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Chapter 1 : Solar System

Full Moon night(poornima)- seen only once in a period of about a month.
New Moon night(Amavasya)-can not see moon at all, a fortnight after full moon
Celestial body - the sun, the moon , all shining objects in the night sky.
Star- a celestial body which is big and hot, having its own heat and light, which
they emit in large amount. They are made up of gases. The sun is a star.
Constellation- various patterns formed by different group of stars [ursa major or
big bear, saptarishi or small bear forms large part of ursa major constellation ]
Pole star( North star) we can locate north pole star while facing in the north and
imaginary line joining pointer stars(part of saptarishi) and further extending this
Planets A celestial body which does not have its own heat and light. They are lit
by the light of stars.
The Solar System Eight planets+ Earth + Sun+ their satellites+ Asteroids +
meteoroids. All planets and their moons get light from Sun.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus have rings around them. These are belts of small debris.

The Sun- Head of solar system. Made up of hot gases. 150 million kms away
from earth. It is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system.
Planets Nine. They move around sun in orbits.
Mercury takes 88 days to complete a revolution around sun.
Pluto takes 248 years.
Venus is considered as Earths twin bcoz of similar shape and size.
A new planet 2003 UB313 has been found farthest away from sun.
Aryabhatta was an ancient Indian astronomer.

The Earth- 3 rd nearest planet to the Sun. Fifth largest in size.Flattened at poles
thats why is shape is considered as Geoid (Earth like shape). Blue planet
The Moon - only satellite of earth, Dia of moon = one fourth of earth. It is about
4 lakh kms away from earth. It rotates around earth and on its axis in 27 days.
Hence, only one side of moon is visible from earth.
Light travels with a speed of 3*108 kmps. Yet it takes suns light 8 minutes to
come on the earth.
Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on moon in 1969.
Satellite : A celestial body that moves around a planet in the same way planets
move around sun. Moon is natural satellite.
Man made satellites are artificial bodies. Indian satellites in space include
Asteroids apart from planets and satellites there are other celestial bodies
which move around sun. These are asteroids. Assumed to be the parts of planets
departed bcoz of explosion. Found between orbits of mars and Jupiter. Largest
asteroid found is Ceres.
Meteroids small pieces of rocks which move around sun. When come near
earth bcoz of the friction with air ,they gets heated up and burn causing a flash
of light.
Milky way Galaxy (Akash Ganga)- our solar system is a part of this.
Universe- made up of millions of galaxy.
All other planets except venus and Uranus spin is in anti clockwise direction.

Chapter 2 : Longitudes and Latitudes

Equator (0 degree latitude) : imaginary line dividing globe into two equal
parts.(Northern Hemispshere and Southern Hemisphere)
Parallel circles toward the poles are called parallels of latitudes. Latitudes are
measured in degrees.
90 degrees North latitude marks north pole.
90 degrees South latitude marks South pole.
Chandrapur in Maharashtra and belo horizonte in brazil (South America) are
located on parallels of 20 degree latitude. But chandrapur 20 degree N and bel
horizonte 20 degree South.

Important paralles of latitude :

Besides equator( 0 degree), north pole(90 degree N), South pole (90 degree S)
there are four important latitudes :

Tropic of cancer : (23 degree N ) in northern hemisphere

Tropic of Capricorn ( 23 degree S) in southern hemisphere
Arctic circle (66 degree N) in northern hemispehere
Antarctic circle (66 degree S) in southern hemisphere

Heat zones of the Earth

Torrid zone :

Mid day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all

latitudes between tropic of cancer and tropic of cancer . Recieves maximum

heat from sun.

Temperature zone :

the mid day sun never shines overhead beyond the

tropic of cancer inn northern hemisphere and beyond tropic of Capricorn in

southern hemisphere . the angle of suns rays goes on decreasing towards the
pole. Hence regions have moderate temperatures.

Frigid zone :

areas between arctic circle and north pole in northern

hemisphere and Antarctic circle and south pole in southern hemisphere are
very cold, bcoz here sun does not rise much above the horizon.


