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Salar de Uyuni comprises over 10,000km in the Potosi region. The salt is over 10 meters thick in the centre.

In the dry
season, the salt plains are a completely flat expanse of dry salt, but in the wet season, it is covered with a thin sheet of water
that is still drivable.
The standard tour heads south toward the southwest corner of Bolivia, by many fluorescent-coloured lakes that are created
from a collection of different minerals from runoff from the surrounding mountains.

Tour Background[edit]

Salar de Uyuni

This article outlines the "standard" tour. The tour is conducted in 4x4 vehicles (usually Toyota Landcruisers) with 6 or 7
people, with the driver often times cooking. Most 3- and 4- day tours have the same itinerary for the first 2 1/2 days, a day on
the salt plains, then heading south to the southwest corner of Bolivia, and then splitting off from there. The specific sites that
are seen can be dependent on the tour, but group input can define which sites are visited and how much time will be spent at
Accommodation is usually provided in basic refuges and the weather can be very cold, but it is well worth it for the amazing
scenery. Avoid tours that offer a night in one of the salt hotels - they are illegal as, not being part of the water grid, they
pollute the environment.

Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a
short time later, you die. It happens so quickly, many people dont even realize they had a
life until its already over.

1.Stop Doubting Yourself

If you dont believe in yourself, nobody will. Success starts in your mind, and if all youre
doing is putting yourself down and predicting failure, itll become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Instead of doubting yourself, think positively. Not only will you be happier and more
successful, youll spread it to everyone around you.

2.Stop Being Negative

Now that youre done doubting yourself, stop doubting others. You dont like when people
are critical of you, so stop being critical of others. Think about how you make other people
feel even if you have good intentions, people dont like hearing negativity.

3.Stop Procrastinating

I dont feel like procrastinating right now Ill do it tomorrow. When you procrastinate, you
remain stagnant. Whatever youre putting off doesnt go away; resolve the problem, and
move on. Youll be much happier in the long run.

4.Stop Being Mean

Its completely possible to step on someones toes without meaning to it happens all the
time. Theres no need to pile on by purposefully doing mean things, so make a conscious
effort to stop being mean. If someone wrongs you, let it go. Theres no need to seek
vengeance unless thats the type of person you want to be.

5.Stop Eating Out

Eating out is the biggest waste of money. Every so often its nice to treat yourself, but eating
out for every meal is the quickest way to drain your bank account. Learn how to cook at least
a handful of foods you enjoy: Itll save you money, keep you healthier, and occasionally
impress people.

6.Stop Being Lazy

Lazy people are annoying its like pulling teeth getting them to do anything. If I cant do
something as simple as going to a movie with you without having to factor in an hour of
convincing you to get your lazy butt out of bed, Id rather go alone. People have enough
trouble motivating themselves; dont make your friends and family waste their valuable
energy motivating you as well.

7.Stop Complaining

We all have problems, and sometimes we need to vent to someone. Thats acceptable, but
pay attention to how often youre venting. We all love helping our friends and family, but
when all you get from someone is negativity, its easier to cut them off than help, especially if
theyre always complaining about the same things.

8.Stop Being Selfish

If you only think about yourself, youll soon find yourself by yourself. Stop for a minute and
think about how your actions affect other people did you take the last cup of coffee from
the break room? Refill it! Do you live with others? Dont drink out the milk carton. We share
this world 100% of the time, so every action you take can affect other people.


9.Stop Wasting Time

Ive said it before, and Ill say it again: time is the most valuable resource we have. Dont
waste your time on unproductive things. If you want to explore the worlds dark corners,
thats great. I still associate with people who have not-so-kosher careers, but I dont hang out
with those people at the expense of my own short- and long-term goals.

10.Stop Making Promises

Always under-promise and over-deliver. When you make a promise, youre adding
responsibility to your plate that, despite all your best intentions, you may not be able to
deliver on. More often than not, your promise is an absolute (i.e I promise Ill always love
you) and only Sith deal in absolutes. Instead of making a promise with your words, simply
be there when people need you, and exceed their expectations with your actions.


11.Stop Being a Pushover

We live in a capitalistic society in which everyones trying to sell us something. Everyones

looking out for themselves in one way or another, and you need to do the same. Stop putting
yourself out because youre too shy to say no.

12.Stop Listening to Haters

No matter what you want to do in life, theres always someone around to tell you why it cant
and wont work. I can come up with millions of reasons Twitter wont work, and yet its one of
the most popular social media sites on the web. My opinion didnt stop Twitters success any
more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit the NBA or Josh Hartnett to stop acting. Why
would you let someones opinion stop you?

13.Stop Being Wasteful

You dont finish your meals, and away food instead. You leave the faucet running when you
brush your teeth, pouring precious water down the drain. You drive places you could easily
walk, burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource) You are wasteful, and it needs to stop.
14.Stop Littering

The only thing I hate more than wasteful people are litterbugs. Litterbugs are my least
favorite bug, and there are more than youd think. If youve ever thrown even one piece of
gum, paper, candy wrapper, cigarette butt, etc on the ground, youre a disgusting litterbug,
and you should be ashamed of yourself. There are over 7 billion people in the world if each
person only throws one innocent piece of garbage on the ground, thats 7 billion pieces of
garbage littering a world in which nobody did it

Your one decision makes a HUGE difference, and I will not allow you to blow it off and walk
around with your head held high. Youre a litterbug, and it needs to stop immediately. You
dont get a lifehack for this one, you filthy animal. Just stop you already know how.

