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1- Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous.
What 1. ................................. (seem) to be the problem?
Miss Smith:I 2. ................................. (fall) on my arm this morning, and I
3. ................................. (think) its broken.
How 4. ................................. it .................................? (happen)
Miss Smith:While I 5. ................................. (wash) the floor, I 6. .................................
Your arm 7. ................................. (need) to be X-rayed, but youll have to
wait a few minutes. Someone 8. .................................. (use) the X-ray
machine at the moment. 9. ................................. you .................................
(want) a glass of water while you wait?
Miss Smith: No, thank you. Your nurse 10. ................................. (give) me some water
while I 11. ................................. (wait) to see you.
2- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
1. The moment the shop opened its doors, the people .................................. (rush)
2. The last time we .................................. (meet) was at Joes wedding.
3. Jerry has got a driving licence, but he .................................. (only have) it a week.
4. Theyre a terrific band. .................................. you .................................. (ever be)
to any of their concerts?
5. Pat was really angry that I .................................. (not tell) her about the test.
3- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or
Past Perfect Simple.
1. Peter suddenly .................................. (realise) that he ..................................
(forget) to lock the door.
2. Before I .................................. (travel) to Japan, I ..................................
never .................................. (eat) sushi.
3. .................................. you .................................. (read) a lot when
you .................................. (be) a child?
4. We .................................. (join) our friends for dinner only after
we .................................. (finish) all the work.
4-Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple,
be going to or Present Continuous.
1. We cant come on Friday; we ........................................... (go) to a concert.
2. Please lend me the book. I promise I ........................................... (give) it back.
3. ........................................... you ........................................... (study) for the exam
4. Lets meet tonight. I ........................................... (not do) anything special.
5. My friends and I ........................................... (look for) holiday jobs this summer.
6. Dont worry! I ........................................... (help) you get ready.
7. Watch out! You ........................................... (slip).
8. The next train ........................................... (arrive) in exactly one hour from now.
5- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous.


1. Dont come before 7.00 tonight. I ........................................... (still do) my
2. Do you think scientists ........................................... (find) a cure for cancer by the
end of the decade?
3. What do you think you ........................................... (do) this time next year?
4. Hopefully by the end of the year, we ........................................... (save) enough
money to buy a car.
6- Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Past Simple, Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect
Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Michael.(watch) a great film last night.
2. I was angry because my friend..(leave) without saying good-bye.
3. Usually I(live) with my parents but this week I ..(stay) with
my aunt.
4. It (start) to rain as we .(wait) at the bus stop.
5. You look tired. I(wash) clothes all day.
6. So far our English teacher..(give) us two tests.
7. When we arrived in Moscow winter.(already come).
8. They.( never speak) to me before.
9. Water(boil)at 100 C.
10.She..(be) twice to the cinema this week.
11.Until yesterday I .(not hear ) about it.
12.She still..(not understand) that everything ..(change).
13.When I phoned them they .. (look) for the dog for three hours.

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