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The paper discusses Voluntary Tourism or Voluntarism as it is being called these days. We
look at the benefits and criticisms on the subject and move on to formulate a viable plan to
introduce Voluntary Tourism in Australia, based on Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning,
which are discussed in detail. We conclude that the Australian tourist segment is diverse and
hence, we try and identify our target market from this diverse group and try to implement a
successful positioning strategies for our target market, so that we can attract them to venture
into Voluntarism in Australia, which would be mutually beneficial to the visitors as well as
the country at large. Finally, we conclude that despite having several benefits to it, Volunteer
Tourism is not completely white in nature, it has shades of black in it as well.

Executive Summary:................................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction:.........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Volunturism:...................................................................................................................................................6
2. Literature on Voluntary Tourism:.........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Benefits:.........................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Criticsms:.......................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Conclusions:.................................................................................................................................................10
3. Promoting voluntarism in australia:...................................................................................................................11
3.1 Market Segmentation:..................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Targeting:......................................................................................................................................................12
3.3 Positioning:..................................................................................................................................................13
3.4 The Plan:......................................................................................................................................................14
4. Conclusions:.......................................................................................................................................................16

Universal volunteering is a piece of the more extensive worldwide advancement motivation
and global volunteers are regularly considered improvement specialists in their own privilege.
Generally, worldwide volunteering open doors have had a tendency to be long haul abilities
based situations, run by improvement organizations, humane associations, NGO's, instructive
establishments, and religious gatherings. (Morgan, n.d) In any case, a dismissal of masstourism and demand for more real and significant types of travel has brought about a surge in
demand for fleeting volunteer open doors from people who are not able to confer long haul
yet wish to 'give something once again' amid their relaxation time. My examination has
demonstrated, maybe obviously, that the principle inspirations of volunteer visitors
incorporate a craving to help, the likelihood of a one of a kind travel experience, and selfawareness. (Morgan, n.d)
Volunteer tourism offers new open doors for the tourism business. (Morgan, n.d) Its
advancement has made the requirement for organizations past the customary visitor store
network. Notwithstanding the ordinary production network members (i.e. air transport
organizations, convenience suppliers, and so on), (Morgan, n.d) there are four primary
performing artists inside the volunteer tourism chain: sending associations; volunteers;
accomplice associations, and host associations/ventures. (Morgan, n.d) The differing qualities
and broadness of the volunteer tourism part makes it exceptionally hard to make an
acceptable plan of action. (Morgan, n.d)Volunteer tourism offers mixture choices postured to
fulfill the demands of travelers, and volunteer positions have a tendency to be adaptable to
guarantee extreme accommodation. (Morgan, n.d)

Voluntourism, a developing and prominent pattern, alludes to the marvel of paying to
volunteer abroad. (Kass, 2013) This wonder, likewise alluded to as volunteer tourism or
volunteer travel, has seen amazing development since its general commencement more than a
large portion of a century back. (Kass, 2013) Voluntourism has developed into a gainful
industry, which numerous battle advantages both the buyer/volunteer and their host areas.
(Kass, 2013)
Much of the time, members in "Voluntourism" projects will pay a charge to an universal or
nearby association, and the organization will put them as volunteers on a mixed bag of tasks,
based on inclination, typically going from instruction to wellbeing to human rights. (Kass,
Most volunteer excursions range from one week to a year or two, with the normal being
around six months. (Kass, 2013)
An inexorably prominent manifestation of supportable tourism is volunteer tourism, assessed
to draw in 1.6 million volunteer visitors a year with a quality in the middle of 832m and
1.3bn every year (AUD 1.3bn 2.1bn) (Wearing and Grabowski, 2011: 145). Volunteer
tourism, otherwise called Voluntourism or volunteering for advancement, has been situated
under the umbrella of manageable tourism, working nearby group and ecological objectives.
(Wearing and Grabowski, 2011)

