28 Days Later Poster Analysis

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28 Days Later Poster Analysis:

The eyes provide important connotations to the film, firstly they are engaging with the audience by making a form
of direct address, this effectively draws
them into the poster to attract their
attention. The eyes play an important
role in the films plot as they indicate is
someone is infected or not. The colour
contrast of the yellow against the red
also makes them stand out, reinforcing
the drawing in effect it has on the
viewer. The sinister associations connected with the eyes suggest the film
has scary/horror elements to the

When directors are mentioned it is often in the context of

.presents or a film by or from the creator of., big
name directors add a prestige to the film as they will be of a
certain famous style associated with that director. This could
be seen as a unique selling point of the poster as Danny Boyle
is seen as a critically acclaimed director. His directorial style
will reflect in the films he is involved with.

A critical acclaim quote is used to pull

the audiences attention to the poster,
it this makes the audience believe the
film will be good because a valued
critic or establishment has given their
approval. Powerful metaphors are
used its scary as hell to describe the
overall premise of the film. The quote
mentions Danny Boyle which anchors
to the from the director of at the top
of the page. The quote also adds to
the iconography already on the poster
by indicating the films genre, a zombie horror.

The main title evokes the genre of

the film, using a corroded font suggests the degradation of something,
in this case, humanity itself. The title
is located at the centre of the poster
to attract the audiences gaze, the
use of symbolism also evokes the
films plotline, the biohazard symbol
creates the enigma of an infection of
pandemic, it instantly evokes a sense
of danger to the audience.

The tagline does conform to the typical conventions of film

posters by being located at the bottom of the page to not
give lie to the main imagery and title. The tagline in question
provides direct address to the audience by using the pronoun
your', taglines are designed to be memorable so audiences
associate the tagline with the film. The message of the tagline raised certain enigmatic questions about the film, it
gets readers talking. The tagline could give a certain hint to
the narrative or it could suggest the characters days are
numbered, either way is suggests a countdown to the inevitable demise of something/. The numerical associations
connote to the numerical title of the film, 28 days later to
establish coherence.

The release date and the web link are features that provide
information to the audience,. The release date indicates
when the film is available to watch and the web link acts as
a persuasive device to persuade the audience to find out
more about the film on the official website, a common feature of modern films who have to be in key with the online

The main image of the poster attracts a

subtle attention, as it I overshadowed
by the main title, the image is more
subtle. The lone man, obviously evokes
loneliness and isolation in the face of
the apocalypse, this image also anchors
to the trailer which features a man, the
main character, walking alone on the
streets after waking up after an apocalypse. The imagery in the poster also
establishes a sense of location, the skyline of London, featuring the iconic Big
Ben indicates the film is set in London,.
The sketchy, hand drawn nature of the
poster could also indicate the sketchy
nature of the situation in hand, the silhouette of the man could also suggest
he is a blank space and that as humanity has changes, so must he, any past
life of his is now gone.

The colour scheme of the overall

poster obviously link to the horror
genre of the film presented. The
red creates a sense of danger and
bloodshed commonly associated
with horror films. The black and
white used n the imagery and text
act as accent colours to distinguish them from the main background. The yellow eyes provides
yet another colour contrast to
make them stand out.

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