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English starts at the back cover

( 1069744)
+ + =
Frankho ChessDoku

, Frank 604-263-4321 Amanda 604-781-3688.

: (Ho Math Chess) 6093 West Boulevard( 45 )

. BC
(Frank Ho) 1995 ..
5 ,
. 12 12 ,(14 ),
(18 ),,
5 . FIDE .

Amanda ,
( 1069744),, .
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( 100 ),( 70 ),,,
BC ,
Symbolic Chess Language
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1995 ,
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10 ). ,.,
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, Frankho ChessDoku
Frankho ChessMaze , .

Frank Ho

Andy ,



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(Ho Math Chess) .

UBC ()

Andy . 10
, 1900 , 2000 .
. Notebook (), ,
, Andy


Andy ,

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Andy . , Andy

12 12 ,(14 ),(18 ),,

5 .


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Modern Chess Openings Batsford Chess
Openings 2

Andy ,
What if

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Math Kangaroo
,UBC .
1069744), ++
10 .
West Boulevard
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Frank Ho 5
Amanda ,
++( 1069744),
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Frank BYU
UBC 15 BC .
BC Frank Amanda
,, 20 , 20
Amanda , , ,
3 30
Frankho ChessDoku, Frankho ChessMaze

20 BC 3 ,,




++( 1069744), ,
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. ,
4 .
Private School Entrance Exam for Primary Students
Problem Soling and Math IQ Puzzles for Primary Students


4 .
(dyscalculia) ,



Frank Ho (dyscalculia) .
Pre-k and kindergarten Math: Remediation for Math
Dyscalculia and Math Disability
Math Entrance Test Preparation for Private Schools

A A. :

Problem Solving and Math IQ Puzzles Volumes 1 to 5

A series of workbooks namely Mom I Can Add, Subtract. Multiply, and Divide
Principle Math
Fundamental Math
Frankho ChessDoku

A , Ultimate Math Contest .

Math Kangaroo Contest .
Worldwide Math Kangaroo Contest
USA Mathcounts
USA Math Olympiad
USA Math League Contest
Canada BC Elmacon Math Contest
Canadian Math Challengers Competition
Canadian Gauss & Pascal Mathematics Contests
Mathematica Pythagoras, Euler, Langrange, Newton contests
Worldwide Caribou Mathematics online Contest (USA Brock University)


Math Kangaroo Contest

international .
Kangaroo 1991

2011 46

Ho Math Chess Learning Centre

Ultimate Math Contest Preparation - Basics
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Beginners
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Intermediate Students
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Advanced Students Volume 1
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Advanced Students Volume 2
Ultimate Math Contest Training Camp for Grades 1, 2, and 3 Students
Ultimate Math Contest Training Camp for Grade 4 and up Students

Congratulations to the following Ho Math Chess students who have won

2015 Canada Math Kangaroo contest awards.

Grade Awards

Isaac Wong
Terry Deng Taili Deng
Xiaowen Linchen
Otto Young
Jack Jia Bao Zhang
Zi Lin Li
Bradley Louie


Second Score in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal

Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Top 10% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Perfect Score; First in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal


Tony Wang Liu

Melissa Zhang


Top 10% in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal

Top 5% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal

Eric Wang


Top 25% in Canada



, .
SSAT Math Quantitative Sections Preparation for Grades 3 to 7

Mini school

Mini school Mini school

mini school math
Lord Byng,
Magee, Point Grey, Prince Wales Churchill
Problem Solving and Math IQ Puzzles Volume 5
SSAT Math Quantitative Sections Preparation for Grades 3 to 7


Must be willing to learn and to accept academic challenging.
Must be willing to build a good study habits and be willing to do homework as
Students must be in our math program for at least 6 months in order for us to
issue recommendation letter or provide reference so that we get to know
students better. The time requirement is also to allow students to have enough
time to improve their ability.

, , ,

Magic Chess and Mathematical Chess Puzzles for Juniors




, 16 .



Ho Math Chess Teachers

Hi! My name is Frank Ho, was a BC certified math teacher. I am the founder
of the original and real Math and Chess. Ho Math Chess has over 10
worldwide locations and there are some good reasons. Ho Math Chess is
managed by husband and wife (Frank and Amanda) team along with a group
of dedicated teachers.
I began teaching and coaching my son, Andy, chess when he was 5 years
old. Andy later became a FIDE chess master. In addition, I am the author of
the worlds first Magic Chess and Math Puzzles workbook, which can be
found at the Richmond public library, and I have also published over 20 math
workbooks. Some of Franks past experiences and qualifications are as
BC certified teacher
Master of Science degree
St. Georges summer school teacher of chess and puzzles for over 10
Statistical consultants at UBC and University of Utah for over 15 years
Member of the BC Math Teachers Association
Author of papers published in BC math teachers publication Vector
Amanda Ho has a Bachelor of Science and has been a professional engineer
and tutor for over 25 years in China and Canada. She has published over 20
math and chess workbooks. Amanda teaches multi-subject including math,
chemistry, physics, calculus, and chess with one subject fee paid.
Many students at Ho Math Chess have won awards in math contests and
their names are posted at Ho Math Chess bulletin board and also appear at

All classes are conducted in English. All our teachers either are
former teachers or professional specialists.


