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Margaret Rose Owners Association

Minutes of Meeting held on 19th January 2015


Malcolm Alford, Brian Dennistoun, Janet Pearse

Gordon Innes and Lisa Macdonald (Hacking and Paterson)


Sandy Myles

The Chairman welcomed all but advised that unfortunately Scott Ross, who
had been invited to join the Committee, was unable to attend so could not be
co-opted at this meeting. This was due to a Monday evening commitment so
Malcolm will speak to him to see if a Wednesday would be suitable.
Factors report:
Gordon advised that most of H & Ps services are now on-line and
accessible by all . This includes the facilities to view any invoices paid, gives
full details of insurance policies , premiums and excess, emergency
numbers etc. facilities to pay accounts securely and report faults are also
available. He also advised that this year's management fee increase has
been kept to a minimum and will result in a a very small increase for flats and
houses. The will also keep insurance brokerage as low as possible.
There are two outstanding arrears one of which is now causing concern.
Gordon will ensure that H & P debts department deals with this in a positive
manner and instructs lawyers if necessary. The other is a small amount but
should nevertheless, be pursued. (Action Gordon and Lisa)
Grounds Report:
Brian gave us an update of work completed and the outstanding repairs. He
has happy to announce that the cementing work around 1 MRA had been
completed and the coping stone at the foot of MRA had been re-fixed.
The storm-damaged tiles at 21-26 MRD had been replaced, guttering and
down pipe clearing on all blocks had been completed as had the roof repairs
at 1MR Way. This work has been carried out by Reid Roofing in a timely and
professional manner.
The damaged and rusting crash barrier in MRA will be re-galvanised but
heeding the advice of builders, it is thought best not to do anything about the
staining on the walls.
Kerax have advised that it is outwith their remit to repair the wooden edging
in the Drive near the old Nurses home. H & P will ask Reid Roofing and
Builders to estimate to complete this for us. Since Kerax have done nothing
about the drainage stones around 1 MRA Reid Roofing will also be asked to
do this job at a cost of 145. This will allow Kerax to lay turf and replant
shrubs at the appropriate time. (Action Lisa)

The For Sale sign boards erected on the Common Ground have been
removed and owners notified. A reminder about Boards will be put in the
next Newsletter. (Action Brian)
New carpeting costs at each of the blocks is out for consideration and
comment by all residents and replies are due in at the end of this month.
(Action Lisa)
Malcolm circulated the report from The Tree Consultancy Group following
the three -yearly inspection of the woodlands in December (see web-page).
After considering this he asked committee members to look at the six trees
causing concern, (2 for felling, 2 for crowing and 2 for a tomography report)
and report back to him with their comments. (Action all)
Kerax would appear to be falling behind with their schedule and despite a
meeting between Phil of Kerax and Gordon ( H & P), things dont seem to
have improved.
Only snow clearance should be done by Kerax but they have already been
on site 3 times without evidence of the forecasted snow. We will continue to
monitor this. (Action all)
Treasurers report:
In this absence, Malcolm asked H & P to refund the subscription money due
to the Association (Action Gordon and Lisa)
Date of AGM: This was set for Monday 15th June 2015 and Janet will
arrange hall booking. (Action Janet)
Next Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 15th April at Brians ,21/2 MR
Drive at 6.30pm
Meeting closed 7.40pm

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