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3G swap Benchmarking before/After:




For swapped sites, checks and test immediately after put on air
Problems to look after: Crossed sectors, CS traffic, PS traffic, HSDPA
traffic, RRC Establishment Success Rate, RAB Establishment success rate,3G
to 2G handovers, 3G to 3G handovers, CDR for CS and CDR for PS, HSUPA
traffic, etc
Drivetests: Voice call, HSDPA call, HSUPA call, throughput in front of each
sector at non-busy hour, incoming handovers( from 1-2 sites), outgoing
handovers( to 1-2 sites), HSDPA cell change from a cell to another,
For swapped cluster, checks and test immediately after new site come
on air
Drivetest comparative (before/after) voice, video, HSDPA, HSUPA
Drivetest KPI: RSSI, RSCP, EcNo, UE TX Power, Call drops, HSDPA
OSS KPI: RRC SR, RAB SR, CS CDER, PS CDR, HSDPA user throughput,
HSDPA cell throughput, HSUPA user throughput, HSUPA cell throughput,
What to check after swap from (DT): check coverage of each site not to be
shrinked, check not to have coverage holes, check that best server is the same
and it is not changed, check that UE does not transmit with higher power.

Troubleshooting guide after the swap





OSS KPI showing immediately problem : traffic pattern changes of a

sector( due to power changes, missing neighbors or crossed feeders), low
hsdpa troughput due to wrong IuB configuration or wrong parameter mapping,
cells not declared in the CN(MSC) so will take traffic only from HO but not
from call setup etc. Traffic changes within layers of same sectors due to wrong
DRD settings and wrong idle and reselection mode parameters etc...
Major issues observed: parameters wrong mapped( especially for reselection),
power shortages due to wrong feeder attenuation value or wrong TMA gains,
shortages in codes , power, channel elements, HW boards,licenses etc.
Excessive high CPICH power leading into congestion. CDR due to admission
issues on neighboring sites( not enough power, codes, CE, IuB , licenses etc)
After swap report (for a site and/or cluster); could be whatever reports are you
doing (initial report , acceptance report, etc). I attached one from France,
before after swap but it is not complete, many things are missing it was a swap
and a roll-out as well. Mixed things but you can compare...
Actix Using
How to load the drivetest log files in Actix. You go to file>open> give the path



on the hdd. After you have uploaded 50 files for example you go to tools
>create superstream. then select all 50 files and actix will create a single
object that will contain all 50 files( it will be the 51 measurement).
What views are usually used and for what purpose: which view to check the
Logical parameters such: Scrambling Code , RSCP, EcNo,See attached
pictureAfter that just right click one parameter and chose display on map,
table etc...
how to detect bad coverage spots( for DL check for poor RSCP or poor
EcNo, for Ul check for high UE TX power), bad pilot pollution( more than 4
serving cells having same RSCP), missing neighbors (usual stuff).check for
UE TX power or look at detected set EcNo is very high when there is a
missing neighbor( or admission issues on a declared neighbor).
Some example reports that are using results from Actix issues. Report
attached was done with ACTIX.

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