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Number of students
Learning Area
Learning Objective
Learning Outcomes

: 4 Science 1
: 40 minutes
: 20 students
: Matter Around Us
: 2.0 Structure of Atom
: 2.1 Analysing Matter

: Students is able to

Relate the change in state of matter to the change in heat.

Relate the change in heat to the change in kinetic energy of particles

Explain the inter-conversion of the state of matter in terms of kinetic theory of matter.
Prior Knowledge
: The particulate nature of matter, state the kinetic theory of matter and define atoms, molecules and ions.
: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to
I) Content knowledge:

Understand and write about the change in the state of matter to the change in heat and the change in kinetic energy
of particles.
II) Scientific Skill:

Using the sense of smell to collect information about phenomenon.

Using space, time relationship.

III) Noble Values and Scientific Attitudes:
Being cooperative
Daring to try
Being confident and independent
: Heater, beaker, balloons, retort stand, perfume, thread, water, PowerPoint presentations, Task diagram, Marker pen

Phase (Time)

Attract Attention


(5 minutes)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Teacher enter the class by explode the balloon and shout who
want to buy balloon?
Teacher waits for a moment until the students quite.
Teacher wishes Assalamualaikum and ask students again
who want to buy balloon.
A student volunteer and are asked to help the teacher do a
demonstration with the balloon in front of the class.
Teacher tells the objective of the activity to the student.

SPS: Experimenting,
Balloon, Perfume, Beaker,
Heater, Water, Thread and
Retort stand

Create Motivation

Making connection / prior

1. What the process when
solid change to liquid?
2. What the process when
liquid change to gas?

Structuring lesson

Students are asked 2 questions to test their ideas about SPS: Communicating
particles of matter theory that they had learned before.
Students are asked to give an idea why the balloon expand
when is heated. The second question is why they smell the
odour from their place until the balloon expend.
Student volunteers to answer the question. If doesnt have
student to answer, then teacher will call a name of student to
answer the question.
Teacher says yes for the correct answer and no for the wrong
After get all the answer from students, teacher explains the



Students listen to the teacher explanation about the change in SPS: Using space, time
state of matter to the change in heat.
Teacher explanted about the particles arrangement, movement PowerPoint presentations
and kinetic energy in solid, liquid and gas.
Students listen to the teacher explanation and take note about
the relation of temperature with the states change of particles
in solid, liquid and gas.


Students are divided into 4 groups.

Students are given 3 minutes to discuss in group and complete
the task.
Students show their results in front of the class with their short
Students are given the correct answer by the teacher.

NV: Being cooperative,

daring to try, thinking
rationally, and being confident
and independent.

Students are given the exercise.

Students are asked to answer the exercise individually.

NV: Daring to try, being

confident and independent.

Step 1
(12 minutes)

Step 2
(13 minutes)

Step 3



Task diagram
Marker pen

Exercise sheet



Teacher is thankful to all students because involve in the

activity and listen and pay attention during the lesson.
Students are asked to answer the exercise by individual.

Reflection of the lesson:

(PMI plus, minus and interesting, Strengths and weaknesses)

Exercise sheets:
1. Draw particles arrangement in solid, liquid and gases state.
2. Arrange the total kinetic energy that is contained in solid, liquid and gases follow increase arrangement.
3. Explain why the volume that heated until become steam increase.
4. 0.1 cm

water are installed into syringe and heated until 100 O C. The syringes piston will expend about 100 cm 3. Explain why this

phenomenon occurs?

Power Point Presentation Video Clip

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