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Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78, 222302 (2000)

doi:10.1006/cviu.2000.0835, available online at on

Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 19991
Azriel Rosenfeld
Computer Vision Laboratory, Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland 20742-3275
Received January 10, 2000

This paper presents a bibliography of nearly 1700 references related to computer vision and image analysis, arranged by subject matter. The topics covered include computational techniques; feature detection and segmentation; image and scene analysis;
two-dimensional shape; pattern; color and texture; matching and stereo; 2 12 -dimensional recovery and analysis; three-dimensional shape; and motion. A few references
are also given on related topics, including geometry and graphics, compression and
processing, sensors and optics, visual perception, neural networks, artificial intelligence and pattern recognition, as well as on applications. c 2000 Academic Press

This is the thirtieth and last in a series of bibliographies on computer processing of
pictorial information, covering primarily items published during 1999. (The online availability of most of the literature in the field makes it increasingly unnecessary to publish
such bibliographies.) The coverage is restricted almost entirely to a selected set of U.S.
or international journals and conference proceedings. No attempt is made to summarize
or evaluate the items cited; the purpose is simply to provide a convenient compendium of
references, grouped by subject.
The references are arranged under the following headings:

General references
Related topics
Computational techniques

The support of the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-95-1-0521 is gratefully acknowledged, as
is the help of Janice Perrone in preparing this bibliography.
1077-3142/30 $35.00
c 2000 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.




Feature detection and segmentation; image and scene analysis

Two-dimensional shape and pattern
Color and texture
Matching and stereo
Range and recovery
Three-dimensional shape

Letter/number codes in the text (A.1, etc.) correspond to sections of the bibliography.
Papers, books, etc., relating primarily to specific topics will be cited in later sections. In this
section we cite references that relate to more than one topic:
(A.1) Meetings and meeting proceedings: [160]
(A.2) Books [6167]; journal special issues [6875]; a few papers on general topics
[7681]; and the previous bibliography in this series [82].

The following related areas are not covered systematically, but we give a few references
on them:

Geometry and graphics: [83113]

Compression and processing: [114144]
Sensors and optics: [145159]
Visual perception: [160170]
Neural networks: [171176]
Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition: [177199].


Documents: [200213]2
Biomedical and biological: [214227]2
Human: [228383]
Industrial; robotics: [384406]2
Mobile robotics; traffic: [407460]
Target recognition: [461479]
Remote sensing: [480522].


Architectures and environments: [523530]

Databases: [531608]
Operations: [609619]
Processes: [620646]
Geometric operations; calibration: [647682].

Only selected references on these topics are given.




(E.1) Features: [683718]
(E.2) Segmentation: [719836] (including thresholding, contour extraction, grouping,
and segmentation of 3D data; on texture see Section G.4, and on range data see Section I.1)
(E.3) Image and scene analysis (including attention, control, etc.): [837852].

Representation, decomposition, etc.: [853870]

Properties; invariants: [871902]
Contours and curves: [903938]
Skeletons and thinning; distance: [939968]
Pattern (path planning, etc.): [969986]; formal languages: [987998].


Lightness, polarization, and color: [9991041]

Texture: modeling, synthesis: [10421079]
Texture: description: [10801111]
Texture: segmentation: [11121133].

(H.1) Image matching: [11341219]

(H.2) Hough transforms: [12201238]; structure matching: [12391245]; recognition:
(H.3) Stereo, etc.: [12681334].
(I.1) Range sensing and range data analysis: [13351356]
(I.2) Recovery: [13571392].
(J.1) Models: [13931422]
(J.2) Recognition: [14231458]
(J.3) Other topics (pose, geometry, etc.): [14591508].

Flow; egomotion: [15091551]

Structure from motion: [15521600]
Dynamic scenes: [16011663]
Tracking, etc.: [16641693].



For brevity, the following repeatedly cited sources are cited in abbreviated forms:

A. Conference Proceedings



Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

International Conference on Computer Vision
International Conference on Image Processing
SIGGRAPH 98 Conference
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

B. Journals



Artificial Intelligence
AI Magazine
Applied Intelligence
Communications of the ACM
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Computational Geometry Theory and Applications
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Discrete and Computational Geometry
Graphical Models and Image Processing
Information and Computation
International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Information Processing Letters
Information Sciences
Image and Vision Computing
Journal of the ACM
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Machine Vision and Applications
Neural Computation
Proceedings of the IEEE
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Pattern Recognition Letters
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
Real-Time Imaging
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Spatial Vision
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
ACM Transactions on Graphics
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
The Visual Computer




A.1. Meetings, etc.
1. C. Arcelli, L. P. Cordella, and G. Sanniti di Baja, Guest Eds., Special Issue on Visual Form (Third International Workshop, Capri, Italy, May 2830, 1997), IVC 7(56), April 1999, 335460.
2. A. Clark, Guest Ed., Special Issue: BMVC 97 (Eighth British Machine Vision Conference, Essex, England,
September 811, 1997), IVC 17(8), June 1999, 543642.
3. K. Morita, A. Nakamura, M. Nivat, and P. S. P. Wang, Guest Eds., Special Issue: Parallel Image Analysis
(Fifth International Workshop, Hiroshima, Japan, September 2930, 1997), IJPRAI 13(4), June 1999,
4. L. OGorman, Guest Ed., AutoID Technology: From Barcodes to Biometrics (First IEEE Workshop on
Automatic Identification, Stony Brook, New York, November 1997), RAM 6(1), March 1999, 46, 20
5. M. Cheriet and Y. H. Yang, Guest Eds., Special Issue: Vision Interface 98 (Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, June 1998), IJPRAI 13(5), August 1999, 589802.
6. Special Issue: Fifth Open GermanRussian Workshop [on] Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
(Herrsching, Germany, September 2125, 1998), PRIA 9(4), OctoberDecember 1999, 539791.
7. Y. I. Zhuravlev and S. T. Vaskov, Guest Eds., Special Issue: Proceedings of PRIA-4-98 (Fourth Russian
Federation Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 1118,
1998), PRIA 9(12), JanuaryJune 1999, 1399.
8. R. J. Mericsko, Ed., Advances in Computer-Assisted Recognition (Washington, DC, October 1416, 1998),
Proc. SPIE 3584.
9. Workshop on Performance Characterization and Benchmarking of Vision Systems, Canary Islands, Spain,
January 12, 1999.
10. International Conference on Vision Systems, Canary Islands, Spain, January 1315, 1999.
11. International Workshop on Parallel Image Processing and AnalysisTheory and Applications, Madras,
India, January 1516, 1999.
12. D. Sinha, Ed., Real-Time Imaging IV (San Jose, CA, January 25, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3645.
13. Third Workshop on Cybernetic Vision, Campinas, Brazil, February 2326, 1999.
14. Shape Modeling International, Aizu, Japan, March 14, 1999.
15. Workshop on Large Scale Discrete Optimization in Robotics and Vision, Piscataway, NJ, March 2123,
16. S. K. Park and R. C. Juday, Eds., Visual Information Processing VIII (Orlando, FL, April 6, 1999), Proc.
SPIE 3716.
17. B. V. Dasarathy, Ed., Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications III (Orlando, FL, April
79, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3719.
18. Mathematics and Shape Recognition, Luminy, France, April 2630, 1999.
19. Second Workshop on Graph-Based Representations, Haindorf, Austria, May 1012, 1999.
20. Vision Interface, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada, May 1821, 1999.
21. Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Methods in Computer Vision, Piscataway, NJ, May 2021, 1999.
22. Technical Meeting on Machine Vision in Photogrammetry, London, England, May 26, 1999.
23. First European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing,
Goteborg, Sweden, May 28, 1999.
24. Eleventh Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, June 711, 1999.
25. IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision Beyond the Visible SpectrumMethods and Applications, Fort
Collins, CO, June 2122, 1999.
26. IEEE Computer Society Second Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, Fort
Collins, CO, June 2122, 1999.
27. IEEE Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of VisionModeling, Learning, Computing,
and Sampling, Fort Collins, CO, June 22, 1999.



28. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Fort Collins, CO, June
2325, 1999.
29. IEEE Workshop on Multi-View Modeling and Analysis of Visual Scenes, Fort Collins, CO, June 26, 1999.
30. Second IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance, Fort Collins, CO, June 26, 1999.
31. International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Las Vegas, NV, June 28July
1, 1999.
32. Second International Conference on Information Fusion, Sunnyvale, CA, July 68, 1999.
33. Seventh IEE Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, Manchester, England, July 1215, 1999.
34. A. G. Tescher, Ed., Applications of Digital Image Processing XXII (Denver, CO, July 2023, 1999), Proc.
SPIE 3808.
35. L. J. Latecki, R. A. Melter, D. M. Mount, and A. Y. Wu, Eds., Vision Geometry VIII (Denver, CO, July
1920, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3811.
36. F. Preteux, A. Mohammad-Djafari, and E. R. Dougherty, Eds., Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian
Estimation, and Inverse Problems (Denver, CO, July 2123, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3816.
37. Second International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, York, England, July 2629, 1999.
38. Statistical Methods for Image Processing, Uppsala, Sweden, August 69, 1999.
39. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 2931, 1999.
40. Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 3031, 1999.
41. International Workshop and Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial
Relevance, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, September 13, 1999.
42. Eighth International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
September 13, 1999.
43. International Workshop on Fundamental Structural Properties in Image and Pattern Analysis, Budapest,
Hungary, September 68, 1999.
44. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 59, 1999.
45. Tenth British Machine Vision Conference, Nottingham, England, September 1316, 1999.
46. D. P. Casasent, Ed., Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVIII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active
Vision (Boston, MA, September 2021, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3837.
47. G. T. McKee and P. S. Schenker, Eds., Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems II (Boston, MA,
September 1922, 1999) Proc. SPIE 3839.
48. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Kerkyra, Greece, September 2025, 1999.
49. Frame-Rate Workshop, Corfu, Greece, September 21, 1999.
50. International Workshop on Graph Algorithm and Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, September 21, 1999.
51. Workshop on Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, Corfu, Greece, September 21, 1999.
52. Tenth International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Venice, Italy, September 2729, 1999.
53. Second International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October
48, 1999.
54. Twelfth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October
1720, 1999.
55. Second Annual IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, Palm Springs,
CA, October 2127, 1999.
56. Second Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, Summit, NJ, October 2829, 1999.
57. Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, Erlangen, Germany, November 1719, 1999.
58. Fifth Conference on Digital Image Computing, Techniques, and Applications, Perth, Austrialia, December
68, 1999.
59. International Workshop on Digital and Computational Video, Tampa, FL, December 10, 1999.
60. First International Workshop on Managing Interactions in Smart Environments, Dublin, Ireland, December
1314, 1999.



A.2. Books, etc.

61. O. Faugeras, Three-Dimensional Computer VisionA Geometric Viewpoint, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
62. K. W. Bowyer and P. J. Phillips, Eds., Empirical Evaluation Techniques in Computer Vision, IEEE Computer
Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1998.
63. C. H. Chen, L. F. Pau, and P. S. P. Wang, Eds., Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
(second edition), World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
64. B. Jahne, Ed., Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.
65. R. Joshi and A. C. Sanderson, Multisensor FusionA Minimal Representation Framework, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
66. L. A. Klein, Sensor and Data Fusion Concepts and Applications (2nd ed.), SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1999,
67. M. Vincze and G. D. Hager, Eds., Robust Vision for Vision-Based Control of Motion, SPIE, Bellingham,
WA, 1999, PM73.
68. K. Bowyer, L. Stark, and G. Stockman, guest eds., Special Issue: Image Computation and Education,
IJPRAI 12(8), December 1998, 10331123.
69. S. F. Chang, P. W. Wong, and H. J. Zhang, guest eds., Special Issue on Image Technology for World Wide
Web Applications, JVCIR 9(4), December 1998, 255380.
70. G. Roth, Guest Ed., Special Issue on 3D Digital Imaging and Modelling, IVC 17(2), February 1999, 85166.
71. A. Del Bimbo, Guest Ed., Part[ial] Special Issue: Color and Texture Analysis, PR 32(3), March 1999,
72. Y. Suenaga, Guest Ed., Surveys on Image Processing TechnologiesAlgorithms, Sensors, and Applications, T-IS E82D(3), March 1999, 121636.
73. M. A. Viergever, Guest Ed., Special Issue: Computer Vision Research at Utrecht University and the University Hospital Utrecht, IJCV 31(23), April 1999, 107259.
74. P. J. Phillips and K. W. Bowyer, Guest Eds., Special Section on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision
Algorithms, T-PAMI 21(4), April 1999, 289335.
75. O. Faugeras and T. Kanade, Eds., Special Issue: 1998 Marr Prize, IJCV 32(1), August 1999, 561.
76. T. Poggio and C. R. Shelton, Machine learning, machine vision, and the brain, AIM 20(3), Fall 1999, 3755.
77. B. A. Maxwell, Teaching computer vision to computer scientists: Issues and a comparative-textbook review,
IJPRAI 12, 1998, 10351051.
78. S. L. Tanimoto, Connecting middle school mathematics to computer vision and pattern recognition, IJPRAI
12, 1998, 10531079.
79. S. Sarkar and D. Goldgof, Integrating image computation in undergraduate level data-structure education,
IJPRAI 12, 1998, 10711080.
80. R. R. Murphy, Teaching image computation in an upper level elective on robotics, IJPRAI 12, 1998,
81. R. B. Fisher and K. Kuryllos, Interactive textbooks: Embedding image processing operator demonstrations
in text, IJPRAI 12, 1998, 10951123.
82. A. Rosenfeld, Image analysis and computer vision: 1998, CVIU 74, 1999, 3695.

B.1. Geometry and Graphics
83. International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 812,
84. International Conference on Visual ComputingInteraction, Modeling, Rendering, Animation, and 3D
Environments, Goa, India, February 2326, 1999.
85. First International Symposium on Mixed Reality, Yokohama, Japan, March 911, 1999.



86. Technical Meeting on Vision in the Media, London, England, March 10, 1999.
87. IEEE Virtual Reality 99, Houston, TX, March 1317, 1999.
88. Fifteenth European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Antibes, France, March 1517, 1999.
89. Eighth Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Noisy-Le-Grand, France, March 1719,
90. ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Atlanta, GA, April 2628, 1999.
91. EurographicsIEEE Symposium on Visualization, Vienna, Austria, May 2628, 1999.
92. Graphics Interface, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 24, 1999.
93. Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Miami Beach, FL, June 1316, 1999.
94. 26th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH), Los
Angeles, CA, August 813, 1999.
95. Eleventh Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August
1518, 1999.
96. Fourth Workshop on Computational Geometry, Baltimore, MD, October 1516, 1999.
97. Second International Workshop on Augmented Reality, San Francisco, CA, October 2021, 1999.
98. Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Albuquerque, NM, November 25, 1999.
99. D. Z. Du and F. Hwang, Computing in Euclidean Geometry, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
100. B. Lichtenbelt, R. Crane, and S. Naqvi, Introduction to Volume Rendering, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 1998.
101. G. Farin, NURBS for Curve and Surface Design, A. K. Peters, Natick, MA, 1999.
102. D. Y. Hsu, Spatial Error Analysis, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1999.
103. T. Moller and E. Haines, Real-Time Rendering, A. K. Peters, Natick, MA, 1999.
104. K. L. Clarkson, Ed., Special Issue: ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (Minneapolis, MN,
June 710, 1998), DCG 22(4), December 1999, 479648.
105. A. Rosenbloom, Toward an image indistinguishable from reality, CACM 42(8), 1999, 2890.
106. D. P. Greenberg, A framework for realistic image synthesis, CACM 42(8), 1999, 4453.
107. K. Mehlhorn, S. Naher, M. Seel, R. Seidel, T. Schilz, S. Schirra, and C. Uhrig, Checking geometric programs
or verification of geometric structures, CGT&A 12, 1999, 85103.
108. J. E. Baker, I. F. Cruz, G. Liotta, and R. Tammassia, Visualizing geometric algorithms over the Web,
CGT & A 12, 1999, 125152.
109. S. Petitjean, Algebraic geometry and computer vision: Polynomial systems, real and complex roots, JMIV
10, 1999, 191220.
110. P. Veelaert, Geometric constructions in the digital plane, JMIV 11, 1999, 99118.
111. E. Cerezo, A. Pina, and F. J. Seron, Motion and behaviour modelling: State of art and new trends, VC 15,
1999, 124146.
112. C. S. Chen, C. K. Yu, and Y. P. Hung, New calibration-free approach for augmented reality based on
parameterized cuboid structure, ICCV, 3037.
113. K. Nishino, Y. Sato, and K. Ikeuchi, Appearance compression and synthesis based on 3D model for mixed
reality, ICCV, 3845.

B.2. Compression and Processing

114. I. Bloch and A. L. Ralescu, Eds., Special Issue: Fuzzy Image Processing (Papers presented at the International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996), PR 32(11), 1999,
115. E. R. Dougherty and J. T. Astola, Eds., Nonlinear Image Processing X (San Jose, CA, January 2526,
1999), Proc. SPIE 3646.
116. K. Aizawa, R. L. Stevenson, and Y. Q. Zhang, Eds., Visual Communications and Image Processing 99
(San Jose, CA, January 2527, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3653.



117. IEEE Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, UT, March 2931, 1999.
118. H. H. Szu, Ed., Wavelet Applications VI (Orlando, FL, April 68, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3723.
119. Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture Systems Conference, Savannah, Georgia, April 2528,
120. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Antalya, Turkey, June 2023, 1999.
121. International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, Zadar, Croatia, June 2325,
122. M. A. Unser, A. Aldroubi, and A. F. Laine, Eds., Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VII
(Denver, CO, July 1923, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3813.
123. M. S. Schmalz, Ed., Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption II (Denver, CO,
July 1920, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3814.
124. T. J. Schulz and P. S. Idell, Eds., Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis IV (Denver, CO, July 2021, 1999),
Proc. SPIE 3815.
125. H. Shi and P. C. Coffield, Eds., Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing III (Denver, CO,
July 22, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3817.
126. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October 2528, 1999.
127. IEE European Workshop on Distributed Imaging, London, England, November 1819, 1999.
128. K. R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing (2nd ed.), Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
129. K. Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1996.
130. J. D. Gibson, T. Berger, T. Lookabaugh, D. Lindbergh, and R. L. Baker, Digital Compression for Multimedia: Principles and Standards, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
131. E. R. Dougherty and J. T. Astola, Eds., Nonlinear Filters for Image Processing, SPIE, Bellingham, WA,
1999, PM59.
132. E. R. Dougherty, Electronic Imaging Technology, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1999, PM60.
133. Z. P. Liang and P. C. Lauterbur, Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Signal Processing Perspective, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1999, PM76.
134. Y. Y. Tang, J. Liu, L. Yang, and H. Ma, Wavelet Theory and its Application to Pattern Recognition, World
Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
135. R. H. Vollmerhausen and R. G. Driggers, Analysis of Sampled Imaging Systems, SPIE, Bellingham, WA,
1999, TT39.
136. S. Welstead, Fractal and Wavelet Image Compression Techniques, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1999, TT40.
137. B. J. Sheu, Ed., IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 1999 ff.
138. R. D. Dony and J. A. Robinson, Eds., Special Issue: Image and Video Compression, IJIST 10(1), 1999,
139. R. Spencer, Ed., Special Issues: Advanced Signal Processing in MRI, IJIST 10(23), 1999, 107303.
140. B. Macq, Ed., Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information, P-IEEE 87(7),
July 1999, 10591276.
141. H. Gharavi and L. Hanzo, Eds., Special Issue on Video Transmission for Mobile Multimedia Applications,
P-IEEE 87(10), October 1999, 17031824.
142. S. Suthaharan, S. Sathananthan, C. Markhauser, and L. Guan, Eds., Special Issue on Real-Time Digital
Video over Multimedia Networks, RTI 5(5), October 1999, 293375.
143. O. Egger, P. Fleury, T. Ebrahim, and M. Kunt, High performance compression of visual informationA
tutorial reviewPart I: Still pictures, P-IEEE 87, 1999, 9741011.
144. T. Naemura, M. Kaneko, and H. Harashima, Compression and representation of 3-D images, T-IS E82D,
1999, 558567.

B.3. Sensors and Optics

145. D. P. Casasent and T. H. Chao, Eds., Optical Pattern Recognition X (Orlando, FL, April 78, 1999), Proc.
SPIE 3715.



146. Y. V. Gulaev, Ed., Optical Information Processing (Moscow, Russia, May 2831, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3900.
147. B. Javidi and D. Psaltis, Eds., Algorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information Processing III
(Denver, CO, July 2021, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3804.
148. H. C. Hughes, Sensory Exotica, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.
149. C. Scott, Introduction to Optics and Optical Imaging, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1999.
150. F. T. Yu and S. Tin, Eds., Optical Pattern Recognition, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1999, MS156.
151. Y. Yagi, Omnidirectional sensing and its applications, T-IS E82D, 1999, 568579.
152. K. Aizawa, Computational sensorsVision VLSI, T-IS E82D, 1999, 580588.
153. V. Brajovic and T. Kanade, A VLSI sorting image sensor: Global massively parallel intensity-to-time
processing for low-latency adaptive vision, T-RA 15, 1999, 6775.
154. T. Kuyel, W. Geisler, and J. Ghosh, Retinally reconstructed images: Digital images having a resolution
match with the human eye, T-SMC A29, 1999, 238.
155. S. K. Nayar and V. Peri, Folded catadioptric cameras, CVPR B, 217223.
156. T. L. Conroy and J. B. Moore, Resolution invariant surfaces for panoramic vision systems, ICCV, 392397.
157. T. Hamamoto, R. Ooi, Y. Ohtsuka, and K. Aizawa, Real-time image processing by using image compression
sensor, ICIP, 27PP5B.3.
158. K. Takeuchi, T. Naemura, and H. Harashima, Acquisition of light rays using telecentric lens, ICIP,
159. K. Yamada, H. Masuda, and T. Ito, The omnidirectional vision sensor for in-vehicle image processing
applications, ICIP, 28AS1.3.

B.4. Visual Perception

160. B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, Eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV (San Jose, CA, January
2528, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3644.
161. Conference on Vision and Attention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2226, 1999.
162. IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Human and Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, September 2021,
163. D. D. Hoffman, Visual Intelligence, Norton, New York, 1998.
164. P. G. J. Barten, Contrast Sensitivity of the Human Eye and Its Effects on Image Quality, SPIE, Bellingham,
WA, 1999, PM72.
165. R. Casati and A. C. Varzi, Parts and PlacesThe Structures of Spatial Representation, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1999.
166. V. Coltheart, Ed., Fleeting MemoriesCognition of Brief Visual Stimuli, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
167. S. Edelman, Representation and Recognition in Vision, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.
168. S. E. Palmer, Vision SciencePhotons to Phenomenology, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.
169. M. J. Tarr and H. H. Bulthoff, Eds., Object Recognition in Man, Monkey, and Machine, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1999.
170. Z. Pylyshyn, Is vision continous with cognition? The case for cognitive impenetrability of visual perception,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22, 1999, 341423.

B.5. Neural Networks

171. N. M. Nasrabadi and A. K. Katsaggelos, Eds., Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing IV (San Jose, CA, January 2829, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3647.
172. Third International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston, MA, May 2629, 1999.
173. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Washington, DC, July 1016, 1999.
174. Thirteenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Denver, CO, November 30
December 2, 1999.



175. D. Saad, On-Line Learning in Neural Networks, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998.
176. G. Hinton and T. J. Sejnowski, Unsupervised Learning, Bradford, Scituate, MA, 1999.

B.6. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition

177. International Symposium on Pattern Recognition in Memory of Pierre Devijver, Brussels, Belgium, February 12, 1999.
178. K. L. Priddy, P. E. Keller, D. B. Fogel, and J. C. Bezdek, Eds., Applications and Science of Computational
Intelligence II (Orlando, FL, April 58, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3722.
179. IEE Colloquium on Applied Statistical Pattern Recognition, Birmingham, England, April 20, 1999.
180. Fifth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, Minsk, Belarus, May
1820, 1999.
181. Pattern Recognition in Practice VI, Vlieland, The Netherlands, June 24, 1999.
182. E. S. Gelsema and J. F. Veenland, Eds., Special Issue on Pattern Recognition in Practice VI, PRL 20(1113),
November 1999, 10731465.
183. Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Orlando, FL, July 1822, 1999.
184. B. Bosacchi, D. B. Fogel, and J. C. Bezdek, Eds., Applications and Sciences of Neural Networks, Fuzzy
Systems, and Evolutionary Computation II (Denver, CO, July 1920, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3812.
185. Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, July 31August
6, 1999.
186. International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Leipzig, Germany,
September 1618, 1999.
187. ANNIESmart Engineering System Design, St. Louis, MO, November 710, 1999.
188. Fourth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques, Calcutta,
India, December 2831, 1999.
189. P. Arabie, L. J. Hubert, and G. De Soete, Eds., Clustering and Classification, World Scientific, Singapore,
190. C. Leondes, Fuzzy Theory Systems Techniques and Applications, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.
191. S. K. Pal and S. Mitra, Neuro-Fuzzy Pattern RecognitionMethods in Soft Computing, Wiley, New York,
192. S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroubas, Pattern Recognition, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.
193. D. B. Fogel, T. Fukuda, and L. Guan, Eds., Special Issue on Computational Intelligence, P-IEEE 87(9),
September 1999, 14151667.
194. V. Cherkassy and F. Muller, Eds., Special Issue on VC Learning Theory and its Applications, T-NN 10,
September 1999, 9851074.
195. J. O. Everett, Topological inference of teleology: Deriving function from structure via evidential reasoning,
AI 113, 1999, 149202.
196. V. N. Vapnik, An overview of statistical learning theory, T-NN 10, 1999, 988999.
197. A. Baraldi and P. Blonda, A survey of fuzzy clustering algorithms for pattern recognition, T-SMC B29,
1999, 778801.
198. B. J. Frey and N. Jojic, Extimating mixture models of images and inferring spatial transformations using
the EM algorithm, CVPR A, 416422.
199. A. L. Ratan, O. Maron, W. E. L. Grimson, and T. Lozano-Perez, A framework for learning query concepts
in image classification, CVPR A, 423429.

C.1. Documents
200. D. P. Lopresti and J. Zhou, Eds., Document Recognition and Retrieval VI (San Jose, CA, January 2728,
1999), Proc. SPIE 3651.



201. Symposium on Document Image Understanding Technologies, Annapolis, MD, April 1416, 1999.
202. First International Workshop on Document Analysis and Understanding for Document Databases, Florence,
Italy, August 30September 1, 1999.
203. Workshop on Document Layout Interpretation and its Applications, Bangalore, India, September 18, 1999.
204. International Workshop on Performance Evaluation Issues in Multilingual OCR, Bangalore, India, September 19, 1999.
205. Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Bangalore, India, September 20
22, 1999.
206. Third International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, Jaipur, India, September 2627, 1999.
207. AAAI Symposium on Using Layout for the Generation, Understanding, or Retrieval of Documents, North
Falmouth, MA, November 57, 1999.
208. S. Jager, Recovering Dynamic Information from Static Handwritten Word Images, Folbach, Koblenz,
Germany, 1998.
209. S. W. Lee, Advances in Handwriting Recognition, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
210. S. W. Lee, Y. Y. Tang, and P. S. P. Wang Advances in Oriental Document Analysis and Recognition
Techniques, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
211. S. Mori, H. Nishida, and H. Yamada, Optical Character Recognition, Wiley, New York, 1999.
212. S. V. Rice, G. Nagy, and T. A. Nartker, Optical Character RecognitionAn Illustrated Guide to the Frontier,
Kluwer, Boston, 1999.
213. T. Watanabe, Document analysis and recognition, T-IS E82D, 1999, 601610.

C.2. Biomedical, etc.

214. S. K. Mun and Y. Kim, Eds., Image Display (San Diego, CA, February 2123, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3658.
215. J. M. Boone and J. T. Dobbins, Eds., Physics of Medical Imaging (San Diego, CA, February 2123, 1999),
Proc. SPIE 3659.
216. C. T. Chen and A. V. Clough, Eds., Physiology and Function from Multidimensional Images (San Diego,
CA, February 2123, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3660.
217. K. M. Hanson, Ed., Image Processing (San Diego, CA, February 2225, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3661.
218. G. J. Blaine and S. C. Horii, Eds., PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues (San
Diego, CA, February 2325, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3662.
219. E. A. Krupinski, Ed., Image Perception and Performance (San Diego, CA, February 2425, 1999), Proc.
SPIE 3663.
220. Second International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention,
Cambridge, England, September 1922, 1999.
221. IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Imaging, Perth, Australia, November 24, 1999.
222. B. Pham, M. Braun, A. J. Maeder, and M. P. Eckert, Eds., New Approaches in Medical Image Analysis,
Proc. SPIE 3747.
223. E. R. Davies, Image Processing for the Food Industry, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000.
224. B. Lintermann and O. Deussen, Interactive modeling of plants, CG&A 19(1), 1999, 5665.
225. A. R. Jiminez, A. K. Jain, R. Ceres, and J. L. Pons, Automatic fruit recognition: A survey and new results
using range/attenuaion images, PR 32, 1999, 17191736.
226. J. Toriwaki and K. Mori, Recent progress in medical image processingVirtualized human body and
computer-aided surgery, T-IS E82D, 1999, 611628.
227. Q. Yu and D. Terzopoulos, Synthetic motion capture: Implementing an interactive virtual marine world,
VC 15, 1999, 377394.

C.3. Human
228. Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication,
Washington, DC, March 2223, 1999.



229. Workshop on Modelling People, Corfu, Greece, September 20, 1999.

230. International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time
Systems, Corfu, Greece, September 2627, 1999.
231. D. McNeill, The Face, Little, Brown, Boston, MA, 1998.
232. S. Gong, S. J. McKenna, and A. Psarrou, Dynamic Vision: A Computational Approach to the Perception
of Human Faces, Imperial College Press, London, 1999.
233. A. Jain, R. Bolle, and S. Pankanti, BiometricsPersonal Identification in [a] Networked Society, Kluwer,
Boston, MA, 1999.
234. I. A. Essa, Computers seeing people, AIM 20(2), Summer 1999, 6982.
235. N. I. Badler, M. S. Palmer, and R. Bindiganavale, Animation control for real-time virtual humans, CACM
42(8), 1999, 6473.
236. D. M. Gavrila, The visual analysis of human movement: A survey, CVIU 73, 1999, 8298.
237. Y. Yacoob and M. J. Black, Parameterized modeling and recognition of activities, CVIU 73, 1999, 232
238. J. K. Aggarwal and Q. Cai, Human motion analysis: A review, CVIU 73, 1999, 428440.
239. Y. H. Kwon and N. da Vitoria Lobo, Age classification from facial images, CVIU 74, 1999, 121.
240. S. Wachter and H. H. Nagel, Tracking persons in monocular image sequences, CVIU 74, 1999, 174192.
241. F. Levasle, G. Rives, and M. Dhome, Tracking of human limbs by multiocular vision, CVIU 75, 1999,
242. P. Fua and C. Miccio, Animated heads from ordinary images: A least-squares approach, CVIU 75, 1999,
243. K. J. Choi, S. H. Park, and H. S. Ko, Processing motion capture to achieve accuracy, GMIP 61, 1999,
244. I. A. Kakadiaris and D. Metaxas, Three-dimensional human body model acquisition from multiple views,
IJCV 30, 1998, 191218.
245. D. A. Forsyth and M. M. Fleck, Automatic detection of human nudes, IJCV 32, 1999, 6377.
246. J. Davis and M. Shah, Toward 3-D gesture recognition, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 381393.
247. Z. Zhang, Feature-based facial expression recognition: Sensitivity analysis and experiments with a multilayer Perceptron, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 893911.
248. J. Huang and H. Wechsler, Eye detection using optimal wavelet packets and radial basis functions, IJPRAI
13, 1999, 10091025.
249. Y. Yasumuro, Q. Chen, and K. Chihara, Three-dimensional modeling of the human hand with motion
constraints, IVC 17, 1999, 149156.
250. J. Matas, K. Jonsson, and J. Kittler, Fast face localisation and verification, IVC 17, 1999, 575581.
251. A. J. OToole, T. Price, T. Vetter, J. C. Bartlett, and V. Blanz, 3D shape and 2D surface textures of human
faces: The role of averages in attractiveness and age, IVC 18, 1999, 919.
252. J. Cai and A. Goshtasby, Detecting human faces in color images, IVC 18, 1999, 6375.
253. C. C. Lien and C. L. Huang, The model-based dynamic hand posture identification using genetic algorithm,
MVA 11, 1999, 107121.
254. S. Becker, Implicit learning in 3D object recognition: The importance of temporal context, NC 11, 1999,
255. F. Jurie, A new log-polar mapping for space variant imaging. Application to face detection and tracking,
PR 32, 1999, 865875.
256. J. Miao, B. Yin, K. Wang, L. Shen, and X. Chen, A hierarchical multiscale and multiangle system for
human face detection in a complex background using gravity-center template, PR 32, 1999, 12371248.
257. J. Hu, H. Yan, and M. Sakalli, Locating head and face boundaries for head-shoulder images, PR 32, 1999,
258. T. Kondo and H. Yan, Automatic human face detection and recognition under non-uniform illumination,
PR 32, 1999, 17071718.
259. L. Wiskott, The role of topographical constraints in face recognition, PRL 20, 1999, 8996.



260. M. V. Ibanez and A. Simo, Bayesian detection of the fovea in eye fundus angiographies, PRL 20, 1999,
261. L. Yin and A. Basu, Integrating active face tracking with model based coding, PRL 20, 1999, 651657.
262. C. Colombo and A. Del Bimbo, Real-time head tracking from the deformation of eye contours using a
piecewise affine camera, PRL 20, 1999, 721730.
263. S. Chan, C. W. Ngo, and K. F. Lai, Motion tracking of human mouth by generalized deformable models,
PRL 20, 1999, 879887.
264. T. W. Yoo and I. S. Oh, A fast algorithm for tracking human faces based on chromatic histograms, PRL
20, 1999, 967978.
265. J. G. Wang and E. Sung, Frontal-view face detection and facial feature extraction using color and morphological operations, PRL 20, 1999, 10531068.
266. G. Wei and I. K. Sethi, Face detection for image annotation, PRL 20, 1999, 13131321.
267. S. Li, W. Hsu, and H. K. Pung, Twins: A practical vision-based 3D mouse, RTI 4, 1998, 389401.
268. S. K. Semual and M. J. Parker, An animation system for biomechanical analysis of leg motion and predicting
injuries during cycling, RTI 5, 1999, 109123.
269. T. Tan, L. Guan, and J. Burne, A real-time image analysis system for computer-assisted diagnosis of
neurological disorders, RTI 5, 1999, 253269.
270. M. Kaneko and O. Hasegawa, Processing of face images and its applications, T-IS E82D, 1999, 589600.
271. B. Duc, S. Fischer, and J. Bigun, Face authentication with Gabor information on deformable graphs, T-IP
8, 1999, 504516.
272. C. H. Lin and J. L. Wu, Automatic facial feature extraction by genetic algorithms, T-IP 8, 1999, 834845.
273. S. Z. Li and J. Lu, Face recognition using the nearest feature line method, T-NN 10, 1999, 439443.
274. S. Ben-Yacoub, Y. Abdeljaoued, and E. Mayoraz, Fusion of face and speech data for person identity
verification, T-NN 10, 1999, 10651074.
275. H. Wu, Q. Chen, and M. Yachida, Face detection from color images using a fuzzy pattern matching method,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 557563.
276. I. Craw, N. Costen, T. Kato, and S. Akamatsu, How should we represent faces for automatic recognition?,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 725736.
277. Y. Cui and J. Weng, A learning-based prediction-and-verification segmentation scheme for hand sign image
sequence, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 798804.
278. A. D. Wilson and A. F. Bobick, Parametric hidden Markov models for gesture recognition, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 884900.
279. H. K. Lee and J. H. Kim, An HMM-based threshold model approach for gesture recognition, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 961973.
280. G. Donato, M. Stewart Bartlett, J. C. Hager, P. Ekman, and T. J. Sejnowski, Classifying facial actions,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 974989.
281. O. de Vel and S. Aeberhard, Line-based face recognition under varying pose, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 1081
282. Q. Cai and J. K. Aggarwal, Tracking human motion in structured environments using a distrbuted-camera
system, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 12411247.
283. M. J. Lyons, J. Budynek, and S. Akamatsu, Automatic classification of single facial images, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 13571362.
284. Y. Nam, K. Wohn, and H. L. Kwang, Modeling and recognition of hand gesture using colored Petri nets,
T-SMC A29, 1999, 514521.
285. M. Ouerfelli, V. Kumar, and W. S. Harwin, Kinematic modeling of head-neck movements, T-SMC A29,
1999, 604615.
286. V. Chalzis, A. G. Bors, and I. Pitas, Multimodal decision-level fusion for person authentication, T-SMC
A29, 1999, 674680.
287. S. Y. Cho, T. W. S. Chow, and C. T. Leung, A neural-based crowd estimation by hybrid global learning
algorithm, T-SMC B29, 1999, 535541.