Hyderabad (Pakistan ) and allahbad ( india ) are located on same latitude (25
degree 25 N). How to define position ? hence, we need longitude as well.
Meridians of longitude are equal unlike latitudes.
Prime meridian ( 0 degree ) which pass through Greenwich. It divides earth into
two parts- eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere. 180 degree east and
180 degree west lies on same line.

Longitude and time

Greenwich (0 degree meridian ) places east to this will be leading in time and
places west to this will be behind it.
Earth moves 360 degrees in 24 hrs. So in 1 hr it moves 15 degrees. If we want to
calculate the time at let say 30 degree east longitude , it will lead time at
Greenwich by 2 hrs. And similarly 30 west longitude, time will be 2 hrs less than
time at Greenwich.

Why we needed standard meridian?

Russia has eleven standard times.

Chapter 3 : Motions of the earth

1. Rotation
2. Revolution
Orbital Plane : The plane formed by the orbit of the
earth is the earths orbital plane.
Earths orbital plane makes an angle 66.5 degree
with its axis.
Circle of illumination : The circle on globe which
differentiates day and night.

Earth takes about 24 hours to rotate on its on own axis.The period of

rotation is known as the


Life would not have been possible on earth if there has

been no rotation.
365.25 days for one complete revolution.

Elliptical orbit of earth. Year is divided into seasons on the basis of the
position of the earth.


Chapter 4 : Maps
Different types of maps:
1. Physical maps(relief) : maps showing natural features
of earth.
2. Political maps
3. Thematic maps
Three components of maps :

1. Distance
2. Direction
3. Symbol


The solid portion of the earth on which we live is Lithosphere (in greek
lithos means stone)
The gaseous layers that surrounds the earth is called atmosphere( atmosvapour)
Hydrosphere combines water in all of its forms like ice, vapour,liquid
Biosphere : narrow zone where we find land, air and water together,which
contains all forms of life.

Highest mountain peak : mt. Everest Hillary(Britain) and

tenzing(india) 1953.8848m above sea level. Females :
junko tabei(1975-japan), bachendri pal (india-1984)
Deepest point : 11,022 m below sea level, mariana trench
in pacific ocean
1. ASIA : largest continent, one third of the total land area of
the earth, continent lies in the eastern hemisphere, tropic
of cancer passes thru it,separated from Europe by ural
mountains on the west.
Combined landmass of Europe and asia is EURASIA.
2. Europe : much smaller than asia. Arctic circle passes thru
it. Bounded by water on three sides.

3. Africa : second largest continent,equator runs almost thru

the middle of the continent, larger part in northern
hemisphere,only continent thru which equator tropic of
cancer tropic of Capricorn passes.
Sahara desert- world largest hot desert lies.
River nile worlds longest river flows thru Africa.
4.North America : third largest continent of the world, linked
to south America by very narrow strip of land called isthmus
of panama. , lies completely in northern and western
hemispheres, three oceans cover it
5.South America : the andes- worlds longest mountain
Worlds largest river : the amazon
6.Australia : smallest continent, lies completely in southern
hemisphere, island continent.
7. Antarctica : larger than combined area of australia and
Europe, completely in southern hemisphere, South pole lies
completely at the centre of this continent, india has research
stations here named as matre and dakshin gangotri.

Hydrosphere :
Earth is called blue planet.
71 % of earth is covered with water, and 29 % with the land.
(7% of earths water is found in oceans and is salty, and then
larger proportion in the form of glaciers and a very smaller
proportion is adequate for drinking. )

Three chief movements of earths water are :

1. the waves
2. the tides
3. and the oceanic currents.
4 major oceans in terms of size :
Pacific(1/3 of earth, circular in shape-NA,SA,asia, Australia
all surrounded by it),atlantic( S shaped indented
coastline), Indian( triangular shaped,),arctic( berring strait)


Chapter 6 : Major landforms of the earth

These landforms are a result of 2 processes:

1. Internal process
2. External process

Chapter 8: India: Climate, Wildlife and Vegetation

Weather is about day to changes in the atmosphere. It includes

changes in T, rainfall, sunshine etc.

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