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Cumbrae students, teachers, and alumni

got involved when Dancers Give Back
asked the question

Why Do YOU Dance

#whyidance, Page 1

Madi McColl

Cumbrae alumna, age 18

"Dance has allowed me to experience a freedom I havent found in any
other aspect of my life. To me, dance is like a back bone, my most reliable
support. There are times where it seems as though dance is the only thing that
gets me through the day. Through dance, I have met many inspiring people,
people who I have had the privilege to learn from and share experiences with,
people who I am fortunate to call my friends. Over the years dance has taught
me many valuable lessons. It has shown me the rewards of dedication and
perseverance. It inspires me to work harder; not only to excel in dance, but in
everything I do. The beauty of dance is that nothing ever is perfect; there is
always room for improvement. This encourages us to challenge our limitations
and go beyond what we believed we were capable of."

#whyidance, Page 2

Breanna Sirois

Cumbrae student, age 12

"I dance because it is where I can express myself and be with my best
friends - my family. The studio feels like a second home to me. We all have one
passion in common and that is dance. We never argue or are nasty to one
another, and we always smile. It is a happy and sometimes LOUD environment
when we hang out in the change room! Furthermore, Cumbrae has provided me
with a lot of opportunities, like auditioning for professional ballet performances
with all of my buddies! That is why i love to dance."

#whyidance, Page 3

Meghan Baker

Cumbrae Teacher

"I dance because it challenges me, physically, intellectually and creatively.

Knowing that improvement is always possible is motivating.!
Dance has helped me in all aspects of my life, and in addition to its therapeutic
benefits, I think dance strengthens you mentally. It fosters discipline, selfmotivation, and determination more than anything else I have encountered.!
I have met some of my best friends through dance, friends that have helped me
through difficult times, and celebrated good times with me. I feel so fortunate to
have dance in my life, and to be able to share this passion with my students.!

#whyidance, Page 4

Trista Willbond

Cumbrae student, age 14

"Dance is my break from reality. I see dance as a piece of art. I like to pretend I'm
the artwork and the studio/stage is the frame; I'm creating the feelings and the
emotions that piece of art makes with movement. Dance is the best type of art
because it's continuous and it never has to stop spreading feelings and I get so
sucked into it. I can forget about everything else and my mind clicks into dance
and dance only. I love it and I can't get enough of it."!

#whyidance, Page 5

Gabrielle Lowe

Cumbrae student, age 15

"The reason I dance is for the feeling I get when Im dancing- I feel unstoppable. The
music empowers me and takes over my body. It makes me move in certain ways I didnt
know were possible. I lose myself in a wonderful world. I forget everything; my stress,
my worries and all of my problems disappear because Im so focused and moved by my
craft. !
I dance because of my passion for it. I breathe dance. No matter how long or how much
I dance I never tire of it. I want to learn everything I can because its such a unique
thing; everyone dances differently. I get inspired by watching others.!
Dance brings people together. It can connect human beings without words because it is
all about expression. You can express different emotions without speaking, which is
I am very shy and sometimes awkward, but I have a mind full of thoughts.... I have so
many things to say. Im not very good with words, and so dance enables me to express
whatever I have on my mind. As Friedrich Nietzsche said, And those who were seen
dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

#whyidance, Page 6

Alexi Skinner

Cumbrae alumni, age 17

"I dance to breathe. To breathe in the beautiful colours of this world. To breathe in
lifes endless possibilities. When I dance, I am free. Free to be whoever Id like to
be and free to feel whatever Id like to feel. As a consequence, I am also being
true; true to myself, true to the world, true to life. No barriers stand in my way,
and with that liberty comes the possibility of being my realest self. Dance has
taught a great deal about what it means to be an individual and to live wholeheartedly. It has also shown me firsthand what a dream can represent and lead a
person to become. I am never truer to myself than when I am dancing. Like a
beating heart, dance is at the source of my existence, enabling me to be my
sincerest self, pulse after pulse.!

#whyidance, Page 7

Katherine Robidoux

Cumbrae student, age 17

"Dance is my passion and my inspiration. I have met so many inspiring people

through dance; amazingly helpful teachers and mentors, choreographers, and
crazy talented peers. I've learnt so much through dance- not only in terms of
technique, but also so much about myself. As Ellen DeGeneres says, "Live your
life being exactly who you are. The most important thing is to be true to yourself."
For me dance is an important part of being true to myself. It's hard to explain
exactly how dancing makes me feel because I honestly don't really know. When I
dance that's all I do. No worries, no thoughts, just me and my movement. How do
I feel after I've danced? Basically pretty darn good... Like to the moon and back
good." !

