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My name is Tom Chen and I am a first year undergraduate studying

Economics who is extremely interested in applying for the position of Vice

President for Events.
Life essential skills can be derived from many jobs, many of those of
which that are ordinary, yet tough can truly teach you what hard work
really means. At the family business, I had developed many core skills
which are both transferable to the role of Vice President and other jobs
alike. These include:

Developing effective communication and interpersonal skills, taking

telephone calls and order enquiries
Often taking lead in managing customer complaints, having to show
intuition and negotiation skills
Showed leadership in dealing with a multitude of external
companies and the local council
Team work ability including building relationships with workers
Showed management ability dealing with the logistics of the

Regarding my other skills and experiences:

A confident public speaker

Has the willingness and desire to listen
An approachable person happy to address any concerns you may
Knowledgeable marketing skills, including the use of Adobe
Photoshop, Sony Vegas Pro and website design
Helped the Fairtrade initiative tackling injustice in trade of crops in
developing countries

One of the main purposes of the Finance Society is to help members find
or allocate themselves to their desired roles in the industry. I find that that
there are not enough of these opportunities being organised around.
Being an actively engaged in networking myself I am happy to help install
more networking opportunities. This gives members the chance to learn
more from those in senior positions in fields such as asset management,
credit risk but also those in other areas such as operations and investment
I realise that being a Vice President isn't just a title, I understand that I
must be willing to take on board responsibility and have potential to make
a difference. I am confident that I can represent the committee with
honesty and enthusiasm. Despite the hard work that comes with this
position, I hope that I will still have a good sense of humour.

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