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Wireless Sensor Network Based Air

Pollution Monitoring

Submitted By
Hazoor Bukhsh
Muhammad Basharat Ali
Engr. Farzana Arshad
Assistant Professor




Jun 2014

Wireless Sensor Network Based Air Pollution Monitoring

Hazoor Bukhsh 10-TE-10
M. Basharat Ali 10-TE-18

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

B.Sc. Telecommunication Engineering

Project Supervisor:

Engr. Farzana Arshad

Assistant Professor

Thesis Supervisor Signature:_____________________________________________


Jun 2014

Wireless sensor network Based Air Pollution Monitoring
Hazoor Bukhsh 10-TE-10
M. Basharat Ali 10-TE-18
Project Supervisor:

Engr. Farzana Arshad

Assistant Professor

Here is introduction to Air pollution and effect of pollution on environment as well on

human health. As the technology increase, the degree of automation (minimizing the man
power) in the almost all sectors are also increases. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are
gaining the ground in all sectors of life. Air pollution monitoring is extremely important
as air pollution has a direct impact on human health and environment. Air pollution is a
major environmental risk to health. We can help nations diminish the worldwide trouble
of sickness from coronary illness, respiratory diseases, and lung cancer by decreasing air
pollution levels. In this project we tried to develop an effective solution for pollution
monitoring using wireless sensor networks (WSN) on a real time basis namely real time
wireless air pollution monitoring system. Commercially available gas sensors for sensing
concentration of harmful gases like Combustible gases and CO gas because these gases
decide the degree of pollution level are calibrated using appropriate calibration
technologies. The system consists of several distributed monitoring stations that
communicate wirelessly with a back end server using RF module for communication.
Keywords: Sensor Network, Gases, Pollution, WSN, RF module.

We certify that project titled Wireless Sensor Network Based Air Pollution Monitoring
is our own work. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly
acknowledged / referred.


Hazoor Bukhsh

M. Basharat Ali

The moment representing this project, we are grateful to our respected supervisor Engr.
Farzana Arshad for extending her valuable guidance to us. Our Teachers and colleagues,
who have been supportive, are equally appreciable and deserving our gratitude.

Abstract ...............................................................................................ii
List of Figures................................................................................................vii
List of Tables...................................................................................................ix
Chapter I: Introduction.....................................................................................1
1.1 General introduction of WSN...............................................................1
1.2 Introduction to APD..............................................................................2
1.3 Objective..............................................................................................3
1.4 Problem Statement and motivation.......................................................4
Chapter II: Literature Review ............ .5
2.1 Literature review...................................................................................5
2.2 Major disaster of Air pollution..............................................................6
2.3 Air pollution.........................................................................................9
2.4 Pollutants............................................................................................10
2.5 Pollution Effects ................................................................................12
Chapter III: Literature Review ...........14
3.1 Software.............................................................................................14
3.2 Hardware............................................................................................16
3.3 Block diagram....................................................................................23
3.4 Flow chart...........................................................................................25

Chapter IV: Result and Discussion .. .......... .26

4.1 Simulation Result...............................................................................26

4.2 Hardware Results................................................................................28
4.3 Discussion...........................................................................................30
Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation................................................31
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................31
5.2 Recommendations..............................................................................31
5.3 Application.........................................................................................32


Fig 1.1WSN.....................................................................................................2
Fig 1.2 Pollution in the world..........................................................................3
Fig 2.1.1(a) Chernobyl Explosion ...................................................................6
Fig 2.1.1(b) After Explosion............................................................................7
Fig 2.3 Air Pollution........................................................................................9
Fig 2.4 Sources of Air Pollution.....................................................................11
Fig 2.5 Effect of air pollution due to Bhopal gas...........................................13
Fig 3.1.1 MikroC pro for PIC........................................................................15
Fig 3.1.3 Proteus............................................................................................16
Fig 3.2.1(a) Sensitivity of Sensor..................................................................17
Fig 3.2.1 (b) Structure and Dimension of sensor ..........................................17
Fig 3.2.2 PIC 16f887......................................................................................19
Fig 3.2.3(a) RF Modules................................................................................20
Fig 3.2.3 (b) Transmitter Signals on oscilloscope .........................................22
Fig 3.2.3 (c) Receiver signals on oscilloscope...............................................22
Fig3.3.1 Sensor Node Block diagram............................................................23
Fig3.3.2 Receiver Node block diagram.........................................................24
Fig3.4 Flow Chart..........................................................................................25
Fig 4.1 (a) Sensor Node Simulation...............................................................26
Fig 4.1 (b) Sensed value less than threshold..................................................27

