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SCAM Complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

February 1, 2015
Full Sail Online (FSO), not to be confused with FSU, is Pimping Federal Funds, student's Lifelong
Dreams & Entertainment Brands, including, but not limited to Shark Tank, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry,
Simon Cowell, Stevie Wonder, Jay-Z, Beyonc, etc. Scamming, Grade pilfering, engaging Greene Laws,
particularly law 28 against Students when Student complains.
FSO requires students to extensively research the industry professional for whom they would most like to
work. Students are also required to research current projects they are working on and to complete
extremely elaborate assignments in only 4 weeks. They steal points, initially only a few points from
various assignments. However, in the 9th month they get much more audacious with their point stealing
and deceptive subjective grading practices, not even showing the Student where any valid errors are. (please be sure to click the See
More button at the top of each site)
Most obnoxious is FSOs practice of lackadaisically deducting points for grammatical errors directly from
a student's substantive grade (Example student earns a 100 in terms of assignment objectives but
instructor says student has 10 grammatical errors, student's grade is a 90, whereas, the Rubric says that
grammar is 10% of the assignment). See ==>Notwithstanding that the Rubric specifically states that for Discussion
Posts, the initial post is 80% of the grade and the response post is 20% of the grade, FSO refuse to adhere
to universally accepted methods of calculating the grade for weighted assignments. See Meaning they have miscalculated the grades
for all of their current & former students for EVERY Weekly Discussion Post of course unless, like
Complaining Student herein, they earned 100% or nearly 100% on all discussion posts! The instructor
also deducted points for Student's word choice and sentence structure and gave nonsensical reasoning for
so doing, while superiors condoned her actions and said Student's grades will not be corrected.
Instructor removed Student's Study Lounge Post and posted her comments next to Student's photograph.
This violates Student's 1st Amendment right's to discuss with fellow online classmates & peers, housing
issues facing online students, as well as how certain industry professionals desecrate the value of
Emerging Technological Educational Advancements that are transforming the face of learning and
teaching. Bullies to intelligence are blocking opportunities for Students to avail themselves of
government funding that is made available for citizens to stay relevant and abreast of current cyber trends.
These bullies are themselves prospering by working at government and socially supported agencies.
The instructor and administrators became unbearably pugnacious and refuse to investigate the validity of
an instructors grading practices.
Most Recently, FSO Director of Compliance, Shayne Cade, concurred with the FSO instructor and
administrators, in his response to the request the Executive Director, of the Florida Department of
Education, Commission for Independent Education (CIE), Samuel L. Ferguson. and Thus, my only option is to engage the
services of other peaceful means of procuring justice.

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