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About SAS
SAS provides a total solution approach to meeting the needs of the oil and gas industry in
Indonesia. We offer both technical and operational support to our customers with the
products and services that we provide. We are dedicated to help solve some of our
customers toughest problems.
We are committed to delivering quality products and services such as centrifugal
compressor packages, gas turbine generator packages, production equipment, gas
processing solutions, liquid separation systems, drilling & downhole completion
equipment and professional field services to the oil and gas industry.
Widely recognized for our technical capabilities and management excellence, SAS enjoy
the longstanding relationship with our oil and gas customers in Indonesia.

Vision & Mission

To be number one in the market we serve with the strength and reliability of a big
company but with the leanness and agility of a small company
To deliver quality products & services, and provide unprecedented customer satisfaction
in a cost effective manner through the contribution of each employee
SAS design and manufactures process equipment for the oil & gas, power generation and
wastewater industries that meet international codes and engineering practice. We develop our own
process equipment as well as partnering with International leading process companies to provide
custom made solutions for our customers.


In all its expertise areas, SAS offers a full scope of services :


Our process packages include:

Gas dehydration, gas conditioning & treatment, vapor recovery, slug catching, H2S and
CO2 removal, fired heaters and flares
Desalting equipment, emulsion treaters, separators and flash treaters
Produced water treatment
I. Downstream
o Sulphur Recovery
o Crude Oil / Desalting
o CO Capture
o Refinery Modular experience
II. Upstream
o MEG Recovery Solutions
o Gas Sweetening
o Gas Dehydration
o Sulphur Recovery
o Crude Oil / Desalting
o NGL Recovery
o Compression
o Offshore / Floating
o Modular Experience
III. Services
o Engineering Services
o Aftersales Services




We also dedicate our engineering capacities to downstream applications including Sulphur

Recovery, Crude Oil Desalting and CO2 Capture. For this segment of our activity, we successfully
supply engineering and modular equipment packages in order to meet our customers' satisfaction
with the same range of services offered for upstream applications.
Global handling of HS released streams from refining units with only one
interface to treat all sour effluents.

> AdvaSulf (Claus, TGT, SmartSulf)

Reliable and flexible static technologies for minimal supervision and low
maintenance costs handling high water cut and high sediment content for refinery
and production field applications.

> Crude Oil Desalter

State of the art and advanced post Combustion CO capture in Flue Gases :
reliable, safe, no impact on power plant operation.



We have a dedicated experience of supplying modular refining and

petrochemicals units based on process technologies from our sister company


Sulphur Recovery
Crude Oil / Desalting
CO Capture
Refinery Modular experience


I.1. Sulphur Recovery

I.1.1. AdvaSulf
A portfolio of advanced process solutions for Sulphur Recovery with suitable design for gas plants,
refineries, upgraders, biogas, shaleetc. AdvaSulf was designed to handle HS released streams
from refining units. There is only one interface to treat all sour effluents that benefits from
intensive knowledge in amine technology with the experience of AdvAmine.

Process Principle
For each application, a tailor made effluent handling solution including:

Specific Claus process scheme for 99.5% sulphur recovery

Special high ammonia content design
Oxygen enrichment for debottlenecking or reduced investment
Co-firing of lean acid gas with proprietary burners
Handling of lean acid gas with RSH, COS & BTX
Acid gas enrichment and gas sweetening with AdvAmine portfolio
Direct oxydation processes for very lean acid gases
Sour Water Stripper design: single or double stage patented schemes
REDOX technologies: SweetSulf Process

Technology Selection

Modified Claus process with 98% Sulphur Recovery - 35 references Worldwide since 1957


Tail Gas Treatment Processes:

Claus: up to 99.5% sulphur recovery, low CAPEX, very high reliability, low footprint, low
pressure drop, suitable for very large capacities, improved configurations for better
recovery (HydroSulfreen and DoxoSulfreen) - 50 industrial references
SmartSulf: up to 99.5% sulphur recovery, low CAPEX (few equipments), very low
OPEX (no heating), low footprint, very low pressure drop (one through process), developed
by ITS (15 references)
Sultimate: up to 99.9+% sulphur recovery, high absorber performance with less than 10
ppmv H2S, open market chemicals or proprietary for very tight specifications only
Other sulphur recovery technologies : sulphur degassing, steam balance management,
sulphur handling management, multipurpose incineration, REDOX technologies and
subdewpoint tail gas treatment processes (Sulfreen and Clauspol)

Key Benefits

For each level of Sulphur Recovery: its adapted process

Minimization of the investment by selection of the process the most fitted with recovery
Very high sulphur recovery performances: more than 99.95% with Sultimate process
Compliance with the most stringent international emission standards
Special design for small size Sulphur Recovery, to minimize investment and maximize
reliability and efficiency


I.2. Gas Sweetening

I.2.1. Crude Oil Desalter
PROSERNAT Electrostatic Dehydrator / Desalter is a crude crude oils separation technology
developed for several applications in onshore, offshore or floating environments: new crude units,
revamp of existing units for increased capacity and/or treating more viscous crudes, addition of a
second stage of treatment for higher efficiency, improvement of the desalting efficiency and water
quality and reduction of demulsifier consumption.