Fig 4.1 (c) Sensed value greater than threshold.............................................27

Fig 4.2(a) Sensor Node Hardware.................................................................28
Fig 4.2 (b) Receiver node before threshold...................................................29
Fig 4.2 (c) Receiver node when gas exceeded...............................................30
Fig 5.3 Clean earth is in your hand...............................................................32

Table 3.2.2 PIC16f887 features.....................................................................18
Table 3.2.3 (a) RF Transmitter pin configuration..........................................21
Table 3.2.3 (b) RF Receiver pin configuration..............................................21

1.1 General Introduction to the WSN
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed
autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental
conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at
different locations. Recent technological improvements have made the deployment of
small, inexpensive, low-power, distributed devices, which are capable of local processing
and wireless communication, a reality. Such nodes are called as sensor nodes. Each
sensor node is capable of only a limited amount of processing. But when coordinated
with the information from a large number of other nodes, they have the ability to measure
a given physical environment in great detail. Thus, a sensor network can be described as a
collection of sensor nodes which co-ordinate to perform some specific action. Unlike
traditional networks, sensor networks depend on dense deployment and co-ordination to
carry out their tasks.
Wireless technology has expanded the limits of our world. Through this innovation,
people have been given freedom to work away from their desks or even outside. The new
found freedom that people are beginning to enjoy with their computers has started
making the world of technology and nature blend. Wireless Sensor Networks are the next
stage of this technology-nature cohesion. Wireless Sensor Networks, or WSNs, have been
used to enable better data collection in scientific studies, create more effective strategic
military defenses and monitor factory machinery. Wireless Sensor Networks are
collections of motes. Motes are the individual computers that work together to form

networks. The requirements for motes are extensive. They must be small, energy
efficient, multifunctional, and wireless. Collections of motes communicate with each
other to reach a common goal. Once placed, they collect and transmit data to each other,
and eventually to a main computer. Motes collect and transfer data using four stages:
collecting the data, processing the data, packaging the data, and communicated the data.
Each mote collects data using its various types of sensors. After collecting the data, the
mote processes the data using its electronic brain. Once the data has been collected and
processed to this point, the mote then begins to interact with other motes.

Fig 1.1: (WSN)

1.2 Introduction to Air Pollution Detection

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are gaining the ground in all sectors of life, from
homes to factories, from traffic control to environmental monitoring Pollution has been
aggravated by developments that typically occur as countries become industrialized
growing cities, increasing traffic, rapid economic development and industrialization,
and higher levels of energy consumption. The high influx of population to urban areas,
increase in consumption patterns and unplanned urban and industrial development has led
to the problem of air pollution. Air pollution has significant influence on the

concentration of constituents in the atmosphere leading to effects like global warming

and acid rains. To avoid such adverse imbalances in the nature, an air pollution Detection
system is utmost important. Wireless Sensor Networks is excellent technologies that can
sense, measure, and gather information from the real world and, based on some local
decision process transmit the sense data to the user.
This system contained sensors to monitor the two air pollutants gases including carbon
mono oxide and combustible gases because these gases decide the degree of pollution
level. When the detected level of pollution will exceed the threshold value then these
values will be transferred to master node where operator can view the pollution level at
particular place.

Fig 1.2: Pollution

1.3 Objective
The destination of this work is to think of practical, dependable, versatile and faultless
continuous air pollution monitoring framework with wireless sensor network. Industrially
accessible electrochemical and resistive warming sort sensors are utilized to sense the

gasses. Proper alignment innovations are created to adjust these sensors which are
interfaced to wireless sensor nodes deployed in the field environment.

