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Annotated Checklist of the Lichens of Pakistan, with Reports

of New Records
Author(s): Andr Aptroot & Syed Hussain Iqbal
Source: Herzogia, 25(2):211-229. 2010.
Published By: Bryological and Lichenological Association for Central Europe

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Herzogia 25 (2), 2012: 211229 211

Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan, with reports of

new records
Andr Aptroot & Syed Hussain Iqbal

Abstract: Aptroot, A. & Iqbal, S. H. 2012. Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan, with reports of new
records. Herzogia 25: 211229.
A first checklist of lichens from Pakistan is presented. The species list is annotated with synonymy, literature references and specimens. Eighty-six lichen species, mostly collected by the second author, are reported for the first time
from the country. The total number of lichen species known from Pakistan is currently 368.
Zusammenfassung: Aptroot, A. & Iqbal, S. H. 2012. Kommentierte Checkliste der Flechten von Pakistan (mit
Angaben zu Neufunden). Herzogia 25: 211229.
Eine erste Checkliste der Flechten Pakistans wird vorgelegt. Die Artenliste ist mit Angaben zur Synonymie,
Literaturquellen und Herbarbelegen versehen. 86 Flechtenarten, die zumeist vom Zweitautor gesammelt wurden,
werden erstmals fr das Land publiziert. Die Gesamtzahl der aus Pakistan bekannten Flechtenarten beluft sich gegenwrtig auf 368.
Key words: Indian subcontinent, flora, biogeography.

Pakistan is a country with very different vegetation zones (Collinson 1977), with high mountains in the north (Hindukush, Himalayas, Karakorum), the subtropical Indus valley (dominated by arable land), deserts in Balochistan and Thar Desert in the east. Consequently, the lichen
flora is probably very varied. However, the lichen flora of Pakistan is so far largely unknown.
This is the first checklist of the lichens of this country, although once a lichen checklist was
published for the entire Indian subcontinent inclusive of Pakistan and Bangladesh, without differentiating between the countries (Awasthi 1965). Recently, a comprehensive contribution to
the lichen diversity of India was published by Singh & Sinha (2010), also containing some
records from Pakistan. Recent checklists occur for the neighbouring countries Iran (Sohrabi et
al. 2010) and Bangladesh (Aptroot & Iqbal 2011). The present checklist cites all published
literature reports of lichens from Pakistan; specimens, which were included in the published
literature and have been deposited in SHI, were checked. The examination of these specimens
sometimes led to a different identification and thus to a re-evaluation of literature reports,
which were based on this and other materials. Some additional records based on material examined in SHI are added, as well as comments on various species. In addition, 86 lichens are
listed which are reported for the first time from the country. These do not include the species
that were previously reported with another identification. Many representative specimens are
photographed and the illustrations are placed on the website

212 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Material and methods

Since 1965, lichens were collected in Pakistan by S. H. Iqbal, S. Ahmad and others. All specimens cited are preserved in SHI. In the checklist, *means taxon described from Pakistan,
=synonymous name under which a species has been reported.

Species newly reported for Pakistan

Acarospora anomala H.Magn. On wood.
Specimen examined: Fairy meadows, 12-8-2007, Iqbal L-305 (SHI).

Acarospora cervina A.Massal. On rock.

Specimens examined: Hann, Quetta, 26-4-1964, Iqbal L-385; Dadar, Sirin Valley, 18-8-1965, Iqbal L-687 (SHI).

Acarospora impressula Th.Fr. On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam Swat, 28-7-1966 Iqbal L-617, Iqbal L-622D-1 (SHI).

Amandinea extenuata (Mll.Arg.) Marbach On bark.

Specimens examined: Murree, 25-3-1965, Iqbal L-266B; Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-181 (SHI).

Amandinea submontana Marbach On bark.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-591 (SHI).

Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa (Schaer.) A.Massal. On bark.

Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-119 (SHI).

Arthopyrenia punctiformis A.Massal. On bark.

Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-171 (SHI).

Arthrosporum populorum A.Massal. On Juglans.

Specimen examined: Sharan, 9-8-1964, Iqbal L-105Sh (SHI).

Aspicilia cheresina (Mll. Arg.) Hue On rock.

Specimens examined: Kotli, 4-12-1965, Iqbal L-331; Naran, 18-8-1965, Iqbal L-454; Kalam (Swat), 26-7-1966,
Iqbal L-454a, Iqbal L-420 (SHI).

Aspicilia cinerea (L.) Krb. On rock.

Specimens examined: Naran, 21-8-1965, Iqbal L-001; Kalam (Swat), 27-7-1966, Iqbal L-1022; Dadar, Siran Valley,
4-1965, Iqbal L-459; Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-494R; Saif-uIqbal L-Malook, 27-6-1966, Iqbal L-1001 (SHI).

Aspicilia subconfluens (H.Magn.) J.C.Wei On rock.

Specimen examined: Lalazar, Kaghan Valley, 2-9-1965, Iqbal L-1624 (SHI).

Bacidia fraxinea Lnnr. On bark.

Specimens examined: Murree Hills, 3-1965, Iqbal L-294; 31-3-1967, Iqbal L-721; 31-8-1964,Iqbal L-768; Baragali,
28-4-1964, Iqbal L-90; Khanspur, 7-1978, Iqbal L-02 & Iqbal L-04; Shogran, 29-8-1966, Iqbal L-075 (SHI).

Bacidia rubella (Hoffm.) A.Massal. On bark.

Specimen examined: Sharan, 27-6-1977, Iqbal L-1191 (SHI).

Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd On rock.

Specimen examined: Dadar, Sirin Valley, 19-8-1965, Iqbal L-436 (SHI).

Caloplaca crenulatella (Nyl.) H.Olivier On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-639 p.p., Iqbal L-622e2 p.p. (SHI).

Candelariella reflexa (Nyl.) Lattau On bark.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-4-1965, Iqbal L-143 (SHI).

Carbonea vorticosa (Flrke) Hertel On rock.

Specimens examined: Utror (Swat), 29-7-1966, Iqbal L-580R; 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-1033R (SHI).

Circinaria contorta (Hoffm.) A.Nordin, S.Savi & Tibell On rock.

Specimen examined: Balakot, 19-8-1965, Iqbal L-03 (SHI).

Cliostomum griffithii (Sm.) Coppins On bark.

Specimen examined: Baragali, 29-7-1965, Iqbal L-558 (SHI).

Diploschistes euganeus (A.Massal.) Steiner On rock.

Specimen examined: Rawalakot, 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-668 (SHI).

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Evernia divaricata (L.) Ach. On bark.

Specimen examined: Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-468 (SHI).

Haematomma collatum (Stirt.) C.W.Dodge On bark.

Specimens examined: Sharan, 7-7-1977, Iqbal L-93, Iqbal L-50 (SHI).

Heterodermia japonica (M.Sat) Swinscow & Krog On bark.

Specimen examined: Locality unkown, Ahmad L-72 (SHI).

Icmadophila ericetorum (L.) Zahlbr. On soil.

Specimen examined: Locality unkown, Ahmad L-75 (SHI).

Lasallia papulosa (Ach.) Llano On rock.

Specimen examined: Dadar, Siran Valley, 26-7-1977, Iqbal L-1001 (SHI).

Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) Th.Fr. On bark.

Specimens examined: Sharan, 27-6-1977, Iqbal L-784; Baragali, 28-6-1965, Iqbal L-26 (SHI).

Lecania naegelii (Hepp) Diederich & van den Boom On bark.

Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-140 (SHI).

Lecanora albella (Pers.) Ach. On bark.

Specimen examined: Murree Hills, 31-3-1967, Iqbal L-748AB (SHI).

Lecanora allophana (Ach.) Nyl. On bark.

Specimens examined: Shogran, 10-6-1965, Iqbal L-94; Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-17; 26-6-1977, Iqbal L-1084b;
Murree 31-3-1967, Iqbal L-756 (SHI).

Lecanora argopholis (Ach.) Ach. On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 10-9-1963, Iqbal L-201 (det. H. Lumbsch); Naran, Kaghan Valley, 31-8-1966,
Iqbal L-694; Saif-al-Malook, 9-1972, Iqbal L-548 (SHI).

Lecanora barkmaniana Aptroot & van Herk On bark.

Specimens examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-35 & Iqbal L-127 (SHI).

Lecanora bolcana (Pollich) Poelt On rock.

Specimen examined: Naran, Kaghan Valley, 31-8-1966, Iqbal L-691 (SHI).

Lecanora cenisia Ach. On rock.

Specimen examined: Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-1040r (SHI).

Lecanora hagenii (Ach.) Ach. On bark.

Specimens examined: Shogran, 14-6-1967, Iqbal L-201; Fairy meadows, 1-8-2007, Iqbal L-216 (SHI).

Lecanora juniperina liwa On bark.

Specimens examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-135, Iqbal L-32, Iqbal L-316, Iqbal L-155 (SHI).