Process Principle
The Desalting process comprises two fundamental sections : water dilution & emulsification and
electrostatic coalescence & separation which is performed thanks to an optimized internal
arrangement for a better electrostatic coalescence, a special designed power unit and an entrance
bushing arrangement.
Crude Oil Electrostatic Desalting Principle :

Salt contents in crudes depend on residual water droplets after primary separation
Injection and emulsification of dilution water
Electrostatic coalescence of the emulsified droplets
Settling of larger drops

Process Scheme

Over 100 industrial references

Certified power units
Controlled emulsification
Optimized emulsion distribution in the electric field
Reduced use of dilution water and demulsifier
High efficiency single or multi-stage applications:
o Production applications: 20 PTB of salts / 0.5% BSW or less
o Refinery applications: down to 0.5 PTB of salts / 0.1% BSW
LPG treatment: down to 10 ppm insoluble aqueous phase
Single train capacity up to 300 000 BPD


Key Benefits

Refinery and production fields application

Reliable and flexible electrostatic coalescers
Static technology for minimal supervision and low maintenance
Handling of high water cut and high sediment content
Special design for FPSO and topside to deal with roll and pitch issues
Extensive experience both in grassroot and revamping of existing units with minimum
modifications at site


I.3. CO2 Capture

I.3.1. AdvaCap
With highly skilled people in the field of R&D, process engineering and underground engineering,
PROSERNAT and its partners offer long-term partnership services for the carbon management,
from feasibility studies to the supply of industrial units, in the complete chain of capture, transport
and storage of CO.

Process Principle
HiCapt : state of theart post Combustion CO capture in Flue Gases

Proven technology at an industrial pilot scale

Based on primary Amine

HiCapt+ : advanced post Combustion CO capture in Flue Gases

Proven technology at the laboratory & mini pilot scale

Industrial pilot scale tests (40% MEA without inhibitor on ENELs Brindisi plant)
Based on formulated primary Amine

Process Scheme


In the portfolio to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas, PROSERNAT shares with IFP Energies
nouvelles the will to bring to the market global solutions, integrating the most advanced
technologies for the CO Capture and storage challenge. Based on its competences in the amine
processes for the Oil & Gas industry as well as its huge experience for the design and supply of
modular equipments for gas treatment, PROSERNAT offers engineering services in the field of
CO capture in the flue gas :

Feasibility study, conceptual design, cost estimate

Basic process engineering
Supply of complete units from pilot plant up to commercial plants
Commissioning, start-up
Aftersales services

Key Benefits
The challenges of industrial CO capture are addressed by PROSERNAT, based on :

Its know-how and experience as a licensor of amine based processes (AdvAmine) for
natural gas industry
More than 30 years experience of design and supply of gas treatment units
Long-term research and testing relationship with IFP Energies nouvelles, who is
developing the most advanced CO capture technologies

The challenge of CO capture technologies is to minimize the energy penalty linked with the CO
capture. New technologies are being developed targeting energy cost reduction by -15% / -30%
compared with currently available technologies.


I.4. Refinery Module

Modular Experience
A modularization strategy offers ascendant advantages versus on-site manufacturing. During the
last 40 years, PROSERNAT has supplied over 400 modular units, both onshore and offshore,
providing tailor made designs based on inlet feed conditions and guarantying outlet specifications.

Refinery Modular Experience

Modularization Concept
Based on process design performed by PROSERNATs sister company AXENS, PROSERNAT
offers complete modular refinery units for all kind of applications.

Why to choose Modules ?

The delivery of a complete skid-mounted module is a key choice in the following contexts:

Refineries with complex access and a lack of manpower

Restricted plot areas for installation of new units
Minimize disturbances of ongoing operations

PROSERNAT Advantages - PROSERNAT modules offer the following advantages:

Shortened schedules: a 25% schedule reduction is usually achievable during project

execution when modular construction is considered. The major schedule reduction is
obtained because construction can be performed at the same time as the construction phase
on-site. By the time the modular unit reaches the owners site, the field is ready for module
installation and connection with existing facilities.
Cost savings: by maximizing workshop construction and assembly, full advantage is taken
from an efficient and organized work progression. 40 to 100% higher labor productivity is
usually achieved and supervision time with a trained manpower is generally reduced by
25%. Cost savings are also achieved on field, where a modular unit requires less plot area
and simpler foundation than a similar stick built unit.
Improved safety requirements: most of the labor intensive tasks are achieved in a workshop
or on a yard chosen for its favorable and efficient working conditions. Construction permits
are not necessary and there is no interaction with ongoing site operations, it greatly reduces
owners safety concerns.



II. Upstream
We offer unique gas treatment processes for upstream applications and timely deliver custom made
solutions adapted to our customers' constraints. Our complete range of technologies makes us a
specialist in process selection and optimization. For every solution we provide, we propose a full
scope of engineering, procurement, fabrication, aftersales and operational services.