Private School Math Entrance Test

Preparation - Little Math Master
Many parents are confused on how to prepare their children in preparing the math
entrance test for the private schools. Ho Math Chess has published a math workbooks
which not only advance children's math competition ability, it also increases
children's math knowledge in very systematic method. Many number sense strategies
are taught to children to make them feel learning math computation is not difficult
but fun.
The use of the following workbooks published by Ho Math Chess could be used:

Private School Entrance Exam for Primary Students

Problem Soling and Math IQ Puzzles for Primary Students

Math Dyscalculia Improvement

Do you have a child who seems to have difficulties in learning very basic calculations
or lacks of ability to master computation skills? This could be a sign of Dyscalculia.
Frank Ho has published a few articles on Dyscalculia which could be found at the
following web site.
Ho Math Chess also published a few workbooks to help students with math
disabilities or dyscalculia.
Pre-k and kindergarten Math: Remediation for Math Dyscalculia and Math
Math Entrance Test Preparation for Private Schools


A + Math class
The fear of working on dreaded traditional computation worksheets is over, try our
world famous fun and educational math, chess, and puzzles truly integrated and
copyrighted (Canada 1069744) worksheets
Children learn math, chess, puzzles, word problems, and math contests all in one
class. Ho Math Chess has been the world leader and expert in teaching elementary
math using its copyrighted and worlds first math, chess, and puzzles truly integrated
workbooks since 1995. By walking through puzzle-like worksheets, children are
more focused on learning with interest through spatial relations, table look-ups,
sorting, classifying, comparing, patterns, and analyzing etc. The research results of
using this revolutionary teaching method have shown statistically significant impact
on raising childrens math marks, improving their problem solving skills, and
improve brainpower.
A research article written by Frank Ho on Enriching Math Using Chess can be found
at The condensed version of this program has been offered
at St. Georges summer school for over 10 years.
Ho Math Chess has published the following workbooks to be used in the class.

Problem Solving and Math IQ Puzzles Volumes 1 to 5

Principle Math
Fundamental Math
Frankho ChessDoku


Math Contest Preparation for

Elementary and Middle schools
Ho Math Chess has published a few math contest preparation workbooks. Ho
Math Chess is also the sponsor of Kangaroo Math Contest. For details on
math Kangaroo contest please phone Frank at 604-263-4321.
The following Ho Math Chess workbooks could be used in the classes.
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation - Basics
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Beginners
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Intermediate Students
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Advanced Students Volume 1
Ultimate Math Contest Preparation for Advanced Students Volume 2
Ultimate Math Contest Training Camp for Grades 1, 2, and 3 Students
Ultimate Math Contest Training Camp for Grade 4 and up Students

Congratulations to the following Ho Math Chess students who have won

2015 Canada Math Kangaroo contest awards.

Grade Awards

Isaac Wong
Terry Deng Taili Deng
Xiaowen Linchen
Otto Young
Jack Jia Bao Zhang
Zi Lin Li
Bradley Louie
Tony Wang Liu
Melissa Zhang


Second Score in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal

Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Top 10% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal
Top 25% in Canada; Vancouver Bronze Medal
Perfect Score; First in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal
Top 10% in Canada; Vancouver Gold Medal
Top 5% in Canada; Vancouver Silver Medal

Eric Wang


Top 25% in Canada


SSAT Math Preparation

Ho Math Chess has published a work specifically for preparing SSAT. It not
only could be used to increase SSAT percentile but it also could increase a
student's math knowledge. It is not just a test preparation workbook, it could
be also used as a fast -track workbooks to raise students' math level to a
higher level than their peers. Ho Math Chess could offer a student with a
reference which could let the student stand out above all others because Ho
Math Chess also teaches chess and puzzles and could train students in math
contests etc
The following workbooks could be used in the classes.
SSAT Quantitative Sections Preparation for Grades 3 to 7


Mini school Math Preparation

Ho Math Chess has published a workbook which also includes cognitive
preparation. Many of our previous students have entered into Lord, Byng,
Magee, Point Grey, Prince Wales and Churchill mini school or special math

The following workbooks could be used in preparation.

Problem Solving and Math IQ Puzzles Volume 5
SSAT Math Quantitative Sections Preparation for Grades 3 to 7

Private School Admission Application Assistance

We offer free consultation to parents who need elementary or secondary

private school admission application assistance if the student has met the
following requirements:

Must be willing to learn and to accept academic challenging.