Lecanora pseudistera Nyl. On rock.

Specimen examined: Kotli, 4-12-1965, Iqbal L-450 (SHI, det. H. Lumbsch).

Lecanora rupicola (L.) Zahlbr. On rock.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 27-7-1966, Iqbal L-544 (SHI).

Lecanora semipallida H.Magn. On rock.

Specimen examined: Naran, 18-5-1965, Iqbal L-295 (SHI).

Lecanora varia (Hoffm.) Ach. On wood.

Specimen examined: Shogran, 10-6-1965, Iqbal L-95 (SHI).

Lecidella pulveracea (Schaer.) H.Sydow On bark.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-551 & Iqbal L-522 (SHI).

Lempholemma cladodes (Tuck.) Zahlbr. On rock.

Specimen examined: Satpara, Skarda, 7-1968, Iqbal L-1005 (SHI).

Lempholemma radiatum (Sommerf.) Henssen On rock.

Specimens examined: Katas, Salt Range, 28-8-1964, Iqbal L-316 & Iqbal L-762 (SHI).

Lepraria usnica Sipman On rock.

Specimen examined: Kund, Kaghan Valley, 18-8-1965, Iqbal L-434 (SHI).

Leptogium austroamericanum (Malme) C.W.Dodge On bark.

Specimen examined: Kund, Kaghan Valley, 31-7-1978, Iqbal L-17 (SHI).

214 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Leptogium teretiusculum (Flrke) Arnold On bark.

Specimen examined: Sharanm 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-28 (SHI).

Lichinella cribellifera (Nyl.) P.P.Moreno & Egea On rock.

Specimen examined: Sauf-al-Malook, Naran, 14-8-1966, Iqbal L-0135r p.p. (SHI).

Mycoblastus sanguinarius (L.) Norman On bark.

Specimen examined: Locality unknown, Iqbal L-67 (SHI).

Ochrolechia rosella (Mll.Arg.) Verseghy On bark.

Specimens examined: Neclum Valley, 20-8-1992, Iqbal L-88; Naran, 20-8-1964, Iqbal L-84 (SHI).

Opegrapha ochrocheila Nyl. On bark.

Specimens examined: Nathiagali, 7-7-2007, Iqbal L-31; Patriata, Murree Hills, 7-7-2007, Iqbal L-10A; Naran, 238-1965, Iqbal L-166; Mukashpui, 25-5-2006, Iqbal L-562 (SHI).

Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach. On bark.

Specimen examined: Locality unkown, Ahmad L-78 p.p. (SHI).

Parmelia sulcata Taylor On bark.

Specimen examined: Dadar, 21-6-1965, Iqbal L-187 p.p. (SHI).

Parmeliopsis ambigua (Wulfen) Nyl. On bark.

Specimens examined: Faiy medows, 11-8-2007, Iqbal L-310 & Iqbal L-306 (SHI).

Parmotrema nilgherrense (Nyl.) Hale On bark.

Specimen examined: Darel, Gelgot, 15-9-1995, Iqbal L-83 (SHI).

Peltigera cichoracea Delise On soil.

Specimens examined: Shogran, 12-8-1964, Iqbal L-47; Sharan, 26-6-1977, Iqbal L-1048, Iqbal L-1097, Iqbal
L-1148 p.p. (SHI).

Peltigera praetextata (Flrke ex Sommerf.) Vain. On bark.

Specimen examined: Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-115 (SHI).

Peltula euploca (Ach.) Poelt ex Ozenda & Clauzade On rock.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 29-7-1966, Iqbal L-1032r p.p. (filed under Rinodina cana) (SHI).

Pertusaria albescens (Huds.) M.Choisy & Werner On bark.

Specimens examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007 & 27-7-2007, Iqbal L-1625 (SHI).

Pertusaria multipuncta (Turner) Nyl. On bark.

Specimens examined: Locality unknown, Iqbal L-89; 10-4-1968, Iqbal L-1261 (SHI).

Phaeophyscia exornatula (Zahbr.) Kashiw. On rock.

Specimen examined: Kaghan Valey, 18-8-1965, Iqbal L-365 (SHI).

Phaeophyscia melanchra (Hue) Hale On bark.

Specimen examined: Dadar, Siran Valley, 11-7-1977, Iqbal L-1122a (SHI).

Phaeophyscia primaria (Poelt) Trass On bark.

Specimens examined: Bahrain (Swat), 26-4-1965, Iqbal L-147; Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-22 p.p. (SHI).

Physcia undulata Moberg On rock.

Specimen examined: Dadar, 9-11-1978, Iqbal L-111 (SHI).

Placynthium tremniacum (A.Massal.) Jatta On rock.

Specimen examined: Kotli, 4-12-1965, Iqbal L-440 (SHI).

Porpidia crustulata (Ach.) Hertel & Knoph On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam, Swt, 9-9-1963, Iqbal L-892; Saif-al-Malook, Kaghan Valley, 8-1965, Iqbal L-68

Psorotichia schaereri (A.Massal.) Arnold On rock.

Specimens examined: Kharian, 21-7-1964; Kalam (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-657; Saif-al-Malook, 8-1965, Iqbal
L-1005, Iqbal L-18R (SHI).

Punctelia rudecta (Ach.) Krog On bark.

Specimen examined: Kund, Kaghan Valley, 27-7-1977, Iqbal L-125 (SHI).

Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. On bark. S

Specimens examined: Sharan, 27-6-1977, Iqbal L-1090; Shogran, 15-8-1964, Iqbal L-97 (SHI).

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Rinodina cana (Arnold) Arnold On rock.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 29-7-1966, Iqbal L-1032R (SHI).

Rinodina malangica (Norman) Arnold On bark.

Specimen examined: Murree, 3-1964, Iqbal L-238 (SHI).

Rinodina roboris (Duf. ex Nyl.) Arnold On bark.

Specimens examined: Shogran, 29-6-2007, Iqbal L-22AD; Sharan, 31-8-2007, Iqbal L-300 (SHI).

Romjularia lurida (Ach.) Timdal On compacted soil.

Specimen examined: Naran, 31-8-1966, Iqbal L-45 (SHI).

Sagedia mastrucata (Wahlenb.) A.Nordin, S.Savi & Tibell On rock. Identification not certain.
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 10-9-1967, Iqbal L-1333A (SHI).

Sarcogyne privigna (Ach.) A.Massal. On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-613; Sharan, 26-6-1977, Iqbal L-1150 (SHI).

Sarcogyne regularis Krb. On rock.

Specimen examined: Khanspur helipad, 23-5-2006, Iqbal L-281 (SHI).

Seirophora villosa (Ach.) Frdn On bark.

Specimen examined: Fairy meadows, 11-8-2007, Iqbal L-371 (SHI).

Septotrapelia triseptata (Hepp) Aptroot On rock.

Specimen examined: Dadar, 19-8-1965, Iqbal L-422a (SHI).

Strangospora deplanata (Almq.) Clauzade & Cl.Roux On bark. One of the most unexpected species
found in the material.
Specimen examined: Sharan, 26-7-1977, Iqbal L-1094 (SHI).

Thyrea confusa Henssen On rock.

Specimens examined: Dadar, 11-7-1977, Iqbal L-1230; Abbotabad, 9-4-1976, Iqbal L-Abb7 (SHI).

Usnea diffracta Vain. On bark.

Specimen examined: Miranjari, 30-6-1965, Iqbal L-212 (SHI).

Usnea fulvoreagens (Rsnen) Rsnen On bark.

Specimen examined: Fairy meadows, 12-8-2007, Iqbal L-21 (SHI).

Verrucaria dolosa Hepp On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-639 p.p., Iqbal L-622e2 p.p., Iqbal L-1000 p.p. (SHI).

Verrucaria fuscella (Turner) Winch On rock.

Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-1000 p.p. (SHI).

Verrucaria macrostoma Duf. ex DC. On rock.

Specimen examined: Katas, 4-1087, Iqbal L-63 (SHI).

Verrucaria muralis Ach. On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 23-7-1966, Iqbal L-615RA; Mansehra, 8-4-1976, Iqbal L-Man08 (SHI).

Verrucaria nigrescens Pers. On rock.

Specimen examined: Salt range, 27-8-1964, Iqbal L-898 (SHI).

Verrucaria ochrostoma (Borrer ex Leight.) Trevis. On rock.

Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 27-7-1966, Iqbal L-14R; Naran, on way to Saif-al-Malook, 15-8-1965, Iqbal
L-17r; Ghoragali, 27-8-1966, Iqbal L-203 (SHI).

Checklist of the lichens of Pakistan (excluding the new records)

Acarospora heufleriana Krb. Ahmad (1980). On rock, Kotli.
Specimen examined: Rawalakot, 30-7-1966 Iqbal L-685 (SHI).

Acarospora invadens H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.