PROSERNAT is the exclusive licensor of MEG Regeneration and Reclaiming

proprietary process owned by CCR Technologies Ltd., a Canadian company
having developed in the 90s the most cost effective process to purify and
MEG Recovery reclaim high value chemicals.
An efficient and reliable sweetening processes portfolio able to treat any sour
gas contaminants and to achieve the most severe specifications.


> AdvAmine
> SweetSulf

The widest technological choice for Natural Gas Dehydration including liquid
and solid desiccant absorption and liquid hydrate inhibitor injection.


> Ifpexol
> Solid Bed Desiccant
> Cleanol
> Drizo
> Progly

Global handling of HS released streams from natural gas treatment and refining
units with only one interface to treat all sour effluents.

> AdvaSulf (Claus, TGT, SmartSulf)



Reliable and flexible static technology for minimal supervision and low
maintenance costs handling high water cut and high sediment content for
refinery and production field applications.
Oil / Desalting

> Crude Oil Desalter

A complete offer for NGL recovery purpose covering Joule Thomson,

mechanical refrigeration, HC and water simultaneous dewpointing (with MEG
or MeoH) and improved cold process with Proserpack technology.

> HC Dewpointing
> Proserpack

Engineering and supply of process components (scrubbers, interstage

coolers,) for gas compression modules / stations.

Offshore /

As an expert in custom made solutions supply, PROSERNAT has specific

knowledge of offshore engineering including floating environment key

Providing modular strategies with significant shortened schedules, cost savings

and improved safety requirements for all conditions.


MEG Recovery Solutions

Gas Sweetening
Gas Dehydration
Sulphur Recovery
Crude Oil / Desalting
NGL Recovery
Offshore / Floating
Modular Experience


II.1. MEG Recovery Solutions

PROSERNAT is the exclusive licensor of MEG Regeneration and Reclaiming proprietary process
owned by CCR Technologies Ltd., a Canadian company having developed in the 90s the most
cost effective process to purify and reclaim high value chemicals. The technology, based on
patented and proprietary vacuum distillation and purification process, removes glycol
contaminants with very high MEG recovery efficiency while minimizing waste effluents.

MEG Recovery Solutions

Industrial References
The MEG Regeneration and Reclaiming Technology developed by CCR Technologies Ltd. is a
pioneer technology with the first commercial operation in the world of a MEG reclaiming unit
being started-up in 1999 for Shell Mensa Offshore Project in the Gulf of Mexico. As of today,
twelve MEG Regeneration and Reclaiming units have been licensed with this technology including
the largest unit in the world for Wasit Gas Plant project in Saudi Arabia developed by Saudi
Aramco (Rich MEG capacity = 4 x 66 m/h).

MEG Reclamation for Statoil, Norway

MEG Reclamation Module, Offshore Platform, USA



Process Principle
Injection of large volumes of Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) at the wellhead is an effective way to
prevent hydrate formation and assure gas flow. MEG returns to shore in a mix of gas,
hydrocarbons, water, salts and other solids; replacement is very costly and the installation of MEG
Regeneration and Reclaiming system provides the following benefits: reduction in purchased
volume of new glycols, protection against hydrate formation and pipeline freeze-up, lower
corrosion of subsea and onshore flowlines, reduced fouling and scaling, smaller circulating
volumes in glycol loop.

Key Benefits
Highest MEG Recovery (typically > 99.5%)

Minimized operating costs

Minimized waste volumes & handling logistics

Proven Long-Term Operability & Reliability

Industrial references totalling > 350,000 hours of operation

High unit availability (typically > 99%)

Most Advanced Liquid to Slurry Process

Simple, reliable & cost effective design

Efficient waste handling system
Minimized glycol losses

Significant Environmental Benefits

Recovered salts and water quality suitable for discharge

Very low MEG in the waste streams and minimal waste quantity



II.2. Gas Sweetening

II.2.1. AdvAmine
AdvAmine is a complete portfolio of amine based processes developed by TOTAL and IFP
Energies nouvelles with more than 50 years of operational experience. AdvAmine large set of
process solutions, based on widely available open market chemicals, can treat any type of natural
gas sour effluent and achieve the most severe specifications.

Process Principle
Total acid gases removal from all sour gases
Selective H2S removal with CO2 slippage from sour gas or separated acid gas (acid gas
enrichment, sulphur plant tail gas treatment)
Total H2S removal and controlled CO2 removal for all applications including LNG

Process Scheme



A Technology developed by an operator for those who operate

More than 140 industrial units (among which about 1/5 operated by TOTAL)
Experience since 1957
Implemented in 25 countries
Single train capacity from 5.6 up to 1 320 MMSCFD
More than 34 000 MMSCFD total aggregate gas treated worldwide

Key Benefits

Efficient and reliable amine sweetening processes

Can treat any sour gas composition
Achieves the most severe specifications
Tailor made solvent composition adapted to each specific case
Open Market Chemicals:
o Multiple suppliers
o Reduced solvent costs
High amine loading experience allows compact design even for highly sour gases
Extensive operational knowledge
Flexible custom made designs with a wide range of solvents and process configurations
for all kind of applications

AdvAmine is a trademark for the technologies owned by TOTAL, now developed with IFP
Energies nouvelles and marketed by PROSERNAT under license.



