the other people
in the room. Tiffany just chuckled at her dorky assistant as she continued checking the portfolio that
shes been working on for the past few days.

It has been a very busy week for Tiffany, especially since the editor-in-chiefs senior assistant has been
giving her nothing but discouragements and has been prying into her personal life.

Tiffany, being the newest addition to the team, actually has a good relationship with her colleagues but
for one particular person Park Gyuri, the editor-in-chiefs senior assistant. At first, Gyuri was so fond of
Tiffany as she appreciates the girls creativity and of course, Tiffanys fashion sense and her
acquaintance with Taeyeon.

However, the girl drastically changed her attitude towards Tiffany.

Theres a veeery cute good-looking guy looking for you Tiff!!!~~ Nicole squealed getting all the
attention of the people inside the office, again.

Huh? Tiffany asked her seemingly mesmerized friend. She closed the portfolio as she stood up from
her sit and walked towards the door to see who her visitor is.

Must be Yul.

45 | P a g e
Fany Fany Tiffany!~~ Taeyeon beamed as he skipped in front of Tiffany out of nowhere, startling the

Y-yah! Are you trying to kill me?! Tiffany clutches her chest to calm herself down as she smacks
Taeyeons arm.

Nooo! Im trying to surprise you! And I guess it works? he chuckled earning a glare from Tiffany.

After that night when Taeyeon opens up to Tiffany, they became closer to each other. The two begin to
spend increasingly more time together as their friendship grows like a flower each day.

You! Tiffany growled as she leans forward to Taeyeon, squinting her eyes at the latter.

Taeyeon gulped and attempted to step backwards but failed as Tiffany harshly pulled his ear making the
guy yelp in pain.

Ow ow ow ow!~~ S-s-sorry~~ he stammered as he tried to break free from Tiffanys grasp, earning few
snickerings from Tiffanys colleagues who are amused by the interaction of the two.

What? she jeered and pulled Taeyeons ear harder.

I said Im sorry~~ Fany-ah~~ it hurts~~ Taeyeon whined, receiving some squeals from the girls in the
office but he couldnt care less.

Serves you right. Tiffany muttered and finally released the poor guys ear, making Taeyeon pout as he
rubs his now red ear.

46 | P a g e
The two, who seems to be oblivious of their surroundings, were startled when Gyuri suddenly spoke
from behind Tiffany.

Hi Taeyeon! What are you doing here? Gyuri happily greets Taeyeon and stands beside her Art

Hearing a familiar voice, Taeyeon stops pouting as he tilts his head up and sees Gyuri standing beside
Tiffany, smiling at him. While Tiffany rolls her eyes and scowls at the presence of her friend.

Oh! Hi there Gyuri! Well Im here to take Tiffany out for lunch! Taeyeon smiled at her. Gyuris face
fell upon hearing what the guy had said and Tiffany silently smirked at the other girl. Although shes
surprised with Taeyeons reason of his sudden appearance in her office, she felt as if she had won a
point over her.

Not that Tiffany wants a competition but the girl is really getting on her nerves day by day. Besides, its
not a taboo game for Tiffany to know that Gyuri likes Taeyeon, and her closeness to the guy is actually
the reason why Gyuri has changed towards her.

Im sorry Taeyeon, but I think Tiffany cant go with you since she has lots of work to finish today. If you
want, I can go with you instead. Besides, its been a while since we had lunch together. Right, Tiff?
Gyuri slyly smiled at Tiffany, making the latter to just roll her eyes.

Fany-ah~ is that true? Taeyeon pouts and stared at Tiffany. He feels a bit disappointed since its been
a while since he had lunch with his friend and really wanted to take the girl out for a breather for he
knows how busy and stressed out Tiffany is the past week.

Its true but work can wait! Tiffany beams her eyesmile and Taeyeons mood instantly brightens up.

Jinjja?! he happily exclaimed and Tiffany nods at him, making Gyuri huffed in annoyance.

47 | P a g e
Ill just get my purse f---
Here!~ Nicole cuts her off as she shoves Tiffanys purse in her boss face.
Thanks Nic! Tiffany chuckled at her bubbly assistant and was returned by a satisfied smile by the latter.

Lets go!~ Taeyeon beams with aegyo as he grabs Tiffanys hand. The girl just laughs at the dork, whos
pulling her excitedly out of the room, and playfully hits his arm to let her go.

W-wait! Taeyeon and Tiffany stopped in their tracks and turned around. They see Gyuri following
behind as Tiffany silently scowls when she sees a smirk on her colleagues face.

What? Tiffany coldy asked.

Ill go with you!~ Gyuri cheerfully exclaims and links arms with Taeyeon, totally ignoring Tiffanys
deathly glare at her.

S-sure. Lets go then. Taeyeon smiled at her and headed towards the elevator, with Tiffany on his left,
and Gyuri clinging on his right arm.



Yah! Tiffany!~~

48 | P a g e
WHAT?! Tiffany stopped walking and glared at Taeyeon and the guy flinched at the sudden coldness
of his housemate.

Theyre on their way back to Tiffanys office. She has been ignoring Taeyeon since they were left alone in
the restaurant. Gyuri had to leave earlier as she received an urgent call from her boss, much to her

Whoa~ whats wrong? Taeyeon asked as he stared at Tiffany. The girl groaned and looked away,
crossing her arms over her chest.

During their lunch, Tifany gets visibly upset at how close Gyuri is to Taeyeon. Adding up to her
disappointment, Taeyeon seems to be happy with Gyuris company. Strange as it is, she felt like a third
wheel though shes the one who was invited for lunch.

Fany-ah~ Did I do something wrong? Taeyeon reached up to her and pulls both Tiffanys hands down
as he held them both.

Tiffany sighs and looks down at their hands. Taeyeon squeezed her hands and she felt secured and
relaxed in a second.

Why am I feeling like this?

Tae Im sorry Im just tired Tiffany stared back at Taeyeon and gave him a weak smile.

Aigoo~ you make me worried, you know that? he chuckled, releasing his grasp on Tiffanys hands and
ruffles the girls hair.

Yah! Tiffany smacked his hand away and started to fix her hair.

49 | P a g e

I thought youre mad at me Taeyeon grabs Tiffanys hands again as he pouts and absentmindedly
stares on their hands.

Tiffany bites her lower lip hard to prevent her from squealing like a high school girl in front of the guy
whos oblivious on how cute he is with his act right now.

Youre sooo cute Taetae!~~ Tiffany cant help it. She gives Taeyeon her beautiful eyesmile and
accidentally blurts out a new nickname for the guy.

Taetae? Taeyeon looks at her, tilting his head on the side as he raise an eyebrow at the smiling girl.

Tiffany happily nodded and pulled her hands away from Taeyeons grasp. She grinned as Taeyeon
confusedly stared at her.

Ill call you Taetae from now on~~ she beamed another eyesmile as she cupped the confused guys
face with both her hands.

Taeyeon opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when someone cleared her throat.
They both snapped their heads to where the voice came from, still with Tiffanys hands on Taeyeons

Err sorry to interrupt your moment Tiff, but Mr. Park wants to see you in his office. Nicole sheepishly
smiled at the two and gestured to the editor-in-chiefs office.
Oh okay, Ill be there in a moment. Thanks Nic! Tiffany nodded. Nicole warmly smiled at what she
thought is a couple in front of her before leaving the two alone in the hallway.

Well I gotta go Taetae thanks for the lunch! Tiffany pulls Taeyeons face and kisses him on the
cheek before walking towards the editor-in-chiefs office.

50 | P a g e

Taeyeon was stunned for a few moments. He blinked several times as he stared at Tiffanys back whos
already a few feet away from him. Grasping what had just happened a moment ago, he blushed and
traced where Tiffany had kissed him. A smile slowly forms on his face, and blankly stares at the door
where Tiffany has entered.

He snapped back to his senses when his phone vibrated, indicating a new message. He dorkily grinned as
he read the text message:

From: Fany~ ^^
Btw, Im not mad at you Taetae just a little upset? You seem to have more fun with Gyuris company
than me *pouts*

He walked towards the elevator as he texted Tiffany back. He sighed in contentment as he put his phone
back to his pocket and happily entered the elevator, completely not noticing Gyuris presence from a
distance who had seen everything as tears threatening to fall down on her face.

Meanwhile, Tiffany stares at her phone with an eyesmile plastered on her face.

From: Taetae
Im sorry Fany-ah~ I didnt mean it Im just being civil with her. You know Im always happy when Im
with you~~ Ill make it up to you, okay? Im all yours tomorrow! ^_~

Someones having a date with her boyfriend tomorrow~~ Nicole poked Tiffany on her cheek as she
read the message on Tiffanys phone over the girls shoulder.

51 | P a g e
Ye--- wait, WHAT?! N-no! Hes not my boyfriend! Tiffany defended as she quickly locked her phone
and focused her attention to the new portfolio that was given to her by the editor-in-chief a few
moments ago.

Nicole was amused by her friends reaction and smirked when she thought of something. Tiffany raised
an eyebrow at her when the latter leans closer to her.

So since you say that hes not your boyfriend then is it okay if I hit on him? Hes pretty hot and I
guess hes a good kisser Nicole wiggles her eyebrows as she teases Tiffany.

WHAT?! Tiffany shrieked, earning the attention of her colleagues as Nicole broke into laughter.
Tiffany awkwardly smiled at her associates and bowed her head repeatedly to apologize.

Geez! I was just kidding Tiff! I wont snatch him from you though hes really cute, unexpectedly hot
and--- Nicole managed to speak as she calmed down but was cut off by her boss.

Yah! Go back to work, Ms. Jung! Tiffany pushed her assistants chair with Nicole on it, making the
latter to laugh more.

In denial huh Nicole mumbles as she continued giggling while glancing at Tiffany who now has a pink
tinge in the face from blushing.

How was your date with Tiff? Yuri asked the new part-time lecturer who had just entered the faculty
room with a smile plastered on his face.

Taeyeon went back to CAU after having lunch with Tiffany and Gyuri. Since hes just a part-time lecturer,
his schedule is not as packed as Yuri and Sooyoungs, not that his two friends has full schedule but he
has lesser units than the two. In fact, hes only teaching one subject in two classes while Yuri and
Sooyoung both have three classes.

52 | P a g e

Date? You mean lunch? It was good! But shes kinda upset? Taeyeon leans his lower back on Yuris
desk and picks up a random book.

Lunch? Date? Lunch date. Same thing. And why is she upset? Yuri snatched back the book from his
friends grasp and continued typing something on his computer.
Hmmm she said I seem to have more fun with Gyuri than her. he chuckled as he remembered
Tiffanys text earlier.
Gyuri? Yuri glanced at Taeyeon. He saved the file that hes working on before shutting down his
computer, preparing to leave the room in a few minutes.
Yeah! Her officemate she tagged along and I couldnt say no so. well, shes pretty cute. Taeyeon
shrugged as he grabbed the same book and randomly flipped its pages.

So you like her? Yuri cocks an eyebrow at his friend, whos busying himself in reading the random
Nope! Shes pretty but I dont like her like that.
Okay. Then, how about Tiff?
What about her? Taeyeon tilts his head to look at Yuri and placed the book back to its place on the

Yuri stood up from his seat and placed his arm around Taeyeons shoulders as they both walked out of
the faculty room.

You like her, dont you? he asked as they walked through the college buildings hallway, both smiling
at the students who are greeting them as they walked passed them.

53 | P a g e
Who like who? Sooyoung popped out of nowhere as he seperated the two and placed both his arms
on each of his buddies shoulders.

Im asking Tae--- Yuri starts to answer his friend but was cut off by a loud yet sweet voice.

Seobang!~~~ Jessica waves her hand as she smiles at her boyfriend. The three boys grinned at her and
made their way to Jessica, earning a few sad sighs from the students around them.

Hi hon! Sorry to keep you waiting. Yuri hugged his girlfriend and gave a peck on her lips.
Nahh its fine. Hi Soo! Hey Taengoo! she greeted the two other boys, who were playfully covering
their eyes but peaking through their fingers as they watch the couple exchange their hugs and kisses.

Yah! For heavens sake, this is a University! No making out please! Sooyoung dramatically exclaimed
as both Taeyeon and him held their hands down.

Pabo! Since when did a small peck and hug become a make-out? Jessica flicked Sooyoungs forehead,
making the shikshin cringe as the two other boys laugh at him.

So Taeng how was your date with Tiff? Jessica turned his attention to the shorter guy.
Whoa~ you are really a couple you both asked the same question and again, its not a date. We just
had lunch, with Gyuri actually, and it was good. Just made her a little upset because she felt like a third
wheel earlier but were good. Taeyeon briefly answered his friend as they all began to walk towards
their favorite caf inside the campus.

Whoa whoa whoa. Wait up. You and Tiff are dating?! Since when? Thats good news but atleast you
should have told me--- owww! Sooyoung babbled and acted like a father who had just learned that his
only son got married without him knowing, but was cut off by another flick on his forehead, coming
from Taeyeon.

54 | P a g e

Yah! How many times should I have to repeat myself?! Its not a date. We are not dating. Taeyeon
huffed as he crossed his arms and plopped himself to the chair.

They are now inside their favorite caf in the campus, more so Jessicas favorite. Though Jessica is not a
lecturer or has any other forms of business in the University, she often visits Yuri of course Sooyoung
as well since hes also teaching in the same school and now plus Taeyeon.

But you like her. Sooyoung stated as he cocks his head to the side.

No? Taeyeon retorted. However, the word came out of his mouth as a question, causing his friends to
smirk at him.

Yes you do! Yuri grinned as he comfortably leaned his back on the chair. They are now all seated in the
round table, gaining attention from the other people inside the caf.

Nope! Were just friends. And housemates in case you forgot

Oh come on, Taengoo~ Jessica joined the two boys as she leaned forward and grinned at Taeyeon.

You like Tiffany. Sooyoung voiced out again and he cunningly glanced at Yuri, then to Jessica, and
innocently stared at Taeyeon.



55 | P a g e



I see you dont like her. Yuri calmy said but with a sly smile on his face.

Yes! Oh God, thanks Yul! Taeyeon, who failed to notice the sly smile on his friends face, dramatically
thanked him for understanding.

Okay! Okay fine! We get it. Geez. You like Tiff. Jessica leaned back to her chair, suppressing her
laughter while Yuri and Sooyoung grinned at her.

Yes! Yes! Ye--- wait! What?! Y-yah! Jessica~~ Stop playing mind games with me!~~ Taeyeon whined.
His habit of pouting as he whined wasnt missed by the students, mostly girls, inside the caf as soft
giggles and delighted squeals can be heard around them.

Jessica, Yuri, and Sooyoung erupted in laughters, each of them earning a deathly glare from the
flustered guy.

Taetae~ someones calling you! Tiffany yelled from the media room.

Taeyeons phone has been ringing the moment the guy went to the kitchen to get them some snacks as
they decided to have a late-night movie marathon.

56 | P a g e
Tiffany sighs as the phone stops ringing. However, before she could do any other movement, Taeyeons
phone rings again. Knowing that Taeyeon will take few more minutes preparing their snacks, and also
being lazy to get up from the cozy couch shes sitting on, Tiffany decides to just answer the phone.

Hyobaby? Tiffany raised an eyebrow as she read the name thats flashing on the screen of Taeyeons

But before she could press the answer button, the call already ended. She was about to put the phone
back to the couch but it buzzed and a new message appears on the screen. Without thinking twice, she
unlocks the screen and had a glimpse of the new text message.

From: Hyobaby
Taengoo baby~~ I miss you!!! I have great news for you!
Call me back as soon as you read this! I love you my b

The message was cut off.

Taeyeon is using a messaging app wherein if a new message is received, a preview of the message will
pop up on the home screen. Tiffany wants to read the whole message as curiousity is killing her. She
wants to press open but she knows she has no right in opening Taeyeons message.

She stared on Taeyeons phone, more so glaring on the name of the sender, feeling upset for the second
time in the day. It was the same feeling as what she felt earlier when Taeyeon was so close with Gyuri.

Why am I feeling like this?

She asked the same question to herself. Though she knows what might be the answer, she still tries to
shrug it off as she thought shes just being too fond of her housemate.

57 | P a g e


Her thoughts were interrupted by Taeyeons voice. She turned her face to where Taeyeons voice came
from and was startled as to how close Taeyeons face is to hers, though Taeyeon is not facing her but
looking at his phone on the girls hands.

Y-yah! she harshly pushed Taeyeon away from her, making the guy fall on his butt from the couch.
Tiffanys eyes widen and gasp as she didnt mean to hurt the guy.

Sorry she mumbles and helps Taeyeon to get back on the couch.

Aigoo~ why are you so violent? Taeyeon complains and rubs his butt as he sits beside Tiffany again.

Its your fault! Youre youre face was too close... I couldve accidentally kissed you Tiffany
defended but softly mumbled the last few words. Unfortunately, Taeyeon has a very good hearing as he
clearly hears his housemate.

Ive been sitting here for the past two minutes but you didnt notice me coz youre spacing out while
staring at my phone AND youve already kissed me earlier so whats new if youll kiss me
accidentally OR intentionally tonight? Taeyeon stated as he grabbed a plate of nachos from the table.

Tiffany blushed madly and quickly looked away to the other side of the room to hide her flushed face
from Taeyeon. She closed her eyes as she breathed in and out to calm her self down and make the pink
tinge on her face to disappear.

Fany-ah~ are you okay? Taeyeon worriedly asked as he stared at the girl beside him.

58 | P a g e
Hearing no response from Tiffany, he puts the plate back down on the table. He scoots closer to the girl
as he gently grabs Tiffanys shoulder to make the latter face him. Taeyeon frowns as soon as he sees
Tiffanys light pink tinge face.

Are you sick? he asked and placed his hand on Tiffanys forehead. Tiffany quickly grabs Taeyeons
hand and held it in her lap.

Im fine just a little dizzy? she squeezed Taeyeons hand and gave him a smile to assure the guy
that shes fine. Taeyeon stared at her for a few moments, doubting if the girl is really okay.

Taetae stop staring at me. Im fine. Really. Tiffany softly pushed Taeyeons face with her free hand.
Are you sure? We can go to sleep now if--- owww!!! Taeyeon enquired but Tiffany cuts him off as she
bites his arm, causing the guy to yelp in pain.
Hundred per cent sure! Tiffany nods and innocently beamed her eyesmile, earning a playful glare from
the guy.

Taeyeon sighs in defeat. He gently rubs the spot where he has been bitten. Unconsciously, Taeyeon
grimaced as it is the same spot where Sooyoung had bitten him earlier in the caf when he snatched and
ate the shikshins sandwich.

Yah! Dont overreact! I didnt bite you that hard. Tiffany smacked his arm, yet again on the same spot.
Aish! Stop hitting me! Taeyeon retorted as he pulled the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing a purple mark
on his skin.

Oh my God! Im sorry Taetae! Im really really sorry Tiffany was surprised to see the visible purplish
mark on Taeyeons arm. She stares and gently touches it for a moment before hastily getting up from
the couch and runs out of the media room.

After a few moments, Tiffany returned with an ice pack and a soothing cream on her hands. She quickly
sat beside Taeyeon and gently applied the cream on the bruised part of Taeyeons arm. Taeyeon smiled

59 | P a g e
as he adoringly stared at Tiffany, who is seriously attending to his bruised arm. Though they always
tease each other, and most of time ending up in being smacked, pushed, or bitten like this, Tiffany never
fails to apologize sincerely and caringly treats him afterwards like what shes doing right now.

Im sorry she softly whispers as she focused on gently massaging the cream on Taeyeons arm.

Its not your fault well you just added up a little pain to it but its actually Soos. He bit me earlier on
the same spot when I ate his sandwich. He chuckled as he remembered how childish they were earlier
in the caf.

Aigoo~ you know that no one should dare mess around with the shikshins food. Look at what youve
got there. Tiffany properly closed the soothing creams tube and placed the ice pack on Taeyeons arm.
She stood up again and excused herself to the washroom to return the cream and wash her hands.

While Tiffany is out of the room, Taeyeon reached out for the remote control to browse for a movie
before his phone buzzed. His eyes lit up in excitement as he read the new message.

From: Hyobaby
Yah! Im waiting for your call!

He opens the new message and sees that she had texted him as well earlier, based on the time of the
conversations thread. He quickly dials her number with a grin plastered on his face. In just two rings,
the call gets connected with his sister.

Taengoo baby~~
Hyo noona~~~ I miss you~~
Aigoo, I miss you more Taengo! How are you?
Im doing great noona! Well, aside from being bitten twice by two of my friends, Im perfectly fine. How
about you noona? Whats this news youre talking about?

60 | P a g e
Never been prettier~~ they both chuckled at her cheeky answer.

Tiffany comes back from the washroom and raised an eyebrow at the giggling Taeyeon as she made her
way to sit next to him. She automatically grabbed the ice pack that Taeyeon has put down on the table
when he checks his phone, and lightly pressed it to the guys arm.

Aigoo~ I know youre pretty! But not prettier than mom! he dorkily grinned like the person on the
other line could see him.

Tiffany unconsciously scowled when the guy talked in a dorky yet sweet tone on the phone. She pulled
in the ice pack from Taeyeons arm and plopped it to the guys free hand as she bitterly grabbed the
remote and flick through the movie selections.

Must be his Hyobaby

Taeyeon looked at her for a moment as he listened to his sister.

Yah! Aish~ fine. Anyways, as I said earlier Ive got good news for you~~~ any guesses?
Not even a clue he shrugged as he watched how Tiffany grouchily dug into the nachos.
Aigoo~ youre no fun! Well youre going to be an Uncle~~~ Hyoyeon excitedly announced her
good news, making his brother shocked for a good five seconds.

Im going to be an unc--- a WHAT?! Oh my God! Is that true??? Fany-ah~~ Im going to be an uncle!!!

Taeyeon happily exclaimed as he grinned at Tiffany who gave him a questioning look.
Yah! Keep your voice down! Gosh, you sound like youre the dad wait whos
Fany? Hyoyeon scolded him but turned curious upon hearing a girls name from his brothers mouth.

Taeyeon froze. He blinks a few times understanding his sisters question.

61 | P a g e

Err Yuls cousin? Taeyeon awkwardly answered. He mentally cursed his self in mentioning Tiffanys
name over the phone with his sister. Tiffany looked at him again with a curious look on her face and
Taeyeon sheepisly scratched the back of his head as he stared back at her.

And what are you doing with Yuris cousin at this time? As far as I know its already close to
midnight in there. Hyoyeon snapped. Taeyeon bits his lower lip trying to make a good excuse for he
knows his sister is quick-witted, most of the times exaggerated.

We are watching a movie! Im bored and and Yuls already sleeping so he stammered. Tiffany,
getting a hint that hes trying to explain why hes with her at this hour, watched him in amusement.

She lives with you?! Hyoyeon blurted out.

Taeyeon gasp as his eyes widen at his sisters wild guess. Tiffany burst out laughing seeing Taeyeons
reaction, although she doesnt know why the guy is as shocked as he is right now.

N-no!!! She shes here to visit Yul and since its already late, Yul asked her to errr stay here for
tonight? Taeyeon quickly defended and made a story for his sister to believe in, but failed as his
statement becomes a question at the end.

Nice try. Tiffany said, teasing the guy. Taeyeon rolls his eyes and mouths thank you sarcastically at
her, making the girl giggled with delight.

Alright! Alright well, I gotta go now. Well talk again soon, okay? I love you Taengoo~ send
my regards to your girlfriend right there!

Yah! Shes not my Taeyeon trails off as he hears a beeping sound on the line. He pulled his phone
from his ear and stared at it in disbelief, mouth hanging open.

62 | P a g e

Whos that? Tiffany asked as she comfortably leaned her back on the couch and played a random
movie. Though she already had an idea who it was, she was confused as to how Taeyeon talks to her
over the phone.

Hyo Hyoyeon Taeyeon sighs and puts his phone on the table as he grabs the plate of nachos again.
Hyo? Hyobaby? she softly mumbles and Taeyeon gives her a snooping look.
You know her? he asked as he lied down comfortably on the couch, with his head on Tiffanys lap.
Huh? O-oh! Yeah... I mean, no. I just saw her name on your phone earlier. She was calling you when
you were out in the kitchen. Sorry, I forgot to tell you about it Tiffany apologetically smiled and
looked down at him as she blankly strokes the guys hair.

Taeyeon smiled at her and feed Tiffany with the nachos he made for both of them. Tiffany stared at the
food first but accepted it nonetheless.

How come you can make me quickly upset when youre acting sweet and caring to someone
else, yet make me feel happy and secured in an instant when you act like this to me.

Thats ok. My sister has all the time in the world to wait for my call. He chuckled as he turned his head
to the left to watch the movie playing on the huge screen in front of them.

Though it sounds like a joke or a cheesy statement, it is actually true. Hyoyeon loves her younger
brother so much and after what happened two years ago, she promised to herself that shell love
Taeyeon more. And no matter how busy she is in managing their company in New York which Taeyeon
declines to do so as the guy doesnt have interest in it, she always makes sure that she has time for his
brother. Same goes to Taeyeon, as oftentimes people would mistake Hyoyeon as his girlfriend.

Sister? Tiffany asked in a high-pitch tone, totally confused with Taeyeon and Hyoyeons relationship,
she stared down at Taeyeon on her lap and stopped stroking the guys hair.

63 | P a g e
Yep~ remember I told you I have a sister? Older sister actually shes the one who called. Taeyeon
looked at her again. Seeing a confused look on Tiffanys face, he chuckled as he continued explaining.

Shes the one who punch in the Hyobaby and puts a heart beside her name on my phone my name
on her phone also has one. He smiled at her before munching in another piece of nacho into his mouth
as he returns his attention back to the movie.

Oh Tiffany slowly nodded and focused her attention back on the screen, with a smile forming on her

64 | P a g e

Tiffany wakes up by the continuous ring of the phone. Without opening her eyes, she reached out to her
nightstand and sleepily answered the device.

Hello? her soft yet husky voice surprised the person on the other line.
H-hi? Good morning Whos this? the woman on the other line hesitantly asked, totally confused and
Tiffany Tiffany, whos now slightly awake, pulls the phone away from her ear to check whos calling
her. But all her sleepiness vanished in an instant. She gasps and her eyes widen as she sits up straight at
her bed, realizing it wasnt her phone but Taeyeons.
Hello? Tiffany?
Y-yes? she stuttered as she placed the phone back to her ear and bit her lower lip. She blinks several
times as she scans the room where shes in.
Im sorry I have probably disturbed your sleep. By the way, is Taeng with you? the woman sounds
apologetic yet Tiffany can hear soft giggles on the other line.
N-no y-yes? Hes still sleeping Tiffany stammered as she glanced over the room and trails off
when she saw the guy sleeping soundly on the couch.

Realizing shes totally not in her own room and shes in fact sleeping on Taeyeons bed made her blush.
She cant remember how in the world she ended up in waking up in Taeyeons room.

They were supposed to do a movie marathon last night. However, Tiffany had fallen asleep in the middle
of the second movie theyre watching. They had switched position before playing the second movie,
Tiffany being the one whos comfortably lying on the couch with her head on Taeyeons lap. Taeyeon
didnt notice that the girl is already sleeping since Tiffany is lying on her side, not until the third quarter
of the second movie when Tiffany slightly shivered because of the cold temperature in the room.

Taeyeon had decided to just carry Tiffany to his room, remembering hes not allowed to enter the girls
room and Tiffany might get sick if hell just let her sleep in the media room.

65 | P a g e

Oh? Is that so? Well Ill just call him again later then. Tiffany, tell him that his mom called when he
wakes up, okay? You both take care. Bye~ Taeyeons mom, whos just using the hotels phone thats
why the number is unregistered to Taeyeons phone, ended the call while she chuckled hearing the
obviously surprised gasp from the young girl.

Tiffanys eyes widen again. She stared at the phone in disbelief as she blinks several times, trying to
absorb that she just had a conversation with Taeyeons mom in an unexpected time, place, and most
of all shes pretty sure that the guys mom had misunderstood everything.

She slumped herself back on Taeyeons bed and grabbed a pillow to cover her face as she screamed her
lungs out.

Pabo Tiffany! Aigoo~~~

After a few moments, Tiffany sighed loudly as she sat up again on the bed, placing Taeyeons phone
back on the nightstand. Her eyes caught again the cute sight of Taeyeon sleeping on the couch across
the bed. She slowly walked towards the sleeping guy and crouched.

She carefully watches Taeyeon as his soft breathing indicates that he is still peacefully sleeping. Tiffany
lovingly stares at the guy, gently stroking his hair as she leans closer admiring Taeyeons innocent baby

You are making me confuse, you know that?

She sighs.

Never in her life had she felt confused with her feelings towards a male friend, or any other person in
any case. Sure, she had a few boyfriends back then but she never felt anything special towards them.

66 | P a g e
Just a little physical attraction, slight admiration, and sometimes, just for fun, and thats it. She didnt
even let any of them advance to the second base.

After a few minutes of staring at Taeyeon, she lets out another sigh and leans closer to give a soft peck
on Taeyeons forehead. A smile escapes on her lips as she caressed the spot she had kissed.

I shouldnt fall for you, should I?

Tiffany already had taken a warm shower and was a bit surprised that Taeyeon is still nowhere to be
found in the kitchen. Thinking that the guy is still asleep, she decided to prepare their breakfast, brunch
to be more exact, for today.

For the past few weeks, her cooking skills improved a bit with the help of Taeyeon. Though she makes
few mistakes every now and then, Taeyeon still agreed to let her cook at least once or twice a week by

And for today, shes going to make the first recipe she had mastered Ham egg bake and Caramel
French toast

Putting the apron on, she starts to prepare the ingredients down on the kitchen counter.

Once everything she needed is ready, she started to place everything in the bowl, mixed it together,
poured it into the baking dish, and then placed it in the oven.

While shes baking the egg bake, she began to cook the caramel mixture for the Caramel French Toast.

67 | P a g e
Good morning~~ Taeyeon suddenly wrapped his arms around Tiffanys waist from behind, and kissed
the girl on the cheek. Tiffany was startled by the sudden back hug and kiss but was replaced
immediately by a beautiful eyesmile when she realized it was Taeyeon.

Good morning, sleepyhead! she chuckled as she focused back on cooking the mixture. Taeyeon
pouted as he comfortably rested his chin on Tiffanys shoulder and stared at the syrup shes making.

Taetae~ let go Im cooking~ Tiffany whined as she playfully slapped Taeyeons hands thats
comfortably resting on her well-toned tummy.

Fine~ but you have to give me my morning kiss first he cutely smiled as he gestured to his cheek.
Tiffany shifts her body a little so she could look at Taeyeon, whose face is too close to hers.

Ive already kissed you this morning Tiffany thought out loud. Her eyes widen and quickly rephrased
her statement.
I mean, youve already kissed me earlier she turned her attention back on the mixture, blushing a

But Fany-ah~~ thats different! I kissed you. You should ret--- Taeyeon whined but was cut off when
Tiffany suddenly kissed him on his cheek.

There. So now, be a good boy and help me prepare our breakfast. Tiffany tapped his nose and
gestured on the oven to check the egg bake.

Yes mom! he dorkily grinned and childishly skipped his way to the oven.

Definitely a dork.

68 | P a g e

Uhm why was I in your room?

Taeyeon and Tiffany are now sitting across each other, leisurely eating the brunch that Tiffany has

Ehh?? Youve fallen asleep last night so well err remember Im not allowed to enter your room? So
yeah I just carried you in my room instead.
You carried me to your room?
Do you remember walking into my room?
Thats what I thought. Taeyeon nodded as he took a bite on his French toast.

Yah! Guess youre hanging out too much with Jess. The girl across him muttered, stuffing a spoon of
egg bake to her mouth.
Blame your best friend for that. They both chuckled and Tiffany nodded in agreement.

By the way, your mom called Tiffany hesitantly voiced out as she bit her lip nervously.
Mom? Taeyeon tilts his head and confusedly stares at her.
Your phone keeps on ringing and wakes me up. I thought it was mine so I answered it without looking
at it and was surprised when I realized it wasnt mine I she I told her youre still sleeping so she
awkwardly drinks her orange juice. She heard Taeyeon chuckling, so she bizarrely stared at him as she
placed the glass down on the table.

Whats funny? she asked, raising an eyebrow at the giggling guy across her.

69 | P a g e
Yep! Why were you nervous?
Why wouldnt I? Geez, I just spoke to your mom! She called her son in the morning because she
probably misses him, but what did she get? A girl, who obviously just woken up and she never once
knew, answered his sons phone, blankly introduced myself when she asked me who I am, and told her
that her son is still sleeping when she asked me if youre with me. Tiffany sighs as she remembers the
awkward and unexpected conversation she had with Taeyeons mom over the phone.

So? Taeyeon enquired and Tiffany stared at him incredulously.

Yah! Your mom would have probably thought we slept together! Tiffany throws a napkin on the guy
who cant help but to be amused by her.

Fany-ah Im pretty sure you made her day. He said as he stood up and started to clear the table.
What? Tiffany stood up as well to help the guy in placing the plates on the sink, not understanding
what Taeyeon means.

Aigoo~ just dont worry about it, okay? Ill talk to her later and explain why we slept together. Now,
just leave this to me. You cooked our breakfast today so Ill be the one to clean up, alright? Taeyeon
boldly said.

Oka--- yah! We didnt sleep together! Aigoo~ Watch your words! Tiffany smacked his arm and walked
out of the kitchen, with a slight blush on her face.

Aish! That girl! Taeyeon hissed as he watched his housemate hastily marched out of the kitchen.

70 | P a g e
Taeyeon and Tiffany are now both preparing in their own rooms for their friendly date since todays
Saturday and both of them have no work. Like what Taeyeon had promised to her, hes taking Tiffany
out to the amusement park, and be hers all day.

However, Tiffany unexpectedly received a call from the editor-in-chief, saying that the company Director
has arrived from New York and wanted to have a late lunch with the team if possible. Though Tiffany
wants to reject it, she doesnt have a choice since all her other colleagues are already in the venue.
Besides, it will be rude if shell say no, especially when she was told that it is the Director who gave her
the position in the magazine.

Taetae? she knocks on Taeyeons room and smiled sadly when the guy opened the door.
Yes? Err why are you dressed like that? he asked, pointing his index finger at Tiffany from head to

Since theyre going to the amusement park, Taeyeon was confused as to why Tiffany is wearing a
fuchsia/black leopard print belted silk dress matched with black heels and a sleek leather box clutch.

Taetae Im sorry the company Director just arrived and she wanted us to have a late lunch with
her Im sorry Tiffany held Taeyeons hand as she stared directly at his eyes. She bit her lower lip
when Taeyeon sighed and looked away from her.

I dont have a choice, do I? he stares back at Tiffany and pouts.

Aigoo~ your pout wont work this time Taetae I promise Ill make it up to you, okay? How about
tomorrow? she cupped Taeyeons face and gave him a smile, trying to make the guy feel better.

I cant you know I have to choreograph a musical tomorrow but dont worry, I understand. Besides
it will be disrespectful if youll reject the lunch with your boss just to go to an amusement park with me.
Taeyeon warmly smiled at her and held Tiffanys hands that are still on his face.

71 | P a g e
Come on! You dont want to let your boss wait, do you? Ill drive you to the venue~ he beamed
another smile at Tiffany and the latter gladly returned it with her signature eyesmile.

The two walked hand in hand towards the car park, both oblivious to the fact that Tiffany is actually set
to meet the woman she had just spoken earlier this morning over the phone who happens to be
Taeyeons mom and the Director of the publishing company who established CeCi magazine that shes
working for.

This is Tiffany Hwang, the newest addition to the team from L.A. Shes our Art Director. Mr. Park, the
editor-in-chief, introduces Tiffany to the publishing companys Director. The director smiled at her, and
Mr. Park continued introducing Tiffany.

Shes in charge of this months issue and it went really well. Tiffany, this is Director Kim. He nudged
Tiffany to greet the Director and she naturally did.

Good afternoon Director Kim, its my pleasure to meet you. Tiffany politely greets her with an
eyesmile and bows in respect.

Its great to finally meet you Tiffany. Director Kim warmly smiles at her and motherly holds her hand
as she pats it.

The other magazine staff stared at them, bewildered. Tiffany was also surprised at the gentle gesture of
the Director towards her, especially since its only the first time theyve met.

Actually, the Director already likes her even before she was introduced to her by one of her
subordinates back in the U.S. She admires Tiffanys photographs and has always been present whenever
Tiffany will hold an exhibit when the director has business trips in L.A. And when one of her favorite
editors mentioned about Tiffany, she didnt think twice and appointed her as the Art Director of her
favorite magazine line but she didnt let anyone know that she, herself is the one who gave the younger
girl the position.

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Err you know each other? Mr. Park hesitantly asked, looking back and forth at the younger and the
older women. Tiffany was about to say something but the director immediately answered her editor-inchief and friend.

Ah You know Im fond of photography, right? I must say Im a fan of hers, and its really a pleasure to
have her in the company. The older woman chuckled as she gestured the two to sit down.

T-thank you Director Kim, thanks for appreciating my works. Ill work hard for the magazine. Tiffany
bows a few times before sitting down on the table. She always feels warm when someone appreciates
her photographs, and having the company Directors appreciation makes her more determined to do
her best as the magazines Art Director, not wanting to disappoint the older woman as without her, she
wouldnt have the position.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon is just wandering around the mall near the restaurant where she drops Tiffany off.
Since he drove Tiffany to the venue, he decided to just wait for the girl as he doesnt want Tiffany to go
home alone and take a public transport. Besides, he has nothing to do at home.

A familiar jewely store caught his attention and being as bored as he is, he enterred it without any
intention of buying one. The female staff greeted him cheerfully and he flashed them his genuine smile,
earning stifled squeals from the girls.

His eyes caught something and stared at in awe.

Its a rose gold bracelet in the form of a bangle, studded with 6 diamonds in rotation with the screwmotif.

Wow~ its beautiful~~ I bet Fany will like it! He exclaimed as he dorkily grinned at the jewelry and his
eyes sparkle as the thought of giving it to Tiffany. Soft giggles can be heard from the other people inside
the store and he sheepishly bows at them to apologize for his action.

73 | P a g e

Im sure she will. This is a signature Cartier piece. We call it the Love Bracelet. Unlike any traditional
bracelets, this can only be opened with a special screwdriver. Here, take a look The store manager
showed Taeyeon the locking mechanism of the special bracelet.

Cool~~~ Taeyeon can only slowly nod as he is charmed by the jewelry. Being amused by the guys
reaction, the manager smiled at him and continued her sales talk.

We can also make the screwdriver in the form of a necklace

Really??? Taeyeon asked like a five-year old kid, unconsciously showing off some aegyo.

Yes! It allows the bracelet to be locked onto one person while the key is kept around the neck of
another to symbolize their eternal love Im sure your girlfriend will like it.

Eh? Oh! Errr I dont have a girlfriend but Ill get one! the dorky guy tilts his head when the
manager has mistaken him that hes eyeing it for his girlfriend.

Oh okay I thought you mentioned a girls name earlier? the woman stared at him, confused as she
is sure that the guy mentioned someones name earlier.

Oh! Yeah, shes my friend. Actually Im giving it to her! Taeyeon grinned as he leans forward and pokes
the bracelet.

I see she must be really special to you so which one? You want the traditional key or the key

She really is special to me.

74 | P a g e

The necklace please Oh! Do you have those in pink diamonds? She loves pink and shell really be
happier if those stones in that bracelet are in pink. Taeyeon inquired, really hoping that the store
manager will say yes.

Yes, we do! But, the cost will be a little higher since you know how rare pink diamonds are and we
only have limited edition of these with pink diamonds.

Im cool with it. he happily nodded as he pulled out his wallet and gave the manager his card for the
Ill just go buy something else, Ill be back in a few. He added when he was done with the payment
No worries Mr. Kim, well make sure everythings prepared once you get back.

With that, Taeyeon walks out of the store and goes straight to a gaming store. He loves to play games
but they dont have any gaming console at their apartment since Yuri had brought his consoles with him
to Jessicas place as Tiffany is not fond of it or more likely because she doesnt know how to play one.

Knowing that PS4 is yet to be released, he bought Wii U instead and five more games alongside the five
free ones. He is waiting for his purchase when his phone suddenly rings.

Taetae~~ Taeyeon chuckled when he hears Tiffanys voice with an aegyo.

Whats up? Is the lunch already over? he asked and mouthed thank you at the salesperson who
handed him the the paper bag with his new console and games.
Yep~~ where are you? Tiffany asked when she heard a faint female voice on the background.
Im here at the mall nearby, I thought I should just wait for you so hey, Ill be there in a few minutes.
Taeyeon answers and walks back to the jewelry store.
Okay, Ill wait. No need to rush, alright? See you later. Tiffany thoughtfully ended the call.

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Luckily for Taeyeon, the manager already had everything prepared and he warmly thanked her a few
times before making his way out of the store as he hastily walked to the car park.

Tiffany, are you sure youll be okay here? I dont mind sending you home
Im okay Director Kim. My friends gonna arrive in a few minutes anyways.

Tiffany smiled at the older woman to assure her shes fine. In just a short span of time, the two women
felt comfortable with each other as they share many things in common. The woman even asked her to
meet up with her son but Tiffany politely declines as shes not interested and told her that she has yet to
accept that she may have feelings to her friend.

Alright then, Ill go ahead. Be careful, Tiffany. The older woman hugged her before going inside the
waiting luxury car in front of the classy restaurant. Tiffany bowed as she bid goodbye to her boss.

Not long after, Taeyeons car stopped on the same spot where the previous car was parked. Tiffany
smiled upon seeing Taeyeon going out of the drivers seat, smiling at her.

Hey~ miss me? Taeyeon kissed Tiffany on the cheek and the girl playfully hit him on his chest.
Nope. Why would I? she shakes her head as Taeyeon opened the car door for her.
Yah! Youre a bad girlfriend, you know that? Taeyeon whined as he closed the door when Tiffany is
already seated properly on the passenger seat. Tiffany blinks a few times and blushed at the guys

S-since when did I become your girlfriend? she stutters and smacks Taeyeons arm as soon as the guy
sits on the drivers seat.
What? Are you not? he stared at the girl with a serious look on his face.
WHAT?! I am NOT! Tiffanys loud voice echoed in the car as her eyes widen, with her face completely
gone red.

76 | P a g e
Aigoo~ youre blushing Fany-ah~ Im just kidding, okay? he giggles and pats Tiffanys head, earning a
glare from the girl.

After a few more bickerings in the car, Taeyeon drives towards Han River surprising Tiffany. Taeyeon
dorkily grinned at her when she stared at him with a question look on her face.

Well be cruising~~ Taeyeon happily exclaims and drags Tiffany on the ferry. The girl just giggles as she
lets the guy pull her, knowing that she really doesnt have a choice but to go with him.

Taeyeon and Tiffany are now leisurely enjoying the cruise in Han River. Along the way, both of them
enjoyed seeing the beautiful bridges and numerous landmarks, including N Seoul Tower, Jamsils Multi
Sports Complex, and other famous tourist spots.

Being a photographer, though she doesnt have a dslr right now, she manages to take great shots of the
Hangang Rivers beautiful scenery using her pocket-sized point and shoot camera that she always brings.
She also took several photos of her and Taeyeon together, but often stole a few shots of Taeyeon as he
enjoys the cruise like a child.

Taeyeon paid for a round trip fare, so they get the chance to have both daylight and night cruise since
its already late in the afternoon. When the ferry is already enroute back to where theyve started off,
Taeyeon and Tiffany found a nice spot on the top deck at the ferrys bow, both enjoying the refreshing
aternoon breeze.

You want some?

Taeyeon offered her an ice cream that he got from the ferrys self service restaurant. Tiffany gladly
accepted it and began to eat it with delight.

77 | P a g e

Fany-ah~~ arent you going to share some with me? Taeyeon pouted. Tiffany looked at him and slowly
pulled the spoon out of her mouth.
Yah, theres only one spoon. Besides, why didnt you get two ice creams? Tiffany sticks her tongue out
to tease him and resumes eating her ice cream.
Eh?? Theres only one left with that flavor. And so what if theres only one spoon? We can share~
Taeyeon whined and continued pouting.
It is not something you share with just someone else she countered.
I am not just someone else~~ Taeyeon huffed and crossed his arms over his chest as he leans back on
his chair, looking away from Tiffany.

Tiffany stared at him in disbelief as Taeyeons pout deepens and stared blankly on nothing. Tiffany blinks
a few times as she stared at the sulking guy beside her. She has never shared a spoon with someone else
but Jessica and Sunny, but she was taken aback by the guys answer and how he is acting right now.

Aigoo~ Stop acting like this Taetae

Ahhh~ Tiffany spooned the ice cream and shove it in front of Taeyeons mouth. The sulking guy stared
at it for a moment then to Tiffany.

Tiffany stared back at Taeyeon, waiting if the guy will really take the ice cream or not. Taeyeon grinned
at her and happily leans his head forward, taking in the spoon of ice cream to his mouth.

The stunned girl bit her lower lip as she slowly looked away from Taeyeon and leaned her back to her
chair. Though she knows that the guy really loves ice cream, she didnt expect that Taeyeon would be
fine eating the ice cream with her using just one spoon.


78 | P a g e
Beautiful butterflies can be seen flying around them.

Why are there so many butterflies in here... Tiffany slowly mumbled as she watched the butterflies,
puzzled as to why there are butterflies in the ferry all of a sudden.

Youre beautiful Taeyeon softly says.

Huh? Tiffany looked back at him and flinched upon seeing Taeyeons face close to hers as the guy is
adoringly staring at the butterfly thats resting on Tiffanys shoulder.

Tiffany, on the other hand, seems to not notice the beautiful butterfly on her shoulder and was
fascinated by the guys features as she gazed at him with admiration.

The perfect lighting from the beautiful sunset accentuates Taeyeons facial features. At times like this,
usually Tiffany would have already taken the perfect opportunity to take the persons photo. But she
was dazed for some reason and cant help but just to stare at the stunning live portrait in front of her.

Taeyeon is completely awed by the butterfly on the girls shoulder and didnt totally notice the tender
gaze from Tiffany. Instead, the guy decided to poke the butterfly but it quickly flew away. He pouted as
he watched the butterfly flew along with the others.

Aigoo~ you really think you can touch a butterfly that easy? Tiffany giggled as she watched the pouting
guy stared disappointedly on the butterflies.

Taeyeon then turned his attention to Tiffany and leans closer to her. He pokes the girls cheek and
smiles at her as he leaned his back to his chair.

At least, I can touch the lucky flower. He said and grabbed the ice cream from Tiffanys grasp.

79 | P a g e
What flo--- I am not a flower! Tiffany snatched back the ice cream and spooned one into her mouth.
Yes you are! Taeyeon took the ice cream again and dug in the sweet flavored frozen food.
I am not. The girl argued as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her back comfortably on
the chair.
You are. The butterfly just rested on your shoulder. Taeyeon continued and stared at Tiffany.
And thats what makes me a flower? Aigoo~ you are really a kid. Tiffany sits up straight and cocks her
head on one side with a slight frown.
A handsome kid~~ Ahhh~~ Taeyeon shoves a spoon of ice cream towards Tiffany but the girl just
shakes her head. She tries to grab the spoon from Taeyeon but the guy sternly shakes his head and
pushes the spoon closer to the girls mouth.

Tiffany looks around and sees everybody else is busy with their own stuff, including a man and his son
who seems to be busy in catching the butterflies that had escaped earlier from their cage.

T-thanks she softly mumbles as she shyly allowed Taeyeon to feed her the ice cream.

Fany-ah~~ close your eyes!

Eh??? Just close your eyes, pretty please~~

Taeyeon used his aegyo that he knows Tiffany couldnt resist. Tiffany sighs in defeat and rolls her eyes
before closing them. Taeyeon grinned and sat beside Tiffany as he held the girls right hand and placed it
on his lap, taking the magazine away from the girls grasp with his free hand.

The two are now back at their apartment after their romantic refreshing cruise at Han River. Tiffany was
done in doing her night routines and now busy reading a magazine when Taeyeon excitedly skipped to
the living room and bothered her.

80 | P a g e

Dont cheat, okay?

Aigoo~ sometimes I feel like Im really living with a kid.

Tiffany nodded and just let the dorky guy do whatever hes doing as she felt the guy putting something
on her wrist.

Done! Taeyeon happily exclaimed and put Tiffanys hand back to the girls lap.
Can I open my eyes now? Tiffany plafully asked as she chuckled on her own childish antics.

Tiffany opened her eyes gently to allow her eyes to adjust to the light. She saw the guy grinning at her
and she instantly hit him on the chest but she stopped when she noticed something on her wrist.

W-what is this? Tiffany slowly retracted her right hand from Taeyeons chest and stared at the
bracelet in awe. She traced it with her fingers in her left hand and stared at Taeyeon, waiting for an

Errr a bracelet? Taeyeon tilts his head and awkwardly rubs his chin with his index finger.

I know it is actually a bracelet. But, why? I mean is this really for me? Tiffany stared back at the rose
gold jewelry on her wrist. She really felt warm and grateful for the gift but confused as to why the guy
would give her something that looks so special and expensive. Not to mention, something that a guy will
usually give to his girlfriend or someone special to him only.

81 | P a g e
Yes, that is really for you. I saw it in the mall earlier and thought youll like it. do you like it? Taeyeon
answered as he stared at Tiffany, full of hope that the girl likes his gift. Tiffany shakes her head as she
stared back at Taeyeon, the guy took it in a wrong way and felt disappointed as his face fell.

I love it Taetae but it looks bloody expensive the girl pinched his nose and Taeyeons face lit up
upon hearing that the girl actually loves it.
Eh??? You can just say thank you! No buts, okay? he beamed a dorky grin at her, making Tiffany
giggled and pinched his nose again.

Tiffany sighs in happiness. She adoringly stared at the bracelet and gently fiddled with it. She gazed back
at Taeyeon and gave him a beautiful eyesmile.

Thank you Taete I really do love it. Ill wear this all the time!

Youre very much welcome Fany-ah~ Err Actually you have no choice but to really wear it since its
already locked on you. Taeyeon chuckled and Tiffany raised an eyebrow at him.
What do you mean?
It can only be unlocked using a special screwdriver. AND Im not gonna give it to you. Taeyeon smirked
as he answered the girl.
Yah! You want this bracelet to be locked onto me forever?! Tiffany smacked Taeyeons arm, making
the guy laugh at the girls reaction. He gently held Tiffanys right hand and warmly smiled at her.

Aigoo~ Okaaay Well just come to me if you want it to be unlocked. BUT I just want to let you know,
Tiffany Hwang, that if you decide to unlock this bracelet, I am no longer your friend. Im giving it to you
coz youre special to me. I know I always tease and bother you but you actually help me become the
best person I can be again. You bring back the Kim Taeyeon that was lost two years ago

Tiffany stares at Taeyeon all the while as the guy speaks sincerely with whats in his heart. Though
Tiffany is not aware of it, Taeyeon greatly appreciates her mere presence. The sweet and caring but
sometimes a cold and sassy girl that he just met almost three months ago, touches his life and he must
admit that the girl is slowly but surely taking a special part in his heart.

82 | P a g e

However, to Tiffany, the guy is making her more confused on her feelings towards him.

Is it possible that you like me more than a friend?

Im keeping the screwdriver, but its really not a secure key though. This bracelet can actually be
opened with any standard slotted screwdriver. Taeyeon chuckled and dorkily grinned at Tiffany.

Well, I guess not. Tss. You really know how to ruin the mood, dork.

Aigoo~ you were just acting sweet earlier then in a split second youre back on being a dork. Tiffany
sighs and pulls her hand from Taeyeons grasp as she lies down on the couch with her head on the guys

But you love this dork~~~ Taeyeon grins, tapping Tiffanys nose.
I dont. Tiffany smacks the guys hand away from her face and closes her eyes.
You do~ Taeyeon continued as he started to tickle the girl whos already starting to doze off.

Y-yah! Tae tae~~ S-st stop! Aahhh!!! Tiffany managed to say while laughing as she tries to escape
from the guys tickling.

Say you love me first and Ill stop~ he continued tickling the girl. Tiffany managed to sit up but
Taeyeon didnt stop from tickling the daylights out of her.

Tiffany struggled to push the guy away from her but when she finally did, they both fell on the floor with
Tiffany falling on top of Taeyeon. Luckily, her back is facing Taeyeon so its not that awkward unlike
when a girl fall face first on top of a guy causing their nose or lips to touch.

83 | P a g e

They both got up from the floor and sat back on the couch. Tiffany gently wipes the tears on the corner
of her eyes from laughing so hard while Taeyeon is warmly smiling at her.

Stop staring at me.

Tiffany stared back at Taeyeon who has been staring at her since they got up from the floor. The two
stared at each other for a few moments until they both broke into laughters.

As their laughters subside, the room was then filled with silence. Taeyeon and Tiffany are both wrapped
in their own thoughts as they sit beside each other, separated by just a tiny gap.

Fany-ah? Since Taeyeon hates silence, he softly called Tiffanys name while staring at nothing on his
Hmmm? Tiffany answered without looking at the guy beside him but at the bracelet on her wrist.
Lets go to sleep? he looked at Tiffany and smiled when he sees the girl lovely playing with her
I dont want to sleep yet cant we stay here for a few more minutes? Tiffany gives Taeyeon cute pout
and puppy eyes, sort of like bribing the guy to agree with her.
Aigoo~ you know I cant say no to that pout and puppy eyes of yours. Taeyeon playfully shakes his
head and Tiffany brightly smiles at him.

Taeyeon moves closer to Tiffany and the girl just naturally leans her head on the guys shoulder. And by
reflex, Taeyeon held Tiffanys hand and rest it on his lap.

84 | P a g e
If someone will see them at the moment, they will mistake them as a sweet couple but theyre not.
Theyre just friends that are both yet to accept that they may have feelings for each other. Hence, one is
still holding on to the past, and the other is afraid to fall in love.


Thank you for being my friend Tiffany softly speaks, with a sweet smile on her face.

Taeyeon warmly smiled and gently interlaced his fingers on Tiffanys. The girl stared at their intertwined
fingers, wondering why she feels so secured and warm whenever the guy will hold her hand. Why she
feels so comfortable with him, and how a simple smile from the guy will make her feel good inside.

Can I ask you a favor?
What is it?

Tiffany stood up from the couch, pulling Taeyeon along with her. When Taeyeon is already standing, she
pulled her hand from the guys grasp and walked behind him. Taeyeon tried to turn around to give her a
questioning look but was stopped by Tiffany, who placed her hands on his shoulders, putting a little
pressure on them.

Bend your knees slightly.

Just kneel down~~

85 | P a g e
Taeyeon wanted to protest but his shoulder was slapped by the girl behind him. Like a whipped
boyfriend, he obeyed Tiffany and knelt down on one knee. Tiffany giggled as she watched the guy
kneeling in front of her.

After a few moments, Tiffany then comfortably climbs on his back and puts her arms around his neck
surprising Taeyeon at first but chuckled when the girl is already comfortable on his back.

Aigoo~ so this is your favor, huh? Now tell me who the kid here is? Taeyeon said as he put his hands
behind his back to grab hold of the girls legs and held them securely as he stood up carefully.

Im not a kid! This is what you get for tickling me earlier. Now, go~~~ Tiffany pinched his cheek hard,
making the guy grumble in pain and lost his balance a bit.

Yah! Careful! Youre dead if you drop me. Tiffany slapped his shoulder as she adjusted her right arm
around Taeyeons neck so she wont fall.

I will, princess! I am just starting to live my life happily again so I wont let you kill me yet. Taeyeon
giggled and held Tiffanys legs securely around his waist.

I dont want you dead either, pabo!

Tiffany smiled as she rested her chin on Taeyeons shoulder. Without any more bickerings, the guy
started to run around in their apartment like a fool, making the girl shriek at first but nevertheless
enjoyed the piggyback ride as they both laugh, enjoying their childish antics.

Taeyeon then stopped in front of Tiffanys room, catching his breath with the giggling girl comfortably
resting on his back.

Errr Fany-ah, dont you have any plans on getting off my back?

86 | P a g e
Nope put me down on my bed Im sleepy~~
O-okay are you sure?

Receiving a nod from Tiffany, Taeyeon gently opened the door of Tiffanys bedroom, which serves like
the invisible door to the girls heart, carefully so he wont lose his balance to not let the girl fall.

Taeyeon blinked a few times when they finally made it inside the girls room. He expected to see pink
walls and stuff but he was surprised to see the walls painted in white. Though the bed expands the
range of pinks with its French sheets and pillowcases and mohair throw, the room gives quiet, soft,
almost ethereal feel. Theres also a bedroom desk, which faces the window with the bright multi-toned
pink curtains that adds to the chic look on the girls bedroom.

Wow I feel like Im in a different home right now I like your room Fany-ah he said in awe as he
continued wandering around the room, still carrying the girl on his back.
Thanks Tiffany mumbled, already starting to doze off on Taeyeons back.

Hearing a sleepy response from the girl, he chuckled and made his way towards the bed. He then gently
put Tiffany down on her bed. Taeyeon sat on the bed and tucked the girl in to bed and watches the girl
as she closes her eyes.

Good night Fany-ah~ He warmly smiled at Tiffany and kissed her at the forehead.

He was about to stand up from the bed and leave the room but he heard the girl mumbling something.
Taeyeon stared back at Tiffany, seeing the girls eyes close, he thought that the girl is sleeptalking and
leans his head forward so he can clearly hear what the girl is saying.

Tiffany slowly opens her eyes when she feels Taeyeons presence near her. She softly giggles when she
sees Taeyeons face is close to her, certain that the guy didnt hear her earlier.

87 | P a g e
I said thank you and good night Taetae she softly said with her husky voice and cupped Taeyeons
face in both her hands. She frowns when she sees the spot where she pinched Taeyeon earlier has a
visible red mark. She caressed it first before leaning forward and gave a soft peck on the guys cheek.

Taeyeon was just staring at the girl since Tiffany cupped his face. He found himself lost and didnt know
why his heart is beating faster than usual. Maybe it is because of their uncomfortable position right now,
like if they are a couple he would have probably kissed the girl passionately and probably end up
sleeping with her. He started to have weird uncomfortable feeling in his upper airway when Tiffany
caressed his cheek that was pinched by the girl earlier. And when the girl kissed him on the cheek, he
snapped back to his senses and blushed.

Im sorry for pinching you that hard Tiffany looked straight into his eyes, with a slight pout on her
T-thats okay you always do that to me anyways so Im used to it. Taeyeon jokes around, trying to
wipe away what hes feeling at the moment, receiving a playful slap on his shoulder.

I better go to my own room now sweet dreams Fany-ah~ Taeyeon giggled as he stood up from the

Tiffany affectionately smiled at him and watched the guy walk out of her room. Taeyeon gave her a
warm smile before totally closing the door of Tiffanys bedroom.

I will forever be your friend Kim Taeyeon but what if

Taengoo~ hows my baby boy? I miss you sweetie~
Im totally great mom! I miss you more and dad too How are you? Why did you call me earlier?
Cant your mom call you?

88 | P a g e
Aigoo~ my pretty mom is sulking~~
Since you call me pretty, I am happy now Anyways, son I just want to inform you that I am already
here in Seoul.
Eh??? Since when? Why didnt you tell me so I can fetch you at the airport?
Just this morning. I wanted to surprise you today but got caught up with some business matters. Besides,
Im glad I didnt tell you my arrival this morning~~ I want to meet her son.
Tiffany, who else? Dont tell me you now know how to do one night stand?
Aigoo~ mom! No~~ of course not! Err Tiffany is already sleeping
O-oh then stop whining Taeng! You might wake her up
Mom~~ were not sleeping together okay? We have different ro--- err she doesnt live with me. She
lives with Jessica
Is that so? Okay, whatever you say son anyways Ill see you tomorrow. I love you sweetie

Before the flustered guy could utter a word, her mom already ended the call. Taeyeon lied down on the
bed as he placed his phone on his night stand. He feels exhausted because of the piggyback ride earlier
while running around the apartment.

But what bothers his most is Tiffany.

He knows that the girl is special to him like Jessica. But he wouldnt deny that he treats his housemate
more special than anyone else. He wants to always hold the girl in his arms, or at least tease her to get
the girls attention. Just one smile from her can make him smile too.

Taeyeon sighed as he reached something on the drawer of his nightstand.

He stared at it for a few moments and smiled as a lone tear escaped from his eyes.

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Yoona I miss you

He closes his eyes while holding the picture near his chest but his eyes flutters open as soon as he
realized something.

Oh, shoot! Moms coming here tomorrow?!

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Are you okay?

Tiffany asked the obviously anxious guy across her. Taeyeon seems to be bothered by something and
Tiffany is getting a bit worried and puzzled as she always catches the guy staring at her then will sigh
since they began eating breakfast.

Fany-ah? Can you stay at Jessicas place for today?

Errr my moms gonna visit me here today

Tiffanys eyes widen and choked her food. Taeyeon quickly went to her side and patted her back as she
drank her juice.

Are you alright? Taeyeon asked as he continued patting the girls back. Tiffany cleared her throat and
gulped her juice one more time.

Tiffany took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Though theyve already planned before on what
they should do if their family decided to visit them, she still feels nervous about it. She stayed quiet for a
few moments while Taeyeon gently strokes her back, making her feel at ease.

Why didnt you tell me yesterday so we could have prepared? Tiffany stared at the guy beside her and
brushed away some messy strands of hair from Taeyeons forehead.

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I didnt know shes already here in Seoul she just told me about it last night he sighs and leans his
forehead on Tiffanys shoulder.

They stayed silent in same position for a few moments until Tiffany broke the silence and patted
Taeyeons head.

Hey, better get ready now youre going to be late. I dont want Soo and Yul to beat the daylights out
of your life because of being late. Tiffany giggled, imagining her cousin and her friend strangling
Taeyeon but was frozen when the guy suddenly kissed her on the cheek.

Thank you for your care but I know what youre thinking just now and just to inform you, those two
love me so much and they wont beat me for being late. Taeyeon giggled at her and stood up to clear
the table.

Tiffany ducks her head to hide the pink tinge on her face, faking a few coughs before standing up as well
to help the guy.

Fany-ah~ Jessie will arrive in any moment from now to pick you up.

Tiffany went out of the media room and found Taeyeon typing something on his phone, already dressed
casually white printed shirt, gray leather and cotton matching training pants, with white/black
sneakers but still effortlessly charming.

She doesnt need to though Tiffany said and sat comfortably on the couch.
Guess your best friend misses you shell drag you to the mall later. Taeyeon looked at her and
chuckled as he turned his attention back to his phone.

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Really?! Tiffanys eyes sparkled at the mention of the word mall and a wide grin is plastered on her
Aigoo~ you two are really best friends. He chuckled. He carelessly slings his training duffel bag on his
left shoulder, making his shirt crumpled as he put his phone in his pocket.

Tiffany then walks up to him and playfully hits his shoulder, making the guy to confusedly stare at her.

Seriously, how old are you? she chuckled as she fixed the wrinkled part on Taeyeons shirt on his left
shoulder. Taeyeon awkwardly scratched the back of his head and sheepishly grinned at her.
There. Hurry up, your school bus is waiting. Tiffany joked around and both of them giggled.
Okaaay~~ see you later mommy! he playfully waves his hand like a kindergarten student with a dorky
smile on his face. Tiffany chuckled at the dork in front of her and decided to play along with him.
Be a good boy~~ she says as she ruffles Taeyeons hair.
Mommy~~~ my hair~~~ Taeyeon whined and pouts as he crossed his arms over his chest, totally
looking like a cute little kindergarten kid.

Tiffany bursted out laughing, clapping her hands, making the guy sulk. He dramatically puffed his cheeks
and playfully glared at Tiffany, with his arms still crossed on his chest.

Awww is my baby mad at me? Tiffany chuckled before fixing the childish guys hair.
There my baby looks handsome now she continued and patted Taeyeons head.
Really??? Taeyeon beamed a cute smile, showing off his dimple at the girl whos already mentally
squealing at the sight of the cute Taeyeon in front of her.
Yes, baby~~ Tiffany cupped his face in both her hands then pinched it, making both of them giggle.


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Taeyeon and Tiffany snapped both their heads and saw Jessica staring at them, crossing her arms over
her chest, with a smirk plastered on her face.

Seeing her bestfriend with a plastered smirk on her face, Tiffany blushed and quickly retracted her hands
from Taeyeons face.

Jessica~~ Taeyeon skips towards her and gives her a warm hug and kiss on the cheek.
Good morning baby~ Jessica returns the hug and kiss as she greets Taeyeon with aegyo, purposely
teasing her best friend.

Tiffany, who mentally cursed their apartment for having a private elevator instead of a door so no one
can just barge in without at least knocking, shot a glare to Jessica as she walked near the two.

Well, I have to go now. You both take care, okay? Taeyeon said and the two girls nodded with smiles
on their faces.

Max of five shopping bags only Jess. He hugged and kissed Jessica on the cheek again, and the girl just
giggled at him.

Tiffany stared at the two and was amused by their brother-sister relationship. Though sometimes she
admits that she turns a bit jealous with Taeyeons closeness to Jessica, she became used to it since she
knows where Jessica stands on Taeyeons life and vice versa.

And you, enjoy your date with your best friend. Ill pick you up tonight. Tiffany blushed again when
Taeyeon hugged her and kissed her on the cheek in front of Jessica.

Although their friends know that the two are already close to each other, it is the first time that Taeyeon
kissed her in front of their friend though its just a kiss on the cheek. Besides, they rarely hang out
together as a group because of each others works.

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Taeyeon smiled and waved at the two girls as he entered the elevator, leaving a blushing Tiffany and an
amused Jessica in their apartment.

Are you sure you two are not together? Jessica turned her attention to her best friend, with a smirk on
her face and an eyebrow raised.

O-of course! Give me a minute, Ill just get my purse in my room. Tiffany stuttered and dashed
towards her bedroom before Jessica could utter another word.

Not together yet. Jessica mumbled as she watched Tiffany rushed towards the girls room, with a sly
smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Kim decided to surprise her son. Knowing that Taeyeon and Yuri are both in the dance
studio until early afternoon, she thought of preparing the boys favorite dishes and probably do some
cleaning in their apartment.

On her way towards the private elevator, Mrs. Kim saw a familiar person walking towards her way and
she smiled as she warmly greeted her magazine staff.

Hi Tiffany.
O-oh! Hi Director Kim. Tiffany bowed in respect as she greeted her boss.
Aigoo~ were not in the office Tiffany. Just call me Aunty, okay? Is she your friend? Mrs. Kim chuckled
and gestured to Jessica.
O-okay Direc--- Aunty Yeah this is Jessica, my best friend. Jess, this is Mrs. Erika Kim, our companys
Director and founder of CeCi magazine. Tiffany introduced the two to each other.
Good morning Mrs. Kim, Im Jessica Jung. Its nice to meet you. Jessica politely greets her and bows in

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Its also nice to meet you Jessica. Just call me Aunty as well, okay? Youre also beautiful like Tiffany, are
you a model or something? Mrs. Kim chuckled and patted Jessicas arm.
T-thank you Aunty no, Im not a model. Im actually a wedding planner and entrepreneur. Jessica
smiled at the older woman.
Oh I see well, good luck young lady. Mrs. Kim warmly smiled at her and Jessica returns it with a
warm smile as well.
Uhm, Directo--- Aunty, do you live here? Tiffany inquired as she noticed the shopping bags Mrs. Kim is
Oh, no. But my son does. Im just paying him a visit today. Mrs. Kim smiled at the two girls in front of
her, making Jessica and Tiffany to look at each other.

Tiffany is about to speak but Mrs. Kims assistant appears, carrying few more shopping bags. Seeing her
assistant, Mrs. Kim bid goodbye to the two younger girls in front of her and made their way towards the

Since they are in the car park, the two didnt see which elevator the older woman and her assistant had
enterred to since you have to enter a particular room first prior to reaching the elevator lobby.

Jess please dont tell me that my boss is my housemates mom Tiffany mumbled while staring
blankly at the door where the older woman and her assistant had entered.

Taeyeon, Yuri, and Sooyoung are sitting on the floor and busy watching the performance practice of the
dancers for the upcoming musical. Though Taeyeon is the main choreographer, he still asked his two
buddies to check whether the choreography is good enough for the performance.

Stop! Stop! Stop okay guys! You did a good job but some of you still missed a beat in the chorus.
Taeyeon said as he stood up and turned off the music.
But not bad for our first day Remember guys, your musical is in two months and this is just the first
song. I suggest you listen to the music more and understand what the lyrics and melody means. He
continued as he gestured the dancers to sit down and rest.

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Yuri and Sooyoung have warm smiles plastered on their faces as they watch Taeyeon cheerfully
discussing the music and choreography to the dancers. They are always amazed how Taeyeon would not
just teach the steps but makes sure that each student will get it correctly and helps them to
progressively build their own technique in dancing or performing. He always respects his students either
in the University or in the dance studio and thats one reason why many, if not all students love him.

Taeyeon gave them an hour break and told them that Sooyoung will be watching over them till the rest
of the day, causing the girls mood to drop.

Yah! Im more handsome and definitely taller than this dork so you should be thankful that Im
monitoring you! Sooyoung exclaimed, earning giggles from the dancers and his two friends.

But teacher Soo, you are already taken unlike teacher Taeng. One student said before going out of the
room. Before Sooyoung could protest, the student already dashed out of the room and Yuri and
Taeyeon just patted their friends shoulder to console him.

Hey, you two should go now. Dont worry I can handle this. Sooyoung said as he looked at his two
friends who are now watching the practice earlier that theyve recorded.

The two obediently stood up and handed Sooyoung the videocam. They all walked out of the room and
headed to their office located upstairs. Taeyeon excused his self to have a quick shower, leaving the two
in the office as they continued to watch the practice video.

After a few minutes, Taeyeon returned to the office, already prepared to leave and meet his mom.

Taeng, check your phone. Yuri told him as soon as he enters the room. He just received a call from his
cousin and told him to tell Taeyeon that shes been calling him since earlier.

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Taeyeon didnt bring his phone with him in the practice room and just left it in his bag in the office. He
was surprised to see a lot of missed calls from Tiffany. He then opens a text message from her, asking
him to call her back as soon as he read the message, so he did.

Why are you not answering your phone?! Tiffany exclaimed. Taeyeon was surprised and got
confused why she sounded mad at him.
S-Sorry Fany-ah I left my phone in my bag while were in the practice room. Is there something
wrong? Taeyeon explained. He feels worried as he heard Tiffany sighed on the other line.
What is your moms name? Without wasting any second, Tiffany asked Taeyeon his mothers name
to confirm her presumption.
Eh??? Whyd you ask? Taeyeon is confused as to why Tiffany is asking her his moms name all of a
sudden. Before he could think of any reason, Tiffany whined and he knows that the girl is getting
impatient on the other line.

Just answer me Taetae~

Kim Hayeon.

Though Taeyeons mom has an English name, Taeyeon always introduce his mom with her Korean name.
For him, the name Erika Kim is only used for business matters. And since hes not interested in their
family business at all, he never had called his mom by her English name.

H-Hayeon?... O-okay I thought shes nevermind. By the way, have you already taken your
lunch? Tiffany was taken aback by the guys answer. She had already imagined the worst case scenario
having her boss son as her housemate but after hearing the guy, somehow she felt at ease.

No and Im not hungry yet Yul and I are off to the apartment and Im planning to cook for mom
anyways. How about you and Jess?
Were already in a restaurant here at the mall and our orders just arrive...
Oh, enjoy your lunch then! Im gonna hung up now so you can eat.
Okay~ be careful in driving. See you later!

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Tiffany ended the call and Taeyeon has a smile plastered on his face as he put his phone inside his duffel
bag. When he turned to his friends, Yuri and Sooyoung are both grinning at him like two idiots.

What? he raised an eyebrow at the two.

Are you sure you and Tiff are not together? Yuri asked.
As far as I know, yes. Taeyeon answered and stood up from the couch, carefully slinging his duffel bag
on his shoulder and making sure that his shirt is not crumpled.
Taeng seriously? You two look like a couple even sweeter than a couple. Sooyoung stared at him in

He knows that the two are really not a couple but like Yuri, Jessica, and Sunny, he can tell that the two
actually have feelings to each other.

You dont have to be a couple to be sweet with each other Soo Taeyeon retorted.

