Free Gifts Are Given by The Altar Servers Every Christmas

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1. Repeat again
My teacher asked me to repeat again what I said.
Revise: My teacher asked me to repeat what I said.
2. Forever and ever
He promised to stand by his mother forever and ever.
Revise: He promised to stand by his mother forever.
3. False pretense
The book on Pathology makes no false pretense at comprehensiveness.
Revise: The book on Pathology makes no pretense at
4. Free gift
Free gifts are given by the altar servers every Christmas.
Revise: Gifts are given by the altar servers every Christmas.
5. Alter and change
She does not want to alter and change her decision even if it can lead
her to a downfall.
Revise: She does not want to alter her decision even if it can lead her
to a downfall.
6. Full and complete
My friend will lend me the full and complete series of Harry Potter.
Revise: My friend will lend me the complete series of Harry Potter.
7. Revert back
The rich man abandoned his possessions and reverted back to
Revise: The rich man abandoned his possessions and reverted to
8. Same identical
This is the same identical place that we used to pass by.
Revise: This is the same place that we used to pass by.
9. Unexpected surprise
My family gave me an unexpected surprise.
Revise: My family gave me a surprise.

Unintended mistake
An unintended mistake happened during the live show.
Revise: A mistake happened during the live show.
Add an additional
I was obliged by my parents to add an additional activity aside from
Revise: I was obliged by my parents to add an activity aside from
White in color
The booklet that he is looking for is white in color.
Revise: The booklet that he is looking for is white.
Regular routine
My regular routine helps me burn fat.
Revise: My routine helps me burn fat.
Poisonous venom
The snakes poisonous venom killed the camper.
Revise: The snakes venom killed the camper.
Root cause
The root cause of broken relationships is indifference.
Revise: The cause of broken relationships is indifference.
Invited guests
The invited guests arrived on time.
Revise: The guests arrived on time.
[Number] a.m. in the morning
It was the client who set the meeting time of 7 a.m. in the morning.
Revise: It was the client who set the meeting time of 7 a.m.
End result
The end result of the meeting is depressing.
Revise: The result of the meeting is depressing.
Estimated at about roughly
My dream house and lot is estimated at about roughly 2 billion pesos.
Revise: My dream house and lot is roughly 2 billion pesos.
Puzzling in nature
My instructor threw a question which is puzzling in nature.
Revise: My instructor threw a puzzling question.

Added bonus
The owner of the company gave an added bonus to those diligent
Revise: The owner of the company gave a bonus to those diligent
Basic fundamentals
Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the basic fundamentals of
Revise: Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the fundamentals of
First began
The story first began in a Puritan setting.
Revise: The story began in a Puritan setting.
New beginning
A new beginning awaits the chosen family.
Revise: A beginning awaits the chosen family.
Past history
Past history tells us that we can do better if we plan.
Revise: History tells us that we can do better if we plan.
Collaborate together
My parents collaborate together to send me to school.
Revise: My parents collaborate to send me to school.
Plan ahead
Pete was suggested to plan ahead before working.
Revise: Pete was suggested to plan before working.
Postpone until later
The scheduled meeting is postponed until later.
Revise: The scheduled meeting is postponed.
Difficult dilemma
The country faces a difficult dilemma.
Revise: The country faces a dilemma.
Constant nagging
Her constant nagging caused a negative treatment.
Revise: Her nagging caused negative treatment.
Direct confrontation
Direct confrontation is needed before making a move.

Revise: Confrontation is needed before making a move.

Usual custom
It may be weird for others, but for his family it is just a usual custom.
Revise: It may be weird for others, but for his family it is just a
Artificial prosthesis
The artificial prosthesis aids my grandfather to walk.
Revise: The prosthesis aids my grandfather to walk.
Empty space
We can put either cabinet or rack in that empty space.
Revise: We can put either cabinet or rack in that space.
Kneel down
He knelt down and asked her to marry him.
Revise: He knelt and asked her to marry him.
Lift up
My father used to lift me up.
Revise: My father used to lift me.

