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This House Believes that Tuition is the Answer to do Well in Exams

First Speaker
Good morning to the honourable Mr Speaker, adjudicators, timekeeper,
Members of the
Opposition and Members of the House. Members of the House, allow me now to
introduce my
fellow government members and myself along with our specific roles in this
debate. As the first
speaker for the Government, I am to give the definition of the motion, our stand
on the motion
and also the first point of our argument. My second speaker in the meantime will
refute the
arguments put forth by the first opposition speaker and expound on 2 more
points in favour of our
stand. Finally, my third speaker will refute the first and second speaker of the
opposition and
thus enforce our line of arguments.
Members of the House, as the first speaker of the Government, allow me to
give you
the definitions of keywords in the motion. Tuition is defined by Oxford Dictionary

teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups. In Malaysia, tuition

usually means seeing or consulting a teacher for a particular subject outside the school hours.
However, we the government do not confine the definition of tuition to those held outside the
school and run by private entities but take tuition held by the school itself in consideration.
This would be the context of tuition we the Government would refer to.
The term well is explained by the same dictionary as in a good or satisfactory
way. Exams or examination meanwhile is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as a
formal test of a persons knowledge or
proficiency in a subject or skill. For the purpose of this debate, the Government would refer to exams secondary
school students face in school and naturally, PMR and SPM.

That brings us to the motion of the moment This House believes that tuition is
the answer to do well in exams.
We, the Government members concur and support the motion and our stand is
tuition propels students to do better in exams. I repeat, our stand for today is
tuition propels students to do better in exams.
Members of the House, the governments first point to support our stand is
Im sure everyone agrees with- More information and attention.

MoH, a school usually has a class of 30 students and teachers are rushing
through the syllabus. Undeniably, sometimes they cannot spend more time on a
particular topic for a few students who have not master it and it is on the
students themselves to try and understand and catch up. But can they? Would
they? This is where attending tuition helps as the teachers there could focus on
any topic students have problems with. With tuition, especially those which
consist of only a small group of students, a student who have problem grasping a
particular topic could seek extra information and clarification from the teacher,
which might not be possible in school with so many students the teachers there
have to attend to.
Futhermore, MoH, with tuition, the students there could seek information
on how to study better. In fact, acquire skills on how to learn. Yes, school
teachers have the information too and do impart it but as pointed out earlier,
with a big number of students to attend to and a syllabus they have to complete
in time, not much time could be spent on it whereas in tuition, there is more time
to address the matter.
Let me give you an example. Imagine if you will, a typical class in school.
The teacher comes in and asks the students to submit their homework. Some of
the students have yet to complete them. 5 minutes wasted berating the
students. Then, the lesson commence. Some jokers play the fool and yet another
5 minutes spent in admonishing them. The bell rings, and the teacher has to rush
off to the next class. Do you see that happening with tuition? Hence, this is why
we the Government truly believe that tuition propels students to do better in
exams as they could gain more information and attention.

Less we forget, MoH, tuition, especially those run by private centres,

usually employ only the best teachers around to attract students. In school,
whether you find the teacher interesting or dull, there is no choice. But with
tuition, as you are paying, definitely you would only go to teachers who know
how to bring the lesson alive and explain it well. That is why students will flock to
a particular tuition teacher as words of mouth would go around that the teacher
is good in explaining his or her subject matter and would not put you to sleep.
MoH, tuition offers better teachers, hence the ability to disseminate more
knowledge and attention.
MoH, my second speaker will be holding forth our second and third point,
which are proper time management and positive peer influence, to further
convince the House that our stand is clear, tuition propels students to do better
in exam. With this, the Government begs the House to agree to uphold the
Motion of today. Thank you.

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