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d & Pi

Sam B

So what is The Whingers

and the Whiners?
Logline: We all have our own thoughts and opinions,
but how daft can peoples complaints be? Join this
comedic panel show as it explores the nations
funniest and most absurd whingers and whiners.
Comedic Panel Game Show the purpose of the
show is purely for entertainment: to sit back and
relax whilst watching and listening to some of the
funniest and most ridiculous groans and moans.

When and what channel

does this show suit?
ITV 2 or Channel 4.
Most popular channels for panel shows
For example, 8 Out of 10 Cats (Channel 4), Fake
Reaction (ITV 2), Celebrity Juice (ITV 2)
Airtime likely to be at 9-10pm on a week day (MondayThursday)
So that it doesnt clash with family shows on weekends
Likely to include adult humor (i.e. swearing) so cannot be
aired due to watershed restrictions (see http://

Who will the target

audience be?
Broad audience as the idea of revolving around complaints can be
associated with everyday life.
Aiming for a primary demographic of 18-44, with a secondary
demographic of 45-54.
Not entirely suited for under 18s due to adult humor and the timings
of the show. However, the show wont consist of excessive
unsuitable material so it may be applicable for some of the 16-18
The audience at the show MUST be active as they take part in one of
the games in the show (explained later). There should be a mixture of
the demographic however focusing more in the 20s-30s as the
younger audience are likely to be more active.

Whats the structure

of the show?
2 Teams (3 per team), 1 host. 1 Team is called the
Headaches, the other called The Whingers and
The Headaches A team who deal with customer
service. For example, work on telesales, in retail, food &
beverages, etc.
A bonus if they are work colleagues so that they work
better as a team & feel more comfortable on the show.
Called headaches as their job consists of dealing with
people constantly moaning, giving them a headache

Whats the structure

of the show?
The Whiners and Whingers A team of people who ARE
the complainers
A mixture of 3 people who are known to moan and are hard
to satisfy and impress
The presenter must be very unique. He/she needs to be
energetic, humorous and be able to flow the show with
ease. An example of a good presenter for this would be
Rhod Gilbert from Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
Dave Chawner from my Digital News unit too is very
applicable for the presenter role.

Show Treatment
Introduction (Approx. 5 Minutes)
The host will walk onto the stage, where he/she will then
introduce the idea of the show (mentioning the Whingers
and the Whiners vs. the Headaches).
VTs will introduce each team. This will include:
Who each member of the team are
Their job (for the Headaches) and what makes the each
contestant a Whinger and Whiner

First Game: What You

Moaning About? (5-6 Minutes)
One-round game. Each team are given a clip showing
someone moaning. The purpose of this is to guess
what the person/people are moaning about.
VT be around 1.5 minutes. Once finished, the team are
given half a minute to guess what its about.
It could be a celebrity or member of the public, and could
be about a company or person. It could even be a
reenactment of someone moaning which mayve been
played on the news, etc.

First Game: What You

Moaning About? (5-6 Minutes)
Each team can buzz whilst the clip is playing if
they know what it is, however are only given 1
Each correct answer rewards the team 1 point
The Headaches go first in the round as the
show is about challenging those who complain,
therefore challenging Whingers and Whiners

Second Game: I Want My

Answer Now! (8 Minutes)
This game is a battle between the two teams. The rival team are given a
list of complaints which they complain to the other team.
For example, a complaint could be The beach was too sandy, and the opposing
team have to reply with a reasonable answer. This cant just be an apology, it
has to be useful advice to try to tackle the problem.

The goal is to answer as many complaints with a reasonable reply within 2

To define what a reasonable reply is, the answers will be replayed at the
end of the round to the audience. The answer is decided from a simple
hands up from the audience if they think that the reply is reasonable. The
majority will lead to the answer of the reply
The winner will receive one point for each reply which the audience define
as correct.

Third Game: Whats Wrong

With It? (10 Minutes)
To end the show, the finale is the most entertaining and dramatic part
of the show. The idea for this is to purchase something and then
complain about the state of the product...
However it wont be bought in a state, the idea is to damage or alter
the product and try to return it for another one.
The opposing team chooses what to buy and what to do to the product.
They are only allowed to alter the product in one way. They are told what
they have to do the product once theyve purchased it.
Each team will be given 2 chances to try and return the product for a new
one. Every product which is exchanged will reward the team with 2 points
For example, the the team could be told to buy a burger, and then replace if
with a raw burger and complain to try to get a refund or a new burger.