Acarospora macrospora (Hepp) Bagl. Poelt (1961). On pebbles, Kalam (Swat).
Acarospora scabra (Pers.) Th.Fr. = Glypholecia scabra (Pers.) Mll.Arg. Poelt (1961), Ahmad
(1965). On rock, Fort Monro.
Specimen examined: Dadar, 20-8-1966, Iqbal L-389 (SHI).

216 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Acarospora schleicheri (Ach.) A.Massal. Poelt (1961).

Acarospora superans H.Magn. Poelt (1961). Note: parasitic on Dimelaena oreina (as Rinodina altis
sima) and Aspicilia spec.
Acarospora tominiana H.Magn. Poelt (1961).
Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid. = Buellia punctata (Hoffm.) A.Massal. Ahmad
(1969), Ahmad (1980b). On rock, Kotli. Also as Buellia nigerrima (Nyl.) Arnold. On decayed logs,
Specimen examined: Fairy meadows, 11-8-2007, Iqbal L-304 (SHI).

Anaptychia kaspica Gyeln. Ahmad (1965), Ahmad (1980b), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On
bark and rock, Kotli, Kalam (Swat), Nathiagali (Murree), Bahrain, Usho, Gaberal, Miranjani (Murree
Hills). Also as Anaptychia ulotricoides (Vain.) Vain. and as Anaptychia ciliaris (L.) Krb. Many specimens examined in SHI; all examined specimens of corticolous Anaptychia species seem to belong to
A. kaspica, also those labeled A. ciliaris or A. ulotricoides.
Anaptychia runcinata (With.) J.R.Laundon = Anaptychia fusca (Huds.) Vain. Poelt (1961).
Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On bark and branches of trees, Baragali (Murree).
Many specimens examined in SHI.
Arthonia radiata var. swartziana (Ach.) Almq. Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On Pinus wali
chiana, Dungagali.
Aspicilia desertorum nom. illeg. = ?Lecanora terrestris (Tomin) Tomin Ahmad (1965). On pebbles,
Kalam (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI. According to Sohrabi & Ahti (2010), Aspicilia
desertorum was based on the illegitimate Lecanora desertorum Kremp. (Krempelhuber 1867). In
recent studies by Sohrabi et al. (2012), this species is referred to as Circinaria elmorei (E.D.Rudolph)
Owe-Larss., A.Nordin & Sohrabi, a species complex under revision by Sohrabi et al. (pers. comm.).
Aspicilia hedinii (H.Magn.) Poelt = Lecanora hedinii H.Magn. Ahmad (1980b). On rock, Kotli.
Specimen examined: Lalazar, Kaghan Valley, 16-8-1964, Iqbal L-1083R (SHI).

Aspicilia cf. laevatoides (H.Magn.) Oxner = Lecanora cf. laevatioides H.Magn. Ahmad et al. (1997).
On rock, Bahrain (Swat).
Bacidia laurocerasi (Delise ex Duby) Zahlbr. = Bacidia acerina (Nyl.) Arnold Ahmad (1965). On bark
of Pinus wallichiana, Murree.
Bacidia rosella (Pers.) De Not. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Rawlakot.
Buellia centralis H.Magn. Obermayer et al. (2004). Buellia mongolica H.Magn. Ahmad (1965).
On rock, Murree.
Bulbothrix laevigatula (Nyl.) Hale Hale (1976a)
Bulbothrix meizospora (Nyl.) Hale Hale (1976a), Iqbal et al. (1978), Swinscow & Krog (1988),
Awasthi (2007). On bark of Pinus wallichiana, lower Toppa.
*Caloplaca ahmadiana Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Wetmore (2003).
Caloplaca alociza (A.Massal.) Migula Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca anchon-phoeniceon Poelt & Clauzade Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca arenaria (Pers.) Mll.Arg. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
*Caloplaca atranulata Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca aurantia (Pers.) Hellb. = Caloplaca callopsima (Ach.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On calcareous
rock, Kalam (Swat).
*Caloplaca baltistanica Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Joshi et al. (2009).
Caloplaca biatorina (A.Massal.) J.Steiner = Caloplaca callopiza (Nyl.) Jatta Poelt & Hinteregger
(1993), Ahmad (1980b), Gaya (2009), Gaya et al (2011). On rock, Kotli.
Caloplaca bicolor H.Magn. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Caloplaca boulyi (Zahlbr.) M.Steiner & Poelt Steiner & Poelt (1982).
Caloplaca bullata (Mll.Arg.) Zahlbr. Poelt (1961).
Caloplaca castellana (Rsnen) Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-65 (SHI).

Caloplaca cerina (Ehrh.) Th.Fr. Poelt (1961), Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Hawksworth &
Mahmood (1971). On bark, Baragali, Bahrain (Swat), Ziarat. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Caloplaca cerina var. chloroleuca (Sm.) Th.Fr. = Caloplaca cerina var. muscorum (A.Massal.) Jatta
Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 27-7-1967, Iqbal L-313ab (SHI).

*Caloplaca cerina var. swatica Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca cerinelloides (Erichs.) Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Caloplaca chlorina (Flot.) Sandst. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca chrysophthalma Degel. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Caloplaca cirrochora (Ach.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On calcareous rock, Kalam (Swat).
Caloplaca citrina (Hoffm) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.
Caloplaca conversa (Kremp.) Jatta Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
*Caloplaca cyanotropha Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca dalmatica (A.Massal.) H.Olivier = Caloplaca dolomiticola (Hue) Zahlbr. Poelt &
Hinteregger (1993). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Caloplaca decipiens (Arnold) Blomb. & Forss. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Gaya (2009).
Caloplaca diphyodes (Nyl.) Jatta Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-622e2 p.p. (SHI).

Caloplaca epiphyta Lynge Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

Caloplaca epithalina Lynge Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca flavorubescens (Huds.) J.R.Laundon = Caloplaca aurantiaca (Light.f.) Th.Fr. Poelt
& Hinteregger (1993), Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On bark, Murree,
Dungagali, Baragali, Nathiagali, Kalabagh. Many specimens examined in SHI. Surprisingly, several
specimens have an irregular thallus that becomes virtually sorediate.
Sorediate specimens examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-37; Ghoragali, 28-3-1967, Iqbal L-113; Nathiagali, 7-72007, Iqbal L-n13 (SHI).

Caloplaca flavovirescens (Wulfen) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. = Caloplaca aurantiaca var. flavovirescens
Wulfen Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Ahmad (1965). On rock, Fort Monro.
Specimen examined: Kotli, 4-12-1965, Iqbal L-1000s (SHI).

Caloplaca hedinii H.Magn. Gaya et al. (2008, in supplementary data), Elvebakk & vstedal (2009).
Caloplaca geoica H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Fort Monro.
*Caloplaca heterospora Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) Wade Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On Abies pindrow, Aesculus
indica, Pinus wallichiana, Quercus dilatata, Kalabagh; Dungagali; Baragali; Bahrain Darel (Swat).
Specimens examined: Bahrain (Swat), 25-7-1966, Iqbal L-485R; Utror (Swat), 24-7-1966, Iqbal L-1063; Sharan,
1-9-2007, Iqbal L-02; Shogran, 12-8-1966, Iqbal L-452 (SHI).

Caloplaca insularis Poelt Poelt (1961), Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

Caloplaca interna Poelt & Nimis Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca intrudens H.Magn. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca irrubescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca jungermanniae (Vahl) Th.Fr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Obermayer (2004).
*Caloplaca juniperi Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Schting(2001), Wetmore

218 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

*Caloplaca karakorina Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

*Caloplaca lecidellae Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
*Caloplaca microsporella Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca oasis (A.Massal.) Szat. = Caloplaca lithophila H.Magn. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimens examined: Saif-al-Malook, 8-1965, Iqbal L-1002; Kalam (Swat), 26-8-1966, Iqbal L-443 (SHI).

*Caloplaca pachycheila Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

Caloplaca paulii Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca persica (J.Steiner) M.Steiner & Poelt Steiner & Poelt (1982), Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca phlogina (Ach.) Flag. Ahmad (1965). On branches, Murree.
*Caloplaca phloginopsis Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Wetmore (2004b),
Joshi & Upreti (2008), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Caloplaca polycarpoides (J.Steiner) M.Steiner & Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
*Caloplaca psammophila Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca pyracea (Ach.) Th.Fr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-125; Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-33; Fairy meadows, 128-2007, Iqbal L-326, on wood (SHI).

*Caloplaca reducta Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

*Caloplaca rinodinae Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca satparae Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin = Caloplaca murorum (Hoffm) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On rock
and walls, Hanna (Quetta).
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-58 (SHI).

Caloplaca scrobiculata H.Magn. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

*Caloplaca scrobiculata var. ignea Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca sinapisperma (Lam. & DC.) Maheu & Gillet Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca sororicida M.Steiner & Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
*Caloplaca stipulata Poelt & Hinteregger Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca teicholyta (Ach.) J.Steiner Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Specimen examined: Rawalakot, 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-561 (SHI).

Caloplaca tiroliensis Zahlbr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).

