Neu Rasmus

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Language requirements

Excellent proficiency in English is required. As the classes are taught in English, candidates must meet
the required standards.

IELTS (Academic Test): 6.5 (with no score below 6)

TOEFL: Paper-based 580 / Computer-based 237 / Internet-based 93

Certificate of Advanced English: B/C

Certificate of Proficiency in English: B/C

The test must have been completed no more than two years before the course starts. Please note
that Primary and Secondary Education certificates or 1-year exchange programme documentation
are not accepted as English certificates.
EXCEPTION: Are exempted the candidates who completed their education in Canada, USA, UK,
Ireland, New Zealand or Australia, or are citizen from one of these countries ONLY
for all other candidates: without one of the aforementioned official proves of your English level, your
application will be declared as 'incomplete' and will not be considered for evaluation. Another reason for
requiring an English test are the conditions set by some immigration services (for instance in the NL) ,
therefore NO OTHER EXCEPTION can be done. By the given deadline, you need to provide a copy of
your English certificate or Proof of registration to the exam if you take the exam after Neurasmus
application deadline. In the second case, please note that you will have to transmit the language
certificate by January 1st the latest.

Educational background

All candidates must have already obtained a first higher

education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national
legislation and practices, with outstanding grades and/or other study results.
Candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent Diploma in biology,
pharmacy, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, medical studies or psychology. Interest in the field of

Neuroscience has to be provided by candidates with a Bachelor's degree in another subject (chemistry,
physics, computer science).
A solid basic knowledge in the following fields is required: general cell biology, basics of chemistry and
biochemistry, physics and math.
A Candidate who is currently enrolled in the last year of Bachelor at the time of application is
allowed to apply, provided - in case he/she is admitted - he/she submits a proof of graduation before the
Neurasmus programme starts, i.e. before August.

The Neurasmus Consortium offers a diversity of expertise that covers all fields of modern neuroscience:
from neurogenetics and neurogenomics, cellular and molecular neurobiology, neurophysiology,
neurophotonics, physiology and pathophysiology of neural plasticity, to medical neurosciences. All
partners are sites of excellence in neuroscience and have a proven track record of close collaboration.

Program structure and Mobility

At the application stage, students choose the main Track they want to go through, which defines 1st year
mobility. The Board of Education agrees on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd wish according to the selection ranking
and intake capacity of partner institutions.
At the end of the first semester, students choose a subspecialty which defines the partner university(ies)
for the 2nd year. It is part of the student's Personal Training Plan (PTP). Students have up to the end of
1st year / start of 3rd semester to choose the subject of their Master Thesis.

Semester 1 and 2, core curriculum

Students are introduced to the different domains of Neuroscience and provided with the basic
knowledge they need through a commonly agreed core curriculum (core courses).
In addition, every student conducts research projects (lab rotations) in different participating
departments. Research projects involve experimental work, data analysis and a written lab report.
Track 3 is an "intensive track" which credits 90 ECTS. Students involved in Track 3 should be
prepared to face a non-stop year of studying.
Other tracks are "classic tracks" which credit 60 ECTS.

Semester 3, advanced courses

The choice of the advanced courses (30 ECTS) in association to the initial track will define
the subspeciality training gained by the student.
The combination is still organized to allow mandatory mobility.

Semester 4, Master Thesis

Students complete a 6-month research project or industrial placement leading to a Master Thesis
(30 ECTS). It takes place in a place defined according to the Personal Training Plan and chosen among
the 6 partners.
Only 1 or 2 Category B students are allowed to take optional courses in Laval, which implies that they
also have to undertake their research project in Laval University, provided they went through Amsterdam
during semester 1 and Bordeaux during semester 2

Students who spent the first year in Gttingen have to validate their research project in Gttingen during
Semester 4 (the research project can be conducted in Gttingen or elsewhere) to validate Gttingen's

Literature Survey
In addition to core and advanced courses, students have to take a course entitled 'Literature survey', in
which they study, discuss and report on a list of foundational research papers in Neuroscience, write a
research proposal related to their future thesis or another research project, and learn to write a scientific
paper. When required, the literature survey can be supervised by the thesis director.
If the Literature survey is taken in one place during semester 1 or 2 (part of year 1 core curriculum), it will
not take place in Semester 3 (no redundancy). Courses for the equivalent amount of ECTS will then be
offered to students.

