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Communication Workshop II (Comm-201)

Technical Communication
Unit I- Scientific English
Technical Communication
Communication serves as an interface between the technology and its users. The word
Technical is derived from a Latin word teckne which means a skill. When this skill, gained in a
particular domain is shared, communicated, and conveyed to the others one communicates
The characteristics of Technical Communication may include the following points:

Scientific English/ Scientific language

Logical Organization of Data

Use of Impersonal and factual Language

Use of graphs and Illustrations

Simple and purposive sentence construction

Technical vocabulary

Style is a major consideration in Technical Writing. This distinctive manner of communication

refers to choosing appropriate:

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Words and phrases

Sentences and structure
Sentence type
Rhetorical devices and discourse writing techniques (description, narration etc.)
Effective logical structure and organization (inductive, deductive order etc.)
Style in technical communication is the way one speaks or writes to convey technical
information. Style in communication depends on the audience, the purpose of communication
and the communicative context.

Elements of Technical Communication


*Brevity is
good but
not at the
cost of


of thought



The acronym ABC denotes the three basic elements of technical Communication:

*Clarity of
*Clatiry of

Accuracy: This is the first characteristic feature of technical communication, which

includes accuracy of thought and accuracy of expression. Accuracy of thought demands
the proper filtration of information before communication and accuracy of expression
demands error free grammatically correct usage of language. Precision is the quality of
being exact, accurate and definite.
Brevity: Brevity is the quality of being brief but comprehensive in expression. One must
try to be as brief as possible and give maximum information in the minimum number of
words possible. Brevity in technical communication can be easily achieved by:
Avoiding wordiness
Avoiding repetition
Do not include unnecessary details
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Revise the document thoroughly

Avoid exaggeration
Clarity: Clarity in technical communication means to be unambiguous and easily
understood. Clarity is achieved when the communicator has communicated his message
successfully to the reader or listener. Clarity can be achieved by:
Using direct language
Using specific and concrete words and expression
Using direct sentences
Avoiding wordiness and ornamentation in language.

Objectivity in Technical Communication

An important characteristic of technical communication is OBJECTIVITY. Objectivity in technical
communication can be employed by using:

Impersonal Language
Appropriate passive construction
Factual words
Avoiding personal pronouns (I, me, mine, we, us)
Formal words and phrases
Avoiding conversational tone
Standard and formal sentence structures
Avoid colloquial and informal vocabulary

Use of connectors, Linkers, Subordinators and Coordinators:

Another very important tool of technical communication is the use of connectors and linkers to
make a technical document concise and more technical in nature. It may include the followings:
Connectives: Following types are used to show relation in Scientific English:

Subordinators [because, after, as, although, etc. ]

Coordinators [but, and, yet, or, nor, etc.]

Sentence connectors [moreover, however, therefore, for example, etc.]

Shows additive relation: also, as well, besides.
Indicates cause/effect: so, so that, such that, because of, as a result of,
because, since, in consequence of

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Shows comparison : as, like, as if, as though

Shows contrast : although, while, though, whereas
Indicates temporal relation : as, after, before, since, till, until, when, while,
as soon as, by the time
Expresses condition : if, provided that, unless
Exemplifies : namely, such as

Shows additive relation: and, or, nor
Shows contrast: yet, but

Sentence Connectors:

Shows additive relation: moreover, in addition, next, likewise, then, furthermore,

additionally, finally, alternatively
Exemplifies: that is, for example, in other words, as an example.
Indicates cause/ effect: hence, for that reason, therefore, as a result, as a
consequence, thus, consequently, as follows, accordingly.
Shows comparison: similarly, also. Likewise, too, correspondingly
Shows contrast: on the other hand, in contrast, by comparison, on the contrary,
however, nevertheless, conversely.
Shows Conclusions: to conclude, in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, to
Shows sequence: first, finally, first of all, secondly, next, second, third, thirdly,
last, lastly, finally.

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