II.2.2. The HySWEET Solvent

HySWEET solvent is an addition of a selected physical solvent to an amine which maximizes
absorption of mercaptans, with limited coabsorption of hydrocarbons (typically < 1% HC in acid
gas). It reduces reboiler energy compared to amine solvent (-10% to -15%). HySWEET has more
than 6 years of successful operational experience on commercial plants.

Process Scheme




Key Benefits

Low solvent cost

Design tailored to meet any level of mercaptan removal
Less hydrocarbons coabsorption than with competing hybrid solvents, no impact on
Claus unit operation
Corrosion, foaming and solvent degradation identical to amine plant
Comprehensive absorption/desorption model integrated to a proprietary process simulator
Lower energy consumption than amine processes for solvent regeneration -10 to -15%
Amine units may easily be swapped to HySWEET

HySWEET is a trademark owned and registered by TOTAL group - used by PROSERNAT

under licence



II.2.3. SweetSulf
SweetSulf is a redox process developed for high pressure natural gas applications. Its specific
solid sulfur removal technology overcomes the foaming/plugging problems experienced with other
types of redox processes. SweetSulf has been demonstrated on an industrial pilot plant operated
with natural gas under 80 bar, at a Gaz de France underground storage facility.

Process Scheme

Process Principle
Sour Gas is contacted with an aqueous redox solution which extracts the H2S and converts it into
solid elemental sulphur.
Gas separation
Treated gas, free of H2S, is separated from the redox solution.
Solid separation
Solid sulphur is filtered under pressure on a cartridge filter which can be regenerated on stream.
The redox solution is depressurized and re-oxidized by contact with air.



SweetSulf process has been proven for high pressure operation with 6 760 hours of
industrial pilot operation
SweetSulf can treat any composition of gas in the range of HS concentration below 5
000 ppm
HS outlet levels can go below 1 ppm
Economic application range 10 1 000 ppm HS in feed
CO partial pressure limited to # 4 bar

Key Benefits

Selective H2S removal with direct conversion into solid elemental sulfur
Gas sweetening may be done at any pressure
Ambient temperature operation
High Pressure Filtration: no foaming, no risk of plugging
Flexibility, easy operation
Minimum solvent flowrates and pumping costs.
CAPEX and total costs can be 20 50% lower than for conventional processes for feed
H2S levels between 10 and 1 000 ppm)



SPREX and SPREXCO2 are processes developed for bulk acid gas removal from highly sour
gas. SPREX and SPREXCO2 offer economic alternatives for the development of highly sour
gas reserves with acid gas reinjection which allows CAPEX and energy consumption reduction
and limits sulphur production. SPREX has been developed to meet the challenges of the
development of very sour (>10% acid gases) natural gases.

Process Principle
Highly sour gases are splitted in a cryogenic distillation, producing partially sweetened gas at the
overhead and liquid acid gas mixture at the bottom, which is suitable for reinjection.

Process Scheme


H2S bulk removal from raw gas with over 25% H2S, with reinjection of liquid H2S
No upstream sour gas dehydration needed




CO2 bulk removal from raw gas with more than 35 - 40% CO2, with reinjection of
liquid CO2
Upstream gas dehydration required
18 - 25% CO2 in outlet gas, @ -50 / -55C in reflux drum
Energy saving by 50% and CAPEX savings by 20% vs. 2 stages membrane (@ 70% CO2
in sour gas)
8 - 12% H2S in outlet gas to amine unit, @ -30 to -40C in reflux drum
Energy saving SPREX + Amines by 35% versus Amines process (@ 35% H2S in
sour gas)

Key Benefits

Bulk H2S or CO2 removal from highly sour gas by high pressure cryogenic distillation
Conventional distillation column with no hydrate or solid product formation
Separated acid gases are recovered liquid at high pressure and easily pumped back into
Final sweetening of partially treated gas may be done with a conventional amine unit
Economic alternatives for the development of highly sour gas reserves with acid gas
o Reduced capital cost and energy consumption versus conventional alternatives
o Limits sulphur production and/or CO2 release to atmosphere
Proprietary solid/liquid/vapor thermodynamic model, validated through lab data and
demonstration plant operation
Process design and robustness of operation validated through demonstration plant
operation for more than 18 months

SPREX is a joint development between IFP Energies nouvelles, TOTAL and PROSERNAT



A combined absorption catalytic conversion process for complete COS destruction developed by
IFP Energies nouvelles. By combining amine absorption with catalytic COS hydrolysis,
COSWEET allows gas sweetening, either total (removal of both HS & CO) or selective
(removal of HS mainly), with complete COS removal. COSWEET is applicable with any type
of absorption solvent.