288. J. K. Hodgins, J. F. OBrien, and J. Tumblin, Perception of human motion with different geometric models,
T-VCG 4, 1998, 307316.
289. Y. Aydin and M. Nakajima, Balance control and mass centre adjustment of articulated figures in interactive
environments, VC 15, 1999, 113123.
290. L. H. Chen, S. Saeyor, H. Dohi, and M. Ishizuka, A system of 3D hair style synthesis based on the wisp
model, VC 15, 1999, 159170.
291. Y. Wu, P. Kalra, L. Moccozet, and N. Magnenat-Thalmann, Simulating wrinkles and skin aging, VC 15,
1999, 183198.
292. I. S. Pandzic, J. Ostermann, and D. Miller, User evaluation: Synthetic talking faces for interactive services,
VC 15, 1999, 330340.
293. W. Tang, M. Cavazzo, D. Mountain, and R. Earnshaw, A constrained inverse kinematics technique for
real-time motion capture animation, VC 15, 1999, 413425.
294. M. J. Jones and J. M. Rehg, Statistical color models with application to skin detection, CVPR A, 274280.
295. M. J. Black, Explaining optical flow events with parameterized spatio-temporal models, CVPR A, 326332.
296. M. H. Yang and N. Ahuja, Recognizing hand gesture[s] using motion trajectories, CVPR A, 466472.
297. A. Utsumi and J. Ohya, Multiple-hand-gesture-tracking using multiple cameras, CVPR A, 473478.
298. J. Segen and S. Kumar, Shadow gestures: 3D hand pose estimation using a single camera, CVPR A,
299. G. J. Edwards, C. J. Taylor, and T. F. Cootes, Improving identification performance by integrating evidence
from sequences, CVPR A, 486491.
300. N. Costen, T. Cootes, G. Edwards, and C. Taylor, Simultaneous extraction of functional face subspaces,
CVPR A, 492497.
301. S. Ben-Yacoub, J. Luttin, K. Jonsson, J. Matas, and J. Kittler, Audio-visual person verification, CVPR A,
302. D. B. Graham and N. M. Allinson, Norm2 based face recognition, CVPR A, 586592.
303. A. J. Colmenarez, B. Frey, and T. S. Huang, A probabilistic framework for embedded face and facial
expression recognition, CVPR A, 592597.
304. C. Liu and H. Wechsler, Face recognition using shape and texture, CVPR A, 598603.
305. M. La Cascia and S. Sclaroff, Fast, reliable head tracking under varying illumination, CVPR A, 604610.
306. H. Tao and T. S. Huang, Explanation-based facial motion tracking using a piecewise Bezier volume
deformation model, CVPR A, 611617.
307. D. Nandy and J. Ben-Arie, Shape from recognition and learning: Recovery of 3D face shapes, CVPR B,
308. R. Hamdan, F. Heitz, and L. Thoraval, Gesture localization and recognition using probabilistic visual
learning, CVPR B, 98103.
309. O. Chomat and J. L. Crowley, Probabilistic recognition of activity using local appearance, CVPR B, 104
310. J. M. Rehg, K. P. Murphy, and P. W. Fieguth, Vision-based speaker detection using Bayesian networks,
CVPR B, 110116.
311. R. Rosales and S. Sclaroff, 3D trajectory recovery for tracking multiple objects and trajectory-guided
recognition of actions, CVPR B, 117123.
312. D. DeCarlo and D. Metaxas, Combining information using hard constraints, CVPR B, 132138.
313. T. J. Cham and J. M. Rehg, A multiple hypothesis approach to figure tracking, CVPR B, 239245.
314. H. Pan, Z. P. Liang, and T. S. Huang, Exploiting the dependencies in information fusion, CVPR B, 407412.
315. G. Gordon, T. Darrell, M. Harville, and J. Woodfill, Background estimation and removal based on range
and color, CVPR B, 459464.
316. T. Riklin-Raviv and A. Shashua, The quotient image: Class based recognition and synthesis under varying
illumination conditions, CVPR B, 566571.
317. V. Pavlovic, B. J. Frey, and T. S. Huang, Time-series classification using mixed-state dynamic Bayesian
networks, CVPR B, 609615.



318. Z. Popovic and A. Witkin, Physically based motion transformation, SIGGRAPH, 1120.
319. M. Brand, Voice puppetry, SIGGRAPH, 2128.
320. J. Lee and S. Y. Shin, A hierarchical approach to interactive motion editing for human-like figures,
321. V. Blanz and T. Vetter, A morphable model for the synthetsis of 3D faces, SIGGRAPH, 187194.
322. P. Fua, Using model-driven bundle-adjustment to model heads from raw video sequences, ICCV, 4653.
323. V. Pavlovic, J. M. Rehg, T. J. Cham, and K. P. Murphy, A dynamic Bayesian network approach to figure
tracking using learned dynamic models, ICCV, 94101.
324. I. Haritaoglu, R. Cutler, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis, Backpack: Detection of people carrying objects
using silhouettes, ICCV, 102107.
325. C. Vogler and D. Metaxas, Parallel hidden Markov models for American Sign Language recognition, ICCV,
326. N. Jojic, M. Turk, and T. S. Huang, Tracking self-occluding articulated objects in dense disparity maps,
ICCV, 123130.
327. A. Lanitis, C. J. Taylor, and T. F. Cootes, Modeling the process of ageing in face images, ICCV, 131136.
328. G. J. Edwards, T. F. Cootes, and C. J. Taylor, Advances in active appearance models, ICCV, 137142.
329. F. Pighin, R. Szeliski, and D. H. Salesin, Resynthesizing facial animation through 3D model-based tracking,
ICCV, 143150.
330. eigenspace, ICCV, 151156.
331. S. Gong, M. Walter, and A. Psarrou, Recognition of temporal structures: Learning prior and propagating
observation augmented densities via hidden Markov states, ICCV, 157162.
332. Y. A. Ivanov and A. F. Bobick, Recognition of multi-agent interaction in video surveillance, ICCV, 169176.
333. B. Schiele and A. Pentland, Probabilistic object recognition and localization, ICCV, 177182.
334. Y. Yacoob and L. Davis, Estimation of composite object and camera image motion, ICCV, 190197.
335. M. Harville, A. Rahimi, T. Darrell, G. Gordon, and J. Woodfill, 3D pose tracking with linear depth and
brightness constraints, ICCV, 206213.
336. Y. Iwai, K. Ogaki, and M. Yachida, Posture estimation using structure and motion models, ICCV, 214
337. D. Freedman and M. S. Brandstein, A subset approach to contour tracking in clutter, ICCV, 242247.
338. Y. Wu and T. S. Huang, Capturing articulated human hand motion: A divide-and-conquer approach, ICCV,
339. J. Rittscher and A. Blake, Classification of human body motion, ICCV, 634639.
340. Q. Delamarre and O. Faugeras, 3D articulated models and multi-view tracking with silhouettes, ICCV,
341. Y. Song, L. Goncalves, E. Di Bernardo, and P. Perona, Monocular perception of biological motion
Detection and labeling, ICCV, 805812.
342. T. D. Rikert, M. J. Jones, and P. Viola, A cluster-based statistical model for object detection, ICCV, 1046
343. S. Ioffe and D. Forsyth, Finding people by sampling, ICCV, 10921097.
344. B. Moghaddam, Principal manifolds and Bayesian subspaces for visual recognition, ICCV, 11311136.
345. J. Deutscher, B. North, B. Bascle, and A. Blake, Tracking through singularities and discontinuities by
random sampling, ICCV, 11441149.
346. C. Papageorgiou and T. Poggio, A pattern classification approach to dynamical object detection, ICCV,
347. M. Brand, Shadow puppetry, ICCV, 12371244.
348. A. Colmenarez, B. Frey, and T. S. Huang, Embedded face and facial expression recognition, ICIP, 25PP6A.1.
349. H. Saito, A. Watanabe, and S. Ozawa, Face pose estimating system based on eigen space analysis, ICIP,
350. A. Z. Kouzani, Facial expression synthesis, ICIP, 25PP6A.3.



351. T. Kurozumi, Y. Shinza, Y. Kenmochi, and K. Kotani, Facial individuality and expression analysis by
eigenspace method based on class features or multiple discriminant analysis, ICIP, 25PP6A.4.
352. P. Hong and T. Huang, Natural mouseA novel human computer interface, ICIP, 25PP6B.1.
353. A. Colmenarez, B. Frey, and T. S. Huang, Detection and tracking of faces and facial features, ICIP,
354. S. Clippingdale and T. Ito, A unified approach to video face detectionTracking and recognition, ICIP,
355. V. Pahor and S. Carrato, A fuzzy approach to mouth corner detection, ICIP, 25PP6B.4.
356. S. Eickeler, S. Muller, and G. Rigoll, High quality face recognition in JPEG compressed images, ICIP,
357. D. Yoshida, K. Terada, S. Oe, and J. Yamaguchi, A method of counting (the) passing people by using (the)
stereo images, ICIP, 26AP3.9.
358. O. Vanegas, K. Tokuda, and T. Kitamura, Location normalization of HMM-based lip reading: Experiments
for the M2VTS database, ICIP, 26AP3.10.
359. M. T. Chan, Automatic lip model extraction for constrained contour-based tracking, ICIP, 26PP4. 2.
360. A. K. Jain and N. Duta, Deformable matching of hand shapes for user verification, ICIP, 26PP4.5.
361. N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Escher, C. Zanardi, and T. Goto, Multimodal interaction in collaborative virtual
environments, ICIP, 27AS1.1.
362. T. S. Huang and Y. Wu, Human hand modeling, analysis and animation in the context of HCI, ICIP,
363. S. Morishima and T. Yotsukura, Face-to-face communicative avatar driven by voice, ICIP, 27AS1.3.
364. T. Chen, Technologies for building networked collaborative environments, ICIP, 27AS1.4.
365. A. Albiol, C. A. Bouman, and E. J. Delp, Face detection for pseudo-semantic labeling in video databases,
ICIP, 27PO3.1.
366. M. Yang, N. Ahuja, and D. Kriegman, Face detection using a mixture of factor analyzers, ICIP, 27PO3.2.
367. F. Marques, V. Vilaplana, and A. Buxes, Human face segmentation and tracking using connected operators
and partition projection, ICIP, 27PO3.3.
368. M. Abdel-Mottaleb and A. Elgammal, Face detection in complex environments from color images, ICIP,
369. L. Torres, J. Y. Reutter, and L. Lorente, The importance of the color information in face recognition, ICIP,
370. B. Menser and M. Brunig, Segmentation of human faces in color images using connected operators, ICIP,
27PO3. 6.
371. T. Tan and H. Yan, Analysis of the contractivity factor in fractal based face recognition, ICIP, 27PO3. 7.
372. A. Z. Kouzani, F. He, and K. Sammut, Face image matching using fractal dimension, ICIP, 27PO3.8.
373. J. E. Santos Conde, M. Hillebrand, A. Teuner, N. Stevanovic, U. Iurgel, and B. J. Hosticka, A smart airbag
solution based on a high speed CMOS camera system, ICIP, 27PP5B.2.
374. C. Papageorgiou and T. Poggio, Trainable pedestrian detection, ICIP, 28AS1.8.
375. L. Lorente and L. Torres, Face recognition of video sequences in a[n] MPEG-7 context using a global eigen
approach, ICIP, 28AP1.1.
376. L. Yin and A. Basu, Face model adaptation with active tracking, ICIP, 28AP1.2.
377. Y. Saito, Y. Kenmochi, and K. Kotani, Estimation of eyeglassless facial images using principal component
analysis, ICIP, 28AP1.3.
378. M. C. Park, N. P. Chandrasiri, T. Naemura, M. Kaneko, and H. Harashima, Analysis and synthesis of 3-D
face image sequence based on model-based image coding scheme with an internet browser, ICIP, 28AP1.5.
379. C. J. Kuo and T. G. Lin, Facial model refinement using stereo image sequence, ICIP, 28AP1.6.
380. C. Alberola, J. Ruiz, F. Juan, and R. Socas, Human hand posture(s) and gesture(s) recognition: Towards a
human-gesture communication interface, ICIP, 28AP1.8.
381. Y. Zhuang, X. Liu, and Y. Pan, Video motion capture using feature tracking and skeleton reconstruction,
ICIP, 28AP1.10.



382. S. Muller, S. Eickeler, and G. Rigoll, Pseudo 3-D HMMS for image sequence recognition, ICIP, 28AP1.11.
383. G. Rigoll, S. Muller, and B. Winterstein, Robust person tracking with non-stationary background using a
combined pseudo-2D-HMM and Kalman filter approach, ICIP, 28AP1.12.

C.4. Robotics, etc.

384. K. W. Tobin and N. S. Chang, eds., Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VII (San Jose,
CA, January 2526, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3652.
385. International Robots and Vision Show, Detroit, MI, May 1113, 1999.
386. Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada, May 1821, 1999.
387. M. Kujawinska and W. Osten, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection (Munich, Germany,
June 1418, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3824.
388. E. Marszalec and E. Trucco, Polarization and Color Techniques in Industrial Inspection (Munich, Germany,
June 1418, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3826.
389. J. Lammasniemi, H. Wiggenhauser, G. Busso, B. G. Batchelor, W. Polzleitner, and G. Dobmann, Diagnostic
Imaging Technologies and Industrial Applications, (Munich, Germany, June 1418, 1999), Proc. SPIE
390. Intelligent Vision Solutions for the New Millenium, Santa Clara, CA, June 2829, 1999.
391. Applied Machine Vision, Boston, MA, September 2022, 1999.
392. K. G. Harding, Ed., Three-Dimensional Imaging, Optical Metrology, and Inspection V (Boston, MA,
September 1920, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3835.
393. J. W. V. Miller, S. S. Solomon, and B. G. Batchelor, Eds., Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and
Metrology VIII (Boston, MA, September 2122, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3836.
394. The Vision Show, San Jose, CA, October 57, 1999.
395. Technical Meeting on Industrial Inspection, London, England, December 1, 1999
396. P. G. Cielo, Ed., Optical Techniques for Industrial Inspection, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1997, MS135.
397. L. Wojnar, Image Analysis Applications in Materials Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1999.
398. B. Nelson and N. Papanikolopoulos, Eds., Special Issue on Visual Servoing, RAM 5(4), December 1998,
399. P. Nesi and E. Trucco, Eds., Special Issue on Real-Time Defect Detection, RTI 5(1), February 1999, 174.
400. W. B. Thompson, J. C. Owen, H. J. de St. Germain, S. R. Stark Jr., and T. C. Henderson, Feature-based
reverse engineering of mechanical parts, T-RA 15, 1999, 5766.
401. E. Malis, F. Chaumette, and S. Boudet, 2 12 -D visual servoing, T-RA 15, 1999, 238250.
402. B. Allotta and C. Colombo, On the use of linear camera-object interaction models in visual servoing, T-RA
15, 1999, 350357.
403. J. E. Lloyd, J. S. Beis, D. K. Pal, and D. G. Lowe, Programming contact tasks using a reality-based virtual
environment integrated with vision, T-RA 15, 1999, 423434.
404. R. Joshi and A. C. Sanderson, Minimal representation multisensor fusion using differential evolution,
T-SMC A29, 1999, 6376.
405. C. Colombo and B. Allotta, Image-based robot task planning and control using a compact visual representation, T-SMC A29, 1999, 92100.
406. G. Q. Wei and G. Hirzinger, Multisensory visual servoing by a neural network, T-SMC B29, 1999, 276280.

C.5. Mobile Robotics; Traffic

407. J. G. Verly, Ed., Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1999 (Orlando, FL, April 56, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3691.
408. G. R. Gerhart, R. W. Gunderson, and C. M. Shoemaker, Eds., Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology
(Orlando, FL, April 78, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3693.
409. Second IEEE Workshop on Perception for Mobile Agents, Fort Collins, CO, June 26, 1999.
410. International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems, Coimbra, Portugal, July 2023, 1999.



411. Eighth International Conference on Vision in Vehicles, Boston, MA, August 2225, 1999.
412. D. W. Gage and H. M. Choset, Eds., Mobile Robots XIV (Boston, MA, September 2022, 1999), Proc.
SPIE 3838.
413. M. A. C. Gill and A. Y. Zomaya, Obstacle Avoidance in Multi-Robot SystemsExperiments in Parallel
Genetic Algorithms, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998.
414. M. D. Adams, Sensor Modelling Design and Data Processing for Autonomous Navigation, World Scientific,
Singapore, 1999.
415. A. Broggi, M. Bertozzi, G. Conte, and A. Fascioli, Automatic Vehicle GuidanceThe Experience of the
ARGO Autonomous Vehicle, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
416. J. L. Jones, A. M. Flynn, and B. A. Seiger, Mobile RobotsInspiration to Implementation, A. K. Peters,
Natick, MA, 1999.
417. M. Asada, E. Uchibe, and K. Hosoda, Cooperative behavior acquisition for mobile robots in dynamically changing real worlds via vision-based reinforcement learning and development, AI 110, 1999, 275
418. R. Bajcsy and E. W. Large, When and where will AI meet robotics?, AIM 20(3), Fall 1999, 5765.
419. A. Guiducci, Parametric model of the perspective projection of a road with applications to lane keeping
and 3D road reconstruction, CVIU 73, 1999, 414427.
420. R. Basri, E. Rivlin, and I. Shimshoni, Visual homing: Surfing on the epipoles, IJCV 33, 1999, 117137.
421. S. Li and S. Tsuji, Qualitative representation of scenes along a route, IVC 17, 1999, 685700.
422. A. Pentland and A. Liu, Modeling and prediction of human behavior, NC 11, 1999, 229242.
423. K. Aas, L. Eikvil, and R. B. Huseby, Applications of hidden Markov chains in image analysis, PR 32, 1999,
424. J. M. Sanchiz and F. Pla, Feature correspondence and motion recovery in vehicle planar navigation, PR 32,
1999, 19611977.
425. M. Y. Siyal and M. Fathy, A neural-vision based approach to measure traffic queue parameters in real time,
PRL 20, 1999, 761770.
426. G. C. Anousaki and K. J. Kyriakopoulos, Simultaneous localization and map building for mobile robot
navigation, R&A Magazine 6(3), 1999, 4253.
427. L. W. Estevez and N. Kehtarnavaz, Real-time object specific recognition via raster scan video processing,
RTI 5, 1999, 4962.
428. G. Adorni, M. Gori, and M. Mordonini, Just-in-time landmark(s) recognition, RTI 5, 1999, 95107.
429. M. Y. Siyal and M. Fathy, Image processing techniques for real-time qualitative traffic data analysis, RTI
5, 1999, 271278.
430. S. Ozawa, Image processing for intelligent transport systems, T-IS E82D, 1999, 629636.
431. J. Neira, J. D. Tardos, J. Horn, and G. Schmidt, Fusing range and intensity images for mobile robot
localization, T-RA 15, 1999, 7684.
432. L. Jetto, S. Longhi, and G. Venturini, Development and experimental validation of an adaptive extended
Kalman filter for the localization of mobile robots, T-RA 15, 1999, 219229.
433. M. D. Adams, High speed target pursuit and asymptotic stability in mobile robotics, T-RA 15, 1999,
434. C. Kreucher and S. Lakshmanan, LANA: A lane extraction algorithm that uses frequency domain features,
T-RA 15, 1999, 343350.
435. Y. Ma, J. Kosecka, and S. S. Sastry, Vision guided navigation for a nonholonomic mobile robot, T-RA 15,
1999, 521536.
436. R. R. Murphy, Case studies of applying Gibsons ecological approach to mobile robots, T-SMC A29, 1999,

437. C. Unsal,
P. Kachroo, and J. S. Bay, Multiple stochastic learning automata for vehicle path control in an
automated highway system, T-SMC A29, 1999, 120128.
438. B. S. Ryu and H. S. Yang, Integration of reactive behaviors and enhanced topological map for robust mobile
robot navigation, T-SMC A29, 1999, 474485.



439. T. Pilutti and A. G. Ulsoy, Identification of driver state for lane-keeping tasks, T-SMC A29, 1999, 486502.
440. A. Adam, E. Rivlin, and H. Rotstein, Fusion of fixation and odometry for vehicle navigation, T-SMC A29,
1999, 593603.
441. R. Araujo and A. T. de Almeida, Learning sensor-based navigation of a real mobile robot in unknown
worlds, T-SMC B29, 1999, 164178.
442. C. H. Ku and W. H. Tsai, Obstacle avoidance for autonomous land vehicle navigation in indoor environments
by quadratic classifier, T-SMC B29, 1999, 416426.
443. K. T. Song and C. C. Chong, Reactive navigation in dynamic environment using a multisensor predictor,
T-SMC B29, 1999, 870880.
444. M. Werman, S. Banerjee, S. D. Roy, and M. Qiu, Robot localization using uncalibrated camera invariants,
CVPR B, 353359.
445. H. Leuck and H. H. Nagel, Automatic differentiation facilitates OF-integration into steering-angle-based
road vehicle tracking, CVPR B, 360365.
446. C. J. Taylor, J. P. Ostrowski, and S. H. Jung, Robust visual servoing based on relative orientation, CVPR
B, 574580.
447. F. Dellaert, W. Burgard, D. Fox, and S. Thrun, Using the CONDENSATION algorithm for robust, visionbased mobile robot localization, CVPR B, 588594.
448. A. A. Argyros and F. Bergholm, Combining central and peripheral vision for reactive robot navigation,
CVPR B, 646651.
449. D. M. Gavrila and V. Philomin, Real-time object detection for smart vehicles, ICCV, 8793.
450. J. E. Boyd, J. Meloche, and Y. Vardi, Statistical tracking in video traffic surveillance, ICCV, 163168.
451. A. N. Rajagopalan, P. Burlina, and R. Chellappa, Higher-order statistical learning for vehicle detection in
images, ICCV, 12041209.
452. C. Kreucher and S. Lakshmanan, A frequency domain approach to lane detection in roadway images, ICIP,
453. M. Lorei and C. Stiller, Visual sensing in electronic truck coupling, ICIP, 26AP3.1.
454. B. Ma, S. Lakshmanan, and A. Hero, Road and lane edge detection with multisensor fusion methods, ICIP,
455. S. H. Tsang, E. G. Hoare, P. S. Hall, and N. J. Clarke, Automotive radar image processing to predict vehicle
trajectory, ICIP, 27PP4.3.
456. M. Aoki, Imaging and analysis of traffic scene, ICIP, 28AS1.1.
457. H. Taniguchi, T. Nakamura, and H. Furusawa, Methods of traffic flow measurement using spatio-temporal
image, ICIP, 28AS1.4.
458. T. Yoshioka, H. Uemura, and H. Nakaue, Development of detection algorithm for vehicles using multi-line
CCD sensor, ICIP, 28AS1.5.
459. H. Zen, T. Hasegawa, and S. Ozawa, Moving object detection from MPEG coded picture, ICIP, 28AS1.6.
460. S. K. Gehrig and F. J. Stein, Cartography and dead reckoning using stereo vision for an autonomous car,
ICIP, 28AS1.7.

C.6. Target Recognition

461. M. K. Masten and L. A, Stockum, Eds., Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XIII (Orlando, FL, April 78,
1999), Proc. SPIE 3692.
462. W. R. Watkins and D. Clement, Eds., Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation
V (Orlando, FL, April 57, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3699.
463. A. C. Dubey, J. F. Harvey, J. T. Broach, and R. E. Dugan, Eds., Detection and Remediation Technologies
for Mines and Minelike Targets IV (Orlando, FL, April 59, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3710.
464. F. A. Sadjadi, Ed., Automatic Target Recognition IX (Orlando, FL, April 79, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3718.
465. I. Kadar, Ed., Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VIII (Orlando, FL, April 57,
1999), Proc. SPIE 3720.



466. W. G. Fishell, Ed., Airborne Reconnaissance XXIII (Denver, CO, July 2021, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3751.
467. O. E. Drummond, Ed., Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1999 (Denver, CO, July 2022, 1999),
Proc. SPIE 3809.
468. P. Klausmann, K. Kroschel, and D. Willersinn, Performance prediction of vehicle detection algorithms, PR
32, 1999, 20632065.
469. N. Milisavljevic, Comparison of three methods for shape recognition in the case of mine detection, PRL
20, 1999, 10791083.
470. M. G. Mostafa, Target recognition via 3D object reconstruction from image sequence and contour matching,
PRL 20, 1999, 13811387.
471. S. M. Yamany, A. A. Farag, and S. Y. Hsu, A fuzzy hyperspectral classifier for automatic target recognition
(ATR) systems, PRL 20, 1999, 14311438.
472. A. Banerjee, P. Burlina, and R. Chellappa, Adaptive target detection in foliage-penetrating SAR images
using alpha-stable models, T-IP 8, 1999, 18231831.
473. G. Jones III and B. Bhanu, Recognition of articulated and occluded objects, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 603613.
474. P. Runkle, L. Carin, L. Couchman, T. J. Yoder, and J. A. Bucaro, Multiaspect target identification with
wave-based matched pursuits and continuous hidden Markov models, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 13711378.
475. B. Kamgar-Parsi, B. Kamgar-Parsi, and A. K. Jain, Automatic aircraft recognition: Toward using human
similarity measure in a recognition system, CVPR A, 268273.
476. M. Boshra and B. Bhanu, Performance prediction and validation for object recognition, CVPR B, 380
477. L. A. Chan, N. M. Nasrabadi, and D. Torrieri, Bipolar eigenspace separation transformation for automatic
clutter rejection, ICIP, 25AP4A.1.
478. B. Kamgar-Parsi, B. Kamgar-Parsi, and A. K. Jain, A case study in using human similarity measure for
automated object recognition, ICIP, 25PP4.2.
479. S. A. Rizvi, N. M. Nasrabadi, and S. Z. Der, A clutter rejection technique for FLIR imagery using regionbased principal component analysis, ICIP, 28AP5A.6.

C.7. Remote Sensing

480. F. Posa, Ed., SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques (Barcelona, Spain, September 1998), Proc.
SPIE 3497.
481. S. B. Serpico, Ed., Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing (Barcelona, Spain, September 1998),
Proc. SPIE 3500.
482. International Workshop on 3D Geospatial Data Production, Paris, France, April 79, 1999.
483. First Symposium on Imaging Applications in Geology, Liege, Belgium, May 67, 1999.
484. Workshop on Fusion of Sensor Data, Knowledge Sources, and Algorithms for Extraction and Classification
of Topographic Objects, Valladolid, Spain, June 34, 1999.
485. International Workshop on Integrated Spatial DatabasisDigital Images and GIS, Portland, ME, June
1415, 1999.
486. Conference on Automatic Extraction of GIS Objects from Digital Imagery, Munich, Germany, September
610, 1999.
487. S. B. Serpico, Ed., Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing V (Florence, Italy, September 2224,
1999), Proc. SPIE 3871.
488. K. Chan, DIGESTA Primer for the International GIS Standard, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1998.
489. J. Sanchez and M. P. Canton, Space Image Processing, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1998.
490. C. H. Chen, Ed., Information Processing for Remote Sensing, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
491. H. Mayer, Automatic object extraction from aerial imageryA survey focusing on buildings, CVIU 74,
1999, 138149.
492. N. Haering and N. da Vitoria Lobo, Features and classification methods to locate deciduous trees in images,
CVIU 75, 1999, 133149.



493. C. Baillard and H. Maitre, 3-D reconstruction of urban scenes from aerial stereo imagery: A focusing
strategy, CVIU 76, 1999, 244258.
494. K. Koster and M. Spann, Unsupervised segmentation of 3D and 2D seismic reflection data, IJPRAI 13,
1999, 643663.
495. R. S. T. Lee and J. N. K. Liu, An automatic satellite interpretation of tropical cyclone patterns using elastic
graph dynamic link model, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 12511270.
496. T. Kim and J. P. Muller, Development of a graph-based approach for building detection, IVC 17, 1999,
497. M. O. Berger, B. Wrobel-Dautoourt, S. Petitjean, and G. Simon, Mixing synthetic and video images of an
outdoor urban environment, MVA 11, 1999, 145159.
498. T. M. Tu, H. C. Shyu, C. H. Lee, and C. I. Chang, An oblique subspace projection approach for mixed pixel
classification in hyperspectral images, PR 32, 1999, 13991408.
499. K. B. Eom, Unsupervised segmentation of spaceborne passive radar images, PRL 20, 1999, 485494.
500. L. Bruzzone and D. Fernandez Prieto, An incremental-learning neural network for the classification of
remote-sensing images, PRL 20, 1999, 12411248.
501. J. A. Parikh, J. S. DaPonte, J. N. Vitale, and G. Tselioudis, An evolutionary system for recognition and
tracking of synoptic-scale storms, PRL 20, 1999, 13891396.
502. R. Bernstein and V. Di Gesu, A combined analysis to extract objects in remote sensing images, PRL 20,
1999, 14071414.
503. P. C. Smits and A. Annoni, Towards operational knowledge-based remote-sensing image analysis, PRL 20,
1999, 14151422.
504. J. A. Shufelt, Performance evaluation and analysis of monocular building extraction from aerial imagery,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 311326.
505. L. Chen, D. H. Cooley, and J. Zhang, Possibility-based fuzzy neural networks and their application to
image processing, T-SMC B29, 1999, 119126.
506. G. Healey and D. Slater, Invariant recognition in hyperspectral images, CVPR A, 438443.
507. B. Thai and G. Healey, Using a linear subspace approach for invariant subpixel material identification in
airborne hyperspectral imagery, CVPR A, 567572.
508. S. Coorg and S. Teller, Extracting textured vertical facades from controlled close-range imagery, CVPR A,
509. D. Slater and G. Healey, Material classification for 3D objects in aerial hyperspectral images, CVPR B,
510. J. Li, R. Nevatia, and S. Nornoha, User assisted modeling of buildings from aerial images, CVPR B,
511. A. L. Yuille and J. Coughlan, High-level and generic models for visual search: When does high level
knowledge help?, CVPR B, 631637.
512. M. Marengoni, A. Hanson, S. Zilberstein, and E. Riseman, Control in a 3D reconstruction system using
selective perception, ICCV, 12291236.
513. L. Bruzzone and D. Fernandez Prieto, An MRF approach to unsupervised change detection, ICIP,
514. J. N. Provost, C. Collet, P. Perez, and P. Bouthemy, A hierarchical unsupervised multispectral model to
segment spot images for ocean cartography, ICIP, 25PO3.3.
515. A. Ohkubo and K. Niijima, New supervised learning of neural networks for satellite image classification,
ICIP, 25PP3.2.
516. J. Gonsuegra and G. Cisneros, Integration of Gabor functions with co-occurrence matricesApplication
to woody crop location in remote sensing, ICIP, 26AP3.7.
517. B. K. Jeon, J. H. Jang, and K. S. Hong, Road detection in spaceborne SAR images based on ridge extraction,
ICIP, 26PP1.11.
518. P. Bolon, J. Chanussot, I. Issa, and P. Lambert, Comparison of prefiltering operators for road network
extraction in SAR images, ICIP, 26PP5.10.



519. M. Cord and D. Declercq, Bayesian model identification: Application to building reconstruction in aerial
imagery, ICIP, 27AO2.5.
520. H. Jin, Y. Yaginuma, and M. Sakauchi, Detection of information relating to building object in news video,
ICIP, 27AP2.16.
521. O. Lavialle, F. Angella, and P. Baylou, Extension of the minimal path searching for structure recovery,
ICIP, 28AP5A.4.
522. A. Lorette, X. Descombes, and J. Zerubia, Texture analysis through Markov random fields: Urban areas
extraction, ICIP, 28AP5B.2.

D.1. Architectures, etc.
523. Seventh Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, Annapolis, MD, February 2125,
524. S. Ong and M. H. Sunwoo, Implementation of sliding memory plane image processor, JPDC 55, 1998,
525. L. Boxer, R. Miller, and A. Rau-Chaplin, Scalable parallel algorithms for geometric pattern recognition,
JPDC 58, 1999, 466486.
526. N. G. Bourbakis and C. Alexopoulos, A fractal-based image processing language: Formal modeling, PR
32, 1999, 317338.
527. J. Soldek and R. Mantiuk, A reconfigurable processor based on FPGAs for pattern recognition, image
processing, analysis and synthesis of images, PRL 20, 1999, 667674.
528. R. Clouard, A. Elmoataz, C. Porquet, and M. Revenu, Borg: A knowledge-based system for automatic
generation of image processing programs, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 128144.
529. N. K. Ratha and A. K. Jain, Computer vision algorithms on reconfigurable logic arrays, T-PDS 10, 1999,
530. R. Lin, S. Olariu, J. L. Schwing, and B. F. Wang, The mesh with hybrid buses: An efficient parallel
architecture for digital geometry, T-PDS 10, 1999, 266279.

D.2. Databases
531. M. M. Yeung, B. L. Yeo, and C. A. Bouman, Eds., Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
VII (San Jose, CA, January 2629, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3656.
532. Third International Conference on Visual Information Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 24,
533. S. Panchanathan, S. F. Chang, and C. C. J. Kuo, Eds., Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems IV
(Boston, MA, September 2022, 1999), Proc. SPIE 3846.
534. European Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Toulouse, France, October 2527, 1999.
535. B. Perry, S. K. Chang, J. Dinsmore, D. Doermann, A. Rosenfeld, and S. Stevens, Content-Based Access to
Multimedia InformationFrom Technology Trends to State of the Art, Kluwer, Boston, 1999.
536. C. Leung, Ed., Special Issue: Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval, IVC 17(7), May 1999, 463540.
537. A. Del Bimbo, V. Castelli, S. F. Chang, and C. S. Li, Eds., Special Issue on Content-Based Access to Image
and Video Libraries, CVIU 75(12), JulyAugust 1999, 1213.
538. H. D. Wactlar, M. G. Christel, Y. Gong, and A. G. Hauptmann, Lessons learned from building a terabyte
digital video library, Computer 32(2), 1999, 6673.
539. D. Androutsos, K. N. Plataniotis, and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, A novel vector-based approach to color
image retrieval using a vector angular-based distance measure, CVIU 75, 1999, 4658.
540. K. V. R. Kanth, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and A. Singh, Dimensionality reduction for similarity searching
in dynamic databases, CVIU 75, 1999, 5972.



541. S. Sclaroff, M. La Cascia, S. Sethi, and L. Taycher, Unifying textual and visual cues for content-based
image retrieval on the world wide web, CVIU 75, 1999, 8698.
542. M. K. Mandal, T. Aboulnasr, and S. Panchanathan, Fast wavelet histogram techniques for image indexing,
CVIU 75, 1999, 99110.
543. J. Peng, B. Bhanu, and S. Qing, Probabilistic feature relevance learning for content-based image retrieval,
CVIU 75, 1999, 150164.
544. J. R. Smith and C. S. Li, Image classification and querying using composite region templates, CVIU 75,
1999, 165174.
545. A. P. Berman and L. G. Shapiro, A flexible image database system for content-based retrieval, CVIU 75,
1999, 175195.
546. J. D. Yang and H. J. Yang, A formal framework for image indexing with triples: Toward (a) concept-based
image retrieval, IJIS 14, 1999, 603622.
547. P. J. Cheng and W. P. Yang, A new content-based access method for video databases, IS 118, 1999, 3773.
548. H. C. Lin, L. L. Wang, and S. N. Yang, Regular-texture image retrieval based on texture-primitive extraction,
IVC 17, 1999, 5163.
549. E. Paquet and M. Rioux, Nefertiti: A query by content system for three-dimensional model and image
database(s) management, IVC 17, 1999, 157166.
550. A. Del Bimbo and P. Pala, Shape indexing by multi-scale representation, IVC 17, 1999, 245261.
551. I. K. Park, I. D. Yun, and S. U. Lee, Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation, IVC 17, 1999,
552. T. Gevers and A. W. M. Smeulders, Content-based image retrieval by viewpoint-invariant color indexing,
IVC 17, 1999, 475488.
553. H. Schweitzer, Organizing image databases as visual-content search trees, IVC 17, 1999, 501511.
554. M. K. Mandal, F. Idris, and S. Panchanathan, A critical evaluation of image and video indexing techniques
in the compressed domain, IVC 17, 1999, 513529.
555. V. Roth, Content-based retrieval from digital video, IVC 17, 1999, 531540.
556. A. F. Abate, M. Nappi, G. Tortora, and M. Tucci, IME: An image management environment with contentbased access, IVC 17, 1999, 967980.
557. Z. Hong, C. Syin, and K. F. Lai, Query expansion by text and image features in image retrieval, JVCIR 9,
1998, 287299.
558. L. Brown and L. Gruenwald, Tree-based indexes for image data, JVCIR 9, 1998, 300313.
559. D. Sharuit, J. Chan, H. Tek, and B. B. Kimia, Symmetry-based indexing of image databases, JVCIR 9,
1998, 366380.
560. Y. Rui, T. S. Huang, and S. F. Chang, Image retrieval: Current techniques, promising directions, and open
issues, JVCIR 10, 1999, 3962.
561. R. Brunelli, O. Mich, and C. M. Modena, A survey on the automatic indexing of video data, JVCIR 10,
1999, 78112.
562. P. Agouris, A. Stefanidis, and J. D. Carswell, Sketch-based image queries in topographic databases, JVCIR
10, 1999, 113129.
563. R. Milanese and M. Cherbulicz, A rotation, translation, and scale-invariant approach to content-based
image retrieval, JVCIR 10, 1999, 186196.
564. Z. N. Li, O. R. Zaane, and Z. Tauber, Illumination invariance and object model in content-based image
and video retrieval, JVCIR 10, 1999, 219244.
565. G. H. Cha and C. W. Chung, An indexing and retrieval mechanism for complex similarity queries in image
databases, JVCIR 10, 1999, 268290.
566. P. Pala and S. Santini, Image retrieval by shape and texture, PR 32, 1999, 517527.
567. C. Colombo and A. Del Bimbo, Color-induced image representation and retrieval, PR 32, 1999, 1685
568. M. S. Kankanhalli, B. M. Mehtre, and H. Y. Huang, Color and spatial feature for content-based image
retrieval, PRL 20, 1999, 109118.