Finding a lab
Regarding research projects (lab rotations/ Master thesis), students are invited to identify lab
supervisors and research fields of interest through internship placement offers available among the
different partner universities or through personal initiative if placement offers do not match their interest.

Personal Training
During the two-year Master Program, the students will have to attend at least two of the partner
At the application stage, students decide the main Track they want to go through, which defines 1st year
mobility. The Board of Education agree on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd wish according to the selection ranking and
intake capacity of partner institutions.

As part of the student's Personal Training Plan (PTP),

the subspecialty choice, which defines the partner university(ies) for the 2nd year, is made at the end of
the first semester. Students have up to the end of 1st year / start of 3rd semester to choose the subject of
their Master Thesis.
The Personal Training Plan's goal is to tailor an interdisciplinary education and training in the research
field he is interested in and to prepare his thesis work for the best.
The PTP should meet the below-mentioned mobility criteria set by the Erasmus Mundus Program:

Students will have to attend at least two of the partner institutions in two different European
countries that must be different from the country where the student obtained his/her last degree.

Each mobility period must include an amount of study/research or equivalent (e.g. field work,
laboratory activities, work placement or thesis research, etc.) corresponding to at least: 15 ECTS credits
for mobility in a third-country or 30 ECTS for mobility in a European country

The mandatory mobility is thus planed between YEAR 1 and YEAR 2.

Welcome days in Bordeaux
The Neuramus Program starts with a compulsory 4-day introduction session in Bordeaux at the end
of August. The orientation week gathers the newcomers only who get to know each other with social
activities and are introduced to the Neurasmus Program expectations, European academic practice and
ethical standards. They also receive comprehensive practical support from Representatives of the
different partner universities to prepare their mobility and the Neurasmus Office helps the students to go
through mandatory main administrative issues:

Signature of the Student Agreement, i.e. the contract between the Student and the Consortium.

Opening of a Bank Account for the delivery of the EM scholarship;

Payment procedure of the EMMC participation costs by Selffunding students;

Insurance scheme application for all the students;

Former students present in Bordeaux at this time are invited to join a few events to share their experience
with the new students.

Annual Workshop
A common workshop is organized each year, gathering year 1 and year 2 students, and teaching staff.
Workshops are driven by hot topics, neuroscience presentations by volunteered students, and dedicated
to extensive debriefing and quality assessing and improvement of the program. Location and dates are
communicated in October each year.

Closing Ceremony
A Closing Ceremony will be organized at the end of the program.

Orientation Weeks in Bordeaux

# 2014// 27-29.08
# 2013// 27-30.08
# 2012// 21-24.08
# 2011// 23-26.08

Annual Workshops
# 2015// 07-10.07, Amsterdam
# 2014// 10-15.07, Berlin
# 2013// 01-05.07, Coimbra
# 2012// 11-13.07, Barcel

The Program includes intensive language training in at least 2 European languages of the
Neurasmus academic partners:




In order to boost their integration in the host country, students will receive local languages courses in the
two first universities of study.
Although students are required to follow the proposed courses, these courses are not subject to
examination (no ECTS). The aim is to develop student personal skills and enhance their adaptability to
local life. Students are introduced to the basics and provided with the necessary skills for everyday life.
These courses are designed for beginners in the local language. Adaptations are made for students who
already master one of the proposed languages. Those who are more advanced are integrated upon
request in already existing language course offered to regular international students.

Students will be abided by the rules and regulations stipulated by the Erasmus Mundus Program in
the Neurasmus Student Agreement at the time of joint enrolment. The Neurasmus Student Agreement
is a mandatory contract required by the EACEA that has to be signed by the enrolled student and the
Program coordinator at the start of the Program. Students will have to attend courses assiduously and

follow Personal Training Plan including the mandatory mobility inherent to the program, with the objective
of successfully passing examinations and completing a Master thesis.

