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A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

The following dialog is for questions 21 and 22.

Rista : Have you heard the news?
Diana : What about?
Rista : Jess was awarded best student of the year.
Diana : Sure. Everyone knows the news. He deserved it.
Rista : Yeah, we know that he is brilliant at school and has many academic
Diana : Youre right. He also has a good personality.
Rista : Im glad and proud to have a friend like him.
21. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Siblings.
B. Relatives.
C. Schoolmates.
D. Teacher and student.
22. What is the dialog about?
A. The speakers friends good personality.
B. The speakers friends excellent academic report.
C. The speakers friends achievement in a competition.
D. The speakers friends being awarded as the best student.
The following dialog is for questions 23 and 24.
Dudik : Let me tell you interesting news about Bali.
Ari : What is it?
Dudik : Well, I read an article on the Internet this morning. I found that according to an
American news website, Bali is the first ranked world tourist destination for a dream
vacation in 2013.
Ari : Are you serious?
Dudik : Yes, I am. Lots of tourists chose Bali as one of their destinations for many
reasons, one of which is because of its world class surf breaks.
Ari : Thats good news, isnt it?
Dudik : It is. Bali offers abundant charms, cultures, people and recreational places.
23. From the dialog we know that ________.
A. Bali offers world class surf breaks
B. Dudik knew the news about Bali from newspaper
C. Dudik met an American tourist when he visited Bali
D. the speakers are talking about tourist destinations in Bali
24. Bali offers abundant charms, . . . .
What is the synonym of charm?
A. Attraction.
B. Perfection.
C. Exploration.
D. Satisfaction.
The following text is for questions 25 and 26.

Welcome to the weather report, with me Alvito Reynaldi. Todays weather seems
to be pleasant for you to have a trip. The sun will shine brightly for the whole day with a
cool breeze in the morning and turn to be quite hot in the afternoon. It will be windy in
early evening but the wind is expected to remain calm. There is no chance of rain during
the day. Have a nice day.
25. What is the weather like throughout the day?
A. Clear.
B. Foggy.
C. Chilly.
D. Rainy.
26. . . . the wind is expected to remain calm.
What is the antonym of remain?
A. Become.
B. Change.
C. Reduce.
D. Erase.
The following text is for questions 27 to 30.
A pearl is a hard object produced within soft tissue, specifically the mantle, of a
living shelled mollusk, such as an oyster, clam, conch, or gastropod.
Pearls are formed when an irritant, such as
a bit of food, grain of sand, or even a piece of the mollusks mantle becomes trapped in
the mollusk. To protect itself, the mollusk secretes substances, aragonite (a mineral) and
conchiolin (a protein), that it also uses to build its shell. These substances are secreted
in layers and
a pearl is formed. Depending on how the aragonite is arranged, the pearl may have a
high luster or a more porcelain-like surface.
There are two main types of pearls, those that occur naturally and those that are
produced synthetically called cultured pearls. Naturally occurring pearls hold a significant
value due to the rarity of pearls produced. Of the 8,000 or so species of oysters, only
about 20 of those are able to constantly produce pearls. For the most part the pearls
these oysters produce, few maintain a round or spherical shape. Cultured pearls are
created by the same process as natural pearls, but are given a slight nudge by pearl
While cultured and natural pearls are considered to be of equal quality, cultured
pearls are generally less expensive because they arent as rare.
Adopted from: Pearl.htm (January 11, 2013)


From the text we know that ________.

natural pearls are produced rarely
all pearls the oysters produce have spherical shapes
cultured pearls are more expensive than natural pearls
the high luster of a pearl is due to the high content of conchiolin
When are pearls formed?
When the mollusks shell grows.

B. When theres a high content of aragonite.

C. When an irritant is trapped in the mollusk.
D. When the mollusks mantle secretes protein.
29. What are cultured pearls?
A. Pearls with a high luster.
B. Pearls with a porcelain-like surface.
C. Pearls that occur naturally.
D. Pearls produced synthetically.
30. The following belong to living shelled mollusk, EXCEPT ________.
A. clam
B. squid
C. conch
D. oyster
The following text is for questions 31 to 33.
31. What is the function of the text?
A. To inform about the contents of nutrients in a product.
B. To inform about the ingredients of a product.
C. To persuade people to consume the product.
D. To describe a product in details.
32. From the nutrition facts label we know
that ________.
A. the product contains fat and protein
B. sugars has the least content in the
C. the serving size of the product weighs
250 ml
D. the amount of sodium is bigger than
33. How much calories does the product
A. 18 kcal.
B. 20 kcal.
C. 50 kcal.
D. 80 kcal.
The following text is for questions 34 to
Comets are an interesting and popular space phenomenon. A comet is a
relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of ice, dust and gas.
Comets are part of the Solar System. They move around the Sun in highly
elliptical orbits. They orbit around the Sun just like planets, but their orbits are more
elongated. Periodic comets are those that have an orbit of less than 200 years, but they
comprise only 4% of all known comets. The famous Halleys comet has a period of 76
years. It was observed many times in history and was last seen in 1986.