569. B. Huet and E. R. Hancock, Shape recognition from large image libraries by inexact graph matching, PRL
20, 1999, 12591269.
570. K. Messer and J. Kittler, A region-based image database system using colour and texture, PRL 20, 1999,
571. N. Tadayun and V. V. Raghavan, Improving Perceptron convergence algorithm for retrieval systems, PRL
20, 1999, 13311336.
572. I. K. Sethi and I. Coman, Image retrieval using hierarchical self-organizing feature maps, PRL 20, 1999,
573. K. C. Liang and C. C. J. Kuo, WaveGuide: A joint wavelet-based image representation and description
system, T-IP 8, 1999, 16191629.
574. O. Chapelle, P. Haffner, and V. N. Vapnik, Support vector machines for histogram-based image classification, T-NN 10, 1999, 10551064.
575. D. L. Swets and J. Wang, Hierarchical discriminant analysis for image retrieval, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 386401.
576. B. Huet and E. R. Hancock, Line pattern retrieval using relational histograms, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 1363
577. Q. Iqbal and J. K. Aggarwal, Applying perceptual grouping to content-based image retrieval: Building
images, CVPR A, 4248.
578. T. Syeda-Mahmood, Locating indexing structures in engineering drawing databases using location hashing,
CVPR A, 4955.
579. S. Aksoy and R. M. Haralick, Graph-theoretic clustering for image grouping and retrieval, CVPR A, 6368.
580. H. Schweitzer, Optimal eigenfeature selection by optimal image registration, CVPR A, 219224.
581. J. G. Dy, C. E. Brodley, A. Kak, C. Shyu, and L. S. Broderick, The customized-queries approach to CBIR
using EM, CVPR B, 400406.
582. S. Abbasi and F. Mokhtarian, Shape similarity retrieval under affine transform: Application to multi-view
object representation and recognition, ICCV, 450455.
583. Y. Rubner and C. Tomasi, Texture-based image retrieval without segmentation, ICCV, 10181024.
584. J. Puzicha, J. M. Buhmann, Y. Rubner, and C. Tomasi, Empirical evaluation of dissimilarity measures for
color and texture, ICCV, 11651172.
585. P. de Rivaz and N. Kingsbury, Complex wavelet features for fast texture image retrieval, ICIP, 25AP3.2.
586. Y. H. Gu and T. Tjahjadi, Corner-based feature extraction for object retrieval, ICIP, 25AP3.4.
587. P. Piamsa-nga, N. A. Alexandridis, S. Srakaew, G. C. Blankenship Jr., and S. R. Subramanya, In-picture
search algorithm for content-based image retrieval, ICIP, 25AP3.7.
588. Z. Yang and C. C. J. Kuo, A semantic classification and composite indexing approach to robust image
retrieval, ICIP, 25AP3.8.
589. M. Kurokawa, T. Echigo, A. Tomita, H. Miyamori, S. Iisaku, and J. Maeda, Representation and retrieval
of video scene by using object actions and their spatio-temporal relationships, ICIP, 26AO2.1.
590. Y. P. Tan, S. R. Kulkarni, and P. J. Ramadge, A framework for measuring video similarity and its application
to video query by example, ICIP, 26AO2.5.
591. D. Zhong and S. F. Chang, Region feature based similarity searching of semantic video objects, ICIP,
592. N. D. Doulamis, A. D. Doulamis, and S. D. Kollias, A neural network approach to interactive content-based
retrieval of video databases, ICIP, 26AO2.7.
593. X. S. Zhou, Y. Rui, and T. S. Huang, Water-fillingA novel way for image structural feature extraction,
ICIP, 26PO2.1.
594. M. Vissac, J. L. Dugelay, and K. Rose, A fractals-inspired approach to content-based image indexing, ICIP,
595. Y. M. Ro and K. Yoo, Texture featuring and indexing using matching pursuit in Radon space, ICIP, 26PO2.3.
596. A. Vailaya and A. Jain, Incremental learning for Bayesian classification of images, ICIP, 26PO2.4.
597. A. Kutics, M. Nakajima, T. Ieki, and N. Mukawa, An object-based image retrieval system using an inhomogeneous diffusion model, ICIP, 26PO2.5.



598. Y. Xu, E. Saber, and A. M. Tekalp, Object formation by learning in visual databases using hierarchical
content description, ICIP, 26PO2.6.
599. A. Vailaya, H. J. Zhang, and A. Jain, Automatic image orientation detection, ICIP, 26PO2.7.
600. L. Garrido, P. Salembier, and J. R. Casas, Representing and retrieving regions using binary partition trees,
ICIP, 26PO2.8.
601. R. Schettini, G. Ciocca, and I. Gagliardi, Content-based color image retrieval with relevance feedback,
ICIP, 27AS2.8.
602. S. Shirani, A. Jerbi, F. Kossentini, R. Ward, and J. Wu, Content-based retrieval of video sequences under
partial occlusion, ICIP, 27AP2.1.
603. E. K. Kang, S. J. Kim, and J. S. Choi, Video retrieval based on key frame extraction in compressed domain,
ICIP, 27AP2.2.
604. A. Kamegaya and H. Kinoshita, An image retrieving method using the object index and the motion, ICIP,
605. E. Stringa, F. Soldatini, and C. S. Regazzoni, Joint video-shot and layer indexing in video-surveillance
application, ICIP, 27AP2.5.
606. K. D. Vo, I. Nishihara, T. Yoshida, and Y. Sakai, Precise estimation of motion vectors and its application
to MPEG video retrieval, ICIP, 27AP2.6.
607. H. L. Eng and K. K. Ma, Motion trajectory extraction based on macroblock motion vectors for video
indexing, ICIP, 27AP2.7.
608. A. Mojsilovic, J. Hu, and R. J. Safranek, Perceptually based color texture features and metrics for image
retrieval, ICIP, 27PO2.5.

D.3. Operations
609. P. Soille, Morphological Image Anlysis: Principles and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
610. H. J. A. M. Heijmans, Connected morphological operators for binary images, CVIU 73, 1999, 99120.
611. S. N. Kalitzin, B. M. ter Haar Romeny, and M. A. Viergever, Invertible apertured orientation filters in image
analysis, IJCV 31, 1999, 145158.
612. I. Yoda, K. Yamamoto, and H. Yamada, Automatic acquisition of hierarchical mathematical morphology
procedures by genetic algorithms, IVC 17, 1999, 749760.
613. Y. Chen and E. R. Dougherty, Markovian analysis of adaptive reconstructive multiparameter -openings,
JMIV 10, 1999, 253267.
614. G. Agam and I. Dinstein, Regulated morphological operations, PR 32, 1999, 947971.
615. N. Merhav, Multiplication-free approximate algorithms for compressed-domain linear operations on images, T-IP 8, 1999, 247254.
616. H. J. A. M. Heijmans and C. Ronse, Annular filters for binary images, T-IP 8, 1999, 13301340.
617. P. C. Teo and Y. Hel-Or, Design of multiparameter steerable functions using cascade basis reduction,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 552556.
618. B. E. Shi, Real-time Gabor-type filtering using analog focal plane image processors, CVPR A, 507513.
619. P. Bakker, L. J. van Vliet, and P. W. Verbeek, Edge preserving orientation adaptive filtering, CVPR A,

D.4. Processes
620. Second International Conference on Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, September
2627, 1999.
621. Q. Gao and F. F. Yin, Two-dimensional direction-based interpolation with local centered moments, GMIP
61, 1999, 323339.
622. L. Florack, R. Maas, and W. Niessen, Pseudo-linear scale space theory, IJCV 31, 1999, 247259.
623. S. H. Lai and B. C. Vemuri, Efficient hybrid search for visual reconstruction problems, IVC 17, 1999,



624. J. Weickert, S. Ishikawa, and A. Imiya, Linear scale-space has first been proposed in Japan, JMIV 10, 1999,
625. D. Keren and M. Werman, A full Bayesian approach to curve and surface reconstrution, JMIV 11, 1999,
626. L. Zhao and Y. H. Yang, An efficient algorithm to compute eigenimages in PCA-based vision systems, PR
32, 1999, 851864.
627. L. da Fontoura Costa, Gauss law in image processing and analysis via fast numerical calculation of vector
fields, RTI 5, 1999, 243251.
628. C. V. Stewart, Robust parameter estimation in computer vision, SIAM Review 41, 1999, 513537.
629. K. Sakaue, A. Amano, and N. Yokoya, Optimization approaches in computer vision and image processing,
T-IS E82D, 1999, 534547.
630. Q. Yang and S. D. Ma, Intrinsic multiscale representation using optical flow in scale space, T-IP 8, 1999,
631. P. Brigger, F. Muller, K. Illgner, and M. Unser, Centered pyramids, T-IP 8, 1999, 12541264.
632. Y. P. Wang, Image representations using multiscale differential operators, T-IP 8, 1999, 17571771.
633. D. Keren and C. Gotsman, Fitting curves and surfaces with constrained implicit polynomials, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 3141.
634. A. V. Rao, D. J. Miller, K. Rose, and A. Gersho, A deterministic annealing approach for parsimonious
design of piecewise regression models, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 159173.
635. B. Chalmond and S. C. Girard, Nonlinear modeling of scattered multivariate data and its application to
shape change, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 422432.
636. Y. P. Wang and R. Qu, Fast implementation of scale-space by interpolatory subdivision scheme, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 933939.
637. C. V. Stewart, K. Bubna, and A. Perera, Estimating model parameters and boundaries by minimizing a
joint, robust objective function, CVPR B, 387393.
638. M. Werman and D. Keren, A novel Bayesian method for fitting parameteric and non-parametric models to
noisy data, CVPR B, 552558.
639. Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, and R. Zabih, Fast approximate energy minimization via graph cuts, ICCV, 377
640. B. Tang, G. Sapiro, and V. Caselles, Direction diffusion, ICCV, 12451252.
641. H. Krim and Y. Bao, Nonlinear diffusionA probabilistic view, ICIP, 26AS1.5.
642. E. Q. Wong and V. R. Algazi, Improved directional algorithm of the non-linear anisotropic diffusion
equation for images, ICIP, 26AP5.1.
643. E. H. W. Meijering, W. J. Niessen, and M. A. Viergever, Piecewise polynomial kernels for image interpolation: A generalization of cubic convolution, ICIP, 27PO4.1.
644. E. H. W. Meijering, W. J. Niessen, and M. A. Viergever, The sinc-approximating kernels of classical
polynomial interpolation, ICIP, 27PO4.2.
645. H. Honda, M. Haseyama, and H. Kitajima, Fractal interpolation for natural images, ICIP, 27PO4.3.
646. T. Blu, P. Thevenaz, and M. Unser, Generalized interpolation: Higher quality at no additional cost, ICIP,

D.5. Geometric Operations, Calibration

647. J. Gomes, L. Darsa, B. Costa, and L. Velho, Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
648. F. Pedersini, A. Sarti, and S. Tubaro, Multi-camera systems, SPM 16(3), 1999, 5565.
649. M. Pollefeys, R. Koch, and L. Van Gool, Self-calibration and metric reconstruction in spite of varying and
unknown camera parameters, IJCV 32, 1999, 725.
650. S. Contassot-Vivier and S. Miguet, A load-balanced algorithm for parallel digital image warping, IJPRAI
13, 1999, 445463.



651. R. L. Carceroni and C. M. Brown, Decoupling orientation recovery from position recovery with 3D-2D
point correspondence, JMIV 11, 1999, 179193.
652. O. D. Evans and Y. Kim, Efficient implementation of image warping on a multimedia processor, RTI 4,
1998, 417428.
653. N. Arad and C. Gotsman, Enhancement by image-dependent warping, T-IP 8, 1999, 10631074.
654. R. W. Cox and R. Tong, Two- and three-dimensional image rotation using the FFT, T-IP 8, 1999, 1297
655. S. C. Pei and J. H. Horng, A moment-based approach for deskewing rotationally symmetric shapes, T-IP
8, 1999, 18311834.
656. M. Pollefeys and L. Van Gool, Stratified self-calibration with the modulus constraint, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
657. W. S. Kim, Computer vision assisted virtual reality calibration, T-RA 15, 1999, 450464.
658. J. Batista, H. Araujo, and A. T. de Almeida, Iterative multistep explicit camera calibration, T-RA 15, 1999,
659. L. de Agapito, R. I. Hartley, and E. Hayman, Linear self-calibration of a rotating and zooming camera,
CVPR A, 1521.
660. A. Broadhurst and R. Cipolla, Calibration of image sequences for model visualisation, CVPR A, 100105.
661. A. Ruf and R. Horaud, Projective rotations applied to a pan-tilt stereo head, CVPR A, 144150.
662. R. Dugad and N. Ahuja, A fast scheme for altering resolution in the compressed domain, CVPR A, 213
663. R. A. Manning and C. R. Dyer, Interpolating view and scene motion by dynamic view morphing, CVPR
A, 388394.
664. P. F. Sturm and S. J. Maybank, On plane-based camera calibration: A general algorithm, singularities,
applications, CVPR A, 432437.
665. P. R. S. Mendonca and R. Cipolla, A simple technique for self-calibration, CVPR A, 500505.
666. R. T. Collins and Y. Tsin, Calibration of an outdoor active camera system, CVPR A, 528534.
667. R. Swaminathan and S. K. Nayar, Non-metric calibration of wide-angle lenses and polycameras, CVPR B,
668. J. Mendelsohn and K. Daniilidis, Constrained self-calibration, CVPR B, 581587.
669. A. M. Bruckstein, R. J. Holt, T. S. Huang, and A. N. Netravali, Optimum fiducials under weak perspective
projection, ICCV, 6772.
670. Y. Seo and K. S. Hong, About the self-calibration of a rotating and zooming camera: Theory and practice,
ICCV, 183189.
671. B. Triggs, Camera pose and calibration from 4 or 5 known 3D points, ICCV, 278284.
672. D. Liebowitz and A. Zisserman, Combining scene and auto-calibration constraints, ICCV, 293300.
673. A. Heyden and K. Astrom, Flexible calibration: Minimal cases for auto-calibration, ICCV, 350355.
674. C. Geyer and K. Daniilidis, Catadioptric camera calibration, ICCV, 398404.
675. M. T. Ahmed, E. E. Hemayed, and A. A. Farag, Neurocalibration: A neural network that can tell camera
calibration parameters, ICCV, 463468.
676. F. Kahl, Critical motions and ambiguous Euclidean reconstructions in auto-calibration, ICCV, 469475.
677. R. I. Hartley, E. Hayman, L. de Agapito, and I. Reid, Camera calibration and the search for infinity, ICCV,
678. R. Koch, M. Pollefeys, B. Heigl, L. Van Gool, and H. Niemann, Calibration of hand-held camera sequences
for plenoptic modeling, ICCV, 585591.
679. Z. Zhang, Flexible camera calibration by viewing a plane from unknown orientations, ICCV, 666673.
680. J. Oliensis, Fast and accurate self-calibration, ICCV, 745752.
681. A. Munoz, T. Blu, and M. Unser, Efficient image resizing using finite differences, ICIP, 27PO4.5.
682. M. Ahmed, E. Hemayed, and A. Farag, A neural approach for single- and multi-image camera calibration,
ICIP, 27PP5B.1.




E.1. Features
683. N. Armande, P. Montesinos, O. Monga, and G. Vaysseix, Thin nets extraction using a multi-scale approach,
CVIU 73, 1999, 248257.
684. P. L. Rosin, Measuring corner properties, CVIU 73, 1999, 291307.
685. T. Lindeberg, Feature detection with automatic scale selection, IJCV 30, 1998, 79116.
686. T. Lindeberg, Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection, IJCV 30, 1998, 117
687. L. M. Kennedy and M. Basu, A Gaussian derivative operator for authentic edge detection and accurate
edge localization, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 367380.
688. F. Chabat, G. Z. Yang, and D. M. Hansell, A corner orientation detector, IVC 17, 1999, 761769.
689. I. R. Greenshields, Coherent computation of the multispectral maximal directional derivative, IVC 18,
1999, 17.
690. K. Rohr, Extraction of 3D anatomical point landmarks based on invariance principles, PR 32, 1999, 315.
691. R. C. Wilson and E. R. Hancock, Consistent topographic surface labelling, PR 32, 1999, 12111223.
692. S. R. Gunn, On the discrete representation of the Laplacian of Gaussian, PR 32, 1999, 14631472.
693. Z. Zheng, H. Wang, and E. K. Teoh, Analysis of gray level corner detection, PRL 20, 1999, 149162.
694. B. Zitova, J. Kautsky, G. Peters, and J. Flusser, Robust detection of significant points in multiframe images,
PRL 20, 1999, 199206.
695. R. H. Park, One-dimensional frequency domain interpretation of compass roof-edge and Frei-Chen line
masks, PRL 20, 1999, 281284.
696. W. Wen and A. Xia, Verifying edges for visual inspection purposes, PRL 20, 1999, 315328.
697. C. Chen and C. D. Wang, A simple edge-preserving filtering technique for constructing multi-resolution
systems of images, PRL 20, 1999, 495506.
698. B. Luo, A. D. J. Cross, and E. R. Hancock, Corner detection via topographic analysis of vector potential,
PRL 20, 1999, 635650.
699. R. H. Park, Interpretation of eight-point discrete cosine and sine transforms as 3 3 orthogonal edge masks
in terms of the Frei-Chen masks, PRL 20, 1999, 807811.
700. A. Simo, E. De Ves, M. E. Daz, G. Ayala, and J. Domingo, Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in
junctions, PRL 20, 1999, 11131122.
701. N. J. Mulder and A. A. Abkar, A comparison of least-squares and Bayesian minimum risk edge parameter
estimation, PRL 20, 1999, 13971405.
702. D. Nandy and J. Ben-Arie, Generalized feature extraction using expansion matching, T-IP 8, 1999, 2232.
703. E. L. Miller, Statistically based methods for anomaly characterization in images from observations of
scattered radiation, T-IP 8, 1999, 92101.
704. B. Kamgar-Parsi, B. Kamgar-Parsi, and A. Rosenfeld, Optimally isotropic Laplacian operator, T-IP 8, 1999,
705. N. Eua-Anant and L. Udpa, Boundary detection using simulation of particle motion in a vector image field,
T-IP 8, 1999, 15601571.
706. J. F. Y. Cheung, M. C. Wicks, G. J. Genello, and L. Kurz, A statistical theory for optimal detection of
moving objects in variable corruptive noise, T-IP 8, 1999, 17721787.
707. B. M. Sadler and A. Swami, Analysis of multiscale products for step detection and estimation, T-IT 45,
1999, 10431051.
708. A. M. Lopez, F. Lumbreras, J. Serrat, and J. J. Villanueva, Evaluation of methods for ridge and valley
detection, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 327335.
709. M. Ferraro, G. Boccignone, and T. Caelli, On the representation of image structures via scale space entropy
conditions, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 11991203.



710. K. H. Liang, T. Tjahjadi, and Y. H. Yang, Bounded diffusion for multiscale edge detection using regularized
cubic B-spline fitting, T-SMC B29, 1999, 291297.
711. K. Bowyer, C. Kranenburg, and S. Dougherty, Edge detector evaluation using empirical ROC curves, CVPR
A, 354359.
712. M. C. Shin, D. Goldgof, and K. W. Bowyer, Comparison of edge detectors using an object recognition task,
CVPR A, 360365.
713. S. Konishi, A. L. Yuille, J. Coughlan, and S. C. Zhu, Fundamental bounds on edge detection: An information
theoretic evaluation of different edge cues, CVPR A, 573579.
714. M. A. Ruzon and C. Tomasi, Color edge detection with the compass operator, CVPR B, 160166.
715. S. Baker and S. K. Nayar, Global measures of coherence for edge detector evaluation, CVPR B, 373379.
716. M. A. Ruzon and C. Tomasi, Corner detection in textured color images, ICCV, 10391045.
717. Q. Ji and R. M. Haralick, Quantitative evaluation of edge detectors using the minimum kernel variance
criterion, ICIP, 26PP1.5.
718. Y. W. Song and S. S. Udpa, A new edge detection algorithm using data fusion approaches, ICIP, 26PP1.8.

E.2. Segmentation
719. G. A. W. West and P. L. Rosin, Investigation into the Extraction of Features from Images: From Curves to
Features, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
720. K. L. Boyer and S. Sarkar, Eds., Special Issue on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: Status,
Challenges, and Potential, CVIU 76(1), October 1999, 1108.
721. S. M. Bhandarkar and X. Zeng, Evolutionary approaches to figure-ground separation, ApI 11, 1999, 187
722. C. W. Liao and G. Medioni, Simultaneous surface approximation and segmentation of complex objects,
CVIU 73, 1999, 4363.
723. E. J. Pauwels and G. Frederix, Finding salient regions in imagesNonparametric clustering for image
segmentation and grouping, CVIU 75, 1999, 7385.
724. R. Jones, Connected filtering and segmentation using component trees, CVIU 75, 1999, 215228.
725. A. Amir and M. Lindenbaum, Ground from figure discrimination, CVIU 76, 1999, 718.
726. S. Casadei and S. Mitter, Beyond the uniqueness assumption: Ambiguity representation and redundancy
elimination in the computation of a covering sample of salient contour cycles, CVIU 76, 1999, 1935.
727. D. Crevier, A probabilistic method for extracting chains of collinear segments, CVIU 76, 1999, 3653.
728. M. S. Lee and G. Medioni, Grouping , , , o into regions, curves, and junctions, CVIU 76, 1999, 5469.
729. E. Saund, Perceptual organization of occluding contours of opaque surfaces, CVIU 76, 1999, 7082.
730. J. August, K. Siddiqi, and S. W. Zucker, Contour fragment grouping and shared, simple occluders, CVIU
76, 1999, 146162.
731. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Perez, and P. Bouthemy, Three-class Markovian segmentation of high-resolution
sonar images, CVIU 76, 1999, 191204.
732. Z. W. Kim and R. Nevatia, Uncertain reasoning and learning for feature grouping, CVIU 76, 1999, 278288.
733. G. Aubert and L. Blanc-Feraud, Some remarks on the equivalence between 2D and 3D classical snakes
and geodesic active contours, IJCV 34, 1999, 1928.
734. H. T. Nguyen, How to divide a territory? A new simple differential formalism for optimization of set
functions, IJIS 14, 1999, 223251.
735. A. Simmons, D. K. Jones, M. A. Horsfield, and S. C. R. Williams, Application of diffusion tensor MRI to
neurological segmentation, IJIST 10, 1999, 273286.
736. J. H. Piater, E. M. Riseman, and P. E. Utgoff, Interactively training pixel classifiers, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
737. C. Davatzikos and J. L. Prince, Convexity analysis of active contour problems, IVC 17, 1999, 2736.
738. G. Garai and B. B. Chaudhuri, A split and merge procedure for polygonal border detection of dot patterns,
IVC 17, 1999, 7582.



739. P. Andrey, Selectionist relaxation: Genetic algorithms applied to image segmentation, IVC 17, 1999, 175
740. M. S. Horvitt, A statistical active contour model for SAR image segmentation, IVC 17, 1999, 213224.
741. B. Levienaise-Obadia and A. Gee, Adaptive segmentation of ultrasound images, IVC 17, 1999, 583588.
742. K. P. Ngoi and J. C. Jia, An active contour model for colour region extraction in natural scenes, IVC 17,
1999, 955966.
743. J. R. Tapamo, Multi-scale image analysis by pyramidal algorithms, JMIV 10, 1999, 8795.
744. S. H. Kwok and A. G. Constantinides, A parallel recursive shortest spanning tree algorithm for image
segmentation in [a] distributed computing environment, JPDC 56, 1999, 181207.
745. K. S. Kumar and U. B. Desai, Joint segmentation and image interpretation, PR 32, 1999, 577584.
746. H. D. Cheng and Y. H. Chen, Fuzzy partition of two-dimensional histogram and its application to thresholding, PR 32, 1999, 825893.
747. P. Vasseur, C. Pegard, E. Mouaddib, and L. Delahoche, Perceptual organization approach based on
Dempster-Shafer theory, PR 32, 1999, 14491462.
748. N. Friel and I. S. Molchanov, A new thresholding technique based on random sets, PR 32, 1999, 1507
749. W. S. Chou, Classifying image pixels into shaped, smooth, and textured points, PR 32, 1999, 16971706.
750. A. L. Ralescu and J. G. Shanahan, Perceptual organization for inferring object boundaries in an image, PR
32, 1999, 19231933.
751. X. J. Wu, Y. J. Zhang, and L. Z. Xia, A fast recurring two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm,
PR 32, 1999, 20552061.
752. D. L. Pham and J. L. Prince, An adaptive fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation in the presence
of intensity inhomogeneities, PRL 20, 1999, 5768.
753. P. C. Yuen, G. C. Feng, and J. P. Zhou, A contour detection method: Initialization and contour model, PRL
20, 1999, 141148.
754. S. Medasani and R. Krishnapuram, A comparison of Gaussian and Pearson mixture modeling for pattern
recognition and computer vision applications, PRL 20, 1999, 305313.
755. E. D. Jansing, T. A. Albert, and D. L. Chenoweth, Two-dimensional entropic segmentation, PRL 20, 1999,
756. D. J. Kang and I. S. Kweon, A fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, PRL 20, 1999, 507512.
757. M. Skomorowski, Use of random graph parsing for scene labelling by probabilistic relaxation, PRL 20,
1999, 949956.
758. D. Lagunovsky and S. Ablameyko, Straight-line-based primitive extraction in grey-scale object recognition,
PRL 20, 1999, 10051014.
759. F. Kurgollus and B. Sankur, Image segmentation based on multi-scan constraint satisfaction neural network,
PRL 20, 1999, 15531563.
760. K. L. Chung, Constant-time thresholding on reconfigurable mesh, RTI 5, 1999, 7781.
761. M. Meribout, M. Nakanishi, and T. Ogura, (A) real-time image segmentation on a massively parallel
architecture, RTI 5, 1999, 279291.
762. J. M. Gauch, Image segmentation and analysis via multiscale gradient watershed hierarchies, T-IP 8, 1999,
763. J. Zhang, J. Gao, and J. Liu, Figure-ground separation by a dynamical system, T-IP 8, 1999, 115122.
764. I. B. Kerfoot and Y. Bresler, Theoretical analysis of multispectral image segmentation criteria, T-IP 8, 1999,
765. S. S. Lee, S. J. Horng, and H. R. Tsai, Entropy thresholding and its parallel algorithm on the reconfigurable
array of processors with wider bus networks, T-IP 8, 1999, 12291242.
766. A. Banerjee, P. Burlina, and F. Alajaji, Image segmentation and labeling using the Polya urn model, T-IP
8, 1999, 12431253.
767. T. Ma and H. D. Tagare, Consistency and stability of active contours with Euclidean and non-Euclidean
arc lengths, T-IP 8, 1999, 1549.



768. A. Chakraborty and J. S. Duncan, Game-theoretic integration for image segmentation, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
769. A. Hajjar and T. Chen, A VLSI architecture for real-time edge linking, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 8994.
770. H. Frigui and R. Krishnapuram, A robust competitive clustering algorithm with application in computer
vision, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 450465.
771. X. Descombes and F. Kruggel, A Markov pixon information approach for low-level image description,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 482494.
772. J. Liu and Y. Y. Tang, Adaptive image segmentation with distributed behavior-based agents, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 544551.
773. W. Oh and W. B. Lindquist, Image thresholding by indicator kriging, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 590602.
774. R. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. A. Garcia, J. Fdez-Valdivia, and X. R. Fdez-Vidal, The RGFF representational
model: A system for the automatically learned partitioning of visual patterns in digital images, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 10441073.
775. C. Chesnaud, P. Refregier, and V. Boulet, Statistical region snake-based segmentation adapted to different
physical noise models, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 11451157.
776. M. N. Ahmed, S. M. Yamany, A. A. Farag, and T. Moriarty, Bias field estimation and adaptive segmentation
of MRI data using a modified fuzzy c-means algorithm, CVPR A, 250255.
777. L. Liu and S. Sclaroff, Deformable shape detection and description via model-based region grouping,
CVPR B, 2127.
778. Z. Wang and J. Ben-Arie, Generic object detection using model based segmentation, CVPR B, 428433.
779. X. Li and J. Wang, Adaptive balloon models, CVPR B, 434439.
780. Y. Deng, B. S. Manjunath, and H. Shin, Color image segmentation, CVPR B, 446451.
781. E. N. Mortensen and W. A. Barrett, Toboggan-based intelligent scissors with a four-parameter edge model,
CVPR B, 452458.
782. Y. S. Akgul and C. Kambhamettu, A new multi-level framework for deformable contour optimization,
CVPR B, 465470.
783. H. Tek and B. B. Kimia, Perceptual organization via the symmetry map and symmetry transforms, CVPR
B, 471477.
784. Y. Gdalyahu, D. Weinshall, and M. Werman, Stochastic image segmentation by typical cuts, CVPR B,
785. J. Puzicha, T. Hofmann, and J. M. Buhmann, Histogram clustering for unsupervised image segmentation,
CVPR B, 602608.
786. C. Samson, L. Blanc-Feraud, J. Zerubia, and G. Aubert, Simultaneous image classification and restoration
using a variational approach, CVPR B, 618623.
787. E. Saund, Perceptual organization of occluding contours generated by opaque surfaces, CVPR B, 624630.
788. C. Steger, Subpixel-precise extraction of watersheds, ICCV, 884890.
789. S. Mahamud, K. K. Thornber, and L. R. Williams, Segmentation of salient closed contours from real
images, ICCV, 891897.
790. A. Yezzi Jr., A. Tsai, and A. Willsky, A statistical approach to snakes for bimodal and trimodal imagery,
ICCV, 898903.
791. I. H. Jermyn and H. Ishikawa, Globally optimal regions and boundaries, ICCV, 904910.
792. J. Malik, S. Belongie, J. Shi, and T. Leung, Textons, contours and regions: Cue integration in image
segmentation, ICCV, 918925.
793. J. Liang, T. McInerney, and D. Terzopoulos, United snakes, ICCV, 933940.
794. H. K. Pao, D. Geiger, and N. Rubin, Measuring convexity for figure/ground separation, ICCV, 948955.
795. R. Manduchi, Bayesian fusion of color and texture segmentations, ICCV, 956962.
796. C. Kervrann, M. Hoebeke, and A. Trubuil, A level line selection approach for object boundary estimation,
ICCV, 963968.
797. A. Chardin and P. Perez, Unsupervised image classification with a hierarchical EM algorithm, ICCV,



798. Y. Weiss, Segmentation using eigenvectors: A unifying view, ICCV, 975982.

799. S. Z. Li and J. Lu, Modeling Bayesian estimation for deformable contours, ICCV, 991996.
800. E. J. Pauwels and G. Frederix, Cluster-based segmentation of natural scenes, ICCV, 9971002.
801. F. Guichard and J. P. Tarel, Curve finder combining perceptual grouping and a Kalman-like fitting, ICCV,
802. H. Schweitzer, Utilizing scatter for pixel subspace selection, ICCV, 11111116.
803. A. Jepson and R. Mann, Qualitative probabilities for image interpretation, ICCV, 11231130.
804. B. J. Frey and N. Jojic, Transformed component analysis: Joint estimation of spatial transformations and
image components, ICCV, 11901196.
805. D. Comaniciu and P. Meer, Mean shift analysis and applications, ICCV, 11971203.
806. D. K. Lim and Y. S. Ho, Image segmentation using hierarchical meshes, ICIP, 25AP1.2.
807. M. F. Zanoguera, B. Marcotegui, and F. Meyer, A toolbox for interactive segmentation based on nested
partitions, ICIP, 25AP1.5.
808. I. K. Park, K. M. Lee, and S. U. Lee, Perceptual grouping of 3-D features in aerial image using decision
tree classifier, ICIP, 25AP1.7.
809. C. S. Won, Improved block-based image segmentation, ICIP, 25PO3.2.
810. W. Pieczynski, Hidden evidential Markov trees and image segmentation, ICIP, 25PO3.4.
811. G. Boccignone, M. Ferraro, and T. Caelli, Local structure in images from entropy production, ICIP,
812. J. Li and R. M. Gray, Image classification based on a multiresolution two dimensional hidden Markov
model, ICIP, 25PO3.6.
813. C. H. Kuo and A. H. Tewfik, Multiscale sigma filter and active contour for image segmentation, ICIP,
814. D. Boukerroui, O. Basset, and A. Baskurt, Multiresolution adaptive image segmentation based on global
and local statistics, ICIP, 25PO3.8.
815. K. Matsui and Y. Kosugi, Image segmentation by neural-net classifiers with genetic selection of feature
indices, ICIP, 25PP3.6.
816. A. Yezzi, Jr., A. Tsai, and A. Willsky, Binary and ternary flows for image segmentation, ICIP, 26AS1.1.
817. D. Geiger, K. Kumaran, H. K. Pao, and N. Rubin, The shape of illusory figures, ICIP, 26AS1.2.
818. R. D. Nowak and M. A. T. Figueiredo, Unsupervised progressive parsing of Poisson fields using minimum
description length criteria, ICIP, 26AS1.6.
819. H. H. Jong, Z. H. Wu, and S. J. Wang, The extraction and linking of brink points in an image, ICIP, 26PP1.3.
820. G. C. Lai and R. J. P. de Figuereido, Robust extraction of low contrast edges using clustering-based
segmentation and refinement, ICIP, 26PP1.4.
821. Y. Yoshinaga, H. Kobatake, and S. Fukushima, The detection and feature extraction method of curvilinear
convex regions with weak contrast using a gradient vector distribution model, ICIP, 26PP1.7.
822. Y. Zeng, Perceptual segmentation algorithm and its application to image coding, ICIP, 26PP3.6.
823. O. Amadieu, E. Debreuve, M. Barlaud, and G. Aubert, Inward and outward curve evolution using level set
method, ICIP, 27AP1.1.
824. L. Ji and H. Yan, Loop-free snakes for image segmentation, ICIP, 27AP1.2.
825. Y. Matsuzawa and T. Abe, Region extraction using competition of multiple active contour models, ICIP,
826. T. Meier and K. N. Ngan, A flexible Bayesian framework for image segmentation, ICIP, 27AP1.4.
827. K. Ohkura, Y. Ugurlu, H. Nishizawa, T. Obi, A. Hasegawa, M. Yamaguchi, and N. Ohyama, Hierarchical
image segmentation using adaptive pattern sizes, ICIP, 27AP1.6.
828. M. D. Teixeira and N. J. Leite, Monotonicity-preserving operations and the morphological scale-space
method for image segmentation, ICIP, 27AP1.7.
829. J. Maeda, S. Novianto, S. Saga, Y. Suzuki, and V. V. Anh, Rough and accurate segmentation of natural
images using fuzzy region-growing algorithm, ICIP, 27AP1.10.



830. Y. S. Lo and S. C. Pei, Color image segmentation using local histogram and self-organization of Kohonen
feature map, ICIP, 27AP1.11.
831. F. Kurgollus and B. Sankur, MAP segmentation of color images using constraint satisfaction neural network,
ICIP, 27AP1.12.
832. L. Lucchese and S. K. Mitra, Unsupervised low-frequency driven segmentation of color images, ICIP,
833. J. Gao, A. Kosaka, and A. Kak, Interactive color image segmentation editor driven by active contour model,
ICIP, 27AP1.14.
834. T. Ida and Y. Sambonsugi, Self-affine mapping system for object contour extraction, ICIP, 27AP1.15.
835. P. Vannoorenberghe and O. Colot, Color image segmentation using Dempster-Shafers theory, ICIP,
836. A. Shiji and N. Hamada, Color image segmentation method using watershed algorithm and contour information, ICIP, 28AP3.2.

E.3. Image and Scene Analysis

837. Y. Ye and J. K. Tsotsos, Sensor planning for 3D object search, CVIU 73, 1999, 145168.
838. E. Marchand and F. Chaumette, An autonomous active vision system for complex and accurate 3D scene
reconstruction, IJCV 32, 1999, 171194.
839. C. Shekhar, S. Moisan, R. Vincent, P. Burlina, and R. Chellappa, Knowledge-based control of vision
systems, IVC 17, 1999, 667683.
840. R. A. Newman, A new model of computation for learning vision modules from examples, JMIV 11, 1999,
841. R. A. Newman, Madura: A language for learning vision programs from examples, JMIV 11, 1999, 6590.
842. G. H. Granlund, The complexity of vision, Signal Processing 74, 1999, 101126.
843. E. Marchand and F. Chaumette, Active vision for complete scene reconstruction and exploration, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 6572.
844. R. Pito, A solution to the next best view problem for automated surface acquisition, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
845. J. A. Fayman, P. Pirjanian, H. I. Christensen, and E. Rivlin, Exploiting process integration and composition
in the context of active vision, T-SMC C29, 1999, 7386.
846. R. J. Gallimore, N. R. Jennings, H. S. Lamba, C. L. Mason, and B. J. Orenstein, Cooperating agents for
3-D scientific data interpretation, T-SMC C29, 1999, 110126.
847. P. Lehel, E. E. Hemayed, and A. A. Farag, Sensor planning for a trinocular active vision system, CVPR B,
848. I. Ahrns and H. Neumann, Space-variant dynamic neural fields for visual attention, CVPR B, 313318.
849. T. Arbel and F. P. Ferrie, Viewpoint selection by navigation through entropy maps, ICCV, 248254.
850. W. T. Freeman and E. C. Pasztor, Learning low-level vision, ICCV, 11821189.
851. A. B. Torralba and A. Oliva, Semantic organization of scenes using discriminant structural templates, ICCV,
852. Y. Qian, Image interpretation with fuzzy-graph based genetic algorithm, ICIP, 25PP3.10.


F.1. Representation
853. G. Proietti, An optimal algorithm for decomposing a window into maximal quadtree blocks, Acta Informatica 36, 1999, 257266.
854. H. Nishida, Structural shape indexing with feature generation models, CVIU 73, 1999, 121136.
855. J. August, K. Siddiqi, and S. W. Zucker, Ligature instabilities in the perceptual organization of shape, CVIU
76, 1999, 231243.



856. E. De Ves, M. E. Daz, G. Ayala, J. Domingo, and A. Simo, Robust descriptors of binary shapes with
applications, IJCV 34, 1999, 517.
857. A. Ito, K. Inoue, and Y. Wang, Decomposition principle for analyzing region quadtrees, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
858. P. Gamba and L. Lombardi, Shape analysis with the boundary integralresonant mode expansion method,
IVC 17, 1999, 357364.
859. K. Siddiqi, B. B. Kimia, A. Tannenbaum, and S. W. Zucker, Shapes, shocks, and wiggles, IVC 17, 1999,
860. R. van den Boomgaard, Affine invariant deformation curves [as] a tool for shape characterization, IVC 17,
1999, 375380.
861. J. A. Schnabel and S. R. Arridge, Active shape focusing, IVC 17, 1999, 419428.
862. T. F. Cootes and C. J. Taylor, A mixture model for representing shape variation, IVC 17, 1999, 567573.
863. J. P. Braquelaire and J. P. Domenger, Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps,
IVC 17, 1999, 715735.
864. Y. H. Tsai and K. L. Chung, Some image operations in S-tree-related spatial data structures, IVC 17, 1999,
865. I. P. Chen and Z. Chen, Recursive representation and progressive display of binary objects for efficient
network browsing, JVCIR 9, 1998, 271286.
866. A. Giraldo, A. Gross, and L. J. Latecki, Digitizations preserving shape, PR 32, 1999, 365370.
867. Y. I. Chang and H. Y. Ann, A note on adaptive 2D-H strings, PRL 20, 1999, 1520.
868. D. Sarkar and N. Gupta, Operations on binary images represented by interpolation based bintrees, PRL 20,
1999, 395403.
869. S. C. Zhu, Embedding Gestalt laws in Markov random fields, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 11701187.
870. L. Balmelli, J. Kovacevic, and M. Vetterli, Quadtrees for embedded surface visualization: Constraints and
efficient data structures, ICIP, 26AP6B.5.

