Extensive Experience in Projects For Hospital Institutions: Marko

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Extensive experience in projects

for Hospital Institutions


The prefabrication of parts in our workshops, and their assemblageat the

work site, guarantees the high quality of the component piecesand brings
about a remarkable decrease in installation time

Panzeri Today
Today, Panzeri has complete, highly specific and extremely diversified technological
Our artisanal roots have helped us preserve the use of manual skills, a crucial talent in a
that is built upon the concept of knowing how to do things well.

The Head Office

The Concept
The Panzeri SPA is an international company leader in the design and
construction of technological systems. In particular, the company conducts:
Design and Installation of:
- Heating equipment
- Air conditioning
- Ventilation systems
- Water systems
- Firefighting equipment
- Electrical installations
- The control, supervision, maintenance and remote management
- Alternative energy systems: solar panels, photovoltaic and geothermal
- Hospitals and various health institutions
- Shopping center, commercial centers and hypermarkets
- Private and public buildings
- Logistics centers and office complexes
- Theaters, museums, cinemas, hotels, and banks
- Industrial and tertiary

The History
The Panzeri company was founded in 1968 as an installation company for
plants, especially in the industrial sector since the country's economy was
flourishing back in the years and the Como textile industry was rapidly
During the eighties, the company acquires and develops management skills
and increasing, and was driven by the increased complexity of the demand
and steared towards installation of larger systems and more complex
engineering. Planning, design and management supported by innovative
information technology led to a higher level of quality in the production phase.

Modern Company
Today Panzeri Spa has a comprehensive technological know-how, highly
specialized and extreme diversified. It is able to produce systems of complex
industrial engineering, heat engineering, and electrical energy with a focus on
new energy alternatives. The presence of companys in-house workshops, is a
guarantee of continued assistance. Remote management through a computer
network service is also provided. The large and complex systems always
represent a positive challenge for Panzeri production.
Since 2009 the Panzeri has extended its horizons to the foreign market. Today
the locations of Panzeri company are also in:
- PANZERI SUISSE SA in Lugano, Switzerland
- PANZERI DO BRASIL LTDA in San Paolo, Brazil
- PANZERI EAST d.o.o. in Belgrade, Serbia

The Key Strenght? In-house production

Production workshops within the company are the real "center of operating gravity" of the company.
Prefabrication and pre-assembly of the plants and parts are done with our own specialized technology.
Every single piece is prefabricated in the workshop and delivered on site ready for installation.
Panzeri SPA is well able to compete on different levels, addressing large structures and offering the
customer a package of advanced services, with a highly personalized keys-in-hand thus ensuring
higher quality, more control, more speed in the construction of facilities and strong economic

Projects take shape and become real in the workshops. This department combines a craftsmans
manual skills with proven industrial technology to realize, in a sort of symbiosis, a technically evolved
product that is carefully checked in relation even to the tiniest welding seam.
The workshop for the prefabrication and preassembly of technology control units, and sprinkler and
fire-prevention systems covers an area of approximately 4.000 m2. This department is equipped with
a CAD-CAM production line with a production capacity of over 600 sprinkler heads per day. It
performs beading and punching operations to make the pipes with extremely precise checking of the
dimensions and quality of the aforementioned operations.

Objectives, Attention to the

Environment, and Optimization of
Today the most important aims of Panzeri spa are energy and environment, which are closely related to
each other. The energetic waste constitutes not only an economic cost, but also an environment problem
because of the damages it causes to the ecosystem.
The main scope of Panzeri spa is to combine the service of precise and flexible users control and the
optimization of energetic consumptions.
It is also necessary to take an ecological attitude by realizing modern buildings and infrastructures for what
concerns energetic sustainability, by reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and by creating a low
environmental impact system.
Innovation and eco-sustainability have to go hand in hand: efficiency of computer devices, transport
optimization and use of materials which are respectful of the environment (recyclable materials).

Hospital Facilities
and Portfolio of Operations
The Panzeri company has developed the extensive experience in the construction of
the hospital facilities over the years, with the highest levels of complexity and technology.
Panzeris staff is able to install hospital facilities to comply with the latest international standards and
to cooperate actively with the project staff to develop optimized solutions for different needs.

Technological Systems, ventilation

And air conditioning
Air conditioning systems both in care facilities, the special units, with control of airborne contamination
and in intensive care units - intensive care departments operators, delivery rooms, immunosuppressed
facilities or infectious wards, cancer therapies etc.
Facilities in the service of the machine diagnostic and high energy therapeutic, such as:

Nuclear medicine,
Rehabilitation pools etc.

The systems are designed, installed and tested by our staff, with particular attention to the comfort of
the patients, the reduction of energy consumption, and ease of maintenance and control.
At the service of the facilities we also realize the technology control centers and distribution networks
of technological systems. This aspect is assuming increasing importance of the time and in particular to
optimize the energy requirements, while still maintaining high levels of quality in the environment.

Some of the technologies installed by us are:


Generation plants for both hot water and steam,

Cogeneration and Trigeneration plants,
Biomass power plants and Bioliquids,
Solar energy systems,
Geothermal heat pump systems,
Air handling units with enthalpy recovery, etc.

Among the technological systems at the service of the hospitals which also have
considerable importance for water treatment facilities, such as drinking water:

water treatment plants,

water softening,
reverse osmosis,
steam generation for clean water,
clear and pre-treatment plants for sewage and wastewater.