Yuri and Sooyoung heave out a deep sigh as they feel frustrated with the slow progress of the
relationship of the two. They thought that the two will realize their feelings towards each other faster
since they live under one roof but it seems like it will take more time before it happens.

Taeng, what is Tiffany to you? Yuri asked and stared at Taeyeon with a thoughtful look on his face.

Taeyeon stared at his two friends who were both waiting for his answer. He looked away and stared
blankly at nothing as he rubs his nape, thinking for an answer.

What is Tiffany to me?

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It is the same exact question that Taeyeon has been asking himself since last night.

Shes special to me Im happy when Im with her. I just want to take care of her and make her happy
He held his key necklace and a warm smile was formed on his face.
Im still not sure if I have feelings for her maybe I do but I know that my heart still beats for Yoona
Taeyeon continued.

Hearing those words from their friend, Sooyoung and Yuri smiled at Taeyeon as they completely
understand where the guy is coming from. They both know that Taeyeons feelings for Tiffany is growing
but the guy indeed needs a little more time to completely let go of the past.

Whoa I really admire you for your love to her. But just a handsome-friendly advise, you should make
your heart start beating for someone else before its too late. Sooyoung said and they all chuckled with
his words.

Dont worry, I know its already starting to do it. Just give it a little more time, you know its not good
being pressured. Taeyeon joked around.

Yuri and Sooyoung grinned upon hearing it and mentally noted to help their friend to sort his feelings
out as soon as possible. Besides, they already have a plan on how Taeyeon and Tiffany will finally accept
that they have feelings for each other.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Tiffany are both having a fun chat while having lunch at a certain restaurant in
the mall. The two best friends are both relieve that Tiffanys boss isnt Taeyeons mom, still oblivious to
the fact that what they initially presume is actually true.

I like your bracelet, Tiff. Its beautiful and it looks good on you. Jessica commented upon seeing the
lovely jewelry on her best friends wrist.

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Thanks it really is beautiful. She said. A warm smile was formed on Tiffanys face when she glanced
on the rose gold bracelet thats comfortably clinging on her right wrist and Jessica didnt fail to notice it.
Taeyeon is really a sweet guy, isnt he? Jessica smirked , causing Tiffany to look at her in surprise.
H-how did you know its from him? she enquired. She doesnt remember telling her best friend that
Taeyeon gave her the bracelet and quizzically stared at Jessica across her.

Jessica giggled at her best friends facial expression towards her. She gently wiped her mouth with the
table napkin before taking a sip of her drink, taking her precious time before answering the girl thats
curiously staring at her.

I saw him wearing the key necklace earlier.

Key necklace?

Tiffany raised an eyebrow as she doesnt know what her best friend is talking about. Suddenly, she
remembers what Taeyeon had said to her about the special screwdriver that hes keeping. She did
notice the necklace earlier but it didnt cross her mind that it is actually the special screwdriver that
Taeyeon is referring to. She thought that the key to her bracelet is just a simple tiny screwdriver and not
another rose gold jewelry.

Thinking about it, she traced the bracelet on her wrist and her beautiful eyesmile was formed. Jessica
could only chuckle while softly shaking her head as she continued watching her best friend across her
lost in her own world.

You two should get married. Ill be glad to be your wedding planner and since youre my best friend and
Taeyeon is like a brother to me, that will be my wedding gift to both of you. Jessica teased her best
friend and giggled, imagining herself designing, planning and managing the wedding of the two of the
most important people in her life. It would be a piece of cake for her, after all shes one of the famous
wedding planners in the country and better known as a celebrity wedding planner.

Were not even together. Tiffany scoffed as she stared blankly on her bracelet.

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Jessica stopped giggling and stared at her best friend, who just heaved out a sigh like she was rejected
by her crush. She mentally cursed Taeyeon for being so dense for not realizing that Tiffany already had
fallen for him, though the girl is still not ready yet to accept that she has feelings for her housemate

She sighed, feeling a bit exasperated and wanted to lock Taeyeon and Tiffany in one room until Godknows-how-long, for them to finally realize their feelings and confess to each other.

Whats keeping you from falling in love with him? she asked with a stern look on her face.
W-what?... I I didnt say Im falling for him Jess. Tiffany stammered. She was surprised by the sudden
question and didnt expect Jessica to ask her that thing.
Oh yeah, you didnt. But your eyes and smiles did. Jessica retorted, feeling a little annoyed that Tiffany
would still deny her feelings for Taeyeon.

Tiffany stared back at Jessica before letting out a deep sigh. Her best friend really knows her and despite
how hard she tries to shrug her growing feelings off towards Taeyeon, she cant argue back at Jessica for
she indeed is falling for his housemate.

I dont know Jess Im afraid he doesnt feel the same way for me please Jess, dont tell anyone
about this including Yul. Tiffany pleaded as she doesnt want to complicate things between her and
Taeyeon, receiving an understanding nod and smile from Jessica.

For now, she will just keep it to herself. Shes happy to have Taeyeon by her side and she doesnt want
to make things awkward between the two or worst is to ruin their friendship just because of what she
feels for him.


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Taeyeon happily exclaimed upon seeing his mom cooking in the kitchen. Though hes surprised that his
mom is already in the apartment, and almost done preparing Yuri and his favorite dishes, he ran to her
beloved mom and hugged her like he didnt seen her for years.

Aigoo~ you miss me that much, eh? Mrs. Kim chuckled and kissed Taeyeon on both cheeks before
ruffling the guys hair.
I really miss you, my pretty mom! Taeyeon happily kissed her on the cheek before releasing his mom
from the warm hug and dorkily grinned at her.

Yuri then entered the kitchen and was also surprised that Taeyeons mom is already in the apartment.
The mother and son snapped their heads and chuckled at the surprised Yuri standing near the kitchen

Arent you going to give your god mom a hug?

Yuri snapped back to his senses and grinned as he made his way towards Mrs. Kim to give her a hug. It
has been years since he last saw his god mother.

Aigoo~ youve grown up to be a handsome young man. Mrs. Kim said as she examined Yuris facial
features, not noticing a pouting Taeyeon beside her.
Mom~ your son is more handsome than him. Taeyeon protested and Yuri and Mrs. Kim bursted out
laughing upon seeing the sulking guy.
You are both handsome, sweetie anyways, help me prepare the table kids. Ive made your favorite

The two boys cheered and happily obeyed Mrs. Kim as they started helping the older woman prepare
the table. Since they havent taken their lunch yet, the two were drooling upon seeing their favorite
dishes and cant wait to dig in to the food.

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The late lunch with Taeyeons mom went very well and full of laughters. Taeyeon and Yuri share a lot of
stories on how theyve been doing and also make some white lies of how fun it is to live together. The
two will often choke whenever Mrs. Kim will ask them about living together in the apartment and
almost spill out that Taeyeon is living with Yuris cousin instead when the older woman asked why the
interior looks very feminine.

Since the two are not really that good in covering up why the apartment has a feminine touch to it, Yuri
accidentally mentioned his cousin, Tiffany, causing Taeyeon to kick him under the dining table.

Upon hearing the familiar girls name, Mrs. Kim gazed at Taeyeon with a teasing smile plastered on her

Well, she has a good taste in designing. Oh! Why dont you invite her to come over? Mrs. Kim
suggested and the two boys looked at each other before awkwardly smiling at Mrs. Kim.

Errr mom, shes shopping with her best friend right now and Im sure those two wont be back til the
mall closes. Taeyeon said while silently praying that his mom wont persuade them anymore. Not that
he doesnt want her mom to meet Tiffany, in fact he cant wait to introduce his housemate to his mom.
But knowing his mom, he knows that if he asks Tiffany to be there with them at this moment, he is sure
that his mom will quickly discover that theyre living together instead.

Oh is that the real reason, sweetie? Or you just dont want your mom to meet your girlfriend? Mrs.
Kim teased her son with a wide smile on her face, making Taeyeon choke his food while Yuri chuckled at
the interaction of the mother and son.

Mom~~ shes not my girlfriend! Taeyeon defended after gulping a glass of water and glared at Yuri
whos joining his mom in teasing him.

What?! Youve already slept together and youre telling me now that shes not your girlfriend?! Mrs.
Kim dramatically exclaimed and this time, it is Yuri who chokes on his own food as Taeyeon heaves out a
deep sigh.

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Taeng, you should take responsibility of my cousin. How co--- argh! Yuri groaned when Taeyeon kicked
him again under the table to stop him from talking.

It is not what youre thinking Yul! Aish! She fell asleep while were watching a movie so I just carried her
to my room and let her sleep on my bed while I sleep on the couch. Taeyeon quickly explained before
continuing to eat his food.

Eh? But you have separ--- Yuri was cut off again by another kick under the table. Taeyeon glared at
him as he almost spilled out that the two has separate rooms in the apartment.

Dont worry mom, Ill introduce her to you soon. Im sure youll get along well since both of you love
pink. Taeyeon chuckled and her moms eyes sparkle as she cant wait to meet the girl who melted her
sons heart.

Being a mom, she surely knows Taeyeon. Though the guy wouldnt admit that he likes or probably loves
this girl, she is definite that her son is finally giving his heart another chance to love. She can see the
bright smiles and warmth in Taeyeons eyes everytime hell talk about this girl. Most especially, shes
happy to see her son this cheerful again and knows that he has already moved on but just not ready yet
to finally admit it.

Im looking forward to it, sweetie. By the way Taeng, how about Jessica? Ive never had a chance to
meet that friend of yours in person. Yul, why dont you invite your girlfriend instead? Besides, it is only
her that I didnt get to meet when I visited here during your senior high Mrs. Kim said but paused as a
sudden thought crossed her mind.

Aunty, Jessica is Tiffanys best friend Yuri smiled at the older woman. Mrs. Kim stared at him then
shifted her attention to the food in her plate.

She furrowed her brows like trying to sort some things out and the two boys exchanged glances at each
other before curiously staring at her. After a few moments, a bright smile was formed on her face and
tilted her head up to meet the eyes of the two curious boys.

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Jessica is Jessica Jung? she carefully asked as she wants to make sure that what shes thinking is right.
Taeyeon and Yuri nodded their heads without breaking their stare at Mrs. Kim, whose smile became
brighter upon getting their answer.

And Tiffany is Tiffany Hwang? Mrs. Kim continued with a higher pitch and tone in her voice.

When the two boys nodded their heads again to confirm shes right, she silently squealed and grinned at
Taeyeon with her eyes sparkling like she just win something big for her family. Seeing her mom acting
like that, Taeyeon is so confused and Yuri just shrugged his shoulders when he gave him a questioning

Err mom, how did you know Tiffany and Jessicas last names? he asked before wiping his mouth with
the table napkin as hes already done with his food.

Oh! Well it was just a wild guess. A friend of mine told me about Jessica Jung, the young wedding
planner and entrepreneur. I didnt expect shes the same Jessica that you know and for Tiffany well my
friend loves her photographs and also told me that Tiffany is best friends with Jessica Jung. Mrs. Kim
explained. The two boys just nodded and didnt bother to ask any further questions as they both know
how famous the two girls are in their own career paths. Besides, why would Mrs. Kim lie to them?

Mrs. Kim decided not to tell the two boys, especially her son that she already met the two girls. Mainly
because she knows that her son is actually the friend that Tiffany was talking about when she asked the
younger girl about dating her son during their lunch meeting yesterday. She doesnt want to complicate
things as she knows that Tiffany will be shocked once she learns that she is Taeyeons mom. She doesnt
want to make Tiffany feel more hesitant in accepting her feelings for her son because she is definitely
rooting for the girl to be Taeyeons girlfriend, and if possible, his wife.

Besides, her son introduces her as Mrs. Kim Hayeon to everyone instead of Mrs. Erika Kim for Taeyeon
doesnt like her English name as it only means business for him. And Tiffany and Jessica know her as Mrs.
Erika Kim anyways. She giggled at the thought of Taeyeon introducing her as his mom to Tiffany soon,
earning another confused look from the boys.

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Oh, dont mind me. Im just excited to meet Taeyeons girlfriend~ Mrs. Kim chuckled along with Yuri
and Taeyeon just sighed in defeat for he knows her mom and Yuri wont stop teasing him no matter how
many times he would explain that Tiffany is not his girlfriend.

It is already late in the afternoon and Mrs. Kim decided to leave the boys in their apartment after she
gave the two her presents for them. Taeyeon insisted to drive her mom to the hotel where shes staying
at but sternly declined her son for her assistant is already waiting for her inside the car in front of the
apartment building. The boys warmly hug Mrs. Kim before she enters the elevator as they bid goodbye
to each other.

As soon as the elevator door closes, Taeyeon and Yuri sighed in relief and dragged themselves to the
living room.

Seriously, your mom almost gave me a heart attack when she asked those questions about the
apartment! Yuri exclaimed as he plopped himself on the couch.

And you almost spilled everything out! Taeyeon said as he comfortably sat on the couch beside Yuri.

Yah! Dont make me feel guilty, okay? I I just freaked out earlier and I was not really ready for your
moms sudden appearance. Yuri pouted and closed his eyes for a bit to rest.

I know well at least mom didnt suspect anything! By the way, how long are you planning to hide it
from your dad? Your dad will just ask you to marry Jessica once he knew that youre living with her
anyways. Taeyeon stared at the guy beside him, trying to understand why Yuri just cant accept the
consequence once his father knows that hes living with his girlfriend.

When Yuri told Tiffany and Taeyeon the truth why he cant tell his dad that hes living with Jessica, at
first they thought that Yuri doesnt really love Jessica until he told them the story which makes him
hesitant to let his dad know that hes living with his girlfriend.

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Yuri was once forced by his dad to marry Sunny when she sleeps over at his apartment after an
argument with Sooyoung. His dad, who adheres to traditional thought and customs, including the very
vocal disapproval of having a guy and a girl live under one roof prior to marriage, thought that Sunny
was living with Yuri. They wouldve been married if not because of Sooyoung and Jessica convincing his
dad that its all just a misunderstanding. Though Mr. Kwon calmed down and apologized for his actions,
he sternly warned Yuri that he must not live with his girlfriend prior to marrying her or he will be forced
to marry the girl whether they like it or not.

I dont know yet not until Im sure that Jessica is ready to marry me Taeng I dont want her to be
forced to marry me just because of my crazy father. Yuri deeply sighed and faintly smiled at Taeyeon.

Propose to her then Im sure Jessica will say yes! Taeyeon grinned at him but it slowly faded when
Yuri gave him another deep sigh.

I tried to propose to her in a roundabout way but she clearly states that she doesnt want to marry
yet Yuri weakly smiled at him as he remembers that day when he tried to propose to his girlfriend.

Oh bro, dont worry. Just wait a little more time and Im sure that once you propose, shell not think
twice but say yes! Taeyeon patted his friends shoulder and tried to cheer him up for he knows that
Jessica loves Yuri as much as Yuri loves her, the girl might just need more time to be ready to get

You and Soo will be my best men in our wedding, okay? Yuri swings his arm around Taeyeons neck
and ruffles his hair. Taeyeon just allowed his friend to mess up with his hair and dorkily grinned at him
afterwards. He felt happy knowing that his friend is not giving up his hope of marrying Jessica. After all,
he couldnt think of someone else whos good enough for Jessica who he treats as his sister, and same
goes to Yuri who he treats as his brother.

Yuri and Taeyeon arrived at Jessicas apartment and were a bit surprised that Sooyoung and Sunny were
also there. The two greeted their friends as Yuri cuddled with his girlfriend on the couch and Taeyeon
kissed Tiffany on the cheek before sitting beside her, surprising the others except for Jessica. Yuri and
Sooyoung were about to tease the two but was elbowed by their girlfriends telling them to shut up.

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How was your day with your mom? Tiffany asked Taeyeon.

It was great. Shes already in the apartment when we reach there and she cooked our favorite dishes.
Though we almost got caught because of Yul but everything went well she actually wants to meet you.
Taeyeon chuckled as he remembered what happened earlier.

Me? Why? Tiffany curiously asked as to why Taeyeons mom wanted to meet her. She then
remembered about the phone conversation she had with his mom and mentally panicked at the thought.

Aunty wants to meet the girl who makes his son happy~~ Yuri grinned at his cousin, causing the others
to tease her. Tiffany blushed and threw a cushion straight to her cousins face, making the room erupt in

Anyways whys everyone here? Taeyeon asked, trying to change the topic though he is amused to
see a blushing Tiffany beside him.

Were going to the club!!! Sooyoung and Sunny excitedly exclaimed while Jessica and Tiffany just
giggled at the two.

Yuris face brightens up and grinned as he cheered along with his friends. They all looked up to Taeyeon
as the guy seems not interested in coming with them. Taeyeon tiredly sighed and rested his head on
Tiffanys shoulder before closing his eyes.

Im not going, you guys enjoy yourselves Taeyeon mumbled, completely not interested in going to
the club.

Their friends give Tiffany a pleading look to convince the guy who hates being in the club to come with
them. Since Tiffany also wants Taeyeon to be with them, she didnt think twice and presuaded Taeyeon
right away.

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Taetae~ come on~~ Its gonna be fun. Besides, you havent been in a club since you arrive here in
Seoul. Tiffany held Taeyeons hand and tilts her head to look at the guy, earning few snickerings from
the two couples.

Fany-ah~ I dont want to go to the club just call me when youre about to go home so I can pick you
up. Taeyeon sternly declined and sat up straight on the couch before staring back at Tiffany whos
already giving him a cute pout and puppy eyes.

Taeyeon mentally face-palmed himself for initially declining Tiffany when he knows that he will never
win against her once the girl shows him her irresistible pout and puppy eyes.

Aigoo~~ you always do that to me fine! Im coming with you. he sighed in defeat and his friends
cheered as they prepare to leave for the club. Tiffany giggled at Taeyeon and gave him a peck on the
cheek as a thank you for agreeing before pulling the lazy guy to stand up from the couch.

Why cant I say no to you, Tiffany Hwang?

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The group arrived at the club and as soon as they enterred the entertainment venue, they were greeted
by laser lights illuminating the dance floor and clubgoers dancing to the mix of songs played by the DJ.
Since Sooyoung and Sunny already reserved a private lounge for the group, a staff guided them to the
elevated lounge on the side which gives them a full view of the dancefloor.

Taeyeon instantly felt uncomfortable as he was never a clubgoer. Tiffany squeezed his hand and gave
him a warm smile to reassure him that everythings going to be fine as they made their way to their

Not long after, their table is already occupied with alcoholic drinks and they are all drinking, except
Taeyeon, while bobbing their heads to the music as they talk about anything under the sun. Being hyped
up by the alcohol, Yuri and Sooyoung dragged their girlfriends to the dancefloor, leaving Taeyeon and

Fany-ah~ you should go and dance with them. Taeyeon said loud enough so Tiffany can hear him
despite of the loud music.
But, how about you? Come on Taetae~ lets dance~~ Tiffany stood up and pulled Taeyeon up but the
guy wouldnt budge from his seat.
Im fine here. Dont worry about me, go and have some fun! he beamed a smile at Tiffany. Though
reluctant at first, Tiffany gave up in coaxing Taeyeon to dance with her and went to the dancefloor to
dance with her friends.

Since their lounge is elevated, Taeyeon can see his friends from his seat and enjoyed watching them
dancing. A smile was plastered on his face seeing his friends having fun on the dancefloor but was
snapped out when a girl suddenly blocks his view.

Hi there, handsome. The obviously drunk girl seductively smiled at him and was about to sit beside
him but tripped. Luckily, Taeyeon was fast enough to react and caught the girl on his arms as he helped
her to stand up.

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You have well-toned muscles the girl said as she placed her hands on Taeyeons arms before
slowly placing both her hands on the guys chest.
T-thanks err s-should I help you go back to your friends? Taeyeon stuttered and innocently offered
the drunk girl his help.

No but you can help me with this

Taeyeons eyes widen when the girl crashed her lips to his while the girl wrapped her arms around his
neck, trying to deepen the kiss. Taeyeon was utterly shocked by the sudden action and gathered all his
senses back to push the girl away from him. The girl was surprised when Taeyeon pushed her but
instead of getting pissed off or dejected that the guy didnt want to kiss her, she became more
determined to get into the guys pants.

Dont you want to sleep with me?... she locked her eyes at Taeyeon, pulling off the most seductive
look she can give, while gently caressing Taeyeons cheek, tracing his jawline while leaning closer to him.

But before she could kiss Taeyeon again, Taeyeon was already pulled away from her, making her lose
her balance a bit.

He doesnt want to sleep with you and stop flirting with him. Tiffany glared at the girl. If the way she
look could kill, the drunk girl wouldve already been dead because of the intense deathly glare shes
getting from the fuming Tiffany.

However, since the girl is already drunk, she wasnt affected at all. Her lustful eyes are glued only to
Taeyeon which irritates Tiffany more. Tiffany then pulled Taeyeon towards the dancefloor only to be
stopped by the drunken girl.

He is mine, bitch! the girl spats. The girl got annoyed by Tiffany whose still holding on to Taeyeons
hand and was about to slap her but Taeyeon managed to pull Tiffany closer to him.

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Im sorry Miss, but you dont have the right to call my girlfriend a bitch and I am already owned by her.
Please excuse us. Taeyeon held onto Tiffany tighter and made their way to the dancefloor where their
friends are, leaving the staggered drunk girl in the lounge.

Tiffany has been quiet since Taeyeon joined them in the dancefloor. Her mood visibly dropped and her
girl friends noticed it but when Jessica and Sunny asked her if theres something wrong, she just gave
them a smile and told them that shes fine. The two just shrugged it off although they know why since
they all saw how the drunk girl kissed Taeyeon on the lips earlier.

The girls are now sitting comfortably on their lounge while waiting for the guys who bumped into some
of their students from the dance studio. After a few minutes, Yuri and Sooyoung went back and sat
beside their girlfriends with wide grins plastered on their faces.

Girls, do you want to know the drunk girl who kissed Taeyeon earlier? Yuri blurted out while glancing
at Tiffany, who scoffed upon seeing Yuris goofy grin at her.

Who? Jessica and Sunny curiously asked and Yuri and Sooyoungs grins became wider.

The owner of this club!

Yuri and Sooyoung exclaimed at the same time, surprising the three girls with them. Before anyone of
them can utter a word, Taeyeon returned with a smile on his face, catching the attention of the group.

Eh? Why are you staring at me like that? Taeyeon glanced at his friends before sitting beside Tiffany,
whose eyes are glued to him.

Seems like you had fun with those girls~ Yuri teased him.

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Girls? Jessica and Sunny asked as they glanced at Tiffany who is now drinking her third bottle of
strawberry lemonade beer.

Of course, I did. Theyre my sisters friends and apparently, one of them is best friends with the drunk
girl earlier. Taeyeon chuckled.

Did she kiss you again? Tiffany voiced out as she noticed a kiss mark on Taeyeons left cheek.

Taeyeon and the two couples were a bit surprised by Tiffanys sudden question but nonetheless, the two
couples just kept quiet as they watch Taeyeon and Tiffany with sly smiles on their faces.

Yeah, but dont worry. It was just a friendly peck on the cheek. Besides, I told her that my girlfriend will
be mad at me if shell take advantage of me. Taeyeon dorkily grinned at Tiffany.

Tiffany blushed when Taeyeon mentioned the word girlfriend again and she silently thanked the low
lights in the club that helped her hide the pink tinge on her face.

When she saw the girl flirting with Taeyeon earlier, she cant help but be annoyed and jealous when
Taeyeon helped the girl to stand up properly. Her anger rose when the girl suddenly kissed Taeyeon and
the guy seemed to freeze on his spot. Not wanting to see the girl kissing the guy that she has fallen for,
Tiffany hurriedly went back to their lounge to pull Taeyeon away from the drunk girl. When she was
already near the two, she felt relieved when she saw Taeyeon pushing the girl away from him. And
before the girl could kiss Taeyeon again, she grabbed Taeyeons hand and pulled him close to her.

Her heart beats faster when Taeyeon pulls her closer to him and defended her when the girl was about
to slap her after calling her a bitch. She felt happy and secured with Taeyeons actions earlier. However,
she felt a weird stinging feeling in her chest and somehow, she wishes that those words from Taeyeon
were true that she is his girlfriend and Taeyeon is hers.

Tiffany grabbed a paper napkin from the table and held Taeyeons face as she gently wiped the kiss mark
from the guys face. Taeyeon froze at the sudden action of Tiffany and instinctively stared at her. For

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him, it seems like everything is in slow motion and he cant help but smile while staring at her. Tiffanys
heart was racing like crazy when she felt Taeyeons intense stare at her. She wanted to look straight at
the guys onyx eyes but chose not to for she knows that she will be lost in Taeyeons eyes and might not
be able to control herself from kissing him.

Meanwhile, Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Sunny are silently squealing and have wide grins on their faces
while looking at the two whose faces are so close to each other. Yuri and Sooyoung exchanged glances
and with just one smirk from Yuri, Sooyoung quietly stood up as he grabbed a bottle of beer and walked
behind Taeyeon.

Without any second thoughts, Sooyoung purposely tripped himself and pushed Taeyeon before standing
up straight and apologized for his clumsiness, causing stiffled giggles from the amused Yuri, Jessica, and

It is already 11.25 pm and theyve decided to call it a night. Besides, Sunny and Yuri are already drunk
and all of them have work tomorrow. Good thing Jessica and Sooyoung didnt drink that much or
Taeyeon will suffer from taking responsibility of all his friends.

Taeyeon asked Jessica to support the tipsy Tiffany while he brought Yuri inside the drunk guys car after
saying their goodbye to Sooyoung and Sunny. Once Taeyeon had successfully made Yuri to sit
comfortably on the passengers seat, he then went to Jessica and snaked his arm on Tiffanys waist,
pulling the girl close to him.

Drive carefully Jess, okay? Call me once youre home. Taeyeon worriedly instructed Jessica. She nods
and smiles before giving Taeyeon a peck on his cheek.

You too, take good care of Tiff, alright? Jessica sternly said as she went inside the car after receiving a
reassurance nod and smile from Taeyeon.

When his friends car was already gone from his sight, Taeyeon turned his attention to Tiffany who is
looking at him with her adorable pout.

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Taetae~~ I dont want to go home yet

Taeyeon softly giggled at the cute tipsy girl and gently tucked the stray strand of hair behind Tiffanys
ear. Tiffany ducks her head to hide her blush because of the gentle gesture from the guy.

Where do you want to go? Taeyeon softly asked.

Hmmm lets have a little walk? Tiffany stared at Taeyeon, hoping that the guy will say yes.


Tiffanys face brightens upon hearing the guys answer and gave Taeyeon her beautiful eyesmile. She
then holds Taeyeons hand thats protectively clasping her waist and shoves it, causing Taeyeon to look
at her confusedly.

I dont want to walk

Tiffany gave him another eyesmile and just like last night, Taeyeon found himself carrying Tiffany on his
back as they wander around the city and ignoring soft giggles and smiles from the people they passed by
who were amused by the cute and sweet couple.

Taeyeon is purposely walking as slow as he can with a smile plastered on his face. He doesnt want to
get too far from the club where his car was parked and of course, he is enjoying the little walk while
giving Tiffany a piggyback ride.


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Receiving no response from Tiffany, he thought that the girl is already sleeping and he just continued
walking. Unknown to him, Tiffany is relishing the moment with a sweet smile on her face as she
comfortably rests her chin on Taeyeons shoulder.

The image of their accidental kiss earlier at the club keeps on flashing in her mind and she cant help but
blush as her heart thumps faster, hoping Taeyeon wont feel it.

When Sooyoung purposely accidentally tripped over and pushed Taeyeon, Tiffany was stoned on her
spot when the corners of their lips touched. Her heart seems to stop a beat. She was lost for a few
moments and it seems like there were hundreds or maybe thousands of butterfiles wanting to escape
from her stomach. When she snapped back to her senses, she found Taeyeon staring at her with an
apologetic smile as he awkwardly apologized for the accidental kiss. She could only force a smile at
Taeyeon and quickly looked away from him before finishing her third bottle of flavored beer.

Though it was just like a half-kiss, she cant help but be awkward with Taeyeon and didnt know what to
do so at the end of the night, she finished six bottles of strawberry lemonade beer that made her tipsy.
After all, thats the only thing she could think of to avoid being awkward with Taeyeon who seems like
he doesnt care about the accidental kiss.

Taeyeon carried Tiffany straight to her bedroom. He gently put her to bed and removed her high heels
before staring at the sleeping Tiffany for a few moments, debating on his mind if he will help her change
to comfortable clothes like what he usually do for his former girlfriend Yoona and his sister Hyoyeon
when they get drunk. In the end, he decided not to for he doesnt want the girl to think that hes a
pervert. Instead, he just removed her jewelries except for the love bracelet that he gave to her.

Though Tiffany is not as drunk as Sunny and Yuri, he is still worried for the girl. He quickly went to the
kitchen to get a glass of water in case she wakes up, to help her sober up and a can of soda in case
Tiffany vomits, and to help settle her upset stomach.

Taeyeon decided to stay at Tiffanys room so he can check on her as he placed the glass of water and
can of soda on the girls night stand. He sat next to the sleeping Tiffany and brushed her hair from her
forehead before giving the girl a good night kiss on the forehead.

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When his lips touch the girls forehead, he cant help but remember the accidental kiss earlier in the club.
Though it seems like it was nothing to him, he felt like his heart would come out of his chest the
moment their lips touched even though it was just the corners of their lips.

From that moment, he knows that he really have feelings for the girl.

A sweet smile was formed on his lips as he lovingly stared at Tiffany. Her breathing is deep and relaxed.
Though the pink tinge on her cheeks is visible because of the alcohol, Tiffany still looks beautiful even
when shes sleeping.

Unconsciously, Taeyeon slowly leans his head down but abruptly stops when he realized what hes doing.
His face is already too close to Tiffanys and if hell continue and lean down a little, he wouldve kissed
Tiffany on the lips.

Snapping back to his senses, Taeyeon hastily pulled away and stood up from the bed before making his
way to the couch. He sighed as he glanced back at Tiffany and comfortably lay down on the couch,
reminding himself to check on the sleeping drunk girl from time to time before closing his eyes to take a

Unknown to him, Tiffany is not asleep at all. She was blushing madly and her heart was pounding
erratically when she felt Taeyeons warm breath touched her skin, giving her goosebumps all over her
body. She silently thanked the alcohol for hiding her blush but at the same time, she mentally cursed it
for making her body react like that.

She felt disappointed when Taeyeon didnt kiss her and did her best not to put her hands around
Taeyeons neck and kiss him instead. However, she was glad that Taeyeon didnt take advantage of her
and reminded herself to thank the guy for taking good care of her, before going to her dreamland.

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Tiffany woke up and slightly groaned as her head ached a little. Feeling a little fuzzy, she groggily
dragged herself to her bathroom and did her morning routine. She was a bit surprised when she noticed
that shes still in her party dress and that was the time when she remembered that theyve gone to the
club last night.

After having a warm shower, she finally went out of the bathroom wearing her hot pink robe but still
oblivious to the presence of her housemate in her bedroom. She then went to her closet and grabbed
some clothes and undies. Once she already prepared everything she needed, she lays the clothes down
on her bed and takes off her robe.

She started to put her undergarments on and went to her vanity table to get her lotion, still not aware
of a guy thats already starting to wake up from his peaceful sleep. When Tiffany went back to her bed,
she stood up in front of her nightstand as she noticed the glass of water and a can of soda on top of it.
She then remembers Taeyeon and how the guy took care of her. Before realizing that she didnt hear
the door closed last night and Taeyeon might probably stayed with her to make sure shes fine, it was
already too late as she heard someone cleared his throat.

F-Fany-ah can you put s-some clothes on? Taeyeon stuttered.

Tiffany gasp and her eyes widen upon hearing the guys voice. She abruptly turned around and blushed
madly when she saw Taeyeon, awkwardly sitting on the couch with his messy but sexy bed hair.
Taeyeons eyes are completely closed and his face is visibly red from blushing.

Tiffany quickly put her bathrobe back on and breathed in and out to calm herself before glancing back at
Taeyeon whose eyes are still tightly shut.

You can open your eyes now She softly giggled as she found the embarassed and shy Taeyeon cute.

Taeyeon slowly opened his right eye first to make sure that the girl is already dressed. When he saw
Tiffany is already wearing her bathrobe, he completely opened his eyes and looked away from the girl.

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I I decided to s-sleep here so I can w-watch over you Im going to my room now. Taeyeon
stammered and quickly stood up from the couch before hastily walking out of the room, without even
looking at the amused girl nor waited for her answer.

Did he see me naked?...

Thanks for taking care of me last night.

Tiffany warmly smiled at Taeyeon. Luckily, the awkwardness between the two is completely brushed off
after preparing their breakfast together. And now, they are eating their breakfast like usual. None of
them talked about what happened at the club and the little incident at Tiffanys bedroom.

No problem. I was actually impressed that you didnt get drunk like Sunny and Yul. Taeyeon chuckled
as he took a bite of his tuna salad sandwich.

I have a high alcohol tolerance, thats why. Tiffany shrugged off but grimaced a little because of the
sudden headache. Usually, six bottles of beer wont give her a hangover but the ones that she drank last
night were flavored ones with 12% of alcohol content.

Taeyeon frowns when he sees the uncomfortable expression of Tiffany. Unfortunately, they dont have
any hangover drinks or cure available since it never crossed his mind that they will need one. He quickly
gets up and grabs a pill for headache before standing behind Tiffany.

Here. It will help you lessen your headache

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Tiffany gladly accepted it and drank it right away as she wanted to get rid of the headache fast. After
drinking the medicine, she felt Taeyeons fingers on her temples and started to gently massage it in a
circular motion.

A smile escaped Tiffanys lips and comfortably leaned her back on the chair, closing her eyes as she
enjoyed the free massage shes getting from her housemate. Applying the same pressure, Taeyeon
continued massaging Tiffany on the areas above and around her ears, down to the back of her neck,
then to her shoulders. He repeats the process for about three times before drawing Tiffanys head back
slightly. Laying his fingers over her forehead, he gently pressed and moved his fingers down and along
the brow line to each temple.

Tiffany feels really good and slowly, she opens her eyes and meets the guys warm onyx eyes. Though
her head is still drawn back, it didnt bother her from staring at Taeyeon whose face is like upside down
because of their position.

Taeyeon stopped giving her a massage and was momentarily lost in Tiffanys eyes. The two are lost in
their own worlds while staring deeply at each others eyes and didnt notice that the gap between their
faces is slowly getting smaller.

The key pendant on Taeyeons necklace touched Tiffanys forehead. Tiffany and Taeyeon slowly closed
their eyes as the gap became smaller and smaller.

~~ Mary take me to the merry-go-round...with this beautiful sound, sing my song for you

Taeyeon quickly stood up straight while Tiffany sat up straight on her chair. Taeyeon excused himself
and answered his phone as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving a speechless Tiffany.

That was close

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For the past few weeks, Taeyeon, Yuri, and Sooyoung have been really busy with University stuff along
with the upcoming musical, unlike the three girls who frequently hangs out after work. At the same time,
Tiffany is getting along really well with Taeyeons mom and would often eat lunch together or even shop
together sometimes. Mrs. Kim treats Tiffany as her daughter and same goes to Tiffany as she treats the
older woman like her mom.

Taeng! Tiff! Over here! Sooyoung waved his hand when he spotted the two who have just enterred
their usual caf in the mall.

It is Saturday and all of them dont have work. It is also the first weekend that the three lecturers have
been waiting for after the hell weeks that they had in the University. They all decided to meet in the caf
as they discuss their plans for the upcoming three-day vacation that the boys got for the month.

Hey~~ Oh, wheres Jess? Taeyeon greets them with a wide grin on his face and curiously asked Yuri on
his girlfriends whereabouts before allowing Tiffany to sit first.

Miss me? Jessica chuckled behind Taeyeon. He quickly turned around and dorkily grinned at Jessica as
he gave her a hug and kissed the girls cheek.
Definitely! Taeyeon happily exclaimed before sitting beside Tiffany.

They all order food of their choice for their brunch and Jessica cant help but notice
the special treatment that Taeyeon is giving to Tiffany. Jessica raised an eyebrow and suspiciously
stared at Taeyeon and Tiffany who seems to be on their own worlds while checking something on the
girls phone. She eyed the two trying to figure out if Tiffany and Taeyeon are already together or if
theres something that happened between the two. She sees that the way Taeyeon looks at Tiffany is
different now and the guy seems to be more caring and sweet to her best friend for the last few weeks.

What? Tiffany voiced out when she noticed the intense stare from her best friend and suddenly, all
eyes were on Jessica.

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Nothing. She smirked before whispering something to Yuri.

Yuris face lit up and a wide smile was drawn to his face upon hearing what Jessica had told him. He then
squealed with delight, earning weird looks from his friends and Jessica just softly giggled beside him.

Taeng, so you finally realized your feelings for that girl, huh? Yuri managed to say after finally calming
down from snickering.

Eh? Taeyeon tilts his head as he furrowed his brows, trying to understand what Yuri said while looking
back and forth at Jessica and him.

Seeing the sly smiles on their faces, Taeyeons eyes widen and blushed a little upon realizing what his
friends meant. Soon after, Sooyoung and Sunny leaned forward, resting their arms on the table with
wide grins drawn on their faces.

Oh my God! Taengoo~~ Im so happy for you! Sunny exclaimed. Her eyes are sparkling and her smile
shows how happy she is for her friend. After all, Sooyoung told her everything about Taeyeons growing
feelings for Tiffany and she cant wait to have her two friends to be together now that the guy had
finally realized that he likes Tiffany.

Taeng, come on! What are you waiting for, confess to her! Now~~ Sooyoung grinned at Taeyeon but
the guy just let out a deep sigh, confusing them except for Tiffany who has been busying herself with her

Tiffany felt a sharp stinging pain in her heart upon hearing that Taeyeon already has someone in his
heart and worse is, its not her. If she can just leave and run away just not to hear any more about their
conversation, she will. She didnt utter a single word for shes afraid that her voice might crack and
Taeyeon would definitely find it weird and she doesnt want that.

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I cant I I dont think Im ready yet Taeyeon sadly smiled as he stared lovingly at the girl beside
him, who seems to be more interested on her phone rather than their conversation.

He is certain that he has feelings for the girl but he is still not ready yet to accept someone and it makes
him more reluctant to confess to Tiffany. Besides, he is still not sure if the girl likes him more than a

Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Sunny scoffed at the two as they rolled their eyes, feeling frustrated on the
slow progress of the relationship between Tiffany and Taeyeon.

Why dont you court her. Jessica said and it caught all her friends attention, including Tiffany.

She couldnt believe that her best friend is asking Taeyeon to court someone else even though she
already told Jessica about her feelings towards the guy. She stared at Jessica in disbelief and her best
friend just smirked at her.

Well see Taeyeons face brightens up as a sweet smile was drawn across his face.

Tiffany glanced at him for a moment before turning her attention back to her phone as she bit her lower
lip to distract herself from crying. Seeing the dreamy look on the guys face, she cant help but be hurt
knowing that she doesnt even stand much of a chance to be with Taeyeon.

Well look forward to that! But you better hurry dont make her wait too long. Yuri warmly smiled as
he glanced at his obviously clueless cousin.

Taeyeon gazed at Tiffany while the two couples continued to plan their three-day vacation. From that
night that he realized his feelings for the girl, he has been thinking hard if he will confess or not. He once
tried to tell her that he likes her but Tiffany just took it casually and thought that Taeyeon means that he
likes her only as a friend. Besides, Tiffany doesnt want to give her hopes up.

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I hope youll say yes Taeyeon softly said, catching the attention of Tiffany away from her phone.

H-huh? Tiffany stuttered as she confusedly stared back at Taeyeon. She didnt quite understand what
Taeyeon meant and thought its about something about their three-day getaway.

if I ask you to wait for me as I get ready to give you all of my heart.

I hope youll say yes if I ask you to teach me how to take great pictures on our vacation. Taeyeon
pouts as he gives Tiffany his own version of his adorable puppy eyes.

Tiffany stared at him for a few moments, and then a sincere smile was formed on her face. Her heart felt
warm upon seeing the guys expression and couldnt help but sigh upon realizing how a simple cute
gesture from the guy can make her feel warm inside and forget about the pain she felt earlier.

Yes, I will She nodded and smiled at Taeyeon.

Thanks Fany-ah Taeyeon softly said and kissed Tiffany on the cheek. The girl froze at the sudden
contact and not long after, a pink tinge becomes visible on her face, causing some snickerings from her

The group finished their brunch and finally decided to spend their vacation in the pension hotel owned
by Sunnys parents in the midst of the mountainous area in the western central region of the country.
And since its been a while since they hang out together as a group, Sooyoung insisted to go to the
amusement park nearby after eating and the rest gladly agreed to him.


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Taeyeon and the rest of his friends turned around upon hearing his name being called from behind.
Taeyeons face lit up and dorkily grinned at the guy who has the same goofy grin thats walking towards

Taengoo!!! Geez, dude! I miss you! the guy swings his arm around Taeyeons neck and ruffles his hair
to show how much he misses the dork who helped him get into the Broadway.

Yah! You miss me that much, huh? Taeyeon shoves the guys arm away from him and playfully
punched him in his arm.

The rest of the group just stared at the two who were fooling around and couldnt care less of the other
people giving them weird looks and soft giggles.

Guys, this is Taecyeon. Hes a good friend of mine back in New York. Taec, these are my friends.
Taeyeon happily introduced his friend to the group. Taecyeon and the group exchanged their his and
hellos along with simple introductions of their names.

Noticing that the guy doesnt have anyone with him, Taeyeon asked if he is alone and he sheepishly
answered the guy, saying that he is indeed alone as he doesnt have any friends yet since he just arrived
in Seoul a few days ago. He also informed Taeyeon that hes on a two-month business trip with his Dad
and would pretty much be living in the country for a while.

Being as friendly as they are, the boys told Taecyeon that he can be friends with them and dragged him
along to the amusement park. Since the amusement park is just around the corner, it didnt take them
long to reach their destination as the boys squealed like kids upon getting near the entrance.

While waiting for Sooyoung who volunteered to buy their tickets, Tiffany fixes Taeyeons hair and the
guy stopped fooling around with Taecyeon for a bit as he bent down a little so Tiffany could fix his hair

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Since Taeyeon is still hyped up upon meeting his friend from New York, he cant help but to be dorky
and twisted his body from side to side in a snakelike motion, earning a playful slap on his arm from
Tiffany. Taeyeon beamed a dorky grin at her and Tiffany giggled at him as she continued fixing the guys
hair with her right hand while her other hand is holding onto Taeyeons arm to stop him from moving.

Taecyeon stared at the two and somehow, he felt jealous and curious with the closeness of the two. He
must admit that he was attracted to Tiffany the first time he saw the beautiful girl and wants to get
close to her.

Guys!!! Lets go~~~ Sooyoung yelled as he waved the tickets, gesturing his friends that they can now
enter the amusement park.

The group then followed Sooyoung but before they can all enter the place, Taecyeon dragged Taeyeon a
bit farther from the group, earning weird looks from Taeyeons friends.

What? Taeyeon asked as he confusedly stared at the taller guy who seems to be hesitating if he
should ask it or not.
Uhm are you and are you and Tiffany an item? Taecyeon reluctantly asked as he glanced on the
waiting friends of Taeyeon near the entrance.
Eh? Err n-no were just friends. Taeyeon pondered for a moment if he would tell Taecyeon that
he likes Tiffany but decided not to coz he knows that the guy doesnt know how to keep a secret.

Really?! So that means I have a chance on her?! Taecyeon happily exclaimed and shook Taeyeon with
a wide grin plastered on his face.

Taeyeon blinked a few times to make sure he heard his friend right. Once Taecyeon stopped from
shaking him, he furrowed his brows as he stared intently at the taller guy.

T-Taeng uhm I-I like her... can you please please please help me to have a date with her? I guess this
is what they call love at first sight!

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Taeyeon was stoned upon hearing his friends confession. He didnt know how to react and seeing the
dreamy expression on his friends face, he doesnt know what to do whether hell admit that he likes
Tiffany too but still reluctant to confess or he will say yes and help Taecyeon to have a date with the girl
he likes.

Ill take that as a yes! Taecyeon blurted out after receiving nothing but silence from the guy as he
dragged Taeyeon back to where the rest of the group is.

Taeyeon just sighed and weakly smiled at Tiffany upon seeing a confused look from the girl.

Taeyeon has been silent since they enterred the amusement park and Tiffany noticed it. He will just
smile and laugh along with them but never had uttered a single word except for answering okay when
he was asked if he wants to ride this and/or that ride. Tiffany wondered what Taecyeon and Taeyeon
had talked about earlier that made the guys mood to drop.

Guys~ lets ride the Gyro Drop!!! Sunny excitedly eyed the giant panorama tower and gave her friends
her puppy eyes.
Whooo!!! Lets go!~~ The group cheered except for Tiffany and Taeyeon, who just both smiled at their
friends liveliness.

Uhm guys, you go ahead. I still feel dizzy from the roller coaster ride so Ill just wait here. Tiffany
said as she glanced at Taeyeon, hoping Taeyeon would not go with them but stay with her instead.

Oh, okay~ How about you Taeng? Yuri asked with a sly smile on his face as he knows that Taeyeon will
stay with his cousin instead of joining them to the thrilling ride.

Im actually hungry so Ill just stay here with Fany and grab some snacks. Taeyeon awkwardly
smiled at them.

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Tiffany smiled upon hearing Taeyeons answer while Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Sunny smirked at their
friends. Taecyeon was about to say that hell join Tiffany and Taeyeon instead but was hastily dragged
by Sooyoung and the two were soon left alone.

So what do you want to eat? Tiffany asked Taeyeon as soon as their friends were already out of their

Taeyeon stared at her and smiled as he grabbed Tiffanys hand, surprising the girl a bit as she gazed to
their linked hands.

Im not really hungry Taeyeon softly said, catching the girls attention as she quickly tilts her head up
and saw the guy staring at her with a warm smile on his face.

Taeyeon quickly looked away and started walking before Tiffany could say anything, pulling the girl
along with him. Tiffany didnt dare say anything and just followed Taeyeon, with her eyes turning into
beautiful crescent shapes when her lips curled into a smile. She is enjoying the warmth of Taeyeons
hand thats gently but firmly cupped in hers. Since Taeyeon seems to not have any intention of letting
her hand go, Tiffany leans into the guy slightly as she walked next to him.

Taeyeons smile became wider when Tiffany walked closer with him. It isnt the first time that he held
Tiffanys hand but this time felt so different for both of them. The two are slightly blushing as they
continued to walk in a comfortable silence.

Taetae? What did you talk about with Taecyeon earlier? Tiffany asked and stared at the child-like guy
beside her whos happily eating his corndog.

The two are sitting on a bench near the corndog stall. Theyve decided to eat some snacks and take a
rest after strolling and playing at the arcade section of the amusement park before meeting up with
their friends again.

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Taeyeon stopped munching on his snack as he didnt expect her to ask him that question and he
pondered for a moment, taking a deep sigh, before answering the girl.

He Taeyeon paused as he stared back at Tiffany. Part of him wants to tell the girl beside him that his
friend likes her and wanted to date her but his selfish part wants to do the opposite.

He likes you. He told me that he has fallen in love at first sight with you. Taeyeon forced a smile at
Tiffany before looking away as he continued eating. He silently sighed before taking the last bite of his

Sometimes, being nice isnt a good thing. But what can he do? He doesnt have any right to be selfish
and most of all, he is just a friend and a housemate to Tiffany, nothing more.

Tiffany, on the other hand, is intensely staring at Taeyeon. She is a bit surprised at what Taeyeon said
about his friend but what caught her attention is actually why the guy seems to look sad if thats the
only thing theyve talked about.

It isnt a new thing for Tiffany that someone will admit something like that since she get it most of the
time, especially when she started working for the magazine. She is always asked to have dates with guys,
mostly models, but she always declines them as she already has someone in her heart.

Did he ask you to help him to get close to me or maybe have a date with me? she asked.

Y-yeah H-how did you know? Taeyeon stared at her. He was a little amused and at the same time
bothered as to why Tiffany suddenly asked that question.

An unreadable smile is slowly spreading across Tiffanys face and its making Taeyeon a little anxious and
somewhat, hurt.

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Do you like him too, Fany?

Thinking about that, Taeyeon unconsciously frowned and looked away from the smiling girl beside him.
He was so confused on what hes feeling at the moment. But most of all, his chest felt tight and he just
wanted to go home and sleep.

Lets go. Theyre probably done with that ride and already waiting for us. He casually said and was
about to stand up but Tiffany stopped him. He looked at her for a moment and then looked away as he
comfortably leans his back on the bench, not wanting to see that smile from Tiffany because its making
his chest feel tighter.

Ow ow owww!!! Yah! Fany-ah~~ why did you do that? Taeyeon yelped in pain as he rubs the stinging
part on his cheek and sat up straight on the bench. He glared at the giggling girl beside him, who just
suddenly pinched him without mercy.

So that I can do this

Tiffany smiled sweetly at him before leaning closer and softly kissed Taeyeon on his cheek.

Taeyeon froze.

He felt like the time had stopped and all he can hear is his heart thumping so fast in his chest when
Tiffanys soft lips touched his cheek.

His face brightens up and slowly, a dorky smile is formed on his face. He touched the part where Tiffany
had kissed him, completely forgetting that its also the part where the girl had pinched him hard. That
simple gesture from the special girl that is slowly taking a very special part in his heart makes him feel
warm inside and it surely brings his mood up.

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Ouch! Taeyeon snapped back to his senses when Tiffany flicked his forehead. He stared at Tiffany and
he was sure that he saw a sweet smile from the girl, who simply loves to physically abuse him.

Dork, you look stupid. Lets go! Tiffany said in annoyance as she stood up from the bench and started
walking. But as soon as she turned her back from the guy, her beautiful eyesmile spreads across her face,
blushing a little while thinking about what she just did to Taeyeon.

Though Tiffany still feels down upon learning that Taeyeon already has someone in his heart, somehow
she feels and hopes that the guy also likes her that she is the one who had finally replaced Yoonas
place in his heart. She noticed how the guy had been more caring and sweeter to her after theyve gone
to the club. Also, she cant forget the moment when they couldve kissed on the lips if not because of
the sudden phone call from Taeyeons mom that morning.

All those things are giving her reasons to give her hopes up. Besides, shes just a girl who just fell
completely in love with the dense dork who happens to be her housemate.

If you want to kiss me, just kiss me. No need to pinch me that hard. Taeyeon whispered on her ear and
it startled her as she stopped walking. She didnt know that the guy was already walking next to her and
by reflex, Tiffany smacked Taeyeons arm.

You always startle me. Tiffany mumbled and frowned but still helped Taeyeon rubbed the spot she hit.

You always hit me. Taeyeon chuckled.

Its your fault. Tiffany rolled her eyes and continued walking, leaving Taeyeon behind.

Yah! Taeyeon yelled but instead of stopping in her tracks, Tiffany quickens her steps and just ignored
the whining guy behind her.

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Suddenly, she stopped on her spot and almost screamed when she felt someone grabbed her hand but
she immediately relaxed upon seeing Taeyeon standing close next to her and giving her a gentle smile.

You know that this is my first time here Stay close to me or youll be responsible if Im lost. Taeyeon
said before pulling her closer to him and continued walking towards the Gyro Drop to join up with their

Tiffany couldnt contain her happiness as she glanced on their cupped hands and to the smiling guy next
to her. She is trying hard not to intertwine her fingers on his and trying to keep herself calm for she is
sure that her face is already red from blushing madly, because of the stupid dork beside her.

Yah! You two! Where have you been Sooyoung shouted at the two but trailed off upon seeing
Taeyeon and Tiffanys hands cupped together. He smirked at them as the two quickly retracted their
hands away from each other before approaching them.

Sorry, we lose track of time playing in the arcades. Taeyeon sheepishly grinned at them.

The two found their friends eating in a table in front of a snack bar near the Gyro Drop. Taeyeon and
Tiffany just casually sat beside each other across Jessica, Yuri, and Taecyeon with Sunny and Sooyoung
beside them.

Taetae~ Ice cream~~ Tiffany pointed at the ice cream stall as she tugged Taeyeons shirt. Taeyeon
chuckled at the childish act of the girl and was about to stand up to buy them ice cream but Taecyeon
suddenly stood up from his seat.

Ill buy you one, my treat! Taecyeon happily exclaimed and ran towards the ice cream stall. All of them
but Tiffany and Taeyeon stared at the running guy and then gave Taeyeon a questioning look.

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He likes this girl here. Taeyeon chuckled as he poked Tiffany on the cheek, whos a bit disappointed
that it is Taecyeon whos buying her an ice cream instead of Taeyeon.

The two couple exchanged glances before shrugging their shoulders as they continued eating their food.
And not long after, Taecyeon returned with two ice creams in different flavors and stood near Tiffany.

Uhm Which one do you like, chocolate chip or strawberry cheesecake? Or if you dont like any of
these, Ill buy another one sorry, I forgot to ask what flavor you want. Taecyeon sheepishly smiled at
Tiffany as he showed her both ice creams.

Its fine Ill take this strawberry cheesecake thanks! Tiffany smiled at him and accepted the ice
cream from the guy. Taecyeon smiled widely and skipped back to his chair before digging in to his
chocolate chip ice cream.

Yah! Why didnt you buy one for me too? You know I love ice cream Taeyeon pouted.
Oh, sorry but I only have two hands. Taecyeon bluntly answered, making the girls roll their eyes and
causing the sulking guy to deepen his pout.

Aigoo~ stop sulking! Here Tiffany shoves a spoon of ice cream in front of Taeyeons mouth. The guy
grinned at her before happily allowing Tiffany to feed him ice cream, catching their friends attention.
The two couples have wide grins on their faces as they watch the two sharing the ice cream with just
one spoon while Taecyeon has an unreadable facial expression and just wanted to separate the two.

Taeng, can I talk to you for a moment? Taecyeon asked and the two boys walked slower, allowing the
others to walk ahead of them.

I told you that I like Tiffany, right? He stated first and Taeyeon just noded his head.

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But what are you doing? Taecyeon continued and its obvious that he is annoyed and both of them
stopped walking as they faced each other.

What am I doing? Taeyeon raised an eyebrow as he confusedly stared at the taller guy.

You do you do you like her? Taecyeon hesitantly asked. He knows Taeyeon is really comfortable
with girls and treats them really well but hes confused if the guy sees Tiffany only as a friend or a special

Taetae~ lets go! Theyre already inside the haunted house. Tiffany suddenly appeared and pulled
Taeyeon away from him, saving Taeyeon from answering his question. Taecyeon sighed and had no
choice but to follow them. He has some unanswered thoughts in his head but chose to just brush it off
and continued on his plan in getting close to Tiffany.

It is already getting dark and all of them pretty much had gone to all the rides in the amusement park.
Taecyeon has been attentive to Tiffany and already asked the girl to have a date with him. Although
Tiffany declined him, he still insisted to allow him to get close to her even if shell just treat him as a
friend. After all, they just met today and he is confident that Tiffany will get to like him as he never had
problems before in making a girl to be his girlfriend.

They are all walking back to where they parked their cars when two teenage boys ran towards their
direction and one of them accidentally bumped hard into Tiffany, causing her to lose her balance and fall

Im sorry, nuna Im really sorry the boy bowed a few times and tried to help Tiffany to get up but
Taecyeon pushes him away. Luckily, Taeyeon managed to help the stumbling teenager before totally
falling down on the floor.

Tiffany, are you okay? Yah! Watch where youre going! Taecyeon yelled at the young boy as he helped
Tiffany to stand up. The boy could just duck his head but Taeyeon patted him as he smiled at the young
boy and said it was okay.

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Im really sorry, nuna. The young boy bowed again and his friend approached him. Taeyeon then went
beside Tiffany and checked on her as he noticed that shes having a hard time to stand up straight. The
two couples that were walking ahead of them went back and checked whats going on with their other

Tiff, what happened? Jessica worriedly asked as she glanced at her and the two younger boys with

This boy right here bumped into her and--- Taecyeon angrily answered Jessicas question but was cut
off by Tiffany.

Its okay, it was an accident. Just next time, dont run around in a public place. Tiffany smiled at the
young boy and immediately, the boys face lit up and showed her his cute grin before bowing again and
left the group with his friend.

Fany-ah can you walk? Taeyeon enquired and Tiffany tried to walk but grimaced when she put her
weight on her left foot.

I dont think you can, let me help you. Taecyeon held her right hand and snaked his arm on Tiffanys
waist. The girl flinched as shes not comfortable on how close their bodies are and how Taecyeon is
grasping her waist.

Im fine, Taecyeon. Tiffany said as she shoved Taecyeons hand from her waist and pulled herself away
from the guy.

Fany-ah, I think youve sprained your ankle Taeyeon worriedly said as he held Tiffanys left hand to
help her balance herself.

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Taeng is right, come on. Itll be worse if you force yourself to walk. Taecyeon gently pulled Tiffany
away from Taeyeon as he bent down so she can ride on his back. Tiffany is reluctant to climb on his back
and glanced at Taeyeon but the guy just smiled and nodded at her. Tiffany sighed and hesitantly climbed
on Taecyeons back as she puts her arms around his neck. The guy carefully held her legs and stood up
as he balanced Tiffany on his back before walking towards his car.

The others stared at Taeyeon in disbelief for allowing the other guy to carry Tiffany instead of him but
Taeyeon just shrugged his shoulders and followed Taecyeon and Tiffany. Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica, and
Sunny just tiredly sighed and trailed behind Taeyeon while mentally facepalming themselves on how
stupid and dense their friend could be.



Taeyeon sighed.

Tiffany has been ignoring him since he arrived not long after Taecyeon has sent Tiffany at their
apartment. Since Taecyeon insisted to send Tiffany home even though Tiffany declined at first, it still
ended up having him taking the girl in the apartment with Taeyeon following behind but ensured that
Taecyeon didnt see him as he doesnt want to let the guy know that he and Tiffany are actually living
together in the same apartment.

The girl was mad at Taeyeon for he seems like he didnt care at all that another guy carried and sent her

Taeyeon silently went to the kitchen and after a few moments, he went back to the living room with an
ice pack and a small bottle of herbal oil. Tiffany is still sitting on the couch while randomly flipping
through the pages of a fashion magazine, totally ignoring the guy whos already sitting on the small hot
pink bean bag chair in front of her.

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Yah! What are you doing?! Tiffany smacked Taeyeon on his shoulder with the magazine when he held
the girls sprained foot to his lap. She tried to pull her foot from Taeyeons grasp but the guy is firmly but
gently holding it.

Taeyeon didnt utter a word and checked Tiffanys foot as he quietly observes her ankle. He held her leg
with one hand while gently pulling her foot forward before gradually tilting her heel inward. Tiffany
winced as she felt the pain on her ankle. Taeyeon then put a small amout of the herbal oil on his palm as
he gently massages her sprained ankle and spells out the alphabet with her foot.

Tiffany is just staring at Taeyeon whos quietly treating her sprained ankle. Somehow, she felt guilty for
getting mad and ignoring the guy just because it is not him who carried her to their apartment. Although
she knows that it is not really Taeyeons fault, she still felt that the guy doesnt care at all. But seeing
how Taeyeon is smoothly treating her sprained ankle and not uttering a single word, she regretted
ignoring the guy and just learnt that she cant really be mad or angry at Taeyeon that long.

Let me carry you to your room. Your sprain is not serious but we need to ice your ankle to prevent
swelling and pain. Taeyeon said. He put Tiffanys right arm around his neck and placed his right arm
behind both of her knees, and the left just below her shoulders. Tiffany was hesitant at first but
naturally wrapped both her arms securely around Taeyeons neck and leans comfortably against him.

Taeyeon carefully carried Tiffany on his arms to the girls bedroom. Since Tiffany hasnt changed yet to
comfortable clothes, Taeyeon asked her if she wants to change first before tucking her to bed and the
girl shyly nods her head. Taeyeon waits for her outside the bathroom while she does her night routine
and changes to her sleeping loose long t-shirt dress with sleeping shorts underneath. Since she had a
sprained ankle, it took her a little longer as Taeyeon sternly asked her not to put pressure or weight on
her left foot.

When she got out of the bathroom, she was a bit surprised that the guy is still inside her room. Taeyeon
quickly stood up from her bed and helped her walk towards the mattress. Upon lying comfortably on her
bed, Taeyeon placed the ice pack on her ankle.

Silence engulfed them for a few minutes until Tiffany decided to finally talk to Taeyeon.

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Tiffany waited for Taeyeon to look at her but the guy is just ducking his head as he remove the ice pack
from the girls ankle. She then sat up on her bed, successfully getting the guys attention as Taeyeon
looked at her confusedly.

The two stared at each other for a few moments, both having their own thoughts about each other like
they were talking through their eyes.

Taetae I dont know if you can see it through my eyes you dont have any idea how youve
touched my life I dont know how, why, and when it happened but all I know right now is I
am completely falling in love with you Kim Taeyeon would you still smile at me i f I say I
love you? Would you still look at me in the eyes? Would you still talk to me? Would you still
treat me like this? You dont have any clue how much my heart is hurting I want to say I love
you but why do I feel like you dont want to hear those words from me?

Fany-ah There are so many things I wish I could tell you, but I can't. I wish I was the one
who bought you the ice cream that we shared earlier the one who carried you home I dont
know Fany-ah but Im scared Part of my heart wants to be with you so bad, but I'm so
afraid that I might just end up hurting you because my current state is not enough yet to
love you. I want to give you all of my heart so please, wait for that day that I can finally tell
you that I love you

Unconsciously, a lone tear escaped from Tiffanys eyes and it brought Taeyeon back to his senses. He
leans closer to the girl and gently wiped the tears away that are freely rolling down on Tiffanys cheek.

Fany-ah why are you crying? Please stop crying Taeyeon softly said and pulled the girl in his arms,
bringing her to his embrace.

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Tiffany couldnt help herself but hug Taeyeon tightly as she cried her heart out. The pain and love in her
heart that she cant freely express engulfed her.

Taeyeon is hurt upon seeing the girl breaking down in his arms. He doesnt know why the girl suddenly
cried but all he wants to do at the moment is to ease the pain that cause the girl to cry, and for some
unknown reason, he feels like he is the one who caused her into that state.

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Tiffany was woken up by the familiar alarm tone but her eyes felt heavy and she doesnt want to move
any part of her body yet. She just let the alarm tone to echoe in the room and continued her peaceful
sleep. A few moments later, her alarm went off and mentally thanked whoever or whatever that turned
her alarm off.

She snuggled closer into her pillow, enjoying the comforting warmth that its giving her. Not long after,
Tiffany went back to her dreamland as she hugged her pillow tightly.

Taeyeon, who is actually the pillow that the oblivious girl is hugging, is blushing madly at how intimate
their sleeping position is as Tiffanys head is cradled in his chest and his arms are wrapped around her.
He thanked God for not waking Tiffany up because of the alarm for he doesnt know what to do once
the girl realized that they slept together. He wanted to get up from the bed before the girl wakes up but
he cant move from his current position as Tiffany is still lying on his chest and is hugging him tight.

Tiffany has fallen asleep in his arms from crying last night. Since its also been a long day for Taeyeon, he
carefully lies down on Tiffanys bed without letting the girl go, eventually falling asleep as well and
magically waking up in the same position as last night.

A warm smile slowly spreads across his face and his hand gently strokes the sleeping girls soft and silky
hair. He closes his eyes and soon after, he joins Tiffany on her dreamland with a tingling warm feeling
inside him.

Feeling light and happy from her sleep, Tiffany slowly opens her eyes and magically, a smile was
immediately drawn to her face for some strange reason. Still half-awake, she wraps her hand around
her pillow but her whole body jolts up as soon as she tightens the hug. Her eyes widen and she blinks
several times trying to understand why she was hugging Taeyeon and most of all, why the guy is
sleeping on her bed.

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Tiffanys face became red upon realizing that it was Taeyeon all along that shes been hugging and
snuggling to. She sat up on her bed and hugged her knees, trying to calm her heart thats beating
erratically like it would jump out of her chest anytime soon.

Fany-ah are you okay? Taeyeon sleepily mumbled while cutely rubbing his eyes as he sat up on the
bed. Tiffany silently prayed that her face is no longer red from blushing before turning her body to face

Yeah did I wake you up? Tiffany softly said. The cute sight of Taeyeon who just woken up helped her
to calm herself down and it magically draws a smile on her face.

Taeyeon cutely nodded before resting his head on Tiffanys shoulder. Tiffanys body stiffened as her
heart started to thump faster again.

Are you okay now?

Taeyeon slowly lifted his head up from Tiffanys shoulder and worriedly stared at the girl. Tiffany looked
away and hung her head low as she feels embarassed upon remembering that she cried in front of him
last night.

Seeing the quiet Tiffany in front of him, Taeyeon held her right hand and intertwines their fingers.
Tiffany was utterly surprised and gazed on their interlaced hands.

Fany-ah I dont know why you cried last night but it hurts me to see you like that. My heart hurts
when I see those tears rolling down your cheeks

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Tiffany stared back at Taeyeon. She is taken aback by what the guy is saying and she can feel the
sincerity in those words like what she sees on Taeyeons eyes.

I dont want to see you cry Fany-ah I want you to know that Im always here, okay? Taeyeon
warmly smiled at her and raised their interlaced hands before placing it over his chest near his heart.

I will always be here to wipe your every tear and I want to be the person who will put the beautiful
smile on your face

Tiffany was stunned while listening to the guy. She is melting from his words and from Taeyeons loving
stare at her. After a few moments of comfortable silence, Tiffany chuckled earning a confused look from

Whats funny? Taeyeon asked.

You. Tiffany answered as she pulled her hand from Taeyeons grasp. Taeyeon stared at her in disbelief,
not understanding why Tiffany found him funny after saying those sincere words that almost led to his
confession to the girl if not because of her ruining the moment with her chuckle.

You sound like youre confessing your love to me. Tiffany grinned and playfully pinched Taeyeons

His heart skipped a beat.

Confess my love?

Taeyeon held his chest with his right hand and stared at Tiffany. Just like what happened at the club,
everything seems to be like in slow motion for him and all he can hear is his heart thumping loud in his

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Ouch! Taeyeon winced in pain when Tiffany pinched his cheek hard, bringing him back to reality.

You really love to hurt me. Taeyeon frowned while rubbing his abused cheek.

It is you whos hurting me Taetae

Its your fault. Tiffany rolls her eyes. She was about to stand up from her bed but Taeyeon grabbed her
hand and cutely pouts as he stared at Tiffany.

Oh my God! Stop pouting, Kim Taeyeon~~

What? Tiffany raised an eyebrow at him and pretended to be annoyed.

Arent you going to kiss me? Taeyeon tilted his head on the side and dorkily grinned at her. Tiffany
blinked twice before realizing what the guy said and then her eyes widen.

WHAT?! She exclaims and grabs the nearest pillow within her reach and hits Taeyeon on his face
before dashing to the bathroom.

Taeyeon groaned as he lied down on the bed, hugging the pillow while softly giggling at himself. Totally
forgetting that hes not in his room, he comfortably covers himself with the blanket and closed his eyes
as he wants to sleep more.

After about half an hour, Tiffany went out of the bathroom, done with her morning routines and fresh
from shower with just her pink bathrobe on. She went straight to her closet and grabbed her
undergarments and casual clothes. She stopped in her tracks upon seeing Taeyeon soundly sleeping on
her bed while hugging her pillow. She wanted to go near him and gaze at the sleeping guy but

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remembering shes still only on her bathrobe, she quickly went back to the bathroom and put her
clothes on.

After getting dressed, she released a deep sigh before going out from the bathroom. Her eyes
automatically landed on the sleeping prince on her bed and smiled when Taeyeon curled up in fetal
position and hugged the pillow tightly. Seeing the guy still in his deep sleep, Tiffany decided to prepare
breakfast for them and thought of something to do for Taeyeon as her thank you for treating her ankle.




Tiffany pouts as she fails to wake Taeyeon up. Shes already done in preparing their breakfast and has
been waking up the guy for the past few minutes but to no avail. She then decided to lie on her side next
to the sleepyhead as she continued watching the guy sleep.

Watching him sleep relaxes Tiffany and forgets about everything and feel warm and happy inside. She
loves to see his cute yet handsome face, all soft and calm, without any traces of stress on it. She smiled
at the thought of waking up every morning with Taeyeon next to her. She silently hopes and prays for
the time to just stop at the moment as she lovingly stares at the amazing guy who is responsible for
making her smile like a fool, for making her blush for every gentle and sweet gesture of him, and for
making her heart thump faster whenever shes close to him.

Her left hand automatically held the sleeping guys face. She lovingly traces his face with the tips of her
fingers with a sweet smile drawn on her face.

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Feeling the soft, tingling touches on his face, Taeyeon held the hand thats caressing his face without
opening his eyes. Tiffany snapped back to her senses upon feeling the warmth of Taeyeons hand over
hers. She stared at Taeyeon, whos warmly smiling whilst his eyes closed and still holding Tiffanys hand
over his cheek.

Youre making my heart beat faster Taeyeon soflty mumbled, causing Tiffany to be totally frozen
on her spot.

She is just staring at Taeyeon and it seems like her heart skips a beat as shes having a prickling sensation
inside her whole being.

Taeyeon slowly opens his eyes and met the beautiful eyes of the stunned girl lying next to him. He
lovingly smiled at her and put the hand that hes holding around his neck as he continued staring at the
girl before placing his right hand on her waist.

Fany-ah I know Im handsome but please stop staring at me youre melting me with your gaze.
Taeyeon softly mumbles the last few words and soon after, he was pushed hard by Tiffany away from

B-breakfast is r-ready. Tiffany stuttered and hastily got up from the bed as her face is heating up. She
quickly walked out of the room and once outside, she leaned her back on the door as she placed her
hand over her chest near her heart.

Her heart is thumping hysterically, causing her to be breathless. She breathed in and out for a few
moments until her breathing and heart beat were already back to normal before walking towards the
kitchen and sits on the dining table as she waits for Taeyeon.

Tiffanys mind is still flying somewhere and didnt notice that the guy shes waiting to have breakfast
with is already sitting across her, confusedly staring at her with a dorky smile plastered on his face.

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After waiting for a few moments for the girl to get back on her senses, Taeyeon decided to just wake her
up instead from her spacing out. He leans closer to the girl and reaches out his hand, planning to flick
the girls forehead, but ended up in lifting the girls chin up and kisses her on the forehead.

Tiffany snapped back to her senses and gasp upon seeing Taeyeons face close to hers.

Good morning, Fany-ah. Taeyeon warmly smiled at her and sat back properly on his chair.

G-goo good morning. Tiffany stuttered and blushed. She hangs her head low to hide her blushing
face and started eating her food.

Taeyeon softly chuckled at the cute shy-Tiffany across him and started to eat the breakfast that the girl
prepared for both of them.


Tiffany screamed her lungs out as soon as she stepped inside Jessicas apartment. She then dragged her
feet towards the girls living room and plopped herself on the couch, grabbing a cushion and hugging it
tightly against her chest.

Jessica just quietly sat down beside her best friend and stared at her as she waits for the girl to say
something, aside from screaming.

Tiffany rushed to her best friends apartment right after eating breakfast with Taeyeon, leaving the guy
confused and alone in their apartment. She doesnt know what to do and how to face Taeyeon. She was
so confused with the guys actions and most especially, with what Taeyeon said earlier.

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Jess I think Im going crazy Tiffany finally uttered after almost half an hour of being silent.

Tiff, just to remind you Im a wedding planner, not a psychiatrist. Jessica playfully answered, earning
a glare that soon turned out to be an adorable puppy eyes from Tiffany.

Jessica giggled at her best friend and Tiffany could just sigh as she released the cushion from her

Soooo. Do you want me to guess why youre here early in the Sunday morning and acting weird like
this? Jessica leans her back on the corner of the couch and crossed her arms and legs.

Tiffany just stared at her, waiting for her to continue and see if her best friend will get it right for she
doesnt know where and how to start the topic.

Did you fight with Taeyeon? Jessica started to ask and Tiffany shook her head as an answer.

Did you see him naked and you were caught checking him out?
What?! Nooo~~~

Jessica suppresses her laughter after seeing the blush on Tiffanys face. She pondered for a few more
moments and before she could ask another question, Yuri popped out of nowhere and joined the two

Did he confess to you? Yuri asked, startling the two girls before giving Jessica a cup of black coffee and
a hot chocolate for Tiffany.

