SAC Senate Minutes - Meeting 7 (Amended)

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2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 7

I. Call to Order
 Vice President Oren Lefkowitiz called the Senate meeting to order on
Tuesday Jan 5, 2010 at 11:40am in the Heritage Room.

II. Roll call

 Please see attendance sheet.

III. Approval of Minutes – December 8th, 2009

 Minutes were approved.

IV. Opening Issues

1. Survey Results – (Treasurer Casey Li)
 Survey results will be brought up at the next Senate meeting.

2. Budget Act Reform (Treasurer Casey Li)

 Handouts were given (amendments and new budget request form)
 Money is not guaranteed to the Associations but arbitrary amounts
are listed.
 Associations and Clubs should always show invoices to SAC.
 Amendment proposal (by Daniel Sorek) – after the budget meeting,
there should be a waited time span when Senators can show the
budget to students, and it can then be voted on at the next Senate
 $50 cap has been removed from the first year clubs, and has been
increased to $250.
 Many clubs feel that funding is mandatory. Funding is a privilege.
Money should not be given out to Clubs for fundraising purposes, but
only for actual expenses.
 Second budget meeting must be held by March 10, 2010. Because
many clubs request money before then, this meeting may be held
 Can we add an article reviewing the procedure of Budget Meetings?
 The funding request form has been revised; more organized,
structured and informative.

3. Auditing (Treasurer Casey Li)

 Clubs are supposed to be audited.
 Auditing will take place during February 2010.
 If you have SAC funds, you must fill in pink slips for Ms. Fortin.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 7

 If money is spent without letting SAC know, your funds will be

 All Club heads must submit invoices to SAC email or mailbox by Feb
10, 2010.
 Associations must create a budget with invoices so that the SAC
knows where the money is going, otherwise the funds will be frozen.

V. Statements by Executive
1. President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard
 Talked with the environmental Senator about the trees. He is going
to look into buying trees for the school.

2. Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz

 If you have a trophy for the SAC to award people with at Free Style
Friday, please come see the SAC. (Mara has a soccer trophy.)

3. Treasurer Casey Li
 No statements.

4. ESD Sally Rylett

 No statements.

5. ISD Shannon Hill

 No statements.

6. Secretary Sarah Feeney

 No statements.

VI. Statements by Senators

1. PTA Senator (Meng Bao)
 No statements.

2. Super Council Senator (Albert Hu & Dustin Stern)

 The last Super Council meeting was cancelled and not

3. Foundation Senator (Daniel Sorek)

 There is a Meeting this Thursday, which will discuss finances.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 7

 Time capsule will be discussed (what the world will look like in
50 years from now).
 All Grade Senators and Association Senators should get
involved in the time capsule to get information and objects from all
grades and students directly.

VII. New Business

1. Gaming Tournament
 SAC approval is only on Club Charter.

VIII. Discussion and Question Period

Q. Can a Gaming Club be started?
A. Charter will be given after the meeting.

Q. What if a Club or Association bought something that they originally

didn’t request?
A. If they change their idea, that is ok. Invoice must be given to the
SAC as soon as possible.

Q. Has the President started the Students Rights Committee?

A. He has talked to a few students but it hasn’t been started officially.

Q. When is the next SAC Day and how long will it be advertised in
A. It is the end of January and theme will be discussed at the next SAC
Executive meeting. It will be advertised two weeks in advance.

IX. Adjournment
 The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

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