Third Game: Potential

Problems & Restrictions?
Of course, this prank will have several
restrictions in terms of receiving permission
to film the prank (and doing the prank itself)
However, I researched permission rights to
find a statement saying filming on public
property is allowed however the police/
council need to be made aware.(image to the
Researched permission on pranks to find out
you are allowed and a written consent is not
needed (on public property). However, you
then risk the chance of getting sued,
therefore I will be getting a written consent
to make this safe.

Third Game: Potential Ideas

for the Prank to Work
Research also shows filming on private property is
possible however permission is needed
Below are some ideas regarding these points on
where the pranks can be done:
In a shopping center, if permission is granted
Filming on public property, looking over to private
property like Fone Jacker. For example, standing on
a public road, filming and looking into a fast-food

Alternative Game: Guess

the Whiner (9 Minutes)
This game involves 2 rounds, with one point awarded for each correct
answer. A VT will be played, showing someone talking abouta
complaint, however the video stops just before the complaint is
The team is then given 3 possible answers where they have to rank
which they think that the answer could be. 1st being most likely, and
the 3rd being the least likely.
The opposing team can buzz if they think they know the answer,
however if wrong cannot ask again
The clip will be around 10-15 seconds long before paused, and each
team have 30 seconds to rank the answers in order.
If the prank game doesnt work out, then this game will be the first.

Rough Time Breakdown

Introduction: 2x VTs, one for each team.
Brief Intro about the Show (5 Minutes)
First Game: What You Moaning About? (5-6 Minutes)
Or if the prank game doesn'tt work, then Guess the Whiner (9 Minutes)
Second Game: I want my answer now! (8 Minutes)
Third Game: Whats wrong with it? (10 Minutes)
Ending: Concluding the winner of the show. (1-2 Minutes)
Total Time (with prank game) = 29 31 Minutes
Total Time (without prank game) = 28 30 Minutes

What Kind of Complaints Will Be

Used, and Where to find them?
The complaints used can be:
Hotel/Travel Reviews: From Trip Advisor
Music Videos: YouTube or Sound Cloud comments
Takeaway Reviews: From Just Eat
Films or Film Clips: From IMDB or YouTube
Celebrity Opinions: From Twitter, Facebook,
Complaint Articles/Sites:,
The Guardian, Telegraph

Set Design (Similar to

Celebrity Juice)
Red, Black and
White Branding.

2 Teams of 3, 1
Presenter in the middle

TV above the host to

show VTs (if possible)

Whingers +
branded on
this desk

branded on
this desk

Show logo at the

presenters table

Stage facing the


Props & Mise-en-scene

Simplistic set design
Sticking with a plain set up however conforming to the
branding (black, red and white)
Logo however should be more conventional for the
whinging and whining theme e.g. a clip art of an
unhappy person, exclamation marks and excessive
punctuation, etc
Add some humoristic props however not too much so
that it seems exaggerated. For example, presenter
could have a Grumpy Old Man/Woman mug.
Potentially adding posters referring to the theme to
give the set some layers e.g. the poster to the right

Similar Shows
8 Out of 10 Cats A panel show which too is a game show. The tone
of the team wanting to win is minimal and focuses mainly on the
humor and content instead of winning on the show. Simplistic stage
design: has little props and has the same set up as my show
Never Mind the Buzzcocks Similar humor: slightly offensive
however not controversial like Celebrity Juice. Similar air time. The
presenter Rhod Gilbert is very applicable for my show
Impractical Jokers Prank show with 4 friends who give assign each
other pranks, which is similar to my show
Fone Jacker Filming in public areas however filming private
property. Also a prank show.

Example of Websites with

Useful complaints A website which consists of
published letter complaints - An
article which has published complaints taken from travel agents - a website where people
post funny experiences in relation to complaining or awful service - Article by the mirror regarding ridiculous
Simpson complaints.

Thank you for your Time!


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