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Tittle: The Moment That I Cant Forget

First Paraghraph: Introduction
Second Paraghraph: Rising Action
Third Paraghraph: Climax
Fourth Paraghraph: Falling Action
Fifth Paraghraph: Resolution

: Topic Sentence
: Supporting Details

As usual, I came early to the class to prepare my incoming presentation during

my tutorial slot. My group was the first to present about this topic. Before this, we just
discuss in informal situation. So, this makes me hard to present due to the lack of
knowledge about the topic and also I do not know what specification that the lecturer
want from my group. Moreover, I slept late at 3 am because I need to finish up my
power point presentation. A day before the presentation was the hard day for me
because I involve in a big program outside the institute.

During the presentation, I looked at my friend and they show their bored and
poker face. So, in my mind, I did not know either they understand or not what I was
presenting. They not only bored, but also not participating in my activities that my group
had planned. At the same time, I looked at my lectures face showed that she was not
satisfied and not smile at that time. I am very upset because I did not know what my
fault to them was till they do like this to me.
After finished my bad presentation with no feedback from anyone especially the
lecturer make me so down. I saw three of my friends went out from the class suddenly.
The situation makes me want to cry and decided to settle down my things. Out of blue,
the door was opened and I saw my friends brought a big browny chocolate cake with 20
candles on the top of the cake and came to me. I felt so surprise and suddenly I realised
that today was my twentieth birthday. I am so excited when I saw my name on the top
layer of the cake with the name Sweet Twenty Shazwan.
Then, they told me to give a simple speech to all the classmates and lecturer.
They gave me a big present that I will never aspect to get it. At the same time, I felt want
to cry and appreciated what they had done for me. They told me to cut twenty two slices
of cake and give to everyone. The lecturer gave advice to me and so do my friends.
They wish me to have a good future and become a good people to everyone.
However, this moment happened only a few minutes, but it gives me a very
meaningful effect in my life. I am very thankful to God because give me lovely friends
and supporting lecturer. Although, we just only knew each other around three years but
they did something out of my mind. Now, I more understand the true meaning of
relationship. This was the moment that I never forget for the rest of my life.
*no need thesis statement in narrative essay
*jadikan cerita tersebut sesaspen yg boleh.
*ada nilai moral ckit2, cube tarik perhatian pembaca,rase ingin tahu tntng cerita trsebut

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