Process Principle

Removing the bulk of the HS and CO present in the feed gas by absorption in the bottom
section of a solvent absorber.
Withdrawing the partially sweetened gas from bottom section of the absorber, water
washing, heating to mild temperature and sending it to a hydrolysis reactor, where COS is
converted to HS and CO.
Cooling the hydrolyzed gas and removing the HS (and if needed also the CO) by
absorption in the top part of the amine absorber, down to the required specification

Process Scheme



Key Benefits

COS destruction integrated with amine sweetening

Very active catalyst destroys COS down to the ppm level at moderate temperature
Low pressure drop and moderate energy consumption
Used with any amine solution
o With MDEAmax: complete COS removal
o No impact on H2S / CO2 selectivity
o No impact on Sulphur Recovery Units
o With HiLoadDEA / energizedMDEA: COS destruction boosted at reduced cost
o CAPEX: -15%
o OPEX: -20%
Compared with alternative COS removal options

A process developed by IFP Energies nouvelles



II.3. Gas Dehydration

II.3.1. TriEthylene Glycol
Water absorption with TriEthylene Glycol (TEG) is a very well known and proven technology. It
is the most common process used for gas dehydration. PROSERNAT has supplied about 100 TEG
units during the last 35 years.

Process Principle
The water contained in the gas to be treated is absorbed counter-currently by lean TEG in a
gas/glycol contactor. At the bottom of the contactor, the rich TEG (containing the absorbed water)
is sent to the regeneration section where water is vaporized in a Reboiler at low pressure (close to
atmopheric pressure).
Depending on the requested lean TEG purity, the lean TEG produced in the reboiler can be either:

Pumped directly to the gas/glycol contactor (low TEG purity required)

Stripped with stripping gas before being pumped to the gas/glycol contactor (high TEG
purity required)

Industrial Experience

Three TEG units - 3 x 300 MMSCFD - UAE



Key Benefits

A very well known and proven technology : tens of thousands units in operation in the
A process easy to operate and offering high flexibility
The cheapest technology for water removal
Complete assembly of the package in a workshop
Our TEG units can be fully custom made to fit with our customers specifications and



II.3.2. Solid Bed Desiccant

Solid desiccant adsorption processes with molecular sieves, silicagel or alumina, shall be used for
some applications : very low water dew points, combined water and hydrocarbons dew points, etc.
PROSERNAT has supplied over 15 industrial solid desiccant units with capacities up to 1 100
MMSCFD. PROSERNAT experience with solid desiccant covers not only NG dehydration but
also NGL dehydration.

Process Principle
In this cyclic process, a bed of solid desiccant adsorbs water from wet feed gas. Once the bed is
water-saturated, it is regenerated. Regeneration of the desiccant is typically done using a gas
fraction (previously dried or not) which is heated to a temperature sufficient to desorb the water.
To provide continuous operation, these units use multiple adsorption beds in a swing
configuration : One (or several) bed(s) operate under adsorption mode, while the other one(s)
operate under regeneration mode. The number of driers in adsorption mode (up to 4) and in
regeneration mode (1 or 2) is a result of a deep optimization.
Sequence valves controlled by a software route process flows in accordance with the operating
mode of each dryer, and perform dryers' mode change over automatically at the end of each

Industrial Experience

Molecular Sieve Dehydration - 1 100 MMSCFD - Egypt



Range of Processes
The more common desiccants used are:

Molecular sieves: used to achieve very low water dew points, from -100C for ethane
extraction units up to -160C for the liquefaction of natural gas
Activated Alumina: compared with molecular sieve, it provides better adsorption capacity
at high partial pressure of H2O but a lower capacity at low partial pressure. Activated
alumina is used when the amounts of water to extract are important and dew points not too
difficult to reach (about -60C). A combination molecular sieve / activated alumina to
minimize the amount of adsorbent can be an option when it is required to simultaneously
extract large quantities of water and achieve very low dew point.
Silica Gel: proven adsorbent which has a high water adsorption capacity, but which cannot
be used to achieve very low dew points. Silica Gel are also used to remove heavy
hydrocarbons (C4 +) together with water (combined hydrocarbon and water dew points).

Key Benefits

A very well known and proven technology

A process reliable and easy to operate
A process offering high flexibility
A good selectivity (coadsorption can be avoided)
Very low water dew point can be reached (below 0.1 ppm water content).



II.3.3. Drizo
With more than 60 references to date, Drizo has proved to be the best available glycol
dehydration process. This is not only because of its higher dehydration efficiency, but Drizo is
also an environmentally friendly process with minimized BTEX / CO emissions. Thanks to the
minimal number of additional equipments specifically required by Drizo compared to
conventional glycol units, the process has easily been implemented on existing glycol units, at
minimal cost and with no shutdown time.

