Install Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Domain Controller Howto

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Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.

Global Open Versity

Systems Integration Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Install Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Domain Controller


Kefa Rabah
Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada

Table of Contents Page No.


Part 1: Install & setup Windows Server 2k3 Active Directory 2

Step 1: Install Windows Ser 2003 and Setup Active Directory DC 2
Step 2: Setup Reverse DNS Reverse Lookup Zone 11
Step 3: Configure DHCP Server 16

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Global Open Versity

Systems Integration Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Install Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Domain Controller

By Kefa Rabah, Dec 12, 2009

A central component of the Windows platform, Active Directory directory service provides the means to
manage the identities and relationships that make up network environments. Windows Server 2003
makes Active Directory simpler to manage, easing migration and deployment.

Active directory has been around since the release of Windows 2000 several years ago, and is now a
standard sight in many offices. Its inclusion marked a radical change at the heart of the Windows Server
platform, one that people are still adjusting to today.

For organizations using Win 2k3 AD infrastructure that require flexible support for directory-enabled
applications, Microsoft has developed Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). ADAM is a Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that runs as a user service, rather than as a system
service. Active Directory Application Mode represents a breakthrough in directory services technology that
provides flexibility and helps organizations avoid increased infrastructure costs.

LDAP is an acronym for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol; it is a simplified version of the X.500
protocol. The directory setup in this training manual will be later used for authentication. Nevertheless,
LDAP can be used in numerous ways: authentication, shared directory (for mail clients), address book,

In this Hands-on Systems Integration Training Lab, we’re going undertake a step-by-step installation,
configuration of Windows Server 2003 Active Directory DC.

This project was demonstrated entirely using VMware, however, once you perfect the setup you can
migrated them into physical servers if you so wish. You may also Virtual PC instead of VMware for your
demo setup.

Part 1: Install & setup Windows Server 2k3 Active Directory

It’s assumed that you have already installed Windows server 2k3 or know how to install Win server 2k3. If
not then go ahead and check out an excellent article here to get you started.

Step 1: Install Windows Ser 2003 and Setup Active Directory DC

Here is a summary. Once you decide on the domain name, in our case, mycompany.loc, on server-
name server03, then just follow this procedure:

1. Install Win2k3 Enterprise server or whatever option you have.

2. Configure the server with static IP address, as shown in Fig. 1.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 1: Configure static IP address as shown.

3. Send the server to Windows Updates site to super-juice it with heavy dose of the latest Service Packs,
security updates and hot-fixes – and thereby acquiring a clean bill of health for our setup process.
4. finally open your CMD. First ensure that your static IP address is configured properly by issuing the
following command, see also Fig. 2:

c:\ipconfig /all

5. Next issue the dcpromo command to promote your server to AD DC as follows (see Fig. 2):


Fig. 2

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

6. The Active Directory Installation Wizard, Fig. 3, will guide you to Finish installation. Click Next.

7. From Fig. 5, click Next

Fig. 5

8. From Fig. 6, select "Domain controller for a new domain" and then click Next
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 6

9. From Fig. 7, select "Domain in a new forest" and then click Next

Fig. 7

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

10. From Fig. 8, type the Full DNS name for new domain: "mycompany.loc" and then click Next

Fig. 8

11. From Fig. 9, type the Domain NetBIOS name: "MYCOMPANY" and then click Next

Fig. 9

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

12. From Fig. 10, accept the default, and then click Next

Fig. 10

13. From Fig. 11, accept the default, and then click Next

Fig. 11

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

14. From Fig. 12, accept the default, or if you had installed DNS server, then select option 1, and then
click Next

Fig. 12

15. From Fig. 13, accept the default, and then click Next

Fig. 13

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

16. From Fig. 14, type the Restore Mode Password, and then click Next

Fig. 14

17. From Fig. 15, review the options listed and then click Next

Fig. 15
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

18. We are now in the AD installation process which may take several minutes, so grab yourself a cup
coffee, and sit back and relax while installation continues, see Fig. 16.

Fig. 16

19. From Fig. 17, the installation is done, click Finish

Fig. 17

20. From Fig. 18, click Restart Now, to restart your computer to complete the Active Directory setup.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 18

21. Once the computer has restarted login as the Administrator

22. Next, click Start > Administrative Tools and the select "Active Directory Users and
Computers", as shown in Fig. 19. You’re ready to add AD Users, OUs, Groups etc. to your DC.