Reply back
Please reply back as soon as you read my e-mail.
Revise: Please reply as soon as you read my e-mail.

Knowledgeable experts
Knowledgeable experts say that yawning signals the bodys need of
Revise: Experts say that yawning signals the bodys need of oxygen.
Over exaggerate
Do not over exaggerate your story.
Revise: Do not exaggerate your story.
Pour down
Gladys enjoys watching the pouring down of rain outside the window.
Revise: Gladys enjoys watching the pouring of rain outside the
Shared together
The families of the 44 Fallen SAF members of PNP shared together a
bittersweet moment of their lives.
Revise: The families of the 44 Fallen SAF Members of PNP shared a
bittersweet moment of their lives.

Truly sincere
Carla is truly sincere in asking for an apology and in admitting her
Revise: Carla is sincere in asking for an apology and in admitting her
Underground subway
The underground subway in Japan makes it easier for people to
Revise: The subway in Japan makes it easier for people to commute.
Wall murals
Revise: The painters wall murals are political maps inspired.
The painters murals are political maps inspired.
Write down
The CEO ordered his secretary to write down his appointments.
Revise: The CEO ordered his secretary to write his appointments.
Two equal halves
The mother divided the bread in two equal halves.
Revise: The mother divided the bread in halves.
Still remain
Yolanda survivors still remain strong despite the death of their loved
Revise: Yolanda survivors remain strong despite the death of their
loved ones.
Therapeutic treatment
Massage is an effective therapeutic treatment for babies.
Revise: Massage is an effective treatment for babies.
Small speck
The small speck of light is the end of the tunnel.
Revise: The speck of light is the end of the tunnel.
Exactly the same
He looks exactly the same as his father.
Revise: He looks the same as his father.

1. tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
The lawyer convinces the accused to tell the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth inside the court.
Revise: The lawyer convinces the accused to tell the truth inside the
2. negotiate, transact, and execute
3. sole and exclusive
The court erred in naming Rey the sole and exclusive debtor.
Revise: The court erred in naming Rey the sole debtor.
4. fair, just, and equitable
A lawyer shall encourage his clients to settle a controversy if the deal
will admit a fair, just, and equitable settlement.
Revise: A lawyer shall encourage his clients to settle a controversy if
the deal will admit a fair settlement.
5. final and conclusive
The decision of the Supreme Court is final and conclusive.
Revise: The decision of the Supreme Court is final.
6. lawful and legal
I will name you as my lawful and legal business partner.
Revise: I will name you as my legal business partner.
7. furnish and supply
The court will furnish and supply the copy of the decision.
Revise: The court will furnish the copy of the decision.
8. perform and discharge
9. part and parcel
aid or abet
A lawyer shall not aid or abet activities aimed at the defiance of law.
Revise: A lawyer shall not abet activities aimed at the defiance of law.

1. "Further affiant sayeth naught" = Affiant states/says no more. Signals
the end of the affidavit
2. "Comes now the Plaintiff unto this Honorable Court" = A respectful
manner of addressing the court
3. "In witness whereof" =
4. "Parties hereto have affixed their signatures" = parties have signed the
5. "Witnesseth that" = Usually written before the terms and conditions of
a contract
6. "We request a continuance" = We need more time to study the case.
7. "I'll take that under advisement" = I will study your case
8. "It is respectfully prayed unto the Honorable Court to GRANT the
following reliefs" - We ask the Honorable Court to order the following
9. "I have hereunto set my hand" = I am under oath in signing this
"After having been duly sworn to in accordance with law" = I am
under oath
"If it pleases this Honorable Office" = A way of showing
reverence to the Court
"We request a recess" = We need a break/ more time to study
the case.
"Counsel would like to make a manifestation" = Counsel would
like to say something
"The Honorable Court acted with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction" = The Honorable Court's
act/decision is illegal or the Honorable Court has no authority to act as
it did

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