Caloplaca tominii Sav. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca trachyphylla (Tuck.) Zahlbr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca transcaspica (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca variabilis (Pers.) Mll.Arg. Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Caloplaca xerica Poelt & Vzda Poelt & Hinteregger (1993), Vondrk & oun (2008).
Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arnold Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965). On bark and rock, Kalam (Swat).
Specimen examined: Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-507 (SHI).

Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965). Also as Candelariella cerinella
(Flrke) A.Zahlbr. On bark of deciduous trees, Deosai plains. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Candelariella vitellina (Ehrh.) Mll.Arg. Poelt (1961).
Candelariella xanthostigma (Pers.) Lettau = Candelariella vitellina var. xanthostigma (Pers.)
A.L.Smith Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On branches, Murree; on Cedrus
deodara, Bahrain (Swat).
Canoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale = Parmelia texana Tuck. Iqbal et al. (1978), Mirza &
Qureshi (1978). On rock, Kalam (Swat).

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Catapyrenium cinereum (Pers.) Krb. Breuss (1998).

Catapyrenium daedaleum (Krempelh.) J.Steiner Breuss (1998).
Catillaria hospitans H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Deosai plains.
Catillaria lenticularis (Ach.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.
Cetrelia cetrarioides (Del. ex Duby) W.C.Culb. & C.F.Culb. Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark of Abies
pindrow, Kaghan, Kund.
Cetrelia sanguinea (Schaer.) W.C.Culb. & C.F.Culb. Singh & Sinha (2010).
Circinaria caesiocinerea (Nyl. ex Malbr.) A.Nordin, S.Savi & Tibell = Lecanora caesiocinerea Nyl.
Ahmad et al. (1997). On rock, Dadar (Siran Valley).
Specimens examined: Kalam (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-15R-B; Utror (Swat), 24-7-1966, Iqbal L-1064R; Naran,
Saif-al-Malook, 25-8-1964, Iqbal L-16R (SHI).

Cladonia cenotea (Ach.) Schaer. Awasthi (2007).

Cladonia coniocraea (Floerke) Vain. Ahmad (1965), Ahmad et al. (1997), Hawksworth & Mahmood
(1971). Also wrongly reported as Cladonia cylindrica (A.Evans) A.Evans, a species that only occurs in
America. On decayed stumps, Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Sharan (Kaghan), Naran (Kaghan Valley),
Dungagali, Dral, Bahrain (Swat).
Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Sandst. Poelt (1961), Nasim et al. (2004), Kowalewska et al. (2008),
Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010). On soil, Kalam (Swat); on decayed stumps and on Cedrus
deodara, Changlagali, Murree.
Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad. Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Cladonia grayi Merrill = Cladonia cryptochlorophaea A.Asahina. Poelt (1961), Ahmad et al. (1997),
Awasthi (2007), Kowalewska et al. (2008), Singh & Sinha (2010). On soil, Lalazar, Kaghan.
Cladonia pocillum (Ach.) Grognot Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Fr. Ahmad (1965), Iqbal (1997), Awasthi (2007). On soil, Babusar Pass,
Sharan (Kaghan), Nathiagali, Baragali, Lalazar (Kaghan Valley).
Cladonia ramulosa (With.) J.R.Laundon = Cladonia pityrea (Flrke.) Fr. Ahmad (1965). On logs,
Collema flaccidum (Ach.) Ach. Degelius (1974), Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood
(1971). On bark, Murree, Dungagali.
Collema furfuraceum (Arnold) Du Rietz Ahmad (1956b), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On
bark, Kotli, Changlagali (Murree), Madian (Swat), Dungagali, Kalam (Swat).
Specimen examined: Nathiagali, 20-8-1965, Iqbal L-117 (SHI).

Collema kansuense H.Magn. Iqbal (1997). On soil, Kashmir, Abbottabad.

Collema subflaccidum Degel. Degelius (1974).
Collema subfurvum (Mll.Arg.) Degel. Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On bark of
Abies pindrow, Murree; on mossy bark, Murree; on bark, Kotli; on bark, Changlagali; on rock, Murree.
Collema tenax var. corallinum (A.Massal.) Degel. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Karachi.
Collema polycarpon Hoffm. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Murree.
Dermatocarpon miniatum (L.) W.Mann. = Dermatocarpon miniatum var. complicatum (Lightf.) Th.Fr.
Ahmad (1965), Nasim et al. (2004). On rock, Wazirastan, Bahrain (Swat), Loon Bagla.
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 27-7-1966, Iqbal L-556 (SHI).

Dermatocarpon vellereum Zschacke Poelt (1976a), Ahmad (1965). On rock. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch = Diploschistes sinensis H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On calcareous rock, Murree, Kotli.
Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R.Sant. Lumbsch (1989).

220 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norm. Lumbsch (1989), Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965). On rock,
Bahrain (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Diplotomma albatrum (Hoffm.) Flot. Previously reported as Buellia epipolia (Ach.) Mong. by Ahmad
(1980b). On rock, Kotli. Also as Buellia hedinii H.Magn. by Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli. Also as
Diplotomma hungaricum Szat. by Poelt (1961). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Dimelaena oreina (Ach.) Norman = Rinodina oreina (Ach.) Mass. Ahmad (1965), Obermayer et al.
(2004). On rock, Kalam (Swat). Also as Rinodina altissima H.Magn. by Poelt (1961).
Endocarpon pusillum Hedw. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Kotli, Gujranwala, Lahore.
Specimens examined: Katas, 26-8-1964, Iqbal L-331; Dadar, Sivan Valley, 12-6-1968, Iqbal L-09r p.p. (SHI).

Farnoldia nivalis (Anzi) Hertel = Tremolecia nivalis (Anzi) Hertel Hertel (1977).
Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Ach. = Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. Ahmad (1965), Nasim et al. (2004),
Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971), Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark, Ghoragali (Murree), Dungagali,
Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Bahrain (Swat). On rock, Lower Topa.
Flavopunctelia flaventior (Stirt.) Hale = Parmelia flaventior Stirt. Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al. (1978),
Singh & Sinha (2010). On bark, Murree; Kalam (Swat), Lower Topa, Murree, Jhikkagali.
Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale = Parmelia ulophyllodes (Vain.) Sav. Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al.
(1978). On bark, Baragali, Murree, Shogran.
Specimen examined: Khanpur, 7-7-2007, Iqbal L-347 (SHI).

Fulgensia bracteata subsp. deformis (Erichs.) Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Fulgensia schistidii (Anzi) Poelt Poelt & Hinteregger (1993).
Graphis acharii Fe = Graphina acharii (Fe) Mll.Arg. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Ghoragali (Murree).
Graphis elegans (Borrer ex Sm.) Ach. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Changlagali (Murree).
Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Bahrain (Swat). Many
specimens examined in SHI.
Gypsoplaca macrophylla (Zahlbr.) Timdal Poelt & Grtner (1992).
*Halecania pakistanica P.P.G.Boom & Elix Van den Boom & Elix (2005).
Heppia lutosa (Ach.) Nyl. = Heppia virescens (Despr.) Nyl. = Heppia despreauxii (Mont.) Tuck.
Ahmad (1965). On soil, Kharian.
Heppia aff. reticulata (Duf.) Nyl. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Mingora (Swat).
Heterodermia leucomela (L.) Poelt = Anaptychia leucomelaena (L.) Vain. Ahmad (1965). On
branches, Sharan (Kaghan).
Specimen examined: Locality unknown, Iqbal L-75 (SHI).

Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trev. = Anaptychia obscurata (Nyl.) Vain. = A. sorediifera var. colorata
(Zahlbr.) H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Murree.
Heterodermia podocarpa (Bl.) D.D.Awasthi Ahmad et al. (1997). On bark of P. wallichiana, as
Anaptychia echinata (Taylor) Kurok., which is a wrong record, as this species only occurs in America.
Specimen examined: Locality unknown, Iqbal L-70 (SHI).

Heterodermia pseudospeciosa (Kurok.) W.L.Culb. Ahmad et al. (1997). On Pinus roxburgii, Murree,
as Anaptychia pseudospeciosa var. tremulans (Mll.Arg.) Kurok., which is a wrong record, as this
species only occurs in America.
Specimen examined: Locality unknown, Iqbal L-73 (SHI).

Hypogymnia tubulosa (Schaer.) Krog = Parmelia tubulosa (Schaer.) Bitter Ahmad (1965), Nasim et
al. (2004), Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark, Bahrain (Swat), Kalam (Swat).
Lecanora adolfii Wei Awasthi (2007).
Lecanora accumulata H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kalam (Swat).
Lecanora albescens (Hoffm.) Branth & Rostr. = Lecanora galactina Ach. Ahmad (1965). On rock,

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Lecanora argentata (Ach.) Malme = Lecanora subfuscata H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Baragali,
Murree Hills, Kalam (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI. Interestingly, an otherwise typical
specimen with discrete soralia was seen.
Sorediate Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-42 (SHI).

