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Imbuing The practice of Thralls creation

A witch on her way to become a Grand Witch sometimes develops the gift or the curse of Imbuing. The
process is different with each witch, but a constant is the notion of Imbuing points.

A witch has a number of points equals to her Source * Source, plus Willpower.

A mortal man cannot resist the process. When trying to affect a being with a supernatural trait, the with
rolls her Source + Lore vs. Supernatural trait + a resistance attribute (different for each witch). If the
witch is successful, the being becomes a Thrall until the witch releases him.

The victim receives a basic template, different for each witch. The witch can modify the basic template by
spending Imbuing points, up to maximum of her Source for a given Thrall (not counting the first). The
points are gone until the thrall is dead, released or otherwise rendered mortal again. The points take a
year and a day to refuelled after the death or release.

It takes only a moment (instant action) to imbue a mortal with a basic thrall template. To improve him,
the witch must change the fundamental nature of the man with forbidden rites that take half an hour per
Imbuing point invest in him after the first.

Every thralls share a characteristic. They are caped in their physical attributes and skills by the Source of
their regnant witch + 1, for the purpose of imbuing augmentations, unless their template states otherwise.
Their basic traits can have different caps.

Every witch can gives the following additional blessings, but often has better specialized options:
Reinforcing 2 imbuing points / physical attribute dot.
Dangerous 1 imbuing point / physical skill dot.
Vigorous 1 imbuing point per bonus health level.
Swift champion 1 imbuing point per bonus point of speed.
London - The Enchantress of the Mist
Imbuing of the Dark Elkiers (resisted by Composure)

The enchantress blesses men with tools of bygone ages. By giving a token of her favour to a man, a piece
of armour or a weapon, the Enchantress makes him a Thrall. He must accept the gift willingly. Mist
enrobed the Thrall and makes him a Elkier.

Dark Knight template

Ancient sword The weapon given to the Elkier takes the form of a sword or an other relevant knightly
weapon. The ghostly sword is 4L, unless the original weapon is better. In that case the weapon receives a
2L bonus, but keeps its original form.

Armor of the damned An eerie blackened armour recovers the Elkier from head to toes. The armour
gives 3 points of armour, and has a armour penalty of -1. If the Elkier was already wearing armour, and
its better, it receives 2 bonus points, to either augment armour bonus of lessened armour penalties.

Malevolent resilience The Elkier doesnt lose consciousness when his last health level fills with bashing
damage. He doesnt receives wound penalties for bashing, and penalties from lethal damage is lessened by

Additional blessings
Greater armour 1 imbuing point / 1 armour point. Matter 2
Nimble devil 1 imbuing point / 1 armour penalty nullified. Matter 2
Helm of lead 1 imbuing point. Armour applied has a mind shield. Mind 3

One mistress 2 imbuing points. Immunity to mind affecting effects by beings with a supernatural trait
equal or inferior to the witch. Mind 5

Hells harness 1 imbuing point. The armour enables grapple to deals lethal damage. Matter 2
Devils gift 1 imbuing point / 2 weaponry dots + 1 specialty in the chosen weapon. Mind 3

Victory in dishonour 2 imbuing points. The Elkier receives a invisible dagger that no one can
remember wheel. The dagger is 1L (9), but the Elkier can reestablish surprise every turn if he strikes with
it to deal a surprise attack. The victim subtracts the Source of the witch mistress of the Elkier to his roll to
perceive the attack. The dagger is incompatible with the shields blessings. Mind 4.

Pavis of the stagnant waters 1 imbuing point. The Elkier receives a shield with his equipment. The
shield gives 2 points of protection.

Mirror shield 2 imbuing points. The shield acts as a magic shield against attacks. It functions like a
thaumium amulet, but the Elkier must invest a willpower point to counter a spell targeted at him. It rolls
the dice polls of its mistress to resist. Prime 3 and Matter 3.

Juggernaut 1 imbuing point. The Elkier doesnt receives wound penalties in any circumstances and
doesnt loses consciousness from lethal or bashing damage. Mind 3

Unstoppable 1 point. The Elkier doesnt need to eat, drink or sleep. Mind 2 or Life 2.
Unkillable 1 points / 2 bonus healh levels .
Anti-hero 1 points / physical attribute bonus dots.

Hell rider 1 imbuing point. An animal is transformed into an War Elk of superior breeding. The Elk
receives the same template as the Elkier, minus the equipment. The basic armour can be added for 1

Armored Elk 1 imbuing point. The Elk receives the same basic armour has the Elkier. Matter2.

