Existence and Purpose: Separate/ Gather Fill

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Existence and purpose

One of the problems that this generation faces- there is this lack of purpose because we dont
know the reason behind why we exist and because of that question, we dont know the purpose
of our existence.
I often ask youths, what they see themselves doing when they grow up. The most basic answer
is I dont know. Theres no sense of direction. Theres no motivation.
Have you ever asked these questions before?
Why do we exist in this world? Whats my purpose? How do I get there, or where do I even

Designed for good

God created the world and everything in it. Looking at Genesis we get to know that, God started
his creation by creating the backdrop and all the important props and laid them in place.
Separate/ Gather
1st day/ Light- Separation of light and darkness (3-5)
2nd day/ Sky-waters (6-8)
3rd day/ dry land (vegetation) and sea (9-10)

4th day- sun moon stars
5th day- fish, birds
6th day- animals and bugs

But the pinnacle of creation was not all that.

Then there was a meeting of the trinity, "let us make human beings in our own image, in our
likeness 1:26-27
The crowning focus off God's creation was humans. Only after that was God's master piece
complete. We were created to reflect God...icons. We we're put on earth to put things in orderrule and subdue. Humans were Gods agents that brought balance as they represented God on
this earth. Humans took care of the earth and in turn the earth took care of them. All was good.

Damaged by evil

Lost because of sin.

But, the cracking of that image started because of sin and through time God's image in us
Sin made us/ humans focus inwards.
Dallas Willard- talks about people in one of the top universities are not exempted from behaving
badly. Being intelligent sometimes is not the cure of the problem of sin.
The very fact that we have animals on the endangered species list and some even extinct shows
to us the problem of sin. (Mention about food chain vid)
And because of that our relationship with God, with ourselves and the earth was damaged.

Restored for Better

John 10:10 The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; i have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.
Jesus who is the exact representation of the image of God restores what was lost. He came as
a human being to restore the place of what man was supposed to be.
Not only did Jesus come for our salvation but a restoration of God's order in us and on the
To solve a problem you got to get to the root of the problem.

Sent together to heal

I went to the movies and watched Contagion. in short it was a movie depicting a wide
spreading virus, which was unknown, and untreatable. Well thats until they found a vaccine to
somewhat contain the virus from spreading virally. I am not intending to give my review of the
movie, on whether it was great and you should watch it, but there is something that got me
thinking about the words confinement, viral, and in some sense how it relates to

Confinement has the idea of safely harboring something that is dangerous in a manner that it
should be controlled. What is confined is something that can infect virally. This gives a
somewhat negative feel to it. But a negative that in turn gives a sense of well being, for
protecting people of being infected.
Which brings my mind to Christianity. In an ironic sense, this is how we treat the message of
Jesus. We act in a way that we want to protect the sanctity of the message from spilling out.
This happens when we contain or confine the viral and influential message of Jesus to be only
viably expressed in the church.
But if we would look to Jesus, was not his message one that went viral as opposed to the
confining act of just a tribe, or the selected elite, in the confines of religious cultic practices in the
vicinity of the temple and synagogues? Jesus message was instead available for the
consumption of the masses and was virally transmitted by teaching, his healing and his
conversations with the unwanted of society or just to the normal people. It is true that Jesus did
in someways confined the secrets to his disciples but again in the end it was for their preparation
to make the message of the kingdom viral (Matthew 28:18-20 or John 17: 14-18).
Do you see this happening in your church or churches for that matter? I ask because this is true
in the context of the church Im in. Im not saying that there is no viable message of Jesus in the
church, because the church in itself is the community of Gods people. But the issue I want to
counter or respond is that we reduce the message of bringing it outside to the masses when we
confine and conceal it as only viably transmitted in just the church. But I do see hope now that
many are actually incarnating the life of Jesus outside the confines of the church (social works
for example. There is much good in that).
Ive come to believe that, if we seek to confine what is not meant to be confined, we are choking
to death the influential message of Jesus. A message I think, should be viral.

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