Transient volunteering open doors permit more individuals (who would overall be not able to
confer time) to take an interest in volunteering abroad. The sending associations addressed as
a piece of this study sent generally in excess of 1000 volunteers each in 2008. In the event
that these transient volunteering open doors are legitimately imagined and decently sorted
out, the recreation time and optional assets of these visitors can be utilized to incredible focal
The lion's share of sending associations affirmed that they picked positions in exchange with
neighborhood accomplice associations, Ngos/philanthropies, and nearby group delegates,
which could propose dynamic thought of nearby improvement needs or simply the vital
means for sending associations to secure situations.
Host associations/ventures declare that volunteer tourism has extraordinary effect on the
neighborhood group, especially in more remote, rustic zones. My examination found that
control advantages to the group incorporate expanded labor and immediate money related
backing through arrangements. Aberrant advantages incorporate expanded neighborhood
livelihood (encouraged by the infusion of income) and enhanced offices (schools, parks and
day by day exercises).
Despite the fact that volunteers may have some earlier attention to worldwide advancement
issues, the greater part of respondents felt that giving vacationers chances to live and work
among individuals from social orders and societies altogether different to their own particular
can possibly expand social understanding, social mindfulness and feeling of worldwide
obligation. A solid message leaving the exploration was that volunteer tourism gives host
associations/ventures with a voice; a method for spreading their message and rousing long
haul social development and activism. Volunteers bring their encounters home with them, and

the lion's share of host associations/undertakings affirm that volunteers have a tendency to
stay in touch when they complete the position and return home, even effectively raising
money for their benefit.
Notwithstanding these profits perceived, volunteer tourism has gone under extraordinary
feedback from scholastics, improvement associations and long haul volunteering orgs. First
and foremost, as excursion length abatements, volunteering situations are seen to be
progressively outlined with the accommodation and inspiration of volunteer sightseers as a
top priority, instead of on the needs of the nearby groups they declare to be supporting.
In the first place, as the length of the outing abatements, volunteering situations are seen to
be progressively outlined with the comfort and inspiration of volunteer sightseers as a top
priority, instead of concentrating on the groups they are supporting.
Second, sending associations affirm that volunteer travelers, in a business sense, have a
tendency to be one-off clients (they are not anticipated that will give rehash business to the
association as a rule excursions are thought to be an once in a life-time opportunity), so the
need is pulling in volunteers as opposed to upon the effect that they have on host groups.
Third, the tourism industry is cyclical and demand-drove and the notoriety of ends of the line
will differ over the long haul. Accordingly, if there is lopsided fixation on specific sorts of
work or individuals, volunteering open doors may cause uneven improvement (Simpson
2007), and/or make conditions inside host groups for administrations and items they are not
in a position to help long haul it is obscure whether there are any possibilities set up for
host associations/undertakings if they drop out of support.

Fourth, the accentuation on the experience of the volunteer is risky. Sending associations
danger making/strengthening elevated requirements among volunteers in regards to what can
be accomplished in such a short space of time. Host associations/activities affirmed that
volunteer visitors are restricted to more straightforward assignments, little in scale, with
negligible effect. In spite of the fact that volunteers may have great expectations, and while
volunteers can pick up a considerable measure from their encounters, there is worry that they
may take encounters too gently and (contingent upon former learning and experience) accept
that advancement is basic, 'something that can originates from outcasts (instead of nearby
individuals and governments) and that could be possible by incompetent, yet excited
Westerners' (Simpson 2007). Fleeting volunteers have next to no time to modify and
genuinely understand the nation and its society and danger creating offense to the nearby
Fifth, identified with this accentuation on the volunteer, arrangements are reprimanded as
being dull and conflicting - because of having been set up for volunteer visitors as opposed to
as a feature of a long haul improvement method. My examination found that not all
volunteering arrangements are effectively thought out or decently composed, and that
occasionally there was a genuine absence of direction for volunteers by sending and
accomplice associations. There was concern felt by volunteers whether ventures were at last
of genuine quality to the nearby group. In the event that a volunteer sees their endeavors as
worthless then any limit for social development is restricted.
At long last, it is observed that the larger part of volunteers did not have significant
capabilities or experience preceding volunteering, nor did they get any preparation or
direction before flight. Host associations/activities affirmed that if a volunteer have particular
aptitudes, they try their hardest to use them, however If un-talented laborers as often as
possible oblige support, they can hazard being a load on neighborhood staff and turning into a