A comet typically consists of a nucleus, coma and tail. The nucleus is embedded
in the coma and they together form the head of a comet. The nucleus of a comet is also
known as the dirty snowball since it is primarily made up of ice with a small amount of
As a comet gets near the Sun, solar heat turns the ice in the nucleus into a gaseous
haze that surrounds the nucleus and this becomes the coma.
The tail of a comet usually consists of a straight gas tail and a curved dust tail.
Its length can vary from very short ones to the rare few that cover a significant fraction of
the sky. It can be very long and bright, and is the most distinctive feature of a comet.
Adopted from: (January 11, 2013)

34. What is the last paragraph about?

A. Parts of a comet.
B. The nucleus of a comet.
C. The size of the tail.
D. The tail of a comet.
35. Which statement is NOT TRUE?
A. A comet is made up of ice, gas and dust.
B. A comet consists of nucleus, coma and tail.
C. Comets orbits are smaller and shorter than planets.
D. Comets tail consists of a straight gas tail and a curved dust tail.
36. What are periodic comets?
A. Comets that have have an orbit of less than 200 years.
B. Comets that have the longest tail of all known comets.
C. Comets that have the most distinctive feature.
D. Comets that are frequently seen.
37. Why is the nucleus of a comet called as the dirty snowball?
A. Because it is embedded in the coma and form the comets head.
B. Because it is primarily made up of ice with a small amount of dust.
C. Because the ice in the nucleus turns into a gaseous haze.
D. Because it is the most distinctive feature of a comet.
38.. . . but they comprise only 4% of all known comets. (Paragraph 2) What does they
refer to?
A. Planets.
B. Comets.
C. Periodic comets.
D. Elliptical orbits.
39. Arrange the following words to form a meaningful sentence.
norwatchandtheIdidntdrama yesterdayDaryldid
3 4 5 6
A. 96247835101
B. 96247831105
C. 93562471108
D. 93562417810

40. Arrange the following words to form a meaningful sentence.

thrillingtoorisadventurous park challengingthe tripeitherthe
1 2 3 4
8 9
A. 729548136
B. 729541368
C. 729154836
D. 729154368
B. Report a weather forecast in your city.

Kunci Review Unit V

Version B
Pilihan Ganda
Berdasarkan kalimat Yeah, we know that he is brilliant at
school . . ., Im glad and proud to have a friend like him. yang artinya Ya, kita tahu ia
cerdas di sekolah . . . . Saya senang dan bangga mempunyai teman seperti ia.,
disimpulkan bahwa pembicara (Rista dan Diana) dan Jess belajar di sekolah yang sama.
Jadi, kedua pembicara tersebut merupakan teman sekolah (schoolmates), sesuai
dengan pilihan jawaban (C).
Pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya pemberian penghargaan kepada
teman pembicara sebagai siswa terbaik benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat Jess was
awarded best student of the year. yang diikuti dengan alasan-alasan Jess layak
menerima penghargaan sebagai siswa terbaik.
Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat Lots of
tourists chose Bali as one of their destinations for many reasons, one of which is
because of its world class surf breaks. yang artinya Banyak turis yang memilih Bali
sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata mereka karena banyak hal, salah satunya adalah
karena pecahan-pecahan ombaknya yang berkelas dunia.. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena
Dudik mengetahui informasi tentang Bali dari sebuah artikel di Internet, (C) salah karena
Dudik tidak meng-ungkapkan bahwa ia bertemu dengan seorang turis Amerika ketika ia
mengunjungi Bali, dan
(D) salah karena pembicara tidak membahas tentang tujuan-tujuan wisata di Bali
melainkan mengenai Bali yang menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai tujuan wisata
dunia versi situs berita Amerika.
Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata
charm adalah pilihan jawaban (A) attraction, yaitu daya tarik. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
maknanya berbeda. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya kesempurnaan, (C) artinya
penjelajahan, dan (D) artinya kepuasan.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat The sun will shine brightly for
the whole day with a cool breeze in the morning and turn to be quite hot in the
afternoon. yang artinya Matahari akan bersinar terang sepanjang hari ini dengan angin

