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($300 Million ATI Commitment)

ATI Asian Terminal Incorporated

Composite Tasks Force (CTF) The Project Inspection Team created under PPA
PDO Manila Special Order No. 44-2001 to monitor and conduct inspection of all
South Harbor Infrastructure projects charge to $ 300 Million ATI Commitment.
Detailed Engineering Phase Covers the design, preparation of construction drawings
and specifications and detailed cost estimates
Development Projects These consist of or are combination of, reclamation of
additional back-up area, widening and/or additional berthing spaces, port expansion
including appurtenant port facilities, new and additional breakwater and reconstruction of
existing wharf or pier structures, fencing, gates, guard houses, land access, lighting, water
and drainage system, pavement, all buildings and RO-RO ramps.
Implementation Phase Covers activities following the issuance of Notice to Proceed to
project acceptance
JPRIC Joint Project Review and Implementation Committee
Maintenance Projects These are continuing projects aimed at keeping the facilities in
good working condition
Port Master Plan Is the overall development plan for the port, which would integrate the
entire ongoing and future development plans to assure consistency and efficiency in the
overall investment program for the port.
Pre-Project Implementation Phase Covers activities from advertisement to issuance of
Notice to proceed
PPA Philippine Ports Authority
Repair Projects These are projects aimed at restoring minor damaged facilities to their
original condition.
3rd Party Quality Assurance Group Consultant hired to monitor compliance of the
projects in accordance with the approved plans and specifications including estimated


Master Plan

ATI shall hire Consultant for the conduct of the Master Plan subject to approval
of PPA and shall be reviewed every two (2) years thereafter.

Detailed Engineering Phase

ATI shall prepare the Design, Construction Drawings, Specifications and Detailed
Cost Estimates of every individual project based on the approved Master Plan for
the South Harbor Development project in consultation/ coordination with PPA.
Cost Estimates shall be prepared following the prescribed forms ( Program of
Works, Detailed Cost Estimates, Cost Analysis and Summary of Cost Estimate )

Pre-Implementation Phase

ATI submits the Detailed Engineering of the proposed project to PPA General
Manager thru the District Manager, PDO Mla/Northern Luzon for approval and
for charging to the ATI $300 Million Investment Commitment.
PDO Mla/Northern Luzon checks with the approved Port Master Plan and if
included, proceed with the initial review and endorse to the PPA General Manager
thru the Office of the Asst. General Manager for Engineering for further review
& evaluation if found correct and in order. After the review and evaluation,
AGME recommends approval to the General Manager of the Detailed
Engineering and the charging to the ATI $300 Million Commitment.
The PPA General Manager approves and notifies ATI in writing of the approval,
copy furnished PDO Mla/Northern Luzon.


Implementation Phase

Seven (7) days prior to actual execution, ATI shall notify PPA in writing thru the
Office of the Port District Manager with information on the scheduled date of start
of execution of the project, name of the hired contractor and contract amount, and
to furnish PPA duplicate copy of the contract between ATI & the Contractor for
monitoring purposes.
ATI shall conduct Pre-Construction Conference with the hired Contractor to be
attended by PPA representative, the hired 3rd Party Assurance Group, Operations

personnel and other personnel involved in the supervision and monitoring of

engineering projects.
The hired 3rd Party Quality Assurance Group shall strictly monitor the
compliance of the project with the approved plans and specifications
including its estimated costs.
Note : Any addition/deletion of works, change in plans,
specifications and design or alignment to suit field
condition shall be covered by a Variation Order which shall
be subject to prior approval of PPA before proceeding with
the work.

Monitoring and Reporting

ATI shall submits to PPA the Monthly Physical and Financial
Accomplishment Report within the first week of the succeeding
The 3rd PQAG shall checks and certifies as to the correctness of the physical
and financial accomplishment reflected in the MPFAR before submission to PPA
thru the Port District Manager, PDO Manila/ Northern Luzon.
The Composite Task Force (CTF), compose of representatives from PDO Manila,
PMO South Harbor and PPA Head Office Engineering, shall conduct field
inspection to confirm the reported accomplishment and subsequently submit
inspection report stating therein their findings and recommendation/s to the Joint
Project Review and Implementation Committee (JPRIC) for the South Harbor
Port Master Plan.


Final Inspection and Acceptance

When the project is substantially completed (95 % completed), ATI shall request
for Pre-final inspection of the project.
The Project Inspection Team ( Composite Task Force ) shall conduct inspection
and shall place their observations/findings and recommendations on the prepared
Punch List . .
The ATI or ATI contractor shall immediately correct the noted deficiencies ( if
there is any ) as reflected in the Punch List.

Once the project is completed (100%), the ATI Project Manager shall issue
CERTIFICATE OF PROJECT COMPLETION and signed by the Contractor and

3rd Party Quality Assurance Group in the space provided as Conforme , and
subsequently request for final inspection.
Upon receipt of the request, the Project Inspection Team shall schedule and
conduct field inspection, and if found completed and the deficiencies noted
during Pre-final inspection were corrected, the Inspection Team shall issue a Final
Inspection Report.
Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of completion, ATI shall submit the
required As-Built-Plan of the completed project to the JPRIC thru the Head,
Project Inspection Team ( Hard copy 5 Sets and 1 Soft copy ).
The As-Built Plan shall be checked and signed by the 3rd Party Quality Assurance
Group to ascertain that the project has complied with the approved plans and
The 3rd Party Assurance Group shall issue a separate Certificate of Completion
(COC) stating therein that it was done in accordance with the approved plans and
Upon receipt of the As-Built-Plan, the Composite Task Force thru the PDO
Manila Engineering Services Division (ESD) checks and reviews the submitted
documents, if found in order and complete, recommends approval and acceptance
of the project thru the issuance of Project Acceptance approved by the JPRIC thru
the Chairman..

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