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Agents of injustice
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~Edmund Burke
What makes a person an agent of injustice? The texts Introduction to bystander apathy byJohn Darley,
The nurmenburg trials, Gang rape by Stephanie Chen, and Obedience in Rwanda are all examples of
people who were agents of injustice.
When people are obedient to someone that is evil, they may or may not become agents of
injustice. Those accused in the Nuremburg trails were claiming to be just following orders. They were
trained to follow orders and listen. However, what makes a person an agent of injustice is whether it
goes against the human morality, or what we think as humans would be morally unjust. If the person
following orders believed that it was not right and was against the act, then it would make them a agent
of injustice. However, there are a lot of exceptions, there are a lot of different exceptions in general.
In the article Obedience in rwanda, the genocide happened very quickly. Soldiers were trained
from birth to hate tutsis. They were following authority, but unlike in the Nuremberg trails, it was not
morally wrong to them. They would still be considered agents of injustice because of the influence that
they were under, which may or may not have been their fault.

The outcome counts wether it was

right or wrong. If someone did something morally unjust an saved many lives, then it would be
considered justified. Many people died trying to do the right thing and it was pointless in the end. If
someone thinks that the outcome will be better than doing nothing, then they would not be unjust.
Another thing to consider is the form of consequences. If a person is following orders because
of fear of retaliation, are they agents of injustice? I think that if they can't make a difference, then the
involvement is justified if they can change the outcome and sav more people, but don't then they are
unjustified. If any one of those high ranking officials has tried to change something, or negotiate with
hitler then other high ranking officials may have changed what happened. From a young age, kids

choose not to get involved in bullying so that they would not get bullied themselves. They could be
considered unjust or justified.

One thing that all people are capable of doing to change things is

to make a call for help. Almost everybody has a cell phone, or access to a telephone. If somebody
doesnt report what is going on to authority, then they are agents of injustice. In obedience in rwanda,
The two had a history of conflict. It almost seemed that the hutus thought of the tutsis as non people. It
is unjust if you dont try to see both sides of the argument.They were either going to kill someone, or
get killed themselves by their own people. Either way, a life is lost. Either way an innocent person will
die. Some things are very hard to tell what actually happened. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it should be
considered just or unjust. The very definition of justice is unclear. Fear is a very overwhelming force. It
is harder to do the right thing when you families and the threat of death is present. It's okay to be afraid.
It's not okay if there is anything someone could do to change the outcome to the best of their abilitys.
In bystander apathy when people are unsure about what to do they look for advice and someone
to follow. When they are alone, they find a solution. But when in a group, they tend to diffuse
responsibility and rely on others. Because people do this, it makes them agents of injustice. In the gang
rape article, many people saw what was going on and some even participated. When people were asked
why they did not take action, they said I didn't want to get involved. I think that it is unjust if a
person does not do anything when they have the choice to change something with no consequence.
There are a lot of factors that determine if a person is unjust or not. Why are they fighting? Will
innocent people die? Is one person worth more than another, and if so, what determines that? What is
the overall effect on the world? What is truly worth fighting for? There are so many different variables
that could make a person seem unjust or justified. However, whether they are just or unjust depends on
the viewer's definition of justice.

Never gonna give you up,Never gonna let you down,Never gonna run around and desert you,Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye, Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

Have a nice summer, and thanks for everything

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