F.2. Properties
871. R. Mukundan and K. Ramakrishnan, Moment Functions in Image AnalysisTheory and Applications,
World Scientific, Singapore, 1998.
872. M. A. Rodrigues, Ed., Special Issue: Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification, IJPRAI 13(8),
December 1999, 11031285.
873. P. J. Sanz, J. M. Inesta, and A. P. Del Pobil, Planar grasping characterization based on curvature-symmetry
fusion, ApI 10, 1999, 2536.
874. L. J. Latecki and R. Lakamper, Convexity rule for shape decomposition based on discrete contour evolution,
CVIU 73, 1999, 441454.
875. R. Klette and J. Zunic, Digital approximation of moments of convex regions, GMIP 61, 1999, 274298.
876. J. Lasenby and E. Bayro-Corrochano, Analysis and computation of projective invariants from multiple
views in the geometric algebra framework, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 11051121.
877. J. Flusser and B. Zitova, Combined invariants to linear filtering and rotation, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 1123
878. M. Unel and W. A. Wolovich, A new representation for quartic curves and complete sets of geometric
invariants, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 11371149.
879. M. Hagedoorn and R. C. Veltkamp, A robust affine invariant metric on boundary patterns, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
880. Y. Liu and M. A. Rodrigues, Invariant geometric properties of image correspondence vectors as rigid
constraints to motion estimation, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 11651179.
881. P. F. Henshaw, Features of derivative continuity in shape, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 11811179.
882. G. L. Foresti and S. Gentili, Noise-robust and invariant object classification by the high-order statistical
pattern spectrum, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 12191232.



883. R. Palaniappan, P. Raveendran, and S. Omatu, Neural network classification of symmetrical and nonsymmetrical images using new moments with high noise tolerance, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 12331250.
884. M. Chrobak and C. Durr, Reconstructing hv-convex polyominoes from orthogonal projections, IPL 69,
1999, 283289.
885. A. D. J. Cross and E. R. Hancock, Scale space vector fields for symmetry detection, IVC 17, 1999, 337345.
886. R. Cucchiara and M. Piccardi, Eliciting visual primitives for detection of elongated shapes, IVC 17, 1999,
887. M. Diallo, A. Ferreira, A. Rau-Chaplin, and S. Ubeda, Scalable 2D convex hull and triangulation algorithms
for coarse grained multiprocessors, JPDC 56, 1999, 4770.
888. D. Shen and H. H. S. Ip, Discriminative wavelet shape descriptors for recognition of 2-D patterns, PR 32,
1999, 151165.
889. Y. Lei and K. C. Wong, Detection and localisation of reflectional and rotational symmetry under weak
perspective projection, PR 32, 1999, 167180.
890. G. Chen and T. T. Bui, Invariant Fourier-wavelet descriptor for pattern recognition, PR 32, 1999, 10831088.
891. F. Y. Shih and W. T. Wong, A one-pass algorithm for local symmetry of contours from chain codes, PR 32,
1999, 12031210.
892. P. Hall and I. S. Molchanov, Corrections for systematic boundary effects in pixel-based area counts, PR
32, 1999, 15791528.
893. B. Zitova and J. Flusser, Landmark recognition using invariant features, PRL 20, 1999, 541547.
894. M. C. Chen, D. M. Tsai, and H. Y. Tseng, A stochastic optimization approach for roundness measurements,
PRL 20, 1999, 707719.
895. R. K. K. Yip, A Hough transform technique for the detection of parallel projected rotational symmetry,
PRL 20, 1999, 9911004.
896. C. Sun and D. Si, Fast reflectional symmetry detection using orientation histograms, RTI 5, 1999, 6374.
897. G. Csurka and O. Faugeras, Algebraic and geometric tools to compute projective and permutation invariants,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 5865.
898. D. Shen, H. H. S. Ip, K. K. T. Cheung, and E. K. Teoh, Symmetry detection by generalized complex (GC)
moments: A close[d] form solution, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 466476.
899. R. Alferez and Y. F. Wang, Geometric and illumination invariants for object recognition, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
900. W. Y. Kim and Y. S. Kim, Robust rotation angle estimator, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 768773.
901. S. Medasani, R. Krishnapuram, and J. Keller, Are fuzzy definitions of basic attributes of image objects
really useful?, T-SMC A29, 1999, 378386.
902. A. Siebert, A differential invariant for zooming, ICIP, 27AP5.12.

F.3. Contours and Curves

903. A. Jonk, R. van den Boomgaard, and A. Smeulders, Grammatical inference of dashed lines, CVIU 74,
1999, 212226.
904. L. Williams, J. Zweck, T. Wang, and K. Thornber, Computing stochastic completion fields in linear time
using a resolution pyramid, CVIU 76, 1999, 289297.
905. J. P. Braquelaire and A. Vialard, Euclidean paths: A new representation of boundar(y)[ies] of discrete
regions, GMIP 61, 1999, 1643.
906. T. Sakkalis and C. Charitos, Approximating curves via alpha shapes, GMIP 61, 1999, 165176.
907. P. L. Rosin, Further five-point fit ellipse fitting, GMIP 61, 1999, 245259.
908. S. J. Ahn and N. Rauh, Geometric least squares fitting of circle and ellipse, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 987996.
909. P. Y. Yin, Genetic algorithms for polygonal approximation of digital curves, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 1061
910. Q. Zhu and L. Peng, A new approach to conic section approximation of object boundaries, IVC 17, 1999,



911. I. Pratt, Shape representation using Fourier coefficients of the sinusoidal transform, JMIV 10, 1999, 221
912. Q. Zhu, On the geometries of conic section representation of noisy object boundaries, JVCIR 10, 1999,
913. E. Bribiesca, A new chain code, PR 32, 1999, 235251.
914. W. P. Yu, G. W. Cho, and M. J. Chung, A robust line extraction method by unsupervised line clustering,
PR 32, 1999, 529546.
915. S. C. Huang and Y. N. Sun, Polygonal approximation using genetic algorithms, PR 32, 1999, 14091420.
916. M. Barni and R. Gualtieri, A new possibilistic clustering algorithm for line detection in real world imagery,
PR 32, 1999, 18971909.
917. D. M. Tsai, H. T. Hou, and H. J. Su, Boundary-based corner detection using eigenvalues of covariance
matrices, PRL 20, 1999, 3140.
918. Y. Lei and K. C. Wong, Ellipse detection based on symmetry, PRL 20, 1999, 4147.
919. S. Chaudhury, A. Roy, and L. Dey, An MIMD algorithm for constant curvature feature extraction using
curvature based data partitioning, PRL 20, 1999, 573583.
920. T. M. Cronin, A boundary concavity code to support dominant point detection, PRL 20, 1999, 617634.
921. P. Y. Yin, A new circle/ellipse detector using genetic algorithms, PRL 20, 1999, 731740.
922. M. Kudo, J. Toyama, and M. Shimbo, Multidimensional curve classification using passing-through regions,
PRL 20, 1999, 11031111.
923. K. J. Kim, C. W. Lim, M. G. Kang, and K. T. Park, Adaptive approximation bounds for vertex based contour
encoding, T-IP 8, 1999, 11421147.
924. Y. P. Wang, S. L. Lee, and K. Toraichi, Multiscale curvature-based shape representation using B-spline
wavelets, T-IP 8, 1999, 15861592.
925. S. Casadei and S. Mitter, An efficient and provably correct algorithm for the multiscale estimation of image
contours by means of polygonal lines, T-IT 45, 1999, 939954.
926. L. Kobbelt and P. Schroder, A multiresolution framework for variational subdivision, TOG 17, 1998,
927. T. J. Cham and R. Cipolla, Automated B-spline curve representation incorporating MDL error-minimizing
control point insertion strategies, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 4953.
928. P. Hall and B. A. Turlach, On the estimation of a convex set with corners, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 225234.
929. A. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, and R. B. Fisher, Direct least square fitting of ellipses, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 476480.
930. K. Voss and H. Suesse, A new one-parametric fitting method for planar objects, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 646651.
931. T. J. Davis, Fast decomposition of digital curves into polygons using the Haar transform, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
932. H. T. Sheu and W. C. Hu, Multiprimitive segmentation of planar curvesA two-level breakpoint classification and tuning approach, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 791797.
933. L. Li and W. Chen, Corner detection and interpretation on planar curves using fuzzy regions, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 12041210.
934. H. Qjidaa and L. Radouane, Robust line fitting in a noisy image by the method of moments, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 12161223.
935. T. Tasdizen, J. P. Tarel, and D. B. Cooper, Algebraic curves that work better, CVPR B, 3541.
936. P. I. Hosur and K. K. Ma, Optimal algorithm for progressive polygon approximation of discrete planar
curves, ICIP, 25AP1.4.
937. Q. Ji and R. M. Haralick, A statistically efficient method for ellipse detection, ICIP, 26PP1.10.
938. K. Schroder and P. Laurent, Efficient polygon approximations for shape signatures, ICIP, 26PP3.4.

F.4. Skeletons and Distance

939. Y. H. Lee and S. J. Horng, Optimal[ly] computing the chessboard distance transform on parallel processing
systems, CVIU 73, 1999, 374390.



940. S. Marchand-Maillet and Y. M. Sharaiha, Euclidean ordering via chamfer distance calculations, CVIU 73,
1999, 404413.
941. J. H. Takala and J. O. Vitanen, Distance transform algorithm for bit-serial SIMD architectures, CVIU 74,
1999, 150161.
942. O. Cuisenaire and B. Macq, Fast Euclidean distance transformation by propagation using multiple neighborhoods, CVIU 76, 1999, 163172.
943. E. H. Milun, D. K. W. Walters, Y. Li, and B. Atanacio, General ribbons: A model for stylus-generated
images, CVIU 76, 1999, 259266.
944. E. H. Milun, D. K. W. Walters, and Y. Li, General ribbon-based thinning algorithms for stylus-generated
images, CVIU 76, 1999, 267277.
945. F. Chin, J. Snoeyink, and C. A. Wang, Finding the medial axis of a simple polygon in linear time, DCG
21, 1999, 405420.
946. X. Zhou, J. Wei, F. Li, and P. Y. Woo, A new algorithm for parallel thinning and its hardware realization,
IJIST 10, 1999, 318322.
947. C. Y. Lee and P. S. P. Wang, A simple and robust thinning algorithm, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 357366.
948. K. Qian, S. Cao, and P. Bhattacharya, Gray image skeletonization with hollow preprocessing using distance
transformation, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 881892.
949. Y. Pan and K. Li, Constant-time algorithm for computing the Euclidean distance maps of binary images
on 2D meshes with reconfigurable buses, IS 120, 1999, 209221.
950. J. Damon, Properties of ridges and cores for two-dimensional images, JMIV 10, 1999, 163174.
951. M. Kerckhove, A shape metric for Blum ribbons, JMIV 11, 1999, 137146.
952. C. Arcelli, Topological changes in grey-tone digital pictures, PR 32, 1999, 10191023.
953. T. Lewis, R. Owens, and A. Baddeley, Averaging feature maps, PR 32, 1999, 16151630.
954. I. Bloch, On fuzzy distances and their use in image processing under imprecision, PR 32, 1999, 1873
955. D. X. Zhong and H. Yan, Pattern skeletonization using run-length-wise processing for intersection distortion
problem, PRL 20, 1999, 833846.
956. H. Shroff and J. Ben-Arie, Finding shape axes using magnetic fields, T-IP 8, 1999, 13881394.
957. F. Chang, Y. C. Lu, and T. Pavlidis, Feature analysis using line sweep thinning algorithm, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
958. D. Dori and W. Liu, Sparse pixel vectorization: An algorithm and its performance evaluation, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 202215.
959. A. Ferreira and S. Ubeda, Computing the medial axis transform in parallel with eight scan operations,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 277282.
960. S. C. Zhu, Stochastic jump-diffusion process for computing medial axis in Markov random fields, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 11581169.
961. J. August, K. Siddiqi, and S. W. Zucker, Ligature instabilities in the perceptual organization of shape,
CVPR B, 4248.
962. P. J. Giblin and B. B. Kimia, On the intrinsic reconstruction of shape from its symmetries, CVPR B, 79
963. J. August, A. Tannenbaum, and S. W. Zucker, On the evolution of the skeleton, ICCV, 315322.
964. H. Tek and B. B. Kimia, Symmetry maps of free-form curve segments via wave propagation, ICCV,
965. P. J. Giblin and B. B. Kimia, On the local form and transitions of symmetry sets, medial axes, and shocks,
ICCV, 385391.
966. K. Siddiqi, S. Bouix, A. Tannenbaum, and S. W. Zucker, The Hamilton-Jacobi skeleton, ICCV, 828
967. J. Xu, Morphological representation of 2-D binary shapes using rectangular components, ICIP, 26PP4.6.
968. M. Xu and D. Pycock, Multiscale medial axis through a complete set of optimal scale ridges, ICIP,



F.5. Pattern
969. W. K. Yeap and M. E. Jeffries, Computing a representation of a local environment, AI 107, 1999, 265
970. J. Renz and B. Nebel, On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of
the Region Connection Calculus, AI 108, 1999, 69123.
971. P. K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, Motion planning for a convex polygon in a polygonal environment,
DCG 22, 1999, 201221.
972. S. Carlsson, H. Jonsson, and B. J. Nilsson, Finding the shortest watchman route in a simple polygon, DCG
22, 1999, 377402.
973. N. H. Bshouty, S. A. Goldman, and H. D. Mathias, Noise-tolerant parallel learning of geometric concepts,
IC 147, 1998, 89110.
974. N. G. Bourbakis, Generating 2-D space maps from unknown environments, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 297318.
975. S. Argamon-Engelson, S. Kraus, and S. Sina, Interleaved versus a priori exploration for repeated navigation
in a partially known graph, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 963986.
976. N. H. Bshouty, S. A. Goldman, H. D. Mathias, S. Suri, and H. Tamaki, Noise-tolerant distribution-free
learning of general geometric concepts, JACM 45, 1998, 863890.
977. P. Brass, On strongly normal tessel[l]ations, PRL 20, 1999, 957960.
978. J. Hoshen, The application of the enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm for processing unbounded images,
T-IP 8, 1999, 421425.
979. P. Matsakis and L. Wendling, A new way to represent the relative position between areal objects, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 634643.
980. I. Bloch, Fuzzy relative position between objects in image processing: A morphological approach, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 657664.
981. F. Lamiraux, S. Sekhavat, and J. P. Laumond, Motion planning and control for Hilare pulling a trailer, T-RA
15, 1999, 640652.
982. M. Venditelli, J. P. Laumond, and C. Nissoux, Obstacle distance for car-like robots, T-RA 15, 1999, 678
983. I. A. Wagner, M. Lindenbaum, and A. M. Bruckstein, Distributed covering by ant-robots using evaporating
traces, T-RA 15, 1999, 918933.
984. J. A. Castellanos, J. M. M., Montiel, J. Neira, and J. D. Tardos, The SPmap: A probabilistic framework for
simultaneous localization and map building, T-RA 15, 1999, 948952.
985. Y. Saab and M. VanPutte, Shortest path planning on topographical maps, T-SMC A29, 1999, 139150.
986. J. C. Shim and C. Dorai, A generalized region labeling algorithm for image coding, restoration, and
segmentation, ICIP, 25AP1.10.
987. N. G. Bourbakis, Ed., Part[ial] Special IssueLanguages for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,
PR 32(2), February 1999, 253338.
988. S. Ewert and A. van der Walt, Generating pictures using random permitting context, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
989. T. Okazaki, K. Inoue, A. Ito, and Y. Wang, Space hierarchies, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 503521.
990. K. Morita, S. Ueno, and K. Imai, Characterizing the ability of parallel array generators on reversible
partitioned cellular automata, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 523538.
991. K. Aizawa and A. Nakamura, Quadtree adjoining grammar, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 573588.
992. S. Ewert and A. van der Walt, A hierarchy result for random forbidding context picture grammars, IJPRAI
13, 1999, 9971007.
993. T. Okazaki, K. Inoue, A. Ito, and Y. Wang, A note on two-dimensional probabilitic Turing machines, IS
113, 1999, 205220.
994. T. Okazaki, K. Inoue, A. Ito, and Y. Wang, Closure properties of the classes of sets recognized by spacebounded two-dimensional probabilistic Turing machines, IS 115, 1999, 6181.
995. S. F. Thompson and A. Rosenfeld, Parallel array grammars as models for the growth of planar patterns,
PR 32, 1999, 255267.



996. K. Morita and K. Imai, Uniquely parsable array grammars for generating and parsing connected patterns,
PR 32, 1999, 269276.
997. K. Aizawa and A. Nakamura, Parsing of two-dimensional images represented by quadtree adjoining grammars, PR 32, 1999, 277294.
998. R. Siromoney, K. G. Subramanian, V. R. Dare, and D. G. Thomas, Some results on picture languages, PR
32, 1999, 295304.


G.1. Lightness, Color, etc.
999. P. Robertson and J. Schonhut, Eds., [Special Issue on] Color in Computer Graphics, CG&A 19(4), July
August 1999, 1867.
1000. J. J. Koenderink, A. van Doorn, K. J. Dana, and S. Nayar, Bidirectional reflection distribution function of
thoroughly pitted surfaces, IJCV 31, 1999, 129144.
1001. V. Caselles, B. Coll, and J. M. Morel, Topographic maps and local contrast changes in natural images, IJCV
33, 1999, 527.
1002. G. D. Finlayson and G. Y. Tian, Color normalization for color object recognition, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 1271
1003. S. J. McKenna, Y. Raja, and S. Gong, Tracking colour objects using adaptive mixture models, IVC 17,
1999, 225231.
1004. G. Finlayson and S. Hordley, Selection for gamut mapping colour constancy, IVC 17, 1999, 597604.
1005. T. Gevers and A. W. M. Smeulders, Color-based object recognition, PR 32, 1999, 453464.
1006. E. Boldrin and R. Schettini, Faithful cross-media color matching using neural networks, PR 32, 1999,
1007. L. Zhao and Y. H. Yang, Theoretical analysis of illumination in PCA-based vision systems, PR 32, 1999,
1008. M. S. Drew, J. Wei, and Z. N. Li, Illumination-invariant image retrieval and video segmentation, PR 32,
1999, 13691388.
1009. P. Lambert and T. Carron, Symbolic fusion of luminance-hue-chroma features for region segmentation, PR
32, 1999, 18571872.
1010. I. D. You and S. U. Le, Reflectance parameter estimation and its application to surface inspection, RTI 4,
1998, 429442.
1011. S. C. Pei and C. M. Cheng, Color image processing by using binary quaternion moment-preserving thresholding technique, T-IP 8, 1999, 614628.
1012. M. J. Vrhel and H. J. Trussell, Color device calibration: A mathematical formulation, T-IP 8, 1999, 1796
1013. S. A. Douglas and A. E. Kirkpatrick, Model and representation: The effect of visual feedback on human
performance in a color picker interface, TOG 18, 1999, 96127.
1014. G. Sapiro, Color and illuminant voting, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 12101215.
1015. I. Sato, Y. Sato, and K. Ikeuchi, Acquiring a radiance distribution to superimpose virtual objects onto a
real scene, T-VCG 5, 1999, 112.
1016. H. Farid and E. H. Adelson, Separating reflections and lighting using independent components analysis,
CVPR A, 262267.
1017. D. A. Forsyth, Sampling, resampling and colour constancy, CVPR A, 300305.
1018. I. Sato, Y. Sato, and K. Ikeuchi, Illumination distribution from shadows, CVPR A, 306312.
1019. D. Alexander, Advances in daylight statistical colour modelling, CVPR A, 313318.
1020. D. A. Socolinsky and L. B. Wolff, A new visualization paradigm for multispectral imagery and data fusion,
CVPR A, 319324.
1021. F. Mindru, T. Moons, and L. Van Gool, Recognizing color patterns irrespective of viewpoint and illumination, CVPR A, 368373.



1022. T. Mitsunaga and S. K. Nayar, Radiometric self calibration, CVPR A, 374380.

1023. K. Nishino, Y. Sato, and K. Ikeuchi, Eigen-texture method: Appearance compression based on 3D model,
CVPR A, 618624.
1024. B. Thai and G. Healey, Spatial filter selection for illumination-invariant color texture discrimination, CVPR
B, 154159.
1025. P. Chang and J. Krumm, Object recognition with color cooccurrence histograms, CVPR B, 498504.
1026. A. J. Preetham, P. Shirley, and B. Smits, A practical analytic model for daylight, SIGGRAPH, 91100.
1027. J. Stam, Diffraction shaders, SIGGRAPH, 101110.
1028. D. Hart, P. Dutre, and D. P. Greenberg, Direct illumination with lazy visibility evaluation, SIGGRAPH,
1029. R. Lu, J. Koenderink, and A. M. L. Kappers, Specularities on surfaces with tangential hairs or grooves,
ICCV, 27.
1030. G. D. Finlayson, S. D. Hordley, and P. M. Hubel, Colour by correlation: A simple, unifying approach to
colour constancy, ICCV, 835842.
1031. S. Lin and S. W. Lee, A representation of specular appearance, ICCV, 849854.
1032. S. Lin and S. W. Lee, Estimation of diffuse and specular appearance, ICCV, 855860.
1033. E. Angelopoulou, S. W. Lee, and R. Bajcsy, Spectral gradient: A material descriptor invariant to geometry
and incident illumination, ICCV, 861867.
1034. Y. Miyake and K. Miyata, Color image processing based on spectral information and its application, ICIP,
1035. B. V. Funt, Color constancy in digital imagery, ICIP, 27AS2.4.
1036. M. Tsukada and J. Tajima, Color matching algorithm based on computational color constancy theory,
ICIP, 27AS2.5.
1037. M. Kobayasi, Classification of color combinations based on distance between color distributions, ICIP,
1038. A. Abrardo, L. Alparone, V. Cappellini, and A. Prosperi, Color constancy from multispectral images, ICIP,
1039. S. Tominaga and E. Takahashi, Spectral image processing by a multi-channel camera, ICIP, 27PO2.2.
1040. J. Wei, On illumination invariant image indexing from compressed domain using xyx-luv transform, ICIP,
1041. J. Chao and M. Suzuki, On non-uniformness of color spaces in polychromatic perception, ICIP, 28AP3.4.

G.2. Texture: Models, Synthesis

1042. Workshop on Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Oulu, Finland, June 1415, 1999.
1043. H. Krim, W. Willinger, A. Juditski, and D. Tse, Special Issue on Multiscale Statistical Signal Analysis and
its Applications, T-IT 45(3), April 1999, 8251059.
1044. E. R. Dougherty and I. S. Molchanov, Eds., Special Issue: Random Sets, PR 32(9), September 1999,
1045. J. M. Dischler and D. Ghazanfarpour, Interactive image-based modeling of macrostructured textures, CG&A
19(1), 1999, 6674.
1046. F. M. Weinhaus and R. N. Devich, Photogrammetric texture mapping onto planar polygons, GMIP 61,
1999, 6383.
1047. J. J. Koenderink and A. J. van Doorn, The structure of locally orderless images, IJCV 31, 1999, 159168.
1048. B. van Ginneken, J. J. Koenderink, and K. J. Dana, Texture histograms as a function of irradiation and
viewing direction, IJCV 31, 1999, 169184.
1049. E. Nardelli and G. Proietti, Probabilistic models for images and quadtrees: Differences and equivalences,
IVC 17, 1999, 659665.
1050. G. Van de Wouwer, P. Scheunders, S. Livens, and D. Van Dyck, Wavelet correlation signatures for color
texture characterization, PR 32, 1999, 443451.



1051. P. H. Suen and G. Healey, Modeling and classifying color textures using random fields in a random
environment, PR 32, 1999, 10091017.
1052. J. L. Davidson, N. Cressie, and X. Hua, Texture synthesis and pattern recognition for partially ordered
Markov models, PR 32, 1999, 14751505.
1053. J. C. Handley and E. R. Dougherty, Maximum-likelihood estimation and optimal filtering in the nondirectional, one-dimensional binomial germ-grain model, PR 32, 1999, 15291541.
1054. C. Hess, Conditional expectation and martingales of random sets, PR 32, 1999, 15431567.
1055. W. S. Kendall and E. Thonnes, Perfect simulation in stochastic geometry, PR 32, 1999, 15691586.
1056. G. Last and M. Holtmann, On the empty space function of some germ-grain models, PR 32, 1999, 1587
1057. M. N. M. van Lieshout, Size-biased random closed sets, PR 32, 1999, 16311644.
1058. J. Mecke, On the relationship between the 0-cell and the typical cell of a stationary random tessellation,
PR 32, 1999, 16451648.
1059. F. Sand and E. R. Dougherty, Robustness of granulometric moments, PR 32, 1999, 16571665.
1060. N. D. Sidiropoulos, On the tractability of estimating the germ process of certain germ-grain random set
models and related problems, PR 32, 1999, 16671674.
1061. W. Weil, Intensity analysis of Boolean models, PR 32, 1999, 16751684.
1062. G. Gimelfarb, Modeling image textures by Gibbs random fields, PRL 20, 1999, 11231132.
1063. A. Khotanzad and J. Bennett, A spatial correlation based method for neighbor set selection in random field
image models, T-IP 8, 1999, 734740.
1064. X. Descombes, R. D. Morris, J. Zerubia, and M. Berthod, Estimation of Markov random field prior parameters using Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood, T-IP 8, 1999, 954963.
1065. S. Forchhammer and J. Justesen, Entropy bounds for constrained two-dimensional random fields, T-IT 45,
1999, 118127.
1066. K. J. Dana, B. van Ginneken, S. K. Nayar, and J. J. Koenderink, Reflectance and texture of real-world
surfaces, TOG 18, 1999, 134.
1067. K. Sivakumar and J. Goutsias, Morphologically constrained GRFs: Applications to texture synthesis and
analysis, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 99113.
1068. C. F. Borges, On the estimation of Markov random field parameters, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 216224.
1069. J. Bennett and A. Khotanzad, Maximum likelihood estimation methods for multispectral random field
image models, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 537543.
1070. J. P. Ewins, M. D. Waller, M. White, and P. F. Lister, MIP-map level selection for texture mapping, T-VCG
4, 1998, 317329.
1071. J. Huang and D. Mumford, Statistics of natural images and models, CVPR A, 541547.
1072. F. Neyret and M. P. Cani, Pattern-based texturing revisited, SIGGRAPH, 235242.
1073. Y. N. Wu, S. C. Zhu, and X. Liu, Equivalence of Julesz and Gibbs texture ensembles, ICCV, 10251032.
1074. A. A. Efros and T. K. Leung, Texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling, ICCV, 10331038.
1075. K. J. Dana and S. K. Nayar, Correlation model for 3D texture, ICCV, 10611067.
1076. A. O. Hero III, On the problem of granulometry for a degraded Boolean image model, ICIP, 26AS1.4.
1077. X. Descombes, R. Stoica, and J. Zerubia, Two Markov point processes for simulating line networks, ICIP,
1078. E. Ranguelova and A. Quinn, Analysis and synthesis of three-dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields,
ICIP, 27AP4.9.
1079. J. Sanubari and K. Tokuda, Image modeling using two-dimensional exponential systems, ICIP, 28AP4.8.

G.3. Texture: Description

1080. P. Garca, M. Petrou, and S. Kamata, The use of [the] Boolean model for texture analysis of grey images,
CVIU 74, 1999, 227235.
1081. Y. Q. Chen and G. Bi, On texture classification using fractal dimension, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 929943.



1082. G. Robins, B. L. Robinson, and B. S. Sethi, On detecting spatial regularity in noisy images, IPL 69, 1999,
1083. M. L. Smith, The analysis of surface texture using photometric stereo acquisition and gradient space domain
mapping, IVC 17, 1999, 10091019.
1084. D. M. Tsai and C. Y. Hsieh, Automated surface inspection for directional textures, IVC 18, 1999, 4962.
1085. P. Asvestas, G. K. Matsopoulos, and K. S. Nikita, A power differentiation method of fractal dimension
estimation for 2-D signals, JVCIR 9, 1998, 392400.
1086. D. Chetverikov, Texture analysis using feature-based pairwise interaction maps, PR 32, 1999, 487502.
1087. S. Baheerathan, F. Albregtsen, and H. E. Danielsen, New texture features based on the complexity curve,
PR 32, 1999, 605618.
1088. Y. Chitre and A. P. Dhawan, M-band wavelet discrimination of natural textures, PR 32, 1999, 773789.
1089. L. Wang and J. Liu, Texture classification using multiresolution Markov random field models, PRL 20,
1999, 171182.
1090. A. Sanna, B. Montrucchio, and A. Sparavigna, A parallel algorithm of texture analysis for liquid crystal
investigation, PRL 20, 1999, 183190.
1091. G. Oh, S. Lee, and S. Y. Shin, Fast determination of textural periodicity using distance matching function,
PRL 20, 1999, 191197.
1092. P. Asvestas, G. K. Matsopoulos, and K. S. Nikita, Estimation of fractal dimension of images using a fixed
mass approach, PRL 20, 1999, 347354.
1093. C. C. Chen and C. C. Chen, Filtering methods for texture discrimination, PRL 20, 1999, 783790.
1094. T. Sziranyi and A. Hanis, Sub-pattern texture recognition using intelligent focal-plane imaging sensor of
small window size, PRL 20, 1999, 11331139.
1095. S. C. Dakin, Orientation variance as a quantifier of structure in textures, SV 12, 1999, 130.
1096. G. M. Haley and B. S. Manjunath, Rotation-invariant texture classification using a complete space-frequency
model, T-IP 8, 1999, 255269.
1097. V. A. Kovalev, M. Petrou, and Y. S. Bonder, Texture anisotropy in 3-D images, T-IP 8, 1999, 346360.
1098. X. Descombes, M. Sigelle, and F. Preteux, Estimating Gaussian Markov random field parameters in a
nonstationary framework: Application to remote sensing imaging, T-IP 8, 1999, 490503.
1099. G. Van de Wouwer, P. Scheunders, and D. Van Dyck, Statistical texture characterization from discrete
wavelet representations, T-IP 8, 1999, 592598.
1100. P. Kruizinga and N. Petkov, Nonlinear operator for oriented texture, T-IP 8, 1999, 13951407.
1101. P. Garca-Sevilla and M. Petrou, Classification of binary textures using the 1-D Boolean model, T-IP 8,
1999, 14571466.
1102. J. Sporring and J. Weickert, Information measures in scale spaces, T-IT 45, 1999, 10511058.
1103. T. Randen and J. H. Husoy, Filtering for texture classification: A comparative study, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
1104. T. Kuyel, W. Geisler, and J. Ghosh, Fast image classification using a sequence of visual fixations, T-SMC
B29, 1999, 304308.
1105. T. Leung and J. Malik, Recognizing surfaces using three-dimensional textons, ICCV, 10101017.
1106. R. Manduchi and J. Portilla, Independent component analysis of textures, ICCV, 10541060.
1107. M. Pesaresi, Textural classification of very high-resolution satellite imagery: Empirical estimation of the
interaction between window size and detection accuracy in urban environment, ICIP, 25AP3.3.
1108. J. M. Feng, T. Hsu, and J. L. Kuo, Texture analysis based on affine transform coding, ICIP, 25AP4A.4.
1109. G. Wu and Y. Zhang, Wavelet transform-based texture classification with feature weighting, ICIP,
1110. L. Balmelli and A. Mojsilovic, Wavelet domain features for texture description, classification and replicability analysis, ICIP, 28AP5B.4.
1111. V. V. Anh, J. Maeda, Q. M. Tieng, and H. T. Tsui, Multifractal texture analysis and classification, ICIP,



G.4. Texture: Segmentation

1112. T. F. Syeda-Mahmood, Detecting perceptually salient texture regions in images, CVIU 76, 1999, 93108.
1113. J. Puzicha and J. M. Buhmann, Multiscale annealing for grouping and unsupervised texture segmentation,
CVIU 76, 1999, 213230.
1114. S. Banerjee, D. P. Mukherjee, and D. Dutta Majumdar, Fuzzy C-means approach to tissue classification in
multimodal medical imaging, IS 115, 1999, 261279.
1115. K. B. Eom, Segmentation of monochrome and color textures using moving average modeling approach,
IVC 17, 1999, 233244.
1116. T. Ojala and M. Pietikainen, Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions, PR 32, 1999,
1117. J. R. Serra Alvarez and J. B. Subirana-Vilanova, Texture frame curves and regions of attention using
adaptive non-Cartesian networks, PR 32, 1999, 503515.
1118. M. Yoshimura and S. Oe, Evolutionary segmentation of texture image using genetic algorithmsTowards
automatic decision of optimum number of segmentation areas, PR 32, 1999, 20412054.
1119. G. Cristobal and J. Hormigo, Texture segmentation through eigen-analysis of the pseudo-Wigner distribution, PRL 20, 1999, 337345.
1120. J. Puzicha, T. Hofmann, and J. M. Buhmann, Histogram clustering for unsupervised segmentation and
image retrieval, PRL 20, 1999, 899909.
1121. S. De Backer and P. Scheunders, A competitive elliptical clustering algorithm, PRL 20, 1999, 11411147.
1122. D. C. Tseng and C. C. Lai, A genetic algorithm for MRF-based segmentation of multi-spectral textured
images, PRL 20, 1999, 14991510.
1123. S. Oddo, J. Beck, and E. Mingolla, Texture segregation in chromatic element-arrangement patterns, SV 12,
1999, 427454.
1124. M. L. Comer and E. J. Delp, Segmentation of textured images using a multiresolution Gaussian autoregressive model, T-IP 8, 1999, 408420.
1125. T. Randen and J. H. Husoy, Texture segmentation using filters with optimized energy separation, T-IP 8,
1999, 571582.
1126. L. M. Kaplan, Extended fractal analysis for texture classification and segmentation, T-IP 8, 1999, 1572
1127. G. Paschos and K. P. Valavanis, A color texture based visual monitoring system for automated surveillance,
T-SMC C29, 1999, 298307.
1128. K. I. Chang, K. W. Bowyer, and M. Sivagurunath, Evaluation of texture segmentation algorithms, CVPR
A, 294299.
1129. N. Paragios and R. Deriche, Geodesic active contours for supervised texture segmentation, CVPR B,
1130. N. Paragios and R. Deriche, Geodesic active regions for supervised texture segmentation, ICCV, 926
1131. G. Pok and J. Liu, Unsupervised texture segmentation based on histogram of encoded Gabor features and
MRF model, ICIP, 27AP1.5.
1132. J. Racky and M. Pandit, Automatic generation of morphological opening-closing sequences for texture
segmentation, ICIP, 27AP1.8.
1133. S. Novianto, L. Guimaraes, Y. Suzuki, J. Maeda, and V. V. Anh, Multiwindowed approach to the optimum
estimation of the local fractal dimension for natural image segmentation, ICIP, 27AP1.9.

H.1. Image Matching
1134. A. Goshtasby and J. Le Moigne, guest eds., Special Issue: Image Registration, PR 32(1), January 1999,



1135. J. P. Tarel and N. Boujemaa, A coarse to fine 3D registration method based on robust fuzzy clustering,
CVIU 73, 1999, 1428.
1136. S. B. Kang and R. Weiss, Characterization of errors in compositing panoramic images, CVIU 73, 1999,
1137. A. R. Pearce and T. Caelli, Interactively matching hand drawings using induction, CVIU 73, 1999, 391403.
1138. A. B. Kyatkin and G. S. Chirikjian, Pattern matching as a correlation on the discrete motion group, CVIU
74, 1999, 2235.
1139. D. A. Adjeroh, M. C. Lee, and I. King, A distance measure for video sequences, CVIU 75, 1999, 2545.
1140. L. P. Chow, D. Dor, A. Efrat, and K. Kedem, Geometric pattern matching in d-dimensional space, DCG
21, 1999, 257274.
1141. A. Amir, G. Benson, and M. Farach-Colton, Optimal parallel two dimensional text searching on a CREW
PRAM, IC 144, 1998, 117.
1142. A. Redert, E. Hendriks, and J. Biemond, Correspondence estimation in image pairs, SPM 16(3), 1999,
1143. R. Fagin and L. Stockmeyer, Relaxing the triangle inequality in pattern matching, IJCV 30, 1998, 219231.
1144. M. Hagedoorn and R. C. Veltkamp, Reliable and efficient pattern matching using an affine invariant metric,
IJCV 31, 1999, 203225.
1145. D. Geiger, T. L. Liu, and M. J. Donahue, Sparse representations for image decompositions, IJCV 33, 1999,
1146. M. E. Alexander, Fast hierarchical noniterative registration algorithm, IJIST 10, 1999, 242257.
1147. F. Badra, A. Qumsieh, and G. Dudek, Robust mosaic[k]ing using Zernike moments, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
1148. M. Crochemore, A. Czumai, L. Gasieniec, T. Lecroq, W. Plandowski, and W. Rytter, Fast practical multipattern matching, IPL 71, 1999, 107113.
1149. K. Shanmukh, C. N. S. G. Murthy, and Y. V. Venkatesh, Applications of self-organizing networks spatially
isomorphic to patterns, IS 114, 1999, 2334.
1150. B. B. Chaudhuri and A. Rosenfeld, A modified Hausdorff distance between fuzzy sets, IS 118, 1999,
1151. R. Benjemana and F. Schmitt, Fast global registration of 3D sampled surfaces using a multi-z-buffer
technique, IVC 17, 1999, 113123.
1152. A. E. Johnson and S. B. Kang, Registration and integration of textured 3D data, IVC 17, 1999, 135147.
1153. L. Younes, Optimal matching between shapes via elastic deformations, IVC 17, 1999, 381389.
1154. D. Shen, W. Wong, and H. H. S. Ip, Affine-invariant image retrieval by correspondence matching of shapes,
IVC 17, 1999, 489499.
1155. A. D. Brett, A. Hall, and C. J. Taylor, A method of 3D surface correspondence, IVC 17, 1999, 635642.
1156. J. Shao, Global image feature correspondence under a multi-image network, IVC 17, 1999, 10211030.
1157. W. Peckar, C. Schnorr, K. Rohr, and H. S. Stiehl, Parameter-free elastic deformation approach for 2D and
3D registration using prescribed displacements, JMIV 10, 1999, 143162.
1158. Z. Zhang and R. S. Blum, A categorization of multiscale-decomposition-based image fusion schemes with
a performance study for a digital camera application, P-IEEE 87, 1999, 13151326.
1159. D. M. Mount, N. S. Netanyahu, and J. Le Moigne, Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching, PR 32,
1999, 1738.
1160. C. Shekhar, V. Govindu, and R. Chellappa, Multisensor image registration by feature consensus, PR 32,
1999, 3952.
1161. D. Fischer, P. Kohlhepp, and F. Bulling, An evolutionary algorithm for the registration of 3-D surface
representations, PR 32, 1999, 5369.
1162. C. Studholme, D. L. G. Hill, and D. J. Hawkes, An overlap invariant entropy measure of 3D medical image
alignment, PR 32, 1999, 7186.
1163. M. Gabrani and O. J. Tretiak, Surface-based matching using elastic transformations, PR 32, 1999, 8797.
1164. J. C. Gee, On matching brain volumes, PR 32, 1999, 99111.