1.4 Problem Statement & Motivation

One of numerous manifestations of pollution, air pollution happens inside homes,
schools, and business locales, in urban areas, crosswise over landmasses, and even
internationally. Air pollution makes individuals wiped out it causes breathing issues and
advertises tumor and it damages plants, creatures, and the biological systems in which
they live. Some air poisons come back to Earth as corrosive rain and snow, which
consume statues and structures, harm yields and backwoods, and make lakes and streams
unsatisfactory for fish and other plant and creature life.
Pollution is changing Earth's air so it lets in more hurtful radiation from the Sun. In the
meantime, our contaminated climate is improving as a cover, keeping high temperature
from getting away go into space and prompting an ascent in worldwide normal
temperatures. Researchers anticipate that the temperature expand, alluded to as an
unnatural weather change, will influence world nourishment supply, modify ocean level,
make climate more compelling, and build the spread of tropical sicknesses.

Chapter 2

Literature Review
2.1 literature review
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an active field of research due to its emerging
importance in many applications including environment and habitat monitoring, health
care applications, traffic control and military network systems. With the recent
breakthrough of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology whereby
sensors are becoming smaller and more versatile, WSN promises many new application
areas in the near future. Typical applications of WSNs include monitoring, tracking and
controlling. Some of the specific applications are habitat monitoring, object tracking,
nuclear reactor controlling, fire detection, traffic monitoring, etc. Initial development into
WSN was mainly motivated by military applications. However, WSNs are now used in
many civilian application areas for commercial and industrial use, including environment
and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home automation, nuclear reactor
controlling, fire detection and traffic control.
Sensor networks are currently an active research area mainly due to the potential of their
applications. With the fast growing industrial activities on the island, the problem of air
pollution is becoming a major concern for the health of the population. Indoor air
pollution is estimated to cause approximately 2 million premature deaths mostly in
developing countries. Almost half of these deaths are due to pneumonia in children under
5 years of age. Urban outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 1.3 million deaths
worldwide per year.

2.2 Major Disaster of Air pollution

2.2.1 Chernobyl disaster

The Chernobyl disaster was a cataclysmic nuclear accident that happened on 26 April
1986 at the chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then formally the Ukrainian
SSR), which was under the immediate purview of the focal powers of the Soviet Union.
A blast and flame discharged expansive amounts of radioactive particles into the
environment, which spread over a great part of the western USSR and Europe.
The Chernobyl debacle is the most noticeably bad nuclear power plant mishap in history
as far as expense and coming about passings(deaths), and is one of just two delegated a
level 7 occasion (the greatest grouping) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the
other being the Daiichi nuclear calamity in 2011). The battle to hold the contamination
and turn away a more prominent disaster eventually included in excess of 500,000
laborers and expenses an expected 18 billion rubles. Throughout the mishap itself 31
individuals kicked the bucket, and long haul impacts, for example, growths and
deformations are as of now being represented.[3, 4,5]. Nuclear explosion fig given below:

Fig 2.1.1(a): during explosion

Fig 2.1.1(b): After explosion

2.2.2 Bhopal gas tragedy
On the night of December 2, 1984, a dangerous dose of the noxious methyl isocyanate
gas spilled from a tank of the pesticides plant in Bhopal claimed by the US Company
Union Carbide. The gasses swirled over the ground into close-by bustees (slums),
murdering Bhopal's poorest occupants in their slumber, smoldering the eyes and lungs of
survivors, and bringing on almost two decades of deaths, wounds and sick wellbeing.
Appraisals of the amount of individuals slaughtered on the first night range from an
authority figure of 3,000 to upwards of 7,000 or8,000 (somewhat focused around the
amount of kafans, or covers, requested by religious associations for wrapping the dead).
From that point forward, at any rate an alternate 10,000 to 15,000 of those influenced
have passed on. [6]