Process Principle
Drizo regenerates the glycol by solvent stripping instead of the conventional gas stripping.
Solvent stripping allows to obtain much higher glycol purities than gas stripping (up to 99.998
wt% instead of the typical 99.95 wt%) and consequently allows to get much larger water dew point
depressions: up to 100C (180F) and even higher in some cases. The solvent required by the
Drizo process is usually obtained from the BTEX present in the natural gas itself and in most
cases, the process will even produce some liquid hydrocarbons. Glycol solvent stripping by
condensates (instead of conventional gas stripping) allows:

Higher glycol purities down to < 1 ppmv H2O in treated gas

Reduced BTEX / CO2 emissions
Possible recovery of liquid aromatics
Drizo solvent is not a solvent, it is a hydrocarbon recovered from feed gas

Key Benefits

A proven technology, with more than 60 references

A process easy to operate and offering high flexibility
The cheapest technology for very low water dew points. Dew point depressions to 110C / -200F
Suitable to retrofit conventional glycol regeneration unit at minimal CAPEX
Below ppm gas dehydration performance
Environmentally friendly installations, with reduced BTEX / CO2 emissions and liquid
aromatics recovery



II.3.4. Ifpexol
Ifpexol, a two steps integrated process for complete natural gas treatment with methanol.
Ifpexol is a patented technology of simultaneous dehydration and hydrocarbon dew point
control. Methanol is regenerated from the cold decanted water by stripping.

Process Principle
Ifpexol uses refrigerated methanol for the complete treatment (dehydration, NGL recovery and
sweetening) of natural gas. The Ifpexol process is based on two independent steps:

Ifpex-1 for simultaneous water and hydrocarbon dew pointing

Ifpex-2 for acid gas removal

Methanol is used as hydrate inhibitor in a cold process for NGL extraction. The mixture of
methanol and water recovered at the low temperature separator is regenerated by simple stripping
with a fraction of the feed gas and pure water is produced.


Over 99.9 % stripping effectiveness with raw gases at pressures as high as 100 bar.
Water dew point as low as -80C.
Adequate mass transfer contact between methanol-water liquid stream and stripping vapor
No hydrate formation or icing concerns (Methanol is recirculated as a hydrate inhibitor and
antifreeze agent)
No venting
No need for external heat
No dangerous waste streams

Key Benefits

Minimized CAPEX if cold process is available

MeOH recovery from NGLs by water wash (optional)
16 industrial references with capacities up to 300 MMSCFD




Proven on industrial pilot plant

Can achieve pipeline gas specifications
Total removal of organic sulfur species
Bulk acid gases removal
Solvent partially / totally regenerated by flash
Acid gases recovered dry and under pressure (# 10 bara)
HC losses in acid gas # 10%



II.3.5. Cleanol
Cleanol is the result of PROSERNAT experience and know-how with those two technologies:
Glycol units & Sulphur production units (Claus). Cleanol is an efficient process which allows
environment preserving, reduced energy consumption, high glycol regeneration performances.

Operating Principle
A combustion chamber integrated with a Glycol Reboiler

Effluents combustion from regenaration column

Use of steams from combustion chamber to provide the heat required by the glycol reboiler
Use of the balloon flash gas as stripping gas
The hydrocarbons needed to produce the heat required by the reboiler are used first for
glycol stripping

Process Scheme




Regeneration column head system & torch are removed

The Lower Calorific Power of effluents to burn is more stable
Reboiler operating at 198C instead of 204C
Skin temperature of lower tubes is below 210C
Homogeneous temperature in the combustion chamber (no chimney effect)
Combustion efficiency
No flue
Complete assembly of the package in a workshop

Key Benefits

No liquid effluent
Clean gaseous effluent (CO2 and H2O only)
Fuel gas saving
Homogeneous combustion temperature
Operation flexibility
Reduced glycol degradation risk
No flue between combustion chamber and reboiler



II.3.6. Progly
Progly is a glycol dehydration process very similar to a conventionnal TriEthylene Glycol
(TEG) unit. The main improvement of this technology is the vacuum operating mode of the
distillation column. Thanks to the minimal number of additional equipments specifically required
by Progly compared to conventional glycol units, the process has easily been implemented on
existing glycol units, at minimal cost and with no shutdown time.

Process Principle
Progly is similar to a conventionnal TriEthylene Glycol (TEG) unit with the main following
change : the stripping column is replaced by a flashing drum that operates under partial vacuum,
in order to perform deep regeneration of the TEG.
The arrangement of the unit allows to operate only few equipments under vacuum: as per a
conventionnal unit, the reboiler and the still column operate under positive pressure.

Process Scheme



Key Benefits
Same benefits as a conventionnal TEG dehydration unit, plus:

No requirement for stripping gas

Vacuum system enables glycol purities up to 99.7% wt
Small volume under vacuum reducing pumping cost and vacuum system size



II.4.1. AdvaSulf
A portfolio of advanced process solutions for Sulphur Recovery with suitable design for gas plants,
refineries, upgraders, biogas, shaleetc. AdvaSulf was designed to handle HS released streams
from refining units. There is only one interface to treat all sour effluents that benefits from
intensive knowledge in amine technology with the experience of AdvAmine.