Yuri and Jessica both eyed Tiffany as the girl anxiously sips her hot chocolate and placed it on the table
before looking back at her right to glance at her cousin and to her left, for her best friend.

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Well I I dont know? Tiffany stared at nothing in front of her. The couple raised their brows as they
tried to read Tiffanys mind.

He didnt tell me he likes me or he loves me but Tiffany gulped. Her face is heating up while
remembering what happened earlier when shes trying to wake Taeyeon up, and her heart is starting to
thump just by remembering the scene plus the fact that she was snuggling and literally slept on Taeyeon.

But?.... Yuri and Jessica enquired as they lean closer to the girl between them.

Youre making my heart beat faster

I I was waking him up but after a few minutes, I lie down next to him since hes not waking up.
then Tiffany paused as she tried to find the right words to say but her cousin and her best friend are
just too excited and reacted spontaneously.

Oh my God, Tiff! You two Jessica exclaimed but trailed off, debating on herself if she would say make
love or simply say had sex.

did it? Yuri continued with his eyes sparkling and has perverted grin on his face, earning two smacks
on his head one from his beloved cousin and the other one from his dear girlfriend.

Yuri opened his mouth to shout at the girls who hit him hard but he quickly shut his mouth up upon
receiving death glares from the two.

Aish!!! Tiff! Just tell us what happened~~ Yuri ruffled his hair in annoyance, avoiding having eye
contacts from either of the girls.

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Tiffany comfotably leans her back on the couch and sighed as she gripped on the cushion on her lap.

She told everything that happened starting off from last night. How she suddenly cried in front of
Taeyeon, about her waking up in Taeyeons arms, about her waking Taeyeon up after falling asleep again
on her bed, and relaying to them the exact words that the guy told her.

Tiffany released a deep sigh after telling them the story and hugged the cushion tighter while staring
blankly on the cup of her hot chocolate.

Oh Jessica and Yuri both uttered and simply nodded their heads before sipping on their own cups of

Silence engulfed the three.

Jessica and Yuri have been tranced and Tiffany just closed her eyes, trying to sort things out. But not
long after she shut her eyes close, Jessica loudly gasped and firmly gripped her arm.

Tiff, did you just say Taeyeon told you that his heart hurts seeing you cry? Jessica enquired, receiving a
tired nod from the girl, whose eyes are still closed.

That he wants to be the one who will wipe your tears away and put a smile in your face? she
continued and received the same response from the girl.

Youre making his heart beat faster and hes melting with your gaze Yuri mumbled.

Jessica and Yuri then looked at each other before they incredulity stared at the girl between them.
Tiffany, who is oblivious of the intense stares shes getting from the two, felt tired and slowly drifting off
to sleep.

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Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! STRESS!!!!

Jessica shrieked with her infamous high pitched scream. Tiffanys eyes flutters open upon hearing the
dolphin scream from her best friend and stared at her before confusely glancing at Yuri, whos laughing
at his girlfriends reaction towards Tiffanys problem.

For heavens sake, Yul! Can you please remind me how I became best friends with this beautiful but
stupid cousin of yours? Jessica dramatically dropped her hands on her sides as Yuri bursted out
laughing like a madman.

Yah! Jessica Jung, I am NOT stupid! Tiffany glared at her best friend and hit her with the cushion.
And you! Stop. Laughing! She flicked Yuris forehead hard, causing the guy to immediately stop from
laughing and frowned as he rubbed his forehead.

Kwon Yuri, talk to your cousin. And you, Tiffany Hwang aish!!! Im going to have a long warm shower
to get my sanity back. Jessica tiredly sighed and stood up from the couch, heading to the master
bedroom, leaving a confused Tiffany and a giggling Yuri in the living room.

Silence filled up the room again for the whole three minutes.

Yuri has been silently giggling beside the girl who is still confused and cant make up her mind. He
doesnt blame his cousin though nor Taeyeon. He knows the two more specially his cousin.

Though Tiffany looks like a liberated California girl and had dated numbers of men before, she is still the
sweet and nave Hwang Miyoung when it comes to love.

Tiff, you should go back to your apartment. Yuri said and stood up from the couch, putting the cups of
drinks on the tray.

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Tiffany stared at her cousin in disbelief. She cant believe that the two closest persons in her life just
ignored her after telling them the thing thats driving her crazy. Sure, she felt the butterflies thats been
living in her stomach for a while, danced gracefully when Taeyeon said those words to her. The guy
didnt say those three magical words but she felt like the guy was indirectly confessing his feelings to her

If she didnt know that Taeyeon already like someone else, she wouldve confonted the guy and possibly
told him that she loves him right after their breakfast instead of going to her best friend and her cousins
apartment, only to get nothing from them.

Tiffany, sometimes the words I Love You is very precious to someone. Like what you said before, you
just dont blurt it out. Love is complicated. Taeyeon lost Yoona along with his heart. His past scars
havent completely healed yet but theres one thing I am sure of you helped him in getting those
wounds heal. Yuri warmly smiled at her before bringing the tray to the kitchen.

Tiffany stared at her cousin until hes gone to the kitchen. Slowly, a bright smile is forming on her face
but immediately drops upon remembering the girl that Taeyeon likes. She stood up from the
comfortable couch and followed his cousin at the kitchen, gathering all her courage to ask the question
that shes still not sure if she can accept the answer or what not.

Yul who uhm whos the girl that that Tiffany stuttered as she finds it hard to ask the question
directly. Yuri just chuckled at her before grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter as he walked
towards Tiffany.

The girl were talking about at the caf yesterday? Yuri cocks an eyebrow as he smirked at her. Tiffany
just nodded her head, not trusting any word that might come out of her mouth.

Ask him. Im not in the position to answer that question.

With that, Yuri pats her head before walking out of the kitchen to join his girlfriend in the shower.

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Meanwhile, Taeyeon got bored from playing NFL on his Wii U and just went to his bedroom to continue
the song that hes been writing for the past few weeks. It is a special song indeed as it is for the amazing
girl that touched his life and incredibly brought his old self back.

It might take a while, will you understand me?

Im still not ready to accept someone else
Since my precious love is gone

~~ Mary take me to the merry-go-round...with this beautiful sound, sing my song for you ~~

The ring tone from his mobile phone stopped him from scribbling the lyrics on his notebook. He carefully
closed his notebook before answering his phone as he sat up straight on his bed.

Taeng!!! His hyper friend yelled excitedly over the phone.

Oh, whats up Taecyeon? Taeyeon chuckled and put the pen and notebook on his night stand as he
knows that Taecyeon is up with something with that kind of tone on his voice.
Taeng, lets hang out! Im here at the mall near the amusement park that weve gone to yesterday. Ill
wait for you here and I dont take no as an answer. Bye~~

Taecyeon ended the call without waiting for his friends response. Taeyeon giggled at his friend and
since he got no choice, he walked to his closet and grabbed some comfortable casual clothes before
getting a message on his phone.

From: Gyuri
Hi Taeyeon! Its been a while I have nothing to do and Im quite bored Can we hang out today? I
sorta miss you I hope youll say yes :)

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Taeyeon raised an eyebrow upon reading the message. He thought for a moment of what he should do
since Taecyeon already invited him to go out for the day. However, he doesnt have the heart to decline
a girl and he also considers Gyuri as a friend since he thought that the girl is friends with Tiffany.

To: Gyuri
Im gonna hang out with a friend today but if its okay with you, you can come with us. ;)

Not even a minute passed, Taeyeon received another text message and smiled upon reading it.

From: Gyuri
Sounds fun! Just text me the details Ill get ready now~ ^^*

Taeyeon did send her the details and agreed to just meet up at the entrance of the mall as the girl
declined to be fetched from her apartment by Taeyeon. He then dressed up and left a note for Tiffany
that hell be going out with some friends. Since it is Sunday and Taeyeon feels good, he decided to just
take a bus to the mall instead of driving his own car.


Taeyeon squints his eyes upon hearing his name. He looked around and smiled upon seeing his friend,
smiling brightly at him while waving her hands at the guy.

Hi~~ Did you wait too long? Im sorry, I just took a bus from my place Taeyeon apologetically smiled
at Gyuri but the latter just shook her head, assuring the guy.
No, I just got here about a minute or two? Anyway, lets go inside? Gyuri links her arm on Taeyeons
and they headed inside the shopping mall.

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Since Taeyeon is originally set to meet Taecyeon at the mall, he calls the guy and asked his whereabouts.
The two then headed towards the caf that he and the group always visits, where Taecyeon is waiting.

Just like a gentleman, Taeyeon opened the cafs door for Gyuri and him and immediately saw Taecyeon,
happily talking with someone across him that Taeyeon couldnt recognize yet since the girls back is
facing him.

Taeng! Taecyeon yelled and waved his hand to his friend. He grinned upon seeing Taeyeon with a sexy
girl thats clinging on the guys right arm.

Taeyeon smiled at his friend and walked towards his table. As soon as he got near the table, he got
surprised to see that the girl Taecyeon was happily talking to is Tiffany.

Tiffany warmly smiled at him and stood up from her chair to greet Taeyeon with their normal friendly
hug and kiss on the cheek but abruptly stopped upon seeing Gyuri standing next to him. Her face fell
upon seeing the girls arm thats comfortably clinging onto Taeyeons arm and the guy looks like hes
enjoying it.

Seeing the change on Tiffanys expression, Taeyeon swiftly pulled himself away from Gyuri and gave
Tiffany a hug and kiss on the cheek, making the two other people with them frown in jealousy.

The two newcomers awkwardly joined Taecyeon and Tiffany on the table. Taeyeon just casually sat
beside Tiffany with Gyuri across him whos sitting next to Taecyeon. He briefly introduced Gyuri and
Taecyeon to each other before ordering food in a noticeable awkwardness between him and Tiffany.

Since Taecyeon and Gyuri are naturally both talkative, the two led the conversation and eventually
ended up in talking between themselves, partially ignoring Taeyeon and Tiffany across them.

I didnt know you are with Taecyeon Taeyeon softly said as he took a bite on his tuna melt sandwich.

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He asked me to hang out with him I only said yes when he told me that youre coming with us but I
didnt know that youll be bringing your girlfriend with you. Tiffany sarcastically said before taking a sip
on her caramel frappuccino.

Shes not my girlfriend. She asked me if we can--- Taeyeon tried to explain but Tiffany cut him off,
making him turn his head to look at the obviously annoyed girl.

Not your girlfriend yet. Why dont you just bring her in a more romantic place rather than hang out
with us? Tiffany raised her voice, catching the attention of Taecyeon and Gyuri. The two confusedly
looked at the two bickering friends across them, before attempting to continue their conversation.

Taeyeon was utterly shocked with Tiffanys words and reaction. He didnt quite understand why Tiffany
thought that he has something for Gyuri. He stared at Tiffany for a few moments and seeing the
annoyed look on her face, he sighed and held Tiffanys right hand thats resting on the table.

Fany-ah, whats wrong? Taeyeon softly asked. Tiffany retracted her hand from Taeyeons grasp and
abruptly stood up from her chair, grabbing her purse along.

Taecyeon, lets just hang out some other time. Something came up. I have to go. Im sorry.

Tiffany slightly bowed at Taecyeon and hurriedly left the caf, leaving the three dumbfounded people on
the table.

I dont have to ask him Yul I now know who she is

Once outside the caf, Tiffany glanced back at Taeyeon hoping the guy would chase her but to her
dismay, he did not. With a heavy heart, she dragged herself to her car and drove towards the place
where she can breathe properly as the tightening on her chest is making her hard to breath.

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There was a long silence before Taeyeon managed to clear his throat, breaking the defeaning silence
among the three. He tilts his head up and meets the two worried looks of Taecyeon and Gyuri.

Taecyeon, you can hang out with Gyuri for now. Gyuri, dont worry, hes a good friend of mine and rest
assured youll enjoy his company. Ill make it up to both of you next time. Taeyeon smiled at them
before excusing himself as he stood up from his chair, ready to leave the caf and follow Tiffany.

Gyuri was about to protest but was stopped by Taecyeon as he waved goodbye to his friend.

Argh! Why did you--- Gyuri whined but was cut off by Taecyeon by stuffing a sandwich on her mouth.
If I were you, I wont snatch someone whos already owned by someone else. He said. He calmly
continued eating his sandwich, ignoring the glares Gyuri is giving to him.
Theyre not together! She retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest while intensely staring at
the guy beside her.
But they LOVE each other. Tell you what, I admit I got attracted to Tiffany no, I am attracted to her. I
like her but I know that no matter what Ill do, I wont be able to get her attention. Though I just met her
yesterday, I already know that she loves Taeyeon. Just look at those stares and smiles that shes only
giving to Taeyeon and same goes to Taeng. Like what he said, were good friends. How do I say this
lets just say I owe him my happiness? Yeah, right singing and acting are my happiness and he helped
me to get those more than those actually Because of that, I dont have the guts and heart to steal his
happiness away from him. This is the first time Ive seen him this happy for the past two years and I
know Tiffany is the reason behind it. So, if I were you just leave them alone and dont even think about
seducing him because it wont work.

Taecyeon casually finished his long speech before taking a sip on his iced tea, causing Gyuri to just shut
her mouth up as she tries to understand what Taecyeon had told her.

Taecyeon is one of the few close friends Taeyeon has back in New York. He knows how miserable
Taeyeon was when his former girlfriend passed away, who is actually his best friend. Hes also one of
those people who keeps on bugging Taeyeon to move on and find someone else. And now that he

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knows that finally, his friend already found that someone, he wont dare to steal her away from him.
Besides, he really doesnt have strong feelings for Tiffany. He is just physically attracted to her and just
playing around with Taeyeon for he knows that the guy still wouldnt accept that his heart is no longer
owned by Yoona, but Tiffany.


Tiffany stared at the white handkerchief thats on the little boys hand. She curiously stared at the little
boy thats around five or six years old, reaching his little hand to her and giving her a cute smile asking
her to grab the white hanky from him.

Nuna, use this to wipe your tears. Hyung said this is clean so you dont need to worry. The cute little
boy told her as he kneels down on the grass beside Tiffany, who has been sitting on it for about two
hours now.

Tiffany was taken aback. She has been sitting there, with her legs parallel to the ground and ankles
crossed, while watching some kids playing, families having picnics, couples simply enjoying their times
together, and others just strolling and/or relaxing while letting the refreshing breeze from Han River to
touch their skins, and occassionally taking some photos of them using her compact camera.

Thank you Tiffany accepted the white hanky and patted the young boy on his head before crossing
her legs for a criss-cross sitting position.

She didnt know that shes been crying for only-God-knows-how-long. She gently wiped her tears away
from her cheeks and frowned as she remembers what Taeyeon told her earlier in the morning.

You said you will always be here to wipe my every tear but where are you, Taetae?

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She tilted her head up and saw the young boy now in front of her and standing while getting something
from his pocket.

Baby whats your name? She asked as she gave him a smile.
Taeminnie~~ errr my name is Lee Taemin! he beamed a cute grin at Tiffany and somehow, his grin
reminded her of Taeyeon.

Thank you Taeminnie~ uhm tell your hyung that nuna is thankful for letting me use his hanky
Tiffany warmly smiled at the young boy and gave the white hanky back to him but little Taemin
vigorously shook his head.

Nuna, hyung said its yours. Hmmmm Here little Taemin gave her an ipod and put the earphones
on her ears, earning a confused look from Tiffany.

Listen to it nuna Im going now, byebye~~~ little Taemin cutely waved his small hands before
running towards his friends, not too far from where Tiffany is sitting.

Tiffany stared at the ipod touch in her hands. Since she cant hear anything yet and curiousity strikes her,
she pressed the home button and saw the untitled song thats ready to be played on the screen.
Without any second thoughts, she pressed the play button and a sweet and beautiful song started to

The day I first got to know you, who carefully approached me

Instead of joy, I spent many nights with deep sighs
It might take a while, will you understand me?
Im still not ready to accept someone else
la la lala la la la

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la la la la la lala la lala
la la la la la la lala lala la la

I will show you little by little each day

Tomorrow, we will become a bit closer
My current state isnt enough to love you
So that I can give you all of my heart
Will you wait for me as I get ready?

Fearful thoughts of losing you keep going forward

So I cant clearly approach you
la la la lala la la la la la la
la la lala la la lala la
la la la la, la la lala la la, la la la.

I will show you little by little each day

Tomorrow, we will become a bit closer
My current state isnt enough to love you
So that I can give you all of my heart
Will you wait for me as I get ready?

Just remember this one thing, on days that were really hard
You were the only one who opened my exhausted heart

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As much as your big love, no more than that, I will treat you well
Just comfortably watch over me as you are right now
The day when my saved up love will be expressed to you
Then I will tell you that I love you
Will you wait for me as I get ready?

Tears freely flow on her cheeks from her closed eyes. Though the song isnt complete yet, Tiffany felt
every word and melody of the lovely song.

Taeyeon she softly mumbles the name of the special person thats been on her mind and the song
just reminded her of him.

I like it better when you call me Taetae than Taeyeon

His soft voice and warm hands that gently cups her cheeks startled Tiffany. She slowly opens her eyes,
hoping that her senses are not tricking her and the only person that she wanted to see at the moment
will be the one who she will see first in front of her.

Taeyeon, whos kneeling with one knee in front of Tiffany, warmly smiled at her as he wiped the tears
on her cheeks, before removing the earphones from her ears.

Taetae Tiffany softly whispered as another tear rolls down on her cheek.

She cant believe that Taeyeon is really in front of her. The stupid dork who makes her fall in love and
ironically the one who unconsciously hurts her the most because he has no idea how she feels towards

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However, as much as she wanted to wrap her arms around Taeyeon and kiss him to show the guy how
much she loves him, images of Gyuri and Taeyeon together flashed across her mind. She abruptly stood
up from the lawn, grabbing her purse and holding onto the ipod and white hanky.

But before she could take a step, Taeyeon held her wrist as the guy stood up in front of her. He leaned
forward and put his arms around her, pressing Tiffany towards him. Tiffany wanted to struggle from the
hug but her body betrayed her. She just stood there with her hands on her sides and allowed Taeyeon to
warmly hug her as the guy rested his head on her shoulder.

Taeyeon and Tiffany stayed in that position for a few minutes, ignoring the smiles and soft giggles from
the people around them.

Taetae Tiffany tried to pull away from the hug but Taeyeon didnt let her go.

Gyuri shes not my girlfriend. After Taecyeon asked me to hang out with him, I got a text from Gyuri
asking me if we can hang out since its been a while I cant say no and thinking it will be more fun and
Ive thought of introducing her to Taecyeon, I asked her if she wants to hang out with us and she said
yes. Taeyeon carefully explained but Tiffany kept silent in his arms.

I like her but I only see her as a friend. he continued and slowly released Tiffany from the hug.

What? Tiffany asked. She intensely stared at Taeyeon while the guy grabbed the ipod and white hanky
from her hands.

If its not Gyuri then who is that girl?

Taeyeon wiped the remaining traces of tears from Tiffanys face using the white hanky. Feeling the
intense gaze from the girl, Taeyeon beamed a dorky grin at her as he stared back at Tiffany.

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Owww!!! Taeyeon cried in pain. He pouts as he rubs his redden cheek that was pinched by none other
than the girl in front of him.

Yah! Stop pouting, stupid dork. Tiffany hissed as she looked away from Taeyeon.

Her eyes caught the sight of little Taemin whos walking towards her, struggling while carrying a pink
stuffed Siberian Husky toy with a pink polka dot ribbon around its neck, thats almost about the little
boys size.

She walked towards little Taemins direction and a bright smile was immediately formed on her face
when the young little boy stopped in front of her, dorkily grinning while handing her the stuffed toy.

T-Taeminnie~ is this for nuna? Tiffany crouched at the same level with the little boys height before
grabbing the pink stuffed toy from his grasps as little Taemin cutely nodded his head.

She stared at the pink stuffed puppy in awe and hugged it like a little kid, showing off her beautiful

Whoa~ nuna hyung is right! Your smile is really beautiful~~ little Taeminnie squealed in awe upon
seeing the eyesmile of Tiffany.

Tiffany chuckled. She stood up, carrying the stuffed puppy in her arms and gently strokes the little boys

Why dont you introduce me to your hyung so I can thank him for this? Tiffany bent down and
warmly smiled at him.

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She is interested to know who the little boys hyung is. She wont deny that the simple yet cute and
sweet gesture from that stranger makes her feel warm and just wanted to thank him personally, and
probably befriend him.

Hmmm okaaay~~ little Taemin cutely nodded and held onto his nunas hand as he dragged her to

Hyung! Nuna finally smiled beautifully and she said thank youuu~~ he beamed another cute grin,
showing off his pearly white teeth.

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon in disbelief. Her mouth hangs open and all the words seem to be stuck on her
throat. For the nth time, the stupid dork just makes the butterflies in her stomach dance happily.

Taeyeon sheepishly grinned at her while awkwardly scratching the back of his head. But seeing the
stoned Tiffany, he walked closer to the girl and gently lifted her chin up using his index finger to close
her mouth.

Youre welcome, Fany-ah He softly said and beamed his charming smile that melts every girls heart.

Tiffany bit her lower lip and slowly turned around. She started to absentmindedly walk towards
nowhere while mentally squealing her head off, with a beautiful eyesmile plastered on her face while
hugging the pink stuffed puppy.

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Fany-ah Can I tell you something?

Taeyeon held Tiffanys right hand and intertwines their fingers as he rested them on his lap. They are
sitting next to each other at one of the benches near the Han River, waiting for the sun to set.

Just like a love fool, Tiffany just allowed herself to be melted in Taeyeons smile, touch, and sweetness.
Who would not give in with a cute and handsome guy who bribed a cute little young boy with free ice
creams for him and his friends just to help him to wipe her tears and make her smile beautifully?

What is it? she softly said as she rested her head comfortably on Taeyeons shoulder.

Tiffany doesnt want to think of anything else at the moment. For now, she just wanted to enjoy
Taeyeons company. Being so close to the one she loves feels extremely subtle and light in a way that it
seems to be too perfect for her.

Can you promise me that youll be my friend forever even if I already find someone to give my heart
to? Taeyeon softly asked as he rested his head on top of Tiffanys.

Tiffanys heart ached upon hearing such request from the guy whom she gave her heart to. She just
closed her eyes and silently sighed, trying her best not to breakdown.

I promise she whispered, almost barely audible.

Taeyeon smiled upon hearing the promise from the girl. He lifts his head up and watches the sun setting
down the horizon in the river. They both stayed silent for a few moments until Taeyeon decided to ask
another question to the girl, whose eyes are still closed and oblivious of the beauty of the sunset.

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Do do you want to know who that someone is? Taeyeon carefully asked. He sounded so calm and
blissful. No one would think that he is so nervous like a man preparing to pop the question to his girl.

Who? Tiffany asked and lifted her head up from Taeyeons shoulder as she pulled her hand from the
guys grasp. She grabbed the pink stuffed puppy that sitting on her left side and hugged it.

Though it hurts her, she cant help but be eager to know this girl whom Taeyeon and her friends have
been talking about. She is not sure how she will take it. Shes not sure how she will react or how she
should react after hearing the answer. It breaks her heart to know that the person who taught and
showed her how to fall in love, can't be there to catch her when she falls.

She doesnt like me when we met for the first time she was cold to me. She was reluctant to converse
with me at first but I really find it amusing. Taeyeon chuckled as he remembers the first time he met
Tiffany. He looked to his left and stared lovingly at Tiffany, whos hugging the stuffed toy while keeping
her eyes closed.

One day, I was lost and she found me. That was the start of our friendship, I guess? From that day, she
began to comfortably interact with me, we had small talks and I just found myself comfortable with her
that I told her my past. We became closer I started to treat her like how I treat Jessica and my sister.
Taeyeon paused and waits for Tiffanys reaction, with a smile on his face.

Tiffany opens her eyes upon hearing the name of her best friend and she turns her head to the right to
look at Taeyeon, resting her head on the stuffed toy. She stared at Taeyeon, asking him to continue.
Being honest, it gave her a glimmer of hope but she doesnt want to assume it was her for it will just
hurt her more if shes wrong.

But I just found myself treating her more special than anyone else. I always want to see her smile her
smile is just plain beautiful she said I always startle her so she will hit me, smack me, push me hard,
bite me, pinch me I think she just really loves to physically abuse me Taeyeon softly giggles.

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Tiffany slowly lifted her head up from the stuffed toy without breaking her stare at Taeyeon. Her heart is
starting to thump faster and the butterflies on her stomach seems like they wanted to escape through
her mouth.

But I dont really care because I know, if shell hit, smack, bite, or push me, she will say sorry and help
me rub, get up, or even treat the sore part if shell pinch me on my cheek, she will always kiss it
afterwards Taeyeon continued and warmly smiled at Tiffany. He held Tiffanys right hand again and
stared at the rose gold bracelet that he gave to the girl months ago.

Before I knew it, I've already grown fond of everything about her I dont know how many times I tried
to deny or even brush off the thought that slowly, shes taking a very special part in my heart

Taetae Tiffany softly called his name. And when he tilted his head up, his eyes met the glistening
eyes of Tiffany.

Fany-ah I cant replace Yoona in my heart no one can. But this girl she is the only one who
opened a special part in my heart that I never knew existed.

Tiffany was lost for words. She wasnt sure if shes hearing Taeyeon correctly and all she could do is
stare at him while trying her best to hold her tears back.

Taeyeon gets a little flustered upon seeing the tears thats forming on Tiffanys eyes and he was afraid
that Tiffany might get the wrong meaning of what he had just said.

He was never really good in words but sometimes, words are just naturally coming out of his mouth.

He gently squeezed Tiffanys hand before interlacing their fingers and rested them again on his lap.

Fany-ah I I i-its Taeyeon stuttered.

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Just tell me who she is! Tiffany snapped. Shes getting impatient and she cant take it anymore. She
just wanted to hear him say the name of the girl because its already driving her nuts, waiting.

Its you. I am talking about you, Fany-ah Taeyeon finally said it.

And right on cue, Tiffanys tears uncontrollably flows on her cheeks. She didnt wait for Taeyeon to
continue what hes trying to say as she leans forward to him while placing the pink stuffed toy on the
bench. She cupped Taeyeons cheek with her left hand and lovingly stared at the guys warm onyx eyes
while caressing his cheek using her thumb.

Soon after, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. Tiffany opens her lips slightly and slowly
kisses him. Taeyeon was a bit surprised by the sudden kiss but nonetheless kissed her back. The kiss was
really slow and gentle. They slowly kiss each other for several seconds before slowly pulling away and
stared at each others eyes.

I love you Taetae and I will happily wait for that day until you can give me all your heart Tiffany
softly said and gave Taeyeon the most beautiful eyesmile she could give to the stupid dork whos
melting her with his loving stare at the moment.

Taeyeon warmly smiled at her. He is so grateful that Tiffany accepted him and the girl is willing to wait
until hes completely ready. He doesnt know what to say. He was so mesmerized by Tiffanys loving
eyes. He tucked Tiffanys hair behind her ears using his right hand while the other is still interlaced on
Tiffanys hand. Gently, he wiped Tiffanys tears and slowly, the gap between their faces becomes smaller
again as the tip of their noses touched.

He gently caressed Tiffanys face before closing his eyes and gives her slow, soft, and gentle kisses which
Tiffany gladly reciprocated. They both linger between their kisses. But before they can deepen their kiss,
Tiffanys phone rang and as much as she doesnt want to answer her phone, the ringing and vibration of
the device perfectly distracted both of them.

The two pulled away from their kiss, with Taeyeon softly giggling and Tiffany pouting.

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Baby, answer your phone. It might be important. Taeyeon said and gently planted a soft kiss on
Tiffanys lips.

The girl blushed upon hearing a new pet name from the guy and just obediently answered her phone
after retracting her right hand from Taeyeons grasp. She silently groaned upon seeing the name of the
person who just ruined their moment. Taeyeon softly chuckled upon seeing the reaction of Tiffany and
swiftly wrapped his arm around her shoulders

Tiff!!!! Oh my God! What took you so long to pick the phone up?! The loud voice of her best
friend was heard on her phone as she pulled the device away from her ear.

Taeyeon tilted his head and gave her a questioning look before mouthing Jess?. Tiffany nodded at him
and casually put her phone on speaker mode so Taeyeon could also hear her best friend.

Whats up, Jess? Tiffany greeted her friend while comfortably leaning on Taeyeon.
Are you with Taengoo? Im here at your apartment Jessicas voice cracked and soon after,
Taeyeon and Tiffany heard sobs on the other line.

The two pulled away from each other and properly sat up on the bench. Hearing the crying Jessica on
the other line worried them and Taeyeon took the phone from Tiffanys hand.

Jess what happened? Taeyeon carefully asked, giving Tiffany a worried look.
Taengoo Yul the girl couldnt utter her words properly. Guessing that the couple had a fight,
Tiffany faintly smiled at Taeyeon and grabbed her phone back.
Well be there in a few wait for us, okay? Though Jessica didnt answer, the two knows that the girl
nodded her head.

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Tiffany ended the call and placed it back into her purse. The two then walked hand in hand towards
Tiffanys car as Taeyeon hurriedly drove home, to console their sobbing friend.


Tiffany hurriedly sat beside her best friend on the couch. Seeing her best friend with traces of tears on
her face, she hugged the girl tightly and didnt utter any single word but just allowed her best friend to
cry her heart out in her arms.

Taeyeon quietly put the pink stuffed toy and Tiffanys purse on the other side of the couch before
picking up the empty bottles of beer lying on the floor near Jessicas spot. Not wanting Jessica to drink
any more of the alcoholic beverages, he diligently brought all the bottles of beer to the kitchen before
taking out his phone to call Yuri and ask what happened.

Just after a few rings, his call got answered but it was Sooyoung on the other line with loud music on the
background. The two got a short talk about Yuris current drunk state and Taeyeon agreed to meet with
his two buddies in the club a little later.

Taeyeon then went back to the living room and smiled upon seeing how Tiffany is caressing Jessicas hair
like a little sister while hugging her protectively in her arms. But the smile slowly fades on his face upon
remembering why the girl that she treats like a sister is in that vulnerable state.

Ill take her to my room Taeyeon playfully said as he came closer to the two girls and noticed that
Jessica is already sleeping in Tiffanys arms, earning a deathly glare from Tiffany.
Im just kidding~~ He dorkily grinned at her and Tiffany just rolled her eyes, allowing Taeyeon to carry
the sleeping drunk Jessica to her room.

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While Taeyeon is tucking Jessica into Tiffanys bed, Tiffany prepares some comfortable clothes for her
best friend before changing to her own comfortable clothes in the bathroom. When she got out of the
bathroom, her eyes caught the worried expression of Taeyeon while gently caressing Jessicas hand.

Taetae she softly called Taeyeon.

Hmm? Taeyeon answered as he turns his attention to Tiffany. He retracted his hand from Jessicas and
stood up from the bed as Tiffany approached him, with sleeping pajama dress on her hands.
Im gonna change her clothes to comfortable ones uhm can you cook us dinner? Im hungry
Tiffany pouts and gave Taeyeon her cute puppy eyes that the guy obviously couldnt resist.
Okaay~~ what do you want to eat, princess? Taeyeon cooed while leaning forward to her as he cups
her face in both of his hands, causing Tiffany to blush.
A-an anything Tiffany stuttered and Taeyeon just chuckled at the cute Tiffany.
Alright, give me about half an hour~ he dorkily grinned at her as he pulled his hands from Tiffanys
face before giving her a soft peck on the lips.

Taeyeon casually walked out of the bedroom with a smile drawn across his face, leaving Tiffany with a
very obvious pink tinge on her face while mentally reminding herself that Taeyeon is no longer just a
friend of hers.

Taeyeon and Tiffany both finished their dinner like usual but this time, they had some short
conversation about Jessicas problem. Taeyeon just relayed the information what Sooyung had told him
over the phone and also informed Tiffany that hell be going to the club to accompany his two buddies.
Tiffany was hesitant at first but she had no choice and allowed Taeyeon to go to the club by himself.

Im just going to ride a cab Ill probably end up driving Yuls car later anyways since Soo brought his
own car with him. Taeyeon said while wearing his white/blue baseball jacket over his plain white shirt.
Okay, be careful Tiffany smiled at him while handing him his phone, before sitting back on the couch
to continue checking the portfolio of the new models for their upcoming magazine issue.
Im going now, dont sleep too late okay? Taeyeon softly said as he bent down to kiss Tiffany on the

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Tiffany warmly smiled at him and watched Taeyeon walk towards the private elevator. But before the
guy could take any further step, Tiffany remembered something and stopped Taeyeon in his tracks.

Taeyeon turned around and curiously looked at her as she walked towards him. Taking a deep breath,
Tiffany wraps her arms behind Taeyeons neck and kissed him on the lips. Taeyeon smiled against her
lips and gladly returned her soft kisses as he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Dont you dare let anyone else in that club kiss you, got it? Tiffany muttered after they part their lips
and stared at Taeyeons eyes directly.
I wont these lips are exclusively yours. Taeyeon winked at her before placing a soft peck on her lips.

Tiffany softly giggles and playfully hits his chest before pushing the guy to enter the elevator. Taeyeon
dorkily grinned at her while waving goodbye before the elevator door totally closes. Tiffany then went
back to the couch and continued what shes doing, with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

Yah! What took you sooo long???! Sooyoung swings his long arm around Taeyeons neck and ruffled
the shorter guys hair while dragging him to the table where Yuri is sitting lifelessly.
Sorry~ I had to make and eat dinner with Fany. Besides, I only took a cab going here Taeyeon
explained as soon as Sooyoung let him go.

The two sat on both sides of their drunk friend. Yuri goofily grinned at Taeyeon and ruffles his hair
before giving him a glass of whiskey on the rocks.

Taeng~ drrinkkk~~ just one~~~~ pleaseeee~ Yuri tried his best to pronounce each word correctly as
he persuades the guy to drink.

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Taeyeon chuckled at his friend and gladly accepted the glass of whiskey. He smelled the whiskey first
before swirling the glass to make sure the whiskey is chilled enough before drinking it slowly. Though
Taeyeon hates club and usually doesnt drink, he still knows how to socialize and drinks occasionally.
Since he knows that his friend is currently having a hard time, he doesnt want to reject him as it will just
make Yuri disappointed. And at Yuris current state, Sooyoung and Taeyeon know that it isnt a good
thing to deject their friend.

The three just talked about boys stuff, laughing and fooling around like there is no problem that they
needed to fix or what not. Occasionally, pretty, hot, and sexy girls would go to their table and try to hit
on them but only got rejected by the three dorky handsome guys.

Soon after, when they run out of things to talk about, the three fell into silence. It took a couple of
minutes before Yuri talked, earning the full attention of Taeyeon and Sooyoung.

I swear I didnt mean to shout at her I love her I love Jessica Jung only Jessica Jung you guys
know it right~~? Yuri speaks slowly and tried to smile but his smile turned into a bitter one upon
remembering the fight he had with his girlfriend.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung just watched their friend and chose to shut their mouth up and allow Yuri to
speak whats on his mind and heart. After all, it is the best thing to do to a drunk friend, just listen.

Doesnt she know that I also get jealous? She knows that I really dont like that Donghae guy and yet
she still went out with him earlier without letting me know?! Yuri raised his voice and poured his glass
with whiskey and drank it like he was just drinking an iced tea.

His two friends looked at each other before releasing a deep sigh.

Yul, maybe they just coincidentally met and had a short conversation its been a while after all
Sooyoung tried to coax his friend while glancing at Taeyeon to help him.
Soo is right Besides, we all know that its only you that Jessica loves, right? Im sure Jess has a---
Taeyeon reasoned out but was only cut off by Yuri.

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Really? Bullshit. If she loves me, she wont kiss that guy! Yuri spats. His eyes are burning in anger and
jealousy as he tightens his grip on the glass of whiskey.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung were utterly surprised with what Yuri had blurted out. They were both puzzled
why Jessica would kiss her ex-boyfriend for they know that the girl really loves Yuri and doesnt have any
care and feelings at all with Donghae.

Donghae was Jessicas former boyfriend and their relationship lasted for about four years since high
school. It took three years for Jessica to move on and eventually fall in love with Yuri, who has fallen in
love with her the first time they met and that was even before Jessica met Donghae.

Im sure Jess has a valid reason for that Taeyeon calmly said and tried to defend Jessica. Although he
knows nothing since the girl didnt utter any single word to them when they found her in the apartment,
he is definite that Jessica wont just randomly kiss her ex-boyfriend without a reason. Or maybe its the
other way around and everything was just a misunderstanding.

You two should talk about it but make sure youll listen to her first like you, I dont like that
Donghae as well maybe he forced her to kiss him? Sooyoung persuaded Yuri and also in deep thought
about what really happened earlier.

Yuri just scoffed at his friends and continued to drink the whiskey until the bottle was empty. He called
the waitress and ordered another hard drink but Taeyeon secretly motioned the girl to just give them
softdrinks and instructed her to put it in a cocktail bottle. The waitress didnt hesitate and just agreed to
Taeyeon as the guy gives her his infamous charming smile, causing the girl to blush before getting their
order. Sooyoung just smirked at his friend whilst Taeyeon dorkily grinned at him.

While waiting for their drinks, Taeyeon decided to text Tiffany saying that hell probably be coming
home very late and will drive Yuri home first. He immediately received a response and his face obviously
brigthens up with a wide smile drawn on his face upon reading the girls message. The two exchanged
text messages for a few moments, before he asked Tiffany to go to sleep since its already getting late
and the girl obediently complies but didnt forget to leave a sweet message for Taeyeon.

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When Taeyeon tilted his head up from his phone, his eyes met the two smirking faces of his friends and
he sheepishly grinned at them as he put his phone back to his pocket.

So you and my cousin are together now~~ Yuri narrowed his eyes as he leans forward to Taeyeon
and playfully gives him a threatening look.
Errr y-yeah? Taeyeon gulped and somehow, the drunk Yuri is scaring him.
Whoa~ since when??? Sooyoungs eyes widen and he leans forward as well while he swings his arm
around Yuris neck.
Just today well its not official yet. I mean err I forgot to ask her if she can be my girlfriend
but weve already kissed so that means were already together, right? Taeyeon stared back at them
with a puzzle look on his face. He mentally facepalmed himself for forgetting to ask the question since
Tiffany cut him off earlier by kissing him. Besides, they were interrupted by Jessicas phone call and they
already acted as a couple.

Yuri and Sooyoung burst into laughters upon hearing what he said and seeing the confused look on
Taeyeons face. Taeyeon pouts and hangs his head low, embarrassed on his forgetfulness.

Why dont we call it a night so you can still ask Tiff the question before the day ends? Sooyoung
suggested and Taeyeons face lit up as he dorkily grinned at him. Surprisingly, Yuri also agreed with a
wide smile on his face.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon confusedly looked at him as the guys mood rapidly change, from being a mad
person earlier and now he seems like he doesnt have any problems at all. The two just sighed as they
remember how drunk their friend is and its just usual for Yuri to act like that when drunk.

Taeng, you both take care, okay? Text me once you get home.
Okay, bye Soo! Be careful in driving!

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Sooyoung waved goodbye to Taeyeon as he went inside his own car after helping Taeyeon to carry the
sleeping drunk Yuri in his car. Taeyeon thought for a moment and decided to drive towards the
penthouse instead. He doesnt want to leave Yuri alone in Jessica and the guys apartment so he decided
to just bring Yuri home.

After a few minutes of driving, Taeyeon then carried Yuri on his back towards their apartment and
directly went to his room to put his drunk friend on bed. Just like a good brother, he changed Yuris
poloshirt to a comfortable t-shirt, removed his pants leaving him on his boxers, and removed his
sneakers and other accessories. Taeyeon then covers his friend with the blanket and dashed to his
bathroom to take a warm shower.

Once done with his night routines, Taeyeon went out of his room and headed towards the kitchen to get
some cold water to clench his thirst. Since he doesnt feel sleepy yet and still thinking about Tiffany, he
dragged himself to the living room and plopped to the couch.

Taetae? a soft husky voice startled him and when he turns his head to the direction of the voice, he
saw Tiffany in her loose long nightshirt walking towards him.

Hey cant sleep? Taeyeon asked as he reached his hand out and pulled Tiffany to sit next to him.

Tiffany naturally sat close next to Taeyeon and hugged him as she nestled her head on Taeyeons chest.

Just woken up from a random dream and I felt thirsty... hows Yul? Tiffany sleepily mumbles as
Taeyeon gently stroked her hair.

Yul is here... hes totally drunk so I just brought him here. Hes sleeping in my room I cant leave him
alone in their apartment. Taeyeon said and asked Tiffany to drink on his glass of cold water which the
latter gladly accepted as she pulled away from Taeyeon.

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Taeyeon just stared at Tiffany while the girl is drinking the cold water. He doesnt know how the girl can
manage to still be beautiful even if shes just wearing a nightshirt, no makeup on, and has a a bit messy
but sexy bed hair.

Stop staring at me. Tiffany snapped him back to his senses as she put the glass of water on the coffee
table and Taeyeon just sheepishly smiled at her.

You look beautiful. You always are he softly said and sweetly smiled at Tiffany, making the girl

Uhm Taetae. why dont we leave those two alone? I mean since both of them are here... Im
thinking of switching apartments for tonight you know, to give them time to talk? I know their security
code anyways Tiffany suggested.

Taeyeon thought for a moment. He doesnt care if theyll be switching apartments for now but hes
thinking of what might happen between the two once they wake up. But knowing his two friends, he
then thought that it will be a great idea.

Hmmm... only if you answer yes to my question Taeyeon dorkily grinned at her, making Tiffany to
furrow her brows at him.

What question? Tiffany tilts her head to the side as she confusedly stared at Taeyeon.

Errr Fany-ah I I forgot to ask you s-something i-important earlier Taeyeon stuttered. It is not the
first time that hes asking someone to be his girlfriend but Taeyeon felt like it was.

What is it? Tiffany softly asked, holding Taeyeons hand that instantly calms the stuttering guy down.

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Taking a deep breath, Taeyeon interlaced their fingers and looked directy at Tiffanys eyes before smiling
charmingly at her.

Can you be my girlfriend, Tiffany Hwang?

Tiffany just stayed silent for a few moments as she stared at Taeyeon. The guys smile slowly drops upon
hearing nothing but silence from the girl. He ducks his head and slowly let go of Tiffanys hand before
closing his eyes as he leans his back comfortably on the couch. Not long after, he felt the girl stood up
from the couch and thought shes leaving, making his heart ache as his chest felt heavy.

I thought you grew up in New York? the soft husky yet angelic voice echoed in his ears and his eyes
fluttered open, meeting Tiffanys lovely eyes.

Tiffany sat on his lap and wraps her arms behind Taeyeons neck as she deeply stared at Taeyeons
warm eyes. Taeyeon automatically rests his hands on Tiffanys waist and stared back at Tiffany, totally
lost for words.

Slowly, she leans in and closes her eyes as she softly touches her lips to his. Both of them didnt move
but just kept their soft lips pressed on each others for a few seconds. She then playfully pulled away
when Taeyeon was about to apply some pressure on her lips with his.

Does that answer your question, dork? Tiffany softly asked and smirked as she stroked Taeyeons hair
while locking her eyes with him.

No Taeyeon huskily answered as he leaned forward and lightly grazed his lips over hers.

He slowly and gently kissed her. Tiffany smiled against his lips and returned the same soft and light
kisses shes receiving. They shared a very gentle and passionate kiss as Tiffanys right hand travels down
and rests to his chest while the other is on the side of Taeyeons face.

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The two then pulled back after a couple of seconds. They look into each others eyes and sweet smiles
formed on their faces.

Say yes? Taeyeon cutely asks and tightens his hug on Tiffanys waist.

Tiffany softly giggled at the cute sight of Taeyeon. She cleared her throat as she possessively wraps her
arms behind his neck again and raised an eyebrow at him.

If I say yes it means that you are now mine, Kim Taeyeon. Tiffany smirked.

Taeyeons smile became wider and his eyes sparkle. The warm tingling sensation inside his body makes
his heart leaps for joy.

Just be careful with my heart and I will be yours only yours, Tiffany Hwang.

Taeyeon said the words very soft, almost barely audible but more than enough for Tiffany to clearly hear
it like it was exclusive for hers only.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany snapped their heads to where the voice came from and saw Jessica who just came
out of the bedroom and holding onto the wall to support herself.

Tiffany quickly stood up from Taeyeons lap and went to help Jessica while Taeyeon silently groaned as
he lies down on the couch. He mentally cursed Jessica for interrupting them again for the second time
around. If only Jessica isnt having a hard time right now, he would probably have whined and wrangled
with her like a little brother would bicker with his older sister who just switched the tv screen off while
hes in the verge of winning at StarCraft.

Taetae, get up and get a glass of water for Jess Tiffany snapped Taeyeon back to his senses and
obediently went to the kitchen to get a glass of water as the girls sat comfortably on the couch.

Tiffany softly chuckled as she watched the frustrated guy leave with an unreadable expression on his
face, causing the half-awake Jessica to confusedly look at her.

Whats funny? Jessica lazily asked and raised an eyebrow at the giggling girl beside her.
Nothing Are you feeling better now? Tiffany asked, receiving a faint smile and nod from her best

Taeyeon returned with a glass of water and gave it to Jessica before grabbing the bean bag chair and sat
across the two girls, with a slight pout on his face. Tiffany suppressed her laughter while watching the
cute sulking guy across them before turning her attention back to Jessica.

Can I stay here for a few days? Jessica voiced out. Taeyeon and Tiffany glanced at each other before
answering Jessica with a nod.

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Jess lets go back to the bedroom and sleep you need more rest. Tiffany softly said as she tucked
the stray strands of hair behind the girls ears.

Jessica warmly smiled at her best friend and was immediately returned by the same gesture from Tiffany.
She is grateful to have Tiffany as her one true best friend the first person she calls whenever the most
amazing things happen in her life, and also the first person to know when the worst things happen.
Tiffany doesnt ask what her problem is but she always has her shoulders ready for her to cry on and
always there with her when she needed the most.

I love you Tiff. Thank you for being my best friend. She said and gave Tiffany a warm hug.
You know I love you too Jess~ and I will always be here for you no matter what. Tiffany reciprocated
the hug and patted the back of her best friend.

Yah, yah, yah! Aigoo~ stop being too sweet you look like a couple~~ Taeyeon suspiciously eyed the
two girls, making them break the hug and playfully glared at him.

Youre just jealous, Taengoo. Jessica smirks while Tiffany is softly chuckling, enjoying the sight of the
sulking Taeyeon.
W-why would I be jealous? Taeyeon stammered as he straightens himself up and raised an eyebrow at
the two.
Why wont you? Tiffany asked him and playfully kissed Jessica on the cheek before pulling the girl to
stand up from the couch. The two girls walked hand in hand towards the bedroom to continue their
sleep, leaving a grumbling Taeyeon in the living room.

Aish!!! Why did you choose to have a love quarrel today instead of tomorrow?! Aigoo~~ Taeyeon
muttered under his breath as he lied down on the couch.
I guess I have to ask her again tomorrow Aish! Jinjja?!~~ he continued murmuring before releasing a
deep sigh as he closed his eyes.

After a couple of minutes, Taeyeon was about to go to his dreamland as fatigue overwhelmed his body
but a familiar, soft and warm lips were pressed to his lips and caused him to open his eyes. He blinked

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twice to make sure hes not dreaming. The face of the girl that has the most beautiful eyesmile he has
ever seen is just a few inches away from his face and lovingly smiled at him after she pulled herself back
from giving him a soft peck.

Tiffany, whos stooping down while staring at the stunned guy on the couch, softly giggles before sitting
down at the edge of the couch.

Fany-ah? W-what are you doing here? I I mean, I thought youre already sleeping? Taeyeon asked as
soon as he regained his composure and sat up on the couch.

Well I forgot to tell you something Tiffany casually said as she stared back at Taeyeon.
Eh? he curiously asked.

Tiffany warmly smiled at him. She takes a few moments to admire the facial features of the guy who
seems to be a lot younger than his actual age. The face of the New Yorker that she had once been cold
to but quickly got comfortable with, and eventually has fallen in love with.

She sighed. She couldnt believe that the stupid dork had really asked her to be his girlfriend, and just
one word away so she could call Kim Taeyeon, mine. She leans forward and again, kissed the dazed
Taeyeon and gave him the answer from the latters question earlier.

You are mine now, Kim Taeyeon.

Tiffany gave him another soft peck on the lips before standing up from the couch as she headed towards
her bedroom. Taeyeon was utterly stupefied. He slowly traced his lips with his fingers and couldnt lie
that she made his heart skip a beat after saying those words.

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Soon, a stupid smile was drawn on his face while grasping the reality that Tiffany Hwang just
said yes and they are now official.

YESSSS!!!!! he happily yelled and did a fist pump, before standing up from the couch and dorkily
danced alone in the living room, completely oblivious of the fact that Tiffany is watching him from a
distance near her room, with a loving smile on her face.

Dork. But I love you Taetae

Taeyeon and Tiffany ended up in sleeping in their own bedrooms with Yuri and Jessica respectively. But
unlike Tiffany whos peacefully sleeping and sharing the bed with Jessica, Taeyeon is sleeping on the
couch in his bedroom as Yuri selfishly spreaded his arms and legs across the bed. However, it didnt stop
Taeyeon to sleep with a smile plastered on his face and go to his sweet and wonderful dreamland.

Good morning
Good morning, prin--- Jess

Taeyeon was utterly surprised to see Jessica instead of Tiffany but quickly remembered that the girl and
her boyfriend are in their apartment. He dorkily grinned at her and kissed her on the cheek before
continuing preparing their breakfast.

Whats this? Jessica asked as she curiously stared at the soup that is already prepared on the dining
Oh, that Sulguk thats for your hangover. Taeyeon cheerfully answered as he took a quick glance
on her and returned his attention back on the stove.
And that? Jessica continued and stand beside Taeyeon.

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Cheesy Ham and Hash Brown Casserole~~ Taeyeon dorkily grinned at her and his eyes are twinkling
that shows how excited he is for the baked breakfast to be completely ready.

Jessica whole-heartedly laughed at him and ruffled his hair. The guy surely never failed to make her
laugh with his dorky antics and also cant wait for the breakfast to be ready. She went back to the dining
table and sat on one of the chairs but asked another question to Taeyeon upon noticing that there are
four plates set on the table.

Taengoo, why are there four plates ready?

Taeyeon awkwardly smiled at her as he brings the finished baked dish on the table. He silently prayed
that Jessica wouldnt be mad at him once he answered that Yuri is also in the apartment and obviously
would be having breakfast with them as well. But before he could answer her, the girl that he has been
expecting to see since earlier greeted them as she casually walked towards the dining table.

Good morning, princess~~ Taeyeon warmly smiled and pecked her on the lips, surprising the other
person in the table but nonetheless smirked at the new couple.

Tiffany blushed upon seeing the teasing look on her best friends face and quickly sat across her while
Taeyeon excused himself and silently motioned to Tiffany that hell wake Yuri up. She awkwardly cleared
her throat before answering the obvious question thats plastered on her best friends face.

Yes were together. just yesterday. last night actually.

Jessica squealed with delight and abruptly stood up from her seat to hug her best friend. She couldnt
contain her happiness for Tiffany and gave her a long kiss on the cheek while Tiffany just giggled at her
best friend.

Truth to be told, the main reason why Jessica agreed to have Taeyeon stay with her best friend is
because she really wanted Tiffany to finally fall in love and she didnt think twice that Taeyeon would be
the perfect person for her. Same goes for Taeyeon, knowing the guy for years, she was sure that Tiffany

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would be able to help him let go of the past and move on. After all, the two has this special bond that
she didnt even see between Taeyeon and Yoona before, or to any other girls in any case.

Im sooo happy for you Tiff! Finally~~ Jessica said as she went back to her own seat, with a loving smile
on her face.
Thank you Jessie Tiffany chuckled at her best friend.

Soon after, Taeyeon came back to the kitchen with Yuri trailing behind. Jessicas mood drops upon
seeing her boyfriend. Yuri awkwardly sat beside his cousin, leaving no choice for Taeyeon but to sit
beside Jessica. The new couple exchange glances before Taeyeon decided to break the ice and asked
everyone to eat their breakfast.

The two couples ate their breakfast in an awkward silence. Being not comfortable with the awkward
atmosphere and silence on the table, Taeyeon cleared his throat which caught the attention of the three.

Errr s-sorry Im aish! Youre stressing me out~~~ Taeyeon ended up whining with a cute pout on
his face as he crossed his arms on his chest. After a few moments, soft giggles were heard coming from
the three other people on the table.

Tiff, I dont know how you fell in love with this kid! Yuri chuckled as he playfully shook his head while
teasing the sulking guy across him.
Yah! Im not a kid~~ Taeyeon protested, earning more laughters from them.
Yeah right, you are not. Jessica rolled her eyes as she eats a spoon of the baked casserole, earning a
playful glare from the guy beside her.
Aigoo~ Taetae dont worry, youre a handsome kid anyways so stop sulking, just eat~ Tiffany smiled
at him and Taeyeon dorkily grinned at her as he dig in to his food, causing the others to giggle at his

Just like that, the rest of the breakfast went better than expected. They all had little talks in between but
of course, Yuri and Jessica wont still talk to each other, making Taeyeon and Tiffany a bit frustrated.

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Jess, here... I havent used these. and just choose whatever you want to wear, okay? Since Jessica
didnt bring some clothes with her yet, Tiffany lent her some clothes and unused undergarments.
Thanks Tiff... Im gonna head home later after work to get some clothes Im really sorry to bother you
and Taengoo Jessica hangs her head low.
Dont ever think of that Jess youre my best friend and Tae treats you like his sister. you are and will
never be a bother to us, okay? Besides, its better to have you stay here than somewhere else. Tiffany
warmly smiled at her and continued preparing for her work.

Arent you gonna ask me what happened? Jessica enquired as she sat on the bed while watching
Tiffany organize some documents on her leather briefcase bag.

Tiffany stopped for a moment and stare at her best friend. She is definitely curious onto what happened
and wanted to know the whole story. However, she chose not to meddle with their problem for now
and thought it will be much better if Jessica and Yuri will fix it on their own.

Rather than ask what really happened between you and Yul Id like to have you guys talk instead.
Jess I may not know the story but if youre just going to continue ignoring each other, youll just
continue hurting yourself and Yul. My cousin loves you so much and rest assured hell choose you over
anything else.

Jessica bit her lower lip and sighed with her best friends understanding and support. She stayed silent
for a few moments, thinking of ways on how to tell the truth to Yuri and fix the problem as soon as
possible. She knows that the guy really loves her as much as she loves him, or even more. She doesnt
want to lose Yuri but she doesnt have enough courage yet to talk to him because she knows that the
guy is still hurting because of her.

I met Donghae yesterday. Jessica softly said.

W-what? Tiffany almost dropped her laptop that shes about to put in her bag upon hearing the name
of Jessicas ex-boyfriend.

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I didnt know where he got my number but he called me yesterday. He asked me if we can talk for
the last time I I didnt know whats gotten into me but I agreed. I agreed to meet up with my exboyfriend without telling Yul Jessica confessed while hanging her head low. Tiffany silently sighed
and walked towards the bed to sit beside her best friend as she continued telling her the story.

I would lie if I say I didnt miss him I do and maybe thats why I let him kiss me. Jessica trails off.
She bit her lower lip and tried hard not to cry as memories of the incident yesterday flashes in her mind.

Tiffany was absolutely surprised with Jessicas confession. She didnt know what to say. She wanted to
ask her why did she do that but shes afraid that her best friend might breakdown and its not the best
time to deal with a vulnerable Jessica Jung. She wants to confront Donghae for taking advantage of her
best friend. However, she got confused by her best friends word. She was about to ask Jessica but a
sudden knock was heard on the door.

Fany-ah~~ youre going to be late~ Taeyeon yelled from outside the room. Tiffany frowned and
glanced at the clock in her room and got a little flustered, realizing she is indeed going to be late for
Its okay Tiff. Go now, I dont want you to be late just because of me. Jessica pushed her best friend
from the bed and forced a smile to assure the girl that shes going to be fine.

Tiffany sighed as she got up from the bed and smiled apologetically at her best friend before giving her a
warm hug.

Well talk later after work, alright? She said before grabbing her things and headed out to the door,
earning a nod from Jessica.

Tiffany found Taeyeon standing in front of her as soon as she opened the door. She was about to scold
the guy for interrupting her conversation with Jessica but Taeyeon gave her a charming smile that
naturally stopped her from her tracks.

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Yul already went home errr I Ill I mean, do you want me to drive you to work? Taeyeon
awrkwardly scratched the back of his head as he waits for Tiffanys answer.
No. She answered after closing the door behind her.
O-okay Ill just carry the luggage to your car then. Taeyeon softly said. He wanted to send his
girlfriend to work because the girl has to bring her camera and equipments for a certain project for the
week. Although the carry on case has wheels on it, it is still heavy for a girl to bring it alone.

Tiffany mentally scolded herself for rejecting her boyfriends offer as she watched him carry her luggage
from the media room. It is obvious that the guy got disappointed with her answer yet still gave her a

Taetae its not that I dont want you to drive me to work I just thought that itll be better if you drive
Jessica to work instead since she didnt bring her car with her She explained as soon as they got into
the elevator and hugged his arm.
Hmmm okay. Taeyeon shortly answered and smiled at her.
Yah, you really think I dont want you to send me to work? Tiffany lightly slapped his arm and raised
an eyebrow at him. Taeyeon slowly nodded his head like a child with a small pout on his face, amusing
Aigoo~ my Taetae is sooo cute! Well how about you take me out for lunch before you go to the
University? Tiffany tilts her head to the side and smiled at him as she waits for his answer.
No. he answered with a straight face.

Tiffanys face fell with Taeyeons answer and slowly retracted her hands from hugging Taeyeons arm.
But before she could do anything, the elevator door opens and Taeyeon held her hand as he walked
towards Tiffanys car, pulling the girl along with him.

The two stopped in their tracks upon reaching Tiffanys car. He warmly smiled and turned to look at
Tiffany but his smile faded when he sees the sad look on his girlfriends face. He mentally facepalmed
himself and knew that the girl took his answer seriously. He carefully put the luggage down and cupped
Tiffanys face in both his hands as he leans closer to her.

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Baby, Im just kidding earlier I would love to have lunch with you. Taeyeon softly said and lovingly
smiled at Tiffany before kissing her on the forehead.

Tiffany sighed. She really thought the guy doesnt want to have lunch with her because she didnt let
him drive her to work.

Oww~~ Taeyeon whined and gently rubbed his cheek as the girl just pinched him. Tiffany softly giggled
before pulling Taeyeons hand from his face and softly kissed him on the cheek.
Better? She asked as she wrapped her arms behind Taeyeons neck.

Taeyeon dorkily grinned at her as his hands automatically rested on her waist and kissed Tiffany on the
lips which the latter gladly reciprocated.

Much better! Taeyeon brightly smiled at her and chuckled after seeing the pink tinge on Tiffanys face.

I Im going n-now. Tiffany stuttered as she quickly pulled away from Taeyeon and unlocked her car.

Taeyeon placed the carry on case in the car trunk before giving Tiffany a soft goodbye peck on the lips,
causing Tiffany to blush harder.

Ill be picking you up later, okay?

Taengoo~ I told you Im okay. I can go home by myself.

Jessica nuna, I wont let you go home by yourself. Dont you know that Ill die not just once but twice if I
let you go home alone? Taeyeon dramatically exclaimed as he remembered Yuri and Tiffany asking him
a favor to fetch her, causing Jessica to chuckle at his frolics.

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The two arrived in Jessicas office and Taeyeon was utterly awed by the modern yet cozy interior design
of the girls workplace. They were politely and cheerfully greeted by Jessicas employees, mostly females,
and were returned by a faint smile from their boss and a charming smile from Taeyeon, causing the girls
to blush and silently squealed.

Yah! You are older than me, Taengoo oppa! Jessica retorted as she sat on her desk chair and casually
turned her office laptop on.

Since Im older than you, you should obey me then! Taeyeon grinned at her after sitting on the chair
in front of her desk.

Jessica groaned and rolled her eyes before glaring at the dork in front of her. She wanted to object but
seeing the grin on Taeyeons face, she knew that she will never win against him. Besides, she knows that
Tiffany and Yuri wont stop bugging Taeyeon if they find out that he allowed her to go home alone.

Fine. Jessica sighed in defeat.

Alright then! Dont you dare skip your lunch, okay? Im going now, bye~~ Taeyeon kissed her on the
cheek and cutely wave his hand as he walked backwards to the door.

Oh, Jess Yul loves you do you love him too? he asked as he stopped on his spot.

Jessica frowned at Taeyeons question. She got confused why Taeyeon is asking her that question for he
knows how much she loves Yuri.

I love him I love Kwon Yuri only him you know it right? she answered. Soon, a sweet smile was
formed on her face remembering the precious and happy times she had with Yuri.

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I know you love him but its better if you tell him that. Dont let yourself wake up one day and regret
the time you wasted away from him for the rest of your life. Make sure he knows how much you love
him before its too late Taeyeon warmly smiled at her before he totally walked out of the office.


Taeyeon looked up from his phone to find the source of the voice and smiled when he saw Gyuri walking
towards him.

Oh, hi Gyuri! How are you? Taeyeon cheerfully asked.

Im good what are you doing here? Gyuri leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek, surprising
Taeyeon but nevertheless returned it with a warm smile as he thinks it was just a friendly gesture from
the girl.
Im Im here to take Tiffany out for lunch. He answered.
Can I come with you? Gyuri sweetly smiled as she locked arms with him.

Taeyeon ponders for a moment if he should say yes and allow Gyuri to have lunch with him and Tiffany
or not, totally oblivious of his jealous girlfriend whos already coming closer to them from the back.

Of course, you can come with us. Tiffany coolly said, startling the two as she stood in front of Taeyeon.
She faked a smile at Gyuri before softly kissing Taeyeon on the lips.
Im sorry if you have to wait for a while she softly said as she wraps her arms behind Taeyeons neck,
purposely making Gyuri annoyed as the latter grudgingly retracted her hands from Taeyeons arm.

Its okay, princess~~ shall we? Taeyeon lovingly smiled, receiving a cute nod from her. Tiffany pulled
her hands from Taeyeons neck and the latter naturally held her hand as they intertwine their fingers.

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Gyuri-ah, lets go? Taeyeon gently asked. The two girls looked a bit surprised by Taeyeons sudden
affectionate way of calling Gyuri. A warm smile spreads on Gyuris face upon hearing how the guy called
her name while Tiffany frowned and pulled Taeyeon closer to her, earning the guys full attention and
making Gyuri felt jealous again.

Uhm no, I mean you go ahead I already took my lunch, I was just kidding earlier Gyuri lied. She
forced a smile to Taeyeon as the guy just nodded in understanding.

Tiffany rolls her eyes but nonetheless feels better that Gyuri decided not to join them on lunch. Taeyeon
and her headed to the elevator, leaving a brokenhearted Gyuri on the hallway and a grinning Director
Kim, who has been secretly watching Taeyeon and Tiffany from her office since earlier.

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It has been almost two weeks since Taeyeon and Tiffany officially got together. Also, almost two weeks
since Jessica and Yuri had an argument and still neither of them made a move to fix their strained
relationship, frustrating their friends especially Taeyeon as it seems like hes dating two girls at the same
time. Not that he doesnt want to take care of Jessica but he wants to spend more alone time with

Taeyeon and Tiffanys relationship is going smooth and basically, nothing has changed between their
usual bickerings but the two have been sweeter to each other, especially Taeyeon to Tiffany. Everyday,
he would do small but definitely cute and sweet things for his girlfriend, making Tiffany to fall deeper for
him. As for Tiffany, she became clingier to Taeyeon. Shes trying her best to control her jealousy for the
more Taeyeon socializes with other people, the more girls are being attracted to him and trying to hit on
him even though they already know that he is already in a relationship.

Nuna~ I miss you! Taeyeon warmly hugs his sister.

Taeyeon fetched his sister, Hyoyeon at the airport together with his mom. Hyoyeon had a business trip
in Japan and decided to visit her mom and younger brother in Seoul before she goes back to New York.
Also, her mom told her about Tiffany and being a playful daughter like her mom, she agreed to keep the
secret and just naturally act like she knows nothing at all.

Taeyeon drove them to Mrs. Kims apartment hotel. He was too happy to see his sister since it has been
a few months that he went to Seoul and started a new life in the country. He initially wanted Tiffany to
come with him and formally introduce her to his mom and sister but the girl has a photoshoot and it will
end really late in the evening or even after midnight.

Nuna, are you free on Saturday? Taeyeon asked. He carefully puts the luggage down near the bed as
he helps Hyoyeon to organize her things in the guest room while their mom makes their food.
Hmm, yeah why? Are you gonna introduce your girlfriend~~ Hyoyeon teasingly smiled at him and sat
on the bed, receiving a dorky grin from her brother.
Whoa~~ I cant wait to meet this amazing girl that makes you smile like an idiot there she continued
as she cocks her head on the side.

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Taeyeons grin became wider. He lied down on the bed with his head on his sisters lap and closed his
eyes with a sweet smile drawn on his face.

Youll love her nuna, especially when you see her smile shes much more beautiful when she smiles
he softly said whilst his eyes still closed and the smile on his face never fades.

Hyoyeon lovingly smiled at her brother and gently strokes his hair. She had never seen Taeyeon smile
like that for years and her heart flutters in happiness for him.

Taengoo-ah~~~ I want a nephew~~ She sweetly said, causing Taeyeon to flutter his eyes open.
What?! Taeyeon exclaimed and stared at her sister in disbelief.
What? Well I really dont mind if youll have a daughter first instead but Id like to have a daughter
so you should have a son. In that way, your son will protect my daughter from pervert guys and bullies
theyll go to the same school and--- Hyoyeon keeps on babbling with a dreamy look on her face but
Taeyeon cuts her off.
Yah! Nuna~~ we just recently got together and youre already asking us to have a son??? Aigoo~~
Taeyeon sighed as he sat up on the bed. At the same time, he received a video call from Tiffany which
immediately brightens his mood up.

Fany-ah~~ Taeyeon grinned and waved at the camera, making Tiffany to smile brightly, showing off
her pretty eyesmile.
Whoa~ youre really beautiful! Hyoyeon exclaimed upon seeing the girls eyesmile as she leans closer
to Taeyeon to peek on his phone and swings her arm around her brothers neck. Tiffany blushed with
the sudden compliment from the older girl.
Ahh thank you you must be Taeyeons sister... Im Tiffany Hwang Im sorry if I couldnt
formally meet you today. Ill make it up to you, I promise. Tiffany bowed her head a few times
as she politely introduce herself and apologizes for being unable to meet them as planned, completely
amusing Hyoyeon as she snatched the phone from Taeyeon.
Aigoo~ youre not just beautiful but also adorable and well-mannered~~ Im sure my nephews and
nieces will be beautiful and handsome just like their parents~~~ Hyoyeon brightly smiled at her. Tiffany
blushed madly with what Hyoyeon said and just smiled awkwardly as she didnt know what to say.

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Nuna!!! Taeyeon snatched the phone back, embarrassed of what his sister had told Tiffany. Hyoyeon
was too amused with the reaction of the new couple and decided to just lie down on the bed and listen
to their conversation.
Errr... I told you my nuna is crazy--- owww!!! Taeyeon winced in pain when Hyoyeon smacked his head
hard with a random book she found on the nightstand.

Tiffany chuckled watching the two siblings bicker with each other like kids. It seems like shes watching a
little fight between five and eight-year old kids and couldnt stop giggling at them.

Fany-ah~~ are you that happy to see your boyfriend being abused by an old lady---owww~~ Taeyeon
received another smack from his sister and cutely pouts while rubbing his head.
Taetae if I were you I would just shut up before I get another smack on the head... Tiffany
softly giggles while Hyoyeon nodded in agreement as she leaned her back on the headboard.
So youre on her side, huh? Talk to her then. Taeyeon cocks an eyebrow and pretended to be mad at
her as he looked away from his phone.
I would love to talk to her! she playfully answered, causing Taeyeon to look back on the phone,
bewildered, while Hyoyeon burst out laughing seeing her brothers reaction.
Yah! Fany-ah~~~ why are you being like that? You have just talked to my sister for a few minutes and
youre already on her side?! he whined, amusing both girls.
So... what if Im on her side? Shes pretty and also kind to me she smiled innocently. Taeyeon
stared at her in disbelief and his jaw dropped upon hearing the answer he didnt expect at all. He
thought Tiffany would console him but it turned out to be the opposite.

Hyoyeon is just smiling widely while watching his brother and listening to their conversation over the
phone. Now she understood why their mom likes Tiffany and just like her mom, she couldnt deny that
she already liked the girl and cant wait to meet her in person.

Aigoo~ baby, dont tell me youre really jealous with your own sister? Tiffany teasingly asked.
I didnt say Im jealous... Taeyeon defended and the both girls softly chuckled with his answer.
Really? Can you smile for me then? she sweetly smiled. Taeyeon sighed and forced a smile but his
smile became warm upon seeing the sweet smile on the phone from his girlfriend.

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Aish! You two are giving me goosebumps! Hyoyeon dramatically hugged herself as she pretended
shes shivering with the interaction of the two before getting up from the bed and headed outside the
guest room.

Anyways, why did you call? You miss me? Taeyeon lied down on the bed and dorkily grinned as he
continued the video call with his girlfriend.
Nope I dont miss you at all! I called in to tell you that the photoshoot might end up till
What? Why?
The photoshoot was delayed for about three hours the models, which apparently are from
an idol group, had conflict with their schedule for today so we kinda waited for th em since
we cant afford to reschedule this photoshoot. Tiffany explained and tiredly sighed as she glanced
on her staffs that were busy preparing the place for the photoshoot.

Is that so?... hmmm where is it? Send me the address so I can go there later.
Eh? Are you really coming here?
Yep~~ Im pretty sure youll be dead tired later. I wont let you drive in that state

Tiffany lovingly smiled at her boyfriend. She doesnt want to bother Taeyeon with her work but she just
couldnt reject the guy and she definitely felt like shes one hell of a lucky girl to have such a sweet and
caring boyfriend like Taeyeon.

The two talked to each other for a couple more minutes before Tiffany had to end the call because the
photoshoot is already about to start. She texted the address of the photoshoot location to Taeyeon as
soon as they ended the video call and Taeyeon didnt forget to ask her what she wanted him to bring for
her. As expected, Tiffany told him not to bother bringing her something but being a stubborn boyfriend,
Taeyeon still told her that hell bring her something.

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Mom, you dont have any appointment or plans on Saturday, do you? Taeyeon asked.
Hmmm I have a scheduled monthly meeting with my staff on that day and I was invited to have a
dinner meeting with one of our investors later on the same day why? Mrs. Kim innocently asked.

Hyoyeon quietly chuckled as she helped her mom packed the food that theyve prepared for Taeyeon to
bring for Tiffany. She already told their mom beforehand about Taeyeons plan on Saturday, so Mrs. Kim
had to lie about her schedule as she doesnt want to let Tiffany know yet that she is Taeyeons mom. She
herself didnt know why shes still hiding the truth from her son and Tiffany but eitherway, shes happy
with her sons relationship and also pleased with Tiffany as her sons girlfriend, her favorite magazines
Art Director, and simply as a person.

Well I wanted you to officially meet Fany but I guess both your schedules dont really match Well
go out with nuna on Saturday Taeyeon explained with a glimpse of disappointment on his face.
Dont worry, Im sure well meet sooner. I also cant wait to finally meet her! Your sister told me that
shes really beautiful she smiled at her son.

Taeyeon grinned widely and immediately took his phone out to show his mom a picture of Tiffany that
he secretly took. It was taken when they went on a cruise at Han River. The dramatic effect of the light
from the sun setting down the horizon gives a dreamy and dazzling effect on the picture and highlights
Tiffanys flawless face. It was a candid shot as Tiffany was admiring the butterflies flying around,
completely unaware that one particular butterfly was resting on her shoulder and the dorky guy beside
her had secretly captured that moment.

She is really beautiful son I cant wait to have grandchildren from you and Tiffany~~~

Taeyeon spits out the water as he was taking his time drinking an ice-cold glass of water when his mom
suddenly blurted the words out. Hyoyeon laughed uncontrollably seeing her brother coughing while
wiping his mouth with a paper towel and Mrs. Kim just confusedly stared at her two children, confused
with their odd behaviors.