Lecanora baicalensis Zahlbr. Poelt (1961). On rock, Dadar (Swat) valley.

Lecanora bicincta Ramond Grube et al. (2004), Blaha & Grube (2007).
Lecanora dispersoareolata (Schaer.) Lamy Poelt (1961).
Lecanora dispersa (Pers.) Rohl. Ahmad et al. (1997). On coniferous logs, Shogran (Kaghan Valley).
Lecanora frustulosa (Dicks.) Ach. Poelt (1961).
Lecanora garovaglioi (Krb.) Zahlbr. Poelt (1961), Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Lecanora horiza (Ach.) Linds. = Lecanora laevis Poelt Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On Abies
pindrow, Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana, Quercus dilatata, Taxus baccata, Dungagali, Baragali,
Kalabagh, Murree, Bahrain (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Lecanora hybocarpa (Tuck.) Brodo Ahmad et al. (1997). On bark, Kalam (Swat), as Lecanora chla
rotera Nyl. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock,
Kalam (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Lecanora muralis var. dubyi (Mll.Arg.) Poelt Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Lecanora phaedrophthalma Poelt Poelt (1961), Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Lecanora placentiformis J.Steiner Poelt (1961).
Lecanora polytropa (Ehrh.) Rabenh. Poelt (1961).
Lecanora scabridula H.Magn. Poelt (1961).
Lecanora sulphurea (Hoffm.) Ach. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.
Lecanora valesiaca Mll.Arg. Ahmad (1980b), Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock, Kotli.
Specimen examined: Abbotabad, 19-7-1965, Iqbal L-750 (SHI).

Lecidea atrobrunnea (Ram.) Schaer. Hertel (1977), Poelt (1961).

Specimen examined: Utror (Swat), 26-7-1966, Iqbal L-653 (SHI).

Lecidea atroviridis (Arnold) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965).

Lecidea bohlinii H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.
Lecidea portensis Ndv. Poelt (1961).
Lecidea tessellata Flrke = Cladopycnidium sinense H.Magn. Hertel (1977), Poelt (1961), Ahmad
(1965). On rock, Kalam (Swat).
Lecidella carpathica Krb. = Lecidea carpathica (Krb.) Szatala Poelt (1961), Nasim et al. (2004),
Singh & Sinha (2010).
Specimen examined: Kalam (Swat), 28-7-1966, Iqbal L-475C (SHI).

Lecidella euphorea (Flrke) Hertel = Lecidea euphorea (Flrke.) Nyl. = Lecidea olivacea (Hoffm.)
A.Massal. Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On bark, Murree, Dungagali,
Quetta, Kalam, Changlagali, Baragali (Murree), Kalabagh, Mukshpuri, Bahrain (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Lecidella patavina (A.Massal.) Knoph & Leuckert Knoph (1990).
Lecidella stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert = Lecidea stigmatea Ach. = Lecidea latypea Ach.
Knoph (1990), Hertel (1977), Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock,
Kalam (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Lepraria membranacea (Dicks.) Vain. Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On Abies pindrow,
Leptogium burnetiae C.W.Dodge Jrgensen (1977). Several specimens examined in SHI.

222 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Leptogium cyanescens (Rabenh.) Krb. = Leptogium caesium (Ach.) Vain. Ahmad (1965). On bark of
Quercus dilatata, Chikar (Muzaffarabad).
Specimen examined: Sharan, 28-6-1977, Iqbal L-1205 (SHI).

Leptogium hildenbrandii (Garov.) Nyl. Ahmad (1965). On bark, Nathiagali (Murree).

Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007 (SHI).

Leptogium lichenoides (L.) Zahlbr. Ahmad (1965). Among mosses on rock and trees, Bahrain (Swat).
Leptogium saturninum (Dicks.) Nyl. Ahmad (1965), Poelt (1961). On bases of trees, Murree
Ghoragali, Bahrain (Swat), Sharan.
Lethariella cashmeriana Krog Huneck & Frembgen (1989), Huneck (1991), Obermayer (1997).
Lobothallia alphoplaca (Wahlenb.) Hafellner = Lecanora alphoplaca (Wahlenb.) Ach. Poelt (1961),
Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kalam (Swat), Changlaga; Lalazar; Dadar.
Specimens examined: Rawalakot, 26-6-1966, Iqbal L-549; Dadar, 11-7-1977, Iqbal L-112 (SHI).

Lobothallia praeradiosa (Nyl.) Hafellner = Lecanora praeradiosa Nyl. Poelt (1961).

Specimens examined: Kotli, 4-12-1965, Iqbal L-436; Naran, 19-8-1965, Iqbal L-454; Abbotabad, 19-7-1965, Iqbal
L-907 (SHI).

Lobothallia radiosa (Hoffm.) Hafellner = Lecanora subcircinata Nyl. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli.
Megaspora aff. verrucosa (Ach.) Hafellner & V.Wirth = Lecanora verrucosa (Ach.) Laurer Poelt
(1961), Obermayer (2004), also as Lecanora mutabilis (Ach.) A.Massal. On soil and bark.
Specimens examined: Murree, 3-3-1964, Iqbal L-300S; Bahrain (Swat), 26-4-1965, Iqbal L-198; Sharan, 30-82007, Iqbal L-64 (SHI). Based on recent DNA study by Sohrabi et al. (unpublished data, pers. comm.), Megaspora
specimens from Pakistan may belong to a different species and need additional study.

Melanelia disjuncta (Erichsen) Essl. = Parmelia disjuncta Erichsen Poelt (1961).

Melanelia exasperata (De Not.) Essl. Otte et al. (2005, appendix data).
Melanelia substygia (Rsnen) Essl. = Parmelia substygia Rsnen Esslinger (1977).
Melanelixia fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) O.Blanco et al. = Melanelia fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Essl. =
Parmelia fuliginosa var. glabratula (Lamy.) Oliv. Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark,
Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Sharan, Bahrain, Shogran, Naran. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Melanelixia glabra (Schaer.) O.Blanco et al. = Melanelia glabra (Schaer.) Essl. Iqbal et al. (1978),
Otte et al. (2005, appendix data), Singh & Sinha (2010). On bark, Kaghan, Sharan, Kalam (Swat).
Specimens examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-23 & Iqbal L-27a (SHI).

Melanelixia subargentifera (Nyl.) O.Blanco et al. = Melanelia subargentifera (Nyl.) Essl. = Parmelia
subargentifera Nyl. Esslinger (1977), Iqbal et al. (1978), Ahmad (1965), Otte et al. (2005). On
bark, Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Naran (Kaghan Valley), Kalam (Swat).
Specimen examined: Sharan, 1-9-2007, Iqbal L-48 (SHI).

Melanelixia villosella (Essl.) O.Blanco et al. Esslinger (2002), Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Melanohalea elegantula (Zahlbr.) O.Blanco et al. = Melanelia elegantula (Zahlbr.) Essl. Hawksworth
& Mahmood (1971), Iqbal et al. (1978), Otte et al. (2005), Singh & Sinha (2010). On bark, Bahrain
(Swat), Utror (Swat).
Melanohalea exasperatula (Nyl.) O.Blanco et al. = Melanelia exasperatula (Nyl.) Essl. = Parmelia
exasperatula Nyl. Poelt (1961), Esslinger (1977), Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al. (1978), Otte et al.
(2005). On branches of Cedrus deodara, Kalam (Swat), Utror (Swat).
Melanohalea infumata (Nyl.) O.Blanco et al. = Parmelia infumata Nyl. Poelt (1961).
Micarea peliocarpa (Anzi) Coppins & R.Sant. = Bacidia trisepta (Naeg.) Amold Ahmad (1965). On
rock, Kotli.
Myelochroa aurulenta (Tuck.) Elix & Hale = Pamelia aurulenta Tuck. = Parmelina aurulenta (Tuck.)
Hale Hale (1976b), Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark of trees, Murree.
Opegrapha rufescens Pers. = Opegrapha herpetica Ach. Ahmad (1965). On bark of trees, Loon Bagla

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Opegrapha varia Pers. Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971). On Cedrus deodara, Dungagali. Many
specimens examined in SHI.
Parmelia adaugescens Nyl. Hale (1987), Iqbal et al. (1978), Awasthi (2007), Singh & Sinha
(2010). On bark of Pinus wallichiana, Kalam (Swat).
Parmelina quercina (Willd.) Hale Hale (1976b), Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al. (1978), Awasthi
(2007). On bark, Murree, Kalam (Swat).
Specimen examined: Dadar, 21-6-1965, Iqbal L-187 p.p. (SHI).

Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Hale Hale (1976b), Nasim et al. (2004), Ahmad (1965), Iqbal et al.
(1978). On rock, Bahrain, Kalam (Swat); Murree; on bark, Kaghan (Sharan), Bahrain, Kalam (Swat),
Murree Hills. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark of Melia azedarach, Dadar.
Parmotrema crinitum (Ach.) M.Choisy = Parmelia crinita Ach. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Murree.
Parmotrema hababianum (Gyeln.) Hale Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark of conifer, Kund, Lower Toppa.
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy = Parmotrema chinense (Osbeck) Hale & Ahti Ahmad
(1965). On bark of trees, Murree.
Parmotrema subtinctorium (Zahlbr.) Hale = Canomaculina subtinctoria (Zahlbr.) Elix Ahmad (1965),
Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark of Pinus wallichiana, Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad), Murree.
Peltigera canina (L.) Willd. Ahmad (1965). On soil and over mosses, Changlagali, Murree, Kalam
(Swat), Loon Bagla (Muzaffarabad).
Peltigera horizontalis (Huds.) Baumg. Poelt (1961).
Specimens examined: Shogran, 12-8-1964, Iqbal L-109; Sharan, 26-6-1977, Iqbal L-1148 p.p. (SHI).

Peltigera polydactyla (Neck). Hoffm. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Sharan (Kaghan), Bahrain (Swat). Many
specimens examined in SHI.
Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) Humb. Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965). On soil, Sharan (Kaghan).
Specimen examined: Saif-al-Malook, Kaghan Valley, 1-9-1965, Iqbal L-327 (SHI).

Peltula farinosa Bdel Schultz & van den Boom (2007), Schultz et al. (2009), Bdel & Nash
Peltula obscurans (Nyl.) Gyeln. = Solorinaria collemacea (Weddell) Gyeln. Ahmad (1965). On soil
and rock, Lahore, Hana (Quetta), Katas (Salt Range).
Specimens examined: Katas, 26-8-1964, Iqbal L-331; Dadar, Siran Valley, 18-8-1974, Iqbal L-105 & Iqbal L-698;
12-6-1968, Iqbal L-09r p.p.; 11-7-1977, Iqbal L-1050ra (SHI).

Pertusaria ilicicola Harm. Ahmad (1965). On bark and branches of conifers, Bahrain (Swat), wrongly
reported as Pertusaria dealbata Nyl., which is a synonym of a strictly saxicolous species, viz. P. as
pergilla (Ach.) J.R.Laundon. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Pertusaria leioplaca (Ach.) Schaer. Ahmad (1965). On bark of deciduous trees, Nathiagali (Murree).
Many specimens examined in SHI.
Pertusaria pertusa (Weigel) Tuck. = Pertusaria communis DC. Ahmad (1965). On bark of deciduous
trees, Dungagali (Murree).
Specimen examined: Loaclity unknown, Iqbal L-87 (SHI).

Phaeophyscia ciliata (Hoffm.) Moberg = Physcia ciliata (Hoffm.) Du Rietz Ahmad (1965), Bhatty
et al. (1978). On bark and rock, Miranjani, Kund, Dadar.
Phaeophyscia endococcina (Krb.) Moberg = Physcia endococcina (Krb.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965),
Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark and rock, Murree, Bahrain (Swat), Kaghan, Kund.
Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Moberg = Physcia setosa auct. Ahmad (1965), Bhatty et al. (1978).
On soil, rock and bark, Dungagali (Murree).
Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Neck.) Moberg = Physcia orbicularis (Neck) Poetsch. Ahmad (1965),
Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark, Ghoragali, Nathiagali. Many specimens examined in SHI.

224 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Phaeophyscia sciastra (Ach.) Moberg = Physcia sciastra (Ach.) Du Rietz Bhatty et al. (1978). On
bark of Acer sp. and Juglans regia, Kaghan Valley.
Phaeorrhiza nimbosa (Fr.) H.Mayrhofer & Poelt = Rinodina nimbosa (Fr.) Th.Fr. Poelt (1961).
Physcia adscendens (Th.Fr.) H.Olivier Poelt (1961), Ahmad (1965), Bhatty et al. (1978). On
branches, Kalam (Swat). Many specimens examined in SHI.
Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Frnr. = Physcia stellaris var. aipolia Ehrh. ex Humb. Hawksworth
& Mahmood (1971), Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark, Kalam (Swat), Sharan (Kaghan), Loon Bagla
(Muzaffarabad), Dungagali, Mukshpuri (Murree), Miranjani, Baragali, Naran, Kaghan, Lalazar.
Several specimens examined in SHI.
Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Frnr. Ahmad (1965), Bhatty et al. (1978). On rock and rarely near the bases
of trees, Murree, Sharan (Kaghan), Naran.
Physcia dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark, Kaghan, Lalazar (Swat), Kalam. Also
wrongly reported as Physcia millegrana Degel., which is a species that only occurs in America.
*Physcia karakorina Poelt Poelt (1961).
Physcia labrata Mereschk. Poelt (1961).
Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC. Poelt (1961), Nasim et al. (2004), Bhatty et al. (1978), Hawksworth
& Mahmood (1971). On bark , Bahrain, Barir (Swat), Kalam. Several specimens examined in SHI.
Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl. Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971), Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark, Baragali
(Murree), Kaghan, Sharan, Shogran, Naran (Kaghan Valley), Bahrain (Swat).
Physcia wainioi Rsnen Poelt (1961).
Physconia detersa (Nyl.) Poelt = Physcia detersa Nyl. Poelt (1961), Hawksworth & Mahmood
(1971). On Abies pindrow and Taxus baccata, Baragali, Dungagali.
Physconia distorta (With.) J.R.Laundon = Physcia pulverulenta (Schreb.) Hampe Ahmad (1965),
Iqbal et al. (1978). On bark, Kalam (Swat), Sharan (Kaghan), Chikar (Muzaffarabad), Naran.
Physconia enteroxantha (Nyl.) Poelt = Physcia enteroxantha Nyl. Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark of
Pinus wallichiana, Kalam (Swat).
Physconia farrea (Ach.) Poelt = Physcia farrea (Ach.) Vain Poelt (1961).
Physconia grisea (Lam.) Poelt = Physcia grisea (Lam.) Zahlbr. Ahmad (1965), Nasim et al. (2004),
Bhatty et al. (1978). On bark, Bahrain (Swat), Baragali, Jhikagali (Murree Hills), Kalam.
Physconia muscigena (Ach.) Poelt = Physcia muscigena (Ach.) Nyl. Poelt (1961), Bhatty et al.
(1978). On rock, Lalazar (Kaghan).
Placidiopsis oreades Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placidium imitans (Breuss) Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placidium lachneum (Ach.) B. de Lesd. = Dermatocarpon hepaticum (Ach.) Th.Fr. Breuss (1998),
Ahmad (1965). On soil, Katas (Salt Range).
Placidium lachneum var. oleosum (Breuss) Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placidium lacinulatum (Ach.) Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placidium rufescens (Ach.) A.Massal. = Dermatocarpon rufescens (Ach.) Th.Fr. Breuss (1998),
Ahmad (1965). On rock, Hannaa (Quetta).
Placidium semaforonense (Breuss) Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss Breuss (1998).
Placynthium tremniacum (A.Massal.) Jatta Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kotli, wrongly reported as
Catillaria athallina (Hepp) Hellb., which is now Toninia athallina (Hepp) Timdal.
Pleopsidium gobiense (H.Magn.) Hafellner = Acarospora gobiensis H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On rock,
Kotli, Fort Sandeman.

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Polysporina cyclocarpa (Anzi) Vzda Knudsen & Kocourkov (2009).

Porpidia albocaerulescens (DC.) Hertel & Knoph = Huilia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel Hertel (1977).
Specimen examined: Changlagali, 19-7-1964, Iqbal L-65 (SHI).

Protoblastenia rupestris (Scop.) Steiner Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kalam (Swat).

*Protoparmelia badia var. nectans Poelt & Grube Poelt & Grube (1992).
Protoparmelia cupreobadia (Nyl.) Poelt Poelt & Grube (1992).
*Protoparmelia gesamina Poelt & Grube Poelt & Grube (1992).
*Protoparmelia loricata Poelt & Grube Poelt & Grube (1992).
Protoparmelia placentiforms (J.Steiner) Poelt Poelt & Grube (1992).
Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf. Ahmad (1965), Nasim et al. (2004). On bark of Cedrus deodara,
Kalam (Swat), Sharan (Kaghan).
Psora decipiens (Hedw.) Hoffm. = Lecidea decipiens (Hedw.) Ach. Ahmad (1965), Ahmad et al.
(1997), Nasim et al. (2004), Poelt (1961). On soil, Lahore, Mingora (Swat), Kharian, Hanna (Quetta),
Sakarar, Lalazar (Kaghan Valley).
Specimens examined: Lalazar Kaghann, 2-9-1965, Iqbal L-361 & Iqbal L-358 (SHI).

Psora hedinii H.Magn. Poelt (1961).