Examination regulations

All students must complete two academic years of theoretical

and practical education, corresponding to 120 ECTS and divided in 4 semesters of 30 ECTS each. As
the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is designed to facilitate the mutual acceptance of courses
successfully completed at foreign institutions of higher learning, all courses offered in Neurasmus will be
assigned an appropriate number of credits. Each module will be graded in accordance with the ECTS
grading scale in addition to the national grading scale.
All courses will be held in English, unless otherwise specified. The thesis dissertation should be written
and defended in English. A summary of the dissertation should be provided in the other national
languages, in case local regulations require it. Students will receive help for the necessary translations by
the relevant tutors.
The Master examinations will be carried out according to the rules of local institutions . The Neurasmus
Examination Board will be provided by the Neurasmus Board of Education.
Performance in an examination will be declared automatically unsatisfactory (Fail):

if a candidate does not appear for an examination without a reasonable explanation,

if she/he withdraws from an examination without such a reason after it has begun or,

if she/he fails to hand in written work within the established time limit,

if she/he attempts to influence her/his performance in any examination through deception or the
use of disallowed means or if she/he attempts to interfere with the normal course of the examination.
In the case of illness , a candidate must present an official medical attestation issued by a practicing
physician. If the reason(s) given are accepted, a new date for an examination will be set.

Following the successful completion the 2-year program, students are awarded a multiple diploma i.e.
the original diploma of at least two universities where the student has completed his/her studies,
provided the mobility scheme meets local requirements for the degree delivery.
Any mobility that does not match the min. local requirements set by a partner institution for its full-degree

delivery is considered as a simple mobility, i.e. non-diploma awarding mobility. The partner institution will
issue a mobility certificate.

The Neurasmus Program is governed as follows:

Neurasmus Coordination Office

Agns Nadjar, Program coordinator, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)
Florina Camarasu, Administrative Manager, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)

Board of Education
Select committee:

Agns Nadjar, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)

Leontien Diergaarde, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

Emilia Duarte, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)

Carlos Duarte, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)

Benedikt Salmen, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin (DE)

Michael Hoerner, Universittsmedizin Gttingen (DE)

Detlev Schild, Universittsmedizin Gttingen (DE)

Katalin Toth, Universit Laval (CA)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Enlarged committee:

Arjen Brussaard, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

Stphane Oliet, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)

Yves de Koninck, Universit Laval (CA)

York Winter, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin (DE)

Management Team

Florina Camarasu, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)

Ellen Salome Munnik, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

Emilia Duarte, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)

Lutz Steiner, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin (DE)

Michael Hoerner, Universittsmedizin Gttingen (DE)

in collaboration with Maaike Leusden, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL) (ENC Network)

Associated Partners

Jean-Baptiste Pin, Fluofarma (FR)

Thierry Bazerque, Conseil Rgional Aquitaine (FR)

Evelyn van Royen, Synaptologics (NL)

Eric Karran, Johnson & Johnson - Jannsen (BE)

Senior Advisory Board

Uwe Heinemann, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin (DE)

Catarina Oliveira, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)

Huibert Mansvelder, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)


Vincent Dousset, Vice President of International Relations, Universit de Bordeaux (FR)

What do Neurasmus fees cover ?

Students are then entitled to the following support and services:

access to the Neurasmus welcome days,

access to all Neurasmus courses and workshops delivered under the Main Study Track and
Student Personal Training Plan

assistance from the student services of the partner universities in accordance with regulations of
student services,

use of libraries in accordance with library regulations of the partner universities,

use of information technology infrastructures in accordance with the specific regulations of the
partner universities,
access to extra curriculum activities organized within the Neurasmus Program,
insurance coverage in line with the minimum requirements for the health and accident
insurance coverage of Erasmus Mundus Action 1 and Action 2 set by the European Agency.

Irrespective of the chosen study track:

For Category A students: 4,000 per semester(16,000 for the 2 year-program)

For Category B students: 2,000 per semester(8,000 for the 2 year-program)

Insurance coverage
The Neurasmus Consortium concluded a partnership with the Marsh Company, which delivers
the Erasmus Mundus Insurance Scheme 2 (EMIS 2). Students will be provided with detailed
information and individual contracts during the welcome days.

Bank account: scholarship-holders

Erasmus Mundus scholarshipholders need to open a French bank account on which the Erasmus
Mundus monthly allowance will be delivered. They may receive help from the Neurasmus Office.

the admission
criteria, eligibility
scholarships and application conditions for self-funded candidates before submitting the application
form online. Additional information is available in our FAQ section.

