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nirmaan organization
On 27-Dec-2014 I attended to the nirmaan oraganisation meeting held at
BITS hyderabad campus. nirmaan organisation conducted an All Chapter
Meet at the campus from 11am onwards. The guests were given there
speeches about 4minutes regarding on there work & experiences with
nirmaan organsation.Our YouSee director Mr.gunaranjan gave an
enlightening talk on methodologies of fundraising, expectations from
volunteers and need for transparency & accountability in social sector.

Donate wastage
On 29-Dec-2014 we visited to Amsri apartments to observe on the wastages like (food,
papers, green waste)etc., by nearly 30 families of that apartment were putting they
wastages like food and green waste etc . They fill this waste in an compost unit to compost
the wastage .By composting it you can convert organic waste -leaves, food waste into a dark
and with an crumbling mixture that can be used to improve the soil and reduce your use of
fertilizer and water. So, It takes in a period of 50 or 60days to completely become with a
right moisture.. So by this doing its helpful for environment and we dont need any
municipal corporations to come and clean the area.

Hospital service
On 29-dec-2014 Health for all - a free and open source developed by UC volunteers
This is taken up by the UC to facilitate in a digitalized format of patient information which
will be support in clinical and administrative work at the hospital. This application includes
many features including equipment module, where it is useful to record or update patient
status in all bio-medical equipment. Volunteers have spent an considerable time to
consolidate the bio-medical equipment details. When hospital staff facing issues on this
applications they arise it and try to take clarification and guidance from the volunteers.

Meeting with IFS officer

On 29-Dec-2014 we went to IFS academy to met Mr. raghuveer director of IFS
to discuss about the swach mela event about the structure and function of
the event how to be happen. And the director of IFS gave some suggestions
regarding how event should be held on that day and he gave some ideas
which are useful for the event.

Resin codes
On 5-Jan-2015 I have an activity to do on resin codes which means the set of
symbols placed on plastics to identify the polymer type it was developed by
society of plastic industry in 1988, and is used internationally. The primary
purpose of the codes is to allow efficient separation of different polymer
types for recycling. Separation must be efficient because the plastics must
be recycled separately. Even one item of the wrong type of resin can ruin a
The symbols used in the code consist of arrows that cycle clockwise to form a
rounded triangle and enclosing a number, often with an acronym
representing the plastic below the triangle. When the number is omitted, the
symbol is known as the universal Recycling Symbol, indicating generic
recyclable materials.

Harvest the compost soil

On 5-Jan-2015 we did a activity on harvesting with a new compost soil we
reomoved old soil from the beds and put an fresh compost soil to harvest we
prepared 3beds and 2pots to harvest with seeds.

Meeting on swach mela

On 5-Jan-2015 evening we had a meeting on swach mela. One person who as
worked from press ,media came to the meeting and he asked the details
about swach mela and he gave some ideas on the event on regarding to
involve media. we discussed to invite some celebrities for the event to get
more responsible for the event.

lord welfare oraganisation

On 7-Jan-2015 we went to the lord welfare organisation office at qutbullapur
we spend some time there and we get interacted to the director of that

welfare organisation. Within that area there provide some donate things to
children like books, toys etc., to there near by households and they
providing some medicines for the pregnent womens and there maintain
details of the pregnent womens for identification purpose. There are
planning to provide education for childrens and taking care of the children by
joining them into the schools .

meeting at swach mela venue

On 9-Jan-2015 I attend to the meeting of swach mela event at padmarao
nagar. At the venue all the participents from different part of welfares came
to the meeting and discuss about there activities to do on that day and there
seen some convenient place to present there stalls.

pasting posters
On 16-Jan-2015 I have been taken an activity to paste the swach mela
posters at apartments,shops,banks and inviting the people over there to the
swach mela and also been interacted to the people and giving some
explanantions on the activities conducted on that day.

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