1165. M. Chen, T. Kanade, D. Pomerleau, and H. A. Rowley, Anomaly detection through registration, PR 32,
1999, 113128.
1166. H. Lester and S. R. Arridge, A survey of hierarchical non-linear medical image registration, PR 32, 1999,
1167. Q. Yang and S. D. Ma, Matching using Schwarz integrals, PR 32, 1999, 10391047.
1168. C. N. Kou, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach, Robust voxel similarity metrics for the registration of dissimilar
single and multimodal images, PR 32, 1999, 13171368.
1169. S. M. Yamany, M. N. Ahmed, and A. A. Farag, A new genetic-based technique for matching 3-D curves
and surfaces, PR 32, 1999, 18171820.
1170. K. Voss, H. Suesse, W. Ortmann, and T. Baumbach, Shift detection by restoration, PR 32, 1999, 2067
1171. V. Di Gesu and V. Starovoitov, Distance-based functions for image comparison, PRL 20, 1999, 207214.
1172. E. Trucco, A. Fusiello, and V. Roberto, Robust motion and correspondence of noisy 3-D point sets with
missing data, PRL 20, 1999, 889898.
1173. S. Moss, R. C. Wilson, and E. R. Hancock, A mixture model for pose clustering, PRL 20, 1999, 10931101.
1174. K. Fredriksson and E. Ukkonen, Combinatorial methods for approximate image matching under translations
and rotations, PRL 20, 1999, 12491258.
1175. T. Tsao and L. Kanal, A scene registration model based on a dynamical receptive field model of biological
vision, PRL 20, 1999, 14231430.
1176. D. G. Sim, O. K. Kwon, and R. H. Park, Object matching algorithms using robust Hausdorff distance
measures, T-IP 8, 1999, 425429.
1177. D. G. Sim, S. Y. Jeong, D. H. Lee, R. H. Park, R. C. Kim, S. U. Lee, and I. C. Kim, Hybrid estimation of
navigation parameters from aerial image sequence, T-IP 8, 1999, 429435.
1178. C. A. Kapoutsis, C. P. Valvoudis, and I. Pitas, Morphological iterative closest point algorithms, T-IP 8,
1999, 16441696.
1179. M. Akra, L. Bazzi, and S. Mitter, Sampling of images for efficient model-based vision, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
1180. H. S. Sawhney and R. Kumar, True multi-range alignment and its application to mosaic[k]ing and lens
distortion correction, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 235243.
1181. M. T. Goodrich, J. S. B. Mitchell, and M. W. Orletsky, Approximate pattern matching under rigid motions,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 371379.
1182. Z. Yang and F. S. Cohen, Cross-weighted moments and affine invariants for image registration and matching,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 804814.
1183. S. Santini and R. Jain, Similarity measures, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 871883.
1184. V. Govindu and C. Shekhar, Alignment using distributions of local geometric properties, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
1185. H. S. Stone, J. Le Moigne, and M. McGuire, The translation sensitivity of wavelet-based registration,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 10741081.
1186. C. S. Chen, Y. P. Hung, and J. B. Cha, RANSAC-based DARCES: A new approach to fast automatic
registration of partially overlapping range images, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 12291234.
1187. M. S. Lew and T. S. Huang, Optimal multi-scale matching, CVPR A, 8893.
1188. W. S. I. Ali and F. S. Cohen, 3D geometric invariant alignment of surfaces with application in brain mapping,
CVPR A, 238243.
1189. D. Alexander, J. Gee, and R. Bajcsy, Elastic matching of diffusion tensor MRIs, CVPR A, 244249.
1190. M. Fornefett, K. Rohr, and H. S. Stiehl, Elastic registration of medical images using radial basis functions
with compact support, CVPR A, 402407.
1191. S. H. Lai and M. Fang, Robust and efficient image alignment with spatially-varying illumination models,
CVPR B, 167172.
1192. B. B. Hansen and B. S. Morse, Multiscale image registration using scale trace correlation, CVPR B,



1193. O. Musse, F. Heitz, and J. P. Armspach, 3D deformable image matching using multiscale minimization of
global energy functions, CVPR B, 478484.
1194. D. Zhang and M. Hebert, Harmonic maps and their applications in surface matching, CVPR B, 524530.
1195. K. Kanatani and N. Ohta, Accuracy bounds and optimal computation of homography for image mosaic[k]ing
applications, ICCV, 7378.
1196. J. Vanden Wyngaerd, L. Van Gool, R. Koch, and M. Proesmans, Invariant-based registration of surface
patches, ICCV, 301306.
1197. T. L. Liu and D. Geiger, Approximate tree matching and shape similarity, ICCV, 456462.
1198. J. Goldberger, Registration of multiple point sets using the EM algorithm, ICCV, 730736.
1199. R. Berthilsson, Densities and maximum likelihood estimation of matching constraints, ICCV, 759764.
1200. J. Sullivan, A. Blake, M. Isard, and J. MacCormick, Object localization by Bayesian correlation, ICCV,
1201. S. Cohen and L. Guibas, The earth movers distance under transformation sets, ICCV, 10761083.
1202. T. J. Cham and J. M. Rehg, Dynamic feature ordering for efficient registration, ICCV, 10841091.
1203. S. M. Yamany and A. A. Farag, Free-form surface registration using surface signatures, ICCV, 10981104.
1204. K. W. Cheung, D. Y. Yeung, and R. T. Chin, A bidirectional matching algorithm for deformable pattern
detection with application to handwritten word retrieval, ICCV, 11051110.
1205. R. Berthilsson, Finding correspondences of patches by means of affine transformations, ICCV, 11171122.
1206. A. Kubota, K. Kodama, and K. Aizawa, Registration and blur estimation methods for multiple differently
focused images, ICIP, 26AP6A.1.
1207. P. Chalermwat and T. El-Ghazawi, Multi-resolution image registration using genetics, ICIP, 26AP6A.2.
1208. S. M. Yamany, A. A. Farag, and A. El-Bialy, Free-form object recognition and registration using surface
signatures, ICIP, 26AP6A.3.
1209. M. Tico, C. Rusu, and P. Kuosmanen, A geometric invariant representation for the identification of corresponding points, ICIP, 26AP6A.4.
1210. T. Kawaguchi, T. Sinozaki, and R. Nagata, Detection of target models in 2D images by line-based matching
and a genetic algorithm, ICIP, 26PP1.6.
1211. E. E. Pissaloux, F. Le Coat, P. Bonnin, A. Tissot, and F. Durbin, Design and optimization of a parallel
architecture dedicated to image matching, ICIP, 26PP2.9.
1212. Y. Cao, Y. Yaginuma, and M. Sakauchi, Linking between image sequences and related digital maps, ICIP,
1213. O. K. Kwon, D. G. Sim, and R. H. Park, Pyramidal robust Hausdorff distance for object matching, ICIP,
1214. L. Lucchese and G. M. Cortelazzo, A technique for matching projective views with application to color
image mosaicking, ICIP, 28AO3.1.
1215. D. Hasler, L. Sbaiz, S. Ayer, and M. Vetterli, From local to global parameter estimation in panoramic
photographic reconstruction, ICIP, 28AO3.2.
1216. S. Takeuchi, N. Terashima, and H. Tominaga, Image mosaic[k]ing without distortion using projected mask
for image digitization, ICIP, 28AO3.4.
1217. T. Echigo, R. Radke, P. Ramadge, H. Miyamori, and S. Iisaku, Ghost error elimination and superimposition
of moving objects in video mosaic[k]ing, ICIP, 28AO3.5.
1218. M. Kourogi, T. Kurata, J. Hoshino, and Y. Muraoka, Real-time image mosaic[k]ing from a video sequence,
ICIP, 28AO3.6.
1219. H. Nicolas, Optimal criterion for dynamic mosaicking, ICIP, 28AO3.7.

H.2. Hough Transforms; Structure Matching; Recognition

1220. C. F. Olson, Constrained Hough transforms for curve detection, CVIU 73, 1999, 329345.
1221. K. Glossop, P. J. G. Lisboa, P. C. Russell, A. Siddans, and G. R. Jones, An implementation of the Hough
transformation for the identification and labelling of fixed period sinusoidal curves, CVIU 74, 1999, 96100.



1222. B. M. A. Genswein and Y. H. Yang, A fast rule-based parameter free discrete Hough transform, IJPRAI
13, 1999, 615641.
1223. D. Ioannou, W. Huda, and A. F. Laine, Circle recognition through a 2D Hough transform and radius
histogramming, IVC 17, 1999, 1526.
1224. A. A. Kassim, T. Tan, and K. H. Tan, A comparative study of efficient generalised Hough transform
techniques, IVC 17, 1999, 737748.
1225. T. J. Atherton and D. J. Kerbyson, Size invariant circle detection, IVC 17, 1999, 795803.
1226. O. Chutatape and L. Guo, A modified Hough transform for line detection and its performance, PR 32,
1999, 181192.
1227. L. Guo and O. Chutatape, Influence of discretization in image space on [the] Hough transform, PR 32,
1999, 635644.
1228. S. T. Perantonis, B. Gatos, and N. Pasamarkos, Block decomposition and segmentation for fast Hough
transform evaluation, PR 32, 1999, 811824.
1229. O. Strauss, Use the fuzzy Hough transform towards reduction of the precision /uncertainty duality, PR 32,
1999, 19111922.
1230. R. Shpilman and V. Brailovsky, Fast and robust techniques for detecting straight line segments using local
models, PRL 20, 1999, 865877.
1231. T. L. Marzetta and L. A. Shepp, A surprising Radon transform result and its application to motion detection,
T-IP 8, 1999, 10391049.
1232. N. Bennett, R. Burridge, and N. Saito, A method to detect and characterize ellipses using the Hough
transform, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 652657.
1233. O. Yanez-Suarez and M. R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Unsupervised clustering in Hough space for identification of
partially occluded objects, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 946950.
1234. A. L. Kesidis and N. Papamarkos, On the inverse Hough transform, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 13291343.
1235. Y. Pan, K. Li, and M. Hamdi, An improved constant-time algorithm for computing the Radon and Hough
transforms on a reconfigurable mesh, T-SMC A29, 1999, 417.
1236. C. Galambos, J. Matas, and J. Kittler, Progressive probabilistic Hough transform for line detection, CVPR
A, 554560.
1237. C. P. Chau and W. C. Siu, Generalized dual-point Hough transform for object recognition, ICIP, 25PP4.3.
1238. Q. Ji and R. M. Haralick, An optimal Bayesian Hough transform for line detection, ICIP, 26PP1.2.
1239. M. L. Williams, R. C. Wilson, and E. R. Hancock, Deterministic search for relational graph matching, PR
32, 1999, 12551271.
1240. X. Jiang and H. Bunke, Optimal quadratic-time isomorphism of ordered graphs, PR 32, 1999, 12731283.
1241. B. T. Messmer and H. Bunke, A decision tree approach to graph and subgraph isomorphism detection, PR
32, 1999, 19791998.
1242. R. C. Wilson and E. R. Hancock, Graph matching with hierarchical discrete relaxation, PRL 20, 1999,
1243. H. Bunke, A. Munger, and X. Jiang, Combinatorial search versus genetic algorithms: A case study based
on the generalized median graph problem, PRL 20, 1999, 12711277.
1244. H. Bunke, Error correcting graph matching: On the influence of the underlying cost function, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 917922.
1245. M. Pelillo, K. Siddiqi, and S. W. Zucker, Matching hierarchical structures using association graphs, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 11051120.
1246. P. K. Ser, S. T. Choy, and W. C. Siu, Genetic algorithm for the extraction of nonanalytic objects from
multiple dimensional parameter space, CVIU 73, 1999, 113.
1247. R. Berthilsson and A. Heyden, Recognition of planar objects using the density of affine shape, CVIU 76,
1999, 135145.
1248. F. W. Tu and K. M. Tsang, Recognition of partially occluded objects using an orthogonal complex AR
model approach, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 85107.
1249. S. H. Joseph, Analysing and reducing the cost of exhaustive correspondence search, IVC 17, 1999, 815830.



1250. M. Lindenbaum and S. Ben-David, VC-dimension analysis of object recognition tasks, JMIV 10, 1999,
1251. Y. Amit and D. Geman, A computational model for visual selection, NC 11, 1999, 16911715.
1252. S. Jaggi, C. Karl, S. G. Mallat, and A. S. Willsky, Silhouette recognition using high-resolution pursuit, PR
32, 1999, 753771.
1253. N. Guil, J. M. Gonzalez-Linares, and E. L. Zapata, Bidimensional shape detection using an invariant
approach, PR 32, 1999, 10251038.
1254. G. Bebis, G. Papadourakis, and S. Orphanoudakis, Curvature scale-space-driven object recognition with
an indexing scheme based on artificial neural networks, PR 32, 1999, 11751201.
1255. L. Zhao and Y. H. Yang, Mosaic image method: A local and global method, PR 32, 1999, 14211433.
1256. N. Rajpal, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Banerjee, Recognition of partially occluded objects using neural network
based indexing, PR 32, 1999, 17371749.
1257. G. Bebis, M. Georgiopoulos, N. da Vitoria Lobo, and M. Shah, Learning affine transformations, PR 32,
1999, 17831799.
1258. A. Bandera, C. Urdiales, F. Arrebola, and F. Sandoval, 2D object recognition based on curvature functions
obtained from local histograms of the contour chain code, PRL 20, 1999, 4955.
1259. P. W. Huang, S. K. Dai, and P. L. Lin, Planar shape recognition by directional flow-change method, PRL
20, 1999, 163170.
1260. W. Y. Wu and M. J. J. Wang, Two-dimensional object recognition through two-stage matching, T-IP 8,
1999, 978981.
1261. X. Yi and O. I. Camps, Line-based recognition using a multidimensional Hausdorff distance, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 901916.
1262. Y. Gdalyahu and D. Weinshall, Flexible syntactic matching of curves and its application to automatic
hierarchical classification of silhouettes, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 13121328.
1263. Y. H. (I.) Gu and T. Tjahjadi, Efficient planar object tracking and parameter estimation using compactly
represented cubic B-spline curves, T-SMC A29, 1999, 358367.
1264. N. Duta, A. K. Jain, and M. P. Dubuisson-Jolly, Learning 2D shape models, CVPR B, 814.
1265. A. Shokoufandeh, S. J. Dickinson, K. Siddiqi, and S. W. Zucker, Indexing using a spectral encoding of
topological structure, CVPR B, 491497.
1266. Y. Boykov and D. P. Huttenlocher, A new Bayesian framework for object recognition, CVPR B, 517523.
1267. B. Huet and E. R. Hancock, Sensitivity analysis for object recognition from large structural libraries, ICCV,

H.3. Stereo, etc.

1268. M. W. Chan, Z. Pizlo, and D. M. Chelberg, Binocular shape reconstruction: Psychological plausibility of
the 8-point algorithm, CVIU 74, 1999, 121137.
1269. G. Csurka, D. Demirdjian, and R. Horaud, Finding the collineation between two projective reconstructions,
CVIU 75, 1999, 260268.
1270. R. Szeliski and P. Golland, Stereo matching with transparency and matting, IJCV 32, 1999, 4561.
1271. L. F. Cheong and K. O. Ng, Geometry of distorted visual space and Cremona transformation, IJCV 32,
1999, 195212.
1272. A. F. Bobick and S. S. Intille, Large occlusion stereo, IJCV 33, 1999, 189200.
1273. Z. N. Li and F. Tong, Reciprocal-wedge transform in active stereo, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 2548.
1274. B. Crespi and G. Tecchiolli, Adaptive Gabor filters for phase-based disparity estimation, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
1275. W. Niem, Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects using a mobile camera, IVC 17, 1999, 125134.
1276. J. M. M. Montiel and L. Montano, Probabilistic structure from camera location using straight segments,
IVC 17, 1999, 263279.
1277. D. Craievich, B. Barnett, and A. C. Bovik, A stereo visual pattern image coding system, IVC 18, 1999,



1278. M. Nielsen, R. Maas, W. J. Niessen, L. L. M. J. Florack, and B. M. ter Haar Romeny, Binocular stereo
from gray-scale images, JMIV 10, 1999, 103122.
1279. A. Heyden and G. Sparr, Reconstruction from calibrated camerasA new proof of the Kruppa-Demazure
theorem, JMIV 10, 1999, 123142.
1280. J. B. Huang, Z. Chen, and J. Y. Lin, A study on the dual vanishing point property, PR 32, 1999, 20292039.
1281. Y. Ruicheck and J. G. Postaire, A new neural real-time implementation for obstacle detection using linear
stereo vision, RTI 5, 1999, 141153.
1282. W. Y. Yau and H. Wang, Fast relative depth computation for an active stereo vision system, RTI 5, 1999,
1283. T. Y. (T.) Chen, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, Stereoscopic ranging by matching image modulations,
T-IP 8, 1999, 785797.
1284. A. Marugame, J. Katto, and M. Ohta, Structure recovery with multiple cameras from scaled orthographic
and perspective views, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 628633.
1285. J. Sato and R. Cipolla, Affine reconstruction of curved surfaces from uncalibrated views of apparent
contours, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 11881198.
1286. G. Pajares, J. M. Cruz, and J. A. Lopez-Orozco, Stereo matching using Hebbian learning, T-SMC B29,
1999, 553559.
1287. S. Avidan and A. Shashua, Novel view synthesis by cascading trilinear tensors, T-VCG 4, 1998, 293
1288. P. R. S. Mendonca and R. Cipolla, Estimation of epipolar geometry from apparent contours: Affine and
circular motion cases, CVPR A, 914.
1289. J. Gluckman and S. K. Nayar, Planar catadioptric stereo: Geometry and calibration, CVPR A, 2228.
1290. Q. Chen and G. Medioni, A volumetric stereo matching method: Application to image-based modeling,
CVPR A, 2934.
1291. F. Dornaika and R. Chung, Stereo correspondence from motion correspondence, CVPR A, 7075.
1292. S. Scherer, P. Werth, and A. Pinz, The discriminatory power of ordinal measuresTowards a new coefficient, CVPR A, 7681.
1293. D. H. Lee, I. S. Kweon, and R. Cipolla, A biprism-stereo camera system, CVPR A, 8287.
1294. F. Isgro and E. Trucco, Projective rectification without epipolar geometry, CVPR A, 9499.
1295. R. Maas, B. M. ter Haar Romeny, and M. A. Viergever, Area-based computation of stereo disparity with
model-based window size selection, CVPR A, 106112.
1296. P. W. Smith, K. B. Johnson, and M. A. Abidi, Efficient techniques for wide-angle stereo vision using surface
projection models, CVPR A, 113118.
1297. C. Loop and Z. Zhang, Computing rectifying homographies for stereo vision, CVPR A, 125131.
1298. H. Ishikawa, Multi-scale feature selection in stereo, CVPR A, 132137.
1299. S. Peleg and M. Ben-Ezra, Stereo panorama with a single camera, CVPR A, 395401.
1300. T. Thorhallsson and D.W. Murray, The tensors of three affine views, CVPR A, 450456.
1301. S. Kimura, T. Shinbo, H. Yamaguchi, E. Kawamura, and K. Nakano, A convolver-based real-time stereo
machine (SAZAN), CVPR A, 457463.
1302. H. Saito and T. Kanade, Shape reconstruction in projective voxel grid space from large number of images,
CVPR B, 4954.
1303. Q. Chen and G. Medioni, Efficient iterative solutions to [the] M-view projective reconstruction problem,
CVPR B, 5561.
1304. Y. Genc, J. Ponce, Y. Leedan, and P. Meer, Parameterized image varieties and estimation with bilinear
constraints, CVPR B, 6772.
1305. M. Lhuillier and L. Quan, Image interpolation by joint view triangulation, CVPR B, 139145.
1306. L. Quan, A. Heyden, and F. Kahl, Minimal projective reconstruction with missing data, CVPR B, 210
1307. M. Fradkin, M. Roux, H. Maitre, and U. M. Leloglu, Surface reconstruction from multiple aerial images
in dense urban areas, CVPR B, 262267.



1308. C. Baillard and A. Zisserman, Automatic reconstruction of piecewise planar models from multiple views,
CVPR B, 559565.
1309. H. Y. Shum and R. Szeliski, Stereo reconstruction from multiperspective panoramas, ICCV, 1421.
1310. H. Y. Shum, A. Kalai, and S. S. Seitz, Omnivergent stereo, ICCV, 2229.
1311. B. Johansson, View synthesis and 3D reconstruction of piecewise planar scenes using intersection lines
between the planes, ICCV, 5459.
1312. M. Bjorkman and J. O. Eklundh, Real-time epipolar geometry estimation and disparity, ICCV, 234241.
1313. G. Cross, A.W. Fitzgibbon, and A. Zisserman, Parallax geometry of smooth surfaces in multiple views,
ICCV, 323329.
1314. L. Quan, Inherent two-way ambiguity in 2D projective reconstruction from three uncalibrated 1D images,
ICCV, 344349.
1315. B. Triggs, Differential matching constraints, ICCV, 370376.
1316. J. S. De Bonet and P. Viola, Roxels: Responsibility weighted 3D volume reconstruction, ICCV, 418425.
1317. U. Mudenagudi and S. Chaudhuri, Depth estimation using defocused stereo image pairs, ICCV, 483
1318. S. Birchfield and C. Tomasi, Multiway cut for stereo and motion with slanted surfaces, ICCV, 489495.
1319. M. Pollefeys, R. Koch, and L. Van Gool, A simple and efficient rectification method for general motion,
ICCV, 496501.
1320. C. K. Tang, G. Medioni, and M. S. Lee, Epipolar geometry estimation by tensor voting in 8D, ICCV,
1321. R. Berthilsson, K. Astrom, and A. Heyden, Reconstruction of curves in R 3 , using factorization and bundle
adjustment, ICCV, 674679.
1322. Y. S. Akgul and C. Kambhamettu, Recovery and tracking of continuous 3D surfaces from stereo data using
a deformable dual-mesh, ICCV, 765772.
1323. R. Szeliski, Prediction error as a quality metric for motion and stereo, ICCV, 781788.
1324. A. Ruf and R. Horaud, Rigid and articulated motion seen with an uncalibrated stereo rig, ICCV, 789796.
1325. P. H. S. Torr, R. Szeliski, and P. Anandan, An integrated Bayesian approach to layer extraction from image
sequences, ICCV, 983990.
1326. H. Schultz, E. M. Riseman, F. Stolle, and D. M. Woo, Error detection and DEM fusion using self-consistency,
ICCV, 11741181.
1327. K. Moravec, R. Harvey, J. A. Bangham, and M. Fisher, Using an image tree to assist stereo matching, ICIP,
1328. C. J. Tsai and A. K. Katsaggelos, Sequential construction of 3D-based scene description, ICIP, 26PS1.4.
1329. M. G. H. Mostafa, S. M. Yamany, and A. A. Farag, Integrating stereo and shape from shading, ICIP,
1330. M. Kimura, H. Saito, and T. Kanade, 3D voxel construction based on epipolar geometry, ICIP, 27AO2.4.
1331. M. Ouali, D. Ziou, and C. Laurgeau, A cooperative multiscale phase-based disparity algorithm, ICIP,
1332. L. J. Tarcia, J. Portillo-Garcia, and C. Alberola-Lopez, Markov random fields and the disparity gradient
constraint applied to stereo correspondence, ICIP, 27PP5A.1.
1333. H. Imamura, Y. Kitaoka, and Y. Katsuma, Estimation of stereo image pairs from single-camera views for
a rotating spherical object covered with moving texture, ICIP, 28AP5A.3.
1334. M. Galo and C. L. Tozzi, The concept of matching parallelepiped and its use in the correspondence problem,
ICIP, 28AP5A.5.


I.1. Range
1335. S. Chaudhuri and A. N. Rajagopalan, Depth from Defocus, Springer, New York, 1999.



1336. X. Jiang and H. Bunke, Edge detection in range images based on scan line approximation, CVIU 73, 1999,
1337. A. N. Rajagopalan and S. Chaudhuri, Performance analysis of maximum likelihood estimator for recovery
of depth from defocused images and optimal selection of camera parameters, IJCV 30, 1998, 175190.
1338. A. M. Wallace, B. Liang, E. Trucco, and J. Clark, Improving depth image acquisition using polarized light,
IJCV 32, 1999, 87109.
1339. D. Q. Huynh, R. A. Owens, and P. E. Hartmann, Calibrating a structured light stripe system: A novel
approach, IJCV 33, 1999, 7386.
1340. A. M. Wallace, Tracking and semantic labeling of boundary data, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 859879.
1341. E. Horn and N. Kiryati, Toward optimal structured light patterns, IVC 17, 1999, 8797.
1342. M. K. Reed and P. K. Allen, 3-D modeling from range imagery: An incremental method with a planning
component, IVC 17, 1999, 99111.
1343. P. Kohlhepp, D. Fischer, and E. Hoffmann, Intrinsic line features and contour metric for locating 3-D
objects in sparse, segmented range images, IVC 17, 1999, 403417.
1344. (C. F. Lin) and (C. Y. Lin), A new approach to [a] high precision 3-D measuring system, IVC 17, 1999,
1345. D. T. Pham and V. Aslantas, Depth from defocusing using a neural network, PR 32, 1999, 715727.
1346. N. Yokoya, T. Shakunaga, and M. Kanbara, Passive range sensing techniques: Depth from images, T-IS
E82D, 1999, 523533.
1347. A. N. Rajagopalan and S. Chaudhuri, An MRF model-based approach to simultaneous recovery of depth
and restoration from defocused images, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 577589.
1348. M. Czernuszenko, D. Sandin, A. Johnson, and T. De Fanti, Modeling 3D scenes from video, VC 15, 1999,
1349. A. N. Rajagopalan and S. Chaudhuri, Simultaneous depth recovery and image restoration from defocused
images, CVPR A, 348353.
1350. M. Takatsuka, G. A. W. West, S. Venkatesh, and T. M. Caelli, Low-cost interactive active monocular range
finder, CVPR A, 444449.
1351. R. Ramamoorthi and J. Arvo, Creating generative models from range images, SIGGRAPH, 115204.
1352. C. K. Tang and G. Medioni, Robust estimation of curvature information from noisy 3D data for shape
description, ICCV, 426433.
1353. Y. Y. Schechner and N. Kiryati, The optimal axial interval in estimating depth from defocus, ICCV, 843848.
1354. O. R. Pereira Bellon, A. I. Direne, and L. Silva, Edge detection to guide range image segmentation by
clustering techniques, ICIP, 26PP1.9.
1355. S. K. Lee, S.H. Lee, and J. S. Choi, Depth measurement using frequency analysis with an active projection,
ICIP, 27PP5A.2.
1356. J. Yun and T. S. Choi, Accurate 3-D shape recovery using curved window focus measure, ICIP, 27PP5A.3.

I.2. Recovery
1357. M. C. Cooper, Linear-time algorithms for testing the realisability of line drawings of curved objects, AI
108, 1999, 3167.
1358. T. Okatani and K. Deguchi, Computation of the sign of the Gaussian curvature of a surface from multiple
unknown illuminations without knowledge of the reflectance property, CVIU 76, 1999, 125134.
1359. J. Lu and J. J. Little, Reflectance and shape from images using a collinear light source, IJCV 32, 1999,
1360. N. Barnes and Z. Q. Liu, Knowledge-based shape from shading, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 123.
1361. P. L. Worthington and E. R. Hancock, Needle map recovery using robust regularizers, IVC 17, 1999,
1362. M. L. Smith, G. Smith, and T. Hill, Gradient space analysis of surface defects using a photometric stereo
derived bump map, IVC 17, 1999, 321332.



1363. H. K. Hong, Y. C. Myung, and J. S. Choi, 3-D analysis of projective textures using structural approaches,
PR 32, 1999, 357364.
1364. V. Caglioti and E. Castelli, Recovering cylindric and conic surfaces from contours and reflections, PRL 20,
1999, 367382.
1365. J. R. A. Torreao, A new approach to photometric stereo, PRL 20, 1999, 535540.
1366. R. Noumeir, Detecting three-dimensional rotation of an ellipsoid from its orthographic projections, PRL
20, 1999, 585590.
1367. X. Pan and D. M. Lane, Representation and recovery of 3D curved objects using generalized cylinders and
the extended Gaussian image, PRL 20, 1999, 675687.
1368. R. Zhang, P. S. Tsai, J. E. Cryer, and M. Shah, Shape from shading: A survey, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 690706.
1369. M. Zerroug and R. Nevatia, Part-based 3D descriptions of complex objects from a single image, T-PAMI
21, 1999, 835848.
1370. P. L. Worthington and E. R. Hancock, New constraints on data-closeness and needle map consistency for
shape-from-shading, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 12501257.
1371. R. Zhang and M. Shah, Shape from intensity gradient, T-SMC A29, 1999, 318325.
1372. J. J. Clark and H. Pekau, An integral formulation for differential photometric stereo, CVPR A, 119124.
1373. P. L. Worthington and E. R. Hancock, Data-driven shape-from-shading using curvature consistency, CVPR
A, 287293.
1374. M. Saito, Y. Sato, K. Ikeuchi, and H. Kashiwagi, Measurement of surface orientations of transparent objects
using polarization in highlight, CVPR A, 381386.
1375. J. Y. Bouguet, M. Weber, and P. Perona, What do planar shadows tell about scene geometry?, CVPR A,
1376. M. G. H. Mostafa, S. M. Yamany, and A. A. Farag, Integrating shape from shading and range data using
neural networks, CVPR B, 1520.
1377. D. Jelinek and C. J. Taylor, Reconstruction of linearly parameterized models from single images with a
camera of unknown focal length, CVPR B, 346352.
1378. Y. Yu, P. Debevec, J. Malik, and T. Hawkins, Inverse global illumination: Recovering reflectance models
of real scenes from photographs, SIGGRAPH, 215224.
1379. M. Clerc and S. Mallat, Shape from texture through deformations, ICCV, 405410.
1380. A. Criminisi, I. Reid, and A. Zisserman, Single view metrology, ICCV, 434441.
1381. E. Angelopoulou and J. P. Williams, Photometric surface analysis in a tri-luminal environment, ICCV,
1382. D. Q. Huynh, Affine reconstruction from monocular vision in the presence of a symmetry plane, ICCV,
1383. Y. Y. Schechner, J. Shamir, and N. Kiryati, Polarization-based decorrelation of transparent layers: The
inclination angle of an invisible surface, ICCV, 814819.
1384. S. K. Nayar and S. G. Narasimhan, Vision in bad weather, ICCV, 820827.
1385. D. Samaras and D. Metaxas, Coupled lighting direction and shape estimation from single images, ICCV,
1386. I. Sato, Y. Sato, and K. Ikeuchi, Illumination distribution from brightness in shadows: Adaptive estimation
of illumination distribution with unknown reflectance properties in shadow regions, ICCV, 875882.
1387. P. L. Worthington and E. R. Hancock, 3D surface topography from intensity images, ICCV, 911917.
1388. J. M. Coughlan and A. L. Yuille, Manhattan world: Compass direction from a single image by Bayesian
inference, ICCV, 941947.
1389. J. Racky and M. Pandit, Active illumination for the segmentation of surface deformations, ICIP, 25AP1.9.
1390. N. Saitoh, K. Kurosawa, and K. Kuroki, Study on height measurement from a single view, ICIP, 27PS1.4.
1391. F. Pedersini, L. Piccarreta, A. Sarti, and S. Tubaro, Estimation of radiometric parameters for a realistic
rendering of 3D models, ICIP, 28AP4.6.
1392. H. Fujiwara and Z. Zhang, Estimating vanishing points using visual spatial frequencies of textures on
planar surfaces, ICIP, 28AP5B.1.



J.1. Models
1393. Fifth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, Ann Arbor, MI, June 911, 1999.
1394. K. Sugihara, Resolvable representation of polyhedra, DCG 21, 1999, 243255.
1395. J. Zhang, C-Bezier curves and surfaces, GMIP 61, 1999, 215.
1396. G. Borgefors, G. Ramella, G. Sanniti di Baja, and S. Svensson, On the multiscale representation of 2D and
3D shapes, GMIP 61, 1999, 4462.
1397. K. Fujimura and E. Kuo, Shape reconstruction from contours using isotopic deformation, GMIP 61, 1999,
1398. G. Cong and B. Parvin, An algebraic solution to surface recovery from cross-sectional contours, GMIP 61,
1999, 222243.
1399. D. Kim, J. Kim, and H. S. Ko, Unification of distance and volume optimization in surface simplification,
GMIP 61, 1999, 363367.
1400. H. Delingette, General object reconstruction based on simplex meshes, IJCV 32, 1999, 111146.
1401. F. Cutzu and M. Tarr, Inferring perceptual saliency fields from viewpoint-dependent recognition data, NC
11, 1999, 13311348.
1402. M. Pilu and R. B. Fisher, Training PDMs on models: The case of deformable superellipses, PRL 20, 1999,
1403. S. Malassiotis and M. G. Strintzis, Optimal biorthogonal wavelet decomposition of wire-frame meshes
using box splines, and its application to the hierarchical coding of 3D surfaces, T-IP 8, 1999, 4157.
1404. S. Raghuthama and V. Shapiro, Boundary representation deformation in parametric solid modeling, TOG
17, 1998, 259286.
1405. H. Ugail, M. I. G. Bloor, and M. J. Wilson, Techniques for interactive design using the PDE method, TOG
18, 1999, 195212.
1406. B. Hamann, B. W. Jordan, and D. F. Wiley, On a construction of a hierarchy of best linear spline approximations using repeated bisection, T-VCG 5, 1999, 3046.
1407. J. Rossignac, Edgebreaker: Connectivity compression for triangle meshes, T-VCG 5, 1999, 4761.
1408. M. Sramok and A. E. Kaufman, Alias-free voxelization of geometric objects, T-VCG 5, 1999, 251267.
1409. F. Faure, Fast iterative refinement of articulated solid dynamics, T-VCG 5, 1999, 268276.
1410. H. J. Yu and J. B. Ra, Fast triangular mesh approximation of surface data using wavelet coefficients, VC
15, 1999, 920.
1411. B. Wunsche and R. Lobb, Triangle polygonization of rounded polyhedra, VC 15, 1999, 3654.
1412. L. Velho, L. H. de Figuereido, and J. Gomes, Hierarchical generalized triangle strips, VC 15, 1999, 2135.
1413. S. T. Tan, T. N. Wong, Y. F. Zhao, and W. J. Chen, A constrained finite element method for modeling cloth
deformation, VC 15, 1999, 9099.
1414. L. Zhou and C. Kambhamettu, Extending superquadrics with exponent functions: Modeling and reconstruction, CVPR B, 7378.
1415. A. Levin, Interpolating nets of curves by smooth subdivision surfaces, SIGGRAPH, 5764.
1416. D. L. James and D. K. Pai, Art DefoAccurate Real Time Deformable Objects, SIGGRAPH, 6572.
1417. L. Markosian, J. M. Cohen, T. Crulli, and J. Hughes, A constructive approach to modeling free-form shapes,
SIGGRAPH, 393400.
1418. K. N. Kutulakos and S. M. Seitz, A theory of shape by space carving, ICCV, 307314.
1419. V. Vaerman, G. Menegaz, and J. P. Thiran, A parametric hybrid model used for multidimensional object
representation, ICIP, 25AP4B.2.
1420. J. Chao, K. Ura, and G. Honma, Generation of 3D objects using Lie algebra models based on curvature
analysis and comparison with B-spline fitting, ICIP, 28AP4.4.
1421. K. Hara, H. Zha, and T. Hasegawa, Topology-adaptive modeling of objects by a level set method with
multi-level stopping conditions, ICIP, 28AP4.5.
1422. W. Dong, J. Li, and C. C. J. Kuo, Refinement of 3D meshes by selective subdivision, ICIP, 28AP4.7.