Must be willing to build a good study habits and be willing to do
homework as assigned.
Students must be in our math program for at least 6 months in order for
us to issue recommendation letter or provide reference so that we get to
know students better. The time requirement is also to allow students to
have enough time to improve their ability.


Our recommendation or reference letter can demonstrate student's extra

accomplishments in addition to math because we could offer math, chess,
and puzzles integrated program to students.


Chess for Juniors

(Age 4 and up)
Chess teaching is also our specialty. Frank Ho had wanted to teach his 5year old son, Andy, how to play chess but did not know how. So Frank
researched the game and taught Andy chess. Andy then became the
youngest Canadian chess master at the age of 12 and a FIDE chess master.
This is how math and chess got started. Frank Ho has had 16 years of
relationship with Vancouver chess community and is pleased to have a chess
master on board to teach this class. Please phone Frank Ho at
604-263-4321 for class details.
The following workbook published by Ho Math Chess will be used:
Magic Chess and Mathematical Chess Puzzles for Juniors


Vancouver Courier
Published on 11/22/2006

Chess moves provide mathematical insight

By Mark Hasiuk-Staff writer

A Vancouver math tutor is using the ancient game of chess to help students checkmate problems
with math. Frank Ho is the founder of Math + Chess, a tutoring company headquartered in
Kerrisdale that offers once-a-week sessions to students from Grades K-12, although he mostly deals
with elementary school children.
Ho said his unique teaching method combines the elements of fun and competition with the
mathematical principles required to play chess. "The goal is to checkmate your opponent, but to do
that you need to devise patterns and visualize a chess diagram and come to a numerical conclusion,"
said Ho, adding that students compete against each other or an instructor.
Ho said young chess players develop math skills more advanced than what they learn during their
regular school studies. "If kids play chess at an early stage, six or seven years old, they in fact are
learning mathematics principles they won't learn until Grades 4 and 5," he said. "In school, children
learn in simple one line patterns like 2, 4, 6, 8, from left to right or sometimes vertically. When they
get older they get into fractions and cross multiplying, but we train them to think in a multidirectional way at an early age."
Ho emigrated from Taiwan in 1978 and earned a masters degree in statistics before becoming a
statistical consultant at UBC. He started Math + Chess in 1995, after watching his son - who is
studying medicine at the University of Manitoba - become Canada's youngest chess master at the
age of 12.
Ho studied the relationship between math and chess in textbooks and several academic journals, and
became convinced that combining the two disciplines could benefit young students.
"Math problem-solving can get boring because you are basically just competing with your brain,"
he said. "This is a hands-on approach of friendly competition where students can see a result before
their very eyes."
Ho's Kerrisdale learning centre now tutors approximately 200 kids a month at $34 for a two-hour
The success of his Vancouver operation allowed Ho to franchise, and there are now Math + Chess
outlets in Burnaby, Richmond, a handful in the United States and one each in India and Mexico.
Mary Zahrai enrolled her six-year-old daughter in Math + Chess so she would have an easier time
with her regular studies.
"Her problem-solving has really improved," said Zahrai, "I thought it might be too complicated for
her, but it's been really good for her brain. She is doing very well with her school math, and I know
she likes the challenge of competition when playing chess with the other kids."


How My Son Became a Chess Master

Frank Ho
Canada Certified Math Teacher

My son Andy was interested in chess when he was a bit over 5 years old and at that
time my chess knowledge was zero. I thought it was an interesting project if I could
learn chess together with him so I went to the Vancouver library and borrowed a few
chess books and started to teach him chess by reading those chess books.
Once he learned chess moves, we played games together. Perhaps it was because I
could teach end game in separate and independent topics, Andy learned the end game
first. Initially I had to study the moves of all kinds of end game tactics first before I
could teach him, but gradually I could not study fast enough to teach him so I had to
ask him to study with me together by using a method that is I read the book and he
made all the moves according book instructions, the end result was often he
understood the meaning but I was still trying to piece all the information together.
Now I have taught many young children chess and many of them are even as young
as 4 years, I was able to observe how Andy or some strong players behaved
differently from other weak players at the very young similar age. My personal
observations of strong young players are they possess the following characteristics:
1. Can grasp the chess ideas very quickly whether it is theory or tactics.
2. Incredible good memory and can remember the variations of opening lines
very deep.
3. Are very much interested in playing and thoroughly enjoyed it.
4. Have a sharp eye in seeing tactics and also the results of what if etc.
5. Have patience in finishing playing a game from the beginning to the end
despite the end result might be a loss.
6. Is more willing to think alternate moves before making a move.
Only after learning chess a few months, Andy was able to make fast progress and at
that time I knew I need someone else to help him to advance to a higher level. At the
same time, I was trying to find him a chess clubs but in the 1990s era, there was no
junior chess club in Vancouver so I had to bring him to the Senior Chess Club in
Kerrisdale. A few of seniors showed some discomfort in playing such a young boy
although a retired medical doctor showed tremendous interest in playing Andy and
the doctor took all the time he needed to make a move (no clock was used) when
played against Andy. Perhaps because of this, Andy was trained to be patient when
playing chess at such earlier age Andy was a bit over 6 years old.