Aigoo~ no doubt you two are really mom and daughter. Like what I told nuna earlier, we just recently
got together we havent even had s--- errr. I mean, were just starting our relationship how could

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you be so blunt mom to say those words~~ Taeyeon blushed and awkwardly scratched the back of his
head, avoiding eye contact from his mom and glaring at his sister.

Mrs. Kim and Hyoyeon giggled at the only guy in the room and Taeyeon just sighed in defeat. He silently
wished that his dad is with them at the moment so he can have someone to defend him against the two
dorky women. However, thinking about the situation, he was thankful that his dad isnt around or he
wouldve suffered more from teasing and request to have grandchildren.


Taeyeon grinned and hugged Nicole as he sways their body from left to right. Since Nicole is Tiffanys
close friend from the office, he also had befriended her and really got comfortable with his girlfriends
assistant. Being dorks on their own ways, the two never had any dull moments and never failed to make
Tiffany laugh so hard with their antics whenever they gather around.

Yah! Let go of me now! I dont want to be killed by your jealous girlfriend~~ Nicole playfully slaps
Taeyeons back.

Eh? Youre our friend, theres nothing to be jealous about. Taeyeon said as he let go of Nicole from
their hug and was about to kiss her on the cheek but quickly received a flick on his forehead from her.

Seriously, if I were Tiffany I would also be jealous if my boyfriend hugs other girls and in your case, you
just dont hug your girl friends but you also kiss them. Youre even allowing some random girls to lock
arms with you, hug you, and kiss you! Im surprised Tiff hasnt killed anyone of those girls yet... but I bet
shes gonna do it sooner if you wont stop flirting or allowing girls to flirt with you. Nicole told him as
she walked side by side Taeyeon towards where Tiffany is.

Since Tiffany is still busy working with the photographer and some staff, she asked Nicole to wait and
accompany Taeyeon from the entrance of the Resom Forest to where they are shooting. It was a two-

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hour drive from Seoul but Taeyeon didnt show any fatigue as he still looks effortlessly handsome and
charming with his casual look.

Yah! Im not flirting~~ Im just really comfortable with girls since I grew up mostly surrounded by girls
either at home or at school he defended himself and Nicole just rolled her eyes.

Taeyeon and Nicole walked while goofing around but it didnt stop Taeyeon to admire the path they
were walking at. Though its already evening, the trail was beautifully lit by the lamp posts and he
admired how the forest was turned into a romantic forest resort.

After a few minutes of walking, theyve finally arrived at the photoshoot location which is one of the
beautiful gardens offered by the resort. His face immeidately lit up upon seeing Tiffany, whos too
focused checking and discussing the photos with some staff.

Nicole was about to call Tiffany but was stopped by Taeyeon. He told her to let Tiffany finish what shes
doing and hell just wait for her. Nicole just agreed to him and they both sat on the wooden table near
the pensions porch as she started to dial the resorts restaurant to order them some food since they all
havent had dinner yet. Since Taeyeons mom prepared packed food thats more than enough for three
people, he told Nicole to exclude herself and Tiffany as he told her about the food he brought with him.
Being a shikshin and would rather prefer a home-made food, Nicole didnt think twice and just agreed
with Taeyeon. Also, the guy told her that hell pay for the food instead as he feels bad for not bringing
food for the staff. Nicole wanted to object but Taeyeon sternly asked her to do so and told her to not let
Tiffany know about it for he knows his girlfriend would be mad at him.

Taetae~~ Tiffany called him as she walked towards him and Nicole. Taeyeon stood up from his seat
and warmly smiled at his girlfriend, with his arms wide open as hes ready to hug Tiffany.
Im hungry~ Tiffany mumbled as she hugged Taeyeon and snuggled her face on his chest.

Nicole and the other staffs, including the models smiled at the scene in front of them. They all know that
Tiffany is a sweet girl but when it comes to work, shes a chic and charismatic type of person. It was a
refreshing sight for them to see her being just cute and sweet with her boyfriend. Also, the staff and
models were awestrucked by Taeyeons handsome and charming features and jealousy were all over the

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Mom prepared some food for you~ Taeyeon said after they pulled away from their hug.
Really?! Tiffanys eyes brightened up as she smiled widely. Taeyeon chuckled at her adorable girlfriend,
he didnt think twice and soflty kissed Tiffany on the lips making the others squealed, with delight and

Tiffany blushed madly and nuzzled her red face back on Taeyeons chest and hugged him tightly. Nicole
and Taeyeon softly giggled at the shy Tiffany and he gently stroked his girlfriends back saying it was

Ah my princess can really be shy sometimes Taeyeon loudly told everyone as he dorkily grinned at
them, making them laugh. Tiffany quickly pulled away from the hug and hit him on the chest as she
glared at him, amusing the people around them.

Waaa~~ Taeng, your mom is the best! Ah~~~ Im sooo full! Nicole patted her tummy and lazily leaned
her back on the wooden chair.
Youve eaten SO much, enough for two people no wonder why youre full. Taeyeon said sarcastically
as he stared at Nicoles plate in disbelief.
I feel sleepy to argue with you. You should thank your mom for cooking so well, if not, I wouldnt give
up on you this easy. She lazily muttered.

Taeyeon was about to argue back but Tiffany placed her hand flat across Taeyeons face to stop him
from bickering with Nicole. Taeyeon pouted after she released her hand from his face. Nicole stuck her
tongue out at Taeyeon and he just rolled his eyes as he couldnt do anything or Tiffany will smack him.

Your mom really cooked well and shes much better than you. Tiffany complimented at the same
time, teased Taeyeon.
Yah~ mom is really a good cook and I admit shes better than me but you shouldnt have added
that~~ he whined and the pout on his face deepen as he sulked on his seat.

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Tiffany and Nicole giggled at him. He heaves out a deep sigh before leaning his head on the table. The
two girls exchange glances and hushed their giggles. Nicole started cleaning up the table and left the
couple alone as she decided to have a short nap since they still have about half an hour before starting
the shoot again.

Taetae~ Tiffany softly called Taeyeon while pulling her chair closer to her boyfriend.

Taeyeon burried his face on his arms on the table and slowly drifting off to his dreamland. It has been a
long day for him since he went straight to the airport from the University to fetch his sister and then
drove two hours from Seoul for his girlfriend.

Baby, dont sleep here. You can use one of the rooms here in the pension she cooed as she hugged
Taeyeon from behind and rested her head on his shoulder.
Hmmno itsokay Taeyeon sleepily mumbled.
Hmm? Tiffany tilts her head and pulled away from hugging him as she lovingly caresses his back.
Im not sleeping he softly said and sat up straight on the chair, cutely rubbing his eyes while yawning.

Tiffany soflty giggles. It is too obvious that Taeyeon was sleeping and tired at all but still denying that he
is. She caressed his cheek and lovingly smiled at his boyfriend before giving him soft and light kisses on
the lips. Taeyeon smiled against her lips and just like that, all his fatigue and drowsiness went away with
just a simple kiss from Tiffany.

Thank you for coming here. Tiffany sincerely said and lovingly stared at Taeyeons eyes.
Youre welcome, princess~~ Taeyeon smiled charmingly at her before closing the small gap between
them as he pulled Tiffany closer to him and kissed her slowly and gently for a few more seconds before
they pulled back.

Yah! Youve already had enough for today. Tiffany pressed her right index finger on Taeyeons lips
when the guy attempted to kiss her again.

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Taeyeon sheepishly grinned and held her right hand. He brings her hand to his lips as he gently turns it
and places a single kiss into the palm of her hand before placing it on his cheek. He tilts his head while
lovingly staring at Tiffany, whos biting her lower lip with an obvious pink tinge on her cheeks as
butterflies on her stomach just cant stop dancing in glee.

Fany-ah... Taeyeon softly called and lovingly stared at Tiffanys eyes.

Hmmm? is what Tiffany could only utter as she was lost with her boyfriends intense gaze, and the
sweet smile from him is not helping at all.

I think I felt my heart skip a beat

I'm sitting here and I can hardly breathe
You got me yeah, you got me

The way you take my hand is just so sweet

And that crooked smile of yours
It knocks me off my feet

Taeyeon started singing a sweet and lovely song whilst his head is tilted on the side and still holding
onto Tiffanys hand against his cheek. His voice is warm and comforting along with his tender gaze and
smile, almost sweeping Tiffany off her feet.

He tilts his head up and rests both their hands on his lap. He grinned at Tiffany before continuing, but
instead of singing the next lines of the same song, his dorkiness has gotten into him and randomly sang
his acapella version of a certain hip-hop/pop song.

Girl you got my heartbeat runnin' away

Beating like a drum and it's coming your way

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Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom
Boom, badoom, boom bass?

You got that super bass

Boom, badoom, boom
Boom, badoom, boom bass
Yeah that's that super bass

Tiffany cant help but laugh at him, though she had to admit that the song turned out to be cute and
sweet as well. Its just like one of those random moments that Taeyeon seems like he wanted to say
something but ended up singing a few lines from some random songs instead. Nevertheless, Tiffany likes
it and it always makes her heart flutters, filling up the three words that shes been longing to hear from

It is already past 2AM and finally, the photoshoot is done. Everyone bid their thank yous and goodbyes,
leaving only a few people to pack everything up. Having nothing to do, Taeyeon also helped them in
packing up which warmed the staffs heart as he sternly asked Tiffany to just rest in the porch with


Taeyeon was a bit startled when someone tapped him on his shoulder from behind. He carefully put the
box down inside the van and turned around to face the girl who just greeted him. The girl sweetly smiled
at him and he returns it with his charming smile.

Hi uhm youre one of the models, right? Im Kim Taeyeon. He extends his hand for a shake hand as
he greets her and the girl warmly shakes hands with him.
I know Im Victoria Victoria Song.

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Taeyeon furrowed his brows while staring intensely at the grinning girl in front of him. The girl was too
familiar for him but he cant remember if he already met the girl before or what not. She is no doubt
pretty and sexy. Victoria cant help but giggle at him as she glanced on their hands that are still clasp
together, while Taeyeon is trying hard to remember who she is.

I would really feel bad if you wont remember me, Taeyeonnie~~

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Vicky!!!!!! Taeyeon excitedly exclaimed and engulfed Victoria in a strong, hearty embrace. Victoria
gladly hugged him back even though she almost lost her balance with the sudden bear hug.

Oh my, you really didnt change, did you? Victoria softly giggled and cupped his face while Taeyeon
comfortably rested his arms around her waist. He cutely smiled at her and pulled her for another warm
hug and gave her a long kiss on the cheek.

It was a gesture that Taeyeon would do to the girls that are very close to his heart, and Victoria is one of
those. She is Taeyeons childhood friend and it has been four years since they last saw each other. The
girl has surely changed a lot as she became a lot prettier and with a heavy make-up on earlier, Taeyeon
didnt recognize her at all. Besides, Victoria didnt want to disturb him earlier with Tiffany around for she
knows Taeyeon would hug and kiss her in front of his girlfriend and might cause a fuss in the photoshoot.

Unfortunately, greeting Taeyeon after the photoshoot isnt a good idea either.

Taeng! What the hell are you doing?! Nicole angrily yelled.

Taeyeon and Victoria broke the hug and snapped their heads, finding Nicole glaring at them with a
frozen Tiffany beside her. The two are on their way to the smaller guest house that Tiffany rented for
the three of them as she decided to just spend the night, or rather the early morning, in the forest resort
since she and Nicole were allowed to have a day off because of the photoshoot ended really late and the
distance between the place and Seoul is quite far.

Knowing the situation, Victoria abruptly stepped away from Taeyeon. She tried to say something but the
words were stuck on her throat upon seeing a lone tear that rolled down Tiffanys face.

Both Taeyeon and Victoria dont want her to misunderstand what she saw but they were both frozen on
their spot as all four of them stared at each other, until Tiffany turned around.

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It hurts her. A lot.

Tears uncontrollably rolls down her face as she started to walk away from them, and later runs as fast as
she can. She was disappointed, upset, mad, jealous, and definitely hurt to see her boyfriend smiling like
that at the girl that she doesnt even know what the relationship with her boyfriend is. And most of all,
seeing him hugged and kissed her intimately just completely breaks her heart. She felt like Taeyeon
cheated on her.

Although it was purely a friendly gesture for Taeyeon and Victoria, it was rather a romantic, intimate
gesture from everyone elses eyes and perspective, especially for Tiffany.

They just got into a romantic relationship for two weeks. Taeyeon has always been there for her, he was
caring, sweet, and a loving boyfriend. Tiffany knows that Taeyeon wouldnt just randomly hug and kiss
another girl if the girl isnt close to him like Jessica, Sunny, and Nicole but what she couldnt understand
is how intimate the two acted with each other.

The moment she saw him with Victoria, she started to question just how much Taeyeon loves her, or if
Taeyeon really do love her in the first place. After all, the guy hasnt told her yet that he loves her and
the earlier scene just added to her insecurities.

She doesnt know where shes going and how far she already was from Taeyeon and the others until a
strong hand gripped her wrist and forcefully stopped her in her tracks as she had been turned around
and pulled into a tight embrace.

She tried hard to pull away from him but Taeyeon was too strong for her. She was dead tired from the
photoshoot, sleepy like hell, and emotionally weak. After a minute or two of struggling, she gave up and
just allowed her whole being be engulfed in his arms.

Taeyeon didnt say anything yet and just warmly hugged Tiffany. He just let the girl cry her heart out,
although it breaks his heart to see his girlfriend in that vulnerable state, he cant do anything yet for he

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knows that Tiffany is still hurting because of him. He kissed the top of her head while the girl continued
sobbing on his chest.

Suddenly, images of almost the same scenario in the past flashed in front of his eyes. It was when Jessica
surprised him a visit in New York. He was with Yoona and Victoria at that time inside an exclusive
restaurant. The two girls went to the restroom after finishing their food when Jessica suddenly appeared
and he mindlessly hugged and lovingly kissed Jessica on the cheek as he missed the girl so much.
However, their actions were misinterpreted by Yoona and it caused a big fuss in the restaurant and
almost strained their seven-month relationship at that time.

Fany-ah... Im sorry.

Baby, please stop crying.

Taeyeon silently sighed. He gently srokes Tiffanys hair and occasionally kisses the top of her head until
the girl has finally calmed down. He pulled away a little to wipe her tears but the girl clenched onto his
shirt tightly like she was afraid that Taeyeon would leave her if they break their hug.

Fany-ah... Im really sorry for making you cry. for making you jealous Shes my childhood friend and
what you saw earlier is not what you think it is... Taeyeon softly said as he continued to explain his
relationship with Victoria.

He doesnt want to repeat the history and wanted Tiffany to understand the situation. If Yoona was
badly hurt to see him being intimate with Jessica and they were already in a relationship for almost a
year during that time, what more for Tiffany who has just been his girlfriend for almost two weeks.

Though shes not responding to Taeyeon at all, she was silently listening to his explanation and trying
her best to understand him. Initially, she thought she wouldve slapped either Taeyeon or Victoria
earlier because of anger and jealousy but instead, she ran away from them yet ended up in Taeyeons
arms, melting with his warmth.

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I love you, Fany-ah always remember that Taeyeon calmly said as he finished explaining everything
to Tiffany before giving her a soft peck on her temple as he continued stroking her hair down to her back.

Tiffanys heart skipped a beat. She literally froze on her spot and felt like everything stopped moving
around her. It took her a few seconds before coming back to her senses as her heart started to thump

W-what what did you s-say? Tiffany stuttered while slowly pulling away from hugging Taeyeon as
she stared directly at Taeyeons eyes.

Taeyeon frowned upon seeing her puffy and red eyes from crying. He gently wiped the traces of tears on
her face before looking straight to Tiffanys eyes and lovingly smiled at her.

I said he softly said while wrapping his arms around Tiffanys waist and pulled her closer to him.

I love you, Fany-ah

Tiffany felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest and her vision is getting blury again as tears
are threatening to fall from her eyes. She just stood there, stared at Taeyeon, and to make sure shes
hearing him correctly, dumbfoundedly asked him again.

Can you say that again, Taetae? Her voice is so soft and if it wasnt because of the small gap between
their faces, Taeyeon wouldnt be able to hear her at all.

Taeyeon leaned his head closer to Tiffanys without breaking their eyecontact, before repeating those
words again for her.

I love you, Tiffany Hwang. He slowly and clearly enunciated each word before closing his eyes and
lightly pressed his lips on hers, completely taking Tiffanys breath away.

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Taeyeon started giving her soft and light kisses. Snapping back to her senses, Tiffany closed her eyes and
reciprocated the kiss. The two kissed each other for several seconds before Taeyeon parted his lips from
hers, keeping them really close, almost at the point of kissing her again.

They lovingly stared at each others eyes. Unconsciously, a tear drops from Tiffanys eyes as she
wrapped her arms behind Taeyeons neck. He slowly grazed his lips against her cheek, kissing away the
tears on her face.

Tiffany was melting with the every touch of his lips on her face. She just closes her eyes and enjoys the
warm tingling sensation when she feels Taeyeon moves his face lower and softly kisses her chin, her
jawline, down to her neck. Instinctively, her hands moves at the back of Taeyeons head as her fingers
run through his hair.

They shared a very passionate kiss for it-doesnt-really-matter-how-long until Taeyeon had to stop
before he loses his self-control. It isnt their first time to share a passionate kiss but right now is totally
different. It was no doubt the most passionate kiss theyve ever shared and being
a byuntae normal guy, he had to stop before he gets aggressive as hes experiencing a sexual high
while kissing Tiffany and the girls soft touches arent helping at all.

I like her.
Yeah Well, Yoongie is prettier than her but shes also beautiful. They have almost the same level of
jealousy, both have pretty eyes, have pretty smiles, both are sexy and flawless but Tiffany is sexier than
Yoongie theyre both nice they have a lot of similarities yet they have a lot of differences...

They both stopped in front of Victorias van. Taeyeon had formally introduced her to Tiffany and also to
Nicole and the four of them had a short conversation over a cup of coffee. Tiffany allowed Taeyeon to
walk Victoria to her van, giving her full trust to Taeyeon.

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Im pretty sure theyll be good friends if shes still here Taeyeon smiled at her with a glimpse of
sadness on his tone.

Taeyeonnie, Im sure shes already happy up there because the one she truly loves has finally found
his happiness. Just make sure that you really love Tiffany for who she is and youre not just using her or
something Victoria intensely stared at Taeyeon, trying to find any glimpse of dishonesty but all she
saw was the guys warm eyes and loving smile.

Although it has been four years since they last saw each other, she knows Taeyeon from head to toe and
she treats him like her own brother, but mostly like a son. She is Yoonas cousin and best friend along
with Taecyeon, she was the one who introduced Yoona to Taeyeon, and witnessed the first two years of
the twos relationship until she needed to go to China to manage her familys dance school, eventually
ending up in being a leader of an idol group in South Korea.

You know me umma, I just dont give this heart that easy Taeyeon cocks his head as he proudly
answered her, receiving a smack on his head.

You are really full of yourself! she snorted and rolled her eyes before opening the car door.
Thank you~~ Taeyeon dorkily grinned as he helped her get in to the van.

The two waved goodbye to each other, not forgetting to save each others phone numbers and Taeyeon
promised her to treat her next time they meet. Victoria also informed him that Yoonas younger sister is
visiting Korea soon as an exchange student for a couple of months and will be working as a part-time
model as well, making Taeyeon a bit excited as he misses the younger Yoona a lot.

Taeyeon went back to the guest house and found Tiffany blowing her hair dry in their designated room.
The guest house that Tiffany rented only has two rooms but each room is really big and gives off a
relaxing and cozy vibe.

He stared at her for a few minutes while leaning on the door frame, unconsciously smiling like a fool.

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Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me the whole night? Tiffany muttered without looking at
him while continuing drying her hair.

Taeyeon sheepishly grinned at her and slowly closed the door. He quickly grabbed his extra clothes from
his duffel bag before dashing to the bathroom to take a warm shower, but he didnt forget to peck on
Tiffanys cheek as he walked passed her.

It only took Taeyeon about fifteen minutes to shower and he went out of the bathroom wearing a loose
white tank top and blue striped boxer shorts with the towel hanging around his neck. Since Tiffany
doesnt have any extra clothes with her, Taeyeon let her wear his extra training sweatshirt and pants,
leaving him with just his other clean tank top.

Tiffany, whos already done in drying her hair and was just leaning her back on the headboard of the bed
while waiting for Taeyeon, blushed upon seeing him. Though the two has been living together in one
apartment, she had never seen Taeyeon with just a tank top and boxer shorts on. Taeyeon is not a
beefy-muscular type of guy but his body is really well-toned because of constant work-out and dancing.
His biceps that have just the right amount of muscle and lean, and toned forearms are visible, making
Tiffany to continue staring at him.

Hes got a great upper body no wonder how he can just wrap me in those arms or even pick
me up with no hassle at all

Taeyeon, being oblivious that his girlfriend is checking him out, turned his back to Tiffany and dried his
hair with the towel as he walked towards his duffel bag to put his toiletries back.

Fany-ah, what time do you want me to wake you up? Taeyeon asked. Hearing no answer from the girl,
he zipped his duffel bag closed and turned around to look at his girlfriend. He walked towards her and
sat on the edge of the bed, snapping Tiffany back to her senses.

Baby, are you okay? he worriedly asked upon noticing that Tiffanys face was all red and thought that
his girlfriend is sick.

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Y-yes... Im f-fine. Tiffany stuttered, earning a weird look from Taeyeon.

Pabo Tiffany! Why the hell are you stuttering?! And Stop blushing!!!

Tiffany mentally cursed herself for not controlling herself to shamelessly check her boyfriend out, which
totally turns her on. She blushed harder remembering the passionate and sensual kiss that theyve
shared earlier and the thought of sleeping with Taeyeon in one bed is already driving her nuts.

O-okay you should sleep now, you had a long day. Good night, princess. Taeyeon gave her a soft
peck on the lips before getting up from the bed and walked towards the sofa across the bed.
Where are you going? Tiffany asked.
Eh? Im going to sleep here. He smiled as he plopped himself on the sofa.

Are you sure you want to sleep in that sofa rather than here? Tiffany raised an eyebrow at him.

Taeyeon blinked a few times trying to make sure he heard Tiffany right. He already had slept with the
girl in one room twice, first was when Tiffany was drunk but he slept on the couch in the girls room, and
second was when he fell asleep with Tiffany on his arms. When they officially got together, nothing has
changed with their sleeping routines. Taeyeon sleeps on his own room and Tiffany on her own with

Seeing Tiffany with a serious look on her face, Taeyeon was sure that he heard her right but asked her
just to make sure hes not imagining or something.

A-are you sure? I I mean arent you scared that I might take advantage of you? he tilted his head
on the side as he stared back at Tiffany.

Aigoo~ Fany-ah, you dont know how much I had to control myself earlier and now youre
boldly asking me to sleep with you... in just one bed

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Nope. Coz youre dead once you do any perverted things on me. Tiffany glared at him, making him to
nervously gulp the sudden lump in his throat.

I might be the one whos gonna lose control once you sleep here with me on this bed...Aish!
Since when did I become like this?!

Taeyeon thought for a moment if hes going to sleep with her or not while Tiffany lied on her side
comfortably on the bed as everything that happened today engulfed her and she just wanted to
peacefully go to her dreamland, ignoring Taeyeon if he would really just sleep on the sofa or with her.

Tiffany was already dozing off when she felt the bed shifted and a pair of strong arms wrapped around
her. She doesnt need to open her eyes or to even turn around to know who it is as Taeyeon pulled her
closer to him.

I love you, Fany-ah Taeyeon whispered before closing his eyes and snuggled closer to Tiffany.

I love you too, Taetae... I love you so much. Tiffany softly mumbled but enough for Taeyeon to clearly
hear it, making him smile as it is the first time he heard her answer him back.

Tiffany might have probably believed that Taeyeon had never told her those three words and today was
the first but she got it wrong. Taeyeon would always sneak in to her room and watch her sleep while
Jessica is still busy doing her own stuff either in the media room or living room. Tiffany has always been
busy with her work recently and she always sleeps earlier than Taeyeon and Jessica, giving Taeyeon a
chance to watch her sleep. It has been a habit for him since theyve got together and whispering I love
you before giving her a goodnight kiss, usually either earning a playful glare from Jessica whenever she
spotted him doing those things or a whole night of teasing.

Taeyeon and Tiffany drifted off to sleep with smiles on their faces. It was indeed a long day for both of
them but sleeping next to each other, both with maybe same or different thoughts in their minds, lulled
them to a peaceful sleep, concluding the day.

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Oh my God Taeyeon softly mumbled as he stood frozen upon entering their kitchen.

The two are now back in their apartment. Though they both wanted to stay longer at the forest resort,
Taeyeon still have a class in the afternoon so theyve decided to drive back to Seoul right after they had
their brunch.

Taetae, go change your clo--- Tiffany tapped his lower back and continued walking inside the kitchen
to get herself a glass of water but was cut off by what she sees in front of them.
YAH!!! Kwon Yuri! Jung Jessica!!! she yelled and glared at the couple who were making out and both
half naked in the kitchen counter, startling them and bringing Taeyeon back to his senses.

Jessica blushed madly as she fixed herself and put her shirt back on while Yuri awkwardly laughed,
avoiding Tiffanys glare. Afraid that his cousin might kill the living daylights out of him for doing
inapproriate things in the kitchen, Yuri gave Taeyeon his puppy eyes to calm Tiffany down. Taeyeon
smirked at him before he playfully shook his head in disagreement of what they had just done in their
kitchen, but nonetheless helped them out.

Aigoo~ baby, arent they sweet? Theyve finally figure out a way to make up~~ Taeyeon cooed and
hugged Tiffany from behind, smirking at Yuri and Jessica before giving Tiffany a soft peck on the cheek
that somehow cooled Tiffany down.

You two! We need to talk. Living room. Now! Tiffany said coldly before shoving Taeyeons hands from
her and pulled the guy towards the living room, causing Yuri to nervously gulp as he put his polo shirt
back on while Jessica just coolly followed the two.

Yuri and Jessica explained everything to Tiffany and Taeyeon, from the day Yuri saw Jessica kissing her
ex-boyfriend until yesterday on how they managed to make up. They have been in a relationship for

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four years and it wasnt the first time that they had a fight but it was the first about kissing a former

It was a wrong act for Jessica and she knew it as she is really sorry for what she had done. Yuri, on the
other hand, was defintely hurt and mad about the incident but after about two weeks of ignoring and
resisting each other, the two finally talked it out. Being in a relationship for four years really does help
the couple in fixing their problem. Aside from the love that they had, they had already built the trust
towards each other that is hard to break with just one mistake.

Jessica reassured Yuri that she really doesnt have any feelings towards her former boyfriend and
promised him that she wouldnt do same mistake again, nor see or even talk to him. Yuri had never seen
Jessica in that vulnerable state when she was asking for his forgiveness and it breaks his heart to see his
girlfriend like that. He didnt think twice and forgave Jessica but told her that it would take him some
time to forget about it or maybe, not at all. However, Yuri loves Jessica so much that he cant afford to
lose her. He accepted everything about her and was very glad that they are back together.

Im really glad that you two had finally patched things up! Taeyeon beamed a warm smile at the two
after listening on how the two made up yesterday.
Yeah! But I think I wouldnt mind if it happens again making up after the fight is the best~~ Yuri
joked around with a perverted grin on his face but soon replaced by a frown as he whimpered in pain
from getting a smack on his head from Jessica, earning soft giggles from Taeyeon and Tiffany.

Since the two are already back together, Yuri drove Jessica back to his former apartment and helped
Jessica pack her things. They were both surprised to see that the new couple was nowhere to be found
in the penthouse when they arrived so they both decided to wait a little longer for them to explain
everything and thank them for letting Jessica stay with them. However, since Yuri missed Jessica so
much, he cant help but to wrap his arms around her while she was busy preparing some snacks for
them in the kitchen, and ended up in making out that almost lead to another make up sex if not
because of the sudden arrival of Taeyeon and Tiffany.

By the way, where were both of you? Jessica asked the two, remembering that the two didnt come
home yesterday and they also didnt see them earlier upon arriving in the penthouse.
Oh, her photoshoot ended up late so we decided to just sleep over in the resort. Didnt we send you a
message about that? Taeyeon tilts his head as he curiously stared at Jessica.

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Jessica stared at Taeyeon and Tiffany with a bewildered expression at first but after a few seconds, her
face turned bright red and immediately lowered her head to avoid the couples eyes. Yuri chuckled upon
seeing his shy girlfriend and it didnt take too long for Taeyeon and Tiffany to realize whats going on.

Aigoo~~ you dont have to answer me, Jess. Taeyeon giggled and wink at her when their eyes met.

The two couples chatted for a few more minutes until Tiffany had to remind the two guys that they both
have classes to teach to, earning groans from the two disappointed boys. Taeyeon hurriedly changed his
clothes and since theyre almost late, they just used Yuris car going to the University. Besides, the two
girls told them that theyll go shop together since Tiffany was allowed not to come to office for the day
and Jessica decided to just get a day off to hang out with her best friend.


Tiffany turned around to look for the person who just called her name. She was greeted by a familiar
face smiling at her and it didnt take her long to recognize who it is. She brightly smiled at her before
bowing to politely greet her boyfriends older sister.

Aigoo~ Tiffany, no need to bow you are my little sister now so no need to be so formal! Hyoyeon
chuckled before giving her a warm sisterly hug.
Okay, unnie. Uhm, are you shopping alone? Tiffany asked, glancing on the two shopping bags on
Hyoyeons hand.
Well yeah, because my idiot little brother has work right now and couldnt come with me and his
girlfriend to shop but now that I see you here, lets just shop together! she happily exclaimed,
showing off her own version of her goofy grin, making Tiffany to giggle at her.
Sounds fun, unnie! Oh, I came here with my best friend she just went to the restro--- she was cut of
by Jessicas loud scream as the girl runs towards their direction and hugged Hyoyeon, surprising Tiffany
and making Hyoyeon to laugh at Jessicas rare aegyo.

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Omo! Unnie~~~ since when did you arrive here? I would really smack that dorks head for not telling
me that youre here!
I just arrived here yesterday, Jess! And I dont think Tiffany will allow you to hit her boyfriend. She
chuckled while glancing at Tiffany, who is surprised that the two know each other.

Seeing the confused look on Tiffanys face, Hyoyeon and Jessica explained how they knew each other
while dragging her to every botique in the mall.

Hyoyeon was just three years older than Taeyeon and being the latters closest girl friend, Jessica had
the chance to meet Hyoyeon when the girl visited her younger brother during his stay in Seoul back in
high school. Hyoyeon is an easy-going person and she considers Taeyeons friends as her friends as well,
making Jessica, Sunny, Yuri, and Sooyoung to get along with her comfortably.

The three girls enjoyed their time together, shopping and talking about anything under the sun but
mostly about their boyfriends and husband on Hyoyeons case. Tiffany and Jessica showed how excited
they are for Hyoyeons baby and both expressed their fondness of having their own as well, ending up in
an endless teasing of the older girls to Tiffany.

Tiffany became instantly comfortable with Hyoyeon that she blurted out of wanting to have kids with
Taeyeon, completely forgetting that the older girl is her boyfriends sister and they had previously talked
about it over the phone yesterday. She felt embarassed and pleaded them not to tell Taeyeon about it,
amusing the both Hyoyeon and Jessica but nevertheless promised her that they wont.

Girls, I really had fun shopping with you today! Lets meet again next time before I go back to New York,
Sure, unnie!

The three girls are inside an exclusive restaurant while waiting for Yuri and Taeyeon. Hyoyeon asked the
two, more of demanded them, to have dinner with her and informed them that shes with their
girlfriends. Luckily, both of them only had one class so they hurriedly went to the said restaurant right

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after their classes were finished. Hyoyeon wanted to see Sooyoung and Sunny as well but unfortunately,
the two already agreed to have dinner with Sunnys parents.


Hyoyeon, Tiffany, and Jessica snapped their heads and saw Yuri with a wide grin on his face approaching
them. He kissed his girlfriend first before giving a friendly hug to Hyoyeon and pinching Tiffany on her
cheek. He sat beside Jessica and as soon as his bum touches the chair, the girls asked Taeyeons

Oh, he got caught up with his childhood friend. err Victoria? Yeah, right. We bumped into her in the
car park so we had a little chitchat. I didnt know that hes friends with her, shes pretty hot and sexy in
person! Yuri grinned, purposely teasing his cousin whose mood already dropped upon hearing the girls

Though Taeyeon already explained his relationship with Victoria, she still cant help but to be jealous
with her. Besides, shes still not used on hearing or seeing Taeyeon close to her since they just only met
once and knowing that aside from being Taeyeons childhood friend, she is also Yoonas bestfriend and
cousin and it just added up to her insecurities.

Seeing the sudden mood change on Tiffanys face, Hyoyeon and Jessica glared at Yuri as Jessica elbowed
him for being so insensitive. Their attention was then shifted to Taeyeon who cheerfully greeted them
with Victoria trailing behind. Since everyone already knew each other, theres no need for introduction.
They casually greeted each other, except for Tiffany who is still awkward with Victoria.

The dinner went really well. It was like a small gathering of old friends and their table was full of
laughters, occasionally someone asking Victoria to have a picture with them. There was also an
American couple who recognized Taeyeon and asked him for a memento. They told him that they
missed seeing him on Broadway and hoped that hell go back performing on stage but Taeyeon politely
informed them that hes doing great with his current lifestyle now and might not go back in performing.

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Baby, where do you want to go tomorrow? Taeyeon asked while cuddling with Tiffany on the couch as
the two are just killing time while watching a movie.

Since Tiffany already met Hyoyeon earlier and they definitely had a good time, Hyoyeon suggested that
theyll just meet up again next time and asked Taeyeon to just use tomorrow to have a date with Tiffany.
Hyoyeon wanted to spend time with her brother and Tiffany but seeing how jealous Tiffany was with
Victoria earlier, she purposely gave the two more time to spend together. Besides, she knows that they
havent had enough alone time since they officially got together.

Fany-ah~ are you okay? Taeyeon lightly poked Tiffany on the cheek as the girl seems to be spacing out
though her eyes are on the screen.
Y-yeah Im fine Tiffany softly mumbled and faintly smiled at Taeyeon before turning her attention
back to the screen.

The two continued watching the movie but Taeyeon occasionally glances at his girlfriend who has been
quiet after the dinner. He blew a soft sigh guessing that its about Victoria and mentally scolded himself
for forgetting that his girlfriend is jealous with her.

Baby are you really jealous with Vic? he carefully asked, earning the full attention of Tiffany.

Tiffany stared at him for a few moments. She knows that Taeyeon and Victoria are just friends and
nothing more but she really cant help not to be jealous with her. Having dinner with Hyoyeon and
Victoria caused her to realize that she doesnt know Taeyeon that much and she feels like shes not
being a good girlfriend for him.

Im sorry Taetae Im trying not to be jealous but I just cant she knows you more than I do and shes
also closer to your sister I bet shes also close to your parents she hangs her head low and bit her
lower lip, pulling away from cuddling with Taeyeon.

Fany-ah technically yes, youre right about her but it is just because Ive known her since were
kids Look you just met my sister earlier but youre already comfortable and close with each other,
right? And about my parents youll meet them soon and Im sure that theyll love you as much as they

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love me, or maybe even more because theres just no single reason not to love you Taeyeon sincerely
said as he cupped Tiffanys face in both his hands.

Tiffany blushed upon hearing the last words from Taeyeon. She quickly held and pulled Taeyeons hands
from her face as she looked away from him. She was caught off guard with what Taeyeon told her and
didnt know what to say next. For some reason, no matter how mad or jealous she is, with just a simple
hug, kiss, and words from Taeyeon, everything was then replaced by a warm feeling inside.

She might know a lot about me but no one else knows me like how you do he continued before
hugging Tiffany from the side and resting his chin on her shoulder.
Youll eventually know everything about me err how about we get to know more about each other
instead of watching this movie? he asked, tilting his head on the side as he gives Tiffany his charming

Tiffany and Taeyeon spent the rest of the night with asking each other about anything they could think
of. Though theyve already been living together for months, the two still had a lot of things that
surprised them about each other.

Since the night is getting late, Taeyeon and Tiffany decided to go to bed as he carried her on his back,
much to Tiffanys delight. Taeyeon tucked her to bed and kissed her goodnight but when he was about
to stand up from the bed, Tiffany stopped him and shyly asked him to sleep with her. She couldnt deny
that she sleeps more comfortable if Taeyeon is with her and seeing his handsome babyface right after
she opens her eyes in the morning makes her happy.

Taeyeon was amused by her girlfriend. He always finds her adorable whenever shes embarrassed or shy
about something and he couldnt help but giggle at her. He swiftly lied down next to Tiffany and
wrapped his arms around her as Tiffany comfortably rested her head on his chest while hugging him.

Where are we going?

Hmmm youll see

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Taeyeon and Tiffany went out right after they had breakfast. It will technically be their first date after
being in a romantic relationship and Taeyeon thought a lot since last night where would he bring Tiffany.
But after what Tiffany had told him about her insecurities in their relationship, Taeyeon decided to bring
her in a certain place and introduce her to someone.

Taeyeon thought that everythings alright for Tiffany because the girl always looks happy but it
saddened him when he learned that she thinks shes not good enough for him. He immediately
reassured her that shes more than good enough for him and he loves her.

Taetae what are we doing here? Tiffany asked as Taeyeon helped her to get out of the car.

Wanting to make his girlfriend feel better, Taeyeon brought her to a certain area in Incheon. They had a
ten-minute ferry ride going to a certain island. The car can get into the ferry so both of them didnt have
trouble in going to the particular place that Taeyeon had planned to visit.

Fany-ah, I want to introduce you to someone Taeyeon warmly smiled at her, leading the girl to a
white house thats made mostly of woods.

The two were greeted by the houses caretaker and warmly welcomed them inside the house. It is
Taeyeons third time in the particular place since he came to the country and hes already familiar with it.
He introduced Tiffany to the middle-aged man and a sweet smile was formed on his lips as he politely
greeted her.

Taeyeon-shi, why dont you tour her first? Im going to prepare a special lunch for both of you Im
sure youre now hungry after the long drive. He suggested.
Okay, Uncle Lee! And please stop being too formal, I told you to just call me Taeng~~ Taeyeon beamed
his dorky grin and the man just chuckled at him but nodded his head in agreement to drop the
formalities. He then excused himself to buy some ingredients that he needs and left the couple alone in
the house.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany walked around the house and Tiffany was awed by the simple yet elegant interior
of the beautiful house. Taeyeon then held Tiffanys hand and led her to the back of the house that has a
direct access to the beach. Tiffanys eyes sparkled upon seeing the elegant view of the open waters but
frowned upon remembering that she didnt have any beachwear with her since Taeyeon didnt tell her
that theyll be going in a beachfront property.

Yah! Why didnt you tell me that were going to the beach?! She playfully glared at Taeyeon as she
crossed her arms over her chest.
Errr I didnt tell you because its a surprise~~~ he sheepishly smiled while awkwardly scratching his
head and avoiding Tiffanys glare. Tiffany chuckled at her boyfriends cute gesture. She uncrossed her
arms and leaned closer to Taeyeon as she lightly pinched his cheek.

I want to swim Tiffany pouted. She took her white sneakers off and walked to the shore with
Taeyeon following behind. They both left their sneakers on the back porch and started to stroll on the

Tiffany was wearing casual clothes with white knit top and denim shorts while Taeyeon is also looking
causal with his khaki leisure short pants and striped white/black v-neck shirt. His purpose of taking
Tiffany in the beachfront house is not for them to swim but to make her feel a lot better and assure her
about their relationship, and it didnt cross his mind to bring themselves a pair of beachwear.

The two walked hand in hand, allowing their feet to touch the particles of sand while admiring the
beauty of the calm and quiet seashore. After a few minutes of walking, the two sat on the sand, facing
the postcard-like view of the beach. Taeyeon snaked his arm around Tiffanys waist as she leans her
head on his shoulder. The weather is great and Taeyeon already regretted not bringing beachwears for

I should have brought us beachwears he softly mumbles as he frowns, but Tiffany still heard him and
she chuckled.
Its okay well go to Sunnys pension next week anyways. We can just swim there and for now, lets
just enjoy the view here its really beautiful Tiffany said as she coaxed her sulking boyfriend.

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The two stayed in a comfortable silence while watching and grasping the tranquil and beautiful scenery
around them. Taeyeon shifted a little, sitting behind Tiffany to let her lean her back against him as they

Whos that someone you wanted me to meet here?

Taeyeon sweetly smiled upon hearing Tiffanys question while the girl played with his hands. He
remembered the last time he went in the place and promised that hell bring Tiffany once hes finally
sure about his feelings for the girl.

Are you sure youre now ready to meet her? He playfully asked, cocking his head on the side.
Her? Tiffany turned her upper body to face Taeyeon and raised an eyebrow at him.
Yep~~ but I wont let you meet her if youll be jealous promise me you wont be jealous? Taeyeon
cutely asked her while raising his pinky finger, causing Tiffany to frown but still interlocked her pinky
finger to Taeyeons.
I promise but she hesitated to continue and worriedly look at Taeyeons eyes.

Seeing the worried look on her face, Taeyeon softly chuckle as he leans closer and plant a soft peck on
Tiffanys lips.

Dont worry, I wont hug and kiss her. I wont even touch her. he reassured her.
Okay~~ Tiffany brightly smiled at him, showing off her pretty eyesmile that melts Taeyeons heart.

He then helped Tiffany to stand up, dusting the sand off their own short pants, before walking closer to
the shore with their interlaced hands. They both stopped when their feet were just about three steps
away from the water. Taeyeon gently squeezed her hand as he gave her a sweet smile, automatically
making Tiffany to smile back at him.

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Ready? Taeyeon asks while the smile on his face never fades.
Huh? Tiffany confusedly stared at him but Taeyeons smile just became wider before turning his head
straight towards the vast blue ocean.

Without letting Tiffanys hand go, he takes a deep breath and cups his other hand around his mouth
before yelling something that surprised Tiffany.


I promised you Ill take her here with me, right?! Shes here now!!! Her name is Tiffany Hwang!!! Shes
beautiful, isnt she?!!!

Taeyeon took another deep breath after yelling as he placed his hand on his side, and turned his head to
face the stunned Tiffany beside him. He dorkily grinned at her before turning his head back to the open
water with a smile on his face.

I thought Id never fall in love again since you were gone but this girl right here beside me shes the
reason why Im happy right now Youre not jealous, right?... I love her Yoon I promise to always make
her happy, to take good care of her, to protect her youre gonna watch over us, right?... Thank you
thank you so much for leading my way straight to her

Taeyeon warmly smiled as he tried to keep his tears from falling. He is so happy at the moment and the
thought of having Tiffany to accept and love him, makes him feel really blessed.

He didnt expect that hell be bringing Tiffany in the particular place sooner. Hes not doing it just to
make Tiffany feel better but also for him. The beachfront property is Yoonas dreamhouse that he
secretly purchased and was supposed to be his gift for her but the girl finds it out earlier than shes
supposed to receive it. However, since shes already in a better place, the white house was then turned
to be her haven. Some of her cremated remains were scattered at her favorite diving spot and a little
was created into a blue cremation diamond jewelry thats kept in the white house.

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Tears roll down on Tiffanys face. She didnt expect that the person Taeyeon wanted to introduce to her
is the guys late girlfriend and Taeyeons words touched her heart. It may seem like a little way for
others but for Tiffany, it means everything to her.

Fany-ah I dont want you to think that youre just second to her in my heart she is my first love and
shell always place a part in my heart Can I confess about something? Taeyeon softly said as he faced
Tiffany, receiving a short nod from her. He gently wiped her tears and held both her hands as he looked
straight into her eyes before continuing.

The reason why I quit Broadway and went here is actually because of her. Ive told you how I blamed
myself of her death, right? I just wanted to start a new life here unexpectedly bringing me to you.
Slowly, youve healed the wounds here placing Tiffanys hand over his chest near his heart, Taeyeon
just wanted to let her know that what he feels is deep and true and nothing to be compared to anything

Tiffany Hwang, I may sound cheesy here and Yoon might smack my head if she hears this but I feel
like everything my choices in my life, the regrets that I used to have for years, and my heartbreak
when she left me every single thing of them led my way straight to you. I love you. Always remember
that and I am always yours

Yoona, thank you for letting him go Honestly, I was jealous of you but I know I shouldnt,
right? I love him maybe as much as you do or maybe even more. It sounds cr azy but I feel
like Im really talking to you... Youre watching over Taeyeon, right? Dont worry, Ill do my
best not to hurt him, I will love him more and stay by his side always.

Fany-ah its getting late, lets go home?

Tiffany opened her eyes and saw Taeyeon smiling warmly at her. She was sitting on a step at the back
porch while allowing the gentle breeze to touch her skin as she watched the calm waves hitting the
shore. It has been a wonderful day for both of them as they tour the area around the place and just
relax at the white house afterwards.

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Hmmm can we stay here a bit? Lets just wait til the sun sets she sweetly smiled. She pulled
Taeyeon to sit beside her and the guy gladly complied, snaking his arm on her waist as he steals a kiss on
her cheek.

The two stayed in a rather comforting silence. In no time, the sun sets on the horizon, leaving nothing
but beautiful shades of red and orange colors illuminating everything within its range. Strangely, it is the
most beautiful sunset that they both have witnessed. The clouds begin to glow with colors and the soft,
gentle breeze brought warm smiles on their faces.

Taeyeon and Tiffany went back to Seoul, both with light hearts and blessed love. It may not be a
luxurious, extravagant first date but it is a very important step for both of them. It is a way for Taeyeon
to tell Tiffany that the scar on his heart means the hurt is already over, that the wound is closed and
healed, and his past is already done but its all worth it. And for Tiffany, her willingness to wait for
Taeyeon to give her all his heart was all worth it. He might be too good for her but she already made up
her mind to do her best to be good enough for him.

But most important is, they both trusted each other with their hearts.

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Hi Soo!
Oooh~~ look who do we have here? Worrying too much about your baby, huh?
Shut. Up. Youre just jealous because Sun isnt here~~
Yah!!! Fine. Tease me and you wont see your Taetae!

Tiffany burst out laughing seeing the sulking Sooyoung crossing his arms and pouting, not caring if
students see him and are giggling at his silliness. He was on his way to the caf in the other building
when he saw Tiffany coming out of her car. He exactly knows why his friend is in the University and
thought of teasing her but it seems like he fails.

Seriously, Soo. Stop pouting! Its disgusting! Tiffany showed him a disgusted look and playfully pushed
him away from her, earning incredulous gasp and look from the tall shikshin.
You yah!!! Geez! Youre so bad Tiff! How could you tell your oh-so tall and handsome friend like
that??? Sooyoung whined, dramatically flailing both his arms in the air.

Rolling her eyes, Tiffany walked passed Sooyoung after locking her car and getting the white paper bag
that contains healthy food and some medicine for Taeyeon. The guy has been showing flu symptoms
since yesterday but being a stubborn guy as he is, Taeyeon insisted that its only a common cold.

Yah, yah, yah! Did you bring some food for me too? Sooyoung jogged to reach and walk side by side
Tiffany while eyeing the white paper bag on the girls hand.
Of course, I did! Knowing you, Id rather spend more and buy you your own share rather than let you
steal my Taetaes food. She playfully glared at him and in a second, the paper bag was snatched by
Sooyoung and carried it like a gentleman would do.
You know, its not really good if I let you carry this bag Im a gentleman after all! he charmingly
smiled as he flipped his hair, earning some squeals from the students they passed by and a cynic look
from Tiffany.

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Tiffany and Sooyoung turned their heads as they stopped in their tracks and found Taeyeon walking
closer to them, with a smile on his face but as he came closer, his watery eyes shows that hes not
feeling well. Tiffany warmly smiled at him and cupped his face with one hand to kiss him on the lips but
Taeyeon turns his head as he avoids it, ending up in having Tiffany kissing his cheek instead.

Students around them gasp upon seeing the interaction of the two. Most are surprised that their
favorite handsome and charming lecturer is really in a relationship. Some squealed in delight seeing two
beautiful persons being sweet but most sadly sighed as they lose hope in either of the two and felt

Feeling frustrated as she hasnt kissed Taeyeon on the lips since yesterday, she cupped Taeyeons face in
both her hands and pressed her lips on his. Taeyeon pulled away a little as he rested both his hands on
Tiffanys waist, worried that she might get a cold too if hell kiss her on the lips.

Baby, you might catch a cold too if--- he was cut off by another soft peck from his girlfriend.
I dont care, I just want to kiss you~~ Tiffany pouts and looks at him with her adorable puppy eyes.

Taeyeon sighed in defeat and chuckled. Tiffany brightly smiled, showing off her beautiful eyesmile as she
snakes her arms behind Taeyeons neck when Taeyeon leans forward and softly kissed her on the lips for
a good three seconds, earning squeals from the students watching them and snickering from Sooyoung
on the side.

Taeng, will Hyo nuna come with us this weekend? Sooyoung asked and continued munching his food.

The three chose to eat in a gazebo near the Universitys garden as it is more quiet and less to almost no
students disturbing them. Yuri wanted to have lunch with them too but he has a lunch meeting with
some of the other faculty members about the upcoming seminar for select Theater Arts students, whom

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Taeyeon is one of the speakers since hes a former Broadway performer and already had made his name
in the industry.

Yeah she will shes actually excited about it. Taeyeon chuckled a bit remembering how excited her
sister was when he asked her to come with them on their three-day getaway.
Cool! Tiff, why dont you invite Nicole and Gyuri too? And Taeng, invite Victoria too and her friends,
okay? The more, the merrier!~~ Sooyoung beamed a goofy grin as he bit the last piece of his chicken
wraps and now starting to dig in to some cheese and fruits.

Tiffany frowned upon hearing Gyuri and Victorias names and glared at Sooyoung as she snatched the
fruit bistro box from his grasps. Apparently, shes still not comfortable with Victoria but she wouldnt
dare to ask Taeyeon not to invite his childhood friend. As for Gyuri, well it wont be a problem since
shes not gonna invite her at all. If she had to choose between the two girls, shed pick Victoria instead
as she wont give a single chance for Gyuri to be close to her boyfriend.

Vic is out of town the whole week so she cant make it and it will be awkward if her friends will come
with us without her, eh? Taeyeon said after taking a sip on his iced tea lemonade. Tiffanys face lit up
and Sooyoung just smirked at her before grabbing back the fruits.
Oh, I invited Taecyeon that guy needs to breathe some fresh--- ugh. He continued but he was cut off
by a sudden headache as he closed his eyes and held his head.
Baby, are you okay? Tiffany worriedly asked. She moved closer to Taeyeon and gently rubbed his arm
before giving him some pills that she bought earlier for him.

Taeyeon obediently take the medicine for headache and also the pill for flu as Tiffany insisted to take it
or hell come with her to the hospital for a check up that he obviously doesnt want.

Taeng, you should really go home and rest. Ill tell the dean that youre sick and dont worry about
your class, Ill take care of it Sooyoung suggested and prepared to leave as hes done with his food.

Taeyeon wanted to object but hes already feeling weak and the class that he had earlier drained all his
remaining energy. Besides, he doesnt want his students to worry about him and just did his best to
continue the discussion though he feels like everything was spinning once in a while.

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Thanks Soo. Oh, just bring those with you I know you want it. Tiffany softly giggled as she pointed on
the bistro box with apples, dried cranberries and roasted almonds that instantly made Sooyoung to
brightly smile at her. Tiffany stood up behind Taeyeon and started to gently massage his head to lessen
his headache, letting Taeyeon to lean his back against her.

Okay, Ill go ahead Take good care of your baby, Tiff! Sooyoung waved goodbye as he carried the
white paper bag with him that contains the empty bistro boxes and the one with the fruits. Tiffany and
Taeyeon smiled at their friend but both blushed when Sooyoung suddenly turned around and shouted
something at them from the distance.

No strenuous physical activity until Taeng recovers!!!

Fany-ah you should go back to your office... Ill be fine here Taeyeon persuaded his girlfriend to go
back to her work but the girl is just stubborn and too worried for him.

Dont you want me to take care of you? Tiffany pouted as she sat next to Taeyeon, whos comfortably
lying down on his bed. She is facing him and knows exactly that her pout is one of her boyfriends
weaknesses as she uses it to convince him that its okay for her not to go back to the office.

Aigoo~ princess, your pout wont work this time I dont want to bother you with your work and I
dont want your colleagues to think that Im such a troublesome boyfriend to you you only have a few
hours left anyways and I promise Ill just rest here until you come back he sweetly smiled at her.
Though his eyes felt heavy and his whole body is feeling sore all of a sudden, he doesnt want Tiffany to
worry too much about him.

Taetae youre not troublesome okay? Youre my boyfriend and I want to take care of you Tiffany
coaxed as she leaned closer to Taeyeon, reaching out her hand to massage his temples.

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Taeyeon wanted her to take care of him, of course. But hell just feel guilty afterwards if he let Tiffany to
do halfday because of him. Tiffanys company is not that strict when it comes to being in the workplace
per se and in Tiffanys case, shes free to do anything she wants to except if its a busy time for the team
or if theres a meeting. However, he just simply doesnt want anyone to be bothered at work by him.

After a few more convincing from Taeyeon, Tiffany sighed in deafeat and half-heartedly agreed to go
back to her office. She sternly demanded Taeyeon to just rest and sleep while shes gone and the guy
happily nodded his head in compliance.

Call me if you need something okay? Ill be back in four hours. kissing Taeyeon on his forehead, Tiffany
sweetly smiled at him before giving him a soft peck on the lips. She gave him another smile before
exiting out of Taeyeons room as she goes back to her workplace.

As soon as Tiffany is out of his bedroom, Taeyeon curled up in a fetal position and fully covers himself
with the blanket and immediately closed his eyes. His whole body aches, he felt so tired like he did a
one-week load of heavy work in just a day, and the stinging pain in his head is making everything worst.

Taeyeon rarely gets sick but if he does, he is like a baby that is so helpless and weak. He becomes very
sensitive, more affectionate, and emotional. He is indeed a dork, stupid sometimes, wants everyone he
treasures to be happy, and indeed he is one true person that everyone wanted to be close with because
of his bright smiles and personality. However, like how people tend to unmask the faade they maintain
when they got drunk, Taeyeons inhibitions go away when hes sick.

Tiff, when do you think will Director Kim come back here?



231 | P a g e
Yah! Tiff! Are you okay? Nicole nudged her friend whos been spacing out while staring blankly on her
computer screen.
H-huh? What? Tiffany snapped back to her senses and confusedly stared at Nicole.
Aish Ive been talking here for the past what ten minutes? Whats wrong with you? she sighed. She
was about to scold her boss and friend but seeing the restless expression from her, she got worried and
rolled her office chair closer to Tiffany.

Sorry Nic Im just worried Tae is sick, I think he got flu I wanted to take care of him but he insisted
that I should go back here because he would feel bad if Ill just leave my work for him. Tiffany released
a deep sigh and lazily grabbed a folder containing the final draft for next months magazine issue.

I see so thats why you were out for more than two hours for lunch Dont worry too much about
your dork, Im sure hes gonna be fine. We dont have much work to do today so you can go home
early Nicole patted her friends shoulder and went back to her own desk to continue editing some
graphics for the special feature on their magazine.

By the way, what were you saying earlier? Tiffany asked, remembering that her assistant has been
talking to her since she got back to the office.

Oh, Directory Kim was here earlier when youre out she informed us that shell go back to New York
later today... it was urgent, she said it has something to do with their partnership with a certain
company I think its good because she looks happy and excited she was looking for you actually.
Nicole chuckled as she remembered how the director became happier when she told her that Tiffany
went out to have lunch with her boyfriend.

Really?! Thats good then but Ill miss her when is she coming back? And why is she looking for me?
she thought for a moment but Nicole answered her right away, with a teasing look on her face.
She wanted to say something to you before she leaves for New York because she might not come back
here in Seoul for a while oh! Here Nicole handed her a white box with pink and gold ribbon tied on
I think Director Kim really likes you she prepared presents for all of us but itll be delivered here by
her assistant the next day, but yours is already here and it looks special. she continued.

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Tiffany felt grateful and happy. Director Kim always treats her like her own daughter and she feels a bit
sad that she didnt get to say goodbye to her. She traced the box and cant help but wonder whats
inside. She was about to open it but Nicole stopped her and told her what their Director had reminded

Director Kim wants you to open it when youre home.

Eh??? O-okay?... I wonder whats inside

Tiffany placed the gift on her table and decided to help Nicole with the last touches of the graphics for
the magazine. Theyre featuring Victoria and her band members on their upcoming issue. She spent the
rest of the day in busying herself and constantly checking her phone to see if Taeyeon had texted her or

As soon as the office hours ended, Tiffany quickly grabbed all her things including the gift from her boss
and hurriedly waved goodbye to her colleagues as she made her way to the car park.


She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see whos calling her. She frowned upon seeing it was
Gyuri running towards her with a paper bag on her hands.

What? she coldly asked and continued walking towards her car.
I didnt mean to eavesdrop earlier but I heard you told Nicole that Taeyeon is sick here Gyuri
handed her the paper bag but Tiffany just stared at her blankly while raising an eyebrow as they both
stopped walking.
These are Chinese herbal tea, itll help him to recover fast. She continued.
Ive already given him medicine he doesnt--- Tiffany retorted but was immediately cut off by Gyuri.

233 | P a g e
I know but those kind of medicine will just remove the symptoms. This will supplement the pills and
restore his immunity.This will make him feel better. Oh, I forgot you grew up in the States so you dont
know things like this are you sure you can even take care of him? Gyuri smirked, cocking an eyebrow
at Tiffany.

Tiffany is irritated and Gyuris statement makes her blood boil. Her colleague is purposely insulting her
for her own benefit as she still cant accept the fact that Tiffany is now Taeyeons girlfriend.

I may not know that thing but I know how to take care of MY boyfriend. If theres something that can
make him feel better, Im sure its not that herbal tea or whatsoever BUT his GIRLFRIEND. So, if you
dont have anything else to say, Im leaving now coz MY Taetae is waiting for me at home. Tiffany
mocked her and coolly turned around as she flipped her hair, making her way on her car with a
victorious smirk on her face.

Meanwhile, Taeyeons phone received about five missed calls from his mom, wanting to talk to him
before the older woman leaves for New York. Since hes not answering, she asked Hyoyeon to call
Tiffany but the mother and daughter unfortanately doesnt have her number, yet. Since she doesnt
have enough time before her flight, she just sent him a message and asked Hyoyeon to tell him that her
flight is so sudden and didnt have time to personally bid goodbye to him.

Tiffany arrived in their apartment and put all her things on the couch as she quickly went to Taeyeons
room to check him. She slowly and quietly closed the door before sitting next to the sleeping guy that
looks like an innocent kid enjoying in his dreamland.

She lovingly stared at him as she fixed Taeyeons messy hair and gasped when her hand touched his face.
Taeyeon is having a fever and Tiffanys presumption that the guy is not simply having a cold but flu is
right. She was about to stand up to get a thermometer to check hes temperature and ice pack but
Taeyeon began to move and slowly opened his eyes.

Fany-ah? Y-youre b-back Taeyeon weakly said. He smiled and tried to sit up on the bed but Tiffany
didnt allow him to do so.

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Baby, you have a fever just stay here in bed. Ill go get the ice pack or do you want to take a warm
bath first? Tiffany gently strokes his cheek before kissing him on the forehead. She sighed and frowned
as Taeyeons temperature is high but immediately smiled upon seeing the dorky smile from him.
Are you gonna bath me? he grinned and tried to pull Tiffany closer to him, receiving a playful smack
on his chest. Tiffany bit her lower lip and blushed as she quickly brushed off some thoughts that
immediately ran through her mind.

I t-think its b-better if I mean, I think ice pack and damp cloth are better to cool your body down
stay here, Ill get them. She abruptly stood up from the bed and exited out of the room, amusing
Taeyeon as he chuckled at his embarrassed girlfriend.

Tiffany prepared steam vegetables, soup, and fresh fruit juice for their dinner. Since she gave Taeyeon a
pill for flu earlier after their lunch, Taeyeons fever is manageable but his body is still weak and might
need a day or two to recover. She required him to just rest in bed and brought his dinner to his bedroom
and fed him.

Princess, you should eat your dinner too I can feed myself Taeyeon said.
Im fine. Ill eat after you finished all these so eat well if you dont want me to starve. Tiffany sternly
said as she let him sip some fruit juice.
Okay~~~ nurse Tiffany! Taeyeon cutely nodded his head and they both giggled.

Taeyeon obediently finished his food and took his medicine, receiving a soft peck on his cheek as his
prize for being a good boy. As Tiffany said, she ate her dinner afterwards and took a quick shower to
freshen up before going back to Taeyeons bedroom.

She checked Taeyeons temperature again and its no longer that high. She also called Sooyoung and
told him that Taeyeon has flu and might need a day or two to rest and he assured her that hell take care
of everything in the University. She replaced the water in the bowl with a cold one and soaked a
washcloth into it and applied it on Taeyeons neck, legs, and feet until the cloth is warm. She also helped
him changed into light comfortable clothes, blushing in the process as it is her first time to see Taeyeons
naked upper body.

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Taeyeon doesnt have a sculpted rock-hard abs but a defined one thats more than enough to drive girls
wild when they see those, along with his V-shape muscles and hip bones right above his underwear line.

Note to self: Dont let him take his shirt off once you arrive in the beach if you dont want other girls
drool with your boyfriends body. Ugh! Taetae why do you have to be---

Baby, can you sleep here with me? Taeyeon suddenly said as she helped him pull his shirt down,
cutting her off from her thoughts.

Tiffany blushed madly upon meeting Taeyeons pleading eyes and quickly looked away to hide it. She
mentally calmed herself down before nodding in agreement, receiving a hug from Taeyeon. He is hot,
literally hot because of his fever and being wrapped in a blanket wouldnt help at all as it will just keep
the heat in.

Taeyeon snuggled closer to Tiffany and placed an arm around her as soon as she lied next to him. He
nuzzled his face on Tiffanys neck, sending chills on the girls whole body as his warm breathe and skin
touches her neck.

Tiffany was surprised at first because Taeyeon has never been that affectionate to her though they
always cuddle and stuff, Taeyeon never had nuzzled to her neck. Nonetheless, she loves it. One thing
that she learned about him when sick is that the guy is more affectionate and sweeter, but sensitive.

I love you, Fany-ah dont leave me, okay? Taeyeon mumbled and innocently kissed her neck. Tiffany
bit her lower lip as her breath hitched with the sudden contact.

OH MY GOD Taetae~~~ Calm down, Tiffany Its just a good night kiss. Geez.

Princess are you already sleeping?... Taeyeon softly asked and tilted his head up to see if Tiffany is
already asleep.

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N-no not yet. Ill watch you sleep, Taetae. I love you too and dont worry, I wont leave you. Tiffany
sweetly smiled at him and kissed him on the forehead before he nuzzled again on her neck.

I promise. I will never leave you, Kim Taeyeon.

Taeyeon smiled against her neck and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth that Tiffany is giving. For him,
Tiffanys embrace is more than enough and effective than any other kinds of drugs not just for flu but to
any other kind of pain or sickness.

Me too. He mumbled before dirfting off to his dreamland, with a smile plastered on his face.

Tiffany was woken up by Taeyeons alarm and quickly turned it off to avoid waking Taeyeon up. A smile
was drawn on her face upon realizing that Taeyeon is hugging her from behind and the guy is snuggling
close to her, with his arm firmly but gently hugging her waist. She carefully turned around and her
smiled became brighter upon seeing Taeyeons sleeping face.

She leaned forward and planted a soft peck on his nose before caressing his cheek. Taeyeons fever has
gone down and his rosy skin amused Tiffany. She felt like taking care of a baby and couldnt help but to
steal another kiss from Taeyeon, but this time, she grazed her lips on his cheek, just an inch away from
his lips. She sighed in content and sweetly smiled as she lovingly stared at the sleeping baby-face guy in
front of her, remembering the very first kiss that they shared accidentally in the club caused by the
clumsy Sooyoung.

As much as she wanted to cuddle and stay more in bed next to Taeyeon, she has work and needs to
prepare breakfast for both of them. She carefully removed Taeyeons arm thats hugging her waist and
quietly got up from the bed.

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Baby, wake up I cooked breakfast for you.

Taeyeon slowly opened his eyes and saw a beautiful smile from his girlfriend. He automatically smiled
and pulled her in his arms as he hugged her. Tiffany softly giggled and comfortably rested her head on
Taeyeons chest as the guy wrapped his arms around her.

Good morning, princess~ he cooed and kissed the top of Tiffanys head.
Good morning, baby~~ she happily answered and supported her weight, placing both her hands on
the sides of Taeyeons head, as she planted a soft peck on his forehead.
Did you sleep well? she continued as she lied on her side, facing Taeyeon.

Taeyeon did the same and lovingly smiled at her before snuggling close to her as he comfortably nuzzle
his face in the crook of her neck. Tiffany naturally embraced him as he clings closer to her, running her
fingers through his sexy bed hair.

Thats one of the best sleep I had thanks for staying with me. Taeyeon said. He cant help but to
smell Tiffany as the girl smelt fresh like a combination of peach, cherry blossom and white jasmine.
You switched back to Love Spell? he asked as he supported his upper body with his elbow and rested
his head on his hand.
Yeah I like it better than the vanilla one. Why? Dont you like it? Tiffany anxiously stared at him. She
loves light and soft fruity scent for her shower gel but shes not sure if Taeyeon likes it too or not since
they havent talk about it before.

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I like it. It suits you better! Taeyeon warmly smiled at her before returning back to his previous
position, cuddling with Tiffany.
Princess, let me hug you for a few more minutes, okay? he mumbled near her ear and kissed her
Anything for my baby Tiffany softly said as she softly caressed his hair and allowed him to snuggle
close to her.

The couple stayed in the same position, cuddling in bed for almost half an hour until someone suddenly
barged in to Taeyeons room. Taeyeon is peacefully sleeping while snuggling close to Tiffany. On the
other hand, Tiffany is fully awake but her eyes are closed while humming a song that sent Taeyeon back
to his dreamland, totally oblivious of the third person inside the room.

Ahem... I hate to interrupt your very sweet moment but youre gonna be late if youll continue cuddling

Tiffanys eyes fluttered open and abruptly stopped humming upon hearing a familiar voice in the room.
She quickly scanned the room and saw Taeyeons older sister sitting down on the couch across the bed
with a smirk on her face. She was surprised to see Hyoyeon in their apartment but blushed upon
realizing that she saw her with Taeyeon, whos still sleeping while nuzzling his face on her neck while
hugging her.

She carefully pushed Taeyeon from her and quietly got up from the bed as she awkwardly greeted her
boyfriends older sister.

Am I expecting a nephew in the next few months? Hyoyeon grinned at her while wiggling her
eyebrows up and down.
N-no! U-unie, its n-not what you think. Tiffany quickly defended as she vigorously shook her head,
waving her hands no in the process.

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Hyoyeon cant stop giggling at Tiffany whose face is already so red from blushing. Just like her brother,
she also finds Tiffany adorable when embarrassed or shy and cant help but tease her more.

Is my brother good in bed? she stood up from the couch and teasingly smiled at Tiffany, whose eyes
widen upon hearing the question.

Hyoyeon burst out laughing upon seeing her reaction but was immediately hushed by Tiffany as she
glanced on Taeyeon, whos still deep in his sleep.

The two girls went out of Taeyeons room and went to the kitchen as Tiffany informed Hyoyeon that
Taeyeon is sick. They both let him sleep more and Hyoyeon told Tiffany that shell take care of his
brother until she comes back from work. They both eat breakfast that Tiffany prepared, keeping
Taeyeons part on the kitchen counter for Hyoyeon to reheat later once the guy wakes up. They were
chatting as they eat like theyve known each other for years, with Hyoyeon constantly teasing Tiffany
about what she saw earlier.

By the way, Tiff do you live together? Hyoyeon curiously asked upon realizing that Tiffany is just
wearing her comfortable clothes and acted like she lives in the apartment.

Tiffany choked her food upon hearing the sudden question. Hyoyeon quickly gave her a glass of water as
she went on her side and patted her back, asking Tiffany if shes okay.

Im f-fine, unnie thanks. Tiffany said and drank another glass of water, hoping that Hyoyeon had
already forgotten her question.

Unfortunately, Hyoyeon is quick witted and judging by how the penthouses interior looks like and
seeing some of Tiffanys things around the unit, she already knows the answer but decided to continue
teasing the girl.


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So? What unnie?
Youre living together right?

Tiffany mentally panicked and blinked a few times, debating to herself if shell say the truth or whatnot.
She is confused and wanted to say no for the sake of her cousin but the word that escaped from her lips
was the exact opposite.


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Taeyeon and Hyoyeon got the whole day for their brother-sister bond. Taeyeon was still sick but he
already has the energy to goof around with his sister. The guy surely missed her, especially the times
when they were younger, when both were still studying and doesnt have to worry about work and stuff.

Nuna, when are we going to find out if thats a boy or a girl? Taeyeon asked, lightly poking Hyoyeons
Idiot! Babies are not formed in the stomach but here Hyoyeon smack Taeyeons hand and lovingly
smiled as she caressed the part just below her bellybutton.
Eh??? Thats the same! Anyways, sooo when? he continued as he stared at his older sister with
expectant eyes.
Hmmm my doctor said it depends on the babys position but its safe and more accurate at around
18-20th week. Youre excited, arent you? Hyoyeon chuckled and stared back at him with a sly smile on
her face.
Yes!!! Ill be the coolest uncle hell ever have~~~ he dorkily grinned.
Aigoo~ if youre that excited then why not make your own baby instead? I cant wait to be the coolest
and prettiest aunty~~~ she teased, giving him her own version of the Kims goofy grin.

Taeyeon laughed at her sister and comfortably leaned his back on the couch. Theyre both in the living
room and just chilling out while drinking some hot chocolate Hyoyeon made as they wait for Tiffany.

We havent even done that. he said with a smile on his face.

Oh come on, baby bro! Dont lie to your pretty nuna here! Youve been living together since you came
here in Seoul and you two are just so sweet earlier cuddling in your bed. Then youre telling me you
havent done that?! Hyoyeon dramatically exclaimed, causing Taeyeon to giggle at his silly sister.
Cant we just cuddle in bed? he asked, smiling like a fool as he tilts his head on the side.

Hyoyeon scoffed and furrowed her brows. Though Taeyeon is a touchy-type of guy, she knows that he
wouldnt force himself to his girl if shes not ready yet and its one of his brothers characters that she

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likes the most. However, she knows him too well that its hard for him to resist Tiffany as the girl really
has a body that could make boys go wild.

But you want to do it, dont you? she smirked, cocking an eyebrow at Taeyeon.
Of course, Id love to do it with her! Taeyeon shamelessly answered and the two burst out laughing,
realizng how personal and weird their topic is.

Do what with who?

Hyoyeon and Taeyeon stopped laughing and turned their heads, seeing Tiffany walking towards them
with a confused look on her face. The two dorks didnt notice that Tiffany is already home. She greeted
Hyoyeon first before giving a soft peck on Taeyeons cheek as she sat beside him, placing her bag on the
other side of the couch.

Well, since youre already here, Im gonna take my leave now. Tiff, I already prepared dinner for both
of you, just reheat it later, okay? Hyoyeon said as she stood up from the couch and warmly smiled at
Tiffany, ignoring the girls question.
Oh, okay unnie but dont you want to eat dinner here? Tiffany stood up as well and tried to convince
the older girl to stay longer.
Yeah, why dont you stay til after dinner? Or you can sleep over if you want. Taeyeon joined his
girlfriend, hugging Tiffanys waist on the side as the girl is now standing in front of him.
I have a dinner date with my friends and I dont want to hear your weird noises when you do it tonight.
Hyoyeon smirked at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon quickly pulled away from hugging Tiffany and blushed before glaring at his older sister, making
her laugh and walked towards the elevator door. Tiffany had a very confused look on her face but just
shrugged it off, and both she and Taeyeon followed Hyoyeon. The two girls waved goodbye to each
other and Hyoyeon didnt forget to ask Tiffanys mobile number. They exchanged phone numbers and
also took a photo together on Hyoyeons phone.

