Anthem Pledges $6M For Safety: Calendar

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21 January 2010

California Edition

Calendar Anthem Pledges $6M For Safety

Will Fund Hospital Focus on Sepsis, ICU Infections
January 24-27
In a turnaround from an often contentious deaths: induction of birth prior to 40
9KL<!B)5/-4(2!8-4>)*)4=)@! relationship with acute care providers, weeks of gestation; hospital-acquired
8()+(*’+!'(2(=)6!7(+ Anthem Blue Cross of California has sepsis; ventilator-acquired pneumonia;
M)5(+@!!N(./0!O*(/2)*6!L@N@6!/+!;3)! pledged $6 million over three years to help and blood and urinary tract infections
D)&4-;)!+:)(D)*@ improve hospital patient safety and contracted in intensive care units. The
outcomes statewide. conditions cost hundreds of millions of
The money will be used by the state’s dollars to treat and claim thousands of
B)5/+;)*!S42/4)I three regional hospital associations to lives in California hospitals each year.
3;;:IJJEEE@3>A(*)5/-4$$+&A:-+/1A@-*5J work with providers to prevent medical According to HCNCC President Art
complications and patient deaths. Sponseller, the goal of the initiative is to
“The impact of medical errors on loved see if hospitals can create a “zero zone”
ones…can’t even begin to be calculated, for such ailments. Officials say this may
February 10 and they are by and large avoidable,” says be achieved by data-sharing among
Anthem Blue Cross of California President hospitals regarding their number of
Leslie Margolin. patient complications and deaths from
?)=-40!<441(2!'(22/(;/.)!8(*)!8-4>)*)4=)@!! The funding will be channeled through these conditions, as well as following
'(=/>/=!'(2A+!B)+-*;6!8/;&!->!C401+;*&@ the Hospital Association of Southern protocols that have been developed by
California (HASC), the Hospital Council of researchers to avoid hospital-acquired
?:)(D)*+!(40!%*)(D-1;!5*-1:+!E/22!A(D)! Northern and Central California (HCNCC) infections or at least identify them before
=(*)@!F""GHF"G#@ and the Hospital Association of San Diego they become too serious. Expectant
& Imperial Counties, along with the parents will also be educated about the
B)5/+;)*!-42/4)I National Health Foundation, a HASC dangers of inducing birth too early,
affiliate. It will come directly from Anthem officials say.
3;;:IJJEEE@3(+=@-*5 Blue Cross’ business operations, according Utilizing such protocols to avoid ICU
to Margolin. infections is fairly straightforward. But
February 10 The entities had been working on it’s trickier in cases of sepsis, a massive
patient quality initiatives using grants from infection that shuts down vital organs
the UniHealth Foundation and the Blue and kills about 17,000 hospital patients
C4+1*)0!T3)!U4/4+1*)06!$R;3!<441(2! Shield of California Foundation, but in California each year – about 25% of
8)4;)*@ monies from those sources had begun to all patient deaths – most over the age of
<!+&A:-+/1A!-4!3-E!;-!*)01=)!;3)!*(4D+! dry up, officials say. 62. One of the initial symptoms is
->!;3)!14/4+1*)0@!FRGHF$VG@ The hospitals will focus on three areas
officials say are leading causes of hospital-
B)5/+;)*!-42/4)I based medical complications and patient Continued on Next Page

E-Mail with
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Anthem Blue Cross (Continued from Page One)