Psorotichia minuta H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Fort Monro, Kharian, Quetta.
Psorotichia kansuensis H.Magn. Ahmad (1965). On soil, Kharian.
Punctelia perreticulata (Rsnen) G.Wilh. & Ladd Bhatty & Iqbal (1978). On bark, Naran (Kaghan),
Kalam (Swat). Wrongly reported as Parmelia reddenda Stirt., Parmelia stictica Duby and Parmelia
subrudecta Nyl., neither of which are known from Asia and all are atlantic species on the northern
Specimens examined: Saif-al-Malook, Naran, 20-8-1965, Iqbal L-805; Sharan, Kaghan Valley, 1-9-2007, Iqbal
L-56 (SHI).

Ramalina fraxinea (L.) Ach. Ahmad (1965). On bark. Several specimens examined in SHI.
Ramalina sinensis Jatta. = Desmazieria sinensis (Jatta) D.Hawksw. Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971),
Nasim et al. (2004), Iqbal (1997), Singh & Sinha (2010). On bark, Kalabagh, Mukshpuri, Dungagali,
Bahrain, Nathiagali, Baragali, Changlagali (Khanspur). Several specimens examined in SHI.
Rhizocarpon disporum (Naegeli ex Hepp) Mll.Arg. = Rhizocarpon montagnei Krb. Poelt (1961).
Rhizocarpon geminatum (Flot.) Krb. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Kalam (Swat). Many specimens exa
mined in SHI.
Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. = Rhizocarpon tinei (Tornab.) Runem. Ahmad (1965), Poelt
(1961). On rock, Deosai plains, Kalam (Swat), Murree, Fort Monro. Many specimens examined in SHI.
Rhizocarpon viridiatrum (Wulfen) Krb. Ahmad (1965), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock, Kalam
Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca (Sm.) Zopf = Lecanora rubina (Vill.) Ach. Poelt (1961), Hertel & Zhao
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (DC.) Leuckert & Poelt = Lecanora melanophthalma (Ramond) Ramond
Poelt (1961).
Rhizoplaca peltata (Ramond) Leuckert & Poelt = Lecanora peltata (Ramond) Steud. Ahmad (1965).
On rock, Deosai (Baltistan).
Specimens examined: Naran, 19-8-1965, Iqbal L-390; Lalamar, Kaghan Valley, 2-9-1965, Iqbal L-357 (SHI).

Rinodina bischoffiii Krb. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Quetta.

Rinodina bohlinii H.Magn. Ahmad et al. (1997). On rock, Dadar (Siran Valley).
Rinodina oleae Bagl. = Rinodina exigua (Ach.) Gray Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood
(1971). On rock and bark, Abbottabad, Kotli, Ziaral, Dungagali. Many specimens examined in SHI.

226 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Roccella montagnei Bel. Ahmad (1965). On branches of trees, Kalam (Swat).

Solorina monospora Gyeln. Martnez & Burgaz (1998).
Sporastatia testudinea (Ach.) A.Massal. Poelt (1961).
Squamarina kansuensis (H.Magn.) Poelt Poelt (1961).
Squamarina lentigera (Web.) Poelt Ahmad (1980b). On rock, Jabba, Balakot.
Staurothele clopima (Wahlenb.) Th.Fr. Poelt (1961).
Stereocaulon alpinum Laur. Poelt (1961).
Specimen examined: Rama lake, Astor Valley, 9-1992, Iqbal L-59 (SHI).

Stereocaulon myriocarpum Th.Fr. Awasthi (2007).

Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1965). On branches of trees, Murree.
Tephromela atra (Huds.) Hafellner = Lecanora atra (Huds.) Ach. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Murree.
Thyrea mongolica H.Magn. Ahmad (1956b). On rock, Kharian.
Thyrea pulvinata (Schaer.) A.Massal. Ahmad (1965). On rock, Khyber Pass, Wazirastan.
Toninia candida (Web.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1980b). On soil, Hanna, Quetta.
Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal = Toninia coeruleonigricans (Lightf.) Th.Fr. Ahmad (1980b). On
soil, Parachinar.
Tornabea scutellifera (With.) J.R.Laundon. Nimis & Tretiach (2002).
Umbilicaria virginis Schaer. Poelt (1976b), Obermayer (2004).
Usnea florida (L.) Web. Ahmad (1965). On the branches of trees, Patriata (Murree), Sharan (Kaghan).
Usnea longissima Ach. Choudhary et al. (2005). On bark.
Specimen examined: Nathiagali, 28-9-1965, Iqbal s.n. (SHI).

Usnea sernanderi Motyka Poelt (1961).

Usnea subfloridana Stirt. = Usnea comosa Vain. Ahmad (1965), Nasim et al. (2004). On branches of
Cedrus deodara, Kalam (Swat), Nathiagali (Murree).
Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Hale = Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. Ahmad
(1965), Nasim et al. (2004). On rock, Kalam (Swat).
Xanthoparmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Ahti & D.Hawksw. = Parmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Heugel =
Xanthoparmelia somloensis (Gyeln.) Hale Ahmad (1965), Poelt (1961), Hale (1990), Divakar &
Upreti (2002), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock, Bahrain (Swat).
Xanthoparmelia tinctina (Maheu & Gillet) Hale Hale (1990), Iqbal et al. (1978), Divakar & Upreti
(2002). Giordani et al. (2002), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock, Siran Valley, Dadar.
Specimen examined: Sauf-al-Malook, Naran, 14-8-1966, Iqbal L-0135r p.p. (SHI).

Xanthoparmelia verruculifera (Nyl.) O.Blanco et al. Poelt (1961), as Parmelia glomellifera (Nyl.)
Nyl. and as Parmelia isidiosa (Mll.Arg.) Hale.
Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th.Fr. = Caloplaca elegans auct. Poelt (1961), Poelt & Petutschnig
(1992), Nasim et al. (2004), Ahmad (1965), Singh & Sinha (2010). On rock. Several specimens
examined in SHI.
Xanthoria fallax (Hepp ex Arnold) Arnold = Xanthoria substellata (Ach.) Vain. Poelt (1961), Poelt
& Petutschnig (1992), Nasim et al. (2004), Ahmad (1965), Hawksworth & Mahmood (1971),
Singh & Sinha (2010). On bark, Baragali, Dungagali, Kalabagh, Mukshpuri, Bahrain (Swat); in
Poelt (1961) as Xanthoria candelaria (L.) Arnold., but see Poelt & Petutschnig (1992) who mention that no specimens of X. candelaria are known form the area. Several specimens examined in SHI.
Xanthoria fulva (Hoffm.) Poelt & Petutschnig Poelt & Petutschnig (1992), Singh & Sinha (2010).
Specimen examined: Murree, 20-7-1965, Iqbal L-120 (SHI).

Xanthoria sorediata (Vain.) Poelt Poelt & Petutschnig (1992), Poelt (1961).

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Xanthoria ulophyllodes Rsnen Poelt & Petutschnig (1992), Iqbal (1997), Singh & Sinha
(2010). On Pinus wallichiana, Shogran, Murree, Baragali.
Xanthoria ulophyllodes var. subsorediosa (Rsnen) Poelt & Petutschnig Poelt & Petutschnig

So far, 282 lichen species (and eight extra subspecific taxa) have been reported from Pakistan,
including about a dozen dubious taxa. As many as 86 lichens are added here, bringing the total
species number up to 368, including 19 species and two varieties that were described from
Pakistan, and are in most cases still only known from the country. For such a varied country of
this size, this number is clearly a vast underestimation of the number of species. Much of the
exploration was restricted to the Himalayas. This is true for the earlier lichen exploration (e.g.
Royle 1839), ecophysiological work (e.g. Waragai 1998), as well as for the monographs (the
publications by Poelt and coworkers). The present contribution adds mostly species from the
temperate zone in the northern part of the country. The lichens of the subtropical southern part
of the country are still unexplored.

We thank Thorsten Lumbsch for the identification of two Lecanora species and the disposition of Diploschistes si
nensis. Mohammad Sohrabi is warmly thanked for some additional literature reports and personal communications
on Aspicilia and Megaspora.