Fig. 19: Active Directory Users and Computers

Step 2: Setup Reverse DNS Reverse Lookup Zone

1. Next, we want to verify that our DNS server is set correctly, and setup the DNS Reverse Lookup
Zone. Click Start > Administrative Tools and the select "DNS", as shown in Fig. 20.
2. From Fig. 20, Right-click Reverse Lookup Zone, and the select "New Zone", see Fig. 20.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 20: DNS Management Console

3. Next, from Fig. 21, Welcome to the New Zone Wizard, click Next.

Fig. 21
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

4. From Fig. 22, accept the default, and click Next.

Fig. 22

5. From Fig. 23, accept the default, and click Next.

Fig. 23
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

6. From Fig. 24, enter the Network ID: 192.168.83, and click Next.

Fig. 24

7. From Fig. 25, accept the default, and click Next.

Fig. 25
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

8. From Fig. 26, click Finish, to complete the Reverse Lookup Zone setup.

9. Our completed DNS Management console should now look as shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26: DNS management console.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

10. Now we need to verify that our DNS server is running correctly. To do this open the CMD and issue
the following command:

C:\nslookup server03.mycompany.loc

You should get the result as shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26

Step 3: Configure DHCP Server

Now we need to configure our DHCP Server, which will lease IP address to our network host devices. To
do this, perform the following procedure:

1. Click Start and the select Manager Your Server. Next from Manage Your Server, click "Add or
remove a role", see Fig. 27.

Fig. 27: Manage Your Server window.

2. From Server Role dialog box, select "DHCP Server", and then click Next, see Fig. 28.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 28

3. From Summary of selection dialog box, review and then click Next, see Fig. 29.

Fig. 29
© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

4. From Welcome to the New Scope Wizard windows, click Next, see Fig. 30.

Fig. 29

5. From Fig. 30, provide Scope Name and Description, and then click Next.

Fig. 30

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

6. From Fig. 31, provide IP Address Range, and then click Next.

Fig. 31

7. From Fig. 32, Add Exclusions, if you don’t have any as in our case, click Next.

Fig. 32

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

8. From Fig. 33, Lease Duration, accept the default or change as desired, and then click Next.

Fig. 33

9. From Fig. 34, Configure DHCP Options, select the desired option, and then click Next.

Fig. 34

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

10. From Fig. 35, Router (Default Gateway), enter the router IP address, click Add, and then click

Fig. 35

11. From Fig. 36, Domain Name and DNS Servers; enter the Parent domain, Server Name, and IP
Address, click Add, and then click Next.

Fig. 36

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

12. From Fig. 37, Wins Servers; enter the Server Name, and IP Address, click Add, and then click

Fig. 37

13. From Fig. 38, Activate Scope; select the desired option, and then click Next.

Fig. 38

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

14. From Fig. 39, Completing the New Scope Wizard; click Finish.

Fig. 39

15. From Fig. 40, This Server is Now a DHCP Server; click Finish.

Fig. 40

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

16. Click Start > Administrative Tools, and select DHCP; to access DHP Management Console, see
Fig. 41. Next right-click you domain name, and then click Authorize, to authorize your DHCP server.

Fig. 41: DHCP Server Mgmt console

17. From Fig. 41, you can Start/Stop/Pause your DHCP Server, by selecting all Tasks, and then choosing
the desired option, see Fig. 42.

Fig. 42

18. You’re done, you now have a fully functional DHCP Server and that is ready to dish-out IP addresses
to the host clients in your LAN, see Fig. 43.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada Install Win Server 2k3 Active Directory DC HowTo v1.0

Fig. 43: DHCP Server Mgmt console

This guide will up-dated whenever there is new information, therefore, stay tuned – and keep checking.

Enjoy working with Windows Server 2003 AD DC.

Kefa Rabah is the Founder and CIO, of Serengeti Systems Group Inc. Kefa is knowledgeable in
several fields of Science & Technology, IT Security Compliance and Project Management, and
Renewable Energy Systems. He is also the founder of Global Open Versity, a Center of Excellence
in online eLearning.

© September 2008, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada A GOV Open Knowledge Access License Technical Publication

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