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Cannabis indica

Sycotic (Hamamelidae Family)

Feel high and open.Like being stoned

(Group: Drug-like Massimo)

Polarity around closed and open,

heavy and light
Bliss, floating, diffusion, mind/body disconnect, out-of-body
Apathy, boredom, stupid, inertia, too hard to
do anything, hard to focus
Fun and nice; desires amusement
Chain of superlatives: intense, fantastic, fabulous, brilliant
Fear that someone will know, so they have to hide
Doing routine makes him feel heavy, it is a burden
Panic Attacks
Is the seeing it but not engaging

Watching TV, need all that stimulation but need distance from it
(VO) slows everything down
Throws people back into state of sit back and absorb
Is the seeing it but not engaging
Dual train of thoughts, two possibilities, observing the possibility of two or more outcomes, two or more views
I feel very high with life
All these ideas, I can do my art, can write my poetry
I fee like king of the beasts
I feel this high, when I am in this open space
An open feeling, I am very very happy, completely light, no heaviness
Lightness of your heart
Im very happy, very thrilled
Opp: a very grabbed feeling, a closed feeling, when I am not free, when I cant move freely
Better with fresh air and rest
Worse with exertion
Eating is extremely pleasurable
Sexual desire increased
(LD) Beautiful, Superb
Spectacular, Big
Very intense, Axis between being uplifted between high and free and life being very heavy

Cannabis indica

Sycotic (Hamamelidae Family)

There can be terror and apathy, bliss, floating,

diffusion. No time line. Disconnected. Mind/
body disconnect. Cant focus, become paranoid. The miasm is Sycotic. They are going to
know, we have to hide it. Boring, stupid, inertia. Just too hard to do anything. Many remedies present with apathy, boredom and inertia,
no focus, limp, desire for amusement. What is
underlying this state? It can look like an acid
state, or another drug remedy. This state can
be very fun and nice, and easy to get carried
away. Delusions, floating. What is the quality of the floating experience? The lightness is
the opposite of the heaviness (this is the axis
of this plant family). Heavy like a stone, and the opposite is light or floating. Light in both senses of
vision and weight. Weightlessness vs. heavy stone (stoned). A lot of superlatives like fantastic, exhilarating, absolutely the best, fabulous. Chains of superlatives which are intense, brilliant, exaggerated.
Hard to focuslike all drug remedies. Another axis is closed/open.
Doing routine makes him feel heavy, it is a burden. It is boring. It is a plant, so they are sensitive.
Sensitive to light: light things are opening and closing.
Any plant remedy should have a sensitivity to a polarity. Some drug plant axis:
The cactuses (Anhalonium) the sensation is constriction (which can feel like closing, so you need to
investigate) vs. expanding. Cann-I is closing and opening (history: amusing happy). Agaricus it is a
feeling of invading vs. strength (ability to cope with anything, used by Vikings). Coca (cocaine) a
sense of complete utter exhaustion vs. unending energy. Opium has to do with horror, tremendous
pain and suffering, torture vs. painlessness and bliss (Opium dens, sad event, great pain, wartimes).
Do the history of these drugs to get some of these polarities.
List of words in Cann-I: confined, dragged down, limited, carrying a load, pressed, anchored, carrying
a burden, compressed, forced down, grounded, heaviness, iron mask, pressure from all sides, shut in,
weighed down, compacted, condensed, immovable, impound, oppressed, restrained, restricted,
trapped, liberated, lifted, lightness, open air, afloat, exhilarated, boundless, elevated, floating, flying,
free, going up, weightless. Non-human specific words, not exclusive to the human experience.
(Case from Jayesh)
Expansion and contraction
She is not developed enough to do this to do that
More and more form
Hammaledae family
All in proving of cannibus
She has amazing psychic mobility
In Cann-I has great psychic mobility
Such an intense spaced out, expansive feeling, everything is SOO beautiful
Opp: I am so ugly, so contracted, so boring, in the closed space, nothing there
6 years in the room

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