Loyal steed 1 imbuing point. The Elk never needs to sleep or eat and is immune to exhaustion. Life

Alyssa The Evil Queen
Imbuing of the pandoran Gargoyles (resisted by Resolve)

The Evil Queen takes inert matter and forces it to join the flesh of her victim. Metal and stone work the
best, but any inert matter will do.

Pandoran gargoyle template

Dead skin The gargoyle is heavily armoured by is unholy skin of stone. The hide provides a natural
armour of 2L, without penalties. Wound penalties are lessened by 1.

Claws of granite The gargoyle natural weaponry does either 3B or 0L, chosen at his creation by the

Natural camouflage The gargoyle receives a bonus of 5 dice to any rolls to look like a statue. The
gargoyle appears made of the substance the witch forces him to eat.

Fearsome mien The face of the gargoyle is scarred beyond repair in a frightful mask. The gargoyle
receives a bonus of 3 dice on any social rolls based on fear and a penalty of 5 dice on any other social roll.

Not a beast of many words The gargoyle understands Ancient and any language mastered by the
mortal it once was. It can communicate silently with other Gargoyles. It can speak with its mistress in
Ancient but only in very simple sentences and words. It is not an intellectual limitation, but a physical one.
It can say Yes, No, Mistress, Forest, Hungry, Invaders dead and such.

Additional blessings
Hells bane puissance 1 imbuing point / dot of strength and stamina.
Unbreakable 1 imbuing point / 2 armour point and reduction of wound penalties by 1.
Cruel armament 1 imbuing point / 1L or 2B bonus to damage.
Cunning beast 1 imbuing point / stealth, brawl and athletics dots + a specialty in each.

Heart of stone 3 imbuing points. The damage done to the gargoyle is downgraded by a category. The
gargoyle doesnt lose consciousness when its last health level fills with bashing. For a other imbuing point,
the gargoyle doesnt lose consciousness when its last health level fills with lethal. Mind 3 and (Life 3 or
Death 3).

Fell flight 2 imbuing points. The gargoyle has a flight speed equal to her speed + 3. Space 3, or (Forces
3 and Matter 3).

Spiked wings 1 points. The gargoyle can attack with a wing lashed that does 2L, + 3L if it just took

a move action in flight.

Rigiditis 1 imbuing points. There is no rolls to detect it, when immobile, the gargoyle becomes a statue.
Even detection magic is fooled. There seems to be no mind or life or magic to be detected, unless the
detecting witch or supernatural creature succeeds on a Wits + Science - Source of the witch. Life 2 or
Death 2.

Fatal terror 2 imbuing points. The gargoyle is so frightful that it rolls as a instant action its stamina +
intimidation - highest resolve of the mortals that can see it. On a successful roll, the mortals with a
morality of 3 and lower dies instantly, those with a morality between 4 - 7 are petrified until the sun shine
on them and those with a morality of 8 or 9 flee. The rare saints with a morality of 10 are immune.
Against supernatural beings, the roll is contested by Supernatural trait + resolve. The effect is a fear
penalty on all actions for the remainder of the scene equal to - 1 at morality 8 and 9, - 2 at morality 6 and
7, - 3 at morality 4 and 5, - 4 at morality 2 and 3, - 5 at morality 1. Hags and supernatural beings with a
morality score of 0 are immune, as are beings with a morality score of 10. Mind 2.

One with the castle 1 imbuing points. For enemy detection or surveillance purposes, the Gargoyle is
considered to be present everywhere in a castle, church or mansion that is claimed by the witch and in
which it has lived for more than a week. Matter 2 and (Space 2 or Fate 2).

Demons eater 2 (+) imbuing points. A spirit, demon, or fairy that wants to enter a castle wall

guarded by the gargoyle must have a Spirit rank, Demonic rank, Wyrd attribute superior to the Source
of the witch. Hags and true monsters with a morality trait of 0 are valid target of ward. The witch can
augment tho cap by one point for each imbuing points spend. Spirit of Fate 4.

Wraith at home 1 imbuing points. The gargoyle has partly joined with the shadows of the castle and

it is very difficult to perceive it at night or indoors if she choses so. In these condition the gargoyle
applied her natural camouflage bonus on all stealth rolls made indoors or at night. Death 2.

Nightmares impotence 1 imbuing points. When defending the castle, the gargoyle can reestablish
surprise every action as a reflexive action, even in plain sight, as long as it respects the conditions of
Wraith at home. The Source of the witch applies as a malus to the roll of the opponent. Death 2 or
Mind 3.

Maritza, The Wicked Witch
Imbuing of the flying monkeys (resisted by stamina)

The witch forces a bird into the gullet of a primate to provoke a horrid transmutation into one of the
dreadful fiendish flying monkey.