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Bye, unnie~~ thank you for the food. See you this weekend! Tiffany happily said after they broke their
sisterly hug.
Thanks for taking care of me, nuna. I love you~~ be careful in driving, okay? Taeyeon hugged his sister
as well and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
You too little baby~~ he continued as he bent down a little to dorkily wave at Hyoyeons baby bump,
making the two girls giggle at him.

Okay~ Ill leave now. Oh, dont forget... Hyoyeon paused as she entered the elevator room, making
both Taeyeon and Tiffany to look at her with interest.
I want a nephew~~~ Bye!~~~ she continued and grinned as the door closes, leaving the couple with
wide eyes and pink tinge on their faces.

Whoa~ unnie cooks really good I guess great cooking skill runs in the family, huh? Tiffany said and
continued eating her food.
I guess so?... well, mom always allowed us to cook with her since were kids. Actually, more like, we
play and mess around in the kitchen while she cooks. corrected Taeyeon.

They both chuckled and continued eating dinner while talking about how they spent the day. It was just
a normal day for Tiffany at the office while Taeyeon shared how he and his sister just goof around and
talk about whatever topic they could think of for the whole day.

Taeyeons phone suddenly rings, indicating a new message that caught their attention. He quickly
grabbed his phone from his pocket and smiled as soon as he opened the message. His smile became
wider as he received few more messages, making Tiffany frown and curious as she suspiciously eyed him.

Whos that? she asked when Taeyeon finally puts his phone on top of the table, done with replying on
all the messages.
Some colleagues and students theyre telling me to get well sooner and said that they miss me.
Taeyeon answered and brightly smiled before digging in to his food.

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Tiffany nodded in understanding. She stood up to get the tea that she prepared for Taeyeon that
contains garlic, honey, and lemon extracts. Pouring a good amount in the tea cup, she returned back to
the dining table but frowned upon seeing Taeyeon whos busy on his phone again.

Taetae. She sternly called, placing the cup of tea on the table in front of Taeyeon and snatched the
phone from his hands.
Fany-ah? Taeyeon confusedly looked at her then shifted his gaze to his phone thats already secured
on Tiffanys hand.
Finish your food and drink your tea first. You can reply to all of them once youre done with your dinner
and after you take your medicine. She said and sat back on her chair, placing Taeyeons phone on top
of the table on her side.
But Fine~ he whined and cutely pouted but still obeyed Tiffany as he continued eating.

Tiffany smiled at him before finishing her own food. She doesnt like it when Taeyeons attention is on
his phone while eating, especially now that he is still sick and needs to eat more to regain his energy and
boost his immune system. Besides, she felt a bit jealous on how Taeyeon smiled while reading and
responding to the text messages.

The rest of the dinner went well and being a good boy, Taeyeon got his phone back and got a bonus soft
peck on his lips from Tiffany. He wanted to help her to wash the dishes since hes feeling a lot better
than yesterday but Tiffany sternly asked him to just rest.

Taetae~~ I told you to rest let go, Im washing the plates~~~ Tiffany playfully smacked Taeyeons
hands thats wrapped around her waist. She was about to put on the washing gloves but suddenly, she
received a back hug from her boyfriend.
But I miss my princess and Im comfortable here~~~ Taeyeon whined and rested his chin on Tiffanys
shoulder, sligthly tightening the back hug hes giving to his girlfriend.

Tiffany softly giggled at his adorable boyfriend. Of course, she loves the feeling of being in Taeyeons
arms but if theyll continue in that position, she wont be able to finish washing the dishes properly. She

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knows that he wont really let her go but she quickly got an idea how to make her boyfriend obey her to
let her go.

Baby, if youll hug me like this then I wont sleep with you tonight. She said as she turned around and
faced Taeyeon.
What??? Yah! Its unfair~~~ whined Taeyeon, pouting as he gave Tiffany his adorable puppy eyes that
automatically makes Tiffany to smile brightly at him, showing off her beautiful eyesmile as she was
amused with her cute boyfriend that unconsciously shows his aegyo.

Its not unfair~ Okay, you can continue hugging me now but remember I wont sleep with you tonight.
Tiffany smirked, seeing that Taeyeons pout deepens that means hes finally agreeing with her.
Hmpf! Fine~~~ Taeyeon huffed. He then squinted his eyes and leaned forward to Tiffany, making the
girls smirk to fade and was replaced by a confused expression on her face.
W-what? Tiffany stuttered as she held Taeyeons arms while the guy continued to suspiciously stare at
her, slowly closing the gap between their faces.

Taeyeon gave her a long kiss on the cheek, just an inch or two away from her lips. He cutely smiled at
her before giving her another hug, drawing a sweet smile on Tiffanys face.

Princess, are you not done yet? Taeyeon asked as he sat beside Tiffany and rested his head on her

Taeyeon couldnt sleep as Tiffany was still in the media room, reading some emails and double checking
the submitted proposal for the final draft of their next months magazine issue. As a photographer and a
graphic artist herself, she always makes sure that the visual look and feel of their magazine is perfect.

Not yet, baby why? Cant sleep? Tiffany cooed and left her laptop for a moment as she gently
strokes Taeyeons cheek.

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I cant sleep without you can you not do it tomorrow in your office? Taeyeon lifted his head from her
shoudler and gave her his cute puppy eyes and pout.
Aigoo~~ I really feel like Im taking care of a baby instead of a boyfriend right now~~ she chuckled and
pecked on Taeyeons pouting lips. She was about to continue working on her laptop but Taeyeon
hurriedly lied down on the couch and rested his head on Tiffanys lap.
Your work or me? He grabbed both her hands and playfully glared at Tiffany.

Tiffany blinked a few times as she stared at Taeyeon whos still glaring at her while comfortably using
her lap as his pillow. After a few moments, she then bursted out laughing. Taeyeon let go of her hands
as he confusedly stared at his laughing girlfriend. He has no idea why shes laughing at him and being
sensitive since hes still sick, he got annoyed and abruptly sat up on the couch.

Fine! I get it, thats more important than me. Taeyeon glared at the laptop before standing up from
the couch. He turned to face Tiffany, whos calming herself down while wiping the tears from her eyes
due to laughing, and bent down to give her a soft peck on the cheek.
Good night. he said in a monotone, walking out of the media room.

Tiffany felt a little guilty but she couldnt help but giggle at the cuteness of her boyfriend. For some
reason, she finds the sensitive Taeyeon more adorable and cant help but tease him. Releasing a content
sigh, she saves all the files shes working on and shuts down her laptop before following her sulking
boyfriend into his room.

Quietly, she opened the door of Taeyeons room and peeked through it, finding her boyfriend lying
down on the bed, facing the other direction of the room. She carefully enterred the room and slowly
closed the door behind her, making sure it wouldnt make a sound but fails as the door clicked closed.
Tiffany pouted but smiled right away upon turning her attention back to Taeyeon.

Taetae she called, lying down next to Taeyeon. She softly chuckled when Taeyeon didnt answer her.
She moved closer to him, hugging him from behind as she snuggled close to him.
Baby, are you mad? she continued.
No. Taeyeon simply answered, making Tiffanys smile to become wider.

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They both stayed in the same position for a few more minutes. Taeyeon, still sulking about what
happened earlier in the media room, and Tiffany is thinking of a way to please him. After a few more
moments, Tiffany pulled away from hugging Taeyeon and sat up on the bed while leaning her back on
the headboard. She lovingly strokes Taeyeons hair and started to sing a song for him.

Saranghae, Saranghae, Saranghae

Even if I say it a thousand times, its not enough
I miss you, I miss you each moment that I miss you, I miss you more
I call you and call you and call you and your face keeps floating up
If I hope and hope and hope, will you know how I feel someday?

Its me who only knows you the person who will only love you is me
Its because meeting you was like a miracle to me
Its me who only wants you the person who will only protect you is me
Its me who is only looking at you by your side, a fool

A sweet smile was drawn on Taeyeons face when she heard Tiffanys soft, husky, yet angelic voice. It
was his first time hearing the girl sing and her voice melted his heart.

I draw out your face will I see you in my dreams when Im asleep?
If I want you and want you and want you, will you know how I feel someday?

Its me who only knows you the person who will only love you is me
Its because meeting you was like a miracle to me
Its me who only wants you the person who will only protect you is me

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Its me who is only looking at you by your side

My heart is speaking, its saying that its only you

I love you, I love you alone, thats me

Taeyeon slowly turned around and moved closer to Tiffany, hugging her on the waist. Tiffany lovingly
smiled at him and continued singing for her boyfriend.

My heart is speaking, its saying that its only you

I love you, I love you alone, thats me

This love story is only for you to hear

A story about how I loved only one person
Keep it for yourself this love that no one knows about, its me

Im singing this love song only for you

A song that can be heard only by you
Its me who will always sing you this love song for only you

Tiffany ends the song with a beautiful smile on her face. She comfortably lied down again on the bed
and immediately received a loving kiss on her cheek from Taeyeon. She lied on her side and faced him,
caressing his cheek as she lovingly stared at him.

I love you Taetae, Im sorry for earlier youre just too adorable when youre acting like that. She
grinned, receiving a playful glare from Taeyeon.

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Taeyeon pulls her closer and tightly wrapped his arm around her waist. He softly kissed her on the
forehead, then on the tip of her nose, and lovingly stared at her before leaning in for a short peck on
Tiffanys lips.

Its okay Im sorry for being too childish earlier I love you too, Fany Fany Tiffany~~~ he dorkily
grinned, making Tiffany to laugh at him and her beautiful eyesmile spreads across her face.

Taeyeons dorky grin was slowly replaced by a loving smile on his face. No matter how many times he
already has seen Tiffanys eyesmile, he still cant get used to it. Hes always mesmerized everytime the
girl will give him that kind of smile and amazingly, it turns everything around him in slow motion.

Fany-ah he softly called as he lovingly looked straight in her eyes.

Yes, Taete? responded Tiffany in the same soft voice, staring back at Taeyeon with love written in her

Have I told you that you really have a very beautiful eyesmile?

Tiffanys heart skipped a beat. Everytime Taeyeon would compliment her, say sweet words to her, kiss
her, wrap his arms around her, smile at her, or even just a stare from him with loving eyes, her heart
always leaps in bliss.

Princess... I wish to always see your beautiful smile that reaches your eyes because it means that
youre truly happy. And Im happy when you are Before Tiffany could answer, Taeyeon continued. His
voice was a bit husky because of his still sore throat but it was still soothing like a voice of an angel in

Im happy because of you, Taetae. said Tiffany, leaning forward to plant a soft peck on Taeyeons lips.
So dont you dare leave me or Ill never smile like this ever again. she continued and playfully glared at
him, earning butterfly kisses on her face from Taeyeon.

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I wont leave you, princess. Ill always stay by your side and make you happy. And always remember
that I love you and I am yours. Kim Taeyeon will always be yours.

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she tried her best not to cry. She is very happy and indeed, she melted with
Taeyeons words. As day passes by, Taeyeon becomes more open and tells her how important she is in
his life, and had once told her that hes going to court her even if theyre already together. Taeyeon
never fails to show and express his love for her, and it is equally reciprocated by Tiffany.

Though they just recently got together, everyone around them can feel and see that the love they have
for each other is pure and theres just something between them that no one can really articulate but
everyone knows its there.

Princess, sing it again for me please?

Tiffany softly giggled as Taeyeon cutely asked her to sing again, like a baby who wants his mom to sing
him a lullaby to sleep.

Why? asked Tiffany. She felt embarrassed all of a sudden as she never had sung to anyone before but
only to herself when shes alone or mostly while showering.
Because I I cant sleep Taeyeon reasoned out, nuzzling his face back on Tiffanys neck.
Yah! Now I feel like youre taking advantage of me and enjoying being sick. She playfully smacked his
arm thats protectively wrapped around her, making Taeyeon to pull his face away from her neck as he
gave her an irresistible pout.

I wanted to hear you sing again because you have a lovely voice I dont know how to describe it but
its just beautiful to my ears Taeyeon sincerely said.
F-fine. Tiffany blushed as Taeyeon went back on nuzzling to her neck and mumbled thank you before
giving her a light kiss on a very vulnerable spot of her body.

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Three days have gone and their long awaited three-day getaway has finally come. Taeyeon was all free
from sickness, all thanks to his loving but strict girlfriend slash nurse. Everyone met up first thing in the
morning in Sooyoung and Sunnys apartment as they happily waited for the van that Sunnys parents
had prepared for them along with a driver so they dont have to travel with their own cars as it will just
be a hassle for them.

Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yuri, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Nicole, and Taecyeon were all gathered in the living room. The
three boys are all absorbed in playing a video game as they sat on the floor while the girls are busy
chatting and giggling in their own world while comfortably sitting on the couch.

Ahem uhm guys? Sooyoung cleared his throat as he approached them after having a long private
conversation with Sunny in their bedroom.

The four girls stopped their girls talk and gave Sooyoung their attention. However, the three boys didnt
seem to hear him as they continued bickering while trying to win against each other. Tiffany and Jessica
was about to call their boyfriends but Hyoyeon already grabbed the remote control and immediately
turned off the tv screen.


The three boys whined but before they could utter another word, they all shut their mouths when they
saw the girls glaring at them as they turned around to see who dared turn off the screen.

Okay, speak now Soo. Hyoyeon said, motioning the sulking boys to listen to Sooyoung.

Yuri and Taeyeon instinctively went to their girlfriends side, still sitting on the floor, while Taecyeon
awkwardly just stayed on his position. Not long after, Sunny came to the living room with a big smile on
her face as she clung onto her boyfriends arm and continued what Sooyoung was trying to say.

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Guys, change of plans! Sunny happily exclaimed, confusing the rest of the people in the room but her
What? They all asked as they stared at the standing couple in front of them, all with bewildered looks
on their faces.
Well, Dad called and he asked us if we can do him a little favor so I said yes. Sunny continued with a
bright smile on her face.
Eh? Yah, Soonkyu-ah what are you talking about? Taeyeon asked, curiously staring back and forth at
Sunny and Sooyoung while playing with Tiffanys hands.
Instead of going to Pocheon were going to Jeju!!! Sooyoung grinned as his eyes sparkled in

Everyone cheered upon hearing the good news. Their excitement just leveled up as Jeju is indeed more
beautiful and exciting than their original itenerary in the city of Pocheon. Sunnys parents are planning
to buy a particular resort in the said island and since they wanted to make sure if its worth it, they
asked her to check out the place and test the facilities and service of the place with her friends.

Whooo~~ time to have fun, baby! Yuri happily yelled as he fist bumped with Taeyeon before standing
up to swing his arms around Sooyoung and Sunnys necks, separating the couple.

A few minutes later, the van that will send them to the airport arrived. Everyone happily got inside the
spacious van and the girls automatically cuddled with their boyfriends as soon as the ride began.
Hyoyeon and Nicole sat beside each other and Taecyeon sat on the passenger seat, playing his favorite
strategy game on his phone.

Whoa~~~ This is such an amazing place! Taeyeon said in awe as he explored their villa.

The management reserved them two traditional Korean guest houses overlooking the open sea. Each
guest house has 2 bedrooms with king size beds and has underfloor heating, and a terrace with Jacuzzi
overlooking the turqoise sea. Taeyeon, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Nicole, and Taecyeon use the bigger villa since

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it has an extra room that will be Taecyeons. Both villas are made mostly of woods especially the floor as
it exudes in traditional atmosphere yet modern style.

The resort itself looks like a traditional Korean village. It has a beautiful garden, a green plaza, a fountain
and pond, restaurant thats overlooking the ocean, spa and sauna, and many more beautiful attractions.
It has a beautiful view of the open sea and a harbor for yachts, vast grass, and exotic landscape.

Taetae~ Tiffany called, holding her dslr camera and ready to take photos of Taeyeon.
Yes, princess? said Taeyeon as he turned around with a smile on his face. Tiffany took a few shots of
him before Taeyeon managed to come close to her and tried to snatch the gadget from her, but she
managed to secure it in her hands.
Y-yah! T-tae baby! St stop! Ah!~~ Tiffany screamed in a high-pitched, frenzied way as she tried to
escape from Taeyeons tickling. Taeyeon covered his ears to save himself from becoming deaf due to his
girlfriends loud voice, giving Tiffany a chance to escape from him.

Tiffany wiped her tears from laughing and pinched Taeyeons cheek as hard as she can, punishing him
from tickling her. Taeyeon yelped in pain as he rubbed his abused cheek and sat on the bench, followed
by Tiffany.

Yah! I was just playing with you Aish! Taeyeon whined, sticking his tongue into his cheek to lessen
the pain.
Does it hurt? Tiffany suppressed her smile, receiving a playful glare from Taeyeon.
No. You can pinch the other side too if you want. He sarcastically said, rolling his eyes as he continued
rubbing his reddish cheek.
Really? Then let me do it. she playfully said and reached her hand out to pinch the other cheek as she
moved closer to Taeyeon.
Yah! Fany-ah~~ he wailed as he grabbed her hand, stopping her from pinching him again.

Tiffany laughed, showing off her pretty eyesmile. She carefully placed the camera on her other side as
Taeyeon released her hand from his grip. She carefully held his face, touching the sore part of his cheek
as he winced in pain.

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Whoa~ I really did pinch you that hard, huh Im sorry, baby~~ Tiffany coaxed her boyfriend by giving
him light kisses on his cheek before giving him a soft peck on his lips.

Taeyeon tried to hide his smile by staring blankly at Tiffany. The girl pouted as she softly caressed his
cheek upon seeing the expressionless face of her boyfriend.

Dont do it again. he coldly said.

Its your fault. Tiffany scoffed but was taken aback when Taeyeon glared at her and pulled her closer
to him. She blinked a few times, trying to apprehend if the guy is seriously mad at her or just teasing her
but before she could find an answer, Taeyeon burst out laughing upon seeing the bewildered expression
on her face.

Yah! Taetae!!!~~ she smacked his chest and pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking
away from Taeyeon.
Aigoo~ why are you so cute??? he hugged Tiffany and kissed her on the cheek, causing the girl to
I thought youre mad at me Tiffany mumbled, earning a cute giggle from Taeyeon.
Why would I be mad at you? For some strange reason, I also love the violent Fany he chuckled,
resting his chin on her shoulder.

Tiffany giggled. She tapped Taeyeons arm, asking him to sit up properly as she hugged him and leaned
against his chest. Taeyeon automatically wrapped his arm around her shoulder for her to be more
comfortable and kissed the top of her head.

They both watched the magnificent view of the Jungmun beach while cuddling on the bench. It was a
refreshing scenery and the heavenly floral scent of the garden just added up to the calming atmosphere
of the place. However, their little moment was interrupted by someone who tapped their shoulders,
making them to pull away from their cuddle and turn their attention to the person standing behind the

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Ahem save your sweetness for tonight. Were going to drive around the island theyre already
preparing the convertibles. Lets meet at the entrance in ten. Hyoyeon said, smirking at the couple
before turning around and headed to her room that shes sharing with Nicole.

Tiffany blushed upon seeing the smirk on the older girls face. But before she could do anything else,
Taeyeon already carried her in his arms along with her camera and headed towards their room with a
wide smile across his face.

Yah! Taetae~~ put me down! Tiffany struggled but Taeyeon was securely holding her.
Eh??? Ill just carry you to our room, princess. Taeyeon charmingly smiled and the girl blushed as she
burried her face on his chest. She comfortably wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him to just
carry her and silently wished that Hyoyeon is no longer in the villa as she doesnt want another teasing
from the older girl.

Fortunately, Hyoyeon was already out of the villa. However, her dorky assistant just went out of the
bedroom and has a sly smile drawn on her face upon seeing the couple. She quickly took a snapshot of
the two using her camera and waved hi to Taeyeon when the guy noticed her.

I didnt know honeymoon comes first before wedding. Nicole smirked before dashing out of the villa
as she exactly knows what Tiffany will do to her if she decided to stay even for just a bit.

Taeyeon laughed at Nicole and immediately received a smack on his chest from his embarrassed
girlfriend, whose face is all red from all the teasing she got in just a few minutes. Shes already regretting
sharing the same villa with the two girls, but thinking about it, it was way better than sharing with either
Yuri and Jessica or Sooyoung and Sunny.

Taeyeon carefully put Tiffany down upon reaching their room. He grinned upon seeing the flushed face
of his girlfriend and wrapped his arms on her waist, playfully wandering his eyes over her body before
locking his eyes on hers.

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W-what are y-you d-do-doing? Tiffany stuttered as Taeyeon slowly leaned forward whilst his eyes not
leaving hers, with a smirk on his face.

Shall we start our honeymoon now, princess? Taeyeon whispered in a deep, silky voice, sending chills
all over Tiffanys body.

Tiffany froze on her spot. She would lie if it didnt turn her on as Taeyeon really looked and sounded
sexy all of a sudden. She was lost on her own thoughts and was snapped back to reality with Taeyeons

Y-yah! Tiffany hit his chest and quickly turned around to hide her reddened face.

Aigoo~~ I was just teasing you, Fany-ah. Taeyeon said after calming himself from laughing. He swiftly
hugged Tiffany from behind, kissing her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder as he continues.
And I would like to marry you first before going to our honeymoon though I wouldnt mind if
honeymoon comes first he chuckled.

Tiffany cant help but smile upon knowing that Taeyeon thought of marrying her but was a bit worried
about one thing. She greatly appreciated her boyfriend for not forcing himself to her and respects her as
a woman. But, Taeyeon is still a man after all.

Taetae I Im Tiffany softly said and bit her lip, finding the right words to say, as she turned around
to face Taeyeon.

Princess, dont worry I admit that I wanted to errr do it but Ill happily wait until youre ready.
Even if its after a marriage or whatnot, Ill wait. Besides, I didnt love you because of that and you
dont want a rapist boyfriend, do you? he dorkily smiled at her.

Taeyeon knows that Tiffany is not ready yet as theyve never even advanced to the second base. It was
actually hard for him to resist the urge of doing it with her especially when they started to sleep

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together in one bed. She is different from Yoona. However, thats what makes Taeyeon respect Tiffany
more. Besides, it may sound clich but he already feels extremely happy to just hug and kiss his

I love you Taetae I love you so much. Tiffany caressed Taeyeons cheek before closing her eyes as
she leaned forward and softly kissed him on the lips.
Just give me a little more time as I get ready for that, okay? she continued and cupped Taeyeons face
in both her hands, receiving a cute grin and nod from him.
And dont you dare do or even think about doing it with someone else, got it? she glared at him and
grabbed his collar. Taeyeon was a bit taken aback by her deadly stare and immediately nod a few times
to answer, amusing Tiffany as she beamed her beautiful eyesmile before pulling him for a gentle kiss.

Taeyeon gladly reciprocated the kiss and pulled her closer to him, leading the kiss into a deep,
passionate one, until someone cleared her throat. They broke the kiss and snapped their heads on the
open door, seeing a very amused Hyoyeon with an unreadable smile on her face.

I know I told you guys that I wanted a nephew but please do it later instead. I dont want to deal with a
fuming Jessica you know she hates waiting and weve been waiting there for quite a while now... but I
guess I can handle her for now, just continue what youre doing. I didnt mean to interrupt really.
Hyoyeon stifled her laughter upon seeing Tiffany, whos blushing madly and buries her face on
Taeyeons chest to hide the obvious blush on her face.

Taeyeon just chuckled at the embarrassed girl. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head, causing
Hyoyeon to playfully scoff and rolls her eyes. She then moved her brows up and down as she teasingly
smiled at Taeyeon, receiving a playful wink from her younger brother.

The sibblings burst in laughters before Hyoyeon left the two with a wide grin on her face. Not long after
the older girl left, Tiffany smacked Taeyeons arm as she pulled away from the hug and quickly grabbed
her pair of chic shades, and a coral crossbody bag to complete her flirty and fresh look. Shes wearing a
simple floral mini dress yet she looks beautiful and her outfit is just perfect for the great weather.

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Taeyeon has a stupid smile across his face while admiring Tiffanys fashion but frowned upon realizing
that her dress seems too short for wandering around the island, and exposes her flawless, firm and
toned legs.

Baby, isnt your dress too short?

Tiffany raised an eyebrow at Taeyeon. It was him who picked the floral mini dress over the leopard dress,
which was longer, when she asked him which one was better when they were still in their apartment.
Seeing the look from his girlfriend, Taeyeon sheepishly smiled at her and awkwardly scratched the back
of his head as he tried to explain.

Err Im just a bit worried coz Im pretty sure those pervert guys will---
I have shorts inside so its fine.

Taeyeon was about to convince her to change but Tiffany stood in front of him, cupping his face in both
her hands as she sternly looked at him.

Yah, I just want to remind you that youre the one who picked this dress and NO, I wont change coz I
dont want to deal with HellSica since were alrea---

Taeyeon and Tiffany were both startled upon hearing the high-pitched scream of Jessica. They both
froze on their spot upon seeing the annoyed expression on the girls face as she glared at the couple,
whos already very late yet she found them in an intimate position.

Cant you guys wait until tonight?! Two minutes. If you two are still not in the entrance, youre not
gonna---- yah! Taengoo!!! Jessica screeched and Taeyeon winced but he couldnt cover his ears as he
was carrying the fuming girl on his arms.

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Jessica was trying to break free from him but Taeyeon glared down at her. However, Jessicas icy glare is
much scarier than his as he nervously gulped and looked away from her. Tiffany was softly giggling while
trailing behind the two, snapping some photos of them as they headed towards the entrance where
everyone was waiting for them.


Taeyeons eyes lit up upon seeing two luxurious convertible cars in blue and red colors. Their groupings
are the same as what they had agreed with the villas. Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Hyoyeon sat on the backseat
as Nicole comfortably sat on the passenger seat, leaving no choice for Taecyeon to be the driver of the
red car. On the other hand, Sooyoung drove the blue car with Sunny on the passenger seat, and Yuri
sitting comfortably on the backseat with Jessica.

They opted to take the western coast of the island that provides an open view of the deep blue sea and
black basalt cliffs. They were greeted by the beautiful natural coastline and beaches as they headed
towards the north-western part of the island. The first seven-kilometer drive gives them a wonderful
view of the black lava shoreline, emerald beach and rare wild flowers and Tiffany didnt forget to take
pictures of them all. Sooyoung and Taecyeon also tried racing with each other but both drivers received
a smack on their heads from the person either beside or behind them as there are unmanned cameras
all over the drive course to avoid speeding up.

The drive was fun and driving in a convertible car gives them freedom to go wherever they want and
stop by on any place they find amusing as they take pictures of the beautiful sceneries and themselves.

They continued driving but took an inland road drive course afterwards, allowing them to experience an
extremely beautiful scenic road. They went through a kilometer-long tree tunnel that covers the sky
before they reached their destination, a certain restaurant that serves traditional Jeju delicacies.

The boys, especially Sooyoung, hurriedly went out of the car as soon as they reached the place. They all
grinned upon enterring the restaurant, causing some female tourist and staff members to squeal upon
seeing four handsome and charming boys. However, they all shut up as Tiffany, Sunny, and Jessica
glared at them and possessively hugged their boyfriends arm. Taecyeon, Hyoyeon, and Nicole just
chuckled as they all walked on the table that was prepared for them.

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Whoa~~ that guy is really hot!

Sunny stood beside Taeyeon and shamelessly checked out the guy sitting across Tiffany. He's got oodles
of charisma and sex appeal, hes not the type of man that she or even Jessica or Tiffany would fall for
but hes definitely a good eye candy for every girl.

Which part of him is hot? Taeyeon scoffed. He didnt leave his eyes off the guy and Tiffany, amusing
Sunny by his rare irritated gesture.

Everything! Sunny beamed with a wide grin on her face as she looked at Taeyeon, waiting for his

Yah! You already have a boyfriend! I bet Soo will get jealous if he hears you he finally turned his face
to look at Sunny. His annoyed expression turned into a confused one upon seeing the cute grin from his
friend. Sunny softly giggled before leaning closer to him and squinted her eyes as she looked back to the
guy and then to Taeyeon.

My shikshin wont be jealous but I know someone whos already jealous. She smirked as she stepped
back and crossed her arms over her chest.

Im not jealous. Taeyeon quickly denied and looked away. His eyes landed on Tiffany whos laughing
along with the handsome guy across her, causing him to frown and glares at the guy.

I didnt say it was you Sunny innocently smiled at him and decided to tease Taeyeon more before
going back to where the others are.
By the way, Jess told me that Tiff used to like him when they were younger. She added, completely
getting the full attention of Taeyeon. She flashed him another innocent smile before leaving him dazed
and confused as he looked back at the table where Tiffany and his friend are talking.

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Oppa, how long are you gonna stay here?

Why? You dont want me here?
No~ its not like that I thought you have a big project in L.A. so I was just wondering why are you
even here?
Because I miss you.

Tiffany laughed at the guy sitting across her. She used to like him when they were younger but as time
goes by, she only sees him as an older brother and a mentor in photography. When she was a kid, she
used to follow him around wherever he goes and that also leads her to love photography.

Aigoo, youre still the same sweet talker! But I miss you too, oppa~ Tiffany beamed an eyesmile at him.
He playfully ruffles her hair and charmingly laughed when Tiffany pouts as she fixes her hair.

The two friends continued to tease each other and both didnt notice the jealous Taeyeon whos been
watching them from a distant. Tiffany and the rest of the group decided to go yachting after driving
around the island, unexpectedly meeting her childhood friend, Dennis Oh. She introduces him first to
her boyfriend and her friends before catching up with him over a cup of coffee. Her friends, including
Taeyeon, wanted to give them time to talk and left them alone while they wander around the yacht club
and rented one for an afternoon cruise.

The yacht is almost ready. Lets go? Not liking the closeness of the two, Taeyeon approached them
and tried his best not to show his jealousy but he turns out to be cold instead. Luckily, the two are
happily talking and didnt notice Taeyeons cold expression as they turned their attention to him.

Baby, help me finish this cake first? Tiffany holds his hand and pouts as she asks Taeyeon to sit beside
her. Taeyeon chuckled at his cute girlfriend and obediently sat beside her, glancing at the cake that only
has a bite or two.

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Taeyeon was about to eat some but abruptly stopped when Tiffany told him that it was bought by
Dennis. His jealousy returns with the mention of his name and arises when the guy lightly kissed Tiffany
on the cheek as he waved goodbye at the couple. He knows hes just like an older brother to Tiffany but
he cant help to be jealous, especially when he saw the smirk on the guy's face when he pats his
shoulder as he leaves.

Taeyeon had always wanted to sail in the open sea on a sailboat or a yacht. He grows fond of water
sports with Yoonas influence and he was actually looking forward to a romantic trip with Tiffany but his
mood was ruined by Dennis. However, he still found himself immersed into the ride and enjoyed a
romantic glass of wine with Tiffany, took pictures with her and their friends, but his sudden change of
mood from being too hyper earlier was noticed by Tiffany and the others.

Baby, whats wrong? Tiffany softly asked as she sat beside Taeyeon whos patiently waiting for a fish
to take the bait. The boys decided to try deep-sea fishing while the girls prepared the ingredients for
sushi that theyll be making once the boys caught enough fish for them.

They dont seem to like me Taeyeon pouts and looked at her with a sad face because he still cant
catch a single fish. Tiffany chuckled a little on his answer. She softly pecked his pouting lips before
resting her head on his shoulder and hugs his arm.

Dork, Im not talking about the fish Im talking about you. You seem quiet since we got on board is
there something bothering you? Tiffany gently rubs his arm and tilts her head to look at Taeyeon.
Im fine. He shortly answered and smiled at her, assuring her that nothing is wrong.
Hmm, okay. By the way, were going to the club near our resort tonight but Hyo unnie said shell just
stay in our villa since she cant drink. Youre coming with us, alright? Tiffany kissed his cheek to
persuade him since she knows that hell only come to a club if needed.
But I dont feel like going and have you forgotten what happened to me the last time you dragged me
in the club? he reasoned out.

Tiffany softly giggled at him seeing his worried expression. However, now that she is officially his
girlfriend, she wont let any other girl steal a kiss or even flirt with her man.

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Baby, you think I will let another random drunk girl kiss you?
No but Ill be more comfortable in the villa.
Baby, please~~~ and whos gonna protect me if therell be some perv wholl take advantage of me?
Ill make sure Yul, Soo, and Taec will keep their eyes on you if they dont want me to kill them if
anything happens to my princess.

Tiffany pouts but continued coaxing her boyfriend to come with them. Its not like Taeyeon really
doesnt want to come with her but he wanted to have some time alone to cool himself down and clear
his mind from his jealousy.

Fine. Ill just tell Dennis oppa that youre not feeling well thats why you couldnt come with us. Tiffany
huffed and pulled away from Taeyeon, feeling defeated with their petty argument.

Taeyeon stared at her for a few moments, grasping what he heard. Though hes not sure why Dennis will
also be in the club, he is certain that he doesnt like him and he wont allow him to be alone with his

Im coming. said Taeyeon. Tiffany looked at him and her mood brightens up as she cupped his face on
her hands.
Really?! she asked like a little kid who cant believe that her dad will buy her the expensive pink
stuffed toy she sees in the mall.

Taeyeon smiled at her and nodded his head to answer his girlfriend, receiving a beautiful eye-smile and
another soft peck on his lips. His mood lit up and momentarily forgot that he was jealous earlier with the
girls childhood friend.

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The sailing lasted for about an hour and all of them enjoyed the magnificent view and the luxury
experience far out into the sea of Jeju. Everyone stayed on the yachts dock as their ride was about to
end and all of them are admiring the beautiful sunset while venturing back to the harbor.

Princess, why are you smiling at me like that? Taeyeon curiously asked while cutely tilting his head on
the side. He was sitting next to Tiffany, practicing how to manually take a picture of the sunset while his
girlfriend was playing with his phone.

Tiffany has a cunning smile across her face while staring at Taeyeon. She accidentally saw a folder full of
her candid shots on her boyfriends phone while trying to find a good application or game. She cant
help but smile in happiness especially upon seeing a particular photo that she never thought Taeyeon
had captured.

Did you really find that butterfly beautiful? asked Tiffany.

Eh??? What butter fly Taeyeon trails off when Tiffany showed him the picture she found on his
phone. It was the candid photo he took when they were on a cruise at Han River where butterflies
escaped and one beautiful buttefly rested on the girls shoulder.
Y-yeah he stuttered and blushed upon seeing the smirk on his girlfriends face.

Tiffany giggled at his cute reaction. Though Taeyeon says hes not good in taking great pictures, he
actually has a natural talent in capturing candid moments and Tiffany was more than glad that she is his
favorite subject.

I see but you shouldnt have included me in this photo. Look, the focus here becomes me and the
butterfly just becomes part of the background Tiffany moved closer to Taeyeon and playfully
explained to him some techinical stuff about the photo and how he couldve taken the picture with the
butterfly as the foreground instead.

I didnt take that picture because of the butterfly but you. And that time, I was actually referring to
you when I said its beautiful confessed Taeyeon. He looked away and tried to busy himself back to
the dslr camera to hide his blushing face from Tiffany.

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The girl has a beautiful eye-smile plastered on her face. She knows that Taeyeon really took the picture
with her as the subject but she cant help not to tease her embarrased and shy boyfriend. She also
blushed a little upon remembering that little scene they shared at the cruise. She tapped Taeyeons
shoulder and pecked him on the lips as he turned his face to look at her.

Thank you its beautiful. said Tiffany, giving him a sweet smile before glancing back at the photo on
Taeyeons phone.
The photo or you? he curiously asked as he looked on the picture as well.
The butterfly. she playfully answered and stared at Taeyeon, with a teasing smile on her face.

Taeyeon stared back at her with a confused look on his face. Tiffany stifled her laughter upon seeing his
bewildered expression but after a few moments, they both bursted out laughing and then sweetly
smiled at each other before being interrupted by the others as they took a group memento of their
luxurious trip on the magnificent sea.

Hey~~ glad you and your friends made it. But wheres your boyfriend? Isnt he too carefree to allow
his beautiful girlfriend to be in a club without him?
Aish, oppa! Hes just talking on his phone outside. Hell be here in a few.
Is that so? Hmm lets dance? I wont take no for an answer.

Tiffany hesitated at first but agreed and joined him in the dancefloor. They are all in the club, except for
Hyoyeon who slept early as she and her baby needed to rest after the long but fun first day they had in
the island. Taeyeon went out of the noisy club for a few moments to answer his dads phone call and his
mood dropped a little upon seeing his girlfriend happily dancing with someone he doesnt like.

He wanted to separate the two but hes hesitating as he doesnt want Tiffany to be mad at him for
suspecting their closeness. Instead, he went to the bar and ordered himself a drink, receiving a seductive
smile from the female bartender. Taeyeon returned the gesture with a charming smile that made the
girl blush before turning around to mix the drink he ordered.

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On the other hand, Tiffany frowned when she saw Taeyeon went straight to the bar instead of finding
her. Her jealousy arises when she saw how the female bartender was trying to flirt with her boyfriend
and she abruptly stopped dancing, confusing her dance partner.

Tiff, are you okay? Dennis asked. When he didnt receive any response from the girl, he followed her
gaze and saw what made her stopped dancing. He was about to coax her and continue dancing with her
but Tiffany already went to her boyfriend.

Baby~~ Tiffany cooed and turned Taeyeon around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed
him on the lips, surprising Taeyeon at first but nonetheless responded with it and wrapped his arms
around her waist.

Tiffany smiled against his lips and opened her eyes to glare at the female bartender behind the bar
before they parted from each other. On the other hand, Taeyeon quickly glanced and smirked at the guy
that Tiffany left in the dancefloor before giving a soft peck on his girlfriends lips.

Princess, dont dance with someone else but me, okay? Taeyeon cutely asked, making Tiffany to giggle
at his cuteness.
Arent you being possessive, Taetae? she playfully enquired, caressing his cheek and nippily looked
with a back-off-bitch-hes-mine face at some girls who are shamelessly checking his boyfriend out.

Taeyeon is wearing a blue and white stripe tailored shirt paired with a lime-twist griffin board shorts and
flip flops, looking hot and eye-candy for lots of girls in the club, while Tiffany also catches the attention
of most boys with her casual pink chiffon bohemian summer dress that shows off her flawless shoulder
and sexy collarbone.

You can say that besides, youre mine and I dont want to see you dancing with someone else.
Why? Is my baby jealous?
N-no why would I?
Really? Then it should be fine if Ill dance with other guys since youre not jealous, right?

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Tiffany smirked upon seeing the frown on Taeyeons face. Though Taeyeon wouldnt admit that he also
gets jealous when shes comfortably interacting and too close with some other guys, she knows that he
does especially when he gets possessive at times.

Yah! Fine. I am. Taeyeon softly mumbled the last two words and pulled away from hugging her,
turning back to the bar to get his drink.
You are what? Tiffany innocently asked and took a sip on his drink, glaring at the female bartender
again for winking at Taeyeon, whos oblivious with the gestures of the two girls.
Aish I Im Im jealous, okay? So just stay close to me if you dont want me to punch any guy who
would try and flirt with you. admitted Taeyeon as he drank the liqour in one gulp, amusing Tiffany.

The girl has a wide grin on her face and threw herself onto Taeyeon, showering him with light kisses on
his face. The female bartender and the girls around them scoffed at the interaction of the two but
cowered when Tiffany glared at them.

Youre too cute when youre jealous! Tiffany blurted out, causing Taeyeon to blush in embarrassment.
He looked away and gently pulled Tiffany with him on the dancefloor as they joined their friends in
dancing and enjoying the blasting music mixed by the dj.

They all enjoyed and had fun as they spent the rest of the night in the club. All of them had gone tipsy
after a few more drinks, before deciding to go back to their villa and rest. Once inside their room and
since Tiffany has high tolerance in alcohol than Taeyeon, she took a shower first before changing into
her sleeping long shirt. She was about to ask Taeyeon to take his shower as she was done but chuckled
upon seeing the guy soundly sleeping on their bed.

Baby wake up you have to shower first and change your clothes, you smell like alcohol. Tiffany
gently shook him as she bent down a little to wake him up.
Taetae~~ come on, wake up~~ receiving no response from her boyfriend, she pulled his hands and
luckily, Taeyeon opened his eyes and pouts as he sat up on the bed.
Im sleepy~~ lets just sleep, princess~~ whined Taeyeon, hugging Tiffany on her waist.

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No. You need to shower~~ you stink. Tiffany pulled him up from the bed and pushed him inside the
bathroom, smiling at him before she closes the bathroom door and sat herself on the bed while drying
her hair.

She chuckled when she heard the shower running and continued drying her hair with a towel. After a
few minutes, she was done and went to the vanity table to comb her hair but was stoned when Taeyeon
went out of the bathroom with just a towel covering his lower body. Tiffany felt her face heating up as
she unconsciously checked his boyfriend out from head to toe.

Taeyeon feels a lot better but hes still a bit tipsy as he was never a heavy drinker. He smiled upon
realizing that his girlfriend was looking at him and walked closer to her. Tiffany gulped as she tried to
look away from her boyfriends hot and defined beach body. Her eyes landed on his face but she was
distracted with the water dripping from his hair to his face and upper body.

Baby, Im done showering can we go to sleep now? Taeyeon innocently asked as he placed both his
hands on Tiffanys waist, causing the girl to gasp and widen her eyes.

Taeyeon confusedly stared at her and blink a few times before Tiffany managed to put the towel that
shes holding onto his head.

Y-youre hair d-dry it first. She stuttered and pushed his hands from her waist.
Okay~ Sorry I forgot Taeyeon smiled and obediently dried his hair with the towel as Tiffany lied
down on the bed. She blushed harder when Taeyeon turned around and she saw his lean back muscles.

Aigoo~ Tiff, get a hold of yourself for Petes sake! I shouldnt have drunk that much

Shaking her head to get rid of some thoughts, Tiffany lied on her side as she faced the other side of the
room and sighed in relief when she can no longer see Taeyeons half naked body. She was already
drifting off to sleep when she felt the bed shifted and a pair of strong arms was wrapped around her.
She smiled and turned around to snuggle close to her boyfriend but her eyes fluttered open upon
realizing that she was resting her head on Taeyeons bare chest.

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Its hot so Ill just sleep with boxers on. I hope you dont mind Taeyeon mumbled and drifted to his
dreamland as he hugged Tiffany.

The aircondition system in the villa is centralized but the temperature was just fine. However, due to the
influence of alcohol, Taeyeon felt warmer and found it uncomfortable to wear a shirt so he took it off
and just wear a pair of boxer shorts after he was done in drying his hair.

Youre not seducing me, are you? Tiffany mumbled as she tilted her head up to look up to Taeyeon,
only to find him peacefully sleeping. She smiled upon seeing his innocent face while lightly snoring. She
sighed with content and comfortably snuggled back to Taeyeon, enjoying the guys warmth as she joined
him to his dreamland.

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Taeyeon slowly opened his eyes as he heard some soft giggles. He blinked a few times trying to adjust
his eyes from the brightness of sunlight coming from the floor-to-ceiling window in their room. He
wanted to get up and stretch his arms and body but remembered that his girlfriend loves to use him as
her pillow. He smiled when he saw Tiffany snuggling close to him and sleeping soundly like a beautiful

His attention was then turned to the other side of the bed upon hearing a click from a camera and was
not surprised to see his older sister standing near the bed and holding a camera on her hands. However,
he blinked a few times upon realizing that it wasnt only Hyoyeon inside their room but Yuri and Jessica
as well, with wide smiles on their faces. He was about to shout at them and send them out of the room
but Tiffany stirred from her sleep.

Hmmm good morning, baby Tiffany mumbled, planting soft and light kisses from his bare chest
going up to his neck, and then to his lips as she hovered on top of him while supporting herself by
placing both her elbows on the sides of Taeyeons head.

Taeyeon was blushing madly and was just frozen on his spot as he stared at the girl on top of him.
Hyoyeon and Jessica have their hands covering their mouths to prevent themselves from squealing
while Yuri has perverted smile on his face.

Baby? Whats wrong? Are you sick? Tiffany worriedly asked upon noticing her boyfriends red face and
N-no Im f-fine princess we have to get up Taeyeon softly said as he placed his hands on
Tiffanys waist, gently pushing her from him but the girl just pouted and instead of getting up, she
comfortably lied on top of him still oblivious of the presence of somebody else in their bedroom.

Tiffany always lies on top of him as she finds it comfortable and she felt secured with her boyfriends
embrace. Taeyeon loves it and finds her cute and sweet however, doing it in front of his sister and their
friends makes him feal uneasy for he is sure that he will forever be teased by them.

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Baby lets get back to sleep she softly said as she closed her eyes and snuggled her face on
Taeyeons neck.
Princess we really have to get up now cooed Taeyeon, caressing her arm and brushing her hair
from her face with his other hand.

Being amused by the cute moment of the couple in bed, Yuri snatched the camera from Hyoyeon and
took another photo of Taeyeon and Tiffany. However, he froze when he realized that Hyoyeon didnt
turn off the shutter sound of the gadget. Realizing the situation, Hyoyeon and Jessica silently exited out
of the room, leaving the dumbfounded Yuri to take all of Tiffanys wrath.

Before Yuri managed to snap back to his senses, a pillow was already thrown straight to his face. He
awkwardly smiled at her fuming cousin whos glaring at him, sitting on the bed while being hugged by
Taeyeon from behind to prevent her from beating the daylights out of Yuris life.

GET. THE HELL. OUT OF HERE. KWON YURI!!!! Tiffany yelled at him with her face all red from anger.
She couldve beaten up her impudent cousin if not because of Taeyeon whos trying his best to calm her

Yuri, scared of his life, hurriedly went to the door and gave Taeyeon a pleading look to calm the girl
down before he totally went out of the room. Taeyeon sighed when Yuri finally got out of their bedroom
and pulled Tiffany back to lie down on the bed. He nervously gulped upon seeing the annoyed
expression on his girlfriends face and oddly enough, he found his girlfriend scarier than Jessica.

Baby You know your cousin loves to play around besides, were not doing anything inappropriate so
its fine if he took some pictures at least we have our photo taken while cuddling in bed here in Jeju.
Taeyeon warmly smiles while hovering on top of her to make sure she wont be able to get up from the
bed, worried for Yuri as he knows Tiffany doesnt like to be photographed while being intimate with him.

Tiffany stared at him for a few moments before releasing a deep sigh. Strangely, it is only Taeyeon who
could calm her down in no time. Being melted by Taeyeons warm eyes gazing at her, she smiled and
wrapped her arms behind Taeyeons neck whilst both of them were unaware of their intimate position
at the moment.

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Baby I dont care about being photographed while cuddling with you or even while kissing you Its
just that he invaded my private time with you Tiffany shyly admitted and lowered her head to avoid
her boyfriends eyes.

Taeyeon cant help but grin upon hearing the shy confession from the girl underneath him. Hearing no
response from Taeyeon, Tiffany tilted her head up and was greeted by a stupid grin from him.

How about spending the whole day with me and only me? Taeyeon dorkily asked, earning soft giggles
from her.
Sounds good but first can you get off of me? Im already getting a bit uncomfortable with our
position she gently pushed Taeyeon off from her and blushed a little when her hands landed on the
guys firm bare chest.

Realizing that he was sort of pinning Tiffany down on the bed, he sheepishly smiled and abruptly stood
up from the bed. Totally forgetting that hes only on his boxer shorts, he reached out his hand for Tiffany
to help her get up from the bed and was reluctantly taken by the girl.

Go and shower first, Ill just tell them that were not coming with them Taeyeon said as he headed
towards the door but stopped when Tiffany grabbed his arm.
Youre not going out with just that Tiffany blushed and looked away after motioning to Taeyeon
that hes not wearing anything but a pair of boxer shorts, releasing her grasp on his arm.

Taeyeon confusedly stared at her first and then he looked at himself. His eyes widen upon realizing he
was almost naked and he actually slept with Tiffany like that. He awkwardly coughed as his ears become
red because of embarrassment and quickly went to his bag to get a shirt and board shorts.

Y-yeah right S-so-sorry he stammered as he hastily wore his clothes and unconsciously bowed at
Tiffany who was amused by his actions. She bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing at her
panicking boyfriend and smiled at him when he excused himself to get out of the room.

Such a dork a hot dork Omo! What am I thinking?! But he really is

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Tiffany blushed and cupped her face as she remembered what she did to Taeyeon earlier. She normally
showers him with light kisses on the face when waking up next to him but she didnt exactly know why
she trailed kisses from his bare chest to his lips.

I was just half asleep and its because of alcohol last night yeah thats right and its just
normal since were together.

Yeah... Im his girlfriend so its okay! she nodded to herself and started to prepare her clothes for her
island date with her boyfriend.

Good morning, baby~~

Yuri, Sooyoung, Taecyeon, Nicole, and Sunny teased Taeyeon when he arrived at the garden where their
breakfast was being prepared. Not wanting to keep the sweet and cute moment he saw earlier, Yuri had
told everyone about what happened when they tried to wake up the sleepyhead couple. Taeyeon just
laughed along with them and grabbed an apple on the table. He quickly scans the area and found
Hyoyeon and Jessica walking towards them, both eating ice pops.

Nuna~~ where did you get that? asked Taeyeon as he eyed the Popsicle on Hyoyeon and Jessicas
At the restaurant how was your night, baby?~~ Hyoyeon wiggled her brows and Jessica squealed
with delight as she stared at Taeyeon with sparkling eyes and wide grin on her face.
Y-yah! N-nothing happened, okay?!~~ he quickly defended. He blushed when he remembered that
they saw him half naked in bed with Tiffany on top of him, and seeing the smirks on his friends faces is
not a good sign for either him or Tiffany.
Yeah, right. A guy naked in bed with a girl snuggling sooo close to him in the morning both were
drunk last night sure~~~ nothing happened~~ Sooyoung chimed in before munching on his sandwich,
followed by snickerings of the others in the table.

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Taeyeon was about to clear things out but he was always cut off by them. Feeling frustrated with all the
teasings, he just stood there and stared at his friends and sister in disbelief as they continue teasing him.
It would be okay if something really happened last night but nothing, they just both slept in each others
arms and magically woke up in the same position, with intruders inside their room.

Aish!!! If you dont want to believe that nothing really happened between us then fine~~~ I just came
here to tell you all that Im taking my princess for a date so well be out til afternoon. Taeyeon said
before going back to their villa and he didnt dare to look back for he knows that they all have the
annoying teasing looks on their faces.

Good luck, baby! Take care of my cousin~~ Yuri shouted before Taeyeon disappeared on their sights.

All of them giggled and give each other high fives or fist bumps as they succeeded in teasing the helpless
Taeyeon. They originally planned to go for a day hike on the island but being nosy friends as they are,
they all agreed to secretly follow the adorable couple on their date.

Princess, are you re---

Taeyeon abruptly stopped and unconsciously checked his girlfriend out. He wanted to cover his eyes or
turn around but seeing Tiffany in a two-piece bikini while pulling up her mini denim shorts with her back
facing him, completely stoned him on his spot.

Oh my effin geez... so sexy!!! Kim Taeyeon youre one hell of a lucky man! Cant we just stay
here and be mine? Aish!!! Damn it! Taeyeon youre a patient man youll wait. Thats right,
right calm down buddy! Well eventually go there Aigoo~~ yah! Tiffany Hwang, youre
frustrating me~~~

Taeyeon unintentionally heaved out a heavy sigh, causing Tiffany to turn around and gasp upon seeing
her boyfriend standing at the doorway. By reflex, she grabbed her cropped lace beach poncho to cover
her exposed upper body and blushed when Taeyeon stammered as he complimented her.

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Y-youre s-sexy no, yes! I mean, y-you look g-great yeah, you look great! Ill wait outside Taeyeon
turned around and quickly shut the door, letting out another deep sigh as he calmed himself down. It
took him a lot effort to resist himself from losing his control and the image of seeing his girlfriend half
naked is not helping him to relax at all.

After a few more minutes, Tiffany came out from their bedroom and met Taeyeon at the lounge of their
villa. She was wearing patch denim mini shorts, a bit oversized cropped lace beach poncho over her leaf
meadow print bikini top, and sporting a pair of silver glitter slip-on, and classic retro clear sunglasses.
Taeyeon stared at her in awe with a stupid smile slowly spreading across his face. Hes not being biased
because Tiffany is his girlfriend but he really admires the girls fashion sense and everything she wears
just looks great on her.

Baby you look stupid with that smile. Tiffany snapped him back to his senses. He sheepishly grinned
and stood up from the couch, and its the girls turn to admire her boyfriend. He looks cool, calm and
very attractive with his loose-fit city shorts, plain white v-neck tee under his folded denim shirt, plimsoll
shoes, and black beanie.

You look handsome. Tiffany sweetly smiled and stood in front of him, taking the aviator sunglasses
that are hanging on Taeyeons shirt.
And you look hot with this. she continued as she put the sunnies onto Taeyeon and fixed his beannie

Taeyeon has the biggest dorky grin across his face with what Tiffany said. Hearing it from her makes him
giddy and quickly stole a kiss on her cheek before slipping his hand on hers as they intertwine their
fingers. Tiffany cant help but smile and leaned closer to Taeyeon as they headed out of their villa.

The two went out of the resort riding the red convertible, with their friends secretly following them in
an SUV. Instead of riding the convertibles in which they would be easily seen by the couple, they rented
one white land rover to easily follow the two.

Taecyeon, dont come too close to them Hyoyeon instructed as she sat comfortably while preparing
her camera.

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Taecyeon nodded with a wide grin on his face. He was excited as well to know where Taeyeon will bring
his girlfriend. Knowing the guy for years, he knows too well that his friend is a romantic type of
boyfriend but most of the times can be a stupid one as well.

Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica, Sunny, and Nicole are also excited because they have never seen the couple on
a date or even alone. Besides, they love to tease the two and watching them having some quality time
alone is fun for them.

Taeyeon and Tiffany reached their destination after about 15 minutes of ferry ride from a port in Jeju.
Though cars can get into the ferry, they both decided to just leave the car on the port and probably
explore the other small island just by walking. However, once in the small island, Tiffany changed her
mind upon seeing a cute pink scooter that she rented and forced Taeyeon to drive it.

Having no itenerary or tour guide, they freely explored the magnificent small island riding a pink vespa
scooter. It was a new and fun experience for both of them as they zoomed around the island, taking in
the breathtaking scenery of the colorful combination of canola flowers, greenbelt pastures, the bright
blue water, and rustic stone walls. Stopping by on every place they want, Taeyeon and Tiffany had a
great time in grasping the alluring tranquility given by the island.

Normally, it would take just a little less than 2 hours to wander around the island. However, Taeyeon
and Tiffany took their precious time not just to explore the island but also converse with the locals that
they found very warm and fun to talk to. And having a photographer girlfriend, they didnt miss to take
wonderful pictures of everything around the island.

Whoa~~ princess, will you still love me even if Im fat? Taeyeon asked with expectant eyes while
glancing from the islands savory delicacies served on their table to his giggling girlfriend sitting across
Hmmm I dont know well see. Tiffany joked around, earning a cute pout from him. Some female
tourists saw the cute gesture from him and they cant help but softly giggle or squeal with delight. Lucky
for them, Tiffany is too happy to spare a time to glare at them.

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Aigoo~ well, if youll always act cute like that I might consider loving a fat Taetae~~ she continued
and it deepened the pout on Taeyeons face, totally amusing her. She then motioned him to lean
forward and closer to her, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
I love you and only you, even if you get fat, become bald, or whatever, youll always be my Taetae. she
cooed, automatically drawing a bright smile on Taeyeons face.

The two enjoyed their island brunch with constant giggling and teasing of each other, still unaware of
seven people watching them a few tables away from them. They were all fond of seeing how the two
interact with each other and Yuri and Jessica shared a knowing grin as they remembered the first time
Taeyeon and Tiffany met at the apartment. Who wouldve guessed the once cold and sassy Tiffany
would turn warm and sweet to Taeyeon in just a few months.

I love you.

Tiffany blushed and a beautiful eye-smile spreads across her face. Taeyeon is backhugging her while
enjoying the panoramic view of the whole island on top of the white lighthouse at the peak of the island,
wishing that the serendipity he found wont be taken away from him.

Though Taeyeon wont talk about it, he actually feared of losing Tiffany. He already loves the girl so
much and hes afraid that history might repeat itself. He had done many mistakes in the past and almost
had taken his past girlfriend for granted, and he doesnt want to do the same thing again like prioritizing
his work over the girl he loves and regretting at the end.

Baby Baby~~ are you okay? Whats wrong? Tiffany worriedly asked as she caressed Taeyeons face.
Taeyeon was lost in his thoughts that he didnt hear Tiffany talking and had already turned around to
face him.

S-sorry I was just thinking what were you saying?

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What are you thinking about?

Tiffany sighed. She snaked her arms behind Taeyeons neck and sternly looked at him in the eyes
without saying anything. She knows that something is bothering her boyfriend and it frustrates her that
the guy wont talk about it with her. That is one attitude of him that she hates. If Taeyeon is bothered or
mad about something, he would just keep quiet and put up a front like nothing is wrong.

Princess, I was just spacing out. Im really fine~ Taeyeon coaxed his girlfriend and gave her a dorky
smile that always works to assure the girl.
Fine~~ Tiffany pouts in defeat, causing Taeyeon to chuckle at her. He takes off the girls sunglasses and
holds it along with his aviators, confusing the girl with what hes doing.

Without any warnings, he leaned closer and pressed his lips on Tiffanys. The girl blinked a few times
before grasping the situation. She was about to kiss him back but the guy pulled away a little and stared
at her with bewildered expression on his face.

What? Tiffany asked as she stared back at Taeyeon. Without answering her question, Taeyeon kissed
her again but pulled away for the second time, completely confusing the girl as she raised an eyebrow at

Princess you taste like medicine

Your lips

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon for a few moments before bursting out laughing at his troubled face. Taeyeon
hates the smell and taste of any kind of lipsticks and shes wearing one with high SPF to protect her lips
against the sun. She completely forgot that the guy hates it but she couldnt deny that she found his
reaction too cute to stop herself from giggling at him.

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Yah, Fany-ah~~
Aigoo~~ fine~ Ill wipe it off later.
Eh??? But I want to kiss you now~~~
Then kiss me. Im not stopping you

Tiffany bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing again upon seeing the cute frown and pout on
her boyfriends face. She doesnt wear lipstick that much but when she does, Taeyeon would always
complain and wouldnt kiss her on the lips until she wipes it off. Taeyeon prefers her not wearing any lip
stick at all but hes fine with lip moisturizers, lip gloss, or lip balms as long as it doesnt taste awful or
taste like chemicals.

Youre not gonna wipe that off? Taeyeon asked, raising an eyebrow at her. The girl responded with a
cute nod and with a smirk on his face, he leaned forward and pulled her closer to him.
Then you dont mind me kissing you somewhere else? he whispered on her ears with a deep and
husky voice before playfully nibbling her earlobe, causing Tiffanys breath to hitch and gulped the
sudden lump on her throat.

Taeyeon silently chuckled at Tiffanys reaction and decided to tease the girl more. He gently and ever so
lightly kissed her down to her neck, giving the girl a fluttering sensation as she blushed madly when a
middle-aged couple smiled at them before going to the other side of the lighthouse.

B-baby sto-stop Tiffany stammered and gently pushed Taeyeon from her.
Are you gonna wipe that off now? Taeyeon cutely asked with a knowing smile on his face.
Yeah, so stop teasing me... she rolled her eyes and Taeyeon beamed a victorious grin at her. As much
as he enjoyed giving her angel kisses, he would be happier to kiss her on the lips without tasting the
awful flavor on the girls lips.

After a few more bickerings about the lipstick, Tiffany had finally wiped it all off and was immediately
engulfed in a gentle and passionate kiss. She smiled against his lips and gladly reciprocated the kiss,
completely oblivious of seven pairs of eyes watching them with wide grins on their faces.

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The two pulled apart with their faces less than a breath away and smiled sweetly at each other. Tiffany
gently touched his face with her hand and softly pecked on his lips, earning a dorky smile from him.

Happy? she softly asked without breaking her eyecontact with Taeyeon.
Im happy as long as Im with you Taeyeon smoothly answered while gently rubbing his nose to
Since when did you become a sweet talker, huh? Tiffany softly giggled as she cupped Taeyeons face in
her hands.
Hmmm I dont know but I know its because of you. Its your fault so bear with it. he grinned
before kissing her again.

They shared another soft and light kisses while whispering sweet nothings into each others lips. It was a
rather cute and romantic scene than a disturbing public display of affection. At first, Tiffany always gets
shy when Taeyeon kisses her in public but as time goes by, she likes it and feels like Taeyeon is only hers.

After a few minutes, they found themselves just hugging and laughing while doing nothing in the
lighthouse. Taeyeon then asked her to go to the western part of the island and continue exploring the
dream-like paradise.

Buddy, lets go~~ Taeyeon called the white little dog that went after them from the start of the trail
going to the islands peak. It was a very friendly dog and the owner told them that dogs in the island are
friendly and like people a lot so they let the cute little dog to come with them.

Not wanting to miss any details, their friends followed behind not too close from them. They were
bickering earlier at the lighthouse because they cant hear what the two were talking about as they were
just whispering to each other. They were almost caught when Jessica pushed Yuri to go nearer the two
to eavesdrop but miserably failed as the dog that was waiting for the couple noticed him and he had no
choice but to go back hiding on the other side of the lighthouse, afraid to be bitten by the little dog.

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Princess, close your eyes
Just close your eyes~~

Chuckling a little, Tiffany closed her eyes and patiently waited for whatever Taeyeon was planning to do.
They were walking through a sea of the well-known canola flowers in the island and Taeyeon quietly
sneaked out while Tiffany was busy taking photographs of the beautiful flowers and view of the
picturesque meadow.

You can open your eyes now~ Taeyeon dorkily grinned as he gave her island flowers in different types
and colors that he picked and arranged himself with some help from the locals.

Tiffanys eyes sparkle upon seeing the flowers, mostly in her favorite color pink. It was not
professionally arranged like the ones being sold in flower shops but it was prettily set together and tied
with a crafted native rope. She gladly took it from Taeyeons hands and inhaled the heavenly scent of
the wildflowers.

Thank you, baby~~ its pretty! she beamed a beautiful eyesmile before giving him a hug and soft peck
on the lips. She leans against Taeyeon and the guy automatically wrapped his arms around her. It was
Taeyeons first time to give her flowers and knowing that he made it himself makes her happier. She was
moved with the thoughtful gesture and she just wanted to stay in his arms while admiring the
unexpected gift from him.

Awww~~ Taengoo is sooo sweet!!! Yah! Babe, why cant you be sweet like Taeng?
I thought you hate flowers?
Aish~ whatever. If youll give it to me like that then Id gladly take it and forget that I dont like flowers.

Sunny huffed and Sooyoung tried to coax his girlfriend while the others were laughing at them. Though
their main attraction is Taeyeon and Tiffany, they also cant get away and be amused by the two other
couples with them. They would constantly bicker every now and then, almost bringing them into trouble
as theyre almost caught by Taeyeon and Tiffany because of their snickerings.

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Bro, youre hopeless. Yuri chimed in as he patted Sooyoungs shoulder, playfully shaking his head as
his friend continued flattering his girlfriend with sweet words.
Says the one whos not. Jessica scoffed, earning laughters from the group but Yuri.

They abruptly stopped laughing when Taeyeon and Tiffany broke the hug and suddenly turned their
heads in their direction. They quickly hide behind the field of flowers and quietly blamed each other for
being too loud.

Baby, did you hear it?

Yeah but I think it was just the locals
Yeah maybe

It was already afternoon when they decided to go back to the port of the island as they dont want to be
left by the last trip of the ferry for the day. But before they went to the port, they stopped by the white
sand beach and had a little stroll along the shore. Since its not peak season, there were only very few
tourists that are wandering around the island especially along the beautiful beach. The amazing
turquoise water attracted them and Tiffany didnt think twice as she took her shorts and top off, making
Taeyeon to openly and stupidly stare at her exposed flawless beach body.

Whoah~~ I didnt know Tiff is that hot and sexy Sooyoung unconsciously thought out loud, earning a
few smacks from his jealous girlfriend, Tiffanys protective cousin, the girls best friend, and Taeyeons
sister who claimed to be the girls future sister-in-law.

Even Taecyeon didnt get away from the over-protective people as they glared at him for agreeing to
Sooyoung. He awkwardly laughed as he tried to avoid eye contacts from them and sighed in relief when
they all turned their attention back to the couple.

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On the other hand, Taeyeon was brought back to his senses from almost having a nose bleed when
Tiffany flicked his forehead. He blushed when Tiffany leaned closer to him and cant help but to wander
his eyes on his girlfriends body.

Baby, stop staring at me like a pervert. Tiffany bluntly said, cocking her head as she coldly stared at
Taeyeon while crossing her arms over her chest.
Im not!!! Im Im j-just errr ad-admiring your body. Taeyeon said without thinking that much as
he was so distracted with the sight of his girlfriend in just bikinis on.

Tiffany blushed with his comment and awkwardly cleared her throat to get rid of the awkward
atmosphere between them. Soon after, they both found themselves having fun as they enjoyed the
clear blue-to-green water. She would sometimes blush when Taeyeon surprises her with a hug or when
lifting her up as they play around in the water.

They look sooo good together! Hyoyeon squealed as she was so amused to see her younger brother
having so much fun in the beach with Tiffany.
Yeah, and I never thought Taeng has sexy and fit body Nicole agreed and cant take her eyes off
Taeyeon as she shamelessly checks her boss and friends boyfriend out.
Me too. Jessica and Sunny nodded their heads as they continued to watch the couple.

The boys scoffed at the girls and the three of them have the same thoughts in mind that they also have,
if not better sexy beach bodies than their shortest buddy.

The time passed quickly and its already evening. Luckily for the stalkers, they were not caught and the
couple didnt find it suspicious when they arrive in the resort just a few minutes after them. They were
quick to respond that they went to visit some of Jeju Islands tourist attraction and the couple easily
believed it.

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It would be their last night at the island as they will go back to Seoul early in the afternoon the next day.
They decided to have a bonfire on the shore and drink while playing any games they could think of.
Theyve already drank a few bottles of alcohol when Tiffany excused herself to answer a phone call.

Oppa, what do you want to talk about? Tiffany asked as she went to see Dennis who called and asked
her if he can talk to her just near where she and her friends are.
Nothing I just wanted to have an alone time with my favorite dongsaeng on my last night here in Jeju.
Dennis playfully smiled and placed his hands on his pockets.

They both went silent for a few minutes. Tiffany was feeling hesitant to stay with him as she promised
her boyfriend that she wouldnt see the guy if shes not with him. Taeyeon clearly admitted to her
earlier back in Udo Island that he is jealous with Dennis and carefully asked her not to meet up with him
alone. She felt bad for forgetting about the promise she made and also for unintentionally breaking it
but it would be rude if shell not meet or abruptly leave her childhood friend.

Tiff are you happy with him? Dennis suddenly spoke and it snapped the girl back to her senses.
Yeah I love him so much, oppa. Im always happy whenever Im with him to the point that I no
longer know how to live without him Tiffany warmly smiled and sat on the sand as she watched the
waves hitting on the shore.
Hes lucky to have you I envy him. he softly said as he sat next to Tiffany.
Im also lucky to have him~ she beamed, ignoring the last three words from her friend.

Dennis stared at her with longing eyes. He knows the girl since they were young and eventually fell in
love with her but kept it a secret from everyone else as he doesnt want the girl to get uncomfortable
with him or worst is to distance herself from him. However, after meeting her with someone else when
he finally decided to confess to her, it breaks his heart especially after hearing directly from her that
shes madly inlove with her boyfriend.

He didnt lie when he told her that the reason why hes in South Korea is because he misses her. Their
meeting in the island was really accidental though as he was clearing his mind and preparing himself
before going to Seoul and confesses to the girl. But sometimes, things can really get off hand and he
didnt expect that the girl is already with someone and is genuinely happy with him.

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Tiff, I have something to tell you and you must listen carefully coz Im just gonna say this once. He
calmly said and Tiffany just nodded at him.

He took a deep breath and held Tiffanys hand. He hesitated at first and when hes about to say what he
truly feels towards her, a familiar voice interrupted them. Tiffany quickly pulled her hand from his grasp
and stood up as she mentally panicked. She didnt want Taeyeon to misunderstand anything and wants
to explain why shes with the guy.

Baby, were just--- Tiffany started but was immediately cut off by Taeyeon.
You can continue what youre doing. I was just worried since youve already been gone for a while but
I guess youre safe. Taeyeon said with no expression at all and Tiffany knew hes mad.
Walk her to our villa once youre done, hyung. He continued in the same monotone voice before
turning around as he trudged back to where his friends are.

Tiffany felt a pang in her heart upon seeing Taeyeons cold expression and she totally regretted meeting
up with Dennis when she shouldnt have done at all in the first place. Knowing her boyfriend, she
shouldve asked him first or at least inform him that it was Dennis who called and pleaded to see her for
a few moments.

Oppa, Im sorry lets just talk some other time. Tiffany slightly bowed to him and hurriedly followed
her boyfriend. Dennis could only bitterly smile and watch her disappearing from his sight.

I guess its better not to tell you, huh if only I had the courage before

Baby, wait!

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Tiffany was taken aback with Taeyeons coldness. It was her very first time to see him with no emotion
at all, even his eyes say nothing but an emtpy stare. Her chest felt heavy as she stared at him and she
felt a sharp stinging pain in her heart when Taeyeon looked away from her.

Baby, listen to me first please? she pleaded as she cupped Taeyeons face in her hands and made
him to look at her.
Im sorry he called me and begged to meet up with me. I cant say no coz hes already here and it
would be rude to decline him since were friends. Tiffany looked straight into his eyes, hoping to see
the warm onyx eyes of Taeyeon again but was just disappointed when her boyfriend looked away again
and pushed her hands off his face.

She bit her lower lip, preventing herself from crying as she doesnt know what to do. It is their very first
serious argument and it hurts her to see Taeyeon with a cold expression and not saying anything. They
stayed silent for a few moments until Taeyeon spoke and catches Tiffanys full attention.

Do you know why I dont like you to see him? he asked without looking at the girl in front of him.
W-why? Tiffanys voice cracked. She really cant take Taeyeons coldness and she just wanted to hug
him but Taeyeons cold aura is somehow scaring her.
Are you going to believe me if I tell you the reason? Taeyeon looked at her. She flinched when she saw
the sad look in his eyes and could just nod her head as she carefully held Taeyeons hands.

They just stared at each others eyes for a few moments. Taeyeon has never felt so jealous with
someone else before. It also confuses him why hes being overprotective with the girl from her
childhood friend even though Tiffany had clearly explained to him his relationship with Dennis. Maybe,
its a mans instinct and though he trusts his girlfriend, he couldnt trust any guy who would stare at his
girlfriend with loving eyes.

Because he likes you. No he loves you. And Im scared that hes gonna take you away from me. he
continued, causing Tiffany to frown as she doesnt know where hes coming from. She was surprised
that Taeyeon thinks that way but what caught her attention is how Taeyeon said it with melancholy in
his eyes and voice.

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Taetae its its impossible hes just an older brother to me and Im sure hes not romantically fond
of me. Tiffany tried to coax him but she was taken aback with what Taeyeon said next.

Why? Have you asked him how he really feels towards you?
No but
Im sure he was about to confess earlier if I didnt come and interrupted you.

They went silent again for minutes. Tiffany stared at Taeyeon in disbelief. Part of her says that Taeyeon
is being unreasonable and childish but the other part tells her he might be right. Dennis has been really
good to her, he was always there for her, he had watched her how she changed from one boyfriend to
another, and sometimes he would act like her boyfriend. But for her, it was nothing but a friendly or
brotherly approach. Maybe if she had known that he likes her before meeting Taeyeon, just maybe,
theres a chance to make her heart beat faster just like what she always feels whenever shes with
Taeyeon. However, no matter how much she argued about her thoughts in her mind, she couldnt find
any reason at all for any possibilities that her childhood friend is romantically attached to her.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon feels disappointed for not receiving any answer from her. He was expecting the girl
to maybe deny or be upset at him or maybe smack him to shut him up to express her disagreement but
nothing, all he got was an incredulous look from her.

He was about to walk away from her but Tiffany suddenly hugged him and burried her face on his chest.
The girl tightens her hug onto her boyfriend when hes not returning the hug. Taeyeon just stood there,
frozen as he tried to fight the urge of hugging his girlfriend back. However, Tiffanys muffled voice melts
his heart and made him wrapped his hands around her.