Ahmad, S. 1965. A preliminary contribution to the lichen-flora of West Pakistan. Biologia (Lahore) 11: 2147.
Ahmad, S. 1969. Biological Society of Pakistan Monograph No. 5. Fungi of West Pakistan, Supplement 1: 15.
Ahmad, S. 1980. Contribution to the fungi of Pakistan XIX 3132 (Lichens). Bulletin of Mycology 1: 2732.
Aptroot, A. & Iqbal, S. H. 2011. Some lichens of Bangladesh. Bryologist 114: 466468.
Awasthi, D. D. 1965. Catalogue of the lichens from India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Ceylon. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft
17: 1137.
Awasthi, D. D. 2007. A Compendium of the Macrolichens from India Nepal and Sri Lanka. Lucknow.
Bhatty, S. F. & Iqbal, S. H. 1978. The Parmelia borreri group (lichens). Biologia (Lahore) 24: 367372.
Bhatty, S. F., Iqbal, S. H. & Tahira, A. 1978. Macrolichens of Pakistan. 1-genus Physcia. Biologia (Lahore) 24:
Blaha, J. & Grube, M. 2007. The new species Lecanora bicinctoidea, its position and considerations about phenotypic evolution in the Lecanora rupicola group. Mycologia 99: 5058.
van den Boom, P. P. G. & Elix, J. A. 2005. Notes on Halecania species, with descriptions of two new species from
Asia. Lichenologist 37: 237246.
Breuss, O. 1998: Catapyrenium und verwandte Gattungen (lichenisierte Ascomyceten, Verrucariaceae) in Asien ein
erster berblick. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 100B: 657669.
Bdel, B., & Nash, T. H. 2002. Peltula. In: Nash, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds.). Lichen
Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. I. Pp. 331340. Tempe: Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State
Choudhary, M. I., Azizuddin, S. J. & ur-Rahman, A. 2005. Bioactive phenolic compounds from a medicinal
lichen Usnea longissima. Phytochemistry 66: 23462350.
Collinson, A. S. 1977. Introduction to world vegetation. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Degelius, G. 1974. The lichen genus Collema with special reference to the extra-European species. Symbolae
Botanicae Upsalienses 20: 1215.
Divakar, P. K. & Upreti , D. K. 2002. Revision of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Vain.) Hale from India. Nova
Hedwigia 75: 507523
Esslinger, T. L. 1977. A chemosystematic revision of the brown Parmeliae. Journal of the Hattori Botanical
Laboratory 42: 1211.

228 Herzogia 25 (2), 2012

Elvebakk, A. & vstedal, D. O. 2009. Caloplaca trachyphylla new to Europe from high- arctic steppes of Svalbard.
Graphis Scripta 21: 6164.
Esslinger, T. L. 2002. Melanelia. In: Nash, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds.). Lichen Flora of
the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. I. Pp. 274286. Tempe: Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University.
Gaya, E. 2009. Taxonomical revision of the Caloplaca saxicola group (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota).
Bibliotheca Lichenologica 101: 1191.
Gaya, E., Navarro-Rosins, P., Llimona, X., Hladun, N. & Lutzoni, F. 2008. Phylogenetic reassessment of the
Teloschistaceae (lichen-forming Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes). Mycological Research 112: 528546.
Gaya, E., Redelings, B. D., Navarro-Rosins, P., Llimona, X., De Cceres, M. & Lutzoni, F. 2011. Align or not to
align? Resolving species complexes within the Caloplaca saxicola group as a case study. Mycologia 103: 361378.
Giordani, P., Nicora, P., Rellini, I., Brunialti, G., & Elix, J. A. 2002. The lichen genus Xanthoparmelia
(Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) in Italy. Lichenologist 34: 189198.
Grube, M., Baloch, E. & Arup, U. 2004. A phylogenetic study of the Lecanora rupicola group (Lecanoraceae,
Ascomycota). Mycological Research 108 : 506514.
Hale, M. E. 1976a. A monograph of the lichen genus Bulbothrix Hale. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 32: 129
Hale, M. E. 1976b. A monograph of the lichen genus Parmelina Hale. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 33: 160.
Hale, M. E. 1986. A monograph of the lichen genus Parmelia Acharius sensu stricto (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae).
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 55: 155.
Hale, M. E. 1990. A synopsis of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Vainio) Hale (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae).
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 74: 1250.
Hawksworth, D. L. & Mahmood, T. 1971. Some lichens from coniferous forests in West Pakistan. Pakistan
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 14: 113115.
Hertel, H. 1976. Gesteinsbewohnende Arten der Sammelgattung Lecidea (Lichenes) aus Zentral-, Ost- und Sdasien.
Khumbu Himal 6: 145378.
Hertel, H.& Zhao, Z. 1982. Lichens from Changbai Shan Some additions to the lichen flora of North East China.
Lichenologist 14: 139150.
Huneck, S. 1991. New results in the chemistry of lichens. Symbiosis 11: 225248.
Huneck, S. & Frembgen, J. W. 1989. Zur Chemie der Flechte Lethariella cladonioides und einige ethnobotanische
Bemerkungen. Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica 8: 9193.
Iqbal, S. H., Bhatty, S. F. & Gilani, A. 1978. Macrolichens of Pakistan. 2 genus Parmelia. Biologia (Lahore)
24: 140173.
Joshi, Y. & Upreti, D. K. 2008. Sorediate and isidiate species of the lichen genus Caloplaca (Ascomycetes,
Teloschistaceae) from India. Nova Hedwigia 86: 259272.
Joshi, Y., Upreti, D. K. & Sati, C. S. 2009. Caloplaca himalayana, a new epiphytic lichen from the Indian subcontinent. Lichenologist 41: 249255.
Jrgensen, P. M. 1997. Further notes on hairy Leptogium species. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 32(1): 113130.
Knoph, J. G. 1990. Untersuchungen an gesteinsbewohnenden xanthonhaltigen Sippen der Flechtengattung Lecidella
(Lecanoraceae, Lecanorales) unter besonderer Bercksichtigung von aussereuropischen Proben exclusive
Amerika. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 36: 1183.
Knudsen, K. & Kocourkov, J. 2009. A taxonomic study of Polysporina gyrocarpa and P. cyclocarpa
(Acarosporaceae) and a new record from Asia of P. arenacea. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 100: 199206.
Kowalewska, A., Kukwa, K., Ostrowska, I., Jaboska, A., Oset, M. & Szok, J. 2008. The lichens of the
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Krempelhuber, A. V. 1867. Lichen esculentus Pall., ursprnglich eine gesteinsbewohnende Flechte. Verhandlungen
der kaiserlich-kniglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 17: 599606.
Lumbsch, H. T. 1989. Die holarktischen Vertreter der Flechtengattung Diploschistes (Thelotremataceae). Journal of
the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 66: 133196.
Martnez, I. & Burgaz, A. R. 1998. Revision of the genus Solorina (lichenes) in Europe based on spore size variation. Annales Botanici Fennici 37: 137142.
Mayrhofer, H. 1984. Die saxicolen Arten der Flechtengattungen Rinodina und Rinodinella in der alten Welt.
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 327493.
Mirza, J. H. & Qureshi, M. S. A. 1978. Fungi of Pakistan. Faisalabad, Pakistan: University of Agriculture.
Nasim G., Iqbal, S. H., Mirza, J. H., Riaz, T., Butt, S., Anjum, T. & Shabbir, A. 2004. A brief note of lichens from
Swat District. Mycopathologia 2: 7982.
Nimis, P. L., & Tretiach, M. 2002. Tornabea. In: Nash, T. H., Ryan, B. D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F. (eds.). Lichen
Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. I. P. 503. Tempe: Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University.
Obermayer, W. 1997. Studies on Lethariella with special emphasis on the chemistry of the subgnus Chlorea.
Bibliotheca Lichenologica 68: 4566.
Obermayer, W. 2004. Additions to the lichen flora of the Tibetan region. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 88: 479526.

Aptroot & Iqbal: Annotated checklist of the lichens of Pakistan


Obermayer, W., Blaha, J. & Mayrhofer, H. 2004. Buellia centralis and chemotypes of Dimelaena oreina in Tibet
and other Central-Asian regions. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 34(1): 327342.
Poelt, J. 1961. Flechten auf dem NW-Karokaram im Rahmen der Deutschen Karakoram-Expedition 1959 von F.
Lobbichler und Dr. J. Schneider gesammelt. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung Mnchen 4: 8394.
Poelt, J. 1976a. Dermatocarpon und Solorina. Khumbu Himal 6: 437442.
Poelt, J. 1976b. Die Gattung Umbilicaria. Khumbu Himal 6: 397435.
Poelt, J. & Grtner, G. 1992. Gypsoplaca macrophylla, eine Flechte winterkalter Halbwsten in den Alpen.
Herzogia 9: 229237.
Poelt, J. & Grube, M. 1992. Beitrge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya. V. Die Gattung Protoparmelia
Choisy. Nova Hedwigia 55: 381395.
Poelt, J. & Hinteregger, E. 1993. Beitrge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya. VII. Die Gattungen
Caloplaca, Fulgensia und Ioplaca (mit englischem Bestimmungsschlssel). Bibliotheca Lichenologica 50: 1247.
Poelt, J. & Obermayer, W. 1991. Beitrge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya. II. Die Gattung Bryonora.
Nova Hedwigia 53: 126.
Poelt, J. & Petutschnig, W. 1992. Beitrge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya. IV. Die Gattungen Xanthoria
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Royle, J. F. 1839. Illustrations of the botany and other branches of natural history of the Himalayan mountains and
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Manuscript accepted: 18 September 2012.

Adresses of the authors

Andr Aptroot, ABL Herbarium, Gerrit van der Veenstraat 107, 3762 XK Soest, The
Netherlands. E-mail:
Syed Hussain Iqbal, SHI Mycological Herbarium, Punjab University, New Campus, Lahore,
Pakistan. E-mail:

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