Online Application Form

All candidates (applying for a scholarship or under a self-funded scheme) must fill in the online
application form and submitt it by the given deadlines with the following attachments.
All attachments must be uploaded by the candidate in the 'checklist page' of the application form, except
the recommendation letters that are directly submitted by the referees.

List of attachments
a recent photo

Passport type

a copy of national ID (EU

candidates) or Passport
(non-EU candidates)

Page(s) showing identification n, photo, holder' name, citizenship and

date of birth, date of issue and date of expiration, signature.

a strongly convincing
letter of motivation

No more than 1000 words. The motivation letter must include the following
1) Reasons for choosing Neurosciences,
2) Reasons for choosing the Neurasmus Track indicated as 1st
choice in the application form (see Track descriptions here).

a Europass Curriculum

Download template here.

Vitae 'CV'

Read more:

a recent English

In case the exam takes place after the Neurasmus application deadline,
you need to provide a Proof of registration to the exam by the deadline,
and you will have to transmit the exam results by January 1st, the latest.
(Read language requirements here)

a copy of the Bachelor

degree or Graduation
certificate translated in

In case you are not graduated yet, please provide an official enrolment

all previous Academic

Transcripts translated in

Should include all grades obtained during the 3-4 years of Bachelor and
information about the grading scale

2 recommendation
letters by two academics
and/or professional

No more than two pages per reference letter, written in English, including
the referees signature, presenting on institutional headed paper and
bearing an institutional stamp/seal.

optional: GRE
Record Examinations)

Should be the Revised General Test, see


Detailed mobility plans

No more than 2 semesters are allowed to be spent in one of our partner universities except for Track 3.
Up to 5 students will be allowed to join Berlin (max. intake capacity) during the 3rd semester.
In case of industrial placement (J&J, Fluofarma, Sylics), the university chosen in semester 4 will examine
the Master thesis and deliver the credits.

T1 "Neurobiology and Neurogenetics", Classic Track, 120 ECTS

Max. 7 students can join Track 1 according to the intake capacity of Amsterdam.
Year 1

Core courses and short lab rotations

Neurobiology and Neurogenetics
Semester 3

Advanced courses


Neural Plasticity

Medical Neuroscience
Semester 4

Master Thesis


T2 "Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology", Classic Track, 120 ECTS

Max. 5 students can join Track 2 according to the intake capacity of Coimbra.
Year 1

Core courses and short lab rotations

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Semester 3

Advanced courses

From Neurogenomics to Clinical Neurosciences

Neural Plasticity

Medical Neurosciences
Semester 4

Master Thesis


T3 "Neurophysiology", Intensive Track, 160 ECTS

Max. 4 students can join Track 3 according to the intake capacity of Gttingen.
Year 1

Core courses and short lab rotations

Semester 3

Advanced courses

Semester 4

Master Thesis

No industrial placement


Or option "External Thesis"

The research project is conducted in one of these universities but evaluated and credited by Gttingen


T4 "Neurobiology and Neuropathology", Classic Track, 120 ECTS

Max. 5 students can join Track 4 according to the intake capacity of Berlin
Year 1

Core courses and short lab rotations

Neurobiology and Neuropathology
Semester 3

Advanced courses

From Neurogenomics to Clinical Neurosciences

Neural Plasticity
Semester 4

Master Thesis



T5 "Neuroimaging", Special Track, 120 ECTS

Laval offers a 1-year study/research program during year 2. Since Category A students are not allowed to
spend more than one trimester (15 ECTS) in third countries, this mobility cannot be offered to them.
According to the intake capacity of Laval University, max. 2 Category B students can follow Track 5.
Semester 1

Core courses

Semester 2

5-month lab rotation

Neural Plasticity
Year 2

Advanced Courses and Master Thesis


T6 "Neural Plasticity ", Classic Track, 120 ECTS

Max. 5 students can join Track 6 according to the intake capacity of Bordeaux.
Year 1

Core courses and 5-months lab internship

Neural Plasticity
Semester 3

Advanced courses

From Neurogenomics to Clinical Neurosciences

Medical Neuroscience

Semester 4

Master Thesis


Preliminary information about the 2015 Neurasmus scholarship is now available!

As Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and
Turkey have officially become Erasmus+ Programme Countries and enjoy all the associated rights and
duties, on equal footing with the 28 EU Member States, scholarship applicants who are either nationals or
residents of these countries will be considered only for a category B scholarship.