Facilities for technical

and medical gases
The facilities for technical and medical gases are designed and manufactured in
compliance with international standards of the industry with the required
duplication of equipment and distribution systems, materials and installation
procedures certificates.

Fire protection systems

The active and passive fire protection systems must be carefully designed and
built specifically to address the specific needs and also critical departments,
considering some of them contain patients who are not transportable.
Specific strategies involve therefore the need to have the maximum attention in
the immediate detection of outbreaks of fire, to partition and turn off as soon as
possible and to have the evacuation plans in case of emergency calibrated on
several assumptions in the events of fire.

The plumbing system

The Plumbing systems are developed with the greatest attention to the aspects
of healthcare consequent to coexistence of a large number of people with different
problems and medical issues, in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases in
the hospital (eg. legionellosis, intestinal infections etc.), integrating the control of
contamination by contact, ingestion or airborne, through the development of
appropriate procedures, coordinated with the clinical institution.

Electrical and Special Systems

The electrical and special normal serve utilities, utilities under generator, "no break" utilities
powered by UPS. Particular attention is paid to the correct choice of reliable equipment and
the logic of risk analysis of the project, in particular where the life of patients is related to the
continuity of energy supply of equipment that can not be compromised by failure or malfunc
-tion. The systems of electrical generation and distribution both normal and emergency are
then carefully constructed with the necessary redundancy to ensure the safety of service.
Distribution networks and control systems are digitaly integrated with BMS management and
diagnostics of all electrical, mechanical and special systems, which connote utilities in hospital
among which we quote:

Regulation systems of air conditioning systems,

Lighting and electrical systems,
Access control and fire detection,
Data transmission systems of telemedicine and medical records,
Digital, voice and digital data systems (LANs),
Television sets, and video information and audio,
Wireless systems, home automation systems, conveyor systems people and materials etc.

All systems have also involved the need to integrate and coordinate the many projects of the
various suppliers involved in the construction of a modern hospital complex and require a
constant confrontation with the heads of the various departments that will use them, to
coordinate the construction needs with the operational needs.

Facility integrated architecture

The integration of all systems and technologies with the architectural elements in the "hotel"
type - help determine the quality of the environment, among which are cited as:
- Integration of systems headboard with the furniture and the walls,
- Control and simulation of photometric, colorimetric, acoustic and thermal homogeneity of
the environments in the different situations of outside weather,
- Use of materials easy to clean and maintain,
- Ergonomics and ease of use of the facilities installed,
- Remote monitoring systems to reduce the need for inspections of technical departments,
- Clinical psychologists in developing environments psychologically positive etc.

The last references of Panzeri regarding hospital institutions projects in chronological order, which began
in 2008 by completing...

Hospital Sant'Anna - Commo

New hospital complex with 651 beds, 18 operating rooms (including 4 of ISO class 5), 4 rooms
surgery, emergency room, radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, laboratories (including one lab
medicine, laboratory medicine 1 cytotoxic, 2 cleanroom), sterilization, three endoscopy rooms, delivery
room, 55 clinics, kitchens for preparing meals, canteen and services for the public.

- Garage with 1,166 parking spaces

- The surface of the project is 85.000 sqm
- Conditioning systems in tutt'aria external operating departments powered by 46 air handling units

a total of 900,000 cubic meters / h of outside air treated

Systems for beamed hot and cold air in the primary office
Systems of radiant ceiling panels and primary air in the wards
Systems in fan-coil and primary air in the areas of service
Cooling systems of medical equipment
Water and sanitary system (plumbing system)
Water treatment plant (industrial water, demineralized water, softened water, chemically treated

complete with storage and pressurization

Manufacturing facility for clean steam for a total of 4,000 kg / h
Industrial steam production plant for a total of 5,000 kg / h
System for distribution of technical and medical gases
System of fire hydrants and sprinklers


All the systems are comprised of distribution and power production and preparation of the fluids.
- Central heat dual fuel (gas / diesel) power of 14,000 kW with 31 pumps,
- three heat generators,
- two steam generators.
Refrigerating groups condensed with water tower and absorbers for a total power of 8,700 kW with 18

pumps, three groups electric refrigerators, 1 absorber, four cooling towers.

Major works on Hospital Institutions

Facilities: Air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
Facilities: Air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
Facilities: Air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection
(Performed in Temporary Association of Companies)
Facilities: Air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire
protection and medical gases, electrical installation
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire
protection and medical gases
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire
protection and medical gases
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire
protection, electrical installation

Major works on other Healthcare

RSA living healthcare facility for chronic patients
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
RSA living healthcare facility for chronic patients
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
RSA living healthcare facility for chronic patients
Retirement home 1 OF GUANZATE (COMO)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
RSA Retirement home 2 OF GUANZATE (COMO)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
RSA Retirement home 3 OF GUANZATE (COMO)
Equipment: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
RSA retirement home 4 OF LEGNANO (MILANO)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection
A CLINICAL VERUNO NOVARA (Rehabilitation Medicine)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection - medical gases
CLINIC at Castel Goffredo MANTUA (Rehabilitation Medicine)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection - medical gases
HOME OF THE HEALTH - Livigno (Sondrio)
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection and medical gases.
Facilities: air conditioning, water-sanitary (plumbing), fire protection, electrical installations

Headquarters: Via Milano 1/a 22070 LUISAGO (CO)

Tel. 00 39 031 550210

Fax 00 39 031 550220

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