Flying Monkey template
Strong beast The Flying monkey receive a bonus dot in strength and dexterity.
Monstrous wings The monkey can fly at a speed of twice his land speed.

Horrid tracker The monkeys are very apt at tracking their prey. They receives 4 bonus dice to follow a
creature, either on land or in the sky.

Feral instincts It uses the better of its wits or dexterity to calculate defence.

Low cunning The flying monkey loses the use of its mental and social skills at the exception of
intimidation. Its intelligence is limited to 1 and it cannot speak, even if it understands Ancient relatively

Talons and claws The flying monkey does lethal with its bite, but bitting follow the same rules than
humans. it has claws that do 0L with brawl.

Additional blessings

Bloodhound 3 points. If the monkey can sniff the odour of a mark, or receives its complete name or
can see a precise portrait, it can track it uncannily. The monkey must made a wits + survival rolls - the
marks resolve. The rolls also can receives bonus or penalties based on proximity. The monkey
automatically know that a mark is not valid if its in an other realm of existence. It is not a form of
scrying. Space 2 or (Fate 1 and Life 1).

Quickling mongrel 2 imbuing / multiplier on the land speed. Each time, this power is selected, the
flying monkey adds his speed to itself. For example a flying monkey has a land speed of 11, and a flying
speed of 22. The witch who created it gives him twice that blessing. So its land speed becomes 33 (11 + 11
+ 11) and a flying speed of 66 ((11 + 11 + 11) * 2). Force 3 or Time 3.

Flying Ape 1 imbuing point / dexterity and strength dots.
Flying Brute 1 imbuing point / 2 strength dots.
Brawler 1 imbuing point / 2 dots of brawl + a speciality.

Flock of primates 2 imbuing point. When attacking the same opponent, the flying monkeys receives a
bonus equal to the number of Flying Monkeys attacking multiplied by the number of Flying Monkeys
possessing the power. The bonus cannot exceed 10. The Flying Monkey without this power receives the
half the bonus (rounded down, minimum 1). Mind of Fate 3.

Fly-by-attack 2 imbuing point. The Flying monkey can attack in the middle of its move action. Space

Kidnapers 1 imbuing point. The Flying Monkey can lift anything (really anything) that is alive and fly
away with it. The monkey fly at a - 5 speed for each Size on top of 4, minimum Speed 5. Forces and
Space 2.
Pannick the herd 1 imbuing point. The Flying monkeys confusing shrieks makes peoples irrational.
Anyone who can ears must succeed on a Resolve + Composure roll vs Manipulation + Intimidation of the
witch or suffers - 2 penalty on all mental actions for the remainder of the scene. The penalties are
cumulative if more than one Flying Monkey has the knack, but cannot exceed - 5. Mind 2.

Phoebe, The Sea Witch
Imbuing of the chimeras (resisted by stamina)

The witch fuses a animal skin or other body part into a mortal man, who then becomes a chimera,
absorbing other living beings to improves its fell life.

Chimera template

Fell beast Despite the fact the chimera was once human, it takes on the traits of the strongest or biggest
animal use to create him. Although, it conserves a more than animal mind. The second animal used in its
creation gives him one its trait that was better than the base animal. If there isnt, the chimera gains a dot
of stamina and strength. An animal with a size superior to 6 cost an additional imbuing point for each dot
of size on top of 6.

Unnatural predator Normal animals wont approach the chimera and mortal humans must succeed on
a resolve + composure roll to approach it, at a penalty of 2 if they have aggressive intent.

Feral instincts It uses the better of its wits or dexterity to calculate defence.

Low cunning The flying chimera loses the use of its mental and social skills at the exception of
intimidation. Its physical skills are limited to athletics (max 4), brawl, stealth and survival (max 3). Its
intelligence is limited to 1 and it cannot speak, even if it understands Ancient sufficiently to comprehend
simple orders by its mistress.

Additional blessings

Alternative locomotion 2 imbuing points per mode. Include flying, swimming, burrowing. Space 3 and
Life 3

Thicker hide 2 imbuing points. Gives a bonus of 2 armour points. Can be taken only once. Life 2
Amphibious 2 imbuing points. Life 3.
Venom 2 imbuing points. Use the venom of the poisonous animal used. Life 3 and Death 2.

Multiple heads 4 imbuing points / head. A secondary head gives the chimera a secondary action in a
turn, with a penalty of two. a secondary attack must be made with a head. Mind 4 and time 2.

Multiple limbs 1 imbuing point / limb. Each limb improves the speed by 3. Space 3 or Time 3.

Minor advantages 1 imbuing point per minor advantage. Example includes the double eyelid of a
snake or a chameleon-like camouflage. Arcanum requirement on a case by case basis.

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