15.Stop Taking Everything Personally

People get offended about the strangest things. Take Kendrick Lamars now-infamous verse
on Control this summer: he called out a list of a dozen rappers he thinks hes better than
(and hes right) The internet went crazy, and rappers all over the industry rushed to their
mics to record a response. The thing is, all K-Dot said is hes the best rapper. Everyone took
it personally, and thats exactly what he was going for. The lesson to learn from this is that
not everything is about you, and if youre easily upset, someone will use that to their
Kendrick Lamar

16.Stop Talking

Sometimes its best to just STFU especially in relationships. I cant even count how many
times I created an issue that didnt need to be an issue simply because I opened my mouth.
Even if what you want to say is important, just shut up and ride it out. You can say more with
your actions than words, and you cant listen when youre talking.

17.Just Stop, and Breathe

No matter what youre doing in life or how your day is going, theres always room to just stop
for a moment and just breathe. Try it right now to celebrate getting through this list of
everything youre doing wrong.



a) --/


5 -- annual

(domestic)(asia) / (worldwide including USA/Canada)

1 Cash before cover.
2 disclosure


6) 24

8 luggage delay 6 8

1) Accidental death
2) Accidental permanent disablement
3) Medical expenses due to accident or illness
4) Emergency medical evacuation
5) Personal luggage/personal effects (lost or damage)
6) Personal money& travel documents
7) Luggage delay
8) Tripcan cellation
9) Curtailment
10) Flight delay
11) Personal liability
12) Lost of deposit or payment due toabscondment or insolvency of travel agents
13) Extended coverage or offer to purchasecoverage
14) Extension of periods of coverage.
(exclusion list):
1war, civil war and related risks
4Suicideor self inflicted injuries /
5Government regulations /acts or authorities of any country
6Hazardous adventure
7HIV, AIDS related complex
8Effect/influence of alcohol or drugs
9Pregnancy,childbirth,abortion ormiscarriage
10) Illness /disorder of a psychological nature,any anxiety state and/or nervous depression and mental illness.
11) Radiation ,contamination by radioactivity or nuclear weapons
French Fry Pizza
Serving: 12 inch pizza cut into 8 slices

2lb Bag of Frozen French Fries

2 Cups of Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Cup Pizza Sauce (Recipe Below)
Toppings Optional
15 Slices Pepparoni (1 inch)
Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees F.
Fry your French fries in a large pot or fryer at
350 degrees for 3 4 minutes until nicely
golden and crispy. Remove from fry oil and
place on a paper towel lined plate and sprinkle
generously with salt. Eat some as a snackits
French Frieswe are only human.
As soon as French fries are cool to the touch
line a 12 skillet or a pizza pan with the French
Fries. Using the sides of the skillet or the edge
of the pizza pan as a guide make a circular
crust with the fries in a single layer. Fill in and
holes with additional fries. Dont be afraid to
break the fries into smaller pieces to fill in the
gaps. A nice even layer of fries is what you are
looking for.
Take 1 cup of the shredded mozzarella and
sprinkle in an even layer across the French
fries. The cheese will act as glue, keeping your
crust together. So be liberal with the cheese
and make sure there is some covering the
entire pizza in a single layer and in all the
nooks and crannies. Place in 400 degree F
oven for 5 minutes.
Remove pizza from oven. The cheese should be
melted thoroughly. Set pan on a heat safe
surface. Turn your oven setting to broil.
Spoon cup of the tomato sauce in an even
and circular layer across the top of your pizza
keeping about a half inch away from the edges.
Now spread the remaining 1 cup of shredded
cheese over the sauce also keeping a half inch
away from the edge. At this point add your
toppings (optional).
Place the pan back in the oven, which is now
on broil, for an additional 5 minutes or until
the top of your cheese begins to brown.
Remove from oven and let cool for about 5
minutes before serving.
Pizza Sauce:
Makes about 4 cups.
1 (15 oz) Can Tomato Sauce
1 (6 oz ) Can Tomato Paste
1 Teaspoons Basil
1 Teaspoons Oregano
2 Teaspoons Garlic
Pinch Red Chili Flakes
Salt and Pepper
Combine ingredient into a sauce pot and bring
to a simmer for 10 minutes so the flavors

combine. Let cool and refrigerate for future


3 biji kentang (sagat halus)
4 sdm tpung jagung
3 sdm tpung gandum
1 biji telur
Daun bawang
Serbuk Lada sulah
Ajinamoto (abaikan jika tdak perlu)
Minyak masak (utk mgoreng)
~ satukan kentang yg telah dsagat dgn tepung jagung, tpung gandum, daun bawang, telur, serbuk lada sulah, garam, ajinamoto...gaul
~panaskan minyak masak....sudukan dan goreng agak2 leper....balik2 kan...tunggu sampai masak... angkat....siap
Sedap dimakan bersama sos
# resepi asal noraida durani ( tq )

4 bugis street

32 1


47 G-Max 60
50 f1

52 SPA

15 15

2 20





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