Tiffany stayed in his embrace for quite a while before pulling away a little to look at her boyfriends eyes.
She cupped his face in her hands and softly kissed him. She smiled between the kisses when Taeyeon
returned it, glad that her boyfriend is slowly coming back to himself.

Baby, lets talk about this tomorrow, okay? Were both tired and under alcohol I dont want us to talk
about this while in this state and regret it later. Lets clear our mind first, okay?... I love you. she
carefully said, earning an understanding nod from Taeyeon.

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Baby I love you she repeated and her voice cracked. The tears that shes been trying to hold finally
rolls down on her cheeks when she didnt receive any response from Taeyeon, and shes afraid that the
incident earlier had strained their relationship.

Taeyeon silently sighed and felt bad for seeing the desperate look and tears on his girlfriends face. As
expected, he couldnt get mad at her that long but he couldnt blame himself as the girl broke her
promise and he felt sad when she didnt believe in him when he said that Dennis likes her.

Hey dont cry I love you too, princess. Its just that I dont know he softly said as he wiped the
tears from her face. Tiffany snaked her arms behind Taeyeons neck and pulled him closer to her as she
gently strokes the hair at the back of his head while leaning her forehead onto Taeyeons.

Can we forget about this for tonight? I want to enjoy our last night here with my boyfriend and my
You go first Ill be there in a few.
No. Were going together.

Without waiting for Taeyeons answer, Tiffany already slipped her hand onto Taeyeons and pulled him
with her as they walked back to their friends. Tiffany and Taeyeon forced a smile on their faces but the
longer they stayed with their friends, the more awkward the atmosphere between them gets. Since all
their friends but Hyoyeon are already drunk, they didnt notice the uneasiness between the couple and
just continued talking, laughing, and fooling around.

Tiffany was trying her best to make her boyfriend feel better but Taeyeon would just stay quiet and
Hyoyeon didnt fail to notice it. The moment her brother sits back around the bonfire with his girlfriend,
she already felt something was wrong between the two when she saw the faint smiles on their faces.
Also, she knows when Taeyeon gets tipsy, he would be more intimate and should already be cuddling
with his girlfriend while giving her light kissess from time to time but he just sits on his place while
Tiffany is not letting go of his hand.

Taeyeon became more tensed when Yuri came back from the resort to get more drinks with Dennis
helping him to carry the cases of liquor. On the other hand, Tiffany was surprised to see him with her
cousin and immediately glanced at Taeyeon.

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Guys~ hope you wont mind if Dennis will join us. I saw him just wandering around so I asked him to
join us and its also his last night here.

Everyone warmly welcomed him when Yuri dragged him to sit around the bonfire except for Taeyeon,
Tiffany, and Hyoyeon. The next hour went quickly with them playing truth or dare as they moved away a
little from the bonfire to get a more comfortable position. It was getting fun and the dares were getting
bold as they emptied few more bottles of vodkas and flavored rums. Hyoyeon gave Tiffany a knowing
pat on the head before going back to their villa as its already time for her to rest, leaving the girl a bit
confused at first but later on understood that the older girl might have noticed the odd atmosphere
between her and Taeyeon.

Okay!!! So Dennis, truth or dare? Sooyoung asked when the bottle stopped spinning onto Dennis
Dare. He coolly said and made everyone cheered except for Taeyeon and Tiffany. He was sitting across
the couple and Taeyeon didnt like the way hes staring at his girlfriend.
Alright!~~~ well anyone who wants to dare our handsome hyung here? Sooyoung looked at his
friends and smirked when Yuri raised his hand, volunteering to give the dare.

Tiffany frowned when Yuri glanced at her and Taeyeon before telling everyone his dare for Dennis. She
rolled her eyes and rested her head on Taeyeons shoulder upon hearing the challenge which Dennis
calmly accepted.

You have to do a body shot to any of us here!

Everyone but Taeyeon seems to be excited to know wholl be the person that hell choose to drink the
body shot with. Though Tiffany is not as excited as the others, shes curious as to whom hes going to
choose since its only Nicole whos single amongst the girls and it would be awkward if he picks her,
Jessica, or Sunny since theyre with their boyfriends and Dennis would definitely not pick a guy.

Well though this is just a game, Id choose the one that Im comfortable with Tiffany.

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Tiffanys eyes widen and lifted her head up from Taeyeons shoulder upon hearing her name. Everyone
cheered for them but abruptly stopped and complained when Taeyeon sternly said NO.

Come on Taeng, its just a game!

Sooyoung, Yuri, Taecyeon, Nicole, and Sunny tried to convince him to agree and stop being
overprotective to his girlfriend. Jessica just stayed quiet as she looked at the cold expression on
Taeyeons face and Tiffanys worried eyes. Among them, it was her, Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Dennis who
are still on the right minds and not as drunk as the others.

Dude, its just a body shot. Its not like Im gonna do something inappropriate with my dongsaeng.
Dennis chuckled, infuriating Taeyeon as he gritted his teeth and glared at him.

Taeyeon was mentally calming himself down but lost his control when he saw a smirk on Dennis face
when he came closer to Tiffany with a bottle of rum and a slice of lemon on his hands. Dennis stoops
down and reaches out a hand to give Tiffany the slice of lemon but Taeyeon grabbed his wrist,
preventing him from coming closer to the girl.

Seeing the angry expression on Taeyeons face, his friends stopped persuading the guy and Tiffany
motioned Dennis to back away as she tried to calm his boyfriend down. However, due to the influence
of alcohol, Dennis cant help himself and provoked Taeyeon more as he leaned forward and kissed
Tiffany on the lips.

Before everyone could react, Dennis was already grabbed by Taeyeon on his collar and punched him on
the face as hard as he can. He stumbled and fell down on the sand as everyone froze for a moment. It
was their first time to see Taeyeon that mad and his normally cool and composed behaviour changed as
anger consumed him.

Dont you dare touch her! Taeyeon hissed as soon as Dennis stood up and smirked at him. Taeyeon
balled his fists after seeing the smirk on the taller guys face and his eyes flickered with anger with what
Dennis said to him in a very low voice that only both of them could hear.

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Youre afraid that you might lose her to me, arent you? I guess youre not that stupid and dense at all
as what Ive heard Dont worry, shes not gonna leave you even if I confess to her coz youre the only
one that she sees... for now. But if you make her cry, I will take her away from you and Ill make sure
that you wont see her ever again, Kim Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just stood frozen on his spot as Dennis patted his shoulder before walking passed him and
faced the stunned people around them. He sheepishly smiled at them and apologized especially to
Tiffany for kissing her and blamed the alcohol for his vulgar behavior.

All of them called it a night after the incident between Dennis and Taeyeon. No one dared to talk about
it and it seems like the fight sobered them all up. They silently went back to their own villas and
exchanged knowing looks after Taeyeon went ahead of them.

Tiff, can I talk to you for a moment? Taecyeon politely asked when they reached their villa. Tiffany
nodded and they both walked towards the garden as silence engulfed them.

I know were not that close but you know Ive been friends with Taeng for years and its the first
time that I saw his eyes like that. He started. Tiffany just stayed silent as she was still dazed with
everything that happened earlier. Seeing the restless expression on Tiffanys face, Taecyeon silently
sighed and continued what he wanted to talk about to his friends girlfriend.

Hes jealous, Tiffany. He might be dense when it comes to the girls feelings but he knows when
someone has the hots for his girl. He had never hit someone before who actually had done worse than
kissing the girl he loves unless theres a reason for him to do so.

What do you mean? Tiffany asked, furrowing her brows at Taecyeon.

This is just my opinion, okay? I guess Taeng thinks that your friend likes you more than a friend or a
sister and hes just trying to keep you from him. I mean because of what happened to him in the past,

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hes afraid of losing the ones he loves and from what I see Taeng loves you so much and hes scared to
lose you in any case. Taecyeon gave her a comforting smile before patting her head as he continued.

Just give him some time to cool down and if I were you, I wouldnt talk or see Dennis for a while. We
know Taeng is a great guy and I would actually do worse than just punch the guy who dare kiss my
girlfriend if I was in his position

Tiffany just smiled and thanked him as it helped her to understand Taeyeons jealousy and
overprotectiveness from Dennis. And because of what Dennis did to her earlier, she mentally noted to
confront him about what he truly feels towards her and make sure the guy wouldnt do anything to
strain her relationship with Taeyeon.

Baby Im sorry I love you and only you, Taetae I hope tomorrows gonna be better between us
Tiffany mumbles while lovingly caressing Taeyeons face. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead
before giving him a soft peck on his lips. She found Taeyeon already sleeping on their bed when she
enterred their room and a sad smile was drawn on her face upon seeing the frown on her boyfriends
usually calm sleeping face.

Not long after, due to exhaustion from everything that happened, she drifted off to sleep while resting
her head on Taeyeons chest and hugging him closely. Both of them slept without even freshening up
but that would be the least of their concern after the unexpected turn of events during their second day
and night at the island.

I love you too, princess.

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Morning has come and the groups last day in Jeju Island has come. Theres no plan for the day but to
relax and enjoy their last day of vacation in any way they want. It was supposed to be like that but after
what happened last night, they all woke up with heavy hearts. Sooyoung, Sunny, Yuri, and Nicole have
head aches caused by the backstabber alcoholic drinks they had, Jessica is worried with Taeyeon and
Tiffany, and Hyoyeon is preparing for her unplanned date with her brothers girlfriend.

Hyoyeon was the first one to wake up and she was surprised to see Taecyeon and Taeyeon preparing to
leave early in the morning. The two boys told her that theyll go for a dive and Taecyeon furtively
informed the older girl that Taeyeon needs to cool himself down because of the incident last night. He
also apologized to the older girl for letting alcohol get into them. Though Taecyeon didnt tell her
everything since the guy is also drunk last night, Hyoyeon understood what happened because Jessica
told her everything when they met in the garden to have some breakfast after the two boys left.

It was already late in the morning when Taeyeons princess woke up. She automatically snuggled close
to her pillow, thinking it was Taeyeon but her eyes fluttered open when she realized shes just hugging a
real pillow and not her boyfriend. Her eyes wandered around the room to hopefully see the smiling face
of Taeyeon but she was greeted by her boyfriends older sister instead.

Good morning, Tiff. Get your bum out of the bed, well have a date~~ Hyoyeon beamed her a bright
smile and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to cheer up the miserable-looking girl.

G-good morning, unnie w-wheres Taeyeon? Tiffany asked with a glimpse of sadness and
disappointment in her voice as she sat up on the bed. The older girl just silently sighed and warmly
smiled as she informed her that Taeyeon went for a dive with Taecyeon.

Tiffany hangs her head low and fidgets with her fingers. She wished that what happened last night was
just a bad dream but waking up without Taeyeon next to her shows her that it wasnt a dream.
Unconsciously, tears fell down on her face and before she knew it, she was already embraced by
Hyoyeon. She couldnt help but cry in the older girls arms and somehow wished it was Taeyeon whos
hugging her and telling her to stop crying. They stayed in that position for a few minutes until Tiffany
calmed down.

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Tiff, Im sure Taeng wont like to see you like this come on, cheer up!
But unnie we Tae and I
Shhh Jess told me what happened dont worry too much. Just seduce my brother later and Im sure
hell go back to his usual self.

Tiffanys eyes widen upon understanding what Hyoyeon meant, causing the older girl to burst out
laughing at her reaction. Effectively, it lightens Tiffanys mood a little and she blushed when Hyoyeon
teased her more, almost slipping the fact that they followed the couple at the small island yesterday.

Hyoyeon successfully convinced Tiffany to get up from the bed and fix herself. Soon, the younger girl
found herself sitting on the passenger seat next to Hyoyeon as they drove around Jeju. She appreciates
the older girl for her effort of making her feel better but her mind is completely occupied by her
boyfriend. However, just like Taeyeon, Hyoyeon somehow brightens up her mood and helped her clear
her mind.

It was already lunch time when they went back to their resort as they decided to have lunch with the
others instead. Tiffany feels better but her mood suddenly drops and anger filled her eyes upon seeing
the guy that she trusted, only to ruin it by kissing her on the lips in front of her boyfriend.

Ill wait for you inside Hyoyeon whispered to her before walking passed the guy standing in front of
them, glaring at him in the process.

Tiff, I---- Before Dennis could say more than two words, Tiffany already slapped him hard on the face.
He slowly held his cheek that was slapped by the fuming girl in front of him, shocked as he never
expected it from her.

Why? Tiffany asked in the coldest tone Dennis has ever heard. She is mad, her face flushed, and anger
is building through her body. Her piercing eyes are sending chills to the guys spine and he had to look
away as he cant take how Tiffany looked at him with hatred.

Im sorry I was drunk and---

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Drunk? Are you trying to fool me here? Or have you forgotten that you never get drunk? she mocked
and sarcastically chuckled as she continued staring at the guy that she used to respect and trust. She
was trying to get a hold of herself because after all, hes her friend. However, it irks her to hear the guy
trying to blame everything on the alcohol.

Im sorry, Tiff I I know what I did is wrong but

But what?! Cut the crap, oppa!

Tiffany raised her voice and tears were forming in her eyes. Mixed emotions consumed her but she just
wanted to clear and end the drama between her, Taeyeon, and Dennis as soon as possible. As much as
she treasures her friendship with Dennis, she wouldnt risk her relationship with Taeyeon just because
of him. She wouldnt mind if she had to choose between her friend and boyfriend. Besides, theres no
point of choosing since it is clear that its Taeyeon no matter what.

I love you. Ive been secretly loving you for years and the reason why I came here is because of you. I
miss you I wanted to confess to you but I hesitated after seeing how happy you are with Taeyeon.
But I think Im going insane if I wont tell you... thats why I called and asked to meet up with you last
night. And I just couldnt take seeing you with him Do you know how much I wanted to be in his place?
You just met him months ago yet youre head over heels for that guy. Why? Why cant it be me, Tiff?

Tiffany just stayed quiet as Dennis confessed what he truthfully feels about her. Her anger drops a little
upon seeing the desperate look on his eyes. She felt sorry for him but her heart is already owned by
Taeyeon and she can only give nothing more than friendship to him. Above all, she felt bad for not
believing her own boyfriend in the first place regarding Dennis feelings and intention towards her.

Im sorry, oppa. But I only see you as a friend and an older brother. I cant give you more than that and
you know why so please, forget about what you feel about me and if you still value our friendship
dont call or even see me again until you have completely forgotten your feelings for me.

Tiffany walked passed him, leaving him frozen on his spot. He knows the girl hates him now and as much
as he wanted to get her and make her his girl, he doesnt have the guts to be selfish and let the girl he

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loves to be sad and suffer because of him. Seeing the sadness, hatred, and disappointment on Tiffanys
eyes caused his heart to break as much as seeing her happy with someone else.

Before Tiffany could walk any farther from him, he turned around and called her. Though Tiffany heard
him, she didnt stop walking while hanging her head low as tears were threatening to escape from her
eyes, until she bumped into someone. She almost fell down because of the impact and her body is
already weak from the emotional stress shes going through, but she was lucky that the person caught
her and prevented her from falling back.

Are you okay?

Tiffanys heart almost leaps out of her chest upon hearing the very familiar voice that she missed. She
looks up and her eyes brimmed with tears upon meeting the warm onyx eyes of her boyfriend. Taeyeon
frowned upon seeing the tears in her eyes but before he could say or do anything, Tiffany had thrown
herself at him as she tightly hugged the person that she has been wanting to see since she woke up

W-why d-did you leave m-me? Tiffany sobbed on his chest, lightly hitting him as she pressed her
whole body against Taeyeon.
Shhh Im sorry. Im here now, so please stop crying Taeyeon hushed her while gently stroking
her back, kissing the top of Tiffanys head as he embraced her.

Tiffany continued sobbing while snuggling so close to him as shes afraid that Taeyeon would leave her.
Taeyeon just warmly hugs her and let the girl cry her heart out, ignoring the snooping looks theyre
getting from the other people passing by.

From a distant, Dennis could only stare and smile sadly at the couple. He didnt plan to give her up just
like that but after seeing Tiffany breaking down and how Taeyeon cared for her, he knows that he had
no chance at all.

Take care of her, Kim Taeyeon.

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Tiffany slowly opened her eyes and groaned when her head ached. She closed her eyes again to get rid
of the pain but her eyes fluttered open upon realizing shes back on their room. She fell unconscious on
Taeyeons arms as she was exhausted from crying and Taeyeon carried her to their room. She tried to
get up to find Taeyeon, only to be pulled back by a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

She carefully turned around and blinked a few times to make sure it was really Taeyeon whos hugging
her. Slowly, she held his calm, sleeping face and a smile spreads across her face but eventually drops
when Taeyeon woke up and pulled away from her.

Nuna reserved lunch for you, Ill go and tell the staff to prepare it now. said Taeyeon as he got up from
the bed. He headed to the door without even glancing at his girlfriend but as soon as his hand grabbed
the doorknob, Tiffany was already behind him and hugging him tightly. Taeyeon stopped in his tracks
and sighed as he tried to free himself from the girls embrace. However, he stopped when he heard the
girl crying again while burying her face on his back.

Sorry Im sorry Im sorry, Taetae Please lets talk about this Tiffany said while crying. Her voice
tells how vulnerable and desperate she is, causing Taeyeon to turn around when the girl loosen her grip
on him.

And you promised me youre not gonna see him alone Taeyeon calmly said as he doesnt want to
make the girl feel worse but he couldnt help it.

I know and I regret it Baby Im really sorry I promise I---

No. Dont make any promises you cant keep.

Tiffany flinched with Taeyeons sad voice and look in his eyes. She wanted to say something but nothing
came out of her mouth, like the words were stuck on her throat as Taeyeon turned around and
disappeared behind the door. She just stood frozen on her spot, blankly staring at the door as her tears
continue to run down on her face.

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She only came back to her senses when the door opened again. She smiled, expecting that her boyfriend
returned but it faded right away when she saw that it was just Jessica. Her best friend frowned upon
seeing the dejected girl in front of her and immediately pulled her in her arms. She didnt say a word and
just guided Tiffany back to the bed as she continued hugging the crying girl.

Jessica felt bad for her best friend but she couldnt blame either of the two, causing her to blame
everything to Yuri for if its not because of his stupid dare to Dennis last night, Taeyeon and Tiffany
wont be in their wretched situation right now.

Tiff, stop crying Taeng is already asking the staff to prepare your lunch
I dont w-want t-to eat w-we need to t-talk, Jessi

Jessica silently sighed and patted the sobbing girls back. The girl hasnt eaten anything yet since
morning and not even Hyoyeon was able to convince her to eat while they were out earlier. She took
out her phone and secretly messaged Taeyeon to just bring the food in the room since the girl wouldnt
budge from her position.

After about half an hour, Taeyeon came back with a female staff pushing the room service cart that
contains the meals covered with lids, drinks, and everything they needed to have a great meal in the
room. Being a gentleman, Taeyeon opened the door of their room for the staff, causing the girl to blush
a little and smiled at him for the kind gesture. However, Tiffany sees it in a different way and her
jealousy arises as she watches the staff stealing glances on her boyfriend while preparing the meals on
the coffee table.

Then in a moment, Jessica and Taeyeon widened their eyes and gasped when Tiffany stood up from the
bed and slapped the girl, who sweetly smiled at Taeyeon and brushed her hand against him when she
handed him the itemized bill for the room service.

Jessica hurriedly accompanied the shocked female staff out of the room and motioned Taeyeon to calm
his girlfriend down. Tiffany was also stunned with what she did. She looked away and bit her lower lip
upon seeing the displeased look of her boyfriend.

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Taeyeon just mentally sighed and walked closer to her. He stood in front of her and held Tiffanys chin,
turning her head to face him. She closed her eyes as she doesnt want to face Taeyeon, thinking that he
probably was upset because of what she did. But, her eyes fluttered open when she felt a pair of warm,
soft lips pressed on her lips. She blinked a few times, grasping the situation, before responding to
Taeyeons soft kisses.

I miss you

Taeyeon and Tiffany kissed each other for several seconds, taking their time by lingering between the
kisses. They slowly pulled apart and looked at each others eyes, not saying anything but their eyes both
tell how they feel more than any words could explain.

Taeyeon pulled her closer to him and kissed her again. The soft, gentle kisses turned into a deep,
passionate one. Closing their eyes as they enjoy the sensation, feeling the intimate connection between
them while their hands move over each others backs, shoulders, playing with the hair at the back of
their heads, and turning the romantic kiss into something aggressive and sensual.

They both got carried away and soon, they found themselves making out on the bed with Taeyeon
hovering on top of Tiffany. The girl let her boyfriend take control for a while before switching position
and taking the lead. Taeyeon has the most stupid grin on his face when Tiffany straddled him after
gently leaving a love bite on his neck.

Yah! Baby, where are you going?~~~ Taeyeon whined, causing Tiffany to giggle at him as she got up
and walked towards the coffee table.
Im hungry. Tiffany coolly said and comfortably sat down on the sofa. She started to eat, ignoring the
whining guy on the bed.

After a few minutes of silence, Tiffany looked up and saw Taeyeon smiling at her while leaning his back
on the headboard of the bed. She beamed her beautiful eyesmile at him before turning her attention
back to the food. Though Taeyeon told her earlier that it was Hyoyeon who reserved her food, it was
actually him who specifically requested the resorts restaurant to prepare Tiffanys favorite dishes.

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Taeyeon chuckled upon seeing his girlfriend happily eating her favorite food, totally forgetting that
theyre not in good terms since last night. He could only sigh upon remembering what happened but
after kissing the girl and seeing her beautiful eyesmile again, he knows that theyve already made up.
Besides, his heart breaks seeing Tiffany crying and breaking down because of him.

Aigoo~~ Im supposed to be mad at you, princess Im whipped no I just really love you
that I cant get mad at you that long. What have you done to me, Fany -ah?


They were comfortably sitting on their bed while leaning their backs on the headboard when Tiffany
gave him one of her most adorable puppy eyes and pout as she straddled him. They were just killing
time after packing their things up while waiting for everyone to get ready as they will be leaving the
resort in an hour.

Are we cool now? Tiffany softly asked, resting her hands on his shoulders while locking her eyes onto
Taeyeons. Though theyve already made out earlier and act normally while packing their stuff, none of
them brought up the topic just yet.

On the other hand, Taeyeon is mentally calming himself down with their very intimate position. The
sight of Tiffany on top of him, straddling him, giving him soft touches on his shoulders and neck is driving
him crazy. Before he could answer the girl, Tiffany sweeps her fingers along his hair to the side of his
face before leaning in and kisses him. Her ever-so light and slow kisses literally sends shivers down
Taeyeons spine, setting off trigger points all over his body.

P-prin prin cess Taeyeon tried his best to be composed but his mouth and body betrayed him as
soft moan escaped his lips. He pulled Tiffany closer to him, pressing her body against him as they
continued to kiss each other. When their slow and sensual kisses turned into a make out session, Tiffany

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leans in to kiss his neck and ears, keeping one hand on his shoulder and another gliding up and down his

Are you still mad at me, Taetae? she asked in a soft husky voice, all sounding sexy on Taeyeons ears.
She stopped kissing him and looked straight in his eyes while caressing the back of his neck, patiently
waiting for his answer.

Taeyeon rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes as Tiffany gently moved her fingers around on
the back of his neck. He hugged her as he inhaled Tiffanys scent, smiling against her skin. Tiffany is
wearing an oversized off shoulder striped shirt and black short pants, exposing her flawless shoulders
and legs.

Can you remind me why Im mad at you? Taeyeon mumbled, drawing a wide smile on Tiffanys face.
She gently pushed Taeyeon from snuggling close to her and cupped his face in her hands, giving him her
beautiful eyesmile before giving him a soft peck on his lips.

Im sorry I swear Im not gonna do such thing again and Ill believe in you, always she leaned in and
kissed him again for a few seconds before pulling apart to continue what shes saying.

I love you I love you so much, Kim Taeyeon. She lovingly stared at Taeyeons eyes while gently
touching his face. She bit her lower lip, trying not to let a lone tear of happiness escape her eyes, when
Taeyeon returned the same gaze at her and smiled ever so lovingly at her before saying the words that
she longed to hear from him after everything that happened last night.

I love you too so much, Stephanie Miyoung Hwang. Taeyeon softly said, almost inaudible but more
than enough for Tiffany to clearly hear it. Her heart leaps with joy but before she could grasp the little
romantic scene theyre having, Taeyeon continued with a smirk on his face.

Now, can we get back on what we were doing earlier?

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Tiffany blushed upon seeing the playful smirk on her boyfriends face. She immediately smacked him on
his head, causing Taeyeon to whine in pain as he rubs his head.

Youre really an expert in ruining the mood Tiffany muttered under her breath while glaring at the
guy whos giving him his own version of adorable puppy eyes and pout. Tiffany rolled her eyes but
nonetheless leaned in and started kissing him again.

Taeyeon smiled against her lips and soon found his hands move all over Tiffanys back, legs, back of her
head, face, neck, shoulders, and front as they continued making out. With Tiffany straddling him and
being confident, sexy, and in charge of the great make out session, Taeyeon couldnt help but go crazy.

Tiffany smirked upon getting a great response from her boyfriend. Teasingly, she lightly bit and pulled
on his lower lip before gently biting his neck, adding more love bites near the one that she made earlier.

I want she softly whispered on his ear as she moved to his earlobe after she was done with his neck.
Her soft, husky and sexy voice makes Taeyeon go wild. However, before Tiffany could continue,
someone barged in to their room and gasped upon seeing the very intimate position of the couple on
the bed.

Oh my God! Im sorry, I didnt mean to interrupt! Just continue! I didnt see anything, I swear!
Hyoyeon quickly said in a high-pitch tone while suppressing her smile after seeing how Tiffanys face
slowly turns red when she abruptly got off of Taeyeon.
Oh, by the way, were leaving in five minutes. She continued before closing the door and left with a
wide grin on her face, sharing the good news to the others as soon as she met up with them in the

Meanwhile, Tiffany was blushing madly as she buried her face on her hands while leaning her back on
the headboard, bending her knees up to her chest. Taeyeon cant help but giggle at his embarrassed
girlfriend, teasing her more as he pulled her hands away from her face.

You want... what? Taeyeon huskily asked with a sly smile across his face, hovering on top of Tiffany.

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Tiffanys eyes widen but immediately got her composure back. She locked her eyes with Taeyeon before
pulling the guy closer to her by his collar, and managed to successfully get him off guard with an
unexpected tongue-kiss. But, before Taeyeon could enjoy it, Tiffany pulled away and shoved him off of
her as she got up from the bed.

Taeyeon was left dumbfounded on the bed as the girl was successful in teasing him. He was brought
back to his senses when he heard the shutter sound of a camera and found Tiffany smiling innocently at
him after taking his picture.

Baby, lets go. We only have a few minutes before Jess comes here Tiffany casually said, placing her
camera back to the bag and ensured that they didnt forget anything in the room.

Taeyeon sighed in defeat as he lazily got up from the bed. Once theyre ready to go and meet up with
the others in the lounge area, Tiffany stood up in front of him and wrapped her arms behind his neck as
she lovingly stared and smiled at him.

Taetae thank you for everything. Im so thankful and happy to have you in my life and I dont know
what I will do if youll leave me. I love you. It may be early to say this but I know youre the one for me,
Taetae. Lets be more open to each other and promise me, well go through any problems together
and wouldnt say things when were mad that we might regret says Tiffany while lovingly caressing
Taeyeons face.

Taeyeon lovingly smiled at her as he held Tiffanys hand from his face to his lips, placing a soft kiss into it.

I promise

Everyone was sleeping soundly in the van as soon as they got inside it after a short flight from Jeju to
Gimpo airport. The boys, Sunny, and Nicole apologized at the couple before they left the resort and
ensured that theyre all in good terms. It was already evening and only a few hours away from going
back to their normal busy lives.

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Taeyeons phone buzzed, waking him up, and carefully took his phone out from his pocket as he doesnt
want to wake his girlfriend up whos cuddling him. He groggily checked his phone and slowly, a smile
spreads across his face when he read the new message from his childhood friend.

From: Vic umma :p

Taeyeonnie~~~ lets meet tomorrow! I have gifts for you and the others.
You can bring your girlfriend if you want! :)

Taeyeon quickly replied and casually sent her a cute message that the girl loves, expecting her to give
him lots of gifts from abroad. In no time, he got another text message and his smile became wider as
excitement rushed through his body.

From: Vic umma :p

Aigoo! Stop being cute! Fine~ I got you a dukong so save your cuteness for your girlfriend!
By the way, shes coming next month and stay here for like a week to fix everything about her
work and University schedules.

To: Vic umma :p

Really?! Youre the best umma!~~ Im gonna give you a big hug tomorrow! :)
Oh, did you meet her? Do you know which University shes gonna attend to?

From: Vic umma :p

CAU. So I guess she might be your student, teacher Taeyeonnie! Hahaha!
Good luck and take care of our little Yoongie! I got to go, my managers calling me.
See you tomorrow! *chu*

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To: Vic umma :p

Ehhh~~ okay~~~ take care Vicky!^.^

Baby who is it? Tiffany softly asked as she snuggled closer to Taeyeon.
Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, princess. Its Vic, she wants to meet up with us tomorrow to give our gifts.
Lets see her after your work? said Taeyeon. He tilted his head to look at his sleepy girlfriend and
chuckled a little when the girl just nodded her head without opening her eyes.
Aigoo~ just sleep again Ill wake you up when we reach our place. He patted her head and in a
second, Tiffany went back to her dreamland while comfortably snuggling close to her boyfriend.

Everyone got home safely and Taeyeon didnt bother to wake Tiffany up as he carried her in his arms up
to their penthouse. He gently tucked her to bed and spent a few minutes in just staring while admiring
Tiffanys peaceful and beautiful sleeping face.

His zoning out was then distracted with a message from an unknown international number. He frowned
upon seeing the preview of the message but it was immediately replaced by a dorky smile on his face as
he opened and read the full message.

From: +1-415-XXX-XXXX
Yah, oppa! I chose your University so you better take care of me but dont expect me to call you Teacher.
Pick me up in the airport next month and show me around Seoul, okay?
I miss you so so sooo much, oppa~~ I love you!

--- your pretty little princess.

Aish~~ this kid. Still the sassy little princess

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Baby, whats this?

Taeyeon asked as he noticed a white box with pink and gold ribbon tied on it, sitting on top of the girls
nightstand. Tiffany woke up from her long nap and had a midnight snack with Taeyeon when she found
the guy busy on his laptop checking his lectures for tomorrow. Theyve been sleeping on Taeyeons
room since the guy got sick and it was just now that theyre sleeping in her room after a week. The
familiar box caught Taeyeons eyes as it is how usually his mom would wrap a gift for them but with just
different colors of ribbon.

Oh I forgot about that My boss gave this to me as a gift before she left for New York hmmm. last
week. answered Tiffany. She just came out from the bathroom after freshening up and sat on the edge
of the bed while drying her hair.
Lets open it! she continued as she moved closer to Taeyeon, whos leaning his back on the headboard.

Tiffany asked Taeyeon to open the gift for her and obediently, Taeyeon carefully opened it and furrowed
his brows upon seeing whats inside. They shared the same confused look before opening the smaller
box they found inside the white box.


They were both surprised and gawked at the jewelry they found inside. It was an 18-carat oval blue
sapphire surrounded by 14 brilliant-cut pink diamonds and set in 18-carat white gold ring. Taeyeon and
Tiffany carefully took and looked at it, and theyre both taken aback after realizing it was indeed a very
special and lavish ring.

Princess isnt this a family ring? Taeyeon asked while carefully looking at the jewelry. It was rather a
familiar ring for him but he couldnt remember when or where he had seen it.

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It exactly looks like nunas pendant. and moms engagement ring.

I dont know but it looks like one of those princesses rings... like Kate Middletons engagement ring
said Tiffany while furrowing her brows, thinking why the Director gave her such a special ring. She was
lost in her thoughts when suddenly, Taeyeon held her left hand and charmingly smiled at her.

Taeyeon carefully slides the ring onto Tiffanys ring finger of her left hand. Tiffanys heart skipped a beat
with the sudden yet gentle and handsome action of her boyfriend. She blushed when Taeyeon looked at
her and gave her one of his most charming smile.

Its beautiful it suits you, my princess.

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she stared back at Taeyeon and then glanced on the ring on her finger. If it
wasnt a gift from her boss, the scene wouldve been much more romantic as it looks like Taeyeon was
proposing to her.

When am I going to hear you pop the question to me, Taetae? Aigoo~ why am I thinking of
marriage weve just been together for almost a month but

She sighed at the thought of wanting Taeyeon to propose to her. She looked back to Taeyeon and saw
him lost in his own thoughts while staring on her hand that hes still holding. She lightly poked his cheek
and successfully got his attention. Taeyeon smiled at her before tucking her hair behind her ears with his
free hand as he moved closer to her.


Taeyeon stared at her for a few moments with a warm smile on his face. For some reason, Tiffany felt
nervous and so is Taeyeon. They stared at each others eyes, trying to read whats on each others mind.

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With a silent sigh and after mentally cheering on himself, Taeyeon continued with a loving smile on his

I want you to meet my parents and officially introduce you as my girlfriend.

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It has been a few weeks after their short vacation in Jeju Island. The boys were busy again in the
University with few seminars here and there while the girls were the same but not as busy as their
boyfriends. Hyoyeon and Taecyeon already went back to New York and Tiffany became closer with
Victoria. Taeyeon already stopped texting with Gyuri as requested by Tiffany and little by little, his being
too touchy with girls lessened except for the girls hes close with.

Taeyeon and Tiffany already set a date for their flight to New York to meet up with Taeyeons parents.
However, due to their conflicting schedules with Taeyeons parents because of a big partnership their
familys company is having and also Taeyeons busy schedules due to seminars and workshops, the
formal introduction was moved to a later date. However, Taeyeon will be meeting the girls family in
two weeks as theyre visiting Tiffany and will also have a short vacation in the country.

Meanwhile, Tiffany misses her boyfriend so much as he has been the busiest of them all ever since
Taeyeon accepted Victorias offer of doing theater workshops in their entertainment agency. They
barely go out together for a date but Taeyeon would always find ways for them to have quality times
together even if theyre only in their apartment.

Yes, princess?
Get a day off, please???

Taeyeon stopped flipping on the channels and turned his full attention to his girlfriend whos hugging his
arm while giving him her most adorable puppy eyes and pout. They were just cuddling on the couch in
the media room, enjoying each others company after they finished watching a chick flick that the girl

Aigoo~ if only I can, I would love to but, I cant cancel any of those seminars and workshops that are
lined up for me Im sorry, princess. I promise Ill make it up to you, okay? Taeyeon cooed and gently
pulled Tiffany to sit on his lap, only to be ignored by the girl. She pulled away from Taeyeon and crossed
her arms and legs as she stared blankly on the television, upset that she cant spend a whole day with

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Taeyeon sighed. He knows that his girlfriend misses her and he misses her too but he has been busy
being a part-time lecturer, conducting seminars in different Universities, and recently doing theatrical
workshops in Victorias entertainment agency. He felt guilty for declining the girls request but the
schedule he has until the end of the month is really crazy.

Princess he tried to coax his girlfriend by hugging her but its not working. Tiffany had a straight face
on and didnt even budge when Taeyeon kissed her cheek as he hugged her.

They were both silent for a few moments on the same position until Taeyeons phone buzzed. Taeyeon
didnt even take a glance on his phone as he continued hugging his girlfriend but Tiffany lightly hit his
arm to let her go and motioned him to check his phone. However, being a stubborn boyfriend as he is,
he just stayed hugging her. Tiffany rolled her eyes and reached over to get Taeyeons phone. As soon as
she unlocked it and saw the preview of the message, she raised an eyebrow before opening the full text

From: Little princess :3

Oppa!!! Dont forget to pick me up next week if you dont want me to beat you up, okay?!
Then bring me somewhere that serves delicious meat. Love you, oppa! <3

Tiffany frowned upon reading the full message and seeing the previous messages from the same
number triggers her jealousy. She harshly pushed Taeyeon from her, earning a confused look from the
oblivious guy as she glared at him and showed him the message on his phone.

You dont have time for your girlfriend but you can meet with someone else and have a date?! Tiffany
exclaimed and threw his phone onto him. She is very angry at Taeyeon because she didnt know that the
guy is exchanging messages with a girl she knew nothing about, agreed to fetch her at the airport and
tour her around Seoul, and most of all, calling her little princess on the text messages.

Taeyeon blinked a few times as he tried to understand what the girl meant. Seeing the angry expression
from his girlfriend made him to nervously gulp. He then checked the message he got on his phone and

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mentally scolded himself for not remembering to inform Tiffany that Yoonas little sister is arriving in the
country and the girl asked him to fetch her at the airport and tour her around the city.

Are you cheating on me? asked Tiffany in a soft voice while looking away from him. Taeyeon quickly
lifted his head up to look at Tiffany and placed his phone on the coffee table. He held both Tiffanys
hands and sighed upon seeing the sad look on his girlfriends face.

Princess, Im not cheating on you. he said. Tiffany glared at him but before she could say anything,
Taeyeon continued but instead of making her feel better, it just caused her to be more jealous and

Shes Yoonas younger sister. Im sorry, I forgot to tell you about her Shes coming here for a week to
fix some documents and her schedule with school and work before she stays here for a few months for
being an exchange student.

Tiffany stayed quiet for a few moments while staring at Taeyeon. For some reason, she felt like its not a
good thing that Yoonas sister is coming and basing on the exchanged messages of Taeyeon and the girl,
she knew that the girl is close to Taeyeon.

Seeing the uneasiness on his girlfriends face, Taeyeon told her everything about the younger girl and his
closeness with her. He also apologized for not informing her about the younger girl sooner and
somehow, it lessens Tiffanys worries. However, shes still upset that Taeyeon didnt tell her about the
girl and even calls her little princess.

If you call her little princess and shes Yoonas younger sister did you call Yoona princess
too when youre still with her?

Taeyeon frowned upon seeing the sad look and disappointment on Tiffanys eyes. He knows that the girl
is upset with him but hes not sure why she looks rather sad than jealous. He was about to ask if theres
something wrong but Tiffany suddenly hugged him and buried her face on his neck. He automatically
wrapped his arms around her, confused with her sudden action. Usually, when Tiffany is jealous, she
would give him cold shoulders for atleast a day until shes satisfied with Taeyeons effort of pleasing her.

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Taetae do you do you also call Yoona your princess? Tiffany mumbled as she pulled away from
hugging Taeyeon. She hangs her head low while fidgeting at the hem of Taeyeons shirt, causing the guy
to slowly smile at her. He lifted her head up by cupping her face in his hands and dorkily smiled at her
when their eyes met.

No. She hates terms of endearment so I just call her Yoong. And I only have one princess her name is
Tiffany Hwang. He said and quickly stole a peck on Tiffanys lips. The girl smiled and blushed a little but
her smile quickly faded when she remembered the little princess.

Then what about your little princess? Tiffany said sarcastically, emphasizing the last three words as
she glared at him. However, her glares turned into a confused one and she frowned when Taeyeon just
dorkily grinned at her.

Youll know when you meet her! said Taeyeon and before Tiffany could argue with him, he pressed his
lips to hers. She tried to push him but he just pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her, eventually
making her to just give in and kiss him back.

Lets go out for a date. Taeyeon softly said and birghtly smiled at her after they pulled apart from
What? asked Tiffany as she raised an eyebrow at him before glancing at the digital clock in the room.

Its already near midnight and most establishments are already closed for them to have a date outside.
However, before she could say anything more, she was already dragged by Taeyeon out of the media
room to her room. She confusedly looked at him when he went straight to her closet and grabbed a
cardigan for her.

Wear this.
Where are we going? Its already late and we both have work tomorrow.
Its a surprise! Just wear it, please~~~

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Tiffany rolled her eyes when Taeyeon started to cutely pout. She grabbed the cardigan on Taeyeons
hands and wears it as she just timidly followed him out of their apartment.

Yah! Baby, what are we doing here? What if the guards see us here, huh?
Aigoo~ princess, we will really be caught if you wont lower your voice.

Tiffany hit his chest, making him groaned in pain but he just ignored his blabbering girlfriend as he held
her hand and led her to one of the Universitys auditorium. Taeyeon lied to the guard when he told
them that he forgot something important and needed to get it for tomorrows presentation, and since
the guards know him, they let him and Tiffany enter the University.

Sit here. Taeyeon said as he motioned Tiffany to sit on the front seat of the hall. He successfully
unlocked the auditorium where he would usually conduct practical exams for his students, using one of
his credit cards.

Wait, where are you going? Youre not planning to leave me here in this scary hall, are you? Tiffany
grabbed his arm when he was about to walk away from her and go to the backstage to get something.

No, I wont leave my princess here. Ill just get something in the backstage and Ill be back real quick.
said Taeyeon and before Tiffany could protest, he already ran towards the backstage and left Tiffany
alone sitting on the front seat of the auditorium.

A few moments later, the lights went off, causing Tiffany to scream her lungs out and called Taeyeon a
few times without moving on her seat, closing her eyes as shes afraid that she might see a ghost or

KIM TAEYEON! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! YOURE KI--- Tiffany continued screaming but abruptly
stopped when she heard a warm and beautiful sound of violin playing. Slowly, she opened her eyes and

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found Taeyeon standing on the stage, playing the violin with a gentle smile on his face. The auditorium
was dimly lit and the spotlight is on the stage, helping Tiffany to clearly see Taeyeon and watch him in
awe as he looks more handsome while playing the string instrument.

Taeyeon had once told her that he used to play the violin before learning the guitar and she had been
asking him to play the instrument for her but he always declines as he insists hes not good and probably
had forgotten how to play it.

A sweet smile was drawn on her face as she continued watching her boyfriend charmingly playing the
violin. Hes playing a beautiful song for her, causing Tiffanys heart to flutter. Its always the song that
Taeyeon hums every once in a while when theyre just cuddling or whenever he feels singing it for her.
Sometimes, he would randomly sing it too while playing the guitar that he received as a gift from his

Taeyeon was perfectly playing the piece until he reached the second chorus and made a mistake in
applying too much pressure on the bow and created like a squeaking sound. He abruptly stopped and
his eyes met Tiffanys. He sheepishly smiled at her and took the violin off from his shoulder while
pouting cutely because of his mistake. Disappointedly, he then walked to the edge of the stage and sat
down as he carefully put the violin and bow down.

Aigoo~~ baby, stop sulking. It was beautiful and you look so charming while playing it. cooed Tiffany
as she walked to her boyfriend and stood up in front of him with a sweet smile on her face.

Taeyeon deepens his pout but he then smiled when Tiffany softly pecked him on his lips. He pulled her
up and helped her sit beside him as they both sat on the edge of the stage.

I shouldve practiced first instead of promptly playing it in front of you it couldve been a perfect
performance and youll have tears in your eyes after Im done playing.
Why would I be in tears?
Because its romantic?

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Tiffany bursts out laughing, causing Taeyeon to curiously look at her. He really thought Tiffany would be
teary-eyed after hes done playing the violin if he had played it perfectly until the end. However, since
its been a while since he last played the instrument, hes no longer that good in playing it.

Yah! Why are you laughing?~~ Taeyeon frowned as he stared at his girlfriend beside him.
Because I didnt know that my boyfriend is a hopeless romantic~~ Tiffany teased and started to tickle
him. However, Taeyeon is much stronger than her and easily grabbed her hands and tickled her instead.

The two continued to tickle each other and ran around the stage, chasing each other like kids playing in
the playground. However, their silliness was stopped when someone shouted from outside the
auditorium and heard the keys fumbling to open the door.

Taeyeon quickly pulled Tiffany to hide behind the stage curtain. They both softly giggled at each other
and kept quiet when they heard the door opened and the guard started to shout if theres anyone inside.
He carefully peeked behind the curtain and saw a guard roaming around the auditorium, checking for
any intruders.

Princess, lets go to the backstage. Theres an emergency exit there. Taeyeon whispered at Tiffany,
receiving a nod from her. He held her hand and was about to walk towards the backstage but Tiffany
didnt move from her spot. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at her but before he could ask why
shes not moving, Tiffany kissed him on the lips as she placed her other hand behind Taeyeons neck.
Taeyeon and Tiffany linger between their kisses for several seconds before pulling apart and Tiffany gave
him one last peck on his lips.

Itll be more romantic if Id kiss you like that after youre done playing the violin said Tiffany. They
both stared at each other for a few moments before Taeyeon bursted out laughing because of his
girlfriends cheesiness, but his mouth was immediately covered by Tiffanys hand as she hushed him to
shut up.

The two managed to go out of the auditorium through the emergency exit without the guard knowing.
They ran towards Taeyeons car and acted normally once inside as a guard passed by. Taeyeon thanked
the guards for letting them in and drove away from the University with both of them laughing at their

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Baby, that was fun!

Then shall we do it again, princess?

Tiffany grinned at Taeyeon and they both laughed at each other. Taeyeon is driving towards a public
park as Tiffany doesnt want to go home yet. Since its already past midnight, the traffic in the city is
smooth and it didnt take them long to reach their destination.

There were only a few people, mostly couples, wandering around the park. Taeyeon parked the car at
the far end of the park and they both slowly walked hand in hand as they enterred one of the prettiest
parks in the city with an area for rollerblading and riding bikes, three small playgrounds, lots of walking
trails and ponds for feeding ducks and many other sites for relaxing or doing leisure activities.

Are you still upset with me?

Taeyeon looked at her with expectant eyes as they sat on a bench near the the pond. Tiffany crossed her
legs and leaned her back on the bench as she cocks her head to look at Taeyeon beside her.

Hmmm it depends she said, earning a confused look from her boyfriend.
Dont call anyone else princess or little princess but me. she continued. She watched Taeyeon as he
slowly broke into a dorky grin and swiftly snakes his arm on her waist, pulling her to lean against him.
Like I said earlier, I only have one princess and thats you but about the little princess Taeyeon
trails off with a playful smile on his face. Tiffany pulled away and raised an eyebrow at him, almost
glaring at him but Taeyeon just continued as he smiled gently at her.
I want to have a little princess and a little prince with you. Taeyeon dorkily grinned at her.

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Tiffanys eyes widen and she blushed but she immediately got her composure back as she smacked
Taeyeons arm. She playfully rolled her eyes when Taeyeon just chuckled at her reaction but was caught
off guard when he kissed her on the cheek and hugged her as he whispered the sweet words that she
wont get tired of hearing from him.

I love you, princess.

I love you too, dork.

Days have passed and Taeyeon and Tiffany have the same routine each day and the girl became clingier
to her boyfriend. Since Taeyeon is busy, she would take the initiative to visit her boyfriend whenever
shes free and spend at least an hour with him. Though they live together, they only have quality time
together in the mornings since recently, Taeyeons been going home really late and he would just sleep
next to Tiffany when he arrived from workshops or seminars.

Good morning, baby Tiffany sweetly smiled when Taeyeon slowly opened his eyes from his deep
slumber. It is a typical morning between the couple and while Taeyeons habit is to watch the girl
sleeping before he sleeps at night, Tiffany always wakes up earlier than him to watch him sleeping.

Good morning, my beautiful princess. Taeyeon grinned before giving her butterfly kisses, causing the
girl to giggle. He lovingly smiled at her before snuggling his face close to her neck and closed his eyes
while enjoying Tiffanys warmth and lovely scent.

Baby get up now youll be late. Remember you have a seminar to attend in two hours? she softly
said while running her fingers through Taeyeons hair. Getting no response from him, she shifted a bit
and found Taeyeon sleeping again like a clinging baby.

Tiffany softly giggled as she wrapped her arms around her sleeping baby-face boyfriend. Since its
weekend, she doesnt have work but Taeyeon has a seminar that the University asked him to attend to

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along with Yuri and Sooyoung. As much as she loves Taeyeon to stay with her, she knows how important
the seminar is for Taeyeon.

Baby wake up now you only have less than two hours to prepare
I dont want to go
Hmm? Why?

Taeyeon slowly pulled away from her and hovered on top of his confused girlfriend. He already informed
Yuri and Sooyoung last night that he wont attend the seminar and begged the two to cover up for him
because he wanted to spend the whole day with his girlfriend, without letting Tiffany know.

Because I miss you. he lovingly stared at her before leaning down to kiss Tiffany, which the latter
gladly accepted and reciprocated. They were softly and slowly kissing each other for several moments
until Tiffany gently pushed Taeyeon from her and broke the kiss.

Seriously, youre going to be late. She said as she sternly looked at him. However, she was caught off
guard when Taeyeon rolled over the bed, pulling her with him as she ended up lying on top of Taeyeon
who has a dorky grin across his face.

My princess is more important than that boring seminar Im all yours today, baby.

Tiffany has been smiling like a fool since Taeyeon told her that he skipped a seminar just to be with her
because he misses her. Taeyeon asked her where she wanted to go but she just asked him to go grocery
shopping with her and stay at home, cook something and do any fun-at-home activities inside their
apartment. Taeyeon had a perverted smirk on his face when he heard Tiffany say any fun-at-home
activities but he immediately got a smack on his head from his girlfriend.

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Yah! Baby~~ its unfair!~~ Taeyeon kept on whining while beating the butter in the bowl of the elctric
mixer. They went out for a short while to grab some ingredients for red velvet cupcakes as Tiffany
suddenly craved for one, and now theyre both in the kitchen having their very first baking competition.

Though Taeyeon loves to cook, he never had tried baking something except for baked dishes thats
totally different from baking cakes or cupcakes. On the other hand, Tiffany learned how to do it since
her late mom always bakes something for them when shes still young and her mom was still alive.

No its not! You can do it, baby~~ Tiffany laughed at him while she whisked the buttermilk with red
food coloring. Shes a few steps ahead of Taeyeon in baking the cupcakes and playfully pushing Taeyeon
away from her when hes peeking on what shes doing.

Knowing how to do it, Tiffany quickly made the mixture and divided the batter evenly among the 6
muffin cups and smoothed the tops with a spatula. Since they only have one oven, she decided to help
her struggling boyfriend so they wont be wasting time and electricity for their little friendly competition.

Aigoo~ baby, you have to scrape down the sides of the bowl before adding the vanilla extract. Tiffany
scolded him and lightly slap his arm as he was about to put vanilla extract on his mixture. She then
grabbed the rubber spatula from him and started running it around the inside surface of the mixing bowl
containing the batter.

Taeyeon watched her in awe like a curious kid and he cutely nodded when Tiffany asked him if he
wanted to try. Few minutes have passed and hes also done with his batter with the help of Tiffany as he
distributed it with the remaining 6 muffin cups and did the same thing as smoothening the tops with a
spatula. He then placed the 12 cupcakes inside the preheated oven and since its going to take a little
less than half an hour, they both decided to rest first in the living room as they wait.

Ahh~~ I hope it tastes good Taeyeon said as he plopped himself carelessly on the couch.
Im sure mine will but Im not sure how will your cupcakes gonna taste. Tiffany teased and sat next
to him. She giggled when Taeyeon cutely pouted and sighed deeply like he regretted agreeing with the
baking competition.

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Taeyeon continued to sulk on his seat and Tiffany cant help but smile at his cuteness. Then, a sudden
thought came up to her mind and widely grinned as she poked Taeyeons cheek to get his attention.

What? Taeyeon confusedly asked when he saw the playful eyes and grin of his grilfriend. Instead of
answering his question, Tiffany quickly kissed him on the lips before dashing out to her room. After a
few moments, she went out with a small bag that looks like a toiletry bag for Taeyeon. He stared at it for
a few moments and before he could ask what shes planning to do, Tiffany gave her a beautiful eyesmile
as she sat on the small bean bag in front of Taeyeon.

Im getting you a pedicure~~~ Tiffany beamed and Taeyeon could literally see her eyes sparkling at her
idea of getting him a pedicure.
What??? Baby, no~~ I dont want my nails to be painted~~~ he whined like a little kid and immediately
got smacked by Tiffany as she glared at him, automatically making him to shut up while rubbing his poor
Pabo! Im just gonna trim and clean your nails, then give you a foot spa but since you mentioned it I
think thats a good idea! she grinned and before Taeyeon could protest, she already pulled Taeyeons
right foot and rested it on her lap as she started doing her thing happily.

Taeyeon just pouted as he watched Tiffany focusing and enjoying pampering his foot. Soon, he relaxed
and enjoyed what her girlfriend is doing to him. They casually talk about anything and laugh every now
and then while Tiffany continued giving him a foot spa. Just when she finished massaging his feet and
before she could continue in trimming his nails, the oven beeped and she asked Taeyeon to get the
cupcakes out while she washes her hands.

They postponed the pedicure for a while and focused back on the cupcakes. While letting the cupcakes
to cool, they both made the cream cheese frosting and waited until the cupcakes were completely cool
before frosting it.

Tiffany made her cream cheese frosting pink in color and sprinkled her cupcakes with different colors of
candy hearts. On the other hand, Taeyeon just made his cupcakes frosting simple but also added purple
sprinkles on top of the cream cheese frosting.

Can we eat it now? Taeyeon asked like a kid as he eyed both his and Tiffanys cupcakes.

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Nope~ not yet, baby. Our frosting is a little runny so lets place it in the fridge first for a few minutes
said Tiffany and Taeyeon carefully placed the tray of cupcakes in the fridge just above the vegetable

Baby~~ lets continue! beamed Tiffany and she dragged Taeyeon back to the living room as soon as
theyre done in washing their hands off from the frostings.

Instead of complaining, Taeyeon chuckled at his enthusiastic girlfriend and just let her finish what shes
doing. After a few minutes, Tiffany widely grinned as she finished pampering his boyfriend. Taeyeon
blinked a few times when he saw his toenails painted with hot pink and looked at his girlfriend whos
smiling innocently at him.

I know you like it, baby~~ she laughed and quickly pecked on his lips before heading towards her room
to return her stuff while Taeyeon just silently sighed because of her silly girlfriend. However, he smiled
and thought it was really fun and cute to have her giving him a spa pedicure. He never thought that
doing something a little girly with his girlfriend could completely relax him.

The rest of their day was spent doing fun activities in their apartment. Tiffany obviously won in their
baking competition but she didnt miss to compliment her boyfriend as his cupcakes turned out good as
well. They continued eating it as their snack while playing video games on Wii U in the media room.
Since Tiffany doesnt know how to play one, Taeyeon taught her and they both found themselves
immersed in playing everything from FIFA Soccer to Just Dance. Surprisingly, Tiffany is good in playing
the games and sometimes wins over Taeyeon.

When both of them got tired, they rested for a few minutes before showering in their own rooms and
met up in Tiffanys room to just stay in bed and talk about sweet nothings as they disconnected from the
world by turning off their laptops, phones, and everything that could disturb them.

Baby~~ thank you for today I really really really enjoyed spending the whole day with you.
Youre welcome, princess! I also enjoyed it so so so so much!

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They both giggled and in a second, they found themselves softly kissing each other. Taeyeon was the
one to slowly pull away first as he got an idea on how to return the favor of Tiffany pampering himself
earlier with the unexpected foot spa and pedicure.

Taeyeon asked her to lie on her stomach and she reluctantly obliged, expecting what Taeyeon would do
next. He turned the lights down low and started to massage her back. Tiffany smiled when Taeyeon
started to massage her but got confused when he suddenly stopped.

Errr baby uhm c-can you u-undress?... J-just your top so I c-can gi--- Taeyeon stuttered but was
cut off when Tiffany sat up on the bed and faced him with a smirk on her face.

Help me. she huskily said, teasing Taeyeon as he blushed with how sexy Tiffany sounded and looked at
the very moment.

O-o-oka... c-c-can Okay. he mentally calmed himself down and gulped as he helped his girlfriend
remove her clothes. For some reason, its taking both of them a little slower than normal to just take
Tiffanys long sleeping shirt off.

Taeyeons breath hitched when they successfully removed her clothing. Tiffany is just on her sexy
underwear with mini sleeping shorts and she blushed when she saw how her boyfriend gawked at her
exposed half-naked body. Since Taeyeon already saw her in just bikinis, she doesnt mind removing her
top but she still gets shy when the guy stares at her body. She flicked his forehead, getting him back to
his senses, as she lied on her stomach again.

Relax Taeyeon! Relax Oh my God! Her body is sooo ugh! Just massage herrrr!!! Stop being
a pervert, Kim Taeyeon!!!

Taking a big gulp on the sudden lump on his throat, he swiftly grabbed one of Tiffanys favorite lotions as
they dont have any massage oils available, and slowly rubbed the lotion onto her back. He then started
to apply pressure using his thumbs and fingertips at her upper neck, then to her shoulders and upper
back, and slowly moving down to her arms and to her hands.

323 | P a g e
Tiffany is enjoying the massage that her boyfriend is giving. Taeyeons warm hands and touches are
relaxing her and she just loves how hes talking to her while massaging her body. Taeyeon then returned
to her upper back and then down the sides of her back, being as gentle as possible yet applying enough
pressure to relax Tiffanys muscles.

Keeping his hands moving, and using his thumbs while moving them in circles, he moved to her mid and
then to her lower back, just a few inches above her bum. Hes trying to keep the whole process to be
entirely non-sensual as hes getting turned on by touching his girlfriends body but Tiffany suddenly
made a long, low sound expressing her satisfaction from Taeyeons mind-blowing massage, drives him

Ah~~ baby, its good mumbled Tiffany as hes making her feel totally relaxed and de-stressed.
J-just tell m-me if it h-hurts or if the pressure is okay or not he stuttered and received a nod from
her as she continued flipping through her playlists in her ipod as she wanted to listen to some good
music while being pampered by her boyfriend.

Taeyeon then went lower to her thighs, calves, and feet, giving her a full body massage excluding her
front as he wouldnt be able to control himself if he massages her front as well. After about half an hour,
Taeyeon finished massaging his girlfriend and playfully kissed the back of her neck, sending chills down
the girls spine.

Thanks, baby that was really good Tiffany softly said as she moved and lied on her back, making
Taeyeon to freeze on his spot as he ended up hovering on top of her.

Taeyeon literally held his breath with the sudden closeness of Tiffanys half-naked body onto him.
Seeing his flushed face, Tiffany stiffled her giggles and playfully smirked at him as she gently caressed his
cheek while her other hand is playing with his hair at the back of his head.

Baby, relax she whispered and leaned forward to give him a peck on his lips, snapping him back to
his senses as he breathed out. Tiffany softly giggled at him but she abruptly stopped when Taeyeon
started to kiss her slowly at first but since both of them were turned on because of the romantic
massage, their kiss became deep, changing phases from gentle to aggressive as they make out, with
Tiffany half-naked and Taeyeon, still fully clothed.

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The two was making out with Taeyeon leading and Tiffany allowing him to touch every inch of her body.
He was going crazy and the girls soft sensual touches and teasings are making him go wild as he can no
longer control himself. After pulling apart while catching their breaths, Taeyeon intently looked straight
in her eyes asking her if they can continue to the next level, earning a shy nod from Tiffany. Without
any second thoughts, he took his shirt off, giving the girl underneath him a full view of his lean and
defined abs along with his V-shape muscles and hip bones showing right above the edge of his short

Taeyeon smirked when he saw his girlfriend checking him out and chuckled as she blushed when she
was caught by him. He then leaned down and continued kissing her passionately while moving his hands
slowly all over her bodys sensitive spots, earning soft moans from her.

Taeyeon grazed his lips down to her jawline, then to her neck as he gently leaves a mark on the girls
vulnerable spot. However, before he can go any further, they both froze when they heard someone
yelling outside the bedroom.

Yah! Taeng?!! Tiff?!! Anybody home???

Taeyeon shifted a little as he supported himself with his hands on the sides of Tiffanys head and they
both looked at each other in surprise. The shouting continued and Taeyeon groaned in frustration as he
was pushed by Tiffany off from her to check who it was.

Well just continue later, baby. She smiled before giving him a peck on his lips to stop him from sulking
because of their interrupted bed scene.
Promise??? he asked like a cute little kid, receiving a nod and soft giggles from Tiffany.

Taeyeon got up from the bed and wore his shirt back as he sluggishly went outside Tiffanys bedroom to
check who dare disturb his precious time with his girlfriend. He was ready to shout at the intruder but
froze when he saw a fuming Victoria glaring at him and in a second, he wailed in pain as his childhood
friend harshly pulled his ears.

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Yah! Ive been calling you for the past hour but I cant reach your damn phone! What the hell were you
doing, huh?!
Ow ow ow~~~ umma!~~ stop!!! Taeyeon kept on whining as he felt like his ear is going to be ripped
anytime soon if Victoria wont let it go, causing Tiffany to go out of her room and check whats

Whats going on here? Oh, hi Vic! Tiffany casually greeted her, causing Taeyeon to stare at her in
disbelief like she doesnt care if hes ear is being ripped by their friend.

Victoria finally let go of his ear and he automatically rubbed it while pouting and acting like hes going to
cry, earning soft giggles from the girls. Victoria was about to ask why she cant reach any of them but
when she saw the love bite on the girls neck, she smirked at the couple and teased them.

Did I just interrupt your making love moment? she grinned as she wiggled her brows up and down,
causing Tiffany to blush madly and smacked Taeyeon when he grinned back at Victoria.

The girl wanted to tease the couple more but she remembered theyre running out of time as they
needed to leave as soon as possible because Yoonas little sister is arriving from San Francisco in less
than an hour.

Eh??? I thought her arrival is still on the next day? Taeyeon enquired.
Well, she changed her mind. So you two, go and change! Ill go ahead and lets just meet at the
airport, okay? Be careful in driving!~~

Victoria waved goodbye to them and the couple went in their own rooms and changed into casual
clothings as Taeyeon told Tiffany that Yoonas younger sister hates to wait. He was also surprised to see
a bunch of messages from Victoria cursing him why hes not responding to her text messages or why she
cant reach either him or Tiffany, and also a message to inform him that the sassy princess is arriving
earlier than what they were previously told.

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Victoria, Taeyeon, and Tiffany are all chatting happily while waiting for the younger girl. Fortunately,
they arrived on time and the flight was delayed a little due to some technical difficulties in the airport at
San Francisco.

Excuse me, Ill just go to the restroom. said Tiffany as she forgot to go to the washroom earlier before
they leave their apartment. Taeyeon asked her if she wants him to accompany her but she declined as
the restroom is just near the waiting area where theyre at.

A few moments later, Victoria and Taeyeon snapped their heads as they heard the familiar squeal from
their beloved dongsaeng.

Oppa!!! Unnie!!!

Taeyeon and Victoria stood up and they were immediately engulfed by a big hug from the now-tall girl
that resembles Yoona a lot.

Omo~~ unnie!!! I miss you! You look prettier, unnie!

Aigoo~~ Okay! Ill treat you the finest and most delicious meat here.

The younger girls eyes sparkled and Taeyeon and Victoria laughed at her. The tall girl then faced
Taeyeon and hugged him tightly as she missed him so much. Its been years since they last saw each
other and having no brother at all and her older sister is already in heaven, she loves Taeyeon like a
brother and as much as she loves her sister.

Taeyeon returned the hug tightly as well, unaware that his girlfriend is already standing near them as
she stood frozen upon seeing the face of the younger girl when she and Taeyeon finally pulled away
from their hug.

Y-yoona. she mumbles, earning the attention of the tall, younger, and pretty girl.

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You must be Tiffany Hwang?... Hi... nice to meet you, unnie.

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Oppa!~~ Lets go! Im hungry~~~

Y-yah! Soojungie!!!

Victoria and Tiffany watched Taeyeon being dragged by Yoonas younger sister, Krystal. Tiffany was
shocked at first when she saw Krystals face because she really looks like Taeyeons late girlfriend and
she even thought shes Yoona. She only came back to her senses when Taeyeon wrapped his arms
around her as he dorkily introduced her to the younger girl. Since she didnt meet Yoona in person and
only saw her in photographs that Taeyeon has, she really felt like shes seeing Yoona as Krystal has a
strong resemblance to her older sister.

Aigoo~ she hasnt changed at all lets go before she kills your boyfriend. Victoria playfully shook her
head and nudged Tiffany to follow the two but the girl seems lost in her thoughts as she didnt budge at
all from her spot.

Omo! They kissed?! she exclaimed and as expected, Tiffany snapped back to her senses.

W-what?! Tiffany yelled loudly, earning the attention of some people around them including Taeyeon
and Krystal whos already few steps away from them, causing Victoria to bite her lower lip to prevent
herself from laughing at the girl beside her. Although she already expected the reaction of Tiffany,
Victoria still bursted out laughing making Tiffany to confusedly look at her and back to Taeyeon and
Krystal who were looking at them weirdly from a distant.

Aigoo! Tiff, you shouldve seen your face! Seriously, its so fun teasing you!
Y-yah! Vic!!!

Tiffany stomped her foot chidishly and Victoria wiped the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes as
she calmed herself from laughing. She then softly giggled when she saw Tiffany pouting and she
wrapped her arm around her shoulder as they walked towards Taeyeon and Krystal. She knows that

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Tiffany is jealous at the moment and its not new to her since she also experienced Tiffanys jealousy the
very first time they met a few months ago.

Dont worry, those two are just like Jessica and Taeyeon, and Krystal has a boyfriend so you dont have
to be jealous. And if ever Taeng would try to hit on her, his life will no longer be the same as he will
either be paralyzed or in coma, if not dead. Victoria chuckled as she remembered when Taeyeon used
to tease Krystal that hes inlove with her instead of Yoona and he ended up like he had been beaten up
by thugs because Krystal had used her Thai boxing skills at him. She also remembered how Tiffany would
smack him or pull his ear whenever he jokes around liking some random girls.

Hes really dead if he tried to flirt with her or anyone else. Tiffany mumbled while frowning and
Victoria laughed at her cuteness as she found Tiffanys jealousy and possessiveness towards Taeyeon
cute though she can be scary sometimes.

Oppa, you like jealous girls, dont you?

Ehh??? What are you talking about?
Tss look at how she wanted to skin you alive with her glares.

Taeyeon slowly turned around to look at Tiffany whos walking beside Victoria behind him and Krystal.
He sheepishly smiled at his girlfriend and quickly turned around as he nervously gulped when he saw the
piercing eyes of Tiffany.

Krystal chuckled at him and finding it fun to play around with Taeyeon, she purposely leaned closer to
him while still clinging onto his arm. Anyone that would see them would think that they are a lovely
couple and Tiffany is no exemption as she gritted her teeth while shooting daggers onto Taeyeons back.

Kim Taeyeon, youre dead when we get home.

330 | P a g e
Victoria, Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Krystal went in a fine dining restaurant that serves one of the most
delicious meats in the country. The younger girl loves meat and though the restaurant has dress code
policy, they didnt have to follow the rule since theyre with one of the countrys entertainers, Victoria.

The dinner went well though Taeyeon received a few silent pinches and glares from Tiffany for being too
close to Krystal, amusing the two other girls with them. It was more of getting-to-know each other
between Tiffany and Krystal and in a short time, Tiffany already knew why Taeyeon calls her little
princess as she acts and behaves like one but shes the kind of a rebellious princess.

Tiffany also learned that even though the younger girl loves sports like her older sister, she loves music
and performing more and shes majoring in performing arts and theater. She also had once worked with
Taeyeon in a theatrical play in Broadway and unlike him and her older sister, she had been in and out of
the country as she also worked as a model and had filmed several commercials in her young age.

Days have passed and Tiffany noticed how happier Taeyeon became when Krystal arrived. Sometimes,
she loves seeing the two bicker like cat and dog but most of the times, she cant help but to get jealous
as Taeyeon really treats her special. She feels like shes sharing Taeyeon with the younger girl. Their
interaction reminds her of how she and Taeyeon were when they were still just friends and though shes
saying that she doesnt mind Taeyeon hanging out with Kyrstal, she actually doesnt want them to be

She remembered the night when they went home after eating in the restaurant with Krystal on her
arrival in the country, Taeyeon cant help but to tell her how much he misses the younger girl when they
got home. Though she acted mad at him because of his fondness to the younger girl, which is not a total
acting since shes really annoyed at that time, Taeyeon didnt take it seriously but he still acted cute and
sweet to please his girlfriend. In the end, Tiffany just gave in and tried to shrug it off as they both went
to sleep since they both got tired after the long but fun day totally forgetting that they have unfinished
business that was interrupted by Victoria earlier that day.

Taeyeons crazy month has finally ended and Krystal decided to extend her stay in the country for
another week as she accepted a certain photoshoot for a well-known streetwear clothing brand, which
coincidentally will be featured in CeCi magazine and Tiffany is the one in charge of the project.

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Everything seems to be going fine and Tiffany can still handle her jealousy issue towards Krystal, until
one particular day.

It was weekend but she had to go in Jeju for a pre-nuptial photoshoot with Jessica. Her best friend asked
her if she can be her photographer as the wife of her resident photographer will be giving birth and was
rushed to the hospital. Theyre staying in the beautiful island for two days and one night, and she cant
help but to feel uneasy of the thought that her boyfriend might be having fun hanging out with Krystal
since the guy is not answering her calls and she didnt receive any messages or calls from him either.

Baby~~ I miss you Tiffany whined as soon as she answered her boyfriends first phone call of the day.
It is already evening and three fourths of their photoshoot was done as she was just doing her night
routines in the hotel room shes sharing with Jessica. She was disappointed and sad that her boyfriend
seems to forget her but the moment her phone rang and shows her boyfriends photo and name, her
mood brightens up.
I miss you too, princess! Hows your day? Taeyeon asked and chuckled when he heard his
girlfriend sighed.
It was fine. Where were you? Why did you call me just now and why are you not answering my calls
earlier?! she blurted out and Taeyeon knows in an instant that his girlfriend is mad at him for ignoring
her the whole day.
Im sorry, princess but Im here--- he tried to coax Tiffany but he was cut off when his phone got
snatched away from him by a certain girl.
Yah! Oppa, we didnt c----

In a second, the phone call got disconnected and Tiffanys jealousy and anger rose up after hearing
Krystals voice. She gripped her phone hard and then harshly threw the device on the bed as she
screamed in anger, causing her best friend to rush towards the room.

Tiff, whats wrong? Why are you Jessica trailed off as she saw how mad Tiffany looks clenching her
fists and grinding her teeth as her face contorted in anger.

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Jessica kept quiet for a few moments and waited for Tiffany to calm down. Shes not sure why her best
friend is so angry at the moment and looks like shes ready to beat the daylights out of someones life.

Lets go to the club. Tiffany muttered under her breath, confusing Jessica but nonetheless followed
her out of their hotel room.

Tiffany didnt say a word and Jessica just kept her mouth shut as she walked next to her. Since the resort
that theyre staying at has its own bar and club, it only took them a few minutes to arrive in the
crowded entertainment place.

As soon as they enterred the venue, they both went straight to the bar and Tiffany orderred hard drinks
for both of them. And just before Jessica could drink, she received a message. She sighed in relief and
smiled as soon as she read it.

From: Taengoo
Jessica~~ were now off to Jeju. See you in a few!
Oh, dont tell my princess about this, okay? :)
I know shes mad right now but please entertain her for a while~~

Tiff, we should get back to the hotel. You dont want Taengoo to know that--- she persuaded her but
got cut off by Tiffany who put the already empty glass of whiskey down on the bar with a loud thud.

Dont mention his name. she coldly said before gesturing the bartender to give her another glass of
whiskey on the rocks.

Jessica frowned at her bestfriends coldness and it didnt take too long for her to understand that she is
mad and probably has misunderstood why Taeyeon has been ignoring her calls the whole day. Knowing
how stubborn her best friend is, she didnt say anything more and just watch her as she gulped the
whiskey like it was just an iced tea.

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Aish, Taengoo, you better hurry before your girlfriend consume all the drinks here in the club. Jessica
softly mumbled as she rolled her eyes at the girl whos already on her third glass of whiskey.

A few hours later, Jessica is now trying to pull her best friend from the dance floor. Tiffany is already
drunk and a few guys have already tried to take advantage of her and she doesnt mind it at all, causing
Jessica to step up for her.

Yah! What the hell are you doing, Tiff?! You have a boyfriend for Gods sake! Jessica scolded her as
soon as they went back to the bar, still holding onto the drunk girls wrist.
Why?~~ hes having fun with her~~~ so lemme have my own~~~ Tiffany chuckled as she speak
indistinctly because of drunkenness.

