2002 03

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Roll No.


No. of Printed Pages-6



Time : 3 Hours

Total Marks:

Note: (1) Attempt all the FIVE questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Use of Steam tables,
Mollier diagram
Refrigeration tables/charts, is permitted.







Answer any FOUR of the following :(a)


State First Law of Thermodynamics,

applied to closed systems, and prove that the
is a property
of a
thermodynamic system.
State the Clausius
and Kelvin-Planck
as used for Second Law of
and prove that both the
statements are equivalent.
Define Helmholtz and Gibbs Functions and
hence derive the Maxwell Relations, using
Define 'Clapeyron Equation' and determine
the enthalpy of vaporization
of water at
150 DC, using Clapeyron
compare this value with the value given in
steam table for the same temperature.
Describe Joule-Thomson Coefficient, showing
the importance of 'Inversion Curve' in brief.

Turn Over



Describe 'Availability' as applied to a cycle.

A reversible heat engine receives 400 kJ of
heat from a thermal reservoir at 1227C and
rejects it to another thermal reservoir at
27C. If both the reservoirs are constant
calculate the
'availability' and unavailable energy of the

Answer any TWO of the following: (a)






How are boilers classified? Distinguish

between fire-tube and water-tube boilers,
giving at least 2 names of each type.
Draw a neat labelled sketch of a firetube boiler, and explain its working in

Define the terms 'Equivalent Evaporation'

and 'Boiler Efficiency'. 3000 kg of dry
saturated steam is generated per hour in a
Lancashire boiler at a pressure of 10 bar,
from feed water at a temperature of 20C.
The Grate area is 3 m2 and 100 kg of coal is
burnt per m2 of grate area per hour. If the
calorific value of coal is 34000 kJ/kg,

the equivalent Evaporation from and at

100C, per kg of coal/hr.


Boiler efficiency.
What is the basic difference between
boiler mOlmtings and accessaries ? Draw
a neat labelled sketch of a 'dead weight'
or a 'spring loaded' safety valve and
explain its working in brief.





Explain, in brief, the functions and uses

of air preheater, feed-water heater and
superheater in steam boilers.

Answer any TWO of the following :(a)






Explain the function of steam nozzles,

state its types and derive the expression
for the calculation of steam velocity at
the exit of nozzle with the help of
steady flow energy equation.


In a steam nozzle, superheated steam at

a pressure of 20 bar and a temperature
of 250 C expands adiabatically to an
exit pressure of 15 bar. If the mass flow
rate of steam is 15 kg/see, calculate the
velocity of steam at exit of nozzle
(neglecting the inlet velocity), and exit
area of the nozzle.

Draw a labelled sketch of hypothetical and

actual indicator diagrams for a simple steam
engine and define the term, 'Diagram factor'.
In a double acting steam engine, dry
saturated steam is admitted at a pressure of
16 bar and exhausted at 0,5 bar. The original
cut-off was taking place at 40% of the stroke,
but in order to effect a saving in economy, it
was decided that the cut-off should take
place earlier at 25% of the stroke. The Power
output was maintained
constant by
increasing the speed of the engine. If the
'diagram factor' in both the cases was same
as 0'8, calculate the ratio of the new and
original speeds.
in brief, methods
compounding of steam engines.

Turn Over

Show that for maximum discharge

through a convergent-divergent nozzle,
the ratio of throat pressure to inlet





gIven y -, \v ere
b ( n+l
2 )n-l

is the index of expansion through the

nozzle. Also derive the expression for
maximum discharge.


Answer any TWO of the following :(a)

Following data refer to a Simple Impulse

Turbine :Velocity of steam at inlet = 1000 m/sec
The mean blade speed

= 400 m/ sec

The exit angle of moving blade = 25

The Nozzle angle = 20
The mass flow rate of steam = 4 kg/sec
Neglecting the effect of friction when passing
through the blade passage, draw velocity
diagram and calculate -




The inlet angle of moving blade


The exit velocity and direction


Work done per kg of steam and power

The Axial Thrust


The diagram efficiency


Draw neat and labelled theoretical and

actual indicator diagrams for 4-stroke SI
and CI engines, explaining their
working in brief.





Distinguish between Otto, Diesel and

Dual cycles, with the help of 'Pressure volume' and 'Temperature - Entropy'
diagrams by specifying the mode of heat

What is meant by compounding

of steam
hlrbines and what are the different methods
of compounding?
Explain, with the help of
neat sketch, in brief. What is the basic
purpose of governing of steam turbines ?

Answer any TWO of the following :(a)


How do you classify Gas Turbines? Draw the

P- V and T-5 diagrams for a simple Constant
Pressure Open Cycle Gas Turbine. (No
description is required).
In an open-cycle-constant-pressure
turbine, air enters the compressor
at a
pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 25C,
and is compressed up to a pressure of 42
bar. The isentropic efficiencies of compressor
and turbine are 80% and 85% respectively.
The peak cycle temperature
is 1045 OK.
Assuming y = 1,4, both for air and gases,
and Cp = 1005 kJ/kg-K, determine :-




The Power developed,


The thermal efficiency.


Define the terms, 'Unit of Refrigeration',

'Refrigerating Effect' and 'Coefficient of
Performance', as related to Refrigeration.
What is the algebraic difference between
the COP of a Carnot Heat Pump and a
Carnot Refrigerator?

Turn OVer



Draw the Temperature - Entropy and

Pressure-Enthalpy diagrams for a simple
system, and explain its working, in
brief. How can you calculate the COP of
the system with the help of the
pressure- enthalpy diagram ?


Explain, in brief, the different methods

adopted for improving the efficiency of
open cycle gas turbines.


Draw a labelled diagram for VapourAbsorption-Refrigeration system and

Vap our-C ompression -Refrigera tion
system .


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