2.2.3 Meuse Valley, Belgium, 1930

This is one of the initially archived scenes in advanced, times which stirred overall
investment happened in the Meuse Valley of Belgium in December, 1930. Trapped by a
reversal, toxins amassed in this soak sided valley of 15 miles length. Coke stoves, steel
factories, impact heaters, zinc smelters, glass manufacturing plants and sulfuric corrosive
plants created an expected SO2 amassing of 8 ppm. It was evaluated that the SO2 focus
was arrived at to 22600ug/m3. Inside a couple of days more than 600 individuals fell
sick, and 63 individuals kicked the bucket from the contaminated air. Sadly no
estimations were made. There appears to be, notwithstanding, little uncertainty that the
significant offender was sulfur dioxide which, with the assistance of mist droplets
oxidized to sulfuric corrosive with a molecule measure little enough to infiltrate
profoundly into the lungs.
2.2.4 Donora, Pennsylvania, 1948
In October 1948 the United States accomplished its first contamination disaster in the
residential area of Donora in the Manongahela River Valley, 20 miles southeast of
Pittsburgh. Effluents from various commercial enterprises, for example, a sulfuric
corrosive plant, a steel factory, and a zinc generation plant got trapped in a shallow
valley reversal to deliver an un breathable mixture of haze and contamination.
Something like 6,000 individuals or 43 percent of the populace endured different
degrees of sicknesses, for example, sore throat disturbance of the eyes, nose, and
respiratory tract, cerebral pains, windedness, retching, and sickness. There were 20
deaths in three days. Again no surrounding estimations were made throughout the

calamity. It was proposed that sulfur dioxide arrived at crest estimations of about 5500

2.3 Air Pollution

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful
materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage
to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment.
The atmosphere is a complex trademark vaporous structure that is the key to help life on
planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion in view of air defilement has long been seen
as a danger to human wellbeing and notwithstanding the Earth's surroundings.
Indoor air tainting and urban air quality are recorded as two of the world's most
observably terrible risky sullying issues in the 2008 Blacksmith Institute World's Worst
Polluted Places report.[1] According to the 2014 WHO report, in 2012 the air pollution
brought on the deaths of around 7 million people worldwide.[2]

Fig 2.3: Air pollution

2.4 Pollutants
Air pollution can further be arranged into two segments visible air contamination and
imperceptible air contamination. An alternate method for taking a gander at Air
contamination could be any substance that holds the possibility to upset the air or the
prosperity of the living creatures making due in it. The sustainment of all things living is
because of a mix of gasses that altogether structure the air; the awkwardness brought on
by the build or decline of the rate of these gasses might be hurtful for survival.
To comprehend the reason for Air pollution, a few divisions might be made. Primary air
pollutants might be brought about by essential sources or optional sources. The toxins
that are an immediate after effect of the methodology might be called primary pollutants.
A fantastic illustration of an essential toxin would be the sulfur-dioxide emitted from
plants e.g.
Carbon monoxide (CO): CO is a dismal, scentless, harmful yet non-bothering gas. It is
an item by fragmented ignition of fuel, for example, characteristic gas, coal or wood.
Vehicular fumes are a significant wellspring of carbon monoxide.
Sulphur Oxides (SOx): especially sulphur dioxide, a compound with the recipe SO2.
SO2 is delivered by volcanoes and in different mechanical courses of action. Coal and
petroleum frequently hold sulfur mixes, and their ignition creates sulfur dioxide. Further
oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2, forms H2SO4, and
thus acid rain.


Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx): Nitrogen oxides, especially nitrogen dioxide, are produced
from high temperature ignition, and are likewise created throughout storms by electric
release. They might be seen as a tan cloudiness arch above or a crest downwind of urban
communities. It is one of a few nitrogen oxides.
Secondary pollutants are the ones that are created by the bury blending and responses of
essential poisons. Brown haze made by the connections of a few essential poisons is
referred to be as optional contamination e.g.
Ozone O3: Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere. It is also an important
constituent of certain regions of the stratosphere commonly known as the Ozone layer.
Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes
that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. At abnormally high concentrations
brought about by human activities (largely the combustion of fossil fuel), it is a pollutant,
and a constituent of smog.
Sulphuric acid H2SO4: Created by sulphur compounds, and causes acid rain.


Fig 2.4: Sources of Air pollution

2.5 Air Pollution Effects

1. Respiratory and heart issues:
The impacts of Air contamination are disturbing. They are known to make a few
respiratory and heart conditions alongside Cancer, in addition to different dangers to the
body. A few millions are known to have passed on because of immediate or circuitous
impacts of Air contamination. Kids in ranges presented to air poisons are said to regularly
experience the ill effects of pneumonia and asthma.
2. Global worming:
Another immediate impact is the quick modifications that the world is seeing because of
Global warming. With expanded temperatures around the world, build in ocean levels and
dissolving of ice from colder districts and chunks of ice, uprooting and misfortune of
natural surroundings have officially indicated an approaching calamity if activities for
conservation and standardization aren't embraced soon.
3. Acid Rain:
Harmful gasses like nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides are discharged into the climate
throughout the copying of fossil fills. When it rains, the water droplets joins together with
these air contaminations, gets acidic and afterward falls on the ground as corrosive
downpour. Corrosive downpour can result in incredible harm to human, creatures and
4. Eutrophication:

Eutrophication is a condition where high measure of nitrogen present in a few

contaminations gets created on ocean's surface and transforms itself into green growth
and unfavorably influences fish, plants and creature species. The green hued green
growth that is available on lakes and lakes is because of vicinity of this concoction just.
5. Impact on Wildlife:
Just like people, creatures likewise confront some grinder influences of air pollution.
Dangerous chemicals exhibit buzzing around can compel natural life species to move to
new place and change their living space. The harmful contaminations store over the
surface of the water and can likewise influence ocean creatures.
6. Exhaustion of Ozone layer:
Ozone exists in earth's stratosphere and is in charge of ensuring people from unsafe
ultraviolet (UV) beams. Earth's ozone layer is draining because of the vicinity of
chlorofluorocarbons, hydro chlorofluorocarbons in the air. As ozone layer will go flimsy,
it will emanate destructive beams once again on earth and can result in skin and eye
related issues. UV beams likewise have the capacity to influence crops.
7. Diseases:
There are various infections that may be created via air contamination. For instance
Watery eyes, hacking, or wheezing, infections, for example, bronchitis, asthma, lung
growth, tuberculosis and pneumonia Irritation or breathing challenges and so on.


Fig 2.5: blind women due to Bhopal gas



3.1 Software

MikroC pro for pic

MikroC is a full-emphasized ANSI C compiler that is accessible for six diverse

microcontroller architectures (for this situation, for PIC 12/16/18). It offers a natural IDE,
an influential compiler with cutting edge SSA advancements and programming libraries,
help in work. The compiler accompanies an extensive Help document (700 pages) and
loads of prepared to-utilize illustrations intended to kick you off instantly.
Every compiler permit incorporates free updates and technical support for the lifetime of
the item. The product offers a Live Update benefit to get new gimmicks and changes in a
flash. The mikroc PRO for PIC compiler underpins 504 PIC microcontrollers. Recently
discharged PIC microcontrollers will be backed by new forms of the compiler
programming that is overhauled normally.
The compiler is intended to be brilliant and proficient, so you can depend on it to do the
diligent work. It emphasizes four levels of improvements that can lessen your code size
up to 20 percent. Standard header records are incorporated that make it simple to port
your code from other C compilers.


Fig3.1.1: MikroC pro for pic

3.1.2 MikroC PRO for PIC C Compiler Features

o It is easier and less time consuming to write in C than in Assembly.

o C is easier to modify and update.
o You can use code help available in function libraries.
o C code is portable to other micro-controllers with little or no modification.
o Single-click Debugging
o Faster, better, more productive
3.1.3 Proteus
Proteus is programming for microchip recreation, schematic catch, and printed circuit
board (PCB) plan. It is produced by Lab focus Electronics. The suite joins together
blended mode SPICE circuit reenactment, vivified parts and chip models to
encourage co-reproduction of complete microcontroller based outlines. Proteus


likewise can recreate the association between programming running on a

microcontroller and any simple or advanced hardware joined with it.

Fig 3.1.3: Proteus

3.2 Hardware
3.2.1 Sensor (TGS 813)
In the vicinity of a perceivable gas, the sensor's conductivity expands relying upon
the gas focus buzzing around. A basic electrical circuit can change over the change in
conductivity to a yield indicator which compares to the gas focus. The sensor can
catch an extensive variety of gasesit has high sensitivity to methane, propane, and
butane, making it ideal for natural gas and LPG monitoringThe sensor can detect an
extensive variety of gasses, making it an incredible, minimal effort sensor for a wide
assortment of provisions. It is also available with a ceramic base which is highly
resistant to harsh environments up to200C.