Jessica has a confused look at first but upon realizing that Tiffany have misinterpreted why Taeyeon is
with Krystal, she deeply sighed and shook her head as she finally understood why the girl is acting like

Indeed, Taeyeon is really with Krystal but the reason why theyre together is because Krystals boyfriend,
which is also Taeyeons friend, had arrived from L.A. and the girl asked him to accompany her to the
airport as a payment for the favor she did for Taeyeon. He prepared a surprise for Tiffany as hes
following them in Jeju along with Krystal and her boyfriend. He purposely ignored his girlfriends call and
didnt call or message her either as he prepared something for her, with the help of Krystal and Jessica.

Jessica patted Tiffanys back as she comforted the girl as she started to cry. She motioned the bartender
to give them a glass of water for her and let Tiffany drink it to atleast calm her down.

Tiff you just misunderstood everything

Tiffany scoffed at her but before she could argue with her best friend, Jessicas phone rang and Tiffany
rolled her eyes as she thought it was Yuri since Jessicas face brightened upon answering the call.

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Tiff, just stay here okay? Dont you dare go back to that dance floor or Im gonna let you sleep outside. I
just need to see someone.

Tiffany nodded while grinning and Jessica just rolled her eyes at her. She then walked towards the exit
and took another glance of her best friend before she went out of the noisy club. She sighed in relief as
soon as she saw Taeyeon, waving happily at her inside the hotels lobby, along with Krystal and her

Jessica~~ Taeyeon grinned and hugged her, only to be smacked on his head by the girl.
Yah! What was that for??? he whined as he rubbed his head but instead of answering or apologizing,
Jessica flicked his forehead before yelling at him.

Your girlfriend is drowning herself in alcohol coz she thought that youre cheating on her! Aish! Why
did I even agree to this?! Jessica stomped her foot in annoyance. Taeyeon told her his surprise to his
girlfriend and since Jessica loves and was amused by his surprise, she agreed to help him and pretended
she knows nothing. She then stopped glaring at Taeyeon when she heard a familiar chuckle and her eyes
widen in surprise as she saw her cousin.

Oh my God! AJ!!! Jessica squealed and engulfed her younger cousin in a bear hug as its been years
since she last saw her only cousin from her mothers side.
N-nuna! I cant breathe! Amber tapped her back and Jessica immediately pulled away from him as she
apologized for suffocating him in a hug.
Aigoo~ I miss you!... hold on you youre Krystals boyfriend?! she stared at him in disbelief as
Amber sheepishly smiled at her before introducing the girls formally to each other.

Taeyeon and Kyrstal were also surprised that Amber and Jessica are cousins but nonetheless chuckled as
they all agreed that its a small world after all.

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Meanwhile, Tiffany is losing her patience while waiting for her best friend. She sat up from the stool in
the bar and was about to go after her outside since she didnt bring her phone with her to call Jessica,
but a guy suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist.

Hey there, sexy alone?

Tiffany looked at him from head to toe and raised an eyebrow at his arm thats comfortably resting on
her waist. The guy just smirked at her as he found him sexier with the cold and bitchy look shes giving
onto him.

Your friend is already gone shall we continue what we were doing earlier in the dance floor? the guy
huskily whispered on her ear as he groped her bum, making Tiffany to freeze on her spot. Her mind
went blank when they guy nibbled her ear but before she could push him, the guy was already pulled
away from her and was punched as he fell down on the floor.

Dont touch my girlfriend! Taeyeon straddled him and punched him again as he grabbed his colar,
earning the attention of the crowd.

Amber and Krystal hurriedly went to Taeyeon and tried to pull him from the guy as Jessica stood next to
Tiffany, caressing her back and holding her arm as the girl was stunned with whats happening.

Hyung, stop! Youre gonna kill him! Amber pleaded but Taeyeon didnt stop hitting the guy on his face.
He was angry. Hes venting out his anger on the guy as he saw how the guy groped and kissed his
girlfriend, and Tiffany didnt do anything about it.

Oppa!!! STOP THIS MADNESS!!! Krystal yelled and Taeyeon abruptly stopped punching the already
bleeding guy. He glared at the guy before he harshly pushed him on the floor as he stood up. He is
breathing heavily while clenching his fists and Krystal tried to calm him down by rubbing his arm.

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Two bouncers came and Amber and Krystal went to talk to them and explained what happened, leaving
Taeyeon with Jessica and Tiffany. Taeyeon took a deep breath before turning around to face his
girlfriend, who has a guilty look on her face yet she didnt dare to look at him in the eyes.

Come on, lets go back to the hotel and talk about this. Jessica voiced out as neither Taeyeon nor
Tiffany is speaking and she doesnt want another commotion in the club.

Taeyeon and Tiffany reluctantly agreed and waited for the younger couple to come back. Luckily, the
management believed whatever reason Amber and Krystal had told them and they dont have to worry
about the incident. They all walked back to the hotel silently, with heavy hearts.

What was that?


Taeyeon closed his eyes as he tried to be as calm as possible. They were already back in the hotel and
Jessica, Krystal, and Amber gave them space and time to talk as the three of them went to the hotels
caf to relax themselves. Since Tiffany is already sober, he thought it is already better to talk to her but
shes still being a stubborn girl as she is.

Fany-ah, do I have to tell you what I saw earlier to remind you what happened there? he looked at her
while mentally calming himself down as Tiffany just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest
while leaning against the headboard.

Why do you care? If you can have fun with your girl then let me have fun with my own. Tiffany scoffed.
Taeyeon stared at her in disbelief as he stood up from the couch across the bed and walked near her.

Im your boyfriend. And if youre talking about Soojung, well you completely misunderstood everything,
Tiffany. He said and purposely called the girl by her name as he scowled with how his girlfriend is acting
towards him.

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Yes, I completely misunderstood everything, Taeyeon! Tiffany angrily yelled as the words
misunderstood everything irked her and how Taeyeon called her by her name provokes her anger.

All these times I thought you really love me and you already gave your whole heart to me but I was
wrong. Have you realized how happy you are when Krystal came here? Do you know how hurt I am
seeing MY boyfriend happy and so close with someone else and worse is, she resembles his late
girlfriend a lot?! she continued as she stood up from the bed and jabbed his chest with her index finger,
causing Taeyeon to step back while she steps forward.

Taeyeon felt guilty for he didnt know that Tiffany is hurting with his closeness with Krystal. All along, he
thought she was fine with it and didnt cross his mind that it would bring Tiffanys insecurities back in
their relationship. He grabbed her wrists as she started to hit his chest while yelling at him with how
mad and jealous she is whenever hes being close to other girls and how disappointed she is that hes
spending less time with her.

Princess Im sorry he softly said as he tried to pull her in his arms but Tiffany just yanked his hands
from her.
Im tired Taeyeon Im sick of this! she sobbed and looked away from him as she covered her mouth
with her hand to muffle her cries.

Taeyeon lowered his face into his hand as he felt frustrated and mad at himself. He no longer knows
how to deal with her as he was also exhausted from the long day he had from doing his job as a
choreographer in Yuri and Sooyoungs dance studio, accompanying Krystal at the airport, travelling from
Seoul to Jeju to surprise his girlfriend only to be welcomed by a scene of someone taking advantage of
his girlfriend and the girl seems to be fine with it, and lastly, from beating the guy earlier.

You know what lets just talk about this tomorrow when youre ready to listen. He calmly said and
headed towards the door. As he was about to grab the doorknob, he froze when he heard Tiffany say
something that hes not expecting at all.

Were through.

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Taeyeons heart skipped a beat and when he got his composure back, he turned around and looked at
Tiffany in disbelief.

I dont want anything more to do with you. Tiffany continued as she coldly stared back at Taeyeon.

W-what? This this is too much, Fany. I let---


Taeyeon blinked and looked away for a moment. His heart is breaking and he felt dizzy with all thats
happening between him and Tiffany. He wanted to explain everything to her but Tiffanys cold
expression and what the girl told him keeps on echoing in his head, causing him to be light-headed and
just lose his temper.

You said it fine if thats what you want. Taeyeon bitterly smiled before he walked out of the room,
closing the door with a loud thud. Tears started to freely fall from his eyes as he grabbed his duffel bag
and headed outside the hotel. He was sad, disappointed, mad, but most of all heartbroken. They
promised to each other that they wouldnt say anything when theyre mad that they would regret later
and to always listen to each other first before coming to conclusions but the girl said those words with
no trace that shell regret it later.

On the other hand, Tiffany cried harder as she curled herself on the bed. She immediately regretted
what she said and tried to call Taeyeon on his phone but the guy is not answering. She continued to cry
and hugged a pillow until she fell asleep, mumbling the words over and over again.

Im sorry please come back, Taetae

339 | P a g e
Yah! Taengoo, where are you going? Jessica yelled as she grabbed Taeyeons arm to stop him since the
guy just walked passed them and seems like he didnt see them at all.

Oppa, hows your talk with Tiffany unnie? Are you two okay now? Krystal asked and frowned as she
noticed the blank look on Taeyeons face.

Hyung what are you Amber trailed off as he noticed the duffel bag slinging on Taeyeons shoulder.
He had a feeling that the two didnt make up based on Taeyeons expression.

Were done. Taeyeon casually said and forced a smile before walking away from the three, leaving
them confused and dumbfounded.

Jessica, Krystal, and Amber stared at him as he got inside the hotels car service and disappeared from
their sight. It took them a few moments to realize what Taeyeon meant and they all frantically
shouted WHAT?! and looked at each other in disbelief and with worries in their eyes.

It has been a week since Taeyeon and Tiffany broke up. Taeyeon rented a small apartment near the
University for the first two days but when Victoria learned from Krystal what happened, she insisted that
it would be better if he stays with her as shes afraid that Taeyeon would be depressed and aloof again
like what happened after Yoona didnt survive the fatal car accident.

Yuri, Sooyoung, and Sunny were shocked when they heard the news from Jessica and tried to persuade
the two to talk to each other but theyre just both stubborn. Krystal even attempted to talk to Tiffany
when they met at the photoshoot but she was just ignored by the older girl, disappointing her as she
didnt expect that the older girl is simply hard-headed.

Oppa, promise me youre gonna be fine. Dont do any stupid things or I will really fly back here and
beat you up. Krystal threatened and Taeyeon chuckled at her as he ruffled the girls hair.

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Krystals two-week stay in the country is done and it would take a few months before she goes back and
stay longer for the exchange student program. As much as she wanted to stay and help Taeyeon to fix
his relationship, she needed to go back to L.A. for her studies.

Soojungie I know you love me that much but I also love my life so dont worry, Im gonna be fine. I
promise. Taeyeon warmly smiled at her and they both hugged each other tightly. Krystal is already
going back to L.A. with Amber and Taeyeon drove the couple to the airport.

Krystal and Amber then waved goodbye to Taeyeon when the last call for their flight echoed in the
airport. Taeyeon kissed Krystals cheek as he told him to take care and threatened Amber that hell kill
him twice if he does something at his favorite dongsaeng.

He watched as the young couple disappeared from his sight while bickering and sadly smiled when he
remembered how he and Tiffany would always bicker but would always end up laughing at each other.

Hey, Taeng! Wanna have some fun tonight? Sooyoung swings his arm around Taeyeons neck and
grinned as they walked out of the dance studio. Since it has been almost two weeks and Taeyeon has
been spacing out a lot recently because of his break up with Tiffany, he decided to bring Taeyeon in the
club to have some boys night out along with Yuri.

Come on, Taeng! Its been a while since we last hang out, just the three of us. Yuri added. Taeyeon
looked at his two friends with playful grins on their faces and sighed as he agreed to them.

Taeyeon, Yuri, and Sooyoung went to the club that Yuri and Sooyoung always go to with or without their
girlfriends. A mix of electronic dance music echoes loudly inside the crowded entertainment venue.
Since the two boys are regulars in the club, it didnt take them long to be assisted to their usual table.

Not long after, their table was then filled with alcoholic drinks and they started to drink as they talk
about boys stuff. Though uncomfortable at first, Taeyeon soon relaxed with the help of alcohol and
casually laugh along with Yuri and Sooyoungs silly jokes and conversation. They were having fun and it

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did helped Taeyeon to free his mind off from thinking about Tiffany. They already finished a few rounds
of beers when a familiar girl approached them.

Hi uhm Kim Taeyeon, right? the girl asked with a gentle smile on her face.

Yuri and Sooyoungs jaw dopped upon seeing the popular socialite and model, all looking sexy and
gorgeous in a black sleeveless sexy dress. They just snapped back to their senses when Taeyeon stood
up and politely greets the girl, causing her to chuckle as the guys didnt seem to remember her.

Im Seo Joohyun but my friends call me Seohyun. Well we already met at my club before. Its nice to
meet you all here, especially you, Taeyeon. Im glad to know that my best friend and your sister are
friends, it means that we can also be friends right? Seohyun sweetly smiled at him, causing him to
blush a little as he remembered the encounter they had before.

Y-yeah errr why dont you join us? I mean, if youre alone and if its okay with you Taeyeon
awkwardly scratched the back of his head, amusing the two boys.

Im actually here with my cousin but yeah, sure. I can join you guys here. she smiled and comfortably
sat next to Taeyeon.

The three boys became comfortable with Seohyun in an instant since the girl is just lovely and also fun
to be with. Their table was filled with laughters and after a while, Seohyun dragged the boys to the
dance floor and moved their bodies along with the music.

It was already past midnight when they decided to call it a night as Seohyun was already tipsy. Being a
gentleman and since he found out that the girl lives just a few blocks away from Victorias house, he
offered to drive her as he was worried to let her drive her car.

Seohyun, is it on this corner or the next one? Taeyeon asked as he still doesnt know the place that
much since he just started staying in Victorias place for about two weeks.

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I dont want to go home yet can you bring me in your place? Please, Taengoo? Seohyun pouted as
she grabbed Taeyeons arm and shook it gently, wanting the guy to say yes.

O-okay well, thats not really mine but yeah, sure. Taeyeon stuttered. Since the girl looked so tired
and Victoria allowed him to bring his friends at home, he reluctantly agreed and drove to Victorias place.

In a few minutes, theyve reached the house and Taeyeon opened the car door for Seohyun as he
helped her from balancing herself. He was surprised to see that the lights are on in the house and smiled
at the thought that Victoria already returned from her out of town project. Since Seohyun cant walk
properly because of drunkenness, he placed his arm around her waist and held her hand to help her as
they enterred the house.

Wow youre house is big yet cozy

Well, thanks? But this is actually my friends house. She just let me stay here for a while.

Seohyun nodded as her eyes wandered around the place. They walked towards the living room and
Taeyeon made a tea for her to help her sober up. They chatted for a few minutes and Seohyun
apologized at him for kissing him at the club before. They were enjoying each others company until
someone walked down the stairs, surprising both of them especially Taeyeon.

Taetae Tiffany softly said as she stared at the two sitting next to each other on the couch, with a
faint smile on her face. She went straight to Victorias place and waited for Taeyeon in his room but she
fell asleep while waiting. Victoria gave her a spare key of the house before she went out of town.

Taeyeon blinked a few times to make sure hes really seeing Tiffany in front of him.

I I tried to call you but I couldnt reach your phone so I just came here she continued. Taeyeon
abruptly stood up from the couch and awkwardly approached her.

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F-Fany Im sorry I was in the club with Yul and Soo he timidly explained. He scratched the back of
his head as he doesnt know how he should approach her since its the first time they saw each other
after the incident in Jeju. He was also confused why Tiffany came but he couldnt find the right words to
say without offending the girl.

Taeyeon and Tiffany went silent for a few moments until Seohyun cleared her throat and stood next to

Uhm, Taengoo I need to go. Seohyun sweetly smiled at him and bowed her head a little to Tiffany to
greet her.

O-okay B-by the way Fany, this is Seohyun. Seohyun, this is Tiffany. Taeyeon introduced the two
and nervously smiled as the two girls intensely stared at each other.

His girlfriend. Tiffany said as she stretched a hand for a handshake which the taller girl accepted with a
smile on her face. On the other hand, Taeyeon snapped his head and stared at Tiffany, surprised that
she introduced herself as his girlfriend.

Well, Im going home now. Thanks for tonight, Taengoo. I had fun. See you again? Seohyun smiled at
him as she waited for his answer, causing Tiffany to scowl at their interaction.

Y-yeah, sure. But its already late and you left your car in the club
Well I forgot about that but no worries, my place is just on the other street, just a few minutes of
walk from here.
Eh??? Its already dark outside, I wont let you walk alone

Seohyun sweetly smiled at him and glanced at Tiffany who is starting to get pissed off at the kindness
that Taeyeon is showing to the girl who once kissed him. She was trying to be calm and control her
jealousy as she doesnt want to make another mistake. Besides, the reason why she went and decided
to see Taeyeon is to apologize as she already knows the truth since Victoria and Jessica didnt surrender
from explaining to her everything.

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Ill be just fine. Dont worry.

No I mean Ill send you home.
But is it okay with your girlfriend?

Taeyeon glanced at Tiffany and bit his lower lip as he saw how jealous Tiffany is but hes confused and
didnt know what to do. They already broke up about two weeks ago so technically, it would be okay for
him to send another girl home especially Seohyun as its already late and shes wearing a sexy dress that
could easily catch any guys attention with or without bad intention to her.

Why dont I send you home instead? Im going home anyways. Tiffany blurted out. It irks her that
Taeyeon is hesitating and she wouldnt want him to send another girl home, especially a girl whos
obviously hitting on him.

S-sure Seohyun smiled. She grabbed her purse from the couch and the girls were about to walk
towards the front door but they were stopped by Taeyeon.

Ill send you both home. Lets use your car, Fany-ah. Taeyeon reached out for the girls car key and
Tiffany gave it to him with a smile on her face. Taeyeon mentally facepalmed himself for being in the
awkward situation but he wouldnt let the two girls alone since the last time they met, the two almost
had a catfight in the club because of him.

Taeyeon drove Tiffanys car with her on the passenger seat and Seohyun at the backseat. It only took
them about less than three minutes to arrive at Seohyuns place and Taeyeon opened the car door for
her and apologized for Tiffanys cold treatment towards her. Seohyun was trying to be friendly at Tiffany
and tried to converse with her but the girl would just answer with one or two words.

He then drove towards Tiffanys aparment which used to be his as well, with silence consuming their
entire ride. Naturally, Taeyeon parked Tiffanys car on her usual spot on the parking lot and walked the

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girl to the apartment which made Tiffany feel that Taeyeon still cares for her but her jealousy still
overwhelms her.

Do you like her? Tiffany suddenly asked in a cold tone as soon as they enterred the apartment and
stopped in the living room. Taeyeon furrowed his brows as he totally couldn't understand whats with

You still didnt change, did you? How could you hang out with that bitch?! And you even brought her
home? she continued as she raised her voice. Taeyeon looked at her in disbelief and heaves out a deep
sigh as he stepped closer to her.

Dont call her bitch. We just met in the club and---- he tried to be calm as much as possible but Tiffany
cut him off.

Shes messing around with my boyfriend! What do you---

Im sorry your what?

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she was cut off by Taeyeon after blurting out that hes her boyfriend and felt
ashamed for acting like a jealous girlfriend since shes the one who broke up with him.

We already broke up... you broke up with me. Taeyeon continued as he looked straight in her eyes
and Tiffany could see the sadness and pain in it.

I was mad and jealous at that time, Tae! I only said it out of anger but what did you do? You left me
Tiffany bit her lower lip, trying not to cry as she carelessly sat on the couch and buried her face on her

Why? What happened to us, Taetae? Am I too late? Im sorry for not listening to you for not trusting
you I miss you. I miss my Taetae who understands and accepts me no matter how possessive or
stubborn I am. Who would always wrap his arms around me to make me feel better and secured it was

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just two weeks two weeks and you already found someone to replace me?... she sobbed as she hung
her head low and hid her face deeper in both her hands.

Taeyeon felt like his heart is being stabbed seeing Tiffany breaking down in front of him. He wanted to
pull her in his arms and embrace her but he couldnt help not to be offended by her words.

Im sorry I love you. I didnt stop loving you and I have no plan of replacing you, princess but Im
hurt... and tired. I did everything that you asked me to do. I stopped texting and meeting with other girls
that you think has the hots for me because youre jealous. I stopped being too close to others because I
dont want you to be jealous. I dont really care if you get all possessive or whatnot you know Ill do
anything to make you happy Taeyeon crouched in front of her and placed his hands on the sides of
Tiffanys legs to support himself, causing her to lift her head a little and look at him as he continued.

but have you even thought of my feelings? Do you know how mad I am when I saw you with that guy
touching you? This do you know how much Im hurting right now because I can see in your eyes that
you doubt how I really feel for you?

What tell me tell me what you truly feel for me, Taeyeon Tiffany softly asked as she looked at
him with loving eyes, letting her tears to silently fall from her eyes.

What do you think? Taeyeon returned the same gaze. He wanted Tiffany to answer her own question.
He wanted her to know and completely understand that he doesnt need to say it over and over again
just to prove to her that shes the only one in his heart. He wanted her to trust him.

I I dont know she mumbles and lowers her head when Taeyeons gaze turns into a disappointed

Taeyeon is beyond disappointed. He hoped that the girl would say yes. He wanted the answer to come
out of her own mouth for it means that the girl trusts and believes that she already has his whole heart.

You you dont know if I love you? he asked as he bit his lip, trying to prevent himself from crying.

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Tiffany stared at him and her heart felt heavy as something sharp stings in her chest upon meeting his
sad and disappointed eyes. She wanted to answer him and say she knows that he loves her but
something is holding her back as she just stayed silent while having a staring contest with Taeyeon.

Feeling dejected, Taeyeon broke their intense gaze and lowered his head as he let himself to drop on the
floor, sitting like a kid who was feeling very sorry for making a big mistake and being scolded by his mom.

Silence engulfed both of them. Taeyeon stayed sitting on the floor with his head hang low while Tiffany
was staring at him with guilt written all over her face. Both of them were lost in their own thoughts until
Tiffany saw tears rolling down his face. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when
Taeyeon suddenly moved and took off his necklace.

Here this this is the key to your bracelet its all up to you now if you still want to keep that bracelet
or not

I love you, princess. I know you love me too but how long are we going to be like this? Until
when are you going to be insecure and doubtful about our relationship? About my love for you?
Im sorry but this is the only thing I could think of Im going to wait for yo u, princess. Ill
wait until you are already sure with us. I love you.

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You seem to be hanging out with Seohyun a lot lately... do you like her?
I just see her as a friend, Yul.
Taeng, you know that girl likes you.

Taeyeon stopped stuffing his things in his duffel bag and looked at Yuri whos looking back at him with
disappointed and worried eyes. They were left alone in the dance studio as Sooyoung left earlier
because he has a date with Sunny and Yuri takes it as his chance to talk to Taeyeon about his cousin.

Lets go for a drink? Taeyeon asked and Yuri smiled as he nodded in agreement.

Instead of going in a club, Taeyeon and Yuri chose a huge tent that serves soju and beers, just a few
blocks away from the dance studio. They were both silent at first but after a few shots of soju, they both
started their serious talk as they continue to drink.

Am I wrong, Yul?
For what?
For leaving her
Well yeah.

Yuri and Taeyeon chuckled and they both filled each others shot glass with soju. It has been over a
month after Tiffany and Taeyeons break up but their friends chose not to meddle with their problem.
However, Yuri is already getting worried for his cousin and also for Taeyeon since he decided to go back
to New York once the school semester ends.

Taeng, do you still love my cousin? Yuri asked. Though he already knows his answer, he chose to ask
him the question, hoping that their conversation could knock some sense into him.

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I do. I love her, Yul and it hurts me to leave her Taeyeon soflty said with a sad smile on his face.
Then go back to her before its too late and stop complicating things. Taeng, you shouldve known
better and stayed with her or atleast do something to prove to her that you really love her and only
her not like this. Yuri said with a glimpse of disappointment in his voice.

Taeyeon stared at him for a few moments before he looked away and chuckled bitterly. He knows Yuri is
right and after leaving Tiffany alone when the girl needed him most, he couldnt help not to feel like a
jerk to the girl that he promised hell always be there for to wipe her tears, to protect her, to take care
of her, and to make her happy.

Silence engulfed them again and Taeyeon continued to drink. Yuri just allowed and watched him as he
gets drunk as he no longer knows what to say. Besides, he knows that only Taeyeon and Tiffany could fix
their problem.

Im sorry Taeyeon mumbled and tears escaped from his eyes. He quickly wiped it away and bitterly
chuckled as he gulped another shot of soju. Yuri just sighed and motioned the older woman to bring
them something that could help Taeyeon to sober up.


Yah!!! Tiffany!!!

Tiffany groaned and cursed the person who barged into her apartment in the middle of the night.
Without closing her laptop, she went out of the mediaroom with an obvious annoyed look on her face
and trudged towards the living room.

Yah! What the hell are you doing here, Yul?! Dont you know wha--- she yelled but abruptly stopped
upon seeing a familiar figure sleeping on Yuris back.

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I dont know where Victorias place is and shes not answering her phone so I thought Ill just bring him
here. Yuri explained and headed towards Taeyeons old room in the penthouse, but he was stopped by

Why did you bring him here? You shouldve just brought him in your place. She said with a cold tone
of voice, causing her cousin to cock an eyebrow at her.

Stop being stubborn, Tiff. Hes drunk, Im tired of carrying him on my back, and were already here. he
scoffed and without waiting for his cousins answer, he continued walking towards Taeyeons room.

Yuri released a tired sigh as soon as he had put Taeyeon on the bed. He stretched his upper body and
glanced at his sleeping drunk friend before he walked out of the room. He wandered around his old
apartment to look for his stubborn cousin and frowned when he found her back in the media room,
typing something on her laptop.

Yah! Can you stop that and take care of Taeng instead?! he yelled at her but Tiffany just rolled her
eyes at him.
You brought him here so you take care of him. she casually said without even looking at her cousin.
Im not his girlfriend. He retorted. Tiffany stopped typing and bit her lower lip before she stared at
him with cold expression on her face as she answered him.
Im not either.

Yuri stared at her in disbelief. He ruffled his hair in frustration and marched towards the girl as hes
already getting annoyed with her behaviour.

Dont act like you dont care, Tiff. Because you do. He closed Tiffanys laptop and looked straight into
her eyes, causing her to flinch a little. She looked away and Yuri smirked at her reaction as he decided to
push the girl to get her guards down and just follow her heart.
Tiff, if you really love him and dont lie to me and say you dont because if you no longer love him,
you wouldnt still be wearing that bracelet dont give up just like that. He continued and sighed in

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content when Tiffany hangs her head low. He mentally patted his back for acting like a love expert and
hoped the two will finally talk to each other and get back together.
Im going now. Dont forget to put an ice pack on him coz I accidentally bumped his head on the car
door earlier. Yuri chuckled and patted Tiffanys head as he headed out of the media room and went

Once left alone, Tiffany closed her eyes and leaned her back on the couch as she calmed herself. She
would lie if she says she doesnt care about him anymore or she already stopped loving him but shes
hurt as Taeyeon left her crying that night when she tried to fix their relationship. She knows she had
done something wrong and hurt him too but she didnt expect him to leave her just like that as he used
to always understand her and do anything to make things work for them.

She was lost in her own thoughts but she was snapped back to her senses when she heard a loud thud
from outside the media room. She hurriedly went out of the media room and found Taeyeon trying to
balance himself while leaning on the wall.

What do you think youre doing?! She hissed and helped him to stand up properly. She put his arm
around her shoulders and wrapped her arm around Taeyeons waist as she guided him back to his room.
However, Taeyeon stood frozen as he stared at Tiffany like he was trying to recognize her.

P-princess?... he asked. Tiffany froze and her heart skipped a beat upon hearing the familiar name of
endearment from her ex-boyfriend. And before she could answer him, Taeyeon suddenly hugged her
and they stumbled a little but Tiffany managed to support themselves as she leaned against the wall.

She tried to push Taeyeon from her but he just tightened the hug as he leaned his head against hers. She
tried to push him again but stopped when she heard him talk.

Im sorry he softly said. He slowly pulled back from hugging her, keeping his hands on her waist as
he looked straight into her eyes. Tiffany unconsciously stared back at him and rested her hands on his
shoulders. She bit her lower lip when a tear falls from Taeyeons left eye, and soon more tears roll down
his face as he continued apologizing to her.

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Im sorry for losing my temper that night Im sorry for hurting you for making you cry Im sorry for
being so stubborn Im sorry for taking you for granted. But most of all, Im sorry for leaving you when I
shouldnt have, princess.

Tiffany cant help but to let her own tears fall from her eyes. She can see how sorry and sincere Taeyeon
is but shes not sure if she should accept him just like that, even though deep inside her heart, she just
wanted to kiss him and patch things up between them.

Youre drunk, Tae you should rest she softly mumbled, causing Taeyeon to lower his head and
loosen his grasp on her waist.

Tiffany felt a stabbing pain in her heart when he loosened his grip on her. However, she was taken aback
and she covered her mouth with her hand when Taeyeon suddenly kneeled down in front of her and
hugged her. She tried to pull him up but Taeyeon didnt move as he silently cried while saying how
much he loves her and asking for another chance.

Tae Tiffanys voice cracked, sharing the same pain and guilt with Taeyeon. She bent down a little and
cupped Taeyeons face, faintly smiling as she wiped the tears on his face.
Please stop. Youve hurt me and I did the same to you. We both hurt each other but just like you, I
still love you. I dont even know that I can love someone this much but you know what? I dont know
what I feel now, Taetae she sobbed and retracted her hands from Taeyeons face as she stood up
straight and covered her mouth to muffle her cries.

For the past month, she was left alone by Taeyeon and cried over the heartbreak when Taeyeon gave up
on her that night. She never smiled like the way she used to even when her family had visited her from
L.A. She tried to spend more time with her friends but no one else could make her happy like Taeyeon
does. It was only a month but for her, it felt like it was already a year crying over a heartbreak.

Taeyeon, though his head feels heavy because of alcohol and what Tiffany just said to him, tried his best
to stand up and pulled Tiffany in his arms. Being emotionally weak, Tiffany just allowed him to embrace
her as she cried harder against his chest when he started to gently stroke her hair and firmly held her in
his arms. Not long after, Tiffany returned the hug and enjoyed the warmth that she missed so much.

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Morning came and Taeyeon groaned as he felt a sharp pain in his head because of hangover. Since he
was never a heavy drinker, the unpleasant effects of drinking too much soju last night begins to wear
him off. He sat up without opening his eyes and held his head as he felt like his head is going to break
anytime soon.

Are you okay?

He stopped massaging his temples and his eyes fluttered open upon hearing the familiar low-pitched
and slightly hoarse voice. Slowly, he lifted his head up and looked at the direction where the voice came
from, and blinked a few times to make sure his eyes are not playing tricks on him.

So its not a dream?...

Tiffany bit the inside of her lower lip to stop herself from smiling at the sight of the bewildered yet cute
guy sitting on the bed. She cleared her throat and walked closer to the bed, holding a tray with soup for
hangover, vitamin water, and fresh cut fruits along with a medicine for headache.

Here. Eat these before you take the pill for your headache. She casually said as she placed the tray on
the bed, next to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon couldnt take his eyes off Tiffany and slowly, a gentle smile formed on his face. The girl kept her
head low as she felt the intense gaze from him. She was mentally reminding herself to leave the room as
soon as she gave her the breakfast but she ended up sitting on the edge of the bed.

Thank you Taeyeon softly said with a smile on his face.

I know youd get a hangover so I prepared something--- Tiffany quickly explained herself and tried to
sound like she did it because its the right thing to do and not because she cared but she was caught off
guard when Taeyeon cut her off.

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I mean, thank you for taking care of me. His smile became wider when Tiffany finally looked at him.
But his smile was immediately replaced by a frown when his head ached again, causing Tiffany to
naturally move closer to him. He groaned again and lowered his head into his hand. Tiffany looked at
him worriedly and by reflex, she reached out a hand but stopped midway and quickly retracted it.

You should eat now so you can take the aspirin to relieve your headache. She said and bit her lower lip
when her voice sounded rather cold than worried. Taeyeon just nodded his head before she stood up
from the bed and headed out of the room, and stopped when she heard Taeyeon said something.

Can we talk after Im done eating? he asked. Tiffany stayed silent for a few moments but nodded her
head without turning her back to look at him before she walked out of the room. Taeyeon smiled and
started to eat the breakfast that the girl prepared for him, mentally complimenting her as she really
improved in cooking Korean dishes.

You should just leave it there

Its fine. Im almost done anyways.

Taeyeon smiled as he glanced at Tiffany before continuing to wash the dishes. The girl watched him and
unconsciously, a sweet smile spreads across her face. It has been a long while since she last saw him
doing chores in the kitchen and she fought hard with herself not to hug him from behind, like what she
usually does when she finds him in the kitchen every morning when they were still together.

Ill wait for you in the living room. She voiced out before she exited out of the kitchen without waiting
for Taeyeons answer, confusing him as he turned around to ask but Tiffany was already out of the
kitchen. He then turned his attention back to the sink and just like theres a bulb that suddenly lit up
above his head, he smiled as he understood what Tiffany meant.

As soon as he was done in the kitchen, he headed towards the living room and found Tiffany flipping
through the pages of a magazine. He warmly smiled at the sight of her, sitting casually on the couch with
her legs crossed, a cushion on her lap, while reading the magazine like she usually does every morning.
He was lost in his thoughts and didnt notice that Tiffany is already looking at him, with a slight blush on

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her face but she quickly got her composure back and acted cool as she cleared her throat to wake him
up from his trance.

Errr s-sorry I just miss seeing you like that Taeyeon softly mumbled the last sentence while
awkwardly scratching the back of his head as he sat on the other end of the couch but the girl heard him
and she hangs her head low to hide the smile and blush on her face.

There were a few moments of awkward silence between them and Tiffany just keeps her head low, both
of them trying to find the right words to start their conversation. If not because of Yuri and Taeyeons
apology last night, she would probably have stayed being stubborn and choose not to face Taeyeon.
However, no matter how much she tried to stay mad at him and move on, she just couldnt deny the
fact that it is only Taeyeon that all she wanted and needed.

Fany-ah I know Im drunk last night but what I said I meant it Im really sorry

Silence engulfed them again. He lovingly stared at Tiffany and his eyes landed on her bracelet. He
warmly smiled upon seeing it and hesitantly moved closer to her. He gently held her hand and a tear fell
down on his face as he traced the bracelet with his finger while firmly holding Tiffanys hand. Tiffany just
stayed silent as she watched how Taeyeon lovingly stroked her right hand.

Can you give me another chance, Fany-ah?... I wont promise you anything but I will do my best to
make you believe in me that I love you. I love you so much and I cant imagine a day that I wont Do
you do you still love me, princess? Taeyeon lovingly stared at her without letting go of her hand. His
voice tells that hes more than willing to do everything to make things right and with glimmer of hope
that Tiffany will give him a chance just like when she agreed to live with him in the apartment, the first
time they met.

Tiffany tried her best to hold her tears as she glanced on their hands that are linked together. She
missed the warmth, she missed having Taeyeon holding her hand, she missed being close to Taeyeon,
but most of all, she missed him everything about him.

Of course I still love you, Taetae. I love you more and more every day even though were not
together and like I said last night, I dont even know that I can love someone that much and I know

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that I cant love someone else but you. I love you but it consumed me us. She stared directly at
Taeyeons eyes and gently wiped his tears with her other hand.

Though she wanted to have him back, she doesnt have the full confidence that Taeyeon will no longer
leave her and wont give her another heartbreak. Shes also scared that she might end up hurting him as
well again because of her own flaws but she already made up her mind. She carefully thought about it
first thing in the morning after she woke up next to Taeyeon, with his arms that were protectively
wrapped around her as she ended up sleeping with him since Taeyeon wouldnt let her go last night.

If we are really meant to be together, eventually well find our way back to each other. I cant say
were happier when we were just friends but everything seems to be simplier before we got together,
right? Taetae Ive carefully thought about this yes, we love each other but I dont think both of us
are completely ready yet so instead of getting back together why dont we start over... as friends?
she cupped his face with the same hand she used for wiping his tears, hoping he would agree with her.

Taeyeon stared at her and he knows that the girl really wanted it. Though part of him doesnt like the
idea of going back to being friends, he understands Tiffany and if its the only way for him to show her
that he really loves her, hes willing to do everything for her.

Is that what you really want, Fany-ah?

No I want you to be mine again but our hearts need more time to heal from the past scars, Taetae.
We can get back together now but how would I know if I can trust you with my heart again? How can I
believe in you that youre not going to leave me again? How certain am I that I wont be insecure and
doubt our relationship again? I know you love me, Taetae I really do and Im grateful for that but Ill
be more confident if we start over this way can you do this for me, Taetae?

Can I still call you princess, though? he asked, receiving a nod and smile from Tiffany. He took a deep
breath and closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head on Tiffanys hand thats still on his face,
before he flashed his dorky smile and nodded at Tiffany.

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Tiffany lovingly smiled at him as she finally let her tears to fall down from her eyes. She caressed his face
before she leaned closer and lovingly kissed him on the cheek as they hugged each other, missing each
others warmth.

Thank you, Taetae.

Weeks have passed and slowly, the awkwardness between Taeyeon and Tiffany was fading. It wasnt
easy for both of them to start over as friends but it helped each of them to understand each other
more. Little by little each day, they started to become closer again and their friends were happy about
their progressing relationship.

Taeyeon is still staying at Victorias place since she asked him to take care of her house as she rarely
goes home because of her work. He stopped seeing Seohyun if hes not with someone else like either
Yuri or Sooyoung who always drags him to the club. Everyday, hell go to Tiffanys office to wait for her
as he wanted to drive her home which is gladly accepted by the girl. He also quit conducting workshops
with Victorias entertainment agency and just focused on being a part-time lecturer with a few seminars
here and there, choreographer in Yuri and Sooyoungs dance studio, and spending time with Tiffany.

Tiffany, on the other hand, learned how to control her jealousy since she technically has no right to be
jealous, and she is very pleased that Taeyeon is really changing. At first, she thought hes changing for
her but Taeyeon said hes changing for himself. She was a bit disappointed by his answer but Taeyeon
rephrased his answer saying that hes changing for himself because of her, making her smile as her heart
flutters with joy.

Tiff!!! Oh my God! Theres someone more handsome than your dork ex-boyfriend looking for you!
Nicole squealed as she ran towards Tiffany and took the portfolio from her friends hands, completely
ignoring the chuckles from their colleagues and glares from Tiffany.

Reluctantly, Tiffany stood up from her office chair and walked towards the lobby to see whos looking
for her. She furrowed her brows when she saw no one waiting in the lobby. She was about to go back to
her office but she almost got a heart attack when someone suddenly grabbed her shoulders from

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Freeze! Dont move. Dead or alive, youre coming with me. But I prefer you alive so--- owww~~~
Taeyeon wailed in pain and let go of Tiffany as he dramatically held his stomach that was elbowed by
the girl.
Yah! What do you mean by dead or alive, huh? And stop acting like youre hurt! Tiffany turned around
and smacked him on the head, earning laughters from her colleagues.
Aigoo~~ youre becoming more and more violent each day, princess I think warrioress fits you better,
if that word exists. He joked around while rubbing his head, receiving a death glare from Tiffany.
Im just kidding, princess!~~ Anyways, lets go? he dorkily grinned as he showed her two soccer tickets

It has been two months since they started over as friends and both of them became more comfortable
with each other like the old days. Gradually, they started to spend more time together again and their
love grows more and more each day though the very thin boundary line between friends and lovers is
still present.

Before Tiffany could ask any further questions or protest, Taeyeon already dragged her out of the office
as Nicole threw him Tiffanys purse. Though shes not a fan of soccer, she just let him drag her and she
couldnt help but smile at his antics. However, they both stopped in their tracks when they met Gyuri
along the hallway.

Hey, Tiff, Taeyeon. Going for a late lunch? Mind if I join you? she sweetly smiled at Taeyeon. She
knows that the two are no longer together and this time, she is determined to get the guy that she

Tiffany froze on her spot and Taeyeon felt that she tensed up since hes still holding her hand. He gently
squeezed it, causing her to look at him as he smiled at her before turning his attention to Gyuri.

I dont want to be rude Gyuri, but I want to spend the afternoon with her only. So, if you could excuse
us, were almost late for our date. Taeyeon said with a smile on his face and bowed his head a little. He
looked at Tiffany, who was surprised by his answer, and warmly smiled at her before he pulled her
closer to him as they headed towards the elevator, leaving Gyuri dejected yet again in the hallway.

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Aish! Answer the phone, Nic! Tiffany hissed as shes been trying to call Nicole for the nth time but her
assistant is not answering at all. Though it doesnt really matter if shes in the office or whatnot, shes
still not used to leaving the workplace if not because of work.

Taeyeon just chuckled at her as he parked his car. They already reached a preschool and the game is
about to start.

Yah, dont worry about it. I talked to Mr. Park and he allowed you to leave the office early.
Youre dead if I lose my job soon.

Tiffany glared at him and he just laughed at her, causing her to just roll her eyes. Her eyes then landed
on a particular young boy whos waiting near the school buildings entrance and she furrowed her brows
upon realizing that theyre not in a stadium but a preschool. Taeyeon opened the car door for her and
dorkily grinned upon seeing the bewildered look on her face.

I thought were going to watch soccer? she asked, raising an eyebrow at him as soon as she got off
from the car.
We are. Youth soccer. He chuckled and pointed to the little boy that has been waiting for them.
Tiffany blinked a few times and she brightly smiled when the young boy lifted his head up.

Nuna!!!~~~ Hyung!!!~~~ Taemin ran towards them and goofily grinned as he stood between Taeyeon
and Tiffany and held both their hands on each of his own little hands.
Lets go!!! What took you so long, hyung?! he whined as he pulled the two towards the field of his
Im sorry Taeminnie, your nuna has work so I had to kidnap her first. Taeyeon and little Taemin
laughed as Taeyeon immediately received a pinch on his arm from Tiffany.

Taeyeon and Tiffany sat on the front seat reserved for the parents of the participants. Since Taemins
parents are always out of town and he had also grown fond of Taeyeon as he even transferred to Yuri

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and Sooyoungs dance studio so he could be with his favorite hyung, he didnt stop bothering him to
watch his game with Tiffany.

Hyung, cheer for me with nuna, okay?~~ he cutely demanded and raised his pinky finger in front of
Okay~~ do your best, Taeminnie! Taeyeon answered in the same cute voice and did the pinky promise
with him, causing Tiffany to giggle at them. Tiffany also encouraged the young boy before he happily
skipped to the field with his teammates.

The game soon started and both Taeyeon and Tiffany were immersed cheering on Taemins team,
especially to the little boy. Taemin will wave and grin at them everytime he scores a goal and will cutely
pout if he missed it, amusing the two on the front seat.

Taetae, are you sure hes not your son? He really looks and acts like you. Tiffany softly giggled as she
teased Taeyeon.
Yah! Cant you just say were brothers instead?~~ he whined and a cute pout was formed on his lips.
Tiffany laughed at him and pinched his cheek for being too cute for complaining which ironically just
showed how much he and the young boy really acted the same.
You are definitely his dad. She nodded to herself and turned her attention back to the game.
So that means I didnt find out her moms pregnant and gave birth until our son is already six?
Taeyeon decided to play along, causing Tiffany to turn her head back to him.
Wha--- Who-whos his mom anyway? she raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit jealous and curious as to
whom hes referring to.
You. Taeyeon beamed his innocent smile at her before he turned his attention back to the game.
Tiffany blinked a few times as she was stupefied by his answer. She then knocked his head for talking
nonsense yet blushed when Taeyeon winked at her.


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The game ended with a close fight between the two teams and luckily, Taemins team won and he
rushed towards Taeyeon and Tiffany to show his MVP medal. It was only a friendly game and part of the
summer camp that the association of preschools had organized but they conducted it like a major
league, giving trophies and medals to the winners and awardees.

Tiffany watched how Taeyeon changed Taemins clothes after the little boy was done in showering. It
was like a father and son goofing around while changing clothes and the scene brought a sweet smile to
her face.

Youll be a great father, Taetae

Nuna!~~ Tiffanys thoughts were distracted by Taemins loud yet cute voice.
Nuna, can we go to the mall after? Hyung promised me that hell buy me a new cap when I win the
game. He gave her his puppy eyes and Tiffany returned it with her beautiful eyesmile as she nodded in
agreement, causing the young boy to hug her in happiness and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Once theyre done in changing his clothes, Taeyeon talked to the young boys nanny and asked
permission if he can bring him to the mall, which the nanny agreed without any second thoughts.
Taemin insisted hell come with Taeyeons car and the nanny reluctantly agreed after Taeyeon and
Tiffany assured her that the young boy will be just fine with them in the car, leaving the older woman
and Taemins driver to just follow them from the family car.

It didnt take them long to reach the mall and as promised, Taeyeon bought him a cap and since Taemin
couldnt decide between the two caps that caught his eyes, Taeyeon decided to just buy both for the
young boy though he got scolded by Tiffany for spoiling the kid.

Hyung, Nuna, thank you for watching my game and bringing me here. Im really happy today!
Were glad that youre happy. Now, go~~ youre nanny is already waiting for you.
Okay, hyung! Byebye! Byebye nuna~~~

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Taemin happily waved goodbye to the two and skipped to where his nanny is waiting. Taeyeon and
Tiffany waved until he went inside the car. Tiffany glanced at Taeyeon and smiled when she saw how
happy Taeyeon looks. However, she noticed something in his eyes that conveys a glimpse of sadness.

Hey, whats up with that look?

Huh? What look?
You look sad?
Oh, well Ill just miss that kid.
Hes just a few minutes drive away from your place, you can visit him anytime.

Taeyeon just dorkily smiled at her as they walked towards his car. Like usual, he opened the car door for
the girl before sitting himself on the drive seat. The ride towards Tiffanys apartment was engulfed in a
comfortable silence until Taeyeon said something.

Princess, have you already talked to Hyo nuna? he glanced at her for a second as he focused back to
the road.
No not yet. I missed her call last night. Why? Tiffany asked as she stared at Taeyeon, whos already
grinning and though hes looking straight on the road, Tiffany could see that his eyes are sparkling in
Its a girl. He simply said and looked at her as he stopped the car when the traffic light turned red.
Tiffany looked at him confusedly but after a few moments, she broke into a wide grin and her eyes also
sparkled with excitement.
Oh my God! You mean its a baby girl??? She squealed with delight as she clasped both her hands.
Taeyeon flinched a little because of her loudness but giggled as he nodded to answer her.

Tiffany couldnt be any happier like she was the one who received the good news that her baby is a girl.
Without thinking that much, she hugged Taeyeon surprising the guy but nonetheless hugged her back
with a warm smile on his face. After a few moments, she realized what shes doing and quickly pulled
back from him as she avoided Taeyeons eyes.

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S-sorry she softly mumbled as her cheeks slowly turned red.
Its fine. You must be really happy and excited, huh? Taeyeon chuckled and started to drive again.
Tiffany nodded in response and smiled as she couldnt wait for Hyoyeon to give birth.

Though Hyoyeon is already back in New York, the two girls didnt fail to contact each other and Hyoyeon
also knows the situation of her younger brother and Tiffany. Like the others, she also wanted the two to
get back together, not just as friends but as lovers again, but she also thought its a good way for the
two to know and understand each other more. Besides, she also believes that in true love, both needs to
take time with it and let the love grow every day.

Silence engulfed them again. Its already evening and Tiffany indeed had a great time with Taeyeon and
Taemin. However, she still feels disappointed as it seems like Taeyeon had forgotten what day it is.

Uhm Taetae can we stop by the park?

Huh? Why? Dont you want to go home yet?
Just bring me to the park!

Taeyeon was startled when Tiffany yelled at him. He glanced at her and knows that the girl is upset
though shes looking outside the window, resting her chin on her hand. Though he only has the slightest
idea why she suddenly became upset, he did follow her request and took a u-turn towards the park. It
didnt take them long to arrive at the same public park that theyve gone to after they sneaked in the
University and almost got caught after furtively playing around in the auditorium a few months ago.


Tiffany stopped walking and so does Taeyeon. She turned around and faced him as she stared at him like
shes trying to read whats on his mind. Taeyeon furrowed his brows and confusedly looked at her. Hes
not sure why shes looking at him like that but he couldnt help but smile when Tiffany released a
frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes at him.

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They continued walking and later found themselves sitting on the same bench near the pond. There was
a comfortable silence between them and Tiffany naturally rested her head on Taeyeons shoulder. It
took a few minutes before Tiffany finally asked whats been bothering her since earlier.

Yes, princess?
Whats the date today?
Eh??? August 1. Why?

Tiffany closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she felt hurt that Taeyeon really forgot that its her
birthday today. Releasing a deep sigh, she lifted her head up from Taeyeons shoulder and grabbed her
purse as she got up.

Nothing. Lets go. I want to go home. She said and forced a smile at him. Taeyeon smiled at her and
they both walked towards his car in a complete silence.

The atmosphere inside Taeyeons car is heavy as the ride towards Tiffanys apartment is in full silence.
He didnt dare to ask why the girl is silent and he just let her be. After about half an hour, they reached
the apartment building and he smiled when he saw Tiffany sleeping soundly on the passenger seat.
Carefully, he carried her on his back as he doesnt want to wake her up. They were already inside the
private elevator when Tiffany woke up and abruptly got off from his back.

You shouldve just woke me up. she hissed as she fixed her slightly wrinkled dress due to riding on
Taeyeons back. She is annoyed and indeed mad at him for forgetting her birthday but Taeyeon just
obliviously smiled at her.

The elevator ride going up to the penthouse seems to be longer than usual as Tiffany kept silent and
getting more annoyed at Taeyeon whos smiling like an idiot while reading the messages on his phone.
Not long after, the elevator door opens and Tiffany jumped in surprise and for the second time of the
day, she almost got a heart attack.

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SURPRISE!!! her friends yelled and popped a confetti-filled balloon in front of her. Tiffany blinked a
few times as she tried to understand whats going on and Taeyeon needed to push her gently to
completely enter the apartment.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Miyoung~
Happy birthday to you!~~~

Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica, Sunny, Nicole, Victoria, Taeyeon, and her close colleagues cheerfully sang her a
birthday song with Jessica holding the birthday cake with a number 24 candle on it. Tiffany was beyond
surprised as she didnt expect her friends would prepare something like that for her. Tears of happiness
started to fall down on her face as she closed her eyes to do her birthday wish before all of them blew
the candle on the cake.

Everyone cheered and greeted her a happy birthday. Her eyes wandered around the living room that
has been decorated by garlands and balloons in different shades of pink and brightly smiled to see all
her friends enjoying the event they prepared for her. She then saw Taeyeon being scolded by Jessica
and Sunny for bringing her home late as he was supposed to drive her home during dinner so they all
could eat and enjoy the food that Victoria and the others prepared.

Thank you guys for doing this. Im really happy right now. Tiffany hugged her two girl friends, saving
Taeyeon from getting more naggings from the two.
We just did what we were told to do but were glad that you like it. Sunny beamed, earning a confused
look from the birthday girl.
It was Taeyeons idea. Jessica brightly smiled and pulled Sunny with her as they leave the two alone
and joined the others who were already enjoying the food.

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Tiffany stared at Taeyeon whos awkwardly scratching the back of his head while avoiding her eyes. She
couldnt help but be happier to learn that he is the one behind the special event for her and most of all,
shes happy that he didnt really forget her birthday.

Errr sorry I know you were upset with me and you probably thought I forgot your birthday but I did
not. Our surprise will be ruined if y--- Taeyeon tried to explain himself but he was cut off when Tiffany
suddenly hugged him. Taeyeon and Tiffanys hearts both started to thump faster as they hug. It has
been a long while since they last hugged each other and the same feeling of warmth engulfed them.

Thank you. Tiffany softly said when they pulled back from their hug, giving Taeyeon her beautiful
eyesmile though she still had tears on her face as she silently cried while hugging him.

Taeyeon warmly smiled at her and gently wiped the tears from her face, causing Tiffany to blush. He
then held her hand and led her towards the media room to give his gift to her.

Happy birthday, princess! he dorkily grinned as he gave her the present that he had worked on for a

Tiffany happily accepted the creatively wrapped gift. She glanced at Taeyeon and softly giggled as she
didnt expect him to be a little creative in terms of wrapping a gift. It looks natural and simple yet artistic
- with basic brown paper wrapped in fabric and embellished with some cotton yarn, and a pink rose
which definitely styled the packaging.

Can I open it now?

Y-yeah if you want.

She chuckled at how Taeyeon looked flustered when she started to open the gift as they sat on the
couch next to each other. Taeyeon couldnt help but to fidget with the cushion that he randomly picked
and placed on his lap while he watched how Tiffany carefully unwrapped the gift.

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Tiffany furrowed her brows upon seeing Taeyeons gift to her. Curious, she opened the black book and
as she flipped through the pages, she couldnt help but smile and be touched with the special gift she
got from him. It was a personalized photobook that contains all her candid portraits from the time she
and Taeyeon started to be friends to when they officially got together, and surprisingly even from after
they broke up and to when they started over as friends again, that Taeyeon had successfully
photographed and compiled them into a real book with some captions and side-stories with it.

When Taeyeon accidentally saw the gallery of Tiffanys photographs when he was left at the apartment
with nothing to do and noticed that the girl rarely has a photo of herself, he mentally noted to make it
like a mission to take as many photos of Tiffany as he can and give them to her someday. He exerted
time and effort to learn how to take great pictures and to make sure the girl knows nothing about it. He
smiled when he saw her smiling beautifully while taking her time to appreciate the photobook but he
frowned when he suddenly saw a tear that fell onto the book.

Hey, whats wrong, princess? Dont you like my present? Taeyeon softly asked as he scooted closer to
her and naturally caressed her back. He then froze when Tiffany hugged him again and nuzzled her face
to his neck as she started to cry.

Tiffany was really touched with Taeyeons gift but what warmed her heart the most is the fact that
Taeyeon really didnt leave her alone at all after they broke up. He was always there, watching over her
and silently taking care of her. All those times she thought it was really Jessica or the others who were
sending her breakfast every morning at her office since she doesnt eat breakfast at home after their
break up. Taeyeon also makes sure that she goes home safe by secretly following her after her work.
There was no time that he didnt think of her and even asked their friends to help him to watch over her
while theyre not together.

Thank you thank you, Taetae This is the best birthday I ever had. Tiffany softly said as she
tightened her hug on him, receiving a gentle stroke on her back from Taeyeon.

Youre welcome, princess. Now, can you please cheer up and smile or else I would think that you
dont like my gift to you. Taeyeon pretended to sulk and Tiffany giggled as she slowly pulled away from
hugging him. She gave him a beautiful eyesmile and Taeyeon couldnt help but to smile back at her as he
wiped the tears from her face.

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Errr Taeng, Im sorry but we need the birthday celebrant in the living room... but if you two want to
be alone, we can leave... Sunny tried to stifle her laughter as the two abruptly moved away from each
other and Tiffany blushed as she stood up from the couch.

The celebration was a success and they all had fun. Tiffanys colleagues went home first leaving only her
friends Taeyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica, Sunny, Nicole, and Victoria, to continue drinking in the living
room as they all decided to play some games to add fun and excitement to their drinking session.

Since the penthouse has a mini bar, they didnt have to worry about what to drink or where to buy as
they have an endless supply of different kinds of drinks. It didnt take long for everyone to get tipsy and
since its the most favorite game to play when drinking with friends, they started the truth or dare game
but with a twist. Sooyoung and Yuri being the game masters, they suggested that since picking truth is
no fun at all, they had changed it to strip or dare so if someone doesnt want to do the dare, he or
she will strip one part of his clothing off.

The first few rounds of dares were easy and everyone successfully did their challenges as no one wanted
to strip. As time goes by, more bottles of alcoholic drinks were emptied and the more daring the dares
were with some of them had already taken off either their vest, shirt, jacket, belt, socks, shoes, or
accessories as they refused to do the dares which were either really embarrassing or they just really
wanted to choose strip for fun.

Okay~~ Taeng!!! Strip or dare? Sooyoung asked and smirked as he knows Taeyeon would choose dare
since he no longer has any accessories left and would need to strip either his shirt or pants if hell
choose strip again.

Dare. Taeyeon nodded with an innocent smile on his face, causing his mischievous friends to smirk at
him like all of them have the same idea of what would be the best dare for him.

Tiffanys heart beat faster when Jessica held the bottle and started to spin it as she said the dare for

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Kiss the person for ten seconds to whom the bottle points when it stops spinning.

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All eyes were on Taeyeon as they waited for him to do the dare. They all have playful smirks on their
faces except for Tiffany who has a rather anxious look on her face.

So, Taengoo are you gonna kiss her or youre gonna strip?
Come on, Taeng! Its just a kiss! Besides, its no fun if youre just going to strip unless youre going to
strip naked~~

Everyone but Taeyeon and Tiffany chortled as they cheered and insisted Taeyeon to do his dare. Though
all of them are already drunk, theyre still in their right minds and the kissing dare is just for fun but for a
certain girl. As expected, the others except for Tiffany, already planned the dare for Taeyeon
beforehand. It just happened that Jessica is not that good in spinning the bottle so instead of purposely
spinning it to have the bottle points to Tiffany which is just beside her, it only spun once and pointed
back to her as it stopped.

Errr Taeyeon gulped as he nervously glanced at Tiffany between him and Jessica, who avoided his
eyes as she tried to act like its okay for her since it was just a game and besides, she doesnt have any
right to prevent him from kissing her best friend or anyone.

Taengoo, if youre not gonna kiss me, Im going to strip you. Jessica smirked. Yuri, Sooyoung, Sunny,
Nicole, and Victoria grinned as they saw how Tiffany scowled before she gulped her drink in one go.

Seeing that Yuri is all cool with it and even encourages him to kiss Jessica, he awkwardly stood up and
knelt down near her, just behind the space between Jessica and Tiffany. Jessica shifted a little as she
grabbed Taeyeons collar and pulled him closer to her with a smirk plastered on her face.

Youre gonna thank me for this, Taengoo. Jessica whispered and made sure that Tiffany didnt hear it,
earning a confused look from him. With the cheers of their friends, Jessica slowly leaned closer and
Taeyeon just stayed frozen on his spot. He wanted to pull back and just let Jessica strip his shirt instead
but the girls grip on his collar is too firm.

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When Jessicas face is just about a few inches away from Taeyeons, she closed her eyes and loosens her
grip on his collar. The cheers went louder and Taeyeon gulped the sudden lump on his throat as he
closed his eyes by reflex, allowing their lips to touch for ten seconds. However, his eyes fluttered open
when he was suddenly pulled on his collar to his left side and felt the familiar soft and warm lips pressed
onto his lips. He blinked rapidly for several times and their friends gone wild, causing Tiffany to pull her
lips apart from Taeyeons.

Youre lips are exclusively mine, remember? Tiffany softly whispered as she stared directly onto
Taeyeons eyes, moving her hand from his collar up to the back of his neck before she leans closer and
kissed him softly. Taeyeon smiled against her lips as he returned the soft and gentle kisses of the girl,
completely ignoring the whistles and cheers of their friends like they were lost in their own world.

Their friends exchanged knowing grins and high fives as their plan of having Taeyeon and Tiffany to kiss
each other was still a success, hoping that the two will take their relationship in the next level.

It has been weeks after Tiffanys birthday and both Taeyeon and Tiffany didnt talk about the kiss that
they had, not wanting to have any awkwardness between them. It was a special kiss for both of them as
it leaves them the same warmth and tingly feeling inside, just like the first time they shared their first
real kiss when Taeyeon confessed to her near the Han River.

Krystal is already back in the country and Tiffany took the initiative to talk to the younger girl as she had
to apologize for misunderstanding her closeness towards Taeyeon before. It didnt take long as they
soon found themselves behaving like sisters, much to Taeyeons delight. Everything is getting better and
the ex-couple mostly forgets that theyre just friends as they acted like a couple. They would always
walk hand in hand without really knowing, naturally hug each other, and bicker like married couple as
always. The boundary line that they both set is slowly disappearing without either of them noticing it.

On the other hand, Yuri already made up his mind to propose to Jessica. He already asked for Sooyoung
and Taeyeons help and theyre more than willing to support their buddy to pop the question to the
young wedding planner and entrepreneur. They spent weeks on brainstorming on what would be the
best way to propose and almost got caught by the girls as they became suspicious on why the guys were
always together almost everyday.

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Princess, youre having dinner tonight with Jess and Sunny, right? Taeyeon carefully asked as he put
the Wii controller down and shifted a little to look at Tiffany who was lying comfortably on the couch,
watching him play soccer while he sits on the floor.

It is Sunday and as always for the past few weeks, Taeyeon hangs out with Tiffany on the penthouse.
Since Victoria has gaming consoles at her place, Taeyeon just left his Wii U on Tiffanys place so the girl
can have something to play with when shes bored and also for him to play when he visits her. Yuri and
Jessica tried to persuade the two to live together again but Taeyeon declined as he knows he wouldnt
be able to control his feelings for the girl if theyll live under one roof again. Tiffany agreed with him as
she would feel the same way too but deep inside her heart and mind, she wanted Taeyeon to live with
her again as she no longer knows how to live without him.

Yeah well meet up after I go to church. Tiffany simply answered. Since the three guys were
extremely busy the past few days, the girls have decided to have their own girls night out as they
planned to have dinner and just relax at their usual spa club afterwards.

Okay... He smiled and turned his attention back to the paused game, confusing Tiffany with his odd
behavior as she felt something is up with his smile. However, she just shrug it off and continued
watching Taeyeon as he plays the video game with all of his heart, while occassionally stroking his hair
with a sweet smile on her face.


Taeyeon paused his game again and shifted his body as he moved closer to Tiffany, resting his elbow on
the edge of the couch and placed his chin on his hand. He stared at Tiffany with blank expression at first
but then chuckled when she gave him a confused look.

As much as I love it when you stroke my hair, its distracting me from my game. He said, making
Tiffany blush and pinched him on his arm as she sat up on the couch. Taeyeon just giggled at her and sat
beside her. He casually leaned his head on her shoulder, causing the girls body to stiffen.

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The two stayed in the same position for a couple of minutes. Tiffany relaxed herself and comfortably
leaned her back on the couch as Taeyeon shifted his position, lying down on the couch with his head on
Tiffanys lap.

Can you do me a favor?
What is it?

Tiffany gently runs her fingers through his hair while lovingly staring at him. Taeyeon has his eyes closed
with a gentle smile on his face, enjoying the moment he has with the girl that he loves. Seeing the smile
on his face, she cant help but to feel warm inside and she nodded to herself before she continued what
shes been wanting to ask Taeyeon ever since they got together before.

Will you come to church with me later? she carefully asked. She knows that Taeyeon is not that
comfortable in talking about religion though hes not an atheist. Being a devout Christian, Tiffany
wanted her guy to atleast acknowledge her faith because it means a lot to her but she doesnt want to
force him into it. She respects him however, she wanted to show him the place where she learns what
love is.

Taeyeon slowly opens his eyes and stared back at Tiffany. Theyve never really talked about it but he
knows how important faith is for Tiffany. Many people are cynical, even hostile to religion and he was
once one of those, especially after what happened to Yoona. He closed his eyes again without uttering a
word and somehow, it disappoints Tiffany but she couldnt force him.

Im coming. Taeyeon softly said with a smile on his face as he slowly opens his eyes again.

Tiffany was taken aback by his answer as she didnt expect it at all though she hopes hell come with her.
She looked directly at his eyes and it shows that hes sincere about what he said. She lovingly smiled at
him and mouthed thank you as she gave him a beautiful eyesmile.

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But just stay with me, okay? I only have gone to a church when I was younger and during nunas
wedding. I dont really know what to do inside he trailed off and slightly pouted, causing Tiffany to
softly giggle at his cuteness.

Tiffany introduced Taeyeon to some of her fellow Christian members and he was warmly welcomed by
them. He was anxious at first but Tiffany held his hand and the girl really stayed with him, wiping out all
his worries. It was a big relief to him that he was warmly welcomed in a place that he is not familiar with
and strangely enough, he felt comfortable with it and he really enjoyed the music that the band
members played during the worship.

Taetae thank you. You know you being here with me it really means a lot to me. Tiffany softly
said as they got out of the church after the worship. She squeezed Taeyeons hand and lovingly smiled at
him as they walked hand in hand towards the car park.

Well thank you for bringing me here I honestly enjoyed it it gives me goosebumps but in a good
way he warmly smiled at her and swiftly intertwines his fingers onto hers, causing Tiffanys smile to
become wider as she leaned closer to him.

Thank you, Taetae I love you.

Taeyeon drove Tiffany to the venue where the girls will have dinner with. It is located in a hotel and he
handed the car key to the valet as he walked Tiffany inside the restaurant. Jessica and Sunny smirked at
them and since it was the girls night, the two harshly yet playfully told him to leave them as they will
just return his princess safely to him afterwards. Tiffany just laughed at them as the two girls and
Taeyeon playfully bickered, earning some giggles from the others inside the restaurant near their table.

Okay, well enjoy your night, ladies. Taeyeon dorkily grinned and winked at Jessica before he totally left
the restaurant, and Jessica just rolled her eyes on his dorkiness completely oblivious of whats going to
happen later.

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The three girls had fun chatting while eating their favorite dishes served by the restaurant. They talked
about almost everything under the sun until the two nosy girls decided to interrogate Tiffany with her
love life.

Tiff, are you and Taeng planning to just be bestfriends forever? Jessica sarcastically asked as she
gestured the waiter to serve their desserts.

Tiffany looked at her two girl friends and chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders. She already has lost
count of how many times they had asked her about her relationship with Taeyeon and she would just
simply shrug it off, annoying the two girls. She took a sip on her iced tea before she cleared her throat to
say something but their attention was drawn to the male waiter who came with their heavenly desserts,

Enjoy your desserts, ladies. The cute waiter warmly smiled at the girls as he handed customized note
cards to Jessica before leaving their table.

Jessica exchanged glances with her two girl friends and hesitantly read the note cards as Tiffany and
Sunny leaned closer to her to also see whats written on the cards.

Hi Jung Sooyeon!

The three girls chuckled as soon as they saw the first card. It was obvious that its written by Yuri and the
girls urge Jessica to continue flipping through the colorful cards.

Theres nothing special about today

But I want to give you something

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Something to remember forever
And make this day as one of the most special days for you to remember for the rest of your life.

Tiffany and Sunny squealed with delight as they read the next three cards. Since Jessica was sitting alone
on the couch across Tiffany and Sunny, the two girls scooted next to her as they sandwiched Jessica
between them on the couch.

But before I give it to you

Please look to your left


The girls turned their heads on the left side of the restaurant and saw Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Yuri
grinning at them. Taeyeon with an acoustic guitar and Sooyoung with a lightweight keyboard supported
by a strap around his neck and shoulders, similar to the way a guitar is supported by a strap, while Yuri is
holding several note cards on his hands.

Taeyeon started to strum the guitar and Sooyoung followed suit in playing his instrument as they walked
closer to the girls table. Taeyeon started to sing A Thousand Years in the most romantic and
sweetest voice and melody as possible when Yuri began to show the note cards to Jessica.

I wanted to sing for you but I dont want to ruin this moment

So I asked Taeng, your little brother, to sing for me instead.

Its much better this way, right?

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The girls, and the other people in the restaurant who are witnessing the special event giggled at his third
note. Jessica nodded her head in agreement before Yuri gave her the note. Jessica already has ten note
cards in her hands including the notes that the waiter gave to her earlier, and Yuri showed her the next
notes while Taeyeon and Sooyoung continued to play the beautiful song for her.

Now, this will be my second confession

Weve known each other for almost 10 years

Yeah, that long! XD

You are known as the ice princess back in high school

And you scared the hell out of me when we first met

But I loved you since then!

Jessica sweetly smiled at him as she held onto the note cards, with tears slowly forming on her eyes. Yuri
is getting nervous each time hell flipped through the notes and would give it to her as he takes deep
breaths before flipping through the next notes.

I can't think of anything cool to say

You know that I love you, right?

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I have always loved you

And I love you even more now

Jessica bit her lower lip to prevent her tears from falling as she is touched by what her nervous
boyfriend is doing at the moment. Tiffany and Sunny were warmly smiling as they never had imagined
that Yuri will do something like that in a public place.

There are hard days, sometimes we fight.

But no matter how many times we fight

I still want to be with you, forever

I want you to be by my side every time I open my eyes in the morning


Jessica Sooyeon Jung

Will you

Tiffany and Sunny squealed with tears in the corner of their eyes as they shook the stunned Jessica
sitting in between them.

379 | P a g e
Will you please stand up?


Jessica stood up in front of him and he took a deep breath before he continued flipping through his
cards. Taeyeon and Sooyoung swiftly changed the song theyre performing to Marry Me as Yuri knelt
down on one knee, earning murmuring sounds from the crowd as they expressed their joy and
excitement with the proposal thats happening in front of their eyes.

Nobody makes me happy like you do

And I can't live one day without you

Jessica Jung

I realized that I want to grow old with you

I want you to be the mom of my children

But above all things

I want you to be my love for the rest of my life


380 | P a g e
Jessica Sooyeon Jung

Will you marry me? Yuri voiced out and his voice tells everyone how nervous and terrified he is. It took
him months to prepare himself before finally deciding to pop the question to the girl that he truly loves
with the help of his two best buddies.

The crowd held their squeals and breaths as they waited for the girl to answer him. Jessica covered her
mouth and tears rolled down on her face when Yuri showed her the ring as he stared at her with hopeful
and loving eyes. She never thought that Yuri will propose to her especially in a public place. She was
overwhelmed with emotions and Tiffany had to nudge her to snap her back to her senses and answer
the very nervous young man kneeling in front of her.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung stopped singing as they also felt nervous while waiting for Jessicas answer.
Taeyeon took a glance at Tiffany and he smiled at her when their eyes met, before he shifted his gaze
back to Jessica when he heard her mumbled something thats barely audible.

Yes Jessica mumbled.

What? Yuri asked as he didnt hear her for her voice was too soft.
I said yes, Kwon Yuri! Jessica snapped and the crowd cheered with joy as they clapped their hands for
the newly engaged couple.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung continued to play the chords for A Thousand Years as Yuri carefully slipped
the ring on Jessicas left ring finger. He stood up and grinned at her before Jessica kissed and hugged
him tightly as tears of happines cant stop falling from her eyes. Everyone clapped their hands once
more and soon after, Tiffany and Sunny hugged the soon-to-be bride while Taeyeon and Sooyoung
brotherly hugged Yuri.

Congrats, Jess! Im so happy for you! Tiffany said as she kissed her best friends cheek and hugged her
again. Sunny, Sooyoung, and Taeyeon followed suit and each of them congratulated the engaged couple.

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It was indeed a successful proposal and everything was perfectly captured in cameras that Jessicas own
production crew has secretly set up in the restaurant. It was a last minute decision that Yuri had made
since he wanted to have a video of the special event in their lives that he can show to their kids in the
future, and good thing that Jessicas employees agreed to do the job and kept it a secret from their boss.

So thats the reason why you guys were so busy the past few weeks, huh? Tiffany asked Taeyeon as
they walked behind the two other couples, exiting the restaurant as they all decided to go in the club to
Yeah and its a relief that Jess said yes! he chuckled. He then swiftly slipped his hand into hers as
they headed towards his car.

Last night was a very memorable event for Jessica and Yuri, and also to Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sunny, and
Sooyoung. After the proposal in the restaurant, they all had fun in the club and spent the rest of the
night partying with joyful hearts. Everyone got tipsy but they all managed to go to their own homes,
except for Taeyeon.

Ugh. I shouldnt have drunk so much last night. Tiffany mumbled to herself as she tried to get up on
the bed without opening her eyes, experiencing minor headache due to hangover. However, her eyes
fluttered open when she realized that someone is hugging her from behind. She immediately turned
around, almost hitting Taeyeon on the process. She blinked a few times and slowly touched Taeyeons
sleeping face to make sure shes not dreaming or something. A sweet smile was then formed on her lips
and she blushed upon remembering that she asked Taeyeon to stay and sleep with her last night.

Tiffany cupped his face and lovingly caressed his cheek using her thumb as she stared at him. She
couldnt help but smile for she missed seeing his face upon waking up in the morning. After a few
moments of admiring his face, Tiffany leaned closer and softly pecked his lips. Her heart thumped faster
and she blushed upon stealing a kiss on the sleeping Taeyeon. She mentally calmed herself but froze
when Taeyeon stirred from his sleep and snuggled closer to her. Her breath hitched with the sudden
gesture and feeling Taeyeons warm breath against her neck sends chills down her spine.