J.2. Recognition
1423. IEEE Workshop on the Integration of Appearance and Geometric Methods in Object Recognition, Fort
Collins, CO, June 26, 1999.
1424. Second IEEE Workshop on Generic Object Recognition, Corfu, Greece, September 26, 1999
1425. G. Hausler and D. Ritter, Feature-based object recognition and localization in 3D space using a single video
image, CVIU 73, 1999, 6481.
1426. M. Boshra and H. Zhang, A constraint-satisfaction approach for 3-D object recognition by integrating 2-D
and 3-D data, CVIU 73, 1999, 200214.
1427. I. Shimshoni, On estimating the uncertainty in the location of image points in 3D recognition from match
sets of different sizes, CVIU 74, 1999, 163173.
1428. A. Selinger and R. C. Nelson, A perceptual grouping hierarchy for appearance-based 3D object recognition,
CVIU 76, 1999, 8392.
1429. R. Basri and Y. Moses, When is it possible to identify 3D objects from single images using class constraints?,
IJCV 33, 1999, 95116.
1430. S. Duvdevani-Bar and S. Edelman, Visual recognition and categorization on the basis of similarities to
multiple class prototypes, IJCV 33, 1999, 201228.
1431. P. S. P. Wang, Parallel matching of 3D articulated object recognition, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 431443.
1432. T. Caelli, G. West, M. Robey, and E. Osman, A relational learning method for pattern and object recognition,
IVC 17, 1999, 391401.
1433. Z. Shao and J. Kittler, Shape representation and recognition based on invariant unary and binary relations,
IVC 17, 1999, 429444.
1434. A. Phokoufandeh, I. Marsic, and S. J. Dickinson, View-based object recognition using saliency maps, IVC
17, 1999, 445460.
1435. L. Tosh and P. F. Culverhouse, 3D object recognition from static 2D views using multiple coarse data
channels, IVC 17, 1999, 845858.
1436. I. Weiss, Model-based recognition of 3D curves from one view, JMIV 10, 1999, 175184.
1437. A. A. Y. Mustafa, L. G. Shapiro, and M. A. Ganter, 3D object identification with color and curvature
signatures, PR 32, 1999, 339355.
1438. Y. K. Ham and R. H. Park, 3D object recognition in range images using hidden Markov models and neural
networks, PR 32, 1999, 729742.
1439. F. Jurie, Robust hypothesis verification: Application to model-based object recognition, PR 32, 1999,
1440. T. Hogg, D. Rees, and H. Talhami, Explicit inversion: An approach to image analysis, PR 32, 1999,
1441. M. Boshra and H. Zhang, Acommodating uncertainty in pixel-based verification of 3-D object hypotheses,
PRL 20, 1999, 689698.
1442. E. Braun, G. Heidemann, H. Ritter, and G. Sagerer, A multi-directional multiple-path recognition scheme
for complex objects applied to the domain of a wooden toy kit, PRL 20, 1999, 10851091.
1443. Z. Yang and F. S. Cohen, Image registration and object recognition using affine invariants and convex hulls,
T-IP 8, 1999, 934946.
1444. M. Mirmehdi, P. L. Palmer, J. Kittler, and H. Dabis, Feedback control strategies for object recognition,
T-IP 8, 1999, 10841101.
1445. A. G. Bors and I. Pitas, Object classification in 3-D images using alpha-trimmed mean radial basis function
network, T-IP 8, 1999, 17441756.
1446. A. E. Johnson and M. Hebert, Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 433449.
1447. D. P. Huttenlocher, R. H. Lilien, and C. F. Olson, View-based recognition using an eigenspace approximation
to the Hausdorff measure, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 951955.
1448. J. S. Beis and D. G. Lowe, Indexing without invariants in 3D object recognition, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 1000



1449. M. Shimojo, M. Shinohara, and Y. Fukui, Human shape recognition performance for 3-D display, T-SMC
A29, 1999, 637644.
1450. J. H. Piater and R. A. Grupen, Toward learning visual discrimination strategies, CVPR A, 410415.
1451. C. Schmid, A structured probabilistic model for recognition, CVPR B, 485490.
1452. R. J. Campbell and P. J. Flynn, Eigenshapes for 3D object recognition in range data, CVPR B, 505510.
1453. J. Winkeler, B. S. Manjunath, and S. Chandrasekaran, Subset selection for active object recognition, CVPR
B, 511516.
1454. D. G. Lowe, Object recognition from local scale-invariant features, ICCV, 11501157.
1455. R. Basri and D. Jacobs, Projective alignment with regions, ICCV, 11581164.
1456. J. Chao and S. Ishii, Invariant recognition and segmentation of 3D object using Lie algebra models, ICIP,
1457. S. H. Lee, H. K. Hong, and J. S. Choi, A study on assembly part recognition using part-based superquadric
model, ICIP, 28AO2.1.
1458. I. Han, I. D. Yun, and S. U. Lee, Model-based object recognition using the Hausdorff distance with explicit
pairing, ICIP, 28AO2.2.

J.3. Other Topics

1459. S. Christy and R. Horaud, Iterative pose computation from line correspondences, CVIU 73, 1999, 137
1460. S. H. Joseph, Optimal pose estimation in two and three dimensions, CVIU 73, 1999, 215231.
1461. F. Jurie, Solution of the simultaneous pose and correspondence problem using Gaussian error model, CVIU
73, 1999, 357373.
1462. E. G. Miller, Alternative tilings for improved surface area estimates by local counting algorithms, CVIU
74, 1999, 193211.
1463. A. Imiya and U. Eckhardt, The Euler characteristics of discrete objects and discrete quasi-objects, CVIU
75, 1999, 307318.
1464. B. Aronov, M. de Berg, A. F. van der Stappen, P. Svestka, and J. Vleugels, Motion planning for multiple
robots, DCG 22, 1999, 505525.
1465. N. Gagvani and D. Silver, Parameter-controlled volume thinning, GMIP 61, 1999, 149164.
1466. K. Palagyi and A. Kuba, A parallel 3D 12-subiteration thinning algorithm, GMIP 61, 1999, 199221.
1467. A. H. Salden, B. M. ter Haar Romeny, and M. A. Viergever, Linearised shortening flow of curve geometry,
IJCV 34, 1999, 2967.
1468. R. Malgouyres and G. Bertrand, Complete local characterization of strong 26-surfaces: Continuous analogs
for strong 26-surfaces, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 465484.
1469. C. J. Gau and T. Y. Kong, Minimal nonsimple sets of voxels in binary images on a face-centered cubic grid,
IJPRAI 13, 1999, 485502.
1470. T. Robinson, K. G. Subramanian, and R. Siromoney, Cell-work OL-systems with fins, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
1471. Q. Ji, M. S. Costa, R. M. Haralick, and L. G. Shapiro, An integrated linear technique for pose estimation
from different geometric features, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 705733.
1472. L. Chen, D. H. Cooley, and J. Zhang, The equivalence between two definitions of digital surfaces, IS 115,
1999, 201220.
1473. C. F. Ruff, S. W. Hughes, and D. J. Hawkes, Volume estimation from sparse planar images using defomable
models, IVC 17, 1999, 559565.
1474. A. Criminisi, I. Reid, and A. Zisserman, A plane measuring device, IVC 17, 1999, 625634.
1475. X. Pan and D. M. Lane, Pose determination from angles and relative line lengths using spherical trigonometry, IVC 17, 1999, 937953.
1476. J. Hass, J. C. Lagarias, and N. Pippenger, The computational complexity of knot and link problems, JACM
46, 1999, 185211.



1477. B. Berger, J. Kleinberg, and T. Leighton, Reconstructing a three-dimensional model with arbitrary errors,
JACM 46, 1999, 212235.
1478. L. Boxer, A classical construction for the digital fundamental group, JMIV 10, 1999, 5162.
1479. D. Weinshall, Minimal decomposition of model-based invariants, JMIV 10, 1999, 7585.
1480. J. Gil and A. Wagner, An alternative mapping of 3-D space onto processor arrays, JPDC 59, 1999, 360
1481. P. Bose, F. Gomez, P. Ramos, and G. Toussaint, Drawing nice projections of objects in space, JVCIR 10,
1999, 155172.
1482. A. Laurentini, Computing the visual hull of solids of revolution, PR 32, 1999, 377388.
1483. A. I. Bykov, L. G. Zerkalov, and M. A. Rodriguez Pineda, Index of a point of [a] 3-D digital binary image
and algorithm for computing its Euler characteristic, PR 32, 1999, 845850.
1484. G. Borgefors, I. Nystrom, and G. Sanniti di Baja, Computing skeletons in three dimensions, PR 32, 1999,
1485. H. Le and C. G. Small, Multidimensional scaling of simplex shapes, PR 32, 1999, 16011613.
1486. M. Nippe and J. Ohser, The stereological unfolding problem for systems of homothetic particles, PR 32,
1999, 16491655.
1487. M. L. Liu and K. H. Wong, Pose estimation using four corresponding points, PRL 20, 1999, 6974.
1488. R. Malgouyres and G. Bertrand, A new local property of strong n-surfaces, PRL 20, 1999, 417428.
1489. B. J. You, Z. Bien, and H. Lee, A theory of incremental circle transform and its application for pose
determination of two-dimensional objects, PRL 20, 1999, 14771488.
1490. F. Dornaika and C. Garcia, Pose estimation using point and line correspondences, RTI 5, 1999, 215230.
1491. J. A. Shufelt, Performance evaluation and analysis of vanishing point detection techniques, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 282288.
1492. S. J. Dickinson, D. Wilkes, and J. K. Tsotsos, A computational model of view degeneracy, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 673684.
1493. L. Quan and Z. Lan, Linear n-point camera pose determination, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 774780.
1494. C. C. Chang and W. H. Tsai, Reliable determination of object pose from line features by hypothesis testing,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 12351241.
1495. S. Hert and V. Lumelsky, Motion planning in R 3 for multiple tethered robots, T-RA 15, 1999, 623639.
1496. K. Goldberg, B. V. Mirtich, Y. Zhuang, J. Craig, R. R. Carlisle, and J. Canny, Part pose statistics: Estimators
and experiments, T-RA 15, 1999, 849857.
1497. P. L. Rosin, Robust pose estimation, T-SMC B29, 1999, 297303.
1498. Y. Zhou and A. W. Toga, Efficient skeletonization of volumetric objects, T-VCG 5, 1999, 196209.
1499. S. M. Seitz and P. Anandan, Implicit representation and scene reconstruction from probability density
functions, CVPR B, 2834.
1500. S. Moss and E. R. Hancock, Pose clustering with density estimation and structural constraints, CVPR B,
1501. S. Pae and J. Ponce, Toward a scale-space aspect graph: Solids of revolution, CVPR B, 196201.
1502. R. Hanek, N. Navab, and M. Appel, Yet another method for pose estimation: A probabilistic approach
using points, lines and cylinders, CVPR B, 544550.
1503. A. Manzanezra, T. M. Bernard, F. Preteux, and B. Longuet, Medial faces from a concise 3D thinning
algorithm, ICCV, 337343.
1504. A. Laurentini, The visual hull of curved objects, ICCV, 356361.
1505. R. Sim and G. Dudek, Learning and evaluating visual features for pose estimation, ICCV, 12171222.
1506. E. Ribeiro and E. R. Hancock, Improved pose estimation for texture planes using multiple vanishing points,
ICIP, 25AP4A.3.
1507. R. Giannitrapani and V. Murino, Three-dimensional skeleton extraction by point set contraction, ICIP,
1508. Y. Kenmochi and K. Kotani, Marching cubes method with connectivity, ICIP, 28AP4.3.



K.1. Flow; Egomotion
1509. M. A. Giese, Dynamic Neural Field Theory for Motion Perception, Kluwer, Boston, MA, 1999.
1510. R. Wagner, F. Liu, and K. Donner, Robust motion estimation for calibrated cameras from monocular image
sequences, CVIU 73, 1999, 258268.
1511. R. F. Wang and J. E. Cutting, A probabilistic model for recovering camera translation, CVIU 76, 1999,
1512. W. B. Thompson, Exploiting discontinuities in optical flow, IJCV 30, 1998, 163173.
1513. T. Vieville and D. Lingrand, Using specific displacements to analyze motion without calibration, IJCV 31,
1999, 529.
1514. E. P. Ong and M. Spann, Robust optical flow computation based on least-median-of-squares regression,
IJCV 31, 1999, 5182.
1515. Z. Duric, A. Rosenfeld, and J. Duncan, The applicability of Greens theorem to computation of rate of
approach, IJCV 31, 1999, 8398.
1516. Y. Yacoob and L. S. Davis, Temporal multi-scale models for flow and acceleration, IJCV 32, 1999, 147163.
1517. I. Cohen and I. Herlin, Non-uniform multiresolution method for optical flow and phase portrait models:
Environmental applications, IJCV 33, 1999, 2949.
1518. A. Verri and E. Trucco, Finding the epipole from uncalibrated optical flow, IVC 17, 1999, 605609.
1519. D. Vernon, Computation of instantaneous optical flow using the phase of Fourier components, IVC 17,
1999, 189199.
1520. L. Zhang, T. Sakurai, and H. Miike, Detection of motion fields under spatio-temporal non-uniform illumination, IVC 17, 1999, 309320.
1521. J. J. Guerrero and C. Sague s, Camera motion from brightness on linesCombination of features and
normal flow, PR 32, 1999, 203216.
1522. M. R. Mahzoor, J. Kim, S. Sawazaki, K. Okazaki, and S. Tamura, A scaled multigrid optical flow algorithm
based on the least RMS error between real and estimated second images, PR 32, 1999, 657670.
1523. H. Miike, L. Zhang, T. Sakurai, and H. Yamada, Motion enhancement for preprocessing of optical flow
detection and scientific visualization, PRL 20, 1999, 451461.
1524. P. Milanfar, A model of the effect of image motion in the Radon transform domain, T-IP 8, 1999, 12761281.
1525. L. Alparone, M. Barni, F. Bartolini, and R. Caldelli, Regularization of optic flow estimates by means of
weighted vector median filtering, T-IP 8, 1999, 14621467.
1526. G. Giunta and U. Mascia, Estimation of global motion parameters by complex linear regression, T-IP 8,
1999, 16521657.
1527. K. Astrom and F. Kahl, Motion estimation in image sequences using the deformation of apparent contours,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 114127.
1528. I. Shimshoni, R. Basri, and E. Rivlin, A geometric interpretation of weak-perspective motion, T-PAMI 21,
1999, 252257.
1529. K. Chaudhury, R. Mehrotra, and C. Srinivasan, Detecting 3-D motion field from range image sequences,
T-SMC B29, 1999, 309314.
1530. L. Zelnik-Manor and M. Irani, Multi-frame alignment of planes, CVPR A, 151156.
1531. T. Zhang and C. Tomasi, Fast, robust, and consistent camera motion estimation, CVPR A, 164170.
1532. W. Yu, K. Daniilidis, S. Beauchemin, and G. Sommer, Detection and characterization of multiple motion
points, CVPR A, 171177.
1533. Y. Wexler and A. Shashua, Q-warping: Direct computation of quadratic reference surfaces, CVPR A,
1534. B. Matei and P. Meer, Optimal rigid motion estimation and performance evaluation with bootstrap, CVPR
A, 339345.
1535. C. Fermuller, R. Pless, and Y. Aloimonos, Statistical biases in optic flow, CVPR A, 561566.



1536. M. I. A. Lourakis and S. C. Orphanoudakis, Using planar parallax to estimate the time-to-contact, CVPR
B, 640645.
1537. C. Colombo and A. Del Bimbo, Generalized bounds for time to collision from first-order image motion,
ICCV, 220226.
1538. M. Elad, P. Teo, and Y. Hel-Or, Optimal filters for gradient-based motion estimation, ICCV, 559565.
1539. M. Irani, Multi-frame optical flow estimation using subspace constraints, ICCV, 626633.
1540. J. Hornegger and C. Tomasi, Representation issues in the ML estimation of camera motion, ICCV, 640647.
1541. Y. Liu and M. A. Rodrigues, Correspondenceless motion estimation from range images, ICCV, 654659.
1542. L. Gaucher and G. Medioni, Accurate motion flow estimation with discontinuities, ICCV, 695702.
1543. M. Ben-Ezra, S. Peleg, and M. Werman, Real-time motion analysis with linear programming, ICCV, 703
1544. S. Vedula, S. Baker, P. Rander, R. Collins, and T. Kanade, Three-dimensional scene flow, ICCV, 722729.
1545. W. J. MacLean, Removal of translation bias when using subspace methods, ICCV, 753758.
1546. L. Rudin and F. Guichard, Velocity estimation from image(s) sequence[s] and application to superresolution, ICIP, 27PS1.5.
1547. V. Devlaminck, Motion estimation from equation of continuity. The well-conditioned computation point
of view, ICIP, 27PP1.5.
1548. M. George and T. Tjahjadi, Multi-resolution optical flow estimation using adaptive shifting, ICIP, 27PP1.9.
1549. L. Ng and V. Solo, Optical flow estimation using adaptive wavelet zeroing, ICIP, 27PP1.10.
1550. S. Iu and Y. Lin, Re-examining the optical flow constraintA new optical flow algorithm with outlier
rejection, ICIP, 27PP1.11.
1551. K. Yamada and M. Soga, A motion measurement vision chip for its applications, ICIP, 28AS1.2.

K.2. Structure from Motion

1552. J. Sato and R. Cipolla, Extracting group transformations from image moments, CVIU 73, 1999, 2942.
1553. S. R. Kundur and D. Raviv, Novel active vision-based visual threat cue for autonomous navigation tasks,
CVIU 73, 1999, 169182.
1554. J. I. Thomas and J. Oliensis, Dealing with noise in multiframe structure from motion, CVIU 76, 1999,
1555. T. Jebara, A. Azerbayejani, and A. Pentaland, 3D structure from 2D motion, SPM 16(3), 1999, 6684.
1556. T. Joshi, N. Ahuja, and J. Ponce, Structure and motion estimation from dynamic silhouettes under perspective projection, IJCV 31, 1999, 3150.
1557. K. Astrom, R. Cipolla, and P. Giblin, Generalised epipolar constraints, IJCV 33, 1999, 5172.
1558. P. H. S. Torr, A. W. Fitzgibbon, and A. Zisserman, The problem of degeneracy in structure and motion
recovery from uncalibrated image sequences, IJCV 32, 1999, 2744.
1559. F. Kahl and A. Heyden, Affine structure and motion from points, lines, and conics, IJCV 33, 1999, 163180.
1560. B. S. Boufama, On the recovery of motion and structure when cameras are not calibrated, IJPRAI 13, 1999,
1561. C. Wohler and J. K. Anlauf, A time delay neural network algorithm for estimating image-pattern shape
and motion, IVC 17, 1999, 281294.
1562. J. Sato and R. Cipolla, Uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces, IVC 17, 1999, 617623.
1563. A. Heyden, R. Berthilsson, and G. Sparr, An iterative factorization method for projective structure and
motion from image sequences, IVC 17, 1999, 981991.
1564. R. Berthilsson and K. Astrom, Extension of affine shape, JMIV 11, 1999, 119136.
1565. F. Worgotter, A. Cozzi, and V. Gerdes, A parallel noise-robust algorithm to recover depth information from
radial flow fields, NC 11, 1999, 381416.
1566. F. Isgro and E. Trucco, Robust estimation of motion, structure and focal length from two views of a
translating scene, PRL 20, 1999, 847854.



1567. J. Fujiki, Motion and shape from sequences of images under feature correspondences, T-IS E82D, 1999,
1568. G. Xu and N. Sugimoto, A linear algorithm for motion from three weak perspective images using Euler
angles, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 5457.
1569. G. P. Stein and A. Shashua, On degeneracy of linear reconstruction from three views: Linear line complexes
and applications, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 244251.
1570. Y. S. Hung and H. T. Ho, A Kalman filter approach to direct depth estimation incorporating surface structure,
T-PAMI 21, 1999, 570575.
1571. J. Oliensis and V. Govindu, An experimental study of projective structure from motion, T-PAMI 21, 1999,
1572. S. Sull and B. Sridhar, Runway obstacle detection by controlled spatiotemporal image flow disparity, T-RA
15, 1999, 537547.
1573. Y. Li and M. J. Brooks, An efficient recursive factorization method for determining structure from motion,
CVPR A, 138143.
1574. R. Szeliski, A multi-view approach to motion and stereo, CVPR A, 157163.
1575. P. M. Q. Aguiar and J. M. F. Moura, Factorization as a rank 1 problem, CVPR A, 178184.
1576. J. Oliensis, A new structure-from-motion ambiguity, CVPR A, 185191.
1577. R. L. Carceroni and K. N. Kutulakos, Toward recovering shape and motion of 3D curves from multi-view
image sequences, CVPR A, 192197.
1578. T. Brodsky, C. Fermuller, and Y. Aloimonos, Shape from video, CVPR B, 146151.
1579. L. Zhou, C. Kambhamettu, and D. B. Goldgof, Extracting nonrigid motion and 3D structure of hurricanes
from satellite image sequences without correspondences, CVPR B, 280285.
1580. F. Kahl and B. Triggs, Critical motions in Euclidean structure from motion, CVPR B, 366372.
1581. Z. Zhu, G. Xu, and X. Lin, Panoramic EPI generation and analysis of video from a moving platform with
vibration, CVPR B, 531537.
1582. H. Y. Shum, Q. Ke, and Z. Zhang, Efficient bundle adjustment with virtual key frames: A hierarchical
approach to multi-frame structure from motion, CVPR B, 538543.
1583. M. Kertesz and Y. Yeshurun, Robust sequence proximity estimation by radial distance hashing, ICCV,
1584. K. Astrom, A. Heyden, F. Kahl, and M. Oskarsson, Structure and motion from lines under affine projections,
ICCV, 285292.
1585. T. Mukai and N. Ohnishi, The recovery of object shape and camera motion using a sensing system with a
video camera and a gyro sensor, ICCV, 411417.
1586. R. L. Carceroni and K. N. Kutulakos, Multi-view 3D shape and motion recovery on the spatio-temporal
curve manifold, ICCV, 520527.
1587. S. Srinivasan, Fast partial search solution to the 3D SFM problem, ICCV, 528535.
1588. J. Oliensis and Y. Genc, Fast algorithms for projective multi-frame structure from motion, ICCV, 536
1589. R. Mandelbaum, G. Salgian, and H. Sawhney, Correlation-based estimation of ego-motion and structure
from motion and stereo, ICCV, 544550.
1590. M. Etoh, T. Aoki, and K. Hata, Estimation of structure and motion parameters for a roaming robot that
scans the space, ICCV, 579584.
1591. S. Mahamud and M. Hebert, Efficient recovery of low-dimensional structure from high-dimensional data,
ICCV, 592599.
1592. D. A. Forsyth, S. Ioffe, and J. Haddon, Bayesian structure from motion, ICCV, 660665.
1593. Z. Zhang, P. Anandan, and H. Y. Shum, What can be determined from a full and a weak perspective image?,
ICCV, 680687.
1594. J. Oliensis and Y. Genc, New algorithms for two-frame structure from motion, ICCV, 737744.
1595. Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, and S. Sastry, Euclidean reconstruction and reprojection up to subgroups,
ICCV, 773780.



1596. R. Chellappa, G. Qian, and S. Srinivasan, Structure from motionSparse versus dense correspondence
methods, ICIP, 26PS1.1.
1597. R. Koch, M. Pollefeys, and L. Van Gool, Realistic 3-D scene modeling from uncalibrated image sequences,
ICIP, 26PS1.2.
1598. M. Maruyama and S. Kurumi, Bidirectional optimization for reconstructing 3D shape from an image
sequence with missing data, ICIP, 27AO2.1.
1599. P. M. Q. Aguiar and J. M. F. Moura, A fast algorithm for rigid structure from image sequences, ICIP,
1600. M. A. Rodrigues and Y. Liu, Motion parameter constraints analysis from a single image, ICIP, 27PP1.6.

K.3. Dynamic Scenes

1601. T. Dar, L. Joskowicz, and E. Rivlin, Understanding mechanical motion: From images to behaviors, AI 112,
1999, 147179.
1602. S. Fejes and L. S. Davis, Detection of independent motion using directional motion estimation, CVIU 74,
1999, 101120.
1603. Y. S. Avrithis, A. D. Doulamis, N. D. Doulamis, and S. D. Kollias, A stochastic framework for optimal key
frame extraction from MPEG video databases, CVIU 75, 1999, 324.
1604. H. H. Yu and W. Wolf, A hierarchical multiresolution video shot transition detection scheme, CVIU 75,
1999, 196213.
1605. M. A. Penna, The motion analysis of nonrigid membranes, CVIU 75, 1999, 281306.
1606. C. Stiller and J. Konrad, Estimating motion in image sequences, SPM 16(4), 1999, 7091.
1607. G. L. Foresti, Real-time detection of multiple moving objects in complex image sequences, IJIST 10, 1999,
1608. L. V. Tsap, D. B. Goldgof, and S. Sarkar, Model-based force-driven nonrigid motion recovery from sequences of range images without point correspondences, IVC 17, 1999, 9971007.
1609. P. Kornprobst, R. Deriche, and G. Aubert, Image sequence analysis via partial differnetial equations, JMIV
11, 1999, 526.
1610. A. M. Ferman and A. M. Tekalp, Efficient filtering and clustering methods for temporal video segmentation
and visual summarization, JVCIR 9, 1998, 336351.
1611. G. Halevy and D. Weinshall, Motion of disturbances: Detection and tracking of multi-body non-rigid
motion, MVA 11, 1999, 122137.
1612. L. Wiskott, Segmentation from motion: Combining Gabor- and Mallat-wavelets to overcome the aperture
and correspondence problems, PR 32, 1999, 17511766.
1613. J. K. Chang and T. L. Huntsberger, Dynamic motion analysis using wavelet flow surface images, PRL 20,
1999, 383393.
1614. R. Milanese, F. Deguillaume, and A. Jacot-Descombes, Efficient segmentation and camera motion indexing
of compressed video, RTI 5, 1999, 231241.
1615. P. Milanfar, Two-dimensional matched filtering for motion estimation, T-IP 8, 1999, 438444.
1616. H. K. Aghajan, B. H. Khalaj, and T. Kailath, Estimation of multiple 2-D uniform motions by SLIDE:
Subspace-based line detection, T-IP 8, 1999, 517526.
1617. C. Kervrann and F. Heitz, Statistical deformable model-based segmentation of image motion, T-IP 8, 1999,
1618. C. Dumontier, F. Luthon, and J. R. Charras, Real-time DSP implementation for MRF-based video motion
detection, T-IP 8, 1999, 13411347.
1619. H. Lu, X. Wang, S. Liu, M. Shi, and A. Guo, The possible mechanism underlying visual anticamouflage:
A model and its real-time simulation, T-SMC A29, 1999, 314318.
1620. S. Goldstein, E. Large, and D. Metaxas, Non-linear dynamical system approach to behavior modeling, VC
15, 1999, 349364.
1621. D. Demirdjian and R. Horaud, A projective framework for scene segmentation in the presence of moving
objects, CVPR A, 28.



1622. C. W. Ngo, T. C. Pong, and R. T. Chin, Detection of gradual transitions through temporal slice analysis,
CVPR A, 3641.
1623. S. S. Intille and A. F. Bobick, Visual recognition of multi-agent action using binary temporal relations,
CVPR A, 5662.
1624. R. Qian, N. Haering, and I. Sezan, A computational approach to semantic event detection, CVPR A,
1625. V. Kettnaker and M. Brand, Minimum-entropy models of scene activity, CVPR A, 281286.
1626. S. Avidan and A. Shashua, Trajectory triangulation of lines: Reconstruction of a 3D point moving along a
line from a monocular image sequence, CVPR B, 6266.
1627. R. Pless, T. Brodsky, and Y. Aloimonos, Independent motion: The importance of history, CVPR B, 92
1628. C. Fermuller, T. Brodsky, and Y. Aloimonos, Motion segmentation: A synergistic approach CVPR B,
1629. R. Cultler and L. Davis, Real-time periodic motion detection, analysis, and applications, CVPR B, 326332.
1630. H. Segawa and T. Totsuka, Torque-based recursive filtering approach to the recovery of 3D articulated
motion from image sequences, CVPR B, 340345.
1631. G. Brostow and I. A. Essa, Motion based decompositing of video, ICCV, 813.
1632. D. J. Moore, I. A. Essa, and M. H. Hayes III, Exploiting human actions and object context for recognition
tasks, ICCV, 8086.
1633. K. Toyama, J. Krumm, B. Brumitt, and B. Meyers, Wallflower: Principles and practice of background
maintenance, ICCV, 255261.
1634. M. J. Black and D. J. Fleet, Probabilistic detection and tracking of motion discontinuities, ICCV, 551
1635. G. Csurka and P. Bouthemy, Direct identification of moving objects and background from 2D motion
models, ICCV, 566571.
1636. N. Ichimura, Motion segmentation based on factorization method and discriminant criterion, ICCV, 600
1637. H. S. Sawhney, Y. Guo, J. Asmuth, and R. Kumar, Independent motion detection in 3D scenes, ICCV,
1638. E. Memin and P. Perez, Fluid motion recovery by coupling dense and parametric vector fields, ICCV,
1639. M. H. Lin, Tracking articulated objects in real-time range image sequences, ICCV, 648653.
1640. L. Zelnik-Manor and M. Irani, Multi-view subspace constraints on homographies, ICCV, 710715.
1641. L. Wixson and M. Hansen, Detecting salient motion by accumulating directionally-consistent flow, ICCV,
1642. A. Yamada and M. Ohta, A study of region partitioning using reciprocal estimation of region models and
pixel motion, ICIP, 25AP1.1.
1643. Y. Li, D. Hatzinakos, and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, A multi-frame, region-feature based technique for motion
segmentation, ICIP, 25AP1.3.
1644. A. M. Ferman and A. M. Tekalp, Probabilistic analysis and extraction of video content, ICIP, 26AO2.2.
1645. J. Motsch and H. Nicolas, Object-based motion classification, ICIP, 26AO2.4.
1646. P. Salembier, N. OConnor, P. Correia, and F. Pereira, Hierarchical visual description schemes for still
images and video sequences, ICIP, 26AO2.8.
1647. A. R. Mansouri and J. Konrad, Motion segmentation with level sets, ICIP, 26AO3.1.
1648. C. Kim and J. N. Hwang, A fast and robust moving object segmentation in video sequences, ICIP, 26AO3.2.
1649. I. Kompatsiaris and M. G. Strintzis, Spatiotemporal segmentation and tracking of objects in image sequences, ICIP, 26AO3.7.
1650. J. Lim and J. B. Ra, A semantic video object tracking algorithm using three-step boundary refinement,
ICIP, 26AO3.8.
1651. N. L. Chang and A. Zakhor, A multivalued representation for view synthesis, ICIP, 26PS1.3.



1652. M. G. Strintzis and I. Kompatsiaris, Using 3D models for the segmentation of image sequences, ICIP,
1653. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy, and M. Gelgon, Moving object detection in color image sequences using regionlevel graph labeling, ICIP, 26PP6.2.
1654. S. Sista and R. L. Kashyap, Unsupervised video segmentation and object tracking, ICIP, 26PP6.7.
1655. J. Stauder and H. Nicolas, Motion-based video indexing evaluating object shading, ICIP, 27AP2.3.
1656. W. J. Heng and K. N. Ngan, Integrated shot boundary detection using object-based technique, ICIP, 27AP2.8.
1657. W. A. C. Fernando, C. N. Canagarajah, and D. R. Bull, Wipe scene change detection in video sequences,
ICIP, 27AP2.9.
1658. W. A. C. Fernando, C. N. Canagarajah, and D. R. Bull, Fade and dissolve detection in uncompressed and
compressed video sequences, ICIP, 27AP2.10.
1659. H. B. Lu, Y. J. Zhang, and Y. R. Yao, Robust gradual scene change detection, ICIP, 27AP2.11.
1660. N. Dimitrova, J. Martino, L. Agnihotri, and H. Elenbaas, Color superhistograms for video representation,
ICIP, 27AP2.13.
1661. Z. Liu and Q. Huang, Detecting news reporting using audio/visual information, ICIP, 27AP2.15.
1662. J. K. Tan and S. Ishikawa, Recovering entire shape of a deformable object employing a single measurement
matrix, ICIP, 27PP5A.4.
1663. Q. Liu, Y. Rui, T. Huang, and S. Levinson, Video sequence learning and recognition via dynamic SOM,
ICIP, 28AO2.4.

K.4. Tracking, etc.

1664. A. Imiya and I. Fermin, Motion analysis by random sampling and voting process, CVIU 73, 1999, 309328.
1665. N. Peterfreund, The velocity snake: Deformable contour for tracking in spatio-velocity space, CVIU 73,
1999, 346356.
1666. D. Gibson and M. Spann, Robust motion trajectory estimation for long image sequences with applications
to motion compensated prediction, IJPRAI 13, 1999, 781802.
1667. B. North and A. Blake, Using expectation-maximisation to learn dynamical models from visual data, IVC
17, 1999, 611616.
1668. A. Imiya and I. Fermin, Voting method for planarity and motion detection, IVC 17, 1999, 867879.
1669. M. Daoudi, F. Ghorbel, A. Mokadem, O. Avaio, and H. Sanson, Shape distances for contour tracking and
motion estimation, PR 32, 1999, 12971306.
1670. Z. Li and H. Wang, Real-time 3D motion tracking with known geometric models, RTI 5, 1999, 167187.
1671. J. Denzler and H. Niemann, Active rays: Polar-transformed active contours for real-time contour tracking,
RTI 5, 1999, 203213.
1672. J. I. Agbinya and D. Rees, Multi-object tracking in video, RTI 5, 1999, 295304.
1673. N. Peterfreund, Robust tracking of position and velocity with Kalman snakes, T-PAMI 21, 1999, 564569.
1674. G. P. Stein, Tracking from multiple view points: Self-calibration of space and time, CVPR A, 521527.
1675. M. M. Covell and T. J. Darrell, Dynamic occluding contours: A new external-energy term for snakes,
CVPR B, 232238.
1676. C. Stauffer and W. E. L. Grimson, Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking, CVPR B,
1677. V. Kettnaker and R. Zabih, Bayesian multi-camera surveillance, CVPR B, 253259.
1678. B. Galvin, B. McCane, and K. Novins, Virtual snakes for occlusion analysis, CVPR B, 294299.
1679. N. Paragios and R. Deriche, Unifying boundary and region-based information for geodesic active tracking,
CVPR B, 300305.
1680. I. Cohen and G. Medioni, Detecting and tracking moving objects for video surveillance, CVPR B, 319325.
1681. C. Stauffer, Automatic hierarchical classification using time-based co-occurrences, CVPR B, 333339.
1682. T. Drummond and R. Cipolla, Visual tracking and control using Lie algebras, CVPR B, 652657.



1683. Y. Yacoob and L. Davis, Tracking rigid motion using a compact-structure constraint, ICCV, 198205.
1684. N. Peterfreund, The PDAF based active contour, ICCV, 227233.
1685. E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, and V. Moreau, Robust real-time visual tracking using a 2D-3D
model-based approach, ICCV, 262268.
1686. E. Hayman, T. Thorhallsson, and D. W. Murray, Zoom-invariant tracking using points and lines in affine
viewsAn application of the affine multifocal tensors, ICCV, 269276.
1687. A. Shashua, S. Avidan, and M. Werman, Trajectory triangulation over conic sections, ICCV, 330336.
1688. J. MacCormick and A. Blake, A probabilistic exclusion principle for tracking multiple objects, ICCV,
1689. N. Paragios and R. Deriche, Geodesic active regions for motion estimation and tracking, ICCV, 688694.
1690. J. S. Marques and J. M. Lemos, Shape tracking based on switched dynamical models, ICIP, 26PP6.5.
1691. A. Pasqual, H. Takeshima, and K. Aizawa, Software based object tracking with visual feature integration,
ICIP, 26PP6.8.
1692. E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, and V. Moreau, Robust visual tracking by coupling 2D motion
and 3D pose estimation, ICIP, 28AO2.5.
1693. J. S. Marques, J. M. Lemos, and A. J. Abrantes, Estimation of random trajectories on manifolds
Application to object tracking, ICIP, 28AO2.6.