Process Principle
For each application, a tailor made effluent handling solution including:

Specific Claus process scheme for 99.5% sulphur recovery

Special high ammonia content design
Oxygen enrichment for debottlenecking or reduced investment
Co-firing of lean acid gas with proprietary burners
Handling of lean acid gas with RSH, COS & BTX
Acid gas enrichment and gas sweetening with AdvAmine portfolio
Direct oxydation processes for very lean acid gases
Sour Water Stripper designs: single or double stage patented scheme
REDOX technologies: SweetSulf Process

Technology Selection

Modified Claus process with 98% Sulphur Recovery - 35 references Worldwide since 1957
Tail GasTreatment Processes:

Claus: up to 99.5% sulphur recovery, low CAPEX, very high reliability, low footprint, low
pressure drop, suitable for very large capacities, improved configurations for better
recovery (HydroSulfreen and DoxoSulfreen) - 50 industrial references



SmartSulf: up to 99.5% sulphur recovery, low CAPEX (few equipments), very low
OPEX (no heating), low footprint, very low pressure drop (one through process), developed
by ITS (15 references)
Sultimate: up to 99.9+% sulphur recovery, high absorber performance with less than 10
ppmv H2S, open market chemicals or proprietary for very tight specifications only
Other sulphur recovery technologies : sulphur degassing, steam balance management,
sulphur handling management, multipurpose incineration, REDOX technologies and
subdewpoint tail gas treatment processes (Sulfreen and Clauspol)

Key Benefits

For each level of Sulphur Recovery: its adapted process

Minimization of the investment by selection of the process the most fitted with recovery
Very high sulphur recovery performances : more than 99.95% with Sultimate process
Compliance with the most stringent international emission standards
Special design for small size Sulphur Recovery, to minimize investment and maximize
reliability and efficiency

Kharyaga III

Gas Sweetening and Sulphur Recovery



II.5.1. Crude Oil Desalter
PROSERNAT Electrostatic Dehydrator / Desalter is a crude crude oils separation technology
developed for several applications in onshore, offshore or floating environments: new crude units,
revamp of existing units for increased capacity and/or treating more viscous crudes, addition of a
second stage of treatment for higher efficiency, improvement of the desalting efficiency and water
quality and reduction of demulsifier consumption.

Process Principle
The Desalting process comprises two fundamental sections : water dilution & emulsification and
electrostatic coalescence & separation which is performed thanks to an optimized internal
arrangement for a better electrostatic coalescence, a special designed power unit and an entrance
bushing arrangement.
Crude Oil Electrostatic Desalting Principle :

Salt contents in crudes depend on residual water droplets after primary separation
Injection and emulsification of dilution water
Electrostatic coalescence of the emulsified droplets
Settling of larger drops


Over 100 industrial references

Certified power units
Controlled emulsification
Optimized emulsion distribution in the electric field
Reduced use of dilution water and demulsifier
High efficiency single or multi-stage applications:
o Production applications: 20 PTB of salts / 0.5% BSW or less
o Refinery applications: down to 0.5 PTB of salts / 0.1% BSW
LPG treatment: down to 10 ppm insoluble aqueous phase
Single train capacity up to 300 000 BPD

Key Benefits

Refinery and production fields application

Reliable and flexible electrostatic coalescers
Static technology for minimal supervision and low maintenance


Handling of high water cut and high sediment content

Special design for FPSO and topside to deal with roll and pitch issues
Extensive experience both in grassroot and revamping of existing units with minimum
modifications at site



II.6.1. HC Dewpointing
PROSERNAT can propose several solutions for NGL recovery / HC dew pointing purpose: Joule
Thomson, Mechanical refrigeration (mainly propane based), simultaneous HC and water dew
pointing with MEG hydrate inhibitor and simultaneous HC and water dew point with Methanol
hydrate inhibitor (Ifpexol / Ifpex-1 process).

Process Principle
PROSERNAT offers a wide range of refrigeration units (from several kW up to several
megawatts). Screw or centrifugal compressors can be selected depending on refrigerant flowrate
and pressure. Optimized architecture with different type of economizer is chosen to minimize
compressor power. Hydrate formation in cooling process can be avoided by inspection of hydrates
inhibitors, MEG or MeOH, then easily recovered:

MEG Cold Process performs both water and HC dew pointing. The unit consists of heat
exchangers, a chiller combined with a mechanical refrigeration loop and a low temperature
separator (LTS). The lean MEG is injected in front of heat exchangers and chiller to prevent
hydrate formation. The rich MEG is then recovered in the LTS and the water is removed
in a MEG regeneration unit.
The Ifpex-1 is a patented technology of simultaneous dehydration and Hydrocarbon dew
point control. Methanol is regenerated from the cold decanted water by stripping.

Industrial Reference

C2C3 - Refrigeration Package - Egypt



Technology Selection

Key Benefits
MEG Cold Process

Water and HC dew pointing performed in the same unit

Simple and proven process

Mechanical Refrigeration Package

No pressure loss compared to JT or Turbo-expander processes

Simple and proven process



Ifpexol / Ifpex-1 process

Over 99.9% stripping effectiveness with raw gases at pressures as high as 100 bar.
Water dew point as low as -80C.
Adequate mass transfer contact between methanol-water liquid stream and stripping vapor
No hydrate formation or icing concerns (Methanol is recirculated as an hydrate inhibitor
and antifreeze agent).
No venting, no need for external heat, no dangerous waste streams.