channel on nearby assets. The thought that 'showing improvement over doing nothing' is
undermined when volunteer tourism has negative impacts on the nearby groups.
Volunteer tourism is a quickly developing pattern. It takes into account a special universal
experience while additionally giving the chance of doing a decent deed. Unmistakably, there
is a need to share and profits from the volunteer tourism opportunities out there. Be that as it
may, it is dependably a decent thought to realize that there are two sides to each story and that
"Voluntourism" is not without its potential dim sides.


One marketing method which has for a considerable length of time been broadly embraced
and ordinarily utilized as a part of the business part, yet less so in the charitable segment, is
market segmentation. It is the methodology of collection clients inside a heterogeneous
market into distinctive sections, inside which people have comparable necessities which can
be satisfied by a particular marketing blend (McDonald and Dunbar, 1998). Albeit not yet
ordinarily utilized by volunteering associations, there is becoming acknowledgement of the
heterogeneous nature of the market and the estimation of segmentation as a method for all the
more viably focusing on people liable to volunteer. Subsequently, there have been some
eminent applications of segmentation procedures to the volunteering area which warrant
notice. Wymer has directed various from the earlier studies which portion the market
(Wymer, 2003) utilizing various criteria, including sociodemographic qualities and
volunteering conduct (Wymer, 2003). In each case, results demonstrate that the fragments
showed different profiles demonstrating that redid marketing blends could be intended to all

the more viably pull in them. There have likewise been constrained endeavors to portion the
volunteer market a posteriori ( (Mazanec and Jafari, 2000), utilizing information driven
techniques (Dolnicar and Randle, 2005) to determine the portions. Studies by Dolnicar and
Randle have discovered that that there are gatherings of volunteering associations which rival
one another for the same people (Dolnicar and Randle, 2005), and that gatherings of
volunteers exist with specific blends of inspirations for inclusion (Dolnicar & Randle, 2005).
In both cases, the benefit of fragmenting the volunteer market was exhibited and the potential
for further applications of the idea for the charitable area highlighted.
Firms that contend in the worldwide marketplace can utilize any mix of the sectioning
methods we talked about or none whatsoever. In case you're a dealer of a metal like iron
mineral, you may offer the same item over the whole world by means of a metals merchant.
The agent would stress over speaking with clients around the globe and conceiving
distinctive marketing fights for each of them.
Most organizations, on the other hand, tailor their offerings to some degree to address the
needs of distinctive purchasers far and wide. Case in point, Mattel offers Barbie dolls all as
far and wide as possible yet not the same Barbie. Mattel has made thousands of distinctive
Barbie offerings intended to speak to different types of individuals in diverse nations. Pizza
Hut has establishments far and wide; however its items, bundling, and publicizing are
customized to distinctive markets. Squid is a mainstream beating in Asia, case in point.
Organizations tailor items for diverse nations as well as for distinctive clients in distinctive
nations. Case in point, Procter & Gamble's China division now offers items intended for
diverse nearby market portions in that nation. P&G has a propelled detailing of clothing
cleanser for the premium portion, an adjusted item for the second (economy) fragment, and

