Genre - Single Camera Techniques

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Michael Reeder

Single Camera Drama

Unit 22

A contemporary drama is another word for modern
drama, this means it is about things that is happening at
minute and is based in this time period. Sherlock is a
example of this because it is based in the modern day
and he keeps up with technology. Sherlock is based on
the story of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
so can be classed as a crime drama as well. A crime
drama can also be classed as a detective drama, in
these it is often based on the police or people fighting

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Abbey is a great example of a costume drama, it is
based on the Crawley family and their servants in
the post Edwardian era. This is a costume drama
otherwise known as a period drama because it is
set in the past and everything is correct to that era.
Downton Abbey follows stories such as the sinking
of the Titanic and the start of the First World War.
This is the sort of story line we expect to hear
about in the programme as it is time appropriate
and these events happened when it was set. A
downton-abbey-highclerecostume drama also consists of era correct
castle-tour.htm 07/02/2015
costumes and setting, this is why Highclere
Castle is a perfect setting as it was built in 1839 and was home to high class people
throughout the 20th century.

Gavin & Stacey is a single camera comedy and is

based on the long distance relationship of Gavin
and Stacey. A comedy is made to make people
laugh usually about everyday things in different
situations. Gavin & Stacey does this well as its
based on real life scenarios just made funny.
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Michael Reeder

Single Camera Drama

Unit 22

Another genre of drama is medical. Medical dramas

are based on the life of hospital workers or such thing
like ambulance staff. Greys Anatomy is an example of
a medical drama, it follows the lives of surgical interns
and how they balance work with other things such as
friends. It puts more emphasis on characters personal
lives than professional but still follows the day to day
lives of surgeons. The personal and professional lives
quite often mix when surgeons form personal
relationships with the patients and when doctors build
friendly or sexual relationships with other doctors.

Soap operas are another genre; soap operas are based around the multiple related
storylines of many characters. These are based on what are meant to be realistic
events and follow the real life events of the characters. The stories are usually based
on emotional relationships and events of the characters which quite often live in the
same place. An example of a soap opera would be Emmerdale, Emmerdale is a
multi-camera drama based on the life of Emmerdale Farm and the surrounding
village in the Yorkshire Dales. Soap operas are mostly multi-camera setups because
there are often filmed in studios; this allows extra
cameras to be on set recording at the same time.
The final genre is drama documentary, this is when a
programme is based on real life events but has been
re-enacted for an audience. This can be a TV
programme, radio show or a feature film. An example
of a drama documentary would be the National
Geographic show Air Crash Investigation, this show
studys previous air crashes and explains how it
happened by using both CGI and re-enactments
using actors. To fully explain how the crash
happened they rely on many experts in the field and
then interview them to find out what happened.
1/03/05/new-series-of-aircrash-investigationbegins/ 08/02/2015

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