#whyidance, Page 8

Hannah Kreft

Cumbrae student, age 8

"I dance because I think that it's really fun and if I've had a bad day at school it
makes me feel better. I think that dance is good because it's exercise and gets
you moving and off the couch - there are lots of different types of dancing so
there is something for everyone. I look forward going to dance class because I
like all the things we've learned and most of my friends are from my dance
classes (some since I was 3 years old). I love seeing my friends at dance class
because we get to have fun and learn together and I like that we help each other
out when we forget an exercise or dance step."!

#whyidance, Page 9

Valerie Fortin

Cumbrae student, age 14

"I dance to express myself. When I dance, I let everything that I'm feeling out,
and I don't worry what anybody else thinks of me. Dance is my escape and my
freedom. I've learned so much from dance physically and mentally, and I've met
so many amazing people through dance. Dance is my passion and I love doing it
everyday with the people I love.!

#whyidance, Page 10

Amber Harvie

Cumbrae teacher

"There is not a doubt in my mind that my love of dance has shaped me into the
person that I am today more than any event, person, or association. Dance has
taught me perseverance, dedication, and discipline. It has shown me the value of
teamwork, cooperation, and long-standing friendships. Ive learnt through dance that
I need be equally unashamed and assertive as I am humble and courteous. Ive
learnt that you truly only get out of relationships what you put in, and that hard work
is SO worth it in the end. Ive been brought up on phrases like go big or go home,
always do your best, and fake it til you make itTrust me- these do not just
pertain to my life in dance.!
I feel enormously lucky to have been somewhat born into this world of dance, and
that my drive to be a dancer never wavered. It is a privilege in life to truly love what
you do; I love being a dance student, a dancer, a choreographer, and a teacher, and
cant imagine my life any other way."!

#whyidance, Page 11

Chloe DeGiacomo

Cumbrae student, age 13

"I'm not the best, but dance is my passion, and my escape. When I dance, it is
like going into another world, and I never want to come back. Most importantly, I
get to do it with the people I love . No matter how I'm feeling, I love to dance, and
everyone that I do it with."!

#whyidance, Page 12

Emma Rizok

Cumbrae student, age 13

Dance is my passion. It is my happy place away from hard times. I always try my
best to succeed, and my dance teachers help me with that. They are so
supportive and helpful. They challenge me to be a better dancer and Ive grown
into one because of them. Its those moments that I cherish. Dance is not only a
way to express myself of overcome stressful thoughts, it is also a way for me to
just have an incredibly good time and to enjoy myself.!

#whyidance, Page 13

Taya Toulouse

Cumbrae student, age 12

"I dance to express any emotion that cannot be described in words but only
through the movement of art. It makes you feel a whole different kind of way, and
makes you realize that dance is not only an art, but also a passion to speak your

#whyidance, Page 14

Megan Evraire

Cumbrae student, age 13

"Dance is my passion. I love dancing because when I'm in the studio with my
friends there is nowhere else I want to be. When I'm dancing I feel creative and I
feel like I can express myself in ways words can't. In my mind, dance is a fun way
to stay fit and enjoy yourself at the same time. It also brings me many
opportunities like traveling, dancing with other ballet schools and at the NAC.
Dancing makes me happy; and being happy is important."!

#whyidance, Page 15

Adelaide Egan

Cumbrae student, age 17

"I dance for the opportunities. For the opportunity to constantly improve and
strive for excellence, for the opportunity to be part of something bigger than
myself, and for the opportunity to do something I love. Dance has been a major
part of my self-growth, it has taught me to be brave when faced with new
challenges and to embrace all the possibilities that it presents. Above all, while
dancing I have the opportunity to be completely and confidently myself."!

#whyidance, Page 16

Thank you once again to all senior

dancers that participated in this fantastic
event. Thank you also to all of the
Cumbrae parents, families, and friends for
coming out and supporting such a
wonderful cause.

Dancers Give Back managed to raise over

$30,000 for DIFD (Do It For Daron).

#whyidance, Page 17

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