Author Index
Aas, K. 423
Abate, A. F. 556
Abbasi, S. 582
Abdeljaoued, Y. 274
Abdel-Mottaleb, M. 368
Abe, T. 825
Abidi, M. A. 1296
Abkar, A. A. 701
Ablameyko, S. 758
Aboulnasr, T. 542
Abrantes, A. J. 1693
Abrardo, A. 1038
Adam, A. 440
Adams, M. D. 414, 433
Adelson, E. H. 1016
Adjeroh, D. A. 1139
Adorni, G. 428
Aeberhard, S. 281
Agam, G. 614
Agarwal, P. K. 971
Agbinya, J. I. 1672
Aggarwal, J. K. 238, 282, 577
Aghajan, H. K. 1616
Agnihotri, L. 1660
Agouris, P. 562
Agrawal, D. 540
Aguiar, P. M. Q. 1575, 1599
Ahmed, M. N. 776, 1169
Ahmed, M. (T.) 675, 682
Ahn, S. J. 908
Ahrns, I. 848
Ahuja, N. 296, 366, 662, 1556
Aizawa, K. 116, 152, 157, 991, 997,
1206, 1691
Akamatsu, S. 276, 283
Akgul, Y. S. 782, 1322
Akra, M. 1179
Aksoy, S. 579
Alajaji, F. 766
Alberola(-Lopez), C. 380, 1332
Albert, T. A. 755
Albiol, A. 365
Albregtsen, F. 1087
Aldroubi, A. 122
Alexander, D. 1019, 1189
Alexander, M. E. 1146
Alexandridis, N. A. 587

Alexopoulos, C. 526
Alferez, R. 899
Algazi, V. R. 642
Ali, W. S. I. 1188
Allen, P. K. 1342
Allinson, N. M. 302
Allotta, B. 402, 405
Aloimonos, Y. 1535, 1578, 1627,
Alparone, L. 1038, 1525
Amadieu, O. 823
Amano, A. 629
Amir, A. 725, 1141
Amit, Y. 1251
Anandan, P. 1325, 1499, 1593
Andrey, P. 739
Androutsos, D. 539
Angella, F. 521
Angelopoulou, E. 1033, 1381
Anh, V. V. 829, 1111, 1133
Anlauf, J. K. 1561
Ann, H. Y. 867
Annoni, A. 503
Anousaki, G. C. 426
Aoki, M. 456
Aoki, T. 1590
Appel, M. 1502
Arabie, P. 189
Arad, N. 653
Araujo, H. 658
Araujo, R. 441
Arbel, T. 849
Arcelli, C. 1, 952
Argamon-Engelson, S. 975
Argyros, A. A. 448
Armande, N. 683
Armspach, J. P. 1168, 1193
Aronov, B. 971, 1464
Arrebola, F. 1258
Arridge, S. R. 861, 1166
Arvo, J. 1351
Asada, M. 417
Aslantas, V. 1345
Asmuth, J. 1637
Astola, J. T. 115, 131
Astrom, K. 673, 1321, 1527, 1557,
1564, 1584

Asvestas, P. 1085, 1092

Atanacio, B. 943
Atherton, T. J. 1225
Aubert, G. 733, 786, 823, 1609
August, J. 730, 855, 961, 963
Avaio, O. 1669
Avidan, S. 1287, 1626, 1687
Avrithis, Y. S. 1603
Ayala, G. 700, 856
Aydin, Y. 289
Ayer, S. 1215
Azerbayejani, A. 1555
Azimi-Sadjadi, M. R. 1233
Baddeley, A. 953
Badler, N. I. 235
Badra, F. 1147
Baheerathan, S. 1087
Baillard, C. 493, 1308
Bajcsy, R. 418, 1033, 1189
Baker, J. E. 108
Baker, R. L. 130
Baker, S. 715, 1544
Bakker, P. 619
Balmelli, L. 870, 1110
Bandera, A. 1258
Banerjee, A. 472, 766
Banerjee, S. 444, 1114, 1256
Bangham, J. A. 1327
Bao, Y. 641
Baraldi, A. 197
Barlaud, M. 823
Barnes, N. 1360
Barnett, B. 1277
Barni, M. 916, 1525
Barrett, W. A. 781
Barten, P. G. J. 164
Barlett, J. C. 251
Bartolini, F. 1525
Bascle, B. 345
Baskurt, A. 814
Basri, R. 420, 1429, 1455, 1528
Basset, O. 814
Basu, A. 261, 376
Basu, M. 687
Batchelor, B. G. 389, 393
Batista, J. 658


Baumbach, T. 1170
Bay, J. S. 437
Baylou, P. 521
Bayro-Corrochano, E. 876
Bazzi, L. 1179
Beauchemin, S. 1532
Bebis, G. 1254, 1257
Beck, J. 1123
Becker, S. 254
Beis, J. S. 403, 1448
Belongie, S. 792
Ben-Arie, J. 307, 702, 778, 956
Ben-David, S. 1250
Ben-Ezra, M. 1299, 1543
Benjemana, R. 1151
Bennett, J. 1063, 1069
Bennett, N. 1232
Benson, G. 1141
Ben-Yacoub, S. 274, 301
Berger, B. 1477
Berger, M. O. 497
Berger, T. 130
Bergholm, F. 448
Berman, A. P. 545
Bernard, T. M. 1503
Bernstein, R. 502
Berthilsson, R. 1199, 1205, 1247,
1321, 1563, 1564
Berthod, M. 1064
Bertozzi, M. 415
Bertrand, G. 1468, 1488
Bezdek, J. C. 178, 184
Bhandarkar, S. M. 721
Bhanu, B. 473, 476, 543
Bhattacharya, P. 948
Bi, G. 1081
Biemond, J. 1142
Bien, Z. 1489
Bigun, J. 271
Bindiganavale, R. 235
Birchfield, S. 1318
Bjorkman, M. 1312
Black, M. J. 237, 295, 1634
Blaine, G. J. 218
Blake, A. 339, 345, 1200, 1667,
Blanc-Feraud, L. 733, 786
Blankenship Jr., G. C. 587
Blanz, V. 251, 321
Bloch, I. 114, 954, 980
Blonda, P. 197
Bloor, M. I. G. 1405
Blu, T. 646, 681
Blum, R. S. 1158
Bobick, A. F. 278, 332, 1272, 1623

Boccignone, G. 709, 811

Boldrin, E. 1006
Bolle, R. 233
Bolon, P. 518
Bonder, Y. S. 1097
Bonnin, P. 1211
Boone, J. M. 215
Borgefors, G. 1396, 1484
Borges, C. F. 1068
Bors, A. G. 286, 1445
Bosacchi, B. 184
Bose, P. 1481
Boshra, M. 476, 1426, 1441
Boudet, S. 401
Boufama, B. S. 1560
Bouguet, J. Y. 1375
Bouix, S. 966
Boujemaa, N. 1135
Boukerroui, D. 814
Boulet, V. 775
Bouman, C. A. 365, 531
Bourbakis, N. G. 526, 974, 987
Bouthemy, P. 514, 731, 1635, 1653,
1685, 1692
Bovik, A. C. 1277, 1283
Bowyer, K. (W.) 62, 68, 74, 711,
712, 1128
Boxer, L. 525, 1478
Boyd, J. E. 450
Boyer, K. L. 720
Boykov, Y. 639, 1266
Brailovsky, V. 1230
Brajovic, V. 153
Brand, M. 319, 347, 1625
Brandstein, M. S. 337
Braquelaire, J. P. 863, 905
Brass, P. 977
Braun, E. 1442
Braun, M. 222
Bresler, Y. 764
Brett, A. D. 1155
Bribiesca, E. 913
Brigger, P. 631
Broach, J. T. 463
Broadhurst, A. 660
Broderick, L. S. 581
Brodley, C. E. 581
Brodsky, T. 1578, 1627, 1628
Broggi, A. 415
Brooks, M. J. 1573
Brostow, G. 1631
Brown, C. M. 651
Brown, L. 558
Bruckstein, A. M. 669, 983
Brumitt, B. 1633


Brunelli, R. 561
Brunig, M. 370
Bruzzone, L. 500, 513
Bshouty, N. H. 973, 976
Bubna, K. 637
Bucaro, J. A. 474
Budynek, J. 283
Buhmann, J. M. 584, 785, 1113,
Bui, T. T. 890
Bull, D. R. 1657, 1658
Bulling, F. 1161
Bulthoff, H. H. 169
Bunke, H. 1240, 1241, 1243, 1244,
Burgard, W. 447
Burlina, P. 451, 472, 766, 839
Burne, J. 269
Burridge, R. 1232
Busso, G. 389
Buxes, A. 367
Bykov, A. I. 1483
Caelli, T. (M.) 709, 811, 1137,
1350, 1432
Caglioti, V. 1364
Cai, J. 252
Cai, Q. 238, 282
Caldelli, R. 1525
Campbell, R. J. 1452
Camps, O. I. 1261
Canagarajah, C. N. 1657, 1658
Cani, M. P. 1072
Canny, J. 1496
Canton, M. P. 489
Cao, S. 948
Cao, Y. 1212
Cappellini, V. 1038
Carceroni, R. L. 651, 1577, 1586
Carin, L. 474
Carlisle, R. R. 1496
Carlsson, S. 972
Carrato, S. 355
Carron, T. 1009
Carswell, J. D. 562
Casadei, S. 726, 925
Casas, J. R. 600
Casasent, D. P. 46, 145
Casati, R. 165
Caselles, V. 640, 1001
Castellanos, J. A. 984
Castelli, E. 1364
Castelli, V. 537
Castleman, K. R. 128
Cavazzo, M. 293

Ceres, R. 225
Cerezo, E. 111
Cha, G. H. 565
Cha, J. B. 1186
Chabat, F. 688
Chakraborty, A. 768
Chalermwat, P. 1207
Chalmond, B. 635
Chalzis, V. 286
Cham, T. J. 313, 323, 927, 1202
Chan, J. 559
Chan, K. 488
Chan, L. A. 477
Chan, M. T. 359
Chan, M. W. 1268
Chan, S. 263
Chandrasekaran, S. 1453
Chandrasiri, N. P. 378
Chang, C. C. 1494
Chang, C. I. 498
Chang, F. 957
Chang, J. K. 1613
Chang, K. I. 1128
Chang, N. L. 1651
Chang, N. S. 384
Chang, P. 1025
Chang, S. F. 69, 533, 537, 560, 591
Chang, S. K. 535
Chang, Y. I. 867
Chanussot, J. 518
Chao, J. 1041, 1420, 1456
Chao, T. H. 145
Chapelle, O. 574
Chardin, A. 797
Charitos, C. 906
Charras, J. R. 1618
Chau, C. P. 1237
Chaudhuri, B. B. 738, 1150
Chaudhuri, S. 1256, 1317, 1335,
1337, 1347, 1349
Chaudhury, K. 1529
Chaudhury, S. 919
Chaumette, F. 401, 838, 843, 1685,
Chelberg, D. M. 1268
Chellappa, R. 451, 472, 839, 1160,
Chen, C. 697
Chen, C. C. 1093, 1093
Chen, C. H. 63, 490
Chen, C. S. 112, 1186
Chen, C. T. 216
Chen, G. 890
Chen, I. P. 865
Chen, L. 505, 1472


Chen, L. H. 290
Chen, M. 1165
Chen, M. C. 894
Chen, Q. 249, 275, 1290, 1303
Chen, T. 364, 769
Chen, T. Y. (T.) 1283
Chen, W. 933
Chen, W. J. 1413
Chen, X. 256
Chen, Y. 613
Chen, Y. H. 746
Chen, Y. Q. 1081
Chen, Z. 865, 1280
Cheng, C. M. 1011
Cheng, H. D. 746
Cheng, P. J. 547
Chenoweth, D. L. 755
Cheong, L. F. 1271
Cherbulicz, M. 563
Cheriet, M. 5
Cherkassy, V. 194
Chesnaud, C. 775
Chetverikov, D. 1086
Cheung, J. F. Y. 706
Cheung, K. K. T. 898
Cheung, K. W. 1204
Chihara, K. 249
Chin, F. 945
Chin, R. T. 1204, 1622
Chirikjian, G. S. 1138
Chitre, Y. 1088
Cho, G. W. 914
Cho, S. Y. 287
Choi, J. S. 603, 1355, 1363, 1457
Choi, K. J. 243
Choi, T. S. 1356
Chomat, O. 309
Chong, C. C. 443
Choset, H. M. 412
Chou, W. S. 749
Chow, L. P. 1140
Chow, T. W. S. 287
Choy, S. T. 1246
Christel, M. G. 538
Christensen, H. I. 845
Christy, S. 1459
Chrobak, M. 884
Chung, C. W. 565
Chung, K. L. 760, 864
Chung, M. J. 914
Chung, R. 1291
Chutatape, O. 1226, 1227
Cielo, P. G. 396
Ciocca, G. 601
Cipolla, R. 660, 665, 927, 1285,

1288, 1293, 1552, 1557, 1562,

Cisneros, G. 516
Clark, A. 2
Clark, J. 1338
Clark, J. J. 1372
Clarke, N. J. 455
Clarkson, K. L. 104
Clement, D. 462
Clerc, M. 1379
Clippingdale, S. 354
Clouard, R. 528
Clough, A. V. 216
Coffield, P. C. 125
Cohen, F. S. 1182, 1188, 1443
Cohen, I. 1517, 1680
Cohen, J. M. 1417
Cohen, S. 1201
Coll, B. 1001
Collet, C. 514, 731
Collins, R. 1544
Collins, R. T. 666
Colmenarez, A. (J.) 303, 348, 353
Colombo, C. 262, 402, 405, 567,
Colot, O. 835
Coltheart, V. 166
Coman, I. 572
Comaniciu, D. 805
Comer, M. L. 1124
Cong, G. 1398
Conroy, T. L. 156
Constantinides, A. G. 744
Contassot-Vivier, S. 650
Conte, G. 415
Cooley, D. H. 505, 1472
Cooper, D. B. 935
Cooper, M. C. 1357
Coorg, S. 508
Cootes, T. (F.) 299, 300, 327, 328,
Cord, M. 519
Cordella, L. P. 1
Cormack, L. K. 1283
Correia, P. 1646
Cortelazzo, G. M. 1214
Costa, B. 647
Costa, M. S. 1471
Costen, N. 276, 300
Couchman, L. 474
Coughlan, J. (M.) 511, 713, 1388
Covell, M. M. 1675
Cox, R. W. 654
Cozzi, A. 1565
Craievich, D. 1277


Craig, J. 1496
Crane, R. 100
Craw, I. 276
Crespi, B. 1274
Cressie, N. 1052
Crevier, D. 727
Criminisi, A. 1380, 1474
Cristobal, G. 1119
Crochemore, M. 1148
Cronin, T. M. 920
Cross, A. D. J. 698, 885
Cross, G. 1313
Crowley, J. L. 309
Crulli, T. 1417
Cruz, I. F. 108
Cruz, J. M. 1286
Cryer, J. E. 1368
Csurka, G. 897, 1269, 1635
Cucchiara, R. 886
Cui, Y. 277
Cuisenaire, O. 942
Culverhouse, P. F. 1435
Cutler, R. 324, 1629
Cutting, J. E. 1511
Cutzu, F. 1401
Czernuszenko, M. 1348
Czumai, A. 1148
Dabis, H. 1444
da Fontoura Costa, L. 627
Dai, S. K. 1259
Dakin, S. C. 1095
Damon, J. 950
Dana, K. J. 1000, 1048, 1066, 1075
Danielsen, H. E. 1087
Daniilidis, K. 668, 674, 1532
Daoudi, M. 1669
DaPonte, J. S. 501
Dar, T. 1601
Dare, V. R. 998
Darrell, T. (J.) 315, 335, 1675
Darsa, L. 647
Dasarathy, B. V. 17
Davatzikos, C. 737
Davidson, J. L. 1052
Davies, E. R. 223
Davis, J. 246
Davis, L. (S.) 324, 334, 1516, 1602,
1629, 1683
Davis, T. J. 931
da Vitoria Lobo, N. 239, 492, 1257
de Agapito, L. 659, 677
de Almeida, A. T. 441, 658
De Backer, S. 1121
de Berg, M. 1464

Debevec, P. 1378
De Bonet, J. S. 1316
Debreuve, E. 823
DeCarlo, D. 312
Declercq, D. 519
De Fanti, T. 1348
de Figuereido, L. H. 1412
de Figuereido, R. J. P. 820
Deguchi, K. 1358
Deguillaume, F. 1614
Delahoche, L. 747
Delamarre, Q. 340
Del Bimbo, A. 71, 262, 537, 550,
567, 1537
Delingette, H. 1400
Dellaert, F. 447
Delp, E. J. 365, 1124
Del Pobil, A. P. 873
Demirdjian, D. 1269, 1621
Deng, Y. 780
Denzler, J. 1671
Der, S. Z. 479
Deriche, R. 1129, 1130, 1609,
1679, 1689
de Rivaz, P. 585
Desai, U. B. 745
Descombes, X. 522, 771, 1064,
1077, 1098
De Soete, G. 189
de St. Germain, H. J. 400
Deussen, O. 224
Deutscher, J. 345
de Vel, O. 281
De Ves, E. 700, 856
Devich, R. N. 1046
Devlaminck, V. 1547
Dey, L. 919
Dhawan, A. P. 1088
Dhome, M. 241
Diallo, M. 887
Daz, M. E. 700, 856
Di Bernardo, E. 341
Dickinson, S. J. 1265, 1434, 1492
Di Gesu, V. 502, 1171
Dimitrova, N. 1660
Dinsmore, J. 535
Dinstein, I. 614
Direne, A. I. 1354
Dischler, J. M. 1045
Dobbins, J. T. 215
Dobmann, G. 389
Doermann, D. 535
Dohi, H. 290
Domenger, J. P. 863
Domingo, J. 700, 856


Donahue, M. J. 1145
Donato, G. 280
Dong, W. 1422
Donner, K. 1510
Dony, R. D. 138
Dor, D. 1140
Dorai, C. 986
Dori, D. 958
Dornaika, F. 1291, 1490
Dougherty, E. R. 36, 115, 131, 132,
613, 1044, 1053, 1059
Dougherty, S. 711
Douglas, S. A. 1013
Doulamis, A. D. 592, 1603
Doulamis, N. D. 592, 1603
Drew, M. S. 1008
Driggers, R. G. 135
Drummond, O. E. 467
Drummond, T. 1682
Du, D. Z. 99
Dubey, A. C. 463
Dubuisson-Jolly, M. P. 1264
Duc, B. 271
Dudek, G. 1147, 1505
Dugad, R. 662
Dugan, R. E. 463
Dugelay, J. L. 594
Dumontier, C. 1618
Duncan, J. 1515
Duncan, J. S. 768
Durbin, F. 1211
Duric, Z. 1515
Durr, C. 884
Duta, N. 360, 1264
Dutre, P. 1028
Dutta Majumdar, D. 1114
Duvdevani-Bar, S. 1430
Dy, J. G. 581
Dyer, C. R. 663
Earnshaw, R. 293
Ebrahim, T. 143
Echigo, T. 589, 1217
Eckert, M. P. 222
Eckhardt, U. 1463
Edelman, S. 167, 1430
Edwards, G. (J.) 299, 300, 328
Efrat, A. 1140
Efros, A. A. 1074
Egger, O. 143
Eickeler, S. 356, 382
Eikvil, L. 423
Eklundh, J. O. 1312
Ekman, P. 280
El Abbadi, A. 540

Elad, M. 1538
El-Bialy, A. 1208
Elenbaas, H. 1660
Elgammal, A. 368
El-Ghazawi, T. 1207
Elmoataz, A. 528
Eng, H. L. 607
Eom, K. B. 499, 1115
Escher, M. 361
Essa, I. A. 234, 1631, 1632
Estevez, L. W. 427
Etoh, M. 1590
Eua-Anant, N. 705
Evans, O. D. 652
Everett, J. O. 195
Ewert, S. 988, 992
Ewins, J. P. 1070
Fablet, R. 1653
Fagin, R. 1143
Fang, M. 1191
Farach-Colton, M. 1141
Farag, A. (A.) 471, 675, 682, 776,
847, 1169, 1203, 1208, 1329,
Farid, H. 1016
Farin, G. 101
Fascioli, A. 415
Fathy, M. 425, 429
Faugeras, O. 61, 75, 340, 897
Faure, F. 1409
Fayman, J. A. 845
Fdez-Valdivia, J. 774
Fdez-Vidal, X. R. 774
Fejes, S. 1602
Feng, G. C. 753
Feng, J. M. 1108
Ferman, A. M. 1610, 1644
Fermin, I. 1664, 1668
Fermuller, C. 1535, 1578, 1628
Fernandez Prieto, D. 500, 513
Fernando, W. A. C. 1657, 1658
Ferraro, M. 709, 811
Ferreira, A. 887, 959
Ferrie, F. P. 849
Fieguth, P. W. 310
Figueiredo, M. A. T. 818
Finlayson, G. (D.) 1002, 1004, 1030
Fischer, D. 1161, 1343
Fischer, S. 271
Fishell, W. G. 466
Fisher, M. 1327
Fisher, R. B. 81, 929, 1402
Fitzgibbon, A. (W.) 929, 1313,


Fleck, M. M. 245
Fleet, D. J. 1634
Fleury, P. 143
Florack, L. (L. M. J.) 622, 1278
Flusser, J. 694, 877, 893
Flynn, A. M. 416
Flynn, P. J. 1452
Fogel, D. B. 178, 184, 193
Forchhammer, S. 1065
Foresti, G. L. 882, 1607
Fornefett, M. 1190
Forsyth, D. (A.) 245, 343, 1017,
Fox, D. 447
Fradkin, M. 1307
Frederix, G. 723, 800
Fredriksson, K. 1174
Freedman, D. 337
Freeman, W. T. 850
Frey, B. (J.) 198, 303, 317, 348, 353,
Friel, N. 748
Frigui, H. 770
Fua, P. 242, 322
Fujiki, J. 1567
Fujimura, K. 1397
Fujiwara, H. 1392
Fukuda, T. 193
Fukui, Y. 1449
Fukushima, S. 821
Funt, B. V. 1035
Furusawa, H. 457
Fusiello, A. 1172
Gabrani, M. 1163
Gage, D. W. 412
Gagliardi, I. 601
Gagvani, N. 1465
Galambos, C. 1236
Gallimore, R. J. 846
Galo, M. 1334
Galvin, B. 1678
Gamba, P. 858
Ganter, M. A. 1437
Gao, J. 763, 833
Gao, Q. 621
Garai, G. 738
Garcia, C. 1490
Garcia, J. A. 774
Garca (-Sevilla), P. 1080, 1101
Garrido, L. 600
Gasieniec, L. 1148
Gatos, B. 1228
Gau, C. J. 1469
Gauch, J. M. 762

Gaucher, L. 1542
Gavrila, D. M. 236, 449
Gdalyahu, Y. 784, 1262
Gee, A. 741
Gee, J. (C.) 1164, 1189
Gehrig, S. K. 460
Geiger, D. 794, 817, 1145,
Geisler, W. 154, 1104
Gelgon, M. 1653
Gelsema, E. S. 182
Geman, D. 1251
Genc, Y. 1304, 1588, 1594
Genello, G. J. 706
Genswein, B. M. A. 1222
Gentili, S. 882
George, M. 1548
Georgiopoulos, M. 1257
Gerdes, V. 1565
Gerhart, G. R. 408
Gersho, A. 634
Gevers, T. 552, 1005
Geyer, C. 674
Gharavi, H. 141
Ghazanfarpour, D. 1045
Ghorbel, F. 1669
Ghosh, J. 154, 1104
Giannitrapani, R. 1507
Giblin, P. (J.) 962, 965, 1557
Gibson, D. 1666
Gibson, J. D. 130
Giese, M. A. 1509
Gil, J. 1480
Gill, M. A. C. 413
Gimelfarb, G. 1062
Giraldo, A. 866
Girard, S. C. 635
Giunta, G. 1526
Glossop, K. 1221
Gluckman, J. 1289
Goldberg, K. 1496
Goldberger, J. 1198
Goldgof, D. (B.) 79, 712, 1579,
Goldman, S. A. 973, 976
Goldstein, S. 1620
Golland, P. 1270
Gomes, J. 647, 1412
Gomez, F. 1481
Goncalves, L. 341
Gong, S. 232, 331, 1003
Gong, Y. 538
Gonsuegra, J. 516
Gonzalez-Linares, J. M. 1253
Goodrich, M. T. 1181


Gordon, G. 315, 335

Gori, M. 428
Goshtasby, A. 252, 1134
Goto, T. 361
Gotsman, C. 633, 653
Goutsias, J. 1067
Govindu, V. 1160, 1184, 1571
Graham, D. B. 302
Granlund, G. H. 842
Gray, R. M. 812
Greenberg, D. P. 106, 1028
Greenshields, I. R. 689
Grimson, W. E. L. 199, 1676
Gross, A. 866
Gruenwald, L. 558
Grupen, R. A. 1450
Gu, Y. H. (I.) 586, 1263
Gualtieri, R. 916
Guan, L. 142, 193, 269
Guerrero, J. J. 1521
Guibas, L. 1201
Guichard, F. 801, 1546
Guiducci, A. 419
Guil, N. 1253
Guimaraes, L. 1133
Gulaev, Y. V. 146
Gunderson, R. W. 408
Gunn, S. R. 692
Guo, A. 1619
Guo, L. 1226, 1227
Guo, Y. 1637
Gupta, N. 868
Haddon, J. 1592
Haering, N. 492, 1624
Haffner, P. 574
Hagedoorn, M. 879, 1144
Hager, G. D. 67
Hager, J. C. 280
Haines, E. 103
Hajjar, A. 769
Halevy, G. 1611
Haley, G. M. 1096
Hall, A. 1155
Hall, P. 892, 928
Hall, P. S. 455
Ham, Y. K. 1438
Hamada, N. 836
Hamamoto, T. 157
Hamann, B. 1406
Hamdan, R. 308
Hamdi, M. 1235
Han, I. 1458
Hancock, E. R. 569, 576, 691, 698,
885, 1173, 1239, 1242, 1267,

1361, 1370, 1373, 1387, 1500,

Handley, J. C. 1053
Hanek, R. 1502
Hanis, A. 1094
Hansell, D. M. 688
Hansen, B. B. 1192
Hansen, M. 1641
Hanson, A. 512
Hanson, K. M. 217
Hanzo, L. 141
Hara, K. 1421
Haralick, R. M. 579, 717, 937,
1238, 1471
Harashima, H. 144, 158, 378
Harding, K. G. 392
Haritaoglu, I. 324
Hart, D. 1028
Hartley, R. I. 659, 677
Hartmann, P. E. 1339
Harvey, J. F. 463
Harvey, R. 1327
Harville, M. 315, 335
Harwin, W. S. 285
Harwood, D. 324
Hasegawa, A. 827
Hasegawa, O. 270
Hasegawa, T. 459, 1421
Haseyama, M. 645
Hasler, D. 1215
Hass, J. 1476
Hata, K. 1590
Hatzinakos, D. 1643
Hauptmann, A. G. 538
Hausler, G. 1425
Hawkes, D. J. 1162, 1473
Hawkins, T. 1378
Hayes III, M. H. 1632
Hayman, E. 659, 677, 1686
He, F. 372
Healey, G. 506, 507, 509, 1024,
Hebert, M. 1194, 1446, 1591
Heidemann, G. 1442
Heigl, B. 678
Heijmans, H. J. A. M. 610, 616
Heitz, F. 308, 1168, 1193, 1617
Hel-Or, Y. 617, 1538
Hemayed, E. (E.) 675, 682, 847
Henderson, T. C. 400
Hendriks, E. 1142
Heng, W. J. 1656
Henshaw, P. F. 881
Herlin, I. 1517
Hero, A. 454


Hero III, A. O. 1076

Hert, S. 1495
Hess, C. 1054
Heyden, A. 673, 1247, 1279, 1306,
1321, 1559, 1563, 1584
Hill, D. L. G. 1162
Hill, T. 1362
Hillebrand, M. 373
Hinton, G. 176
Hirzinger, G. 406
Ho, H. T. 1570
Ho, Y. S. 806
Hoare, E. G. 455
Hodgins, J. K. 288
Hoebeke, M. 796
Hoffman, D. D. 163
Hoffmann, E. 1343
Hofmann, T. 785, 1120
Hogg, T. 1440
Holt, R. J. 669
Holtmann, M. 1056
Honda, H. 645
Hong, H. K. 1363, 1457
Hong, K. S. 517, 670
Hong, P. 352
Hong, Z. 557
Honma, G. 1420
Horaud, R. 661, 1269, 1324, 1459,
Hordley, S. (D.) 1004, 1030
Horii, S. C. 218
Hormigo, J. 1119
Horn, E. 1341
Horn, J. 431
Hornegger, J. 1540
Horng, J. H. 655
Horng, S. J. 765, 939
Horsfield, M. A. 735
Horvitt, M. S. 740
Hoshen, J. 978
Hoshino, J. 1218
Hosoda, K. 417
Hosticka, B. J. 373
Hosur, P. I. 936
Hou, H. T. 917
Hsieh, C. Y. 1084
Hsu, D. Y. 102
Hsu, S. Y. 471
Hsu, T. 1108
Hsu, W. 267
Hu, J. 257, 608
Hu, W. C. 932
Hua, X. 1052
Huang, C. L. 253
Huang, H. Y. 568

Huang, J. 248, 1071
Huang, J. B. 1280
Huang, P. W. 1259
Huang, Q. 1661
Huang, S. C. 915
Huang, T. (S.) 303, 306, 314, 317,
326, 338, 348, 352, 353, 362,
560, 593, 669, 1187, 1663
Hubel, P. M. 1030
Hubert, L. J. 189
Huda, W. 1223
Huet, B. 569, 576, 1267
Hughes, H. C. 148
Hughes, J. 1417
Hughes, S. W. 1473
Hung, Y. P. 112, 1186
Hung, Y. S. 1570
Huntsberger, T. L. 1613
Huseby, R. B. 423
Husoy, J. H. 1103, 1125
Huttenlocher, D. P. 1266, 1447
Huynh, D. Q. 1339, 1382
Hwang, F. 99
Hwang, J. N. 1648
Ibanez, M. V. 260
Ichimura, N. 1636
Ida, T. 834
Idell, P. S. 124
Idris, F. 554
Ieki, T. 597
Iisaku, S. 589, 1217
Ikeuchi, K. 113, 1015, 1018, 1023,
1374, 1386
Illgner, K. 631
Imai, K. 990, 996
Imamura, H. 1333
Imiya, A. 624, 1463, 1664, 1668
Inesta, J. M. 873
Inoue, K. 857, 989, 993, 994
Intille, S. S. 1272, 1623
Ioannou, D. 1223
Ioffe, S. 343, 1592
Ip, H. H. S. 888, 898, 1154
Iqbal, Q. 577
Irani, M. 1530, 1539, 1640
Isard, M. 1200
Isgro, F. 1294, 1566
Ishii, S. 1456
Ishikawa, H. 791, 1298
Ishikawa, S. 624, 1662
Ishizuka, M. 290
Issa, I. 518
Ito, A. 857, 989, 993, 994
Ito, T. 159, 354


Iu, S. 1550
Iurgel, U. 373
Ivanov, Y. A. 332
Iwai, Y. 336

Juditski, A. 1043
Jung, S. H. 446
Jurie, F. 255, 1439, 1461
Justesen, J. 1065

Jacobs, D. 1455
Jacot-Descombes, A. 1614
Jager, S. 208
Jaggi, S. 1252
Jahne, B. 64
Jain, A. (K.) 225, 233, 360, 475,
478, 529, 596, 599, 1264
Jain, R. 1183
James, D. L. 1416
Jang, J. H. 517
Jansing, E. D. 755
Javidi, B. 147
Jebara, T. 1555
Jeffries, M. E. 969
Jelinek, D. 1377
Jennings, N. R. 846
Jeon, B. K. 517
Jeong, S. Y. 1177
Jepson, A. 803
Jerbi, A. 602
Jermyn, I. H. 791
Jetto, L. 432
Ji, L. 824
Ji, Q. 717, 937, 1238, 1471
Jia, J. C. 742
Jiang, X. 1240, 1243, 1336
Jiminez, A. R. 225
Jin, H. 520
Johansson, B. 1311
Johnson, A. 1348
Johnson, A. E. 1152, 1446
Johnson, K. B. 1296
Jojic, N. 198, 326, 804
Jones, D. K. 735
Jones, G. R. 1221
Jones III, G. 473
Jones, J. L. 416
Jones, M. J. 294, 342
Jones, R. 724
Jong, H. H. 819
Jonk, A. 903
Jonsson, H. 972
Jonsson, K. 250, 301
Jordan, B. W. 1406
Joseph, S. H. 1249, 1460
Joshi, R. 65, 404
Joshi, T. 1556
Joskowicz, L. 1601
Juan, F. 380
Juday, R. C. 16

Kachroo, P. 437
Kadar, I. 465
Kahl, F. 676, 1306, 1527, 1559,
1580, 1584
Kailath, T. 1616
Kak, A. 581, 833
Kakadiaris, I. A. 244
Kalai, A. 1310
Kalitzin, S. N. 611
Kalra, P. 291
Kamata, S. 1080
Kambhamettu, C. 782, 1322, 1414,
Kamegaya, A. 604
Kamgar-Parsi, B. 475, 475,
478, 478, 704, 704
Kanade, T. 75, 153, 1165, 1302,
1330, 1544
Kanal, L. 1175
Kanatani, K. 1195
Kanbara, M. 1346
Kaneko, M. 144, 270, 378
Kang, D. J. 756
Kang, E. K. 603
Kang, M. G. 923
Kang, S. B. 1136, 1152
Kankanhalli, M. S. 568
Kanth, K. V. R. 540
Kaplan, L. M. 1126
Kapoutsis, C. A. 1178
Kappers, A. M. L. 1029
Karl, C. 1252
Kashiwagi, H. 1374
Kashyap, R. L. 1654
Kassim, A. A. 1224
Kato, T. 276
Katsaggelos, A. K. 171, 1328
Katsuma, Y. 1333
Katto, J. 1284
Kaufman, A. E. 1408
Kautsky, J. 694
Kawaguchi, T. 1210
Kawamura, E. 1301
Ke, Q. 1582
Kedem, K. 1140
Kehtarnavaz, N. 427
Keller, J. 901
Keller, P. E. 178
Kendall, W. S. 1055
Kenmochi, Y. 351, 377, 1508


Kennedy, L. M. 687
Kerbyson, D. J. 1225
Kerckhove, M. 951
Keren, D. 625, 633, 638
Kerfoot, I. B. 764
Kertesz, M. 1583
Kervrann, C. 796, 1617
Kesidis, A. L. 1234
Kettnaker, V. 1625, 1677
Khalaj, B. H. 1616
Khotanzad, A. 1063, 1069
Kim, C. 1648
Kim, D. 1399
Kim, I. C. 1177
Kim, J. 1399, 1522
Kim, J. H. 279
Kim, K. J. 923
Kim, R. C. 1177
Kim, S. J. 603
Kim, T. 496
Kim, W. S. 657
Kim, W. Y. 900
Kim, Y. 214, 652
Kim, Y. S. 900
Kim, Z. W. 732
Kimia, B. B. 559, 783, 859, 962,
964, 965
Kimura, M. 1330
Kimura, S. 1301
King, I. 1139
Kingsbury, N. 585
Kinoshita, H. 604
Kirkpatrick, A. E. 1013
Kiryati, N. 1341, 1353, 1383
Kitajima, H. 645
Kitamura, T. 358
Kitaoka, Y. 1333
Kittler, J. 250, 301, 570, 1236,
1433, 1444
Klausmann, P. 468
Klein, L. A. 66
Kleinberg, J. 1477
Klette, R. 875
Ko, H. S. 243, 1399
Kobatake, H. 821
Kobayasi, M. 1037
Kobbelt, L. 926
Koch, R. 649, 678, 1196, 1319,
Kodama, K. 1206
Koenderink, J. (J.) 1000, 1029,
1047, 1048, 1066
Kohlhepp, P. 1161, 1343
Kollias, S. D. 592, 1603
Kompatsiaris, I. 1649, 1652

Kondo, T. 258
Kong, T. Y. 1469
Konishi, S. 713
Konrad, J. 1606, 1647
Kornprobst, P. 1609
Kosaka, A. 833
Kosecka, J. 435, 1595
Kossentini, F. 602
Koster, K. 494
Kosugi, Y. 815
Kotani, K. 351, 377, 1508
Kou, C. N. 1168
Kourogi, M. 1218
Koutroubas, K. 192
Kouzani, A. Z. 350, 372
Kovacevic, J. 870
Kovalev, V. A. 1097
Kranenburg, C. 711
Kraus, S. 975
Kreucher, C. 434, 452
Kriegman, D. 366
Krim, H. 641, 1043
Krishnapuram, R. 754, 770, 901
Kroschel, K. 468
Kruggel, F. 771
Kruizinga, P. 1100
Krumm, J. 1025, 1633
Krupinski, E. A. 219
Ku, C. H. 442
Kuba, A. 1466
Kubota, A. 1206
Kudo, M. 922
Kujawinska, M. 387
Kulkarni, S. R. 590
Kumar, K. S. 745
Kumar, R. 1180, 1637
Kumar, S. 298
Kumar, V. 285
Kumaran, K. 817
Kundur, S. R. 1553
Kunt, M. 143
Kuo, C. C. J. 533, 573, 588, 1422
Kuo, C. H. 813
Kuo, C. J. 379
Kuo, E. 1397
Kuo, J. L. 1108
Kuosmanen, P. 1209
Kurata, T. 1218
Kurgollus, F. 759, 831
Kurokawa, M. 589
Kuroki, K. 1390
Kurosawa, K. 1390
Kurozumi, T. 351
Kurumi, S. 1598
Kuryllos, K. 81


Kurz, L. 706
Kutics, A. 597
Kutulakos, K. N. 1418, 1577, 1586
Kuyel, T. 154, 1104
Kwang, H. L. 284
Kweon, I. S. 756, 1293
Kwok, S. H. 744
Kwon, O. K. 1176, 1213
Kwon, Y. H. 239
Kyatkin, A. B. 1138
Kyriakopoulos, K. J. 426
La Cascia, M. 305, 541
Lagarias, J. C. 1476
Lagunovsky, D. 758
Lai, C. C. 1122
Lai, G. C. 820
Lai, K. F. 263, 557
Lai, S. H. 623, 1191
Laine, A. F. 122, 1223
Lakamper, R. 874
Lakshmanan, S. 434, 452, 454
Lamba, H. S. 846
Lambert, P. 518, 1009
Lamiraux, F. 981
Lammasniemi, J. 389
Lan, Z. 1493
Lane, D. M. 1367, 1475
Lanitis, A. 327
Large, E. (W.) 418, 1620
Lesenby, J. 876
Last, G. 1056
Latecki, L. J. 35, 866, 874
Laumond, J. P. 981, 982
Laurent, P. 938
Laurentini, A. 1482, 1504
Laurgeau, C. 1331
Lauterbur, P. C. 133
Lavialle, O. 521
Le, H. 1485
Le, S. U. 1010
Le Coat, F. 1211
Lecroq, T. 1148
Lee, C. H. 498
Lee, C. Y. 947
Lee, D. H. 1177, 1293
Lee, H. 1489
Lee, H. K. 279
Lee, J. 320
Lee, K. M. 808
Lee, M. C. 1139
Lee, M. S. 728, 1320
Lee, R. S. T. 495
Lee, S. 1091
Lee, S. H. 1355, 1457

Lee, S. K. 1355
Lee, S. L. 924
Lee, S. S. 765
Lee, S. U. 551, 808, 1177, 1458
Lee, S. W. 209, 210, 1031, 1032,
Lee, Y. H. 939
Leedan, Y. 1304
Lehel, P. 847
Lei, Y. 889, 918
Leighton, T. 1477
Leite, N. J. 828
Leloglu, U. M. 1307
Le Moigne, J. 1134, 1159, 1185
Lemos, J. M. 1690, 1693
Leondes, C. 190
Lester, H. 1166
Leuck, H. 445
Leung, C. 536
Leung, C. T. 287
Leung, T. (K.) 792, 1074, 1105
Levasle, F. 241
Levienaise-Obadia, B. 741
Levin, A. 1415
Levinson, S. 1663
Lew, M. S. 1187
Lewis, T. 953
Lhuillier, M. 1305
Li, C. S. 537, 544
Li, F. 946
Li, J. 510, 812, 1422
Li, K. 949, 1235
Li, L. 933
Li, S. 267, 421
Li, S. Z. 273, 799
Li, X. 779
Li, Y. 943, 944, 1573, 1643
Li, Z. 1670
Li, Z. N. 564, 1008, 1273
Liang, B. 1338
Liang, J. 793
Liang, K. C. 573
Liang, K. H. 710
Liang, Z. P. 133, 314
Liao, C. W. 722
Lichtenbelt, B. 100
Liebowitz, D. 672
Lien, C. C. 253
Lilien, R. H. 1447
Lim, C. W. 923
Lim, D. K. 806
Lim, J. 1650
Lin, C. F. 1344
Lin, C. H. 272
Lin, C. Y. 1344


Lin, H. C. 548
Lin, J. Y. 1280
Lin, M. H. 1639
Lin, P. L. 1259
Lin, R. 530
Lin, S. 1031, 1032
Lin, T. G. 379
Lin, X. 1581
Lin, Y. 1550
Lindbergh, D. 130
Lindeberg, T. 685, 686
Lindenbaum, M. 725, 983, 1250
Lindquist, W. B. 773
Lingrand, D. 1513
Lintermann, B. 224
Liotta, G. 108
Lisboa, P. J. G. 1221
Lister, P. F. 1070
Little, J. J. 1359
Liu, A. 422
Liu, C. 304
Liu, F. 1510
Liu, J. 134, 763, 772, 1089, 1131
Liu, J. N. K. 495
Liu, L. 777
Liu, M. L. 1487
Liu, Q. 1663
Liu, S. 1619
Liu, T. L. 1145, 1197
Liu, W. 958
Liu, X. 381, 1073
Liu, Y. 880, 1541, 1600
Liu, Z. 1661
Liu, Z. Q. 1360
Livens, S. 1050
Lloyd, J. E. 403
Lo, Y. S. 830
Lobb, R. 1411
Lombardi, L. 858
Longhi, S. 432
Longuet, B. 1503
Lookabaugh, T. 130
Loop, C. 1297
Lopez, A. M. 708
Lopez-Orozco, J. A. 1286
Lopresti, D. P. 200
Lorei, M. 453
Lorente, L. 369, 375
Lorette, A. 522
Lourakis, M. I. A. 1536
Lowe, D. G. 403, 1448, 1454
Lozano-Perez, T. 199
Lu, H. 1619
Lu, H. B. 1659
Lu, J. 273, 799, 1359