Fig 3.2.1(a): sensitivity of sensor

Fig 3.2.1(b): Structure and dimension

3.2.2 Pic16f887
It offers all the parts which current microcontrollers typically have. At its ease,
extensive variety of requisition, fantastic and simple accessibility, it is a perfect result
in requisitions, for example, the control of distinctive procedures in industry, machine


control gadgets, estimation of diverse qualities and so forth. Some of its principle
features are recorded beneath:
Table 3.2.2: PIC16f887 features
Operating frequency
Precision internal oscillator

0-20 MHz

Factory calibrated

Software selectable frequency

range of 8MHz to 31KHz

ROM memory

8K ROM memory in FLASH technology

Chip can be reprogrammed up to

100.000 times

In-Circuit Serial Programming Option

Chip can be programmed even

embedded in the target device

EEPROM memory
RAM memory
A/D converter

256 bytes
368 bytes


Analogue comparator module

10-bit resolution

Two analogue comparators

Fixed voltage reference (0.6V)

Programmable on-chip voltage



Enhanced USART module

Supports RS-485, RS-232 and


Auto-Baud Detect

Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP)

Pin Count

supports SPI and I2C mode


Fig 3.2.2: pic16f887

3.2.3 RF Modules
This RF module comprises of a RF Transmitter and a RF Receiver. The
transmitter/recipient (Tx/Rx) pair works at a recurrence of 434 MHz. A RF
transmitter accepts serial information and transmits it remotely through RF through


its receiving node. The transmission happens at the rate of 1kbps - 10kbps.the
transmitted information is accepted by a RF beneficiary working at the same
recurrence as that of the transmitter.

The RF module works at Radio Frequency. The recurrence range differs between 30
kHz& 300 GHz. In this RF framework, the advanced information is spoken to as
varieties in the adequacy of bearer wave. The adjustment utilized is known as
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).

Fig 3.2.3 RF modules

Pin configuration
Table 3.2.3(a): RF Transmitter
Pin No



Ground (0V)




Serial data input pin

Supply voltage; 5V
Antenna output pin


Table 3.2.3(b): RF Receiver

Pin No



Ground (0V)
Serial data output pin
Linear output pin; not connected
Supply voltage; 5V
Supply voltage; 5V
Ground (0V)
Ground (0V)
Antenna input pin


Test Results taken from RF modules are given below:

These are the results of modules to check the working of the module in first figure it
shows the transmitter module that shows the square wave that is input to the


Fig 3.2.3(b): Transmitter

In the figure given below it is receiver output. The square wave is received but it is

Fig 3.2.3(c): Receiver

3.3 Block Diagram

We have two nodes one is sensor node and the second is master node. Their block
diagrams are given below.

3.3.1 Sender Node

The sender node is basically the node deployed in the field or environment area to
sense pollution. It is consisted on a sensor, battery power and a microcontroller to
store, compare and controlled information signal. RF module is used to send the
signal through wirelessly.


Fig 3.3.1: Transmitter node

3.3.2 Receiver Node

The receiver node is the node which is placed in the office where a person working on a
pc can see the real time environment condition. The signal sent from transmitter node is
received by receiver node.

Fig 3.3.2: Receiver Node

3.4 Flow Chart of Transmitter Node
The sensor node deployed in the environment start sensing gases present in the air.
The sensed data is then converted into digital form by the controller. Then the sensed
value of gas is compared with the threshold value of the gas. If the sensed value is

less than the threshold value then it will wait for some time to save power and then
sense again. When the sensed value crosses the threshold value then it will transmit a
signal to the master node and turn on the fan. The master node can get alarm signal.
And at the start of this danger it can be controlled.

Fig 3.4: Flow Chart

We use fan to automate the system. When gas exceeds a chamber like sucker (in future
work) turned on to suck harmful gases and destroy them with some chemical reaction or
by condensing them. Up till now fan is used to exhaust the gas with in some room or


Results and Discussion
4.1 Simulation Results
This is the sensor node that is sense the gas value and showing it on LCD and on
virtual terminal also. This is the first simulation that is just sensing the gas present.

Fig 4.1(a): sensor node

In 4.1(b) simulation the sensed value of gas is less than the threshold value so the
transmitter node is not sending any signal to the receiver node.


Fig 4.1(b): Gas below than threshold

In 4.1(c) simulation it is showing that the sensed value is exceeded than the
threshold which we give is 1000. So it is transmitting the signal on the receiver
node. And receiver node is getting alarm signal on LCD and on buzzer too.

