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(1) How to Prove It by Daniel J.

(2) Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry by Swokowski&Cole
(3) Calculus vol.1&2 by Tom M. Apostol
(4) Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang
(5) Mathematical Analysis by Tom M. Apostol
(6) Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications by Kreyszig

F. William Lawvere and Stephen H. Schanuel, Conceptual Mathematics: a First

Introduction to Categories, Cambridge University Press, 1997. (A great place to start.)

Saunders Mac Lane, Mathematics, Form and Function, Springer-Verlag, New York,
1986. (More advanced.)

Jean Dieudonne, A Panorama of Pure Mathematics, as seen by N. Bourbaki,

translated by I.G. Macdonald, Academic Press, 1982. (Very advanced - best if you know a
lot of math already. Beware: many people disagree with Bourbaki's outlook.)


Gilbert Strang, Calculus, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 1991. Also

available free online at (Another classic, with lots
of applications to real-world problems.)

Multivariable calculus:
James Nearing, Mathematical Tools for Physics, available
at See especially the sections on multvariable
calculus, vector calculus 1, and vector calculus 2. (Very nice explanations!)
George Cain and James Herod, Multivariable Calculus. Available free online

Linear algebra:
I don't have any favorite linear algebra books, so I'll just list some free ones:

Keith Matthews, Elementary Linear Algebra, available free online


Jim Hefferon, Linear Algebra, available free online


Robert A. Beezer, A First Course in Linear Algebra, available free online


Ordinary differential equations - some free online books:

Bob Terrell, Notes on Differential Equations, available free online
at (Does both ordinary and partial differential
James Nearing, Mathematical Tools for Physics, available
at See especially the sections on ordinary
differential equations and Fourier series (which are good for solving such equations).

Partial differential equations - some free online books:

Bob Terrell, Notes on Differential Equations, available free online

at (Does both ordinary and partial differential

James Nearing, Mathematical Tools for Physics, available

at See especially the section on partial differential
Irving Kaplansky's book Set Theory and Metric Spaces.
If you can, get yourself J.E. Thompson's series of x for the Practical Man books, where x is any
of Algebra,Trigonometry, or Calculus.

The great mathematician Gelfand wrote a number of nice high-school level

books: Algebra, Trigonometry,Functions and Graphs, The Method of Coordinates

I think that Courant and Robbins What is Mathematics? is a very good introductory book
yet. It is worth reading and I have spent some time on it before starting my undergraduate
studies. The title is not reflecting the real content of the book.
Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra
2 - Practical Algebra: A Self-Teaching Guide, Second Edition

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