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So the churches were strengthened in the faith,

and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5

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Preparing for
Valentines Day outreach
Contact Info

Dennis and Valerie Rew

1808 Pioneer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15226

Sending Church

Middletown Road
Baptist Church
2660 Middletown Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15205




June 19, 2004

Prayer Needs

1. Salvation of souls
2. Outreach events
3. Childrens Bible
4. Healthy Pregnancy

Sledding in driveway

News and Prayer Letter February 2015

We are looking forward to 2015 and what God has planned for us. Two of the primary ways that we
have set out to immerse ourselves into the community is through volunteering and servant evangelism.

Servant Evangelism
Servant Evangelism is a high volume (reaches a lot of people), visible, effective opportunity for us to
introduce ourselves to the community and introduce people to the Gospel. We look for ways that we
can lovingly and practically serve various people within the community. These times are important to
us as we seek to engage a community that tends to resist change, especially in religion. We desire to:
Build an overall positive impression within the community
Stand out as a church that gives
Demonstrate the love of Christ
See hearts softened and receptive to the Gospel
We have two servant evangelism outreaches this month: First, we will have a Valentine's Day
outreach. We will be passing out conversation hearts with a card that lets people know about God's
love with our church information on the back. Second, we will have a soccer outreach (February 28th).
We will be giving out free soft pretzels and prizes during the indoor soccer playoffs at the Rec Center.
Our prayer is that God would use these outreaches to demonstrate His love in a simple yet tangible
way, and that through this we may further build relationships and share the Gospel.

Community Involvement
The doors for playing a role in the week-to-week life of the community continue to open up. Currently,
we are volunteering at Angel's Place (organization that helps single parents), the local library hosting
an adult game night, two local elementary schools, community Rec Center as reader during story time,
and little league coach. It is exciting (and exhausting) to be able to serve the community in these ways,
and even more exciting to see our contacts grow as we meet more and more people. In addition to
these more formalized opportunities, we continue to be involved with others consistently at the gym,
playing basketball, and just visiting with people regularly in the community (business owners, city
workers in the neighborhood, etc).

Job possibilities
The door closed for Dennis to take a position with PNC here in the neighborhood. Continue to pray
for his co-workers as there have been several open doors to share the Gospel. Pete has 2 interviews
this week for a management position. Pray for him this Wednesday and Thursday.
Family News
Avalon is doing great in school. She really enjoys it, and her teacher has been wonderful. Its amazing
how much she has learned already. Emily is officially holding her own with her big sister. She is
definitely the go getter of the two. In fact, she will be joining her sister for T-ball this summer! We
havent had too many opportunities for sledding this year, but we did get out once and go sledding in
our driveway (we figure not too many people are able to do that :0). Dennis didnt think it was such a
great idea when he tried to shovel it though! We are getting ready to welcome our new baby to our
home. Yes, she wont be here until May, but everyone is getting excited for her arrival. Avalon and
Emily are now sharing a bedroom, and we have begun getting a nursery ready again.
We continue to pray for additional partners. If you know of someone living or moving into this area that
you think would be a good fit in our ministry, please let us know. Thanks for your support.

The Rews

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