Fig 4.1(c): Gas exceeds the threshold

4.2 Hardware result


This is the transmitter node sensing the gas value on real time. If the sensed value is less
than the threshold (1000 ppm) it will not transmit.

Fig 4.2 (a): sensor node


On the receiver side the receiver will not get any of the signals because the transmitter
node didnt send any of the signals. When transmitter node send the signal then receiver
node will show the information received.

Fig 4.2 (b): sensor node


When the sensed value exceeded the threshold it will show the alarm signal on LCD and
turn on the buzzer and red led too.

Fig 4.2(c): the receiver show the gas is exceeded the threshold.

4.3 Discussion
In this project we are just transmitting a signal that just indicates the presence of gas. It is
cheap and reliable. This project can be enhanced by sensing more gases and the value of
the gases can also be transmitted to the receiver node.


Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
This Wireless Air Pollution Monitoring System gives continuous monitoring of air
pollution and in addition gives alarms in instances of uncommon change in nature of air
and automates the exhaust fan. These will extraordinarily upgrade observing of the
regular environment and in some cases open up new methods f or taking estimations
and calculations or permit previously impossible deployments of sensors. WSN for air
pollution and observing will be extremely valuable for checking distinctive high hazard
locales of the nation. It will give ongoing data about the level of air pollution. This data
can then be utilized by the powers to take brief movements, for example, emptying
individuals or sending crisis reaction group. In this way WSN systems might be
successfully utilized for observing air pollution within the ranges where general checking
is required.

5.2 Recommendation
As talked about in this paper, late innovative improvements in the scaling down of
gadgets and wireless correspondence innovation have headed to the development
of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). These will incredibly improve observing of
the characteristic environment and in some cases open up new systems for taking
estimations or permit at one time unimaginable organizations of sensors.GPS, GPRS,
and Zigbee can also be used to enhance this project and definitely it will give precise and
accurate value and it will be reliable.


5.3 Applications
This project can be used in many places where there is a threat of air pollution or
presence of harmful gases. For example in industry like chemical industry many gases
produce which are harmful for human being. In mining there is not a ventilation
procedure so deadly gases me be present it can be used here also. At home used for gas
leakage detection and also for fire detection. Automation can be done through this by
placing a fan or a sucker to suck these gases to destroy them.

Fig 5.3: clean Earth is in your hand


1. "Reports". Archived from the original on 11 August 2010.
Retrieved 2010-08-29.

"7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution". WHO. 25 March
2014. Retrieved 25 March 2014.

3. Nuclear and radiation accidents#Nuclear power plant accidents

4. Black, Richard (12 April 2011). "Fukushima: As Bad as Chernobyl?". BBC.
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7. P.VijnathaRaju, Pollution Monitoring System using Wireless Sensor Network in

VisakhapatnamInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
(IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013
8. Raja Vara Prasad Y, Mirza Sami Baig REAL TIME WIRELESS AIR


9. Abdullah Kadri, Elias Yaacoub, Mohammed Mushtaha, Wireless Sensor

Network for Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring
10. R.A.Roseline, Dr.M.Devapriya.,Dr.P.Sumathi, Pollution Monitoring using
Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks : A SurveyInternational Journal of
Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)Volume 2,
Issue 7, July 2013

ISSN 2319 4847.

11. P.Vijnatha Raju, R.V.R.S.Aravind, B Sangeeth Kumar. Pollution Monitoring

System using Wireless Sensor Network in VisakhapatnamInternational Journal
of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013
12. Han Zhi-gang and Cui Cai-hui, The Application of Zigbee Based Wireless
Sensor Network and GIS in the Air Pollution Monitoring 2009 International
Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology.
13. Jong-Won Kwon,Design of Air Pollution MonitoringSystem using ZigBee
Networks forUbiquitous-City2007 International Conference on Convergence
Information Technology.
14. Wireless sensor network detain is online at
15. Proteus simulation and code help from
16. Coding software and coding help liberaries is online at


17. Forum for online help at

18. About public safety and health issues online at
19. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi.



Wireless Sensor Network


Peripheral Interface Controller


Micro-Electro-Mechanical System


Analog to Digital Converter


Radio frequency


Carbon monoxide


ultra violet


liquid pressurized gas


Air pollution Detection


World Health Organization

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


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