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential confusion, which may be easily mistaken his organization’s member relations
for age-related dementia or a stroke. committee for more than a year to come to
Advertise “We have to work on identifying terms on an agreement.
cases of sepsis much more quickly,” says “The relations between Blue Cross and
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 Bruce Spurlock, M.D., executive director the hospitals run hot and cold, but Leslie
of clinical acceleration for the Beacon worked very hard for a long time to get this
Collaborative, which works with several done,” he says.
In Brief hospitals in the Bay Area to reduce
patient complications and deaths. He
The spirit of cooperation between
Anthem Blue Cross and the hospitals is
adds that the condition is so fast-moving somewhat of a departure from years of
that even an hour delay in getting squabbling over levels of reimbursements in
antibiotics to a patient after a sepsis contracts and other payment disputes.
Molina Purchases
diagnosis increases the chance of death Although Margolin calls the
Unisys Unit by 7%. announcement of the initiative one of the
Cutting down on sepsis-related “top two or three days of my career,” the
Long Beach-based Medi-Cal deaths alone can be a big money saver: decision to move forward was not done
managed care firm Molina San Francisco-based hospital chain without considerations toward the bottom
Healthcare, Inc. has agreed to Catholic Healthcare West is aiming to line. She believes the savings in insurance
purchase the health information
management arm of Blue Bell, save $15 million a year by mid-2010 by claims will more than compensate for
Penn.-based Unisys Corp. for $135 reducing incidents of hospital-acquired Anthem Blue Cross’ pledges.
million. sepsis, according to published reports. Margolin says the financial upside
The Unisys unit has contracts Hospital officials give much of the created by the initiative will be used to cut
with Medicaid programs in Idaho, premiums and expand coverage, but she
credit to creating the initiative to
Louisiana, Maine, New Jersey, and
West Virginia, as well as a contract Margolin. HASC President James Barber declined to immediately provide specifics.
to provide drug rebate notes that Margolin worked closely with
administration services for the
Florida Medicaid program.
Revenues are about $110 million a
year. About 900 workers are
employed by the Unisys division.
A Lifeline For OC’s Homeless Patients
They will become Molina
employees after the deal closes in
Hospitals Pay For Lengthy Post-Discharge Care
“I am excited about our The Hospital Association of Southern recovery,” says Julie Puentes, a HASC regional
strategic acquisition of the Unisys
Health Information Management California and its National Health vice president.
business,” says J. Mario Molina, Foundation afliate have teamed with an Hospitals in Southern California have
M.D., president and chief executive Orange County charity to address a thorny been under pressure to take better care of
officer of Molina Healthcare. “This issue: nding space for inpatients who have no
business will complement our
Medicaid health plan business and homeless patients who place to go after
advance our strategic plan by have been discharged discharge. Kaiser
expanding our services and product from the region’s Permanente, one of the
offerings beyond managed care. hospitals. region’s biggest hospital
Now, more than ever, state
The Orange County operators, was charged
governments need cost-effective
programs that help improve the Recuperative Care by the Los Angeles City
health of Medicaid beneficiaries. Program involves 18 Attorney in 2006 for
For the first time, Molina hospitals. The hospitals allegedly dumping a
Healthcare will have, within a can work with the patient on Los Angeles’
single company, the tools our state
partners need to run their Medicaid Irvine-based skid row. To settle the
programs, ranging from full-risk Illumination Foundation matter, Kaiser paid
managed care health plans to fee- to place discharged $500,000 to the
This motel in Costa Mesa is being used to house
based information technology patients in beds at a California Community
recently discharged homeless hospital patients.
Costa Mesa motel. The Foundation to help
patients are monitored establish protocols for
DMHC Announces by a licensed vocational nurse during the relocating discharged patients to shelters.
Timely Access daytime, and a medical assistant around the Homeless patients who are discharged
Regulations clock. back onto the streets often require re-
“It’s basically a clean, safe place for hospitalization. According to Puentes, the
patients to go while they continue their
Continued on Page 3 Continued on Next Page

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Homeless (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise average homeless patient in the Los Angeles director. However, Illumination only accepts
area who does not have a place for patients who do not require a skilled nursing
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 recuperative care is hospitalized nearly twice facility or other types of step-down care.
as long as the statewide average. Studies Leon adds that many of the homeless can
*For our ads, not your hospital have shown that a recuperative care program be placed into permanent housing during their
can reduce the length of stay by more than stay. Of the 13 discharged patients who have
one-third, according to Puentes. been sent to the Illumination Foundation,
In Brief In Orange County, keeping a patient in
a hospital bed costs about $2,200 per day.
permanent housing has been found for ve of
them, Leon says.
Instead, the hospitals pay the Illumination “If they could get parts of their lives in
Foundation $200 a day to house each check,” many qualify for services,” says Leon,
The Department of Managed discharged patient. Most are projected to stay who adds that many qualify for Veterans
Health Care has introduced new 10 days to two weeks, according to Puentes. Administration of Social Security benets. “But
regulations that require enrollees “When you’re ill like that, even out of many of them don’t have a phone, or a family
of health plans to have access to the hospital you’re not going to be able to do member to help them out. They can’t last long
timely provider
anything for at least a week,” says Paul Leon, enough to sign up for services and receive
The regulations require that the Illumination Foundation’s executive them.”
health plan enrollees are able to
secure appointments for urgent
care that does not require prior
authorization within 48 hours and Poll Links Reform Efforts To Voter Ire
96 hours for appointments that
require prior authorization. Hoover Says Issue Hurts Democratic Lawmakers
Patients must be able to
secure mental health and non-
urgent primary care appointments
within 10 business days. A new study by the Hoover Institution at two-thirds of the voters polled were aware of
Appointments with specialists must Stanford University indicates that voters’ how their Senator voted for healthcare reform
be secured within 15 business dissatisfaction with healthcare reform is during its historic Christmas Eve vote.
directly linked to uphill election battles for David W. Brady, the Stanford professor
"California patients are
literally sick of having to wait Democratic lawmakers during the upcoming who conducted the study, believes that most
weeks to see a doctor," mid-term elections. voters believe a reform package will lead to
says DMHC Director Cindy Ehnes. ! The study examined the attitudes of 500 higher healthcare premiums in the future.
"These new rules say that patients voters in 11 states, selected by a non-partisan “They did very little to put cost controls
can reasonably expect to have
timely access to needed health third-party organization to represent the into the reform proposals,” he says.
care." overall makeup of registered voters in each Although the Senate took pains to keep
Each health plan must submit state. It indicated that popularity with the the estimated cost of its bill to less than $1
a proposal to the DMHC for healthcare reform plan ranged from 33% in trillion over the rst decade of its
complying with the
North Dakota to 48% in Nevada. According to implementation, Brady notes that it included
required time standards, receive
approval, and begin using the Hoover, which is a right-of-center think tank, steep cuts in Medicare payments that
standards only two of the states showed that Democrats lawmakers have repeatedly avoided in the
within one year of the effective have a solid lead in Congressional mid-term past because of their political unpopularity.
date of the regulation. The burden elections. However, Brady believes that the
of compliance with the time limits
rests on the health plan, not the “The results indicated that the higher the Democrats must pass a reform package or
provider. level of opposition to health reform, the they will get hurt even more in the midterm
"Care delayed is often care greater the likelihood that the state’s voters elections.
denied, leading to worse health supported Republicans,” according to a “The disaster is even greater for them if
outcomes or unnecessary visits to
statement issued by Hoover, which notes that they don’t pass anything,” he says.
the emergency room," says
Anthony Wright, executive
director of Health Access, the
Sacramento-based advocacy
organization that sponsored the
original legislation that led to the
new regulations. "These new
first-in-the-nation rules will Expert Healthcare Communications
provide consumers with clear
expectations about
how quickly they should get in to !White Papers !Media Campaigns !Newsletters
see a doctor or specialist."
(818) 848-8510

