Assignment 6 - Final Project Presentation

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Assignment 6 Technical Writing

Fall 2014

In-Class Presentation of Your Final Project



Presentation file, in PowerPoint or some other presentation

software, plus any handouts if applicable
45 minutes, plus up to 2 minutes for Q&A
Monday, December 1 (regardless of which date you present
Class time on December 18 will be devoted to student
Bring electronic file to class and submit via Canvas by 5 p.m.

Assignment Overview
Your final project for ENGL 393 represents a significant effort on your part. If you
have chosen well, you are energized by your topic and eager to share with your
classmates what you have done and learned along the way. By the time the
presentations are due, you will have developed and revised a complete draft of your
semester project.
Your task for this assignment, then, is to present to the class a summary of your
final project. Bear in mind your presentation audiencethat is, your classmates
and focus on the parts that are most relevant or interesting to them. Engage your
Once again, this project reflects the world beyond graduation: In your professional
career, it is quite likely that at some point or another, you will be askedor even
requiredto make such a presentation, whether to an internal audience of your
colleagues, or to a group of current or potential clients. The more practice you gain
in delivering an oral presentation, the more facility and efficacy you will acquire in
that role.
Be sure to consider Markels advice on oral presentations, chapter 21 in your
textbook. That chapter provides useful, concrete tips on developing, organizing, and
delivering your presentation.
Practice. Markel spends a good bit of the chapter focusing on practice, and I
cannot overstate the importance of rehearsing your presentation. Practice alone, in
front of a mirror, in front of friends or relativesjust be sure you run all the way
through the final version of your presentation at least three times before you walk in
the door. If youre not completely comfortable after three full rehearsals, keep going
until you are. Practice is the only way to attain that level of comfort.
Audience. Your classmates are an incidental audience to your project, and in many
cases, they will be part of your primary or secondary audience. Keep this in mind as
you choose your organization, as well as the wording you use. Your presentation

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must demonstrate a keen awareness of your audience (for this presentation) and
how it relatesdirectly or indirectlyto your project.
Logistics. You will need to bring in the electronic version of your presentation. You
may bring a jump drive/memory stick, a CD, or your own laptop that can be
connected to the classroom projector (ideally, via USB). Another option is to save
your file to a webpage that can be accessed from the classroom PC. The room is set
up with audio, in case you need that. The classroom PC has PowerPoint installed. If
you choose to use some other program, you may need to run the presentation from
your own laptop. You must be ready to begin immediately when it is your turn. Our
time is tight!
Citations. When using specific evidence and information from other peoples work,
you must provide in-text citations in the appropriate format. Your in-text citations
will refer to works listed separately at the bottom of the slide on which the citation
appears, or at the end of the presentation.
Graphics. Include charts, graphs, images, or other supporting visual data
appropriate for your audiences needs. Make sure they are visible and legible from
all seating areas in our classroom.
Deliverables. Submit an electronic file of your presentation slides to me via
Canvas. If you create a handout for the class, Ill need a copy of that, too. FYI: There
are 19 students in this class.

Your oral presentation will be graded on these qualities:
Presentation file
Content and cohesiveness (30%)your ability to convey the essence of your
project; the extent to which your components work together and help the
audience understand the project;
Presentation design (25%)adherence to accepted protocols for oral
presentations; appropriateness of graphic elements; clarity of the visual
aspects of the presentation;
Organization, style, and design of the verbal components (15%)clarity and
appropriateness of language; grammar, consistency, correctness,
organization, structure.
In-class presentation
Delivery (20%)evidence of practice; familiarity with the topic, lending you
credibility in your role as presenter; ability to handle questions or unexpected
events; adherence to time limits; complementing the text displayed (versus
reading it aloud);

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Your participation as an audience member (10%)attendance, focus,

attention; general respect for your classmates and their presentations;
questions of other presenters.

As indicated on the syllabus, this assignment will count as 10 percent of your total
course grade.

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