II.6.2. Proserpack
Proserpack compact integrated heat exchanger separator simplifies NGL recovery by
implementing 3 process steps (2 heat exchangers and the turbo-expander suction drum) in a
single equipment item. The replacement of the shell & tubes heat exchangers in the cold process
(and also upstream scrubber in case of turbo-expander cold process) by the Proserpack
technology is implemented to save weight, improve layout and NGL recovery.

Process Principle
Proserpack is the combination of the cold process heat exchangers, gas/gas and
gas/condensate, in the same shell, welded plates heat exchanger from ALFA LAVAL
PACKINOX. Proserpack is a patented design of ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX, sold
exclusively by PROSERNAT under agreement with ALFA LAVAL.
3 process steps in a single equipment item:

PACKINOX multi fluid plate heat exchanger.

All welded leak free stainless steel plate bundle.
Bundle enclosed within separator vessel.



Process Scheme



A Proven Technology

A new concept using only well-known equipments

2 units under operation on offshore platforms since 1999
For all liquid hydrocarbon recovery applications

Key Benefits

Footprint reduction
Cold process unit weight and cost decrease (one equipment instead of three)
Condensate recovery enhancement (the heat exchanger pinch is reduced, so the turboexpander inlet temperature is lower)
Piping, connections, controls are reduced
CAPEX savings of 30 - 50% (not including savings linked to weight / footprint reductions).
Low pressure drops
Improved heat transfer
Higher efficiency and reduced OPEX
Footprint similar to a single separator
o footprint reductions of 60% and more
o weight -20 to -30% lighter



II.7. Compression
Compression is an essential step in the frame of natural gas handling. Wheither it be for gas
transportation purpose, storage or upstream of treatments, compression is most of the time required
in Oil & Gas projects.

Industrial References
The picture below shows the balance of plant for 5 compression trains (2 LP + 3 HP) for Filanovsky
Central Processing Platform (end user : Lukoil) for which PROSERNAT scope was full
engineering (basic and detailed), procurement and skids fabrication of 3 TEG packages with
regeneration, a fuel gas package and a balance of plant for 5 compression trains including F&G
detection, deluge, MCC with Delivery FCA of skids, pre-fabricated parts - mix packages and loose.



Process Principle
Compression systems involve compressors together with process pieces of equipment such as
separators and coolers. Depending on the application, several technologies may be chosen to meet
project requirements. Compressors may be of several types (centrifugal, reciprocating, screw,)
when different technologies may be chosen for separation and cooling of the process gas.

PROSERNAT Advantages
PROSERNAT has many industrial references for compression application and offer the following
advantages :

Engineering and supply of process components (scrubbers, interstage coolers,) for gas
compression modules / stations
Selection of appropriate separation technologies for compression station balance of plant
through large expertise in such systems
Modularization of compression systems balance of plant for remote location
Complete gas compression modules / stations
Turn-key gas compression stations (in association with compressor vendors)
Upgrading of gas compression stations



II.8. Offshore / Floating

Offshore and Floating Oil & Gas production plartforms are always a challenge. Thanks to its
extensive know-how in the field of gas treatment and its important investment in Research and
Development, PROSERNAT has the ability to undertake any offshore engineering constraint and
specification, providing custom made equipments for a complete range of treatment processes.

Modular Strategy
Any type of processing unit which is used onshore can technically be implemented offshore.
PROSERNAT has worked a lot on modularization concept to offer optimized process solutions
for offshore and floating environment. Our units are designed to answer offshore key drivers :
weight, size and motion.



Environment Challenges
When installing a unit offshore, the following aspects are to be taken into consideration :

Weight is critical
Footprint has to be reduced
High installation compactness impacts safety requirements
Maintenance and logistic are an issue
Offshore treatment is always more expensive than onshore
Offshore constraints will affect process selection and design

As an expert in custom made solutions supply, PROSERNAT proposes specific offshore

engineering focusing on these project key drivers.

Experience and Research

PROSERNAT has more than 55 references offshore. By holding its own processes together with
complete engineering capabilities from basic design up to construction supervision, this makes
PROSERNAT a reliable supplier, able to offer tailored and optimized solution to meet offshore
and floating units design and procurement specifications. PROSERNAT R&D programs include
innovative developments with the aim of adapting process and units design to offshore and floating

High pressure redox SweetSulf process for selective HS removal and conversion into
solid sulphur: MDEA and acid gas treatment replaced by a single process step
Ifpex-2, autothermal scheme for bulk CO removal and reinjection: no thermal
regeneration, no external refrigeration, CO is recovered dry and under some pressure
Amine based processes: development of new liquid distributors to reduce column height
and enhance performances under moving conditions for floating applications



II.9. Modular Experience

A modularization strategy offers ascendant advantages versus on-site manufacturing. During the
last 40 years, PROSERNAT has supplied over 400 modular units, both onshore and offshore,
providing