Available scholarships: EMMC Student scholarships

Scholarships are open to higher education students from all over the world.

Candidates should be fully aware of the financial costs of the programme,

as at the time of the application there is no guarantee that they will be awarded an ERASMUS MUNDUS
Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be offered to the most appropriate candidates according to: the
selection ranking ANDthe nationality rule set by the European Agency.
Category A scholarships should be considered as full scholarships covering all necessary costs of the
student during his/her study period in Europe. Category B scholarships have to be considered as a
financial contribution to the students costs.

Eligibility criteria
Candidates can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 joint program
(EMMC) of their choice but:

The number of applications must be limited to maximum three different joint programs (EMMC
and EMJD together) ;

Individuals who have already benefited from an EMMC scholarship are not eligible for a second
scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMMC ;

Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another Community grant
while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies ;

EMMC student's scholarships are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the
course editions.

Nationality rule: no more than two of the students selected for an Erasmus Mundus Master
Course scholarship should have the same nationality.

Category A EMMC Student Scholarship

Any third country candidate who is not listed in the B category.



The amount of money awarded to Category A ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarship recipients will be:

Monthly allowance: 1,000 / month

Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs: 4,000/ year
In addition, the Scholarship includes a contribution to the EMMC participation costs, i.e. 4,000 /
semester corresponding to the mandatory contribution to the NEURASMUS tuition fees and insurance

The Neurasmus Program welcomes each year a max. number of 20 students. According to the number of
scholarships delivered by the European Commission each year, a few places will be available under the
Self-funding scheme. The number of places is published by early February each year.

Extended application procedure for self-funded candidates

Deadline to apply as Self-funded candidate: February 28th 2015
A few candidates only can still join our Program




If you're interested in, please follow the extended procedure:

(if not done yet in the framework of the application procedure for a scholarship), please submit
theapplication form online by Feb. 28th 2015,
read carefully the eligibility criteria and information on provisional costs(see below),
fill in the Self-funded Candidate Declaration and send a signed copy with all necessary
attachments to by February 28th 2015

Eligibility criteria
Candidates can apply under a selffunding scheme, but:

They understand that they will have to pay the Neurasmus participation costs and they can
expect no financial assistance from the Erasmus Mundus Program. Neurasmus participation costs do not
cover any living or travel expense.

In case of sponsorship or application to external scholarship Programs, selffunded candidates will

be required to provide the Board of Education with a proof of Sponsorship sustainability or a proof of
acceptation to any other scholarship before the Neurasmus Program starts.
A nonscholarship holder may thus be offered a position in the Neurasmus Program, on the conditions

He/she fulfil the Neurasmus admission criteria ; Any submitted application under a self-funding
scheme will be revised and debated by the Selection Committee, considering the academic selection
criteria set for scholarship holders. The academic level of non-scholarship holders must match the level of
the selected applicants who applied for a scholarship.

His/her ranking among the candidates allows him/her to obtain a place in one Neurasmus partner
university ;

He/she has adequate financial support - information on provisional costs

Candidates who applied for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, but obtained a position on the
Reserve List, are authorized to apply under a self funding scheme. The decision to apply as self funded
student will not affect their position on the reserve list, on the condition that if the Neurasmus Program
finally offers them an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, they need to cancel any other EU Community
scholarship applications.

Selection process
The selection campaign is in two rounds.
The 1st round is a preselection stage. Applications are reviewed and ranked according to the following
criteria: academic grades, motivation, references and English proficiency.
In case your application is among the best ranked and thus selected for the second selection
round, you will be contacted by the Selection Committee for a final face-to-face interview through
the Internet.
Candidates applying for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship: interviews will be performed between the last
week of January and the first week of February; Candidates applying under a self-funding scheme:
interviews will be performed during March/April.

Official application results for the admission exercise are expected to be available in May. Applicants
will be notified of the application results by email once it is available. Results will NOT be released
through any telephone enquiries.
The Neurasmus Selection is a fair competitive process. Due to the limited places available and the high
number of applications, the Selection Committee has to be very selective. However, in case of nonselection and if you have grounds to believe that your application file, although complete, has not been
processed through the selection procedure, you may ask for further details by writing directly to the
Neurasmus Head Office:

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