Lu, R. 1029
Lu, Y. C. 957
Lucchese, L. 832, 1214
Lumbreras, F. 708
Lumelsky, V. 1495
Luo, B. 698
Luthon, F. 1618
Luttin, J. 301
Lyons, M. J. 283
Ma, B. 454
Ma, H. 134
Ma, K. K. 607, 936
Ma, S. D. 630, 1167
Ma, T. 767
Ma, Y. 435, 1595
Maas, R. 622, 1278, 1295
MacCormick, J. 1200, 1688
MacLean, W. J. 1545
Macq, B. 140, 942
Maeda, J. 589, 829, 1111, 1133
Maeder, A. J. 222
Magnenat-Thalmann, N. 291, 361
Mahamud, S. 789, 1591
Mahzoor, M. R. 1522
Maitre, H. 493, 1307
Malassiotis, S. 1403
Malgouyres, R. 1468, 1488
Malik, J. 792, 1105, 1378
Malis, E. 401
Mallat, S. (G). 1252, 1379
Mandal, M. K. 542, 554
Mandelbaum, R. 1589
Manduchi, R. 795, 1106
Manjunath, B. S. 780, 1096, 1453
Mann, R. 803
Manning, R. A. 663
Mansouri, A. R. 1647
Mantiuk, R. 527
Manzanera, A. 1503
Marchand, E. 838, 843, 1685, 1692
Marchand-Maillet, S. 940
Marcotegui, B. 807
Marengoni, M. 512
Markhauser, C. 142
Markosian, L. 1417
Maron, O. 199
Marques, F. 367
Marques, J. S. 1690, 1693
Marsic, I. 1434
Marszalec, E. 388
Martino, J. 1660
Marugame, A. 1284
Maruyama, M. 1598
Marzetta, T. L. 1231


Mascia, U. 1526
Mason, C. L. 846
Masten, M. K. 461
Masuda, H. 159
Matas, J. 250, 301, 1236
Matei, B. 1534
Mathias, H. D. 973, 976
Matsakis, P. 979
Matsopoulos, G. K. 1085, 1092
Matsui, K. 815
Matsuzawa, Y. 825
Maxwell, B. A. 77
Maybank, S. J. 664
Mayer, H. 491
Mayoraz, E. 274
McCane, B. 1678
McGuire, M. 1185
McInerney, T. 793
McKee, G. T. 47
McKenna, S. J. 232, 1003
McNeill, D. 231
Mecke, J. 1058
Medasani, S. 754, 901
Medioni, G. 722, 728, 1290, 1303,
1320, 1352, 1542, 1680
Meer, P. 805, 1304, 1534
Mehlhorn, K. 107
Mehrotra, R. 1529
Mehtre, B. M. 568
Meier, T. 826
Meijering, E. H. W. 643, 644
Meloche, J. 450
Melter, R. A. 35
Memin, E. 1638
Mendelsohn, J. 668
Mendonca, P. R. S. 665, 1288
Menegaz, G. 1419
Menser, B. 370
Merhav, N. 615
Meribout, M. 761
Mericsko, R. J. 8
Messer, K. 570
Messmer, B. T. 1241
Metaxas, D. 244, 312, 325, 1385,
Meyer, F. 807
Meyers, B. 1633
Miao, J. 256
Miccio, C. 242
Mich, O. 561
Mignotte, M. 731
Miguet, S. 650
Miike, H. 1520, 1523
Milanese, R. 563, 1614
Milanfar, P. 1524, 1615

Milisavljevic, N. 469
Miller, D. 292
Miller, D. J. 634
Miller, E. G. 1462
Miller, E. L. 703
Miller, J. W. V. 393
Miller, R. 525
Milun, E. H. 943, 944
Mindru, F. 1021
Mingolla, E. 1123
Mirmehdi, M. 1444
Mirtich, B. V. 1496
Mitchell, J. S. B. 1181
Mitra, S. 191
Mitra, S. K. 832
Mitsunaga, T. 1022
Mitter, S. 726, 925, 1179
Miyake, Y. 1034
Miyamori, H. 589, 1217
Miyata, K. 1034
Moccozet, L. 291
Modena, C. M. 561
Moghaddam, B. 344
Mohammad-Djafari, A. 36
Moisan, S. 839
Mojsilovic, A. 608, 1110
Mokadem, A. 1669
Mokhtarian, F. 582
Molchanov, I. S. 748, 892, 1044
Moller, T. 103
Monga, O. 683
Montano, L. 1276
Montesinos, P. 683
Montiel, J. M. M. 984, 1276
Montrucchio, B. 1090
Moons, T. 1021
Moore, D. J. 1632
Moore, J. B. 156
Moravec, K. 1327
Mordonini, M. 428
Moreau, V. 1685, 1692
Morel, J. M. 1001
Mori, K. 226
Mori, S. 211
Moriarty, T. 776
Morishima, S. 363
Morita, K. 3, 990, 996
Morris, R. D. 1064
Morse, B. S. 1192
Mortensen, E. N. 781
Moses, Y. 1429
Moss, S. 1173, 1500
Mostafa, M. G. (H.) 470, 1329,
Motsch, J. 1645


Mouaddib, E. 747
Mount, D. M. 35, 1159
Mountain, D. 293
Moura, J. M. F. 1575, 1599
Mudenagudi, U. 1317
Mukai, T. 1585
Mukawa, N. 597
Mukherjee, D. P. 1114
Mukundan, R. 871
Mulder, N. J. 701
Mulier, F. 194
Muller, F. 631
Muller, J. P. 496
Muller, S. 356, 382, 383
Mumford, D. 1071
Mun, S. K. 214
Munger, A. 1243
Munoz, A. 681
Muraoka, Y. 1218
Murino, V. 1507
Murphy, K. P. 310, 323
Murphy, R. R. 80, 436
Murray, D. W. 1300, 1686
Murthy, C. N. S. G. 1149
Musse, O. 1193
Mustafa, A. A. Y. 1437
Myung, Y. C. 1363
Naemura, T. 144, 158, 378
Nagata, R. 1210
Nagel, H. H. 240, 445
Nagy, G. 212
Naher, S. 107
Nakajima, M. 289, 597
Nakamura, A. 3, 991, 997
Nakamura, T. 457
Nakanishi, M. 761
Nakano, K. 1301
Nakaue, H. 458
Nam, Y. 284
Nandy, D. 307, 702
Nappi, M. 556
Naqvi, S. 100
Narasimhan, S. G. 1384
Nardelli, E. 1049
Nartker, T. A. 212
Nasrabadi, N. M. 171, 477, 479
Navab, N. 1502
Nayar, S. (K.) 155, 667, 715, 1000,
1022, 1066, 1075, 1289, 1384
Nebel, B. 970
Neira, J. 431, 984
Nelson, B. 398
Nelson, R. C. 1428
Nesi, P. 399

Netanyahu, N. S. 1159
Netravali, A. N. 669
Neumann, H. 848
Nevatia, R. 510, 732, 1369
Newman, R. A. 840, 841
Neyret, F. 1072
Ng, K. O. 1271
Ng, L. 1549
Ngan, K. N. 826, 1656
Ngo, C. W. 263, 1622
Ngoi, K. P. 742
Nguyen, H. T. 734
Nicolas, H. 1219, 1645, 1655
Nielsen, M. 1278
Niem, W. 1275
Niemann, H. 678, 1671
Niessen, W. (J.) 622, 643, 644, 1278
Niijima, K. 515
Nikita, K. S. 1085, 1092
Nilsson, B. J. 972
Nippe, M. 1486
Nishida, H. 211, 854
Nishihara, I. 606
Nishino, K. 113, 1023
Nishizawa, H. 827
Nissoux, C. 982
Nivat, M. 3
Nornoha, S. 510
North, B. 345, 1667
Noumier, R. 1366
Novianto, S. 829, 1133
Novins, K. 1678
Nowak, R. D. 818
Nystrom, I. 1484
Obi, T. 827
OBrien, J. F. 288
OConnor, N. 1646
Oddo, S. 1123
Oe, S. 357, 1118
Ogaki, K. 336
OGorman, L. 4
Ogura, T. 761
Oh, G. 1091
Oh, I. S. 264
Oh, W. 773
Ohkubo, A. 515
Ohkura, K. 827
Ohnishi, N. 1585
Ohno, H. 330
Ohser, J. 1486
Ohta, M. 1284, 1642
Ohta, N. 1195
Ohtsuka, Y. 157
Ohya, J. 297


Ohyama, N. 827
Ojala, T. 1116
Okatani, T. 1358
Okazaki, K. 1522
Okazaki, T. 989, 993, 994
Olariu, S. 530
Oliensis, J. 680, 1554, 1571, 1576,
1588, 1594
Oliva, A. 851
Olson, C. F. 1220, 1447
Omatu, S. 883
Ong, E. P. 1514
Ong, S. 524
Ooi, R. 157
Orenstein, B. J. 846
Orletsky, M. W. 1181
Orphanoudakis, S. (C.) 1254, 1536
Ortmann, W. 1170
Oskarsson, M. 1584
Osman, E. 1432
Osten, W. 387
Ostermann, J. 292
Ostrowski, J. P. 446
OToole, A. J. 251
Ouali, M. 1331
Ouerfelli, M. 285
Owen, J. C. 400
Owens, R. 953
Owens, R. A. 1339
Ozawa, S. 349, 430, 459
Pae, S. 1501
Pahor, V. 355
Pai, D. K. 1416
Pajares, G. 1286
Pal, D. K. 403
Pal, S. K. 191
Pala, P. 550, 566
Palagyi, K. 1466
Palaniappan, R. 883
Palmer, M. S. 235
Palmer, P. L. 1444
Palmer, S. E. 168
Pan, H. 314
Pan, X. 1367, 1475
Pan, Y. 381, 949, 1235
Panchanathan, S. 533, 542, 554
Pandit, M. 1132, 1389
Pandzic, I. S. 292
Pankanti, S. 233
Pao, H. K. 794, 817
Papadourakis, G. 1254
Papageorgiou, C. 346, 374
Papamarkos, N. 1234
Papanikolopoulos, N. 398

Pappas, T. N. 160
Paquet, E. 549
Paragios, N. 1129, 1130, 1679,
Parikh, J. A. 501
Park, I. K. 551, 808
Park, K. T. 923
Park, M. C. 378
Park, R. H. 695, 699, 1176, 1177,
1213, 1438
Park, S. H. 243
Park, S. K. 16
Parker, M. J. 268
Parvin, B. 1398
Pasamarkos, N. 1228
Paschos, G. 1127
Pasqual, A. 1691
Pasztor, E. C. 850
Pau, L. F. 63
Pauwels, E. J. 723, 800
Pavlidis, T. 957
Pavlovic, V. 317, 323
Pearce, A. R. 1137
Peckar, W. 1157
Pedersini, F. 648, 1391
Pegard, C. 747
Pei, S. C. 655, 830, 1011
Pekau, H. 1372
Peleg, S. 1299, 1543
Pelillo, M. 1245
Peng, J. 543
Peng, L. 910
Penna, M. A. 1605
Pentland, A. 333, 422, 1555
Perantonis, S. T. 1228
Pereira, F. 1646
Pereira Bellon, O. R. 1354
Perera, A. 637
Perez, P. 514, 731, 797, 1638
Peri, V. 155
Perona, P. 341, 1375
Perry, B. 535
Pesaresi, M. 1107
Peterfreund, N. 1665, 1673,
Peters, G. 694
Petitjean, S. 109, 497
Petkov, N. 1100
Petrou, M. 1080, 1097, 1101
Pham, B. 222
Pham, D. L. 752
Pham, D. T. 1345
Phillips, P. J. 62, 74
Philomin, V. 449
Phokoufandeh, A. 1434


Piamsa-nga, P. 587
Piater, J. H. 736, 1450
Piccardi, M. 886
Piccarreta, L. 1391
Pieczynski, W. 810
Pietikainen, M. 1116
Pighin, F. 329
Pilu, M. 929, 1402
Pilutti, T. 439
Pina, A. 111
Pinz, A. 1292
Pippenger, N. 1476
Pirjanian, P. 845
Pissaloux, E. E. 1211
Pitas, I. 286, 1178, 1445
Pito, R. 844
Pizlo, Z. 1268
Pla, F. 424
Plandowski, W. 1148
Plataniotis, K. N. 539
Pless, R. 1535, 1627
Poggio, T. 76, 346, 374
Pok, G. 1131
Pollefeys, M. 649, 656, 678, 1319,
Polzleitner, W. 389
Pomerleau, D. 1165
Ponce, J. 1304, 1501, 1556
Pong, T. C. 1622
Pons, J. L. 225
Popovic, Z. 318
Porquet, C. 528
Portilla, J. 1106
Portillo-Garcia, J. 1332
Posa, F. 480
Postaire, J. G. 1281
Pratt, I. 911
Preetham, A. J. 1026
Preteux, F. 36, 1098, 1503
Price, T. 251
Priddy, K. L. 178
Prince, J. L. 737, 752
Proesmans, M. 1196
Proietti, G. 853, 1049
Prosperi, A. 1038
Provost, J. N. 514
Psaltis, D. 147
Psarrou, A. 232, 331
Pung, H. K. 267
Puzicha, J. 584, 785, 1113, 1120
Pycock, D. 968
Pylyshyn, Z. 170
Qian, G. 1596
Qian, K. 948

Qian, R. 1624
Qian, Y. 852
Qing, S. 543
Qiu, M. 444
Qjidaa, H. 934
Qu, R. 636
Quan, L. 1305, 1306, 1314, 1493
Quinn, A. 1078
Qumsieh, A. 1147
Ra, J. B. 1410, 1650
Racky, J. 1132, 1389
Radke, R. 1217
Radouane, L. 934
Raghavan, V. V. 571
Raghuthama, S. 1404
Rahimi, A. 335
Raja, Y. 1003
Rajagopalan, A. N. 451, 1335,
1337, 1347, 1349
Rajpal, N. 1256
Ralescu, A. L. 114, 750
Ramadge, P. (J.) 590, 1217
Ramakrishnan, K. 871
Ramamoorthi, R. 1351
Ramella, G. 1396
Ramos, P. 1481
Randen, T. 1103, 1125
Rander, P. 1544
Ranguelova, E. 1078
Rao, A. V. 634
Ratan, A. L. 199
Ratha, N. K. 529
Rau-Chaplin, A. 525, 887
Rauh, N. 908
Raveendran, P. 883
Raviv, D. 1553
Redert, A. 1142
Reed, M. K. 1342
Rees, D. 1440, 1672
Refregier, P. 775
Regazzoni, C. S. 605
Rehg, J. M. 294, 310, 313, 323,
Reid, I. 677, 1380, 1474
Renz, J. 970
Reutter, J. Y. 369
Revenu, M. 528
Ribeiro, E. 1506
Rice, S. V. 212
Rigoll, G. 356, 382, 383
Rikert, T. D. 342
Riklin-Raviv, T. 316
Rioux, M. 549
Riseman, E. (M.) 512, 736, 1326


Ritter, D. 1425
Ritter, H. 1442
Rittscher, J. 339
Rives, G. 241
Rivlin, E. 420, 440, 845, 1528,
Rizvi, S. A. 479
Ro, Y. M. 595
Roberto, V. 1172
Robertson, P. 999
Robey, M. 1432
Robins, G. 1082
Robinson, B. L. 1082
Robinson, J. A. 138
Robinson, T. 1470
Rodrigues, M. A. 872, 880, 1541,
Rodriguez Pineda, M. A. 1483
Rodriguez-Sanchez, R. 774
Rogowitz, B. E. 160
Rohr, K. 690, 1157, 1190
Ronse, C. 616
Rosales, R. 311
Rose, K. 594, 634
Rosenbloom, A. 105
Rosenfeld, A. 82, 535, 704, 995,
1150, 1515
Rosin, P. L. 684, 719, 907, 1497
Rossignac, J. 1407
Roth, G. 70
Roth, V. 555
Rotstein, H. 440
Roux, M. 1307
Rowley, H. A. 1165
Roy, A. 919
Roy, S. D. 444
Rubin, N. 794, 817
Rubner, Y. 583, 584
Rudin, L. 1546
Ruf, A. 661, 1324
Ruff, C. F. 1473
Rui, Y. 560, 593, 1663
Ruicheck, Y. 1281
Ruiz, J. 380
Runkle, P. 474
Russell, P. C. 1221
Rusu, C. 1209
Ruzon, M. A. 714, 716
Rytter, W. 1148
Ryu, B. S. 438
Saab, Y. 985
Saad, D. 175
Saber, E. 598
Sadjadi, F. A. 464

Sadler, B. M. 707
Saeyor, S. 290
Safranek, R. J. 608
Saga, S. 829
Sagerer, G. 1442
Sague s, C. 1521
Saito, H. 349, 1302, 1330
Saito, M. 1374
Saito, N. 1232
Saito, Y. 377
Saitoh, N. 1390
Sakai, Y. 606
Sakalli, M. 257
Sakauchi, M. 520, 1212
Sakaue, K. 629
Sakkalis, T. 906
Sakurai, T. 1520, 1523
Salden, A. H. 1467
Salembier, P. 600, 1646
Salesin, D. H. 329
Salgian, G. 1589
Samaras, D. 1385
Sambonsugi, Y. 834
Sammut, K. 372
Samson, C. 786
Sanchez, J. 489
Sanchiz, J. M. 424
Sand, F. 1059
Sanderson, A. C. 65, 404
Sandin, D. 1348
Sandoval, F. 1258
Sankur, B. 759, 831
Sanna, A. 1090
Sanniti di Baja, G. 1, 1396, 1484
Sanson, H. 1669
Santini, S. 566, 1183
Santos Conde, J. E. 373
Sanubari, J. 1079
Sanz, P. J. 873
Sapiro, G. 640, 1014
Sarkar, D. 868
Sarkar, S. 79, 720, 1608
Sarti, A. 648, 1391
Sastry, S. (S.) 435, 1595
Sathananthan, S. 142
Sato, I. 1015, 1018, 1386
Sato, J. 1285, 1552, 1562
Sato, Y. 113, 1015, 1018, 1023,
1374, 1386
Saund, E. 729, 787
Sawazaki, S. 1522
Sawhney, H. (S.) 1180, 1589, 1637
Sayood, K. 129
Sbaiz, L. 1215
Schechner, Y. Y. 1353, 1383


Schenker, P. S. 47
Scherer, S. 1292
Schettini, R. 601, 1006
Scheunders, P. 1050, 1099, 1121
Schiele, B. 333
Schilz, T. 107
Schirra, S. 107
Schmalz, M. S. 123
Schmid, C. 1451
Schmidt, G. 431
Schmitt, F. 1151
Schnabel, J. A. 861
Schnorr, C. 1157
Schonhut, J. 999
Schroder, K. 938
Schroder, P. 926
Schultz, H. 1326
Schulz, T. J. 124
Schweitzer, H. 553, 580, 802
Schwing, J. L. 530
Sclaroff, S. 305, 311, 541, 777
Scott, C. 149
Seel, M. 107
Segawa, H. 1630
Segen, J. 298
Seidel, R. 107
Seiger, B. A. 416
Seitz, S. M. 1418, 1499
Seitz, S. S. 1310
Sejnowski, T. J. 176, 280
Sekhavat, S. 981
Selinger, A. 1428
Semual, S. K. 268
Seo, Y. 670
Ser, P. K. 1246
Seron, F. J. 111
Serpico, S. B. 481, 487
Serra Alvarez, J. R. 1117
Serrat, J. 708
Sethi, B. S. 1082
Sethi, I. K. 266, 572
Sethi, S. 541
Sezan, I. 1624
Shah, M. 246, 1257, 1368, 1371
Shakunaga, T. 1346
Shamir, J. 1383
Shanahan, J. G. 750
Shanmukh, K. 1149
Shao, J. 1156
Shao, Z. 1433
Shapiro, L. G. 545, 1437, 1471
Shapiro, V. 1404
Sharaiha, Y. M. 940
Sharir, M. 971
Sharuit, D. 559

Shashua, A. 316, 1287, 1533, 1569,

1626, 1687
Shekhar, C. 839, 1160, 1184
Shelton, C. R. 76
Shen, D. 888, 898, 1154
Shen, L. 256
Shepp, L. A. 1231
Sheu, B. J. 137
Sheu, H. T. 932
Shi, B. E. 618
Shi, H. 125
Shi, J. 792
Shi, M. 1619
Shih, F. Y. 891
Shiji, A. 836
Shim, J. C. 986
Shimbo, M. 922
Shimojo, M. 1449
Shimshoni, I. 420, 1427, 1528
Shin, H. 780
Shin, M. C. 712
Shin, S. Y. 320, 1091
Shinbo, T. 1301
Shinohara, M. 1449
Shinza, Y. 351
Shirani, S. 602
Shirley, P. 1026
Shoemaker, C. M. 408
Shokoufandeh, A. 1265
Shpilman, R. 1230
Shroff, H. 956
Shufelt, J. A. 504, 1491
Shum, H. Y. 1309, 1310, 1582, 1593
Shyu, C. 581
Shyu, H. C. 498
Si, D. 896
Siddans, A. 1221
Siddiqi, K. 730, 855, 859, 961, 966,
1245, 1265
Sidiropoulos, N. D. 1060
Siebert, A. 902
Sigelle, M. 1098
Silva, L. 1354
Silver, D. 1465
Sim, D. G. 1176, 1177, 1213
Sim, R. 1505
Simmons, A. 735
Simo, A. 260, 700, 856
Simon, G. 497
Sina, S. 975
Singh, A. 540
Sinha, D. 12
Sinozaki, T. 1210
Siromoney, R. 998, 1470
Sista, S. 1654


Siu, W. C. 1237, 1246

Sivagurunath, M. 1128
Sivakumar, K. 1067
Siyal, M. Y. 425, 429
Skomorowski, M. 757
Slater, D. 506, 509
Small, C. G. 1485
Smeulders, A. (W. M.) 552, 903,
Smith, G. 1362
Smith, J. R. 544
Smith, M. L. 1083, 1362
Smith, P. W. 1296
Smits, B. 1026
Smits, P. C. 503
Snoeyink, J. 945
Soatto, S. 1595
Socas, R. 380
Socolinsky, D. A. 1020
Soga, M. 1551
Soille, P. 609
Soldatini, F. 605
Soldek, J. 527
Solo, V. 1549
Solomon, S. S. 393
Sommer, G. 1532
Song, K. T. 443
Song, Y. 341
Song, Y. W. 718
Spann, M. 494, 1514, 1666
Sparavigna, A. 1090
Sparr, G. 1279, 1563
Spencer, R. 139
Sporring, J. 1102
Srakaew, S. 587
Sramok, M. 1408
Sridhar, B. 1572
Srinivasan, C. 1529
Srinivasan, S. 1587, 1596
Stam, J. 1027
Stark Jr., S. R. 400
Stark, L. 68
Starovoitov, V. 1171
Stauder, J. 1655
Stauffer, C. 1676, 1681
Stefanidis, A. 562
Steger, C. 788
Stein, F. J. 460
Stein, G. P. 1569, 1674
Stevanovic, N. 373
Stevens, S. 535
Stevenson, R. L. 116
Stewart, C. V. 628, 637
Stewart Bartlett, M. 280
Stiehl, H. S. 1157, 1190

Stiller, C. 453, 1606

Stockman, G. 68
Stockmeyer, L. 1143
Stockum, L. A. 461
Stoica, R. 1077
Stolle, F. 1326
Stone, H. S. 1185
Strauss, O. 1229
Stringa, E. 605
Strintzis, M. G. 1403, 1649, 1652
Studholme, C. 1162
Sturm, P. F. 664
Su, H. J. 917
Subirana-Vilanova, J. B. 1117
Subramanian, K. G. 998, 1470
Subramanya, S. R. 587
Suen, P. H. 1051
Suenaga, Y. 72
Suesse, H. 930, 1170
Sugihara, K. 1394
Sugimoto, N. 1568
Sull, S. 1572
Sullivan, J. 1200
Sun, C. 896
Sun, Y. N. 915
Sung, E. 265
Sunwoo, M. H. 524
Suri, S. 976
Suthaharan, S. 142
Suzuki, M. 1041
Suzuki, Y. 829, 1133
Svensson, S. 1396
Svestka, P. 1464
Swami, A. 707
Swaminathan, R. 667
Swets, D. L. 575
Syeda-Mahmood, T. (F.) 578, 1112
Syin, C. 557
Szeliski, R. 329, 1270, 1309, 1323,
1325, 1574
Sziranyi, T. 1094
Szu, H. H. 118
Tadayun, N. 571
Tagare, H. D. 767
Tajima, J. 1036
Takahashi, E. 1039
Takala, J. H. 941
Takatsuka, M. 1350
Takeshima, H. 1691
Takeuchi, K. 158
Takeuchi, S. 1216
Talhami, H. 1440
Tamaki, H. 976
Tammassia, R. 108


Tamura, S. 1522
Tan, J. K. 1662
Tan, K. H. 1224
Tan, S. T. 1413
Tan, T. 269, 371, 1224
Tan, Y. P. 590
Tang, B. 640
Tang, C. K. 1320, 1352
Tang, W. 293
Tang, Y. Y. 134, 210, 772
Taniguchi, H. 457
Tanimoto, S. L. 78
Tannenbaum, A. 859, 963, 966
Tao, H. 306
Tapamo, J. R. 743
Tarcia, L. J. 1332
Tardos, J. D. 431, 984
Tarel, J. P. 801, 935, 1135
Tarr, M. (J.) 169, 1401
Tasdizen, T. 935
Tauber, Z. 564
Taycher, L. 541
Taylor, C. (J.) 299, 300, 327, 328,
446, 862, 1155, 1377
Tecchiolli, G. 1274
Teixeira, M. D. 828
Tek, H. 559, 783, 964
Tekalp, A. M. 598, 1610, 1644
Teller, S. 508
Teo, P. 1538
Teo, P. C. 617
Teoh, E. K. 693, 898
Terada, K. 357
Terashima, N. 1216
ter Haar Romeny, B. M. 611, 1278,
1295, 1467
Terzopoulos, D. 227, 793
Tescher, A. G. 34
Teuner, A. 373
Tewfik, A. H. 813
Thai, B. 507, 1024
Theodoridis, S. 192
Thevenaz, P. 646
Thiran, J. P. 1419
Thomas, D. G. 998
Thomas, J. I. 1554
Thompson, S. F. 995
Thompson, W. B. 400, 1512
Thonnes, E. 1055
Thoraval, L. 308
Thorhallsson, T. 1300, 1686
Thornber, K. (K.) 789, 904
Thrun, S. 447
Tian, G. Y. 1002
Tico, M. 1209

Tieng, Q. M. 1111
Tin, S. 150
Tissot, A. 1211
Tjahjadi, T. 586, 710, 1263, 1548
Tobin, K. W. 384
Toga, A. W. 1498
Tokuda, K. 358, 1079
Tomasi, C. 583, 584, 714, 716,
1318, 1531, 1540
Tominaga, H. 1216
Tominaga, S. 1039
Tomita, A. 589
Tong, F. 1273
Tong, R. 654
Toraichi, K. 924
Toriwaki, J. 226
Torr, P. H. S. 1325, 1558
Torralba, A. B. 851
Torreao, J. R. A. 1365
Torres, L. 369, 375
Torrieri, D. 477
Tortora, G. 556
Tosh, L. 1435
Totsuka, T. 1630
Toussaint, G. 1481
Toyama, J. 922
Toyama, K. 1633
Tozzi, C. L. 1334
Tretiak, O. J. 1163
Triggs, B. 671, 1315, 1580
Trubuil, A. 796
Trucco, E. 388, 399, 1172, 1294,
1338, 1518, 1566
Trussell, H. J. 1012
Tsai, A. 790, 816
Tsai, C. J. 1328
Tsai, D. M. 894, 917, 1084
Tsai, H. R. 765
Tsai, P. S. 1368
Tsai, W. H. 442, 1494
Tsai, Y. H. 864
Tsang, K. M. 1248
Tsang, S. H. 455
Tsao, T. 1175
Tsap, L. V. 1608
Tse, D. 1043
Tselioudis, G. 501
Tseng, D. C. 1122
Tseng, H. Y. 894
Tsin, Y. 666
Tsotsos, J. K. 837, 1492
Tsui, H. T. 1111
Tsuji, S. 421
Tsukada, M. 1036
Tu, F. W. 1248


Tu, T. M. 498
Tubaro, S. 648, 1391
Tucci, M. 556
Tumblin, J. 288
Turk, M. 326
Turlach, B. A. 928
Ubeda, S. 887, 959
Uchibe, E. 417
Udpa, L. 705
Udpa, S. S. 718
Uemura, H. 458
Ueno, S. 990
Ugail, H. 1405
Ugurlu, Y. 827
Uhrig, C. 107
Ukkonen, E. 1174
Ulsoy, A. G. 439
Unel, M. 878

C. 437
Unser, M. 631, 646, 681
Unser, M. A. 122
Ura, K. 1420
Urdiales, C. 1258
Utgoff, P. E. 736
Utsumi, A. 297
Vaerman, V. 1419
Vailaya, A. 596, 599
Valavanis, K. P. 1127
Valvoudis, C. P. 1178
van den Boomgaard, R. 860, 903
Vanden Wyngaerd, J. 1196
van der Stappen, A. F. 1464
van der Walt, A. 988, 992
Van de Wouwer, G. 1050, 1099
van Doorn, A. (J.) 1000, 1047
Van Dyck, D. 1050, 1099
Vanegas, O. 358
van Ginneken, B. 1048, 1066
Van Gool, L. 649, 656, 678, 1021,
1196, 1319, 1597
van Lieshout, M. N. M. 1057
Vanoorenberghe, P. 835
VanPutte, M. 985
van Vliet, L. J. 619
Vapnik, V. N. 196, 574
Vardi, Y. 450
Varzi, A. C. 165
Vaskov, S. T. 7
Vasseur, P. 747
Vaysseix, G. 683
Vedula, S. 1544
Veelaert, P. 110
Veenland, J. F. 182

Veksler, O. 639
Velho, L. 647, 1412
Veltkamp, R. C. 879, 1144
Vemuri, B. C. 623
Venditelli, M. 982
Venetsanopoulos, A. N. 539, 1643
Venkatesh, S. 1350
Venkatesh, Y. V. 1149
Venturini, G. 432
Verbeek, P. W. 619
Verly, J. G. 407
Vernon, D. 1519
Verri, A. 1518
Vetter, T. 251, 321
Vetterli, M. 870, 1215
Vialard, A. 905
Viergever, M. A. 73, 611, 643, 644,
1295, 1467
Vieville, T. 1513
Vilaplana, V. 367
Villanueva, J. J. 708
Vincent, R. 839
Vincze, M. 67
Viola, P. 342, 1316
Vissac, M. 594
Vitale, J. N. 501
Vitanen, J. O. 941
Vleugels, J. 1464
Vo, K. D. 606
Vogler, C. 325
Vollmerhausen, R. H. 135
Voss, K. 930, 1170
Vrhel, M. J. 1012
Wachter, S. 240
Wactlar, H. D. 538
Wagner, A. 1480
Wagner, I. A. 983
Wagner, R. 1510
Wallace, A. M. 1338, 1340
Waller, M. D. 1070
Walter, M. 331
Walters, D. K. W. 943, 944
Wang, B. F. 530
Wang, C. A. 945
Wang, C. D. 697
Wang, H. 693, 1282, 1670
Wang, J. 575, 779
Wang, J. G. 265
Wang, K. 256
Wang, L. 1089
Wang, L. L. 548
Wang, M. J. J. 1260
Wang, P. S. P. 3, 63, 210, 947,


Wang, R. F. 1511
Wang, S. J. 819
Wang, T. 904
Wang, X. 1619
Wang, Y. 857, 989, 993, 994
Wang, Y. F. 899
Wang, Y. P. 632, 636, 924
Wang, Z. 778
Ward, R. 602
Watanabe, A. 349
Watanabe, T. 213
Watkins, W. R. 462
Weber, M. 1375
Wechsler, H. 248, 304
Wei, G. 266
Wei, G. Q. 406
Wei, J. 946, 1008, 1040
Weickert, J. 624, 1102
Weil, W. 1061
Weinhaus, F. M. 1046
Weinshall, D. 784, 1262, 1479,
Weiss, I. 1436
Weiss, R. 1136
Weiss, Y. 798
Welstead, S. 136
Wen, W. 696
Wendling, L. 979
Weng, J. 277
Werman, M. 444, 625, 638, 784,
1543, 1687
Werth, P. 1292
West, G. (A.W.) 719, 1350, 1432
Wexler, Y. 1533
White, M. 1070
Wicks, M. C. 706
Wiggenhauser, H. 389
Wiley, D. F. 1406
Wilkes, D. 1492
Willersinn, D. 468
Williams, J. P. 1381
Williams, L. 904
Williams, L. R. 789
Williams, M. L. 1239
Williams, S. C. R. 735
Willinger, W. 1043
Willsky, A. (S.) 790, 816, 1252
Wilson, A. D. 278
Wilson, M. J. 1405
Wilson, R. C. 691, 1173, 1239,
Winkeler, J. 1453
Winterstein, B. 383
Wiskott, L. 259, 1612
Witkin, A. 318

Wixson, L. 1641
Wohler, C. 1561
Wohn, K. 284
Wojnar, L. 397
Wolf, W. 1604
Wolff, L. B. 1020
Wolovich, W. A. 878
Won, C. S. 809
Wong, E. Q. 642
Wong, K. C. 889, 918
Wong, K. H. 1487
Wong, P. W. 69
Wong, T. N. 1413
Wong, W. 1154
Wong, W. T. 891
Woo, D. M. 1326
Woo, P. Y. 946
Woodfill, J. 315, 335
Worgotter, F. 1565
Worthington, P. L. 1361, 1370,
1373, 1387
Wrobel-Dautoourt, B. 497
Wu, A. Y. 35
Wu, G. 1109
Wu, H. 275
Wu, J. 602
Wu, J. L. 272
Wu, W. Y. 1260
Wu, X. J. 751
Wu, Y. 291, 338, 362
Wu, Y. N. 1073
Wu, Z. H. 819
Wunsche, B. 1411
Xia, A. 696
Xia, L. Z. 751
Xu, G. 1568, 1581
Xu, J. 967
Xu, M. 968
Xu, Y. 598
Yachida, M. 275, 336
Yacoob, Y. 237, 334, 1516, 1683
Yagi, Y. 151
Yaginuma, Y. 520, 1212
Yamada, A. 1642
Yamada, H. 211, 612, 1523
Yamada, K. 159, 1551
Yamaguchi, H. 1301
Yamaguchi, J. 357
Yamaguchi, M. 827
Yamamoto, K. 612
Yamamoto, M. 330
Yamany, S. M. 471, 776, 1169,
1203, 1208, 1329, 1376


Yan, H. 257, 258, 371, 824, 955

Yanez-Suarez, O. 1233
Yang, G. Z. 688
Yang, H. J. 546
Yang, H. S. 438
Yang, J. D. 546
Yang, L. 134
Yang, M. (H.) 296, 366
Yang, Q. 630, 1167
Yang, S. N. 548
Yang, W. P. 547
Yang, Y. H. 5, 626, 710, 1007, 1222,
Yang, Z. 588, 1182, 1443
Yao, Y. R. 1659
Yasumuro, Y. 249
Yau, W. Y. 1282
Ye, Y. 837
Yeap, W. K. 969
Yeo, B. L. 531
Yeshurun, Y. 1583
Yeung, D. Y. 1204
Yeung, M. M. 531
Yezzi Jr., A. 790, 816
Yi, X. 1261
Yin, B. 256
Yin, F. F. 621
Yin, L. 261, 376
Yin, P. Y. 909, 921
Yip, R. K. K. 895
Yoda, I. 612
Yoder, T. J. 474
Yokoya, N. 629, 1346
Yoo, K. 595
Yoo, T. W. 264
Yoshida, D. 357
Yoshida, T. 606
Yoshimura, M. 1118
Yoshinaga, Y. 821
Yoshioka, T. 458
Yotsukura, T. 363
You, B. J. 1489
You, I. D. 1010
Younes, L. 1153
Yu, C. K. 112
Yu, F. T. 150
Yu, H. H. 1604
Yu, H. J. 1410
Yu, Q. 227
Yu, W. 1532
Yu, W. P. 914
Yu, Y. 1378
Yuen, P. C. 753
Yuille, A. L. 511, 713, 1388
Yun, I. D. 551, 1458

Yun, J. 1356
Zabih, R. 639, 1677
Zaane, O. R. 564
Zakhor, A. 1651
Zanardi, C. 361
Zanoguera, M. F. 807
Zapata, E. L. 1253
Zelnik-Manor, L. 1530, 1640
Zen, H. 459
Zeng, X. 721
Zeng, Y. 822
Zerkalov, L. G. 1483
Zerroug, M. 1369
Zerubia, J. 522, 786, 1064, 1077
Zha, H. 1421
Zhang, D. 1194
Zhang, H. 1426, 1441


Zhang, H. J. 69, 599

Zhang, J. 505, 763, 1395, 1472
Zhang, L. 1520, 1523
Zhang, R. 1368, 1371
Zhang, T. 1531
Zhang, Y. 1109
Zhang, Y. J. 751, 1659
Zhang, Y. Q. 116
Zhang, Z. 247, 679, 1158, 1297,
1392, 1582, 1593
Zhao, L. 626, 1007, 1255
Zhao, Y. F. 1413
Zheng, Z. 693
Zhong, D. 591
Zhong, D. X. 955
Zhou, J. 200
Zhou, J. P. 753
Zhou, L. 1414, 1579

Zhou, X. 946
Zhou, X. S. 593
Zhou, Y. 1498
Zhu, Q. 910, 912
Zhu, S. C. 713, 869, 960, 1073
Zhu, Z. 1581
Zhuang, Y. 381, 1496
Zhuravlev, Y. I. 7
Zilberstein, S. 512
Ziou, D. 1331
Zisserman, A. 672, 1308, 1313,
1380, 1474, 1558
Zitova, B. 694, 877, 893
Zomaya, A. Y. 413
Zucker, S. W. 730, 855, 859, 961,
963, 966, 1245, 1265
Zunic, J. 875
Zweck, J. 904

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