Quickly we realized that we need to find a place so Andy could continue to hone his
skills, UBC (University of British Columbia) Tuesday night chess tournament was a
perfect place since he gained so many points by going to UBC Tuesday night and
played against adults. At this point, there was no benefit for Andy to play against
other children since Andy was already in different league.
What troubled me the most was I could not find anyone who I personally feel could
teach Andy to bring him to the next level or perhaps to the world chess competition
level? The problems I found with most the chess coaches at that time were the
1. They all had their pet openings in mind and could not teach other lines well if
Andy was interested in learning other lines, so it might be beneficial for Andy
just to buy chess books and learn from books.
2. Most teaching are not structured well enough so Andy could see the whole
picture, instead a piece meal fashion way of teaching was conducted so the
effect is Andy would not be well and thoroughly trained.
3. No experience or idea on how to train a young child to bring him to the world
4. No training plan is in place but rely on casual presentation of personal past
accumulated chess knowledge or experience.
5. No analysis on what opening style is suitable for Andy to play.
6. Most chess coaches did not even prepare for the lesson but were only
interested in playing a few games.
After going to a few different chess coaches, I was at loss to find a way to educate
Andy so he could continue to progress. One day, an idea clicked in my mind, that is if
those chess grand masters are so good in chess and their games are all publicized then
why dont I analyze their games and study what opening lines they used and Andy
simply could learn from those grand masters by using the criteria of how they play
well or not when using those lines?
Without a chess coach, how did I train Andy to reach the world competition levels in
1990s? Not meant to exhaust listing my ways of helping Andy, I did all the
Bought chess video tapes.
Corresponded with some retired chess grand masters.
Studied on how Chinese trained their young chess players by reading Chinese
chess magazines.
Subscribed all major chess magazines.


Analyzed how some grand chess masters became masters and how they were trained
when they were young.
Bough all good chess books on openings, which I thought will be good for Andy.
Bough computer chess software and PC so Andy could play and practice chess 7/24.
Browsed on Internet to find out how other countries trained their young chess
After did all the above, I concluded that Andy must be so good at some open theories that he
could perhaps claim to be an expert in some opening lines. So what the chance an average
chess player could beat a player who is more or less an expert in some opening lines when
the average player is forced to play the experts open line? This had become Andy focal
training point without hiring a chess coach. The beauty is this training method can be done
anywhere and anytime as long as there is a computer and chess book around. At competitive
level, if one could win at the opening, basically it is a boost psychologically.
When training Andy, I faced another difficulty that is to try to find the answer for what if
question at the opening. Too much time is wasted to find a solution when facing an
unfamiliar opening line. Because of this reason, I studied all the opening lines by using 2
most popular chess openings books in the earlier years of 1990: Modern Chess Openings
and Batsford Chess Openings 2 to find all the main variations that Andy would play when
facing different openings. The end product of his opening lines is all variations were drawn
on a sheet with the area size covering the surface of an office desk. In Andys mind, he has a
repertoire of what he will do if his opponent plays certain lines. He is so well prepared on
what if variations of opening.
Andy was one time dubbed as terminator if he played his pet opening since most chess
players in Vancouver just did not have the expertise when facing the openings, which Andy
has trained to play.
Am I advocating teaching children to play chess without a coach? Certainly not. A good
coach will save ones time and the road to success is actually shortened. But on the other
hand, what if one just cannot find a good coach? In this condition what can a child do if he
or she would like to become a chess master? My way of training Andy so he later became
the youngest Canadian Junior chess champion and a FIDE chess master and a Canadian
chess master could be a way of training a child to become a chess master.
What would I do differently if given the time machine to revert back? What I would do is
perhaps not to spend so much time to train Andy chess to the world stage to compete,
instead take some time away to also advance his math knowledge. By doing this, math will
help Andy in his academics directly and all the way to university. This is also one of the
reasons that I got into math and chess integrated teaching and also founded math and chess
learning centre so children could learn chess and math at the same time.


Free Information,

Specializing in teaching children fun math using math, chess, and puzzles integrated
All classes are conducted in English.
Frankho ChessDoku

For free assessment, please phone Frank Ho 604-263-4321

Location: Ho Math Chess, 6093 West Boulevard (and 45th), Vancouver


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