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Color therapy training

and learning ability improvement

Color healing, light therapy and chromo therapy are all terms used interchangeably with Color Therapy,
which is a set of principles used to create harmonious color and color combinations for healing. Color
therapy (chromo therapy) help improve and balance emotional state when gaze at selected colors and
absorb their energy. A therapist trained in color therapy uses color to balance energy wherever our bodies
are lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental.
The body tells us the truth about how we feel and shows us that there is an imbalance in our physiology.
Most of the time, we do not pay attention to our body because the pain of feeling and knowing may be too
much. The eidetic-mans carefully and compassionately show us what is needed through images to heal
and activate the body and mind toward better health.
Build a collection of colored cards so that at times to time you can select a color, focus on it, and restore
yourself to a balanced state. Gaze at the color for as long as you feel you need to. Depending on the
severity of the imbalance in your energy, it may take as long as one minutes before a sense of irritation
begins to be felt as the saturation point for a color's energy is reached. Color experience provides the
opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can have on well-being. The need for a particular
color's energy seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour.
When you absorb color energy it go, via the nervous, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has
its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced
state. Utilizing color is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Waveforms of light are expressed in light frequencies called nanometers. For example, red is expressed
as 660 nanometer. White light is expressed as a compendium of all the visible light frequencies which
include red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

Color meaning
Red signifies the choleric temperament. Red is generally taken to be the color of life, of the glowing sun
and of fire. Love and joy, rage and anger are the polar values of the color red. Red is said to make the
blood boil, to increase the pulse rate, to raise the blood pressure and the rate of breathing. Red is also the
color of desire. The sexual urge, the impulses and general vigor of individuals are attributed to the color
red. Red generally supports the circulatory functions and is applied with success to combat anemia,
asthma, diseases of the larynx, certain skin diseases and chronic coughs.
Orange is the color of cheerfulness and gaiety. Being a color mixed from red and yellow, it stands for kind-

heartedness and warm-heartedness of an individual. Orange symbolizes the rising sun, it makes us alert
and cheerful. It causes stimulation, warmth and happiness. Orange fills us with joy and cheerfulness. It
affects both our bodies and our minds. Astonishing results may be obtained in using the color orange to
treat mental illness, depressions, discontent and pessimism. Naturopaths apply orange for the treatment
of arteriosclerosis, sclerenecephaly, cardio sclerosis, loss of appetite, anemia, and anorexia.
The color yellow represents the sanguine temperament. Yellow is the symbol of the sun at the zenith.
Yellow is the brightest of all colors. In the psychology of colors, yellow stands for detached serenity.
Yellow reflects light in all directions, thereby creating an impression of detachment and liberation; it
cancels out any feeling of heaviness or oppression. Professor Luscher writes that the color yellow drives
us forward towards new, modern frontiers, and that it is therefore future oriented. In naturopathy yellow is
applied to combat glandular diseases and diseases of the lymphatic system, and to strengthen the
nervous system. Yellow greatly assists metabolism, glandular activity and improves secretion of the
The color green represents the phlegmatic temperament. It has a harmonizing effect. Green does not
make us quiet, but calms us in a neutral, positive sense. Green is the color of possession and of the will
to possess. Luscher says: "Green is the color of possession and should increase the feelings of security
and in particular of self-confidence." Green is also considered to be the color of concentration. It stands
for exact examination, precise analysis, systematic logic and for recording and remembering. Among
other things, the color green is applied for the naturopathic treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough,
inflammations of the joints, and swellings. In addition, green has a positive influence on the treatments of
cysts, eye diseases and diabetes, generally promoting the secretion processes. Green promotes
relaxation of the organs and stimulates general detoxification of the body.
Blue is the color of peace and infinity. It represents the melancholic temperament. Blue profoundly calms
and relaxes us. Our bodies and minds are conveyed to a state of peace, repose and softness. The
relaxing and tranquilizing property of blue is applied for relieving headaches and migraines, the pains of
stomach and muscle cramps. As a general rule, the color blue can be said to have a very positive effect
on all kinds of pain conditions.
Violet is the combination of the choleric-impulsive and the melancholic-tender nature. Violet is the color of
the emotions and is considered to be a meditative color. Violet can lead to profound liberation of the mind.
Intuition and imagination are enhanced. Violet is the color regulator at the interface between the mind and
the body. In color therapy in particular in color acupuncture, violet is applied for treating the lymphatic
system and the spleen.
The six basic colors are divided into three hot and three cool, hot being the colors which arouse and give
stimulation and cool being the colors which cool down and sedate. The colors Red, Orange & Yellow are
warming. The colors Green, Blue & Violet are cooling. Color Therapy uses these complimentary
properties of the colors to balance the body and help it to heal. By testing complimentary pairs in your
body system, the more sensitive area is found and then given the cool color to sedate, the others are
given the warm color to ton.

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