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Lady Sarah Channeling 'The Centre of yourSelf'

By: Rachel Goodwin

Welcome all. I am the ascended lady master Sarah.

Today I have come to speak to you of the physical shells of which you inhabit
and their entry way into the world.
Many of the worlds most spiritual religions have been dedicated to teaching
how to cast off the body so as to liberate the spirit trapped inside, to allow
the soul to reside within nirvana, the higher spiritual dimensions.
Today I wish to speak to you of how the higher self can inhabit your physical
body and become more nearly the way in which through you can be in
contact with nirvana, in fact of all of creation, all of the time.
These are the mysteries I have come to teach.

Your body is your physical tool here on this earth, it is how you will effect
change here on the physical planes. The ascended masters, the angels and
archangels, all can assist and help from the realms within which we exist; we
can gently persuade and create optimum conditions from within which the
best possible chances for change and transformation can occur. But it is YOU
that has the power to create the New Earth here in physical manifestation,
and in so many more ways than you know.

At the point where heaven meets earth in your bodies, between the heart and
solar plexus, so am I. I have come to reawaken that which lies dormant within
yourselves, already my light, my love dances secretly across the earth,
skipping and laughing that the miracles of life which are yourselves are
beginning the long thaw to your spiritual spring.
And in my secret dance, I would whisper stories of hidden chakras, lying
nestling under the snow, simply waiting for all to melt, so it can reveal its
magnificence. Humanity.creation is your birthright, and within you, you
have the power to create, not just your own lives, but universes aswell.
At the point where heaven meets earth in your bodies, so I am. Here is the
entry point to your souls, your higher Selves. Not high above you in some far
away dimension, but here, right at the centre of yourselves. Here is all things,
and no-thing, manifest and unmanifest creation. From here will New

Humanity start to live, here at the centre of themSelves, at the centre of all

To assist you in your lives, you can call on me, my light, my love, by bringing
your attention to me, to the balance point in between your heart centre and
your solar plexus, at the Hrit Padma chakra. Breathe into this space, feel your
awareness. BE here. Breathe into this space whenever mind has taken over,
and you need to re-connect with yourSelves.

Chant and call on me,

(Om Shree Sah-ra-yei Na-rah-yan-nee Na-moh-stoo-the)
Om and salutations to Sara, the three fold flame, bestow upon us the highest

Say to yourself, as you breathe into yourSelf, I am here, I am at the centre of

myself, I am in the moment, in the Now, at the centre of all things, I am here.

You are upon your mission to become more of who you are, a nara-narayani,
your higher self here in full manifestation upon the earth.
The most powerful truths are often the most simple, and yet can be the most
complicated to explain, for now let it suffice to say, that if you wish to live
more from your divine self, using the precious resource of your physical body,
then this simple breathing exercise can help you achieve this goal, through
out your daily life.

Blessings be upon you all, beauteous web of light spread across the earth.
Blessed are you that these secrets are being revealed to you now, use them
well, embrace them into your own lives, contemplate upon the profound
truths which are being given to you now. Do not search for cleverness and
complicated sophistications; these are not truths to be understood by your
minds, but wisdoms which can only be felt in the truth of your hearts.
Allow yourselves to practice being at the centre of yourSelves, and watch the
magickal mysteries of your lives unfold before you.

And remember, at the centre of yourSelves, there you will find me.
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings, Namaste my beautiful ones, Namaste. All is

Rachel runs a monthly group, Raising the New Earth which guided by Lady
Sarahs teachings endeavours to assist with the ascension of humanity and of
the earth. Rachel is a channel & healer working with the ascended masters,
angelic & elemental kingdoms, & is a qualified hypnotherapist & nurse
Rachel Goodwin 2007

To receive Rachel's monthly newsletter with more channellings and tips for
ascension practices, you can email 'subscribe' to you can
also see further info by looking at the pages on to find out more about Lady Sarah,
see the channelling 'Lady Sarah and the practice of the threefold flame'

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