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Upsi Deut Times

February 8, 2015
Welcome to the New Year
2015 is finally upon us, and the New
Year brings with it not only a new
semester, but new brothers and new
elections as well. Congratulations to
our new brothers in the house, Jacob
Ferguson, Levi Garrison, Collin
Graber, Lucas Holstine, Mason
Hooper, Daniel Kimball, and Samuel
Surgalski. Also, congratulations to
every brother who received a house
position this semester or year, we look
forward to showing the alumni all of
the great plans we have for this house
in the future.

2015 Preamble Institute

Brothers Miller 17 and Kiral 17
traveled to Binghamton, NY to
participate in this years Preamble
Institute. They arrived on Friday,
January 16, and returned to us at
Wabash on the night of January 19.
Brother Kiral had this to say about PI,
This year Dan and I, the PI

attendees, learned a lot and had a lot

of fun at PI. This year PI was held at
the Theta Triton charge-University of
Binghamton in Binghamton, New
York, where we learned all about
leadership practices, conflict
resolution, communication skills,
teamwork, and the significance of the
Theta Delta Chi values voiced in the
Preamble. We met brothers from all
around the US and Canada, including
those from the Midwest. We plan to
reinstate charge trips by the end of
2015 to those charges in the area.

Senior Poster Sessions

Congratulations to our seniors who
participated in this semesters poster
sessions in Detchon. Brother Egler
15 gave a presentation titled The
rising action: Theatre marketing and
survival in a moderately sized city
which discussed the different theatres
that reside in Indianapolis and their
business strategies and marketing
techniques. Brother Pingel 15 gave a
presentation titled The differing
worldviews of Flavius Agricola and
Flavia Primitiva: An analysis of their
thoughts on life and the afterlife in
which he discussed the presentation of
Flavius Agricolas tomb and the

deeper meaning to the inscriptions

found on Agricolas statue. Among
those with Poster presentations and
exhibits were brothers Sukup 15 and
Bupp 15. Brother Sukups
presentation involved woodcut prints
of the Mexican Revolution that were
given to the Modern Language
Department, and showed how the
prints depicted a left-wing point of
view about the Revolution. Brother
Bupps presentation focused on the
different ways that porous silicon
could be used for different
applications, such as waste water
treatment and drug delivery systems.
Congratulations to all who
participated in this years poster

Yesterday the Brotherhood
participated in this years Mini-Pi
event. Alumni returned to the house to
help the brothers work through any
issues that we might be facing, both
big and small. Jim Leuck, Tim Kraft,
Jacob Moore, and Thoma Mattox
stayed at the house from 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. to help the Brotherhood
work on solutions to issues such as
communication, confrontations,

academic improvement, and how to

effectively run an efficient meeting.

Brothers participate in a mock meeting

about numbers for Rush, while Jacob Moore
mans the helm.

Upsilon Deuteron Officers

Spring 15

IFC Representative
Levi Garrison 18

Bryce Kilian 16

Vice President
Brian Wittman 16

James Fritz 16

Student Senate Representative

Daniel Miller 17

IM Chair
Daniel Kimball 18

Philanthropy Chairs
Carson Cheng 17 and Fritz Coutchie

Corresponding Secretary
Dylan Mayer 17

House Manager
Mason Hooper 18

Recording Secretary
Samuel Surgalski 18

Website Manager
Taner Kiral 17

Rush Chairmen
Adam Wadlington 16 and Jacob
Ferguson 18

Social Chairmen
Collin Graber 18 and Matthew Bupp

Scholarship Chair
Graham Redweik 16

Risk Manager
J.D. Burns 15

Executive Council Contact

President Bryce Kilian

Vice President Brian Wittman

Treasurer James Fritz

Corresponding Secretary Dylan


Recording Secretary Samuel


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