an extremely fundamental, economical item made for the third (provincial) section (Sewell,
2009). Dealers are progressively focusing on shoppers in China, Russia, India, and Brazil in
view of their quickly developing white collar classes. Take the beauty care products producer
Avon. Avon's biggest market is no more the United States. It is Brazil (Wheatley, 2010).
Brazilians are to a great degree looks-cognizant and progressively ready to bear the cost of
restorative items and plastic surgery. (Wheatley, 2010) So appealing are these nations that
organizations are changing how they create products and administrations, as well. Generally,
American organizations enhanced in the U.s. and took those items abroad, says Vjay
Govindarahan, an educator at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business. Presently, says
Govindarahan, organizations are making ease items to catch huge markets in creating nations
and then offering them in created nations. Acer's $250 portable computer and General
Electric's ultrainexpensive $1,000 electrocardiogram gadget are cases. The world's least
expensive auto, the $2,500 Tato Nano, was created for India however is slated to be sold in
the United States. (Daniel, 2010)
Different methods for focusing on markets abroad incorporate procuring (purchasing) remote
organizations or organizations with huge market imparts there. To tap the Indian market,
Kraft made an offer to purchase the candy maker Cadbury, which controls around one-third
of India's chocolate market. In like manner, to go up against Corona brew, the Dutch brewer
Heineken as of late obtained Mexico's Femsa, which makes the brewskie brands Dos Equis.
(Merced and Nicholson, 2010) Be that as it may, a few nations don't permit remote firms to
purchase local firms. They can just structure associations with them. Other administrative and
social obstructions some of the time keep remote firms from "attacking" a nation. IKEA, the
Swedish home-furniture creator, inevitably left Russia in light of the fact that it discovered it
excessively hard to work together there. By difference, Mcdonald's endeavors to expand into


Russia have been truly fruitful. Having soaked different markets, the ground sirloin sandwich
affix is planning to keep on growwing by opening several new stores in the nation.
The question that often arises in the minds of most marketing managers is: Why ought to
purchasers buy your offering versus an alternate? In the event that your item confronts
rivalry, you will need to consider how to "position" it in the marketplace in respect to
contending items. After whatever you don't need the item to be only one more "face in the
swarm" in the personalities of shoppers. Situating includes customizing your item with the
goal that it stands out from the opposition and individuals need to purchase it. Numerous
organizations use taglines in their publicizing to attempt to position their items in the
personalities of the purchaser where they need them, obviously. A slogan is a catchphrase
intended to entirety up the pith of an item. You maybe have heard Wendy's slogan It's
superior to fast food. The slogan is intended to situated Wendy's separated from restaurants
like McDonalds and Burger Kingto plant the thought in shoppers' heads that Wendy's
offerings are less fast food given the negative criticism fast food gets nowadays. At times
firms think that it worthwhile to reposition their items particularly in the event that they need
the item to start engaging diverse market fragments. Repositioning is a push to "move" an
item to a better place in the personalities of purchasers. The i-house, a prefab house
assembled by Clayton Homes, a manufactured home maker, is a case. As indicated by the
magazine Popular Mechanics, the i-house "resembles a house you'd request from IKEA,
sounds like something outlined by Apple, and comprises of luxuries sun based boards,
tankless water warmers and rainwater authorities that one would hope to originate from an
unique green organization out of California offering to a top of the line market." A Clayton
Homes representative says, "Would we say we are repositioning to pursue another market? I


would think we are keeping up our worth to our current market and expanding the market to
incorporate different purchasers that beforehand wouldn't have considered our lodging item
(The Baxter Bulletin, 2009)
If we follow the above mentioned procedure about Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning
Volunteer Tourism in Australia, we can arrive at a very sustainable plan to promote Volunteer
Tourism in the country.
According to Tourism Australia, Research has demonstrated that the Experience Seeker has
various key "needs" to fulfill their travel experience:

True individual encounters;

Social communications;
Gathering and collaborating with local people;
Encountering something other than what's expected from their typical normal life;
Understanding and looking into changed ways of life and societies;
Taking part in the way of life and encountering it, instead of watching it;
Testing themselves physically, sincerely and/or rationally;
Going by valid goals that are not so much piece of the traveler course; and
Presentation to novel and convincing encounters

Ordinarily Experience Seekers are more prone to be:

Experienced universal explorers;

Presumption pioneers;
Liberal; and
Particular in their media utilization.

Different gimmicks of Experience Seekers are:

Travel is an imperative piece of their way of life;

They stay longer and spend more;
They travel past the real urban communities;
They are less materialistic;

They have a higher than normal family wage; and

They are decently instructed and educated on a scope of subject.