It took a few moments for Tiffany before she relaxed and comfortably wrapped her arms around
Taeyeon. She closed her eyes, enjoying Taeyeons warmth and she wished for the time to stop as she
really missed being this close to him. Soon after, she was about to go back to her dreamland but
Taeyeon moved and slowly pulled away from hugging her. She felt disappointed but also felt nervous as

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she heard him gasped upon realizing hes been hugging her and he thought hes just hugging his pillow.
Tiffany decided to pretend to still be sleeping as she doesnt know what to do, and she couldnt help but
to wonder whats on Taeyeons mind at the moment.

Taeyeon was rapidly blinking his eyes as he tried to remember why he ended up sleeping with Tiffany.
He roamed his eyes around the room and realized that hes in the girls bedroom. He furrowed his brows,
trying to recall the events last night and chuckled upon remembering how cute Tiffany was when she
asked him to stay with her for the night.

Tiffany asked him to carry her on his back when they reached the apartment building last night from the
club. Taeyeon gladly granted her request and even tucked her to bed but when he was about to leave,
Tiffany tugged his shirt and gave him her infamous adorable puppy eyes and pout while shyly asking him
to stay with her and hug her to sleep.

Princess, I wonder when I can wake up again with you sleeping next to me he soflty mumbled while
brushing some hair off from Tiffanys face. He has a sweet smile plastered on his face as he stared at the
pretending-to-be-sleeping beauty in front of him.

I miss you he said as he softly kissed her on the forehead before he hesitantly planted a soft peck on
her lips.

Tiffany felt like her heart wanted to jump out of her chest when she felt Taeyeons soft and warm lips
pressed on hers. She knows that her face turned red and to hide her blush, she buried her face on the
pillow and covered her head with her arm. After a few moments, she slowly lifted her head up and saw
Taeyeon sheepishly smiling at her.

Good morning, princess. He said, mentally scolding himself for stealing a kiss on the girl and hoped
that she didnt know that he kissed her.

G-good morning, Taetae. Uhm, Ill just go to the bathroom and wash. Tiffany quickly hopped up out of
the bed, not wanting to have any awkward moment with Taeyeon.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany both blew a relief sigh when they couldnt see each other anymore. A sweet smile
was then drawn on Tiffanys face and she cupped her face as she blushed madly upon grasping that both
of them stole a kiss on each other, except that Taeyeon didnt know that she kissed him earlier.

Tiffany insisted to prepare breakfast for them but lost to Taeyeon when the guy showed her his version
of cute puppy eyes and pout, persuading her to let him prepare the breakfast while she just relax while
waiting for the food. Tiffany decided to just watch him cook and unconsciously, a loving smile spreads
across her face as she enjoyed and missed seeing him cooking in the kitchen.

Yah! I couldnt concentrate on cooking coz you keep on staring at me like that~~ Taeyeon whined as
he came closer to the girl whos comfortably sitting on the kitchen counter while watching his every

Then allow me to atleast help you in preparing our breakfast. Tiffany smirked as she leaned closer to
Taeyeon while leaning both her arms on the kitchen counter which is the only thing seperating her from
the guy.

Taeyeon furrowed his brows as he also leaned forward, leaving only a few inches of space between their
faces. He returned the girls smirk and quickly pecked her lips before he said no and dashed back to the
range and continued cooking like nothing happened, leaving Tiffany on the kitchen counter stupefied
with the unexpected kiss from him. It took a few moments before she regained her composure and
awkwardly cleared her throat before she decided to just wait in the living room.

J-just call me when the breakfast is ready. She stuttered and hurriedly went out of the kitchen, with a
pink tinge on her face.

Oh my God! Did he just kiss me... on the l ips again? Ugh! Kim Taeyeon, youve already
stolen two kisses from me!~~

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Why did you do that?
Do what?

Tiffany stared at him in disbelief as he just innocently tilted his head on the side while acting like he
doesnt know what shes talking about. They were already eating their breakfast and Tiffany had been
glaring at him since they sat across each other on the table.

Never mind. Tiffany rolled her eyes and scoffed before she continued eating while Taeyeon snickered
on his own seat.

The two continued their breakfast with constant bickering and teasings but both of them were truly
happy to have breakfast with each other again like what they always had before. Their eyes and smiles
show how much they missed this kind of moment every morning and secretly wished that theyll be like
this again, sooner or later. Besides, both of them wanted to take their relationship to the next level but
theyre just both reluctant yet, especially Taeyeon as hes not sure if Tiffany is now ready to be his
girlfriend again. Truth to be told, he doesnt know if he can take another rejection from her if he ask her
to be his girl again if shes not ready yet.

Hey, Taeng! Morning!

Good morning, Nic. Wait you

Nicole raised an eyebrow at him as his eyes traveled down Nicoles neck. A perverted grin was then
drawn on his face as he wiggled his brows up and down, suspiciously eyeing Nicole.

Owww~~~ yah! Baby, what was that for?~~ Taeyeon wailed in pain as Tiffany smacked his head with
the portfolio that Nicole gave to her.
Thats for being a pervert and dont call me baby. Tiffany scoffed and then glared at him, feeling
annoyed when she caught him staring at Nicole with a perverted look on his face.

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Im not a pervert! I was just teasing her, look! he retorted and innocently pointed at Nicoles neck.
Yah! This is not what you think it is! I got this burn from my curling iron earlier. Nicole swatted his arm
away from her and pouted as she touched the burnt part on her neck.
It doesnt look like a burn to me it looks more like a hic--- Tiffany covered his mouth to prevent him
from talking any further and Nicole just rolled her eyes and then stuck her tongue out before she went
back inside their office, leaving the two in the lobby.

Tiffany retracted her hand from Taeyeons mouth and followed Nicole but she was stopped by Taeyeon
as he grabbed her hand.

See you later! he dorkily grinned and winked at her before quickly dashing out of the lobby as he
doesnt want to deal with the fuming girl.

Yah! Kim Taeyeon!!! Tiffany shouted but she immediately covered her mouth as she remembered
shes in the office right now. She just glared at the glass door where Taeyeon had disappeared from but
her face flushed after a few moments as the image of Taeyeon stealing yet another kiss on her lips
flashed in her mind.

Ahem so friends do kiss each other on the lips. Nicole teased her, startling Tiffany as she thought
her assistant was already inside their office.
N-no! W-we didnt kiss. That dork just stole another kiss from me! she quickly defended but her eyes
widen upon realizing what she had just blurted out, causing Nicole to laugh out loud at her flushed
Just get back together or better yet, get married! Nicole snickered as she patted Tiffanys back and
casually went inside the office, leaving the flushed girl mumbling incoherent words to herself in the

Aaah!!! Nic, where the hell are those models?!!! Tiffany screamed in frustration. They have been
waiting for the two main models for the photoshoot for more than an hour already and yet, they still
havent heard from them.

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Ive been calling them and their manager for the nth time but theyre not answering their phones.
Nicole plopped on the chair as she blew a deep sigh. Theyre already done with the other models but the
main concept is still pending because of the lead models that were nowhere to be reached.

The staff members are already complaining and the photographer is already running out of patience.
Tiffany asked everyone, including herself, to just rest while theyre waiting for the models. However,
another hour has passed and unfortunately, Nicole received a call from the manager of the models that
they couldnt make it to Seoul as they were stuck in the airport from a previous activity that was held in

Everyone got annoyed for the unprofessionalism of the manager and models yet they had to do
something to make the photoshoot work or they would lose a sum of money as well as time and effort.
Nicole and the photgraphers assistant were trying to look for available models for replacement but
theyre having a hard time since its already a last minute decision.

Just when they were about to lose hope, the photographer, Key, snapped his finger with a bright
expression on his face after staring intently at Tiffany.

Tiff, you know how important this photoshoot is, right?

As an Art Director, you are responsible for the visual look and feel of the magazine, right?~~
Uhh yeah? What are you trying to imply, Key?

Tiffany and Nicole confusedly stared at Key when the diva photographer suddenly squealed, earning the
attention of all the staff members. Before they could react, Tiffany was already pushed by him towards
the dressing room and asked the stylist and make up artist to get her ready as she will be the
replacement for the female model. Tiffany wanted to protest but her staff members also liked Keys idea
and didnt give her a chance to decline as she just let them do their job.

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While Tiffany was getting ready, Key talked to Nicole and asked if she knows someone who could
replace the male model as he couldnt see anyone thats good enough as the replacement for the male
model from the male staff members. Nicole thought for a moment first and then her eyes sparkled as
she enthusiastically nodded her head, telling Key that she has a perfect candidate for the male role in
the photoshoot.

Everyones jaw dropped upon seeing Tiffany as she walked out of the dressing room. The concept of the
photoshoot is Wedding in Seoul and they had to do a wedding pictorial for the magazines special
feature for next month.

Tiffany looks so beautiful, stunning, elegant, and sexy in a decent way, in her white tube top lace
wedding dress. She felt shy and anxious with the stares shes getting as she just keeps her head low,
blushing a little when everyone squealed and praised how beautiful she looks in the wedding dress. She
smiled awkwardly at them and her eyes landed at Nicole who was smiling at her with sparkling eyes as
she couldnt help but to admire her boss slash friend.

You look so beautiful in a wedding dress, princess.

Tiffanys heart skipped a beat as she heard a very familiar voice. She looked at Nicole, Key, and her staff
members and they all have dreamy looks on their faces while looking at someone behind her. She bit
her lower lip and took a deep breath before she slowly turned around. Her jaw slowly dropped and was
amazed by Taeyeons look, wearing a sharp, well-fitting beige tuxedo with a tie, vest, and formal shirt
looking so handsome, charming, and manly in his wedding suit.

Taeyeon was forced by Nicole to come to their photoshoot location and even asked him to bring food
for them but he was never told that the real reason why he was asked to come over is because hell be
modeling along with Tiffany in a wedding pictorial concept for the magazine.

Ahem, okay!~~ Stop staring at each other and lets get the photoshoot started! Lets make your photos
look like you came straight out of a romantic movie scene!!~~ Key chimed in as he broke the excouples staring contest, causing the staff members to giggle at them as the two awkwardly apologized
at them.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany shoot the wedding pictorial for the magazine and everyone was astonished by how
both of them look amazing together in wedding dress and suit. The first few shots were awkward but
the two eventually losen up and just comfortably posed for the camera like they were really shooting for
their real wedding pictorial.

Princess, you really look beautiful you look like a goddess. Taeyeon said to her as they showed a
variety of poses and expressions in front of the camera, causing the staff members to be very envious
with his loving comments to their boss.

Thank you, Mr. Sweet talker. Tiffany rolled her eyes as Taeyeon kept on telling her how beautiful she
looks, but she is really happy upon hearing those words from him. It is her first time to wear a wedding
dress and shes nervous but shes very glad that her partner is Taeyeon and the guy just couldnt take his
eyes off from her.

The two continued to naturally pose along with warm and affectionate smiles showing how sweet and
lovable couple they are. Even the hard-to-please diva photographer cant stop taking photos of them as
he admired the couples natural and special chemistry not just in photos but also in person.

Okay, this will be for the final frames. Taeyeon, hug her from behind and just whisper sweet nothings
to her or nibble her ear, neck, or shoulder. Ugh, do whatever you want as long as you portray it
romantically. Key instructed them and the staff members grinned when Taeyeon swiftly wrapped his
arms around Tiffanys waist and planted a soft kiss on her bare shoulder, sending shivers all over
Tiffanys body.

Tiff, you looked flushed. Come on, just be more intimate with him and were done with this. the
photographer said without lifting his head from the cameras viewfinder and everyone giggled as
Tiffanys face became redder.

Taeyeon tightened his embrace and rested his chin on her shoulder, calming Tiffany down as she just
comfortably leaned against him. Not long after, they were already posing naturally like soon-to-be
married couple and their intimacy made everyone in the photoshoot location watch them in awe and
envy at the same time.

389 | P a g e

Okay! Now for the final frame kiss.

I said kiss. K-I-S-S. On the lips.
Because its a WEDDING pictorial.

Tiffany wanted to argue more but Key just flipped his hair and gave them a do it or all of us wont go
home today look.

Taeyeon poked Tiffanys cheek and dorkily smiled at her before he whispered how scary Key looked like
and complained to her how the photographer threatened him earlier that hes going to take him home if
hes not going to agree to be his model, causing the bride model to laugh as she turned around and
faced him.

You really believed him, huh? Tiffany softly said as she comfortably wrapped her arms behind
Taeyeons neck.
You shouldve seen how he acted like gay and tried to seduce me earlier! Taeyeon shudderred as he
remembered his interaction with the photographer earlier, causing Tiffany to giggle at his dorkiness.

The others dont know what theyre talking about but they all have smiles drawn in their faces, seeing
how cute and lovely the couple is. Key was just watching them from the cameras view finder and
constantly snapping their photos.

Princess, can I kiss you? Taeyeon softly asked as he lovingly stared at Tiffany.
No. she simply answered, suppressing her giggles when Taeyeon dramatically sulked at her answer.
Why?~~ he whined and pouted while giving her his adorable puppy eyes.

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Because youve already kissed me a few times this day without my permission. Tiffany reasoned out
and playfully slapped his shoulder.
Ehh??? But but Aish! Fine. Taeyeon frowned, causing Tiffany to laugh at him.

Taeyeon smiled seeing how beautiful Tiffany laughs in her white dress. For him, Tiffany really looked like
a Goddess and he couldnt help but to imagine how gorgeous and elegant she will be when she becomes
a real bride. His thoughts were then distracted when an idea popped up in his mind and a smirk was
then plastered on his face.

Everyone gasped in surprise as Key and Nicole has the widest grins across their faces. Taeyeon just
quickly stole a kiss from her that abruptly stopped her from laughing at him, and her face slowly turned
red upon grasping that Taeyeon just stole yet another kiss from her.

I just want to know if stolen kisses are really the sweetest he dorkily grinned and Tiffany blushed
harder. She looked away and her eyes landed on Gyuri who just arrived in the location. She was
informed that Taeyeon was modeling for their next months issue and she hurriedly went to the
photoshoot location right after she was done with her office works, totally not expecting that Taeyeon
was modeling along with Tiffany.

Oh, really? So are stolen kisses really the sweetest? Tiffany raised an eyebrow at him and smirked
when Taeyeon slightly pouted as he tried to think of his answer. But before he could come up with an
answer, Tiffany leaned forward and gently kissed him for a second.

Taeyeon was frozen on his spot and only snapped back to his senses when Tiffany caressed his cheek
with her left hand while the other was still wrapped behind his neck. She only did it to make Gyuri
jealous but as they both stared at each others eyes lovingly, with just a breath apart from each other,
Tiffany then leaned forward again and pressed her lips to Taeyeons. She was lost at the moment and
smiled against his lips when he started to give her soft and gentle kisses, completely ignoring the
whistles and cheers of the people around them except for Gyuri whos deathly glaring at her.

Your kisses are always the sweetest, princess. Taeyeon softly said as he lovingly smiled at her when
they pulled back from their passionate kiss, making Tiffany to mentally squeal at his cheesiness and just
nuzzled her face on his neck to hide her blushing face. Taeyeon warmly hugged her and kissed the top of
her head, causing the staff members to be extremely envy at Tiffany for having such a loving and sweet
special someone in her life.

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Thats a wrap, everyone! Good job Taeyeon, Tiff! I wish you all the happiness in your wedding! Key
goofily grined and winked at them before he turned his attention to the other staff members to thank
them for their hardwork.

The photoshoot was a success and everyone told Taeyeon and Tiffany how lovely they were during the
pictorial and wished that theyll marry each other soon for they really look good together. The ex-couple
just awkwardly smiled at them and quickly went to their own dressing rooms to change into casual

Taeyeon was the first one to go out of the dressing room and plopped himself on the chair as he waits
for Tiffany. Nicole was busy talking to some staff members about the photoshoot and Gyuri took the
chance to talk or rather seduce him.

Hey, its me. Relax, okay? I bet youre tired so let me massage you. Gyuri softly giggled when Taeyeon
jolted up as she suddenly stood behind him and started to massage his shoulder. Though Taeyeon
enjoys it, hes sure that Tiffany wont like it if she saw him with the girl and worse is, shes giving him
satisfying massage.

Errr Gyuri, I dont think its--- Taeyeon grabbed Gyuris hand to stop her from massaging her and he
was cut off when Tiffany suddenly pulled his hand from Gyuri.
Baby, did you wait too long? Tiffany asked while pulling Taeyeon up from his seat, ignoring the glares
from Gyuri.
N-no lets go? Taeyeon stuttered as he was surprised when Tiffany called him baby.

Taeyeon politely waved goodbye to Gyuri while Tiffany smirked at her, before they went to Nicole to ask
her if she wants to go home with them. But being a good friend as she is, she quickly declined Taeyeons
offer to give her a ride home and informed them that shes going home with Key as their apartments
were just in the same village. They both bid goodbyes to everyone and walked towards Taeyeons car,
hand in hand.

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Taeyeon and Tiffany decided to have dinner in a restaurant first as they were both hungry after the long
day that they had. Both of them were silent from the ride going to the restaurant until they eat their
dinner. Tiffany felt jealous and annoyed earlier upon seeing Taeyeon with Gyuri, while Taeyeon is
completely bothered by the kiss that they had earlier. He wanted to ask her about their relationship but
since Tiffany is giving him cold shoulders, he just decided to brush the topic off for now.

Princess Ill just go the washroom. Taeyeon excused himself and Tiffany just nodded her head at him.
Once Taeyeon was already out of her sight, she blew a deep sigh as she felt frustrated with her
complicated relationship with him.

As time goes by, Taeyeon has become sweeter to her and treated her like she was the most special
person in his life. Hes been treating her even better than when they were together before. And she
would lie if she didnt enjoy the stolen kisses from Taeyeon.

Taetae is it already the right time to give us a try again?

Tiffany was lost in her thoughts when suddenly, Taeyeons phone thats left on top of the table rings.
She didnt intend to answer it but when she saw whose calling, her face brightened up and decided to
answer the call since it might be an important call also.

Yah! Stupid Kim Taeyeon! Why didnt you tell me that you accepted the Broadway offer??? So
after all the things that youve done, youre just gonna be back here in New York and leave
everything there in Seoul, including Tiffany?! Aish! I dont understand you! You said you love
her but youre leaving her does she--- Hyoyeon ranted over the phone, totally oblivious of the fact
that shes speaking with Tiffany, who cut her off upon realizing what shes talking about.

T-Taeyeon is leaving?

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Unnie is it t-true?
Tiff I... well Aigoo~~ I think its better if you talk to Taeng about this... Im sorry, Tiff I
need to go now

Hyoyeon ended the call as she didnt know how to explain it to her since she just learned the news a few
hours ago from one of her friends that happens to be working in Broadway too, and Tiffany was utterly
surprised about what she heard. Taeyeon had never told her anything about going back to New York and
her heart aches with the thought of him leaving without even telling her. Unconsciously, a lone tear fell
down on her face and she quickly wiped it and put Taeyeons phone back to its place when she saw him
walking back to their table.

Hyo unnie called Tiffany voiced out as soon as Taeyeon sat on the chair across her and she started to
blankly play with the remaining food on her plate.
Oh, why did she call? he innocently asked before gesturing the waiter to serve their desserts, oblivious
of the gloomy expression of the girl across him.

There were a few moments of silence between them before Tiffany composed herself and looked
straight at Taeyeons eyes as she answered him.

Shes asking why you didnt tell her about accepting the Broadway offer.

She bit the inside of her lower lip as she tried not to be overwhelmed by her emotions. She didnt break
her eye contact with him even though she felt like her heart is being stabbed and she just wanted to cry
to atleast ease the pain. A lot of thoughts rushed through her mind and the atmosphere became heavy
between her and Taeyeon as the guy was utterly surprised.

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Taeyeon opened his mouth to explain but the waiter came in and politely served them their ice creams.
He forced a smile to the staff but his attention went back to Tiffany when the girl suddenly stood up,
grabbing her purse as she headed towards the exit of the restaurant.

Fany-ah! he called but Tiffany just continued heading out of the place. He then quickly pulled out
some cash and gave it to the waiter without caring if he gave too much as he grabbed his phone and ran
after the obviously upset girl.

Aish! Kim Taeyeon, you shouldve told her earlier. Stupid!

Tiffany couldnt take it anymore. She couldnt understand why Taeyeon decided to go back to New York,
why he didnt tell her about the Broadway offer, and most of all, why hes leaving her. It hurts her. She
felt like Taeyeon lied to her and above all, she felt nothing to him.


Fany-ah, wait!

Princess, wait! Let me exp--- Taeyeon grabbed her wrist and turned her around to ask her whats
wrong but he was slapped across his face by the girl, utterly shocking him as he loosen his grasp on her

Why? Why didnt you tell me about it? Why didnt you tell me that youre leaving?! Am I not that
important to you and you keept it from me, huh?! Tiffany exclaimed as she started to cry and hit him
on his chest. Theyre already outside the restaurant and she didnt care if theyre in a public place. Her
heart hurts and she couldnt care less on what other people would say about her for breaking down in

Fany-ah its not like that he cooed, ignoring the stinging pain on his left cheek as he tried to pull
the girl in his arms.

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Tiffany tried to push him away but he is stronger than her. He hugged her tightly while she struggled in
his embrace and constantly hit him on the chest. He closed his eyes and hushed her to calm down,
ignoring the snooping look from the people passing them by.

Im sorry, baby Im sorry if I didnt tell you about this sooner he softly said when Tiffany finally
surrendered from struggling in his arms and just nuzzled her face on his neck as she hugged him tightly,
still crying her heart out.

I thought you love me she mumbled, clenching on his shirt tightly like she doesnt want to let him go.
I do. I really do love you, princess. Taeyeon quickly answered, stroking her back.
But why are you leaving me, Tae? Why didnt you tell me? I dont understand, why?! she hastily pulled
away from the hug and stepped back as she stared at him with full of sadness and pain in her eyes.

Taeyeon stepped forward to hold her but the girl took another step backwards, still looking straight into
his eyes as she let her tears to freely fall down on her face.

Yes, I am going back to New York because of an offer that I really couldnt say no to and Im really sorry
for not telling you about this earlier I had no chance of telling you about it and I kinda forgot about
it too he trailed off as he hangs his head low, feeling intimidated by the way Tiffany looks at him with
anger, sadness, and pain in her eyes.

Theres a brief silence between them and Tiffany just silently cried while still staring at Taeyeon. She
wants to tell him Dont go. Dont leave me. I love you. but nothing is coming out of her mouth but
her gasps from crying.

But if you dont want me to go I wont go, Fany-ah Taeyeon softly said as he lifted his head up and
looked straight into her eyes with full of sincerity. He tried to step forward again and this time, Tiffany
didnt step back and he held both her hands as the girl seems to be surprised with what he said.

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Taeyeon patiently waited for her answer without looking away from her. The Broadway offer that he
accepted right after when they broke up is a big break for him for his comeback in the stage but Tiffany
is more important than anything else for him. He didnt really intend to hide it from the girl but
something always get in the way when hes about to tell her about it and as time passes by, he already
forgot about it as he was caught up in his own world with the girl.

Im not your girlfriend so why would you do that for me? Dont act like youre my boyfriend. Tiffany
coldly stated, surprising Taeyeon and herself. She wanted to take her words back but its already too
late as Taeyeons eyes already tell her that hes hurt of her words.

Her words directly stabbed the guy on his heart. Slowly, he let go of Tiffanys hands and looked away as
he pursed his lips, not trusting any word that might escape from his mouth.

Taetae Im sorry I I didnt mean to say it

Its late let me drive you home Taeyeon softly said after a few moments of silence, avoiding her
eyes. He is clearly hurt by what she said but theres nothing he could do since its true, afterall.

The drive towards the penthouse was in complete silence. Tiffany kept on stealing glances at Taeyeon
and she mentally cursed herself for what she said earlier. The atmosphere between them is heavy and
she thought that Taeyeon would just drop her at the entrance of the apartment building but she smiled
a little and felt lighter when he walked her until the penthouse.

The contract is for about a year Ill be leaving a week after the fall semester ends Taeyeon said,
stopping Tiffany from walking further inside the apartment.
Im really sorry, Fany-ah please dont think that youre not important to me.... Ill go now good
night. he continued as he stepped closer behind her. He wanted to hug her but chose not to. He silently
hoped that Tiffany would turn around and ask him not to leave, or atleast yell at him to know that she
really doesnt want him to go but the girl just stayed unmoved on her spot.
I love you he softly mumbles as he stared at the back of Tiffany, smiling bitterly before he left the girl
in the penthouse.

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Tiffany dropped herself on the couch in the living room and cried her heart out again. She cursed herself
for not saying or doing anything as mixed emotions overwhelmed her. Shes hurt, mad, sad, guilty, and
frustrated mainly because of her stubborn self. She continued to cry until she fell asleep, mumbling Im
sorry and I love you, Taetae while hugging the cushion tightly.

Days have passed and Yuri, Sooyoung, and Taeyeon were busy again in the University as the fall
semester is ending. Everyone already knew that hes leaving, earning smacks and naggings from his
friends, especially from Jessica and Krystal. They couldnt believe that Taeyeon is still being stupid but
somehow, they understood him for making such a decision as it was indeed a rare and big opportunity
for him.

It has also been days that Tiffany hasnt contacted him and he knows that the girl is still mad at him. He
already tried to visit her on her office but the girl wouldnt face him and Nicole told him that she needed
some time and space to think things through. Though it hurts him, he understood her and just let her be
as he doesnt want to make her to be more mad at him.

Taengoo~~~ Aigoo!~~ it felt like I havent seen you for years! I miss you!~ Sunny dramatically
exclaimed as she hugged Taeyeon like she really didnt see him for years.
Soonkyu-ah~ we just met a week ago Taeyeon chuckled as he returned the hug and kissed her on
the cheek.

Its weekend and the fall semester finally ended, giving Yuri and Sooyoung a reason to invite their
friends to go to the club. Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Sunny were already in their usual lounge in the
club thats owned by Seohyun and Taeyeon just arrived since he dropped Victoria off the airport first as
their celebrity friend has a photoshoot overseas. Taeyeon then went to greet his three other friends
before sitting on the couch, obviously looking for a certain girl that he missed.

Shes on her way with Nicole. Jessica spoke loud enough against the music, smirking at him as she just
answered the question in his mind.

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Taeyeon timidly smiled at her and not long after, a familiar girl approached their table with a huge
bottle of expensive liquor in her hand.

Mind if youll be the first one to taste this newly imported drink? Seohyun asked with an innocent
smile on her face as she placed the 40-Year-Old malt Scotch whisky on their table, making Sunny, Yuri
and Sooyoung grinned. Jessica just rolled her eyes at the three drunkards and Taeyeon just giggled at

Though Jessica wouldnt consider the socialite as a friend yet, she is being civilized to her as the girl has
been nice to them and all of them see no harm of being casual with her. Besides, Seohyun already has a
boyfriend after giving up from getting Taeyeons attention since the guy only have her eyes on Tiffany.

Hey, Min told me that you accepted the offer in Broadway Seohyun started the conversation with
Taeyeon as they invited her to hang with them for a moment before she disappeared back to her office
on the second floor of the club. Min, her bestfriend and also one of Hyoyeons friends, told her about
the news since she also have some friends that are working in Broadway.

Yeah Ill be leaving next week.

How long are you gonna be there?
About a year Ill stay in touch with you so you wont miss me that much.

Seohyun giggled at him when he dorkily grinned at her. She was about to say something but Sooyoung
suddenly shouted, gesturing the two newcomers to hurry up and join them.

Yah! What took you so long?! Sooyoung scolded Nicole and Tiffany and handed both of them flavored
Blame this girl for that. Nicole retorted and Tiffany glared at her as they both sat on the empty space
on the U-shape couch.

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Nicole had to threaten the Art Director as the girl changed her mind from coming to the club because
shes not ready yet to face Taeyeon. Shes been avoiding him for some unspeakable reason and Nicole
said that shell take advantage of Taeyeon, if not the other girls, if she wont come to the club which
successfully persuaded Tiffany to come over.

The group continued drinking and talking about anything, with Tiffany glancing at Taeyeon and Seohyun
from time to time feeling jealous as she wished shes the girl thats speaking comfortably with Taeyeon.
Not long after, Seohyun excused herself to meet up with her friends after telling them that it is her treat
tonight since Taeyeon will be leaving in a few days.

The group finished the two buckets of beer that they initially ordered and decided to drink the hard
liquor that Seohyun gave them since a waiter came and provided them whisky glasses and bucket of ice.

After a few minutes, Nicole excused herself to the dancefloor as she felt awkward for sitting between
Taeyeon and Tiffany. Yuri and Sooyoung also dragged their girlfriends to the dancefloor to enjoy more
and leave the two some time alone.

Though the club music is in full volume, Taeyeon and Tiffany both felt the uncomfortable silence
between them. Tiffany was absentmindedly twirling her glass of whisky while Taeyeon is watching her
from the corner of his eyes. Not wanting the awkwardness between them, Taeyeon finished his drink
before he moved closer to Tiffany.

Fany-ah are you still mad at me? he carefully asked, staring at her with longing eyes.

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she continued twirling her glass. She then released a deep sigh before
drinking the whisky and placed the now empty glass on the table. For the past few days that she didnt
contact him and avoided him, she thought about her relationship with Taeyeon carefully and their
current situation.

Im sorry she mumbled, hanging her head low while fidgeting with her bracelet that was given by

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Without saying anything, Taeyeon scooted closer to her and pulled her into a warm hug. He missed the
girl so much and same goes to Tiffany as she nestled her face on his neck while hugging him tightly.

Theres nothing to be sorry about its my fault for not telling you Taeyeon cooed, kissing the top of
her head while he gently strokes her back. They then fell into a comfortable silence and Tiffany silently
cried in his embrace.

Taeyeon closed his eyes for a moment as he felt the girl crying in his arms. He silently sighed and gently
pushed Tiffany from him, holding her shoulders as he kept the space between them really close.

Princess please, stop crying you know I hate to see you crying. He wiped her tears and lovingly
stared at her. He then placed a soft peck on her forehead before warmly smiling at her as he caressed
her face while his other hand held hers.

I miss you Tiffany softly said as she intertwined her fingers onto Taeyeons, staring back at him with
the same loving gaze.
I miss you too, princess. His smile became wider and the girl shifted a bit so she can lean her back
against him, allowing him to protectively wrap his arms around her.

Taeyeon took the chance to explain to her why he accepted the Broadway offer. He was personally
chosen by his mentor whos a well-known stage and film director to be the lead role and persuaded him
to go back in performing. It was such an honor to be chosen by the renowned Broadway director and
though he refused it at first, he then accepted it as he wanted to have a proper closure with his
original profession and thought it was the best idea for him at that moment since he was emotionally
stressed after his break up with the girl. Besides, it has been his dream to perform and work with his
mentor in such a big and popular stage in Broadway.

Tiffany silently listened to him and at that moment, she knew that what she has decided about her
relationship with him is the right choice.

Fany-ah he softly called her after he was done explaining. He closed his eyes as he gently stroked her
hair, down to her back and inhaled the sweet scent of her hair.

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I love you Taeyeon blurted out in a very calm voice after a long silence, causing Tiffanys heart to
leap in joy like it was the first time she ever heard those words from him. Gently, she pulled away from
their hug and cupped his face with one hand as she lovingly stared at him.

Tiffanys eyes tell how much she just simply loves the guy in front of him. The one she doesnt want to
lose and the one she never wanted to leave.

I dont want to be away from you Fany-ah, will you take me as yours again? If you will, I wont have
to go to New York and I'll just stay here with you he continued, placing his hand on top of Tiffanys
hand thats cupping his face as he stared at her with expectant eyes.

Tiffany closed her eyes and leaned her forehead on Taeyeons. She mentally encouraged herself before
speaking and planted a soft peck on his lips.

Lets go somewhere else.

Taeyeon and Tiffany bid their goodbyes to their friends. Tiffany gave her car key to Nicole since Taeyeon
brought his car as well. Though its Taeyeons car, Tiffany insisted to drive towards their destination and
he was surprised when the girl stopped the car near the University. He gave her a questioning look but
Tiffany just smiled at him and went out of the car.

What are we doing here? Taeyeon asked as he followed her as she talked to the guard with her
beautiful eyesmile which was rather effective as the guard let them enter the place.

Tiffany grabbed his hand and led him through the hallways. They then stopped in front of the same
auditorium that they had enterred before when they sneaked in the colleges premises. She beautifully
smiled at Taeyeon, asking him to open the huge door like how he opened it before.

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You shouldve told me that were going here Soo has a spare key on this. Taeyeon playfully shook his
head, earning a smack on his head from the girl. He pouted and just opened the door using one of his
cards, making Tiffany to giggle at him.

Once inside the familiar auditorium, the two walked towards the front seat and Tiffany sat herself on
the same spot Taeyeon had told her to sit when they first came to the venue together. Taeyeon watched
her as she sweetly smiled while gazing at the stage where he stood and bravely played the violin for her
a few months ago.

Instead of sitting next to her, he walked towards the stage and sat on the edge of the platform across
her. The physical distance between him and Tiffany is just a few steps, not too close neither too far.

Tomorrow its her death anniversary... do you miss her?

Taeyeon lifted his head up and saw Tiffany staring at him, waiting for his honest answer. He smiled a
little at her and then looked down again as he stared blankly at the floor. It has been three years and its
the first time that he didnt lock himself up in his room, crying and blaming himself for what happened
to his late girlfriend.

I do I miss her, sometimes. He stared back at the girl across him and gave her a gentle smile.

Tiffany returned his smile. She stood up from her seat and slowly walked towards him, stopping right in
front of him.

You left Broadway because you were guilty of her death but being a performer has always been your
dream. Taetae, tell me honestly why did you accepted the offer? she asked, holding his hands while
staring up at him since hes sitting on the elevated platform of the stage.

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I already told you why
And youre willing to let it go just because of me?

Taeyeon looked straight into her eyes and warmly smiled before he nodded to answer her question.
Though Tiffany already expected the answer to be yes from him, she was still taken aback that
Taeyeon is really willing to let the opportunity pass just to be with her. She ducks her head and stared at
their interlaced hands before stepping closer and leaned against him, automatically having Taeyeon to
let go of her hands and wrap his arms around her instead.

There were a few moments of silence as they engaged themselves in the intimate hug on the empty
auditorium. Tiffany nestled her face on his chest while Taeyeon rested his chin on top of her head,
enthralled with the warmth of the girl in his arms.

You have to go, Tae she voiced out, almost inaudibale but since theyre the only people in the hall, it
was more than enough for the guy to hear her.

Taeyeon slowly removed his arms from her as he didnt expect those words from her at all. Tiffany stood
up straight yet still very close to him as shes standing in between his legs, cupping his face and gave her
a comforting smile.

I love you, Taetae

But why do you want me to leave?

Tiffany softly giggled as Taeyeon asked her like a child. She moved her hands to the back of his neck and
kissed him on the cheek before pulling him into a warm hug.

Because I love you and I dont want to be the reason for you to give up on performing for the second
time. She softly said. She then slowly broke the hug but her hands are still behind his neck as she

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You need to do this, Tae for your dream.

Taeyeon closed his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder, allowing her to gently move her fingers
around on the back of his neck. He always loves the feeling when Tiffany caresses the back of his neck as
he felt comforted and treasured by the small yet intimate gesture from her.

One week has passed by quickly and Taeyeon and Krystal were already in the airport with Yuri,
Sooyoung, Jessica, Sunny, Victoria, and Nicole. Krystal decided to go with Taeyeon in New York before
she goes back to L.A. as she wants to see Hyoyeon who just gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

Taeng, dont be too busy so you can chat with us over the internet, okay?
Ill miss you both~~
Dont be too charming in front of those white chicks!
Krys, tell A.J. to keep an eye on this dork and make sure hell go back here after his contract.
Send us pictures of Hyo unnies baby!
Aigoo~~ my two babies take care of yourselves there, okay?

Taeyeon and Krystal could only just laugh at their dramatic friends as they couldnt stop blabbing about
their departure like they wouldnt see them again. Theres only about an hour left before they needed
to go inside the departure lounge but Tiffany is still nowhere to be found and Taeyeon is already feeling
dejected as he wouldnt be able to see the girl he loves before he leaves.

Maybe shes just stuck in traffic Im sure shell be here. Jessica gently smiled at him as she noticed
his restless expression.

Taeyeon forced a smile and received a hug from her. She patted his back, assuring him that Tiffany will
come as she wouldnt let the chance to see him off to just slip away.

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A few minutes have passed yet the girl is not arriving and they couldnt reach her phone. Taeyeon was
already silent and his friends have worried looks on their faces. Not long after, the last call for the
passengers of Krystal and his flight was already called, giving no choice for him but to stand up from his
seat, take a deep breath, and force a smile to his friends as they bid goodbye to them.

They all hugged him and Krystal and sadly smiled as they watched the two walking towards the entrance
of the departure lounge. But before the two could walk out of the waiting area, a faint yet loud voice
echoed in the place and successfully caught everyones attention.

Tiff! shouted their friends but Tiffany just ran straight to Taeyeon who has a contented smile on his
face upon finally seeing the girl that hes been waiting for.

I thought you dont want to see me off.

Dork, I woke up late because of this.

Tiffany gave him a DVD that she made for the whole night for him. It was a video that she made and
edited out of her collections of Taeyeons photos that she took, inlcuding photos of him and her
together, videos that they took together when they were in Jeju Island and whenever theyll just fool
around in the penthouse, and her video message for him.

I didnt get enough sleep because of that watch it everytime you feel lonely or alone. She smiled. She
then took a familiar necklace off from her neck and moved closer to him as she put it around his neck.

Youre dead if you lose this necklace. She threatened as she playfully glared at him while running her
fingers on the pendant of the necklace which is the key to her bracelet.

I love you, Fany-ah. Taeyeon softly said as he lovingly stared at her, placing his arms on her waist and
pulled her in a warm and intimate embrace.

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The two hugged each other tightly, ignoring the other people around them and the fact that Taeyeon
and Krystal really needed to go or theyll be left by the plane. They then let go of the hug once
contented of the warmth but as Taeyeon was about to say his goodbye to her, Tiffany pressed her lips
onto his lips. She softly kissed him and he didnt protest as he kissed her back. It was a sweet and loving
kiss, causing their friends to snicker at their moment in the public place.

Dont forget that these lips are exclusively just mine.

Taeyeon chuckled at her statement and hugged her for the last time, asking her to take care of herself
and saying that hell call her as much as he can.

If you still want to be mine after a year just come back here. Ill be waiting for you.
But what if I needed to stay longer? Are you still gonna wait for me?
Do you want me to wait for you?

Taeyeon smiled and nodded his head, causing Tiffany to sweetly smile at him and showed him her
beautiful eyesmile as she cupped his face with one hand and softly peck his lips.

Then I will. I love you, Kim Taeyeon.

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Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Miyoung~
Happy birthday to you!~~~

Happy birthday, Tiff!!! Sooyoung yelled loudly against the blasting music. They are at Seohyuns club
and the socialite especially closed the place to celebrate Tiffanys birthday. It has been almost a year
since Taeyeon went to New York and a lot of things changed for good. Seohyun is already part of their
circle of friends, Yuri and Jessica now have a schedule on their wedding which is happening summer next
year, and Director Kim is back in the country to focus on Ceci magazine and expanding their business as
they ventured with the countrys notable production company.

We couldve just celebrated at the apartment Tiffany said after making her wish and blowing the
candle on her birthday cake.

Aish, we want you to have fun and Seos club is just perfect, right guys? Yuri swings his arm around the
birthday girls shoulder and everyone agreed to him as they all cheered and went to their VIP lounge to
start the celebration.

Tiffany chuckled at her friends and co-workers that were also invited along with some of her and her
friends acquaintances. The club was running like usual except that only those who are invited can enter
the place.

They were all having fun and partying like crazy but it was obvious that though Tiffany is happy, shes
still missing someone and wished he could be there to celebrate with them.

I heard Taengs gonna have a UK tour before the year ends and an Asian tour early next year
Seohyun asked as she and Tiffany were left in the lounge while their friends rule the dancefloor.

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Yeah, hes been so busy the past few weeks practicing and preparing for it. Tiffany smiled with a
glimpse of sadness.
His comeback stage in Broadway was really a great success. No wonder why he was given such big
opportunity. You should be proud to have a man like him. Seohyun offered her another glass of drink
but she politely declined as she doesnt want to be drunk since theres no one whos going to take care
of her when she gets wasted like what Taeyeon usually does.

I am I am proud of him but hes not MY man...

The two talked more mostly about fashion and social events and Tiffany then received a video call. She
excused herself into a quiet place and Seohyun just chuckled at her obvious excitement upon seeing
whos calling her.

Happy birthday, princess!~~ Taeyeon dorkily grinned while cutely waving his hands.
Thank you and good morning to you, dork! Tiffany giggled at him as he cutely pouted while fixing his
messy bed hair.

Since there was a thirteen hour difference between them, Taeyeon has just woken up from his short
sleep since hes been practicing really hard for the musicals UK run in a month time. He was supposed
to be back in the country after the Broadway stage series was done but due to the great success of it, he
was then asked to be the protagonist for the musical Les Misrables International Tour.

Hows the beautiful birthday lady?

Fine they closed Seohyuns club and now theyre partying like crazy, especially Yul, Soo, and Nic.
As always, huh?... but why the long face?

Tiffany smiled at him while she sat on the washrooms countertop to be more comfortable. She tried her
best to look happy while talking to him but she just misses him so much and really wanted him to be
there with her at the moment.

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I wish youre here... she softly said, forcing herself to smile and not to cry.
Im sorry if I couldnt be there but my heart is with you!~~ Cheer up, princess! This is your
birthday so you should be happy. Oh! I know whats gonna make you smile right now, hold on!

Taeyeon placed the phone on top of his nightstand, making sure it is set properly before he skipped to
get his violin. Tiffany raised an eyebrow while watching him rummaging on the violins case and then
smiled when the guy finally went nearer the camera and dorkily grinned at her.

Ready? he asked, earning a cute nod from the girl and she couldnt help but giggle when he randomly
put his shades on and stepped back a little so the girl could see his whole body completely.

Tiffany laughed upon seeing him completely. Hes still wearing his blue checkered pajama pants, white
shirt, black sunglasses, and his already longer hair was still messy but it looked sexy on him.

Taeyeon then played something on his iPod thats connected on the home theater he has on his
apartment. After the intro beats, he then plays the violin and at the same time, sways his hips from side
to side with a slight forward thrusting motion simultaneously doing the violin and dance cover of the
song Gentleman.

Tiffany couldnt stop grinning and laughing at him as he continued with his funny yet cool and amazing
performance for her. Watching him playing the instrument while swaying his hips with loads of attitude
and dorkiness, yet still looking sexy, totally completed her day and made her whole-heartedly happy.

That was amazing! she praised him as she brightly smiled when Taeyeon finished his special
Ive never felt so embarassed in my whole life until just now. he laughed and the girl joined him
while teasing him more on how sexy he looks when hes swaying his hips earlier, making his face to turn
redder in embarrassment.

Taeyeon always plays around with his co-actors and other staff members during breaks. He and
Taecyeon always do the dance moves in front of their friends just for fun and he wanted Tiffany to see it

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because hes sure that the girl would love to see him do the crazy dance. He also started to play violin
again since he got back to his apartment in New York as he promised the girl that hell play violin for her
perfectly one day.

You shouldve told me that youre gonna do that! I couldve recorded it

Aigoo~~ you really enjoyed it, huh? Okay~~ Ill do it again and record it then Ill send it to
Really?! Awww~~ thank you, Taetae! Ill look forward to it!~~
As long as youre happy, Fany-ah.

Tiffany sweetly smiled at him. She sighed in content and then stared at Taeyeon like theyre not talking
over a video call but in person, with a loving smile plastered on her face.

Yah, why are crying? Taeyeon worriedly asked as he held his phone closer.
Im just really happy, dont worry. I thank you I miss you, Taetae. she smiled and wiped the tears
that rolled down her face due to happiness and sadness at the same time. Though theyre miles apart
and could barely talk with each other, Taeyeon could still manage to make her really happy and she was
touched by his simple yet sweet gestures.
I miss you too, princess. Now, dont cry Ill feel bad if youll continue to cry. he cooed and
warmly smiled at her.

The two talked a little more, catching up with each other as it has been a month since they last talked
for more than two minutes over the phone because of Taeyeons busy schedule and the time difference.
Though they would usually chat with each other, they still preferred hearing each others voices or do a
video call.

Our first stop in Asia will be Seoul come and watch it, please?
Its still a few months to go
Eh??? Thats why Im asking you now to make sure that youll be there to watch me perform.
Youve never seen me perform yet so I need you to be there. Please?~~~

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Tiffany softly giggled when he unconsciously showed his aegyo while asking her to watch his musical
that will be held early next year in the country. Though Taeyeon really didnt need to ask her since shell
definitely watch it, she still felt happy that the guy asked her.

Okay, Ill be there. Lets see how great you really are, Kim Taeyeon.

Time quickly flies by and Taeyeons musical tour in Europe has already begun. He was also making news
due to the success of the show and slowly being known in the country as Korean media couldnt wait for
the musicals stop in the country. He already had been featured in some international shows,
newspapers, magazines, and websites covering the renowned musical.

Missing someone?
D-director Kim
Aigoo~~ when are you going to get used to call me Aunty? I hope you dont mind me sitting here.

Tiffany frantically shook her head and her boss chuckled at her. It was weekend and Tiffany decided to
go to the park alone and take some pictures. She was just resting while sitting on one of the benches
facing the pond and she didnt expect to see the Director at the public place.

Your boyfriend is getting more popular these days. Dont you get jealous of those girls who were
basically throwing themselves at him? Director Kim asked, smiling while watching her at the corner of
her eyes.
N--- I we h-hes not my boyfriend, Director--- err Aunty . She almost whined and the older girl
chuckled at her.
Yet not your boyfriend yet. Aigoo~~ kids these days making simple things complicated. The older
woman teased her, making her pout as she sulk in her seat.

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The two women have been closer but Tiffany is still not used to call the older woman as Aunty. The two
gets along really well, and Director Kim knows the younger girls love story as she was oddly open and
comfortable with the older woman to tell her anything about her feelings like they are really mother and

Tiffany also tried to return the ring that she gave to her. She said she couldnt take it as it seems like the
ring was really special. Mrs. Kim told her that she really wanted her to have it and insisted to just accept
it as her future wedding gift. The ring was indeed special but she didnt tell it to the girl as it is a Kims
family ring that was given to her by her husband as an engagement ring and she wanted to pass it to the
younger girl. In the end, the older woman won and Tiffany just could say her big thank you to her for
giving her such precious jewelry.

By the way, my son is arriving early next year and I want to feature him on our magazine. I want you to
be the head of that project. Its the first time that he agreed to be featured on our own magazine so I
want you to take good care of him.

Director Kim silently chuckled as Tiffany gave her an obvious curious look. The older woman often talks
about her family too but she never named them and ofcourse, she left some things that could make the
girl figure out that shes talking about the people who are close to her. She still hasnt told her and
Taeyeon the truth but Yuri and Jessica found out when she had a dinner with the Kwon family, and
although dumbfounded, the young couple agreed to keep it from Tiffany until Taeyeon comes back.

Im sure youll get along with him pretty well.

Whoah~~ Taeng is really getting popular, huh?

Hes getting more handsome too
Oh! Look at this!

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Yuri, Jessica, Sunny, and Victoria surrounded Sooyoung to see what hes talking about. They are at their
usual caf and they were checking the web about Taeyeon in Sooyoungs iPad while waiting for Tiffany
and Nicole. It is already the first month of the year and they are all excited to see their friend again
whos arriving in a few weeks.

Isnt that the MTV VJ?

Yeah, she is Lee Hyori.

They continued to check the pictures they found online, surprised and awed at the same. They were
pictures from paparazzi that apparently spotted the famous MTV VJ having lunch with Taeyeon in a caf
in Paris. The two seems to be close and both seem to not care about the people taking their photos.
There were also some news and rumors about the VJ dating Taeyeon but both of them havent
commented about it yet.

Shes hot. Sooyoung absentmindedly mumbled, earning immediate glares from the girls.
They look good together. added Yuri but he immediately regretted it as he received a smack on his
head from his fiancee.
Yah! Aish, make sure Tiff wont see those until we know the truth if theyre really dating or not. Jessica
said, earning nods from them as they all went back to their seats.

Not long after, Tiffany and Nicole came and they all chatted like usual. They teased the Art Director
about Taeyeons arrival and the engaged couple couldnt help but to mentally snicker as they couldnt
wait for Tiffanys reaction when Director Kim introduces Taeyeon to her as her son.

Soo, can I borrow your iPad? My phones dying and I need to check something on my email. Tiffany
grabbed the iPad on the table but she was startled when everyone but Nicole stopped her as they
yelled No, making the other people in the caf to look at them.

Tiffany blinked and then raised an eyebrow at her friends. Even Nicole gave them confused look and
they awkwardly smiled at the two while Sooyoung tried to hide his Ipad.

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Whats wrong with you guys? Tiffany looked at them weirdly before she snatched the tablet from
Sooyoung. She then unlocked the screen and unfortunately, Sooyoung didnt close the browser and the
first thing that she saw was a picture of Taeyeon whispering something to Hyori while they were going
out of a cafe.

Sooyoung facepalmed himself as he saw what the girl is looking at when her expression changed and the
others kept their mouths shut as they waited for the girls reaction. Nicole also peeked on the tablet and
her eyes widen as she was also surprised with what she saw.

Im sure theyre not dating. Sunny decided to break the silence.

I guess theyre just close friends. I remembered Krystal has mentioned the girls name before. Victoria
added before drinking her milk tea.

The others agreed and Tiffany forced a smile to them before closing the browser and proceeded to
check her email. She indeed felt jealous upon seeing the pictures but she just kept herself calm as she
doesnt want to jump into conclusions. However, her mood visibly dropped and her friends could just
sigh as their attempt to cheer her up failed.

Im really fine, Jess.

Are you sure? I havent seen you for days and youre not answering my calls, Tiffany Hwang.

Tiffany avoided her eyes and sat on the bench near them. Jessica dragged her from her office to the mall
as she was worried for her bestfriend. After the girl saw the pictures of Taeyeon with the famous VJ and
model, Tiffany would either sulk in her apartment or busy herself at work.

Im just busy with work. You know how crazy my job can be Tiffany explained.
Taeng has been asking me your whereabouts because youre not answering his calls and messages
either. Tiff, I understand youre jealous and hurt but do you think Taeng would go around and date
someone else if he knows that youre waiting for him? Jessica raised her voice as she sat next to her,
crossing her arms like an older sister scolding her younger sibbling.

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He has the right though she softly mumbled, causing Jessica to stare at her in disbelief.

Jessica sighed in frustration before she flicked the girls forehead, hoping to knock some sense in her.
She already asked Taeyeon whats his relationship with Hyori and she and Yuri laughed at themselves
upon learning that the girl is Taeyeons cousin. However, the engaged couple chose not to tell it to the
girl as they wanted to let her know by herself.

So youre just gonna give him up just like that? Youre really a coward.

Tiffany looked at her as she was hurt by what she said. However, she couldnt argue back since it was
true. For more than a year of being away with Taeyeon, she didnt feel scared as she knows that the guy
would come back to her but after seeing the photos of him with another girl, shes now afraid that shes
losing Taeyeon to someone else.

Im scared, Jess. What if what if he already found someone else?

Do you want him to find someone else?

Tiffany immediately shook her head and Jessica warmly smiled at her. She held her hand and lightly
squeezed it like giving her encouragement as she wiped the tears brimming in her bestfriends eyes.

I don't want him to love anyone else but me

Then do your part. Dont wait for things to happen. Make them happen. You love him and theres no
doubt that he loves you too. Who else would be stupid enough to love the possessive and easily jealous
Tiffany Hwang?

Jessica joked around to lighten up the atmosphere and Tiffany chuckled at her. She then hugged her
bestfriend, thanking her for being a good friend to her and they proceeded to enjoy themselves as they
bought almost everything they saw in the mall. Tiffany went back to her usual self and she mentally
noted to say yes to Taeyeon if hes going to ask her again to be his girlfriend even though she needed
to wait for a little more as he still have to finish the rest of the musicals international tour before she
gets to finally be with him.

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Days passed by and Taeyeon already arrived in the country. Surprisingly, a lot of media members were
present when they arrived at the airport and all the cast and staff members of the musical were
overwhelmed by the warm welcome of everyone.

Taeyeon wanted to visit his friends as soon as he arrived but his schedule was packed by rehearsals,
press conference, and tv guestings about the musical. They will only have a two-week run of the highly
anticipated show in the country before they fly to another Asian country to continue the tour and he
just wanted to spend time with his mom, friends, and especially with Tiffany while hes in the country.

Ah~~ its good to be back. Taeyeon mumbles as he plopped himself on the comfortable couch, leaving
his luggage beside the sofa.

It was already past midnight and it didnt take him long to fall asleep, not caring about showering or
changing his clothes into a comfortable one. He was dead tired from the long flight from France to Seoul,
going straight to the press conference right after landing in the country, and having a late dinner in the
Blue House with the countrys President.


A loud scream echoed in the penthouse and Tiffany randomly grabbed anything within her reach which
happens to be a glass flower vase.

YOU!!! Who are you?! How the hell did you get in here?!!! Tiffany furiously asked the now awaken guy
with medium length dark brown wavy hair that was cropped shorter through the back and sides.

There was a moment of silence when the guy finally lifted his head up and looked at her weirdly as he
glanced on the vase shes holding, like shes ready to throw it to him anytime soon.

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T-Tae Taetae? Tiffany stuttered. By reflex, she stepped back as she held the vase in front of her
when Taeyeon stood up from the couch.
Good morning, princess! Errr what are you doing with that vase? Taeyeon tilted his head on the side,
staring at the quite big flower vase on the girls hands. He then casually walked towards her and took
the vase, returning it to its place.
W-what are y-you doing h-here? she asked. Her mind seems to be not working as she couldnt believe
that Taeyeon is already in front of her, and actually slept in her apartment without her knowledge.

Taeyeon turned around after securing the vase and dorkily smiled at the dumbfounded girl. His eyes
then landed on what the girl is wearing and awkwardly forced a cough as he averted his gaze, scratching
the back of his head.

Tiffany blushed madly upon realizing that shes just wearing a white see-through sleepshirt, almost
giving away her half-naked body to Taeyeon. She quickly excused herself and went back to her bedroom
to change her clothes while Taeyeon sighed in relief as he couldnt get off the image of the sexy Tiffany
from his head.

So what are you really doing here? Tiffany asked as she gave Taeyeon a cup of coffee.
Eh??? Why? Dont you want me here? he dramatically sulked on his seat, causing Tiffany to roll her
eyes and pinch him on his thigh.
Owww~~~ Yah! It hurts!~~ whined Taeyeon as he rubbed the part that the girl mercilessly pinched,
putting his drink on the coffee table. He playfully glared at the giggling girl beside him but instead of
saying sorry, Tiffany pinched his cheek hard, causing him to yelp while the girl seems to enjoy seeing him
wailing in pain.

Taeyeon grumbled incoherent words while rubbing his cheek and thigh but he abruptly stopped when
Tiffany suddenly hugged him. He was stunned for a second but then a smile spreads across his face as he
returned the warm hug from the girl he missed the most.

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I miss you so much. She softly said yet her voice cracked as she couldnt stop her tears anymore.
I miss you too... said Taeyeon, caressing her back while inhaling the sweet scent of the girls hair that
he surely missed.

The two stayed in the same position for a few more moments until Taeyeons phone rings. They
reluctantly broke the hug as he answered his phone, softly chuckling upon seeing whos calling him early
in the morning and disturbing his moment with Tiffany.

Good morning, mom! he greeted his mom while wiping the tears from Tiffanys face with his free
Good morning, son! Hey, I thought youre staying at Park Hyatt? I just went there but
Taecyeon told me you didnt come with them in the hotel. Where are you? Mrs. Kim asked,
obviously raising an eyebrow with the tone of her voice.
Oh, well its not comfortable in the hotel so Im here in the apartment. I already told them that I
wont be staying at the hotel while Im here in Seoul and they all agreed. You miss me that much, my
pretty mom? he dorkily grinned, causing the two girls to scoff at him although the older woman
couldnt see him over the phone.
Not that much, dork. By the way, dont forget the photoshoot the next day, okay? I have to
go now, visit me when you have time. I love you, sweetie.
Sure thing! Love you too, mom.

Taeyeon ended the call with a smile on his face and turned his attention back to the girl beside him, who
has a curious look on her face.

You youre staying here???

Yep!~~ Didnt Yul and Jess told you?

Tiffany absentmindedly shook her head. She still couldnt grasp that Taeyeon is already back and now,
the guy is telling her that hell be living with her, just like the very first time they met, almost two years
ago. Her confused and dazed look caused Taeyeon to giggle at her as he found her expression cute,
totally different from her reaction on their very first encounter at the same penthouse.

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You dont mind me being your housemate again, do you? Taeyeon carefully asked, with a smile on
his face as he stared directly at Tiffanys eyes.

The memories of their very first encounter flashed through their minds and they could just giggle as they
break their staring contest after a few moments.

Just always follow my rules and were good.

Why are you staring at me like that?

Im still not used to your new look.
I am the heroic but hunted Jean Valjean thats why I had to grow my hair and had it permed. I dont
want to wear those uncomfortable wigs.

Tiffany chuckled at his reason. Since Taeyeon plays as the lead role in Les Miserables, he chose to just
grow his hair naturally and perm it instead of wearing a wig for the musical. Tiffany actually likes the
length of his hair since it really shows off his messy curls without hiding his face, totally looking manly,
hot, and sexy.

No wonder why a lot of girls are going loco for you. Aish.

She unconsciously frowned upon remembering the pictures of Taeyeon with a famous VJ online. She
wanted to ask him what his relationship with the girl is but she just couldnt bring herself to confront
him yet.

You dont like it? Well I need to finish the musical before I can cut my hair. Taeyeon runs his fingers
through his hair, subconsciously being suggestive to the girl sitting next to him.

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The two are inside the dressing room that Taeyeon shares with his other male co-actors, waiting as the
first run of the musical in the country is happening in less than half an hour. He invited all his friends,
previous colleagues and students, and his mom to watch his very first performance in the country.
Everyone is excited to see him perform as it was all their first time to see him on stage. Though Mrs. Kim
already saw him perform for the nth time, it still always feels like shes watching her son on the stage for
the very first time.

Its fine. You actually look mature and more handsome she smiled and fixed his hair for him.
thats why a lot of girls are hitting on you. she softly mumbles but Taeyeon still heard her, causing
him to secretly smile.

The two seems to be in their own world as Taeyeon couldnt stop smiling like a fool while staring at
Tiffany whos focused on fixing his permed hair. She then noticed his intense gaze and slowly stopped
running her fingers through his hair as she stared back at him. Both lost in the moment, the gap
between their faces are slowly decreasing but the two quickly moved away from each other when the
door flung open.

Ahem uhh Tiff, Taeng, sorry to interrupt you guys but Director Lee is already looking for you, Taeng.
We need to be in the backstage now. Taecyeon, whos also part of the musical, snickered at them and
winked at Taeyeon before closing the door as he goes back to the backstage.

Uhmm s-see you later.

Y-yeah. Good luck on your performance!

Taeyeon opened the door for Tiffany and waved goodbye to her as he walked towards the backstage.
However, before he could step further, Tiffany held his hand and he turned around to look at her.
Before he could ask why, he felt the familiar warm soft lips pressed on his lips and his mind went blank
for a moment.

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Good luck, Kim Taeyeon. She sweetly smiled and quickly walked to the opposite direction heading
towards the VIP seats of the theater, leaving Taeyeon smiling like an idiot while touching his lips before
he happily skips towards where his co-actors are.

Everyone was in awe and gave all the performers a standing ovation when the first run of the beloved
musical, ended. Yuri, Sooyoung, Sunny, Victoria, Nicole, Seohyun, and Tiffany have their jaws drop as
they were totally amazed by the musical, especially at Taeyeon. Jessica just laughed at the first timers in
such musical and reminded them to close their mouths and blink. Upon returning back to themselves,
they all cheered the loudest, causing the others to look at their direction and Taeyeon dorkily waved at
them from the stage before acting charmingly again to the rest of the audience.

Taeng!!! Man, you look sooo awesome Jean Valjean a.k.a. Monsieur le maire! Sooyoung playfully
bowed like hes greeting a noble man, before giving Taeyeon a brotherly hug.
That was amazing, Taeng! Yuri followed the tall shikshin and ruffled Taeyeons hair but instead of
messing it up, Taeyeon just looked sexier on his messy dark brown curls.

Sunny, Jessica, Nicole, Seohyun, and Victoria hugged him as well as they congratulated him for such an
epic performance. They also congratulated Taecyeon and the others while Taeyeon made his way to
Tiffany whos holding a congratulatory bouquet of white and purple flowers for him.

Congratulations. You were great back there.

Thank you.

Taeyeon accepted the flowers and hugged Tiffany tightly. Since he started performing on stage again, he
never felt as happy as what hes feeling at the moment. Les Miserables and playing as Jean Valjean has
been the best experience and role for him. Its been fantastic and hes happy for having such a great
opportunity but having to see and hug Tiffany after the performance makes him even more perfectly

Their friends smiled at them and Yuri playfully cleared his throat to get the twos attention as they seem
to forget that they exist. Taeyeon and Tiffany reluctantly broke the hug and sheepishly smiled at their

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friends as Tiffany blushed upon seeing their smirks. Taeyeon and Taecyeon was about to excuse
themselves to go to the dressing room but a familiar girl called Taeyeon and hugged him tightly as soon
as he turned around to see whos calling him.

That was your best performance, honey! Hyori happily exclaimed and gave him a pretty eyesmile
before kissing him on both cheeks.
Whoah~ I didnt know youre here. Taeyeon said in disbelief with his free hand still on her waist.
Why? Dont you want to see me here? the alluring VJ pretended to sulk, causing Taeyeon to laugh at

On the other hand, their friends seems to be awestrucked by the girl while Tiffany was frozen on her
spot as Jessica was holding her and telling her its okay. She was feeling hurt and jealous on how close
the two are and Taeyeon seemed to be really happy seeing the girl.

Oh, errr guys. I havent introduced her, have I? Taeyeon chuckled as he turned around to face his
friends. His free hand is on the small of her back while the other is holding the bouquet that Tiffany gave,
and Hyori has her arm around his shoulders, looking like a hot couple in everyones eyes.

Sooyoung, Sunny, Nicole, Seohyun, and Victoria just nodded their heads while Taecyeon, Yuri, and
Jessica have small smiles on their faces, glancing at Tiffany whos sending deathly glares on Hyori and
obviously going to explode anytime soon because of her jealousy.

This is Lee Hyori, my cousin. Vic, shes Chori nuna, remember? Taeyeon dorkily smiled and it took a
few moments for the others to grasp her relationship with the girl.

C-cousin?! exclaimed everyone but Tiffany, Jessica, Yuri, and Taecyeon as they stared at them in
disbelief for they all thought that they were really a couple.

Ch-chori unnie? Victoria stared at her in disbelief and her jaw dropped upon realizing who the hot girl
is. She couldnt believe that the boyish and chubby girl back then is now the famous sexy and hot MTV

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Yes, Vicky~~ Geez, you just became a celebrity here and you already forgotten me. Hyori dramatically
pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head while faking her sobs.
Oh my God!~~ Unnie!!!~~~ Victoria squealed and ran to give her a big hug.

The others were still dumbfounded as Taeyeon chuckled at the two. His eyes then met Tiffanys who
quickly averted her gaze as tears fall down on her face. Taeyeons smile faded quickly and chased the girl
as she hurriedly walked out from the scene, asking Jessica to hold the bouquet for a moment. Tiffany
felt ashamed for thinking that Taeyeon and Hyori was in a relationship and she doesnt know how to
face him as she knows she was really stupid for thinking such things.


Fany-ah, whats wrong? Taeyeon held her shoulders as he stopped in front of her after running to
catch up with her. He frowned when he saw her crying and immediately pulled her in his arms, warmly
hugging her while lovingly stroking her hair down to her back.

Im scared, Tae Tiffany sobbed on his chest as she hugged him tightly.
What are you scared of? he softly asked, gently pushing her to see her face.

Tiffany couldnt stop crying and Taeyeon felt hurt seeing her vulnerable like that. He doesnt know why
the girl suddenly changed her mood and now crying like she was heartbroken for the very first time.

What if you found someone else that can make you happy? Someone that can love you more than
anyone else does she tried her best to control her emotions and looked directly at his eyes, patiently
waiting for his honest answer while letting her tears to freely fall down from her eyes.

Taeyeon sweetly smiled at her, hiding his dorky smile as he couldnt help but ironically feel happy while
the girl is cryng her heart out as he already knows where shes coming from. He silently thanked Yuri for
slipping the fact that Tiffany was jealous upon seeing his pictures with Hyori and thought he was dating
the girl.

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I already found her

Everything around them seems to stop for Tiffany upon hearing his answer. She stared at Taeyeon
carefully and saw his loving eyes and smile as he said those words. She opened her mouth, wanting to
say something but she couldnt utter any word as she felt light-headed and Taeyeon continued talking.

She is beautiful, especially when she smiles. Shes overprotective and she easily gets jealous but its
alright. Its actually cute and I feel like she really loves me. She doesnt want me to kiss anyone else, flirt
with other girls, smile at anyone else like how I smile for her, look at anyone else how I look at her, and
shes scared that Ill found someone else that will make me happy and love me more than she does.
Taeyeon wiped the tears on her face and the smile on his face never fades as he continued, holding both
her hands as he almost recited a part on Tiffanys video message for him that the girl gave him when he
left for New York.

The first time I asked her to be my girlfriend, I was really happy when she agreed. Im hers and shes
mine. We were happy but one day, we were both hurt heartbroken. For the second time, I asked her
to be my girlfriend again I know shes still hurt so I agreed to be just her friend instead. Some people
say that Im stupid for agreeing to just be a friend to her but those times were the happiest that I had
with her. And the last time I hoped shed say yes but she never did. She didnt answer me and she let
me go... she let me leave her for my dream he lovingly smiled at her and tucked the stray strands of
hair behind her ear.

Tiffany was stupefied. She tried hard to repeat what he said on her mind and images when Taeyeon
confessed to her at the Han River after she just ran away from him because of her jealousy and anger
echoed in her mind as well.

If if youre going to ask her again what will you do if if she said no? Tiffany bit her lower lip as she
nervously waits for his answer, preparing her heart for the most heartbreaking answer that she doesnt
want to hear from him to stop himself from loving her.

If she says no then Taeyeon hummed as he pretended to think, causing the girl to frown as she felt
more nervous of what hes going to tell her.

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Ill continue to be her friend and ask her again and again and again until she says yes. He dorkily
grinned, showing off his cute dimple on his chin.

Tiffany felt like her heart just literally wanted to jump out of her chest and she couldnt hide her smile at
his answer. She looked away for a moment and bit her lower lip as she mentally calmed herself down.
She then stared back at Taeyeon and cleared her throat before she continued, trying hard to have a
straight face on.

And what if she says Yes?

Taeyeons grin became wider and Tiffany couldnt help but to let herself to freely smile back at him.

Is it a yes? he asked, grinning from ear to ear as he felt extremely happy at the very moment.

I dont know why dont you ask her? Tiffany playfully answered, keeping herself cool as Taeyeon
released her hands and frantically searched something on his costume before he knelt down on one
knee in front of her.

Stephanie Miyoung Hwang will you marry me? Taeyeon asked, holding up a gold plated cufflink he
found at the lower edge of the sleeve of his costume.

W-what? she stuttered. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widen as she thought her ears are just playing
tricks on her as she thought he would just ask her to be his girlfriend again. She never expected him to
ask that question at the moment and she couldnt believe that the guy is really asking her to marry him.

I didnt know that Im going to propose to you here, right now. So please bear with me for a moment
here... Stephanie Hwang, I dont have a ring right now to give you but this cufflink and I look like
someone from the Victorian era because of what Im wearing right now I dont even have a good

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speech to tell you but Ive been wanting to tell you this Taeyeon held her hand and lovingly smiled
at her, enduring the discomfort of kneeling down as hes still in his Victorian suit from the musical.

Whenever Im with you, I feel like I am the most special guy in the world. When you first hug me and let
me cry on your shoulder on that night when I told you about my past that was the very first time that I
felt that everything is really going to be okay.

Taeyeon took a deep breath and nervously gulped before he continued.

Fany-ah, I will forever be your bestfriend, your dork, your housemate, your Taetae but I also want to
be your man, your husband, the father of your kids, and someone who will take care of you and grow
old with you.

Tiffany was choking back her tears as she was overwhelmed by emotions. She had hoped and imagined
Taeyeon proposing to her one day but never expected that he really will do it, at the most unexpected
place and time.

I love you so much, Fany-ah. And I dont have any plans to stop myself from loving you. You have my
heart, and you will always have it no matter what

Will you marry me, princess? Taeyeon asked as he lovingly stared directly at her eyes that have tears
ready to fall in any moment. He never felt so nervous in his whole life and waiting for the girls answer
seems like forever for him.

His heart seems to stop thumping when Tiffany grabbed the cufflink from his hand and continuously
nodded her head, letting her tears fall while pulling him up into a hug.

Yes I will. I will marry you, Kim Taeyeon. Tiffany cried in happiness as she hugged him tightly.

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Taeyeon closed his eyes as he leaned his head against Tiffanys, inhaling her sweet scent and feeling

I love you. she soflty said before capturing Taeyeons lips, pulling him closer as they shared one simple
yet longing kiss.

The two continued to hug, kiss, and softly giggle as they were both extremely happy and couldnt
believe that they are already engaged, completely oblivious that the whole thing was filmed by their
nosy friends who worriedly followed them at the backstage and have tears and smiles on their faces as
they witnessed the unexpected yet sweet proposal. After a few moments, they then decided to finally
cheer and clap their hands, startling the newly engaged couple.

Congrats to both of you!

Whoah~~ I didnt see that coming
Oh my God! Thats just so sweet!
Kim Taeyeon, Im warning you make my cousin cry or Ill kill you.
Ill skin you alive first before he kills you.

Everyone laughed at Yuri and Jessicas statements and Taeyeon nervously gulped as he shivered on the
scary glares of the two overprotective cousin and bestfriend of his now fiancee. Nonetheless, they all
congratulated them and told them how happy they are for them as theyre finally engaged.

I cant believe you just proposed to me with a cufflink. Tiffany chuckled, fiddling with her
engagement cufflink on her hand as she leaned closer to Taeyeon. They were already walking back to
the dressing room with the others ahead of them while firmly but gently holding each others hands.

I cant believe it either I really wanted to propose to you in the most romantic way I could have done
and give you the most beautiful ring but Im sorry if it was just a cufflink for now and--- Taeyeon was
cut off as Tiffany stopped him from walking and talking by cupping his face as she kissed him on the lips.

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I dont care, alright? You just made me the happiest girl in the world. I already said yes and I am
marrying you... Just make sure you tell the person in-charge of the costumes about this because Im not
giving them my engagement cufflink. She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck and softly
kissed him which was gladly returned by her fiance as Taeyeon wrapped his arms around her waist.

Ahem so whens the wedding?

The two broke the kiss upon hearing the familiar voice, snapping their heads to the direction of the
older yet undeniably elegant and beautiful woman whos more than happy upon learning about the

Director Kim!/Mom! Tiffany and Taeyeon happily exclaimed respectively at the same time, with smiles
on their faces. However, their happy expression turned into a confused frown as they looked at each
other upon hearing what they just called the snickering older woman with their friends.

Mom?/Director Kim? they both asked each other.

Tiffany blinked and looked back and forth between Taeyeon and the Director. Her eyes widen as she
gasped, and her jaw dropped upon realizing that Taeyeon her housemate, ex-boyfriend, fiance, future
husband, is her boss son.

You are my boss son?!

he nd

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My Bosss Son Is My Housemate

First Published at, 2013
Copyright chaengoo, 2013

This manuscript is a work of fan fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a
product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people
living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental and/or delusional.

Chaengoo is currently working on the sequel to My Bosss Son Is My Housemate and her other
ongoing TaeNy and TaengSic fanfics.


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