sepoi-sepoi yang sejuk di pagi hari dan menjadi sedkit panas di siang hari.. Pilihan
jawaban (A) yang artinya cerah benar.
Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan
remain (tetap) adalah (B) change yang artinya berubah. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya menjadi, (C) artinya menurunkan/ mengurangi, dan
(D) artinya menghapus/menghilangkan.
Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat di
paragraf tiga, Naturally occurring pearls hold
a significant value due to the rarity of pearls produced. yang artinya Mutiara yang
terbentuk secara alami memiliki nilai yang sangat berarti karena mutiara ini jarang
diproduksi.. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. Pilihan
jawaban (B) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat . . . few maintain a round or
spherical shape., (C) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat . . . cultured pearls are
generally less expensive because they arent as rare., dan (D) salah karena kilauan
mutiara disebabkan karena cara aragonit (mineral) disusun, bukan karena banyaknya
kandungan conchiolin (protein).
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf dua, Pearls are
formed when an irritant, such as a bit of food, grain of sand, or even a piece of the
mollusks mantle becomes trapped in the mollusk. yang artinya Mutiara dibentuk ketika
sebuah zat yang mengganggu, seperti sedikit makanan, sebutir pasir, atau bahkan
sepotong mantel/lapisan moluska terperangkap di dalam moluska.. Jadi, pilihan
jawaban (C) benar.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal paragraf tiga, There are
two main types of pearls, those that occur naturally and those that are produced
synthetically called cultured pearls. yang artinya Ada dua jenis utama mutiara, mutiara
yang terbentuk secara alami dan mutiara yang dihasilkan sintetis yang disebut mutiara
budidaya (cultured pearls).. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar.
10. B.
Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya cumi benar untuk soal
pengecualian karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat . . . of
a living shelled mollusk, such as an oyster, clam, conch, or gastropod. yang artinya . . .
moluska ber-tempurung yang hidup, seperti tiram, remis, kerang, atau gastropod..
11. A.
Teks tersebut merupakan informasi nilai gizi (nutrition fact) karena
memaparkan tentang nutrisi yang terkandung dalam sebuah produk beserta dengan
jumlah kandungan dan persen AKG-nya. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah
menginformasikan kandungan nutrisi dalam sebuah produk, sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (A).
12. C.
Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan frasa Serving
size: 250 ml yang artinya Takaran saji: 250 ml. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
tidak sesuai dengan informasi nilai gizi tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) tidak sesuai dengan
Total fat 0g . . . Protein 0g., (B) salah karena kandungan terendah terdapat dalam
lemak dan

protein, dan (D) salah karena kandungan karbohidrat lebih tinggi daripada
kandungan natrium (frasa Total carbohydrate 20 g . . . Sodium 50 mg.).
13. D.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari frasa Total Calories: 80 kcal yang
artinya Kalori/energi total adalah 80 kkal. Pilihan jawaban D benar.
14. D.
Gagasan utama paragraf terakhir teks tersebut adalah penjelasan
mengenai ekor komet, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). Hal itu disimpulkan dari
kalimat awal paragraf tersebut, The tail of a comet usually consists of
a straight gas tail and a curved dust tail., yang diikuti dengan kalimat-kalimat pendukung
tentang ekor komet.
15. C.
Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya edaran/orbit komet lebih kecil dan
lebih pendek daripada edaran/orbit planet benar untuk soal tentang pernyataan yang
salah. Pernyataan itu tidak sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf dua, They orbit around
the Sun just like planets, but their orbits are more elongated. yang artinya Komet
beredar mengelilingi matahari seperti planet, tetapi edaran komet lebih panjang.. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain sesuai dengan isi teks. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat
kedua paragraf satu, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, dan (D) sesuai
dengan kalimat pertama paragraf akhir.
16. A.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf dua, Periodic
comets are those that have an orbit of less than 200 years, . . . . yang artinya Komet
berkala adalah komet yang mempunyai edaran kurang dari 200 tahun, . . . .. Jadi,
pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
17. B.
Berdasarkan kalimat di paragraf tiga, The nucleus of a comet is
also known as the dirty snowball since it is primarily made up of ice with a small
amount of dust., disimpulkan bahwa inti (nucleus) komet disebut sebagai dirty snowball
karena inti sebagian besar terbentuk dari es dengan sedikit debu. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
(B) benar.
18. C.
Kata they mengacu pada subjek klausa sebelumnya, Periodic
comets are those that have an orbit of less than 200 years, . . . .. Jadi, kata they
mengacu pada komet berkala
(periodic comets), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (C).
19. B.
Susunan kata yang benar adalah pilihan jawaban (B) 96247
831105 sehingga membentuk kalimat Daryl didnt watch the drama
yesterday and nor did I yang artinya Daryl tidak menonton drama
yesterday dan begitu juga saya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
membentuk kalimat yang logis.

20. A.
Susunan kata yang benar adalah pilihan jawaban (A) 72954
8136 sehingga membentuk kalimat The trip to the adventurous park is either thrilling
or challenging yang artinya Perjalanan ke taman petualangan selain menggetarkan
juga menantang. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak membentuk kalimat yang
Contoh jawaban:
Let me inform you todays weather
forecast. Rain will pour into the city with
a temperature of 26C throughout the day. Floods may destroy some parts of the city,
especially next to the river banks. There is a chance of thunderstorms in the evening.
Please be careful since the weather is unpredictable nowadays. Thank you.

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