Going by the above market segmentation, we identify the youthful tourists, especially from
USA and the European Union to be our prime target. We need to position voluntary tourism
to them in such a way that it appeals to them and they keep coming back to this experience.
The following can help position Voluntourism to them:
1. Making an association with charitable organizations, and local communities, to
imbibe a sense of giving, and making sure benefits are provided to these organizations
as well as communities.
2. Involving the tourists into activities that are meaningful and social in nature.
3. Making them meet, understand and experience the local culture.
4. Leave a lasting impression in their minds, so that they come back to experience more
and more over a period of time.
These days, the tourism industry has become massively and numerous types of option
tourism are accessible for distinctive specialty markets as indicated by their inclination.
Volunteer tourism has turned into one of the quickly developing sorts of option tourism. The
quantity of associations offering this kind of get-away and the quantity of individuals
partaking in it are on the ascent. Along these lines, considering volunteers' recognitions and
desires gets to be basic for all associations offering volunteer bundles. Worldwide volunteer
associations ought to isolate the entire traveler market and recognize their intended interest
groups as indicated by inspirations and desires of the vacationers. They must have the
capacity to pull in volunteer travelers who are in concurrence with them regarding
inspirations and targets. Thusly, they are liable to fulfill their volunteers as they can furnish
administrations which consent to volunteers' desires.


In light of our investigation, it can be reasoned that, as a rule, volunteer explorers understand
their global volunteer outings as like eco-tourism trips and not quite the same as bundle
tourism trips. Volunteer tourism is seen emphatically by the vast majority of the respondents
and described by such develop shafts as "energizing", "bold", "permitting to do various things
that isn't possible at home" and "giving numerous conceivable outcomes for headway toward
oneself". Volunteer explorers are thought to be a "decent" kind of vacationers that go for new
experience, are eager to surrender agreeable life, are near to nature, benefit something and
deliver great impression. They travel in light of the fact that they are pulled in by ends and
stay near to individuals to get a deeper social involvement in one specific spot. In any case,
there are few viewpoints in which volunteer tourism is viewed as like bundle tourism, which
are the prearrangement of the treks that abatements the degree of flexibility yet in the
meantime permits members to get help from excursion coordinators.
Besides, the literature demonstrates that volunteers' observations are not the same and, in this
way, this specific gathering of individuals can be subdivided into littler and more
homogeneous sections. The examination exhibits that some volunteer voyagers see volunteer
tourism as like occasion tourism and bundle tourism. Likewise, they see volunteer tourism as
profoundly not quite the same as different sorts of option tourism, for example, eco-tourism
and undertaking tourism. Worldwide volunteer endeavors, as per the points of view of this
littler gathering, don't have any conspicuous prevalence over different sorts of tourism.


Daniel, M. (2010) 'Cheap, Cheap, Cheap', Newsweek, 10 February.
Dolnicar and Randle (2005) 'The international volunteering market: Market segments and competitive relations',
University of Wollongong Higher Degree Research Student Conference (Unpublished), Wollongong, New South
Kass, J. (2013) Ethical Inquiry, May, [Online], Available: [19 January 2015].
Mazanec and Jafari (ed.) (2000) Market segmentation, London: Encyclopaedia of tourism.
McDonald and Dunbar (1998) Market segmentation: How to do it, how to profit from it, Basingstoke, United
Kingdom: Macmillan Press.


Merced and Nicholson (2010) Heineken in Deal to Buy Big Mexican Brewer, 11 January, [Online], Available: [19 January 2015].
DEVELOPMENT?, [Online], Available: [19
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Sewell, D. (2009) 'P&G May Make Changes as it Faces Challenges', The Associated Press, 9 June.
The Baxter Bulletin (2009) Clayton i-house is giant leap from trailer park, 22 May, [Online], Available: [19 January 2015].
Wearing and Grabowski (2011) 'International Volunteer Tourism: One Mechanism for Development', Migrantes
e Voluntariado, pp. 144-164.
Wheatley, J. (2010) 'Business of Beauty Is Turning Heads in Brazil', Financial Times, 10 January.
Wymer, W.W. (2003) 'Differentiating literacy volunteers: A segmentation analysis for target marketing.',
International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing, pp. 267-285.


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