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*Awiyao went into the house (table) and sat down at the table.*
Awiyao: Im sorry, Lumnay. This has to be done. Im really sorry.
*Silence. Awiyao hesitated to say something*
Awiyao: Why Why dont you dance outside? *paused* Just go and dance.
One men will see you dance well and marry you. Who knows, youll be
luckier with him.
Lunmay: I dont want any man!
*Lumnay faced Awiyao but hurriedly turned her head away*
A: *sighed* You know, I dont want any other woman, right? You know that,
*No response*
A: You know it, dont you?
L: Y-Yes, I know it.
*Awiyao stood up.*
A: Its not my fault. Im been a good husband to you, you know that too.
L: Neither I, Awiyao. *Stammering*
A: No, no. Youve been really good to me. Its just a man needs to have a
child. And waiting seven harvest is too long. We shoud have another
chance before its too late.
L: Ive done my best, I prayed to Kabunyan and sacrificed a lot chickens.
*paused and faced Awiyao* Remember how angry you were when you came
home from work and seeing the pig butchered? I did it to appease
Kanbunyan! Cause like you, I want to have a child too. But what else can
I do?
A: I know, I know.

A: I didnt find you among the dancers. Of course, Im not forcing you to
come to my wedding ceremony. But I just want you to know, Madulimay,
although Ill marry her is not as good as you are. Not as good as how you
clean and how you plant. Youre one of the best wives.
A: This house is yours. Ill give you the field too
L: I dont need a house. I dont need a field. I dont need those!
A: Lumnay, go and dance. For the last time.
L: I cant. I just cant. *paused* Well, I will pray that Kabunyan will bless
you and Madulimay.
*Lumnay cried*
*Lumnay grabbed Awiyaos arm*
L: Awiyao! Awiyao! I did everything to have a child. Look at this body, look
at me. Im useless without you. I should just die!
A: Don't be, Lumnay! Don't! If you die, you hate me. If you die, you don't
want my name to live in our tribe."
A: If I fail this time, Then, I'll come back to you. Both of us will die
together and vanish from the life of our trbe.
L: I'll keep the beads. They stand for the love for me. *looked outside*
They're calling you.
A: No, I'm not in a hurry.
L: The elders will scold you. It's alright with me. Go...
A: I'll do thi for the sake of the tribe
*Awiyao slowly headed to the outside*
L: Awiyao! *She held her arm again tightly* Awiyao, it's hard!

*Awiyao tried to go and Lumnay loosened her grip. Awiyao was buried out into the
night. *
L: It's noy right. It's not right *cried*

*Wipped her tears then looked outside. But suddenly she just went out and away
from the crowd and from the feast.*

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