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!< Healthcare Trends Of 2010 – Part II

Capital Access, Quality, Labor Issues Play a Big Part
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! In the first part of this article that ran in Clinical information systems,
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! last week’s issue, I discussed many of the Computerized Physician Order Entry,
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! issues that may affect the bottom line for Electronic Medical Record (physician office
EC$FD!/4!%12GH?!;B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! hospitals and physician organizations and hospital) – all are key components of
%&!)I:(/2!(+!(!'JK! during 2010. Most of the trends discussed ensuring high quality, efficient standard-of-
(BB(A3:)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! in the first part of this article – the care service. Financial rewards as well as
4)L+2)BB)*? economy, hospital closures and the penalties are tied to IT adoption under reform
pressures on physician-hospital alignment, guidelines.! New delivery models and
will remain in place. payment reform require EMR.
@22!!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! Healthcare reform was at the
)0/B-*/(2!/4M1/*/)+N top of the list. I discussed how it 9. Clinical Quality/Patient
EOPPH!"FOI"<Q# would impact changes in Outcomes
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+2?A-: reimbursement, and that it could Typical P4P programs will evolve
take years for its full force to be to include both quality metrics
T(/2/45!(00*)++N felt. and cost.! Reporting on quality
O$O!U?!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y The GOP victory in the will continue to be of increasing
Y1*%(4G6!8@!D$Z#Z Massachusetts Senate race on importance and will have
Tuesday has cast some doubts on significant impact on whether or
whether a reform package will be not you receive full payment for
W)%+/B) signed into law. This was in some services rendered.! Payments will
LLL?=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: ways an unexpected be impacted positively
K(A)%--G development, one that only came (gainsharing under bundled
LLL?R(A)%--G?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ into full view in the past week. payment and ACO programs; pay-
>L/BB)* The portent of reform does not quite Steven T. for-performance; and value-based
LLL?BL/BB)*?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ play the same role in my second round Valentine purchasing) and negatively (e.g.,
7/4G)0;4 of predications, which I present here: reduced payment for readmissions,
LLL?2/4G)0/4?A-:[/4[ hospital-acquired infections, and
=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+ 6. Organized Labor and Workforce others.)! Public posting (transparency) of
Supply quality and patient safety data and indicators
will mean internal vigilance on assuring
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 Expect unions to aggressively continue performance levels are achieved.
to organize healthcare workers in order to
build membership. Top priority thereafter 10. Value
is to push for mandated staffing ratios Patients will have more choice in 2010
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!B3)! among nurses and allied professionals.! and beyond.! Over time, healthcare reform, if
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+=/B(2!,! The demand for allied health professionals passed, will level the “paying” field.! Choice
T)0/A(2!8)4B)* will mean greater need to support will be made based on value, benefit design,
advanced nursing training, programs and provider network, accessibility, and
_/:!7-BB6!\`)A1B/.)!9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6! recruitment. perceptions of quality.! Physicians, hospitals,
V-+=/B(2!@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4! and other providers will need to focus on
8(2/R-*4/( 7. Capital Access and Expenditures brand identity and demonstrating quantifiable
Access to capital will be difficult in indicators of value.!
2010.! Strategic planning will have to
'2(4! focus on resource allocation, net income
generation, and preparation for the new Steven T Valentine is President of The Camden
b)/B3!^/A3:(46!T?J?6!\`)A1B/.)! era in healthcare delivery.! Capital Group, a national healthcare consulting firm in El
9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6!7(G)+/0)! expenditures should be focused on Segundo. He is a member of the Payers &
8-::14/B&!V)(2B3A(*) essential projects that reinforce core Providers Editorial Board.
competencies, critical Information
'1%2/+3)* Technology infrastructure, revenue
generating equipment and services, and Op-ed submissions of up to 575 words are
^-4!X3/4G:(4 welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
streamlining care processes.
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-:, or call
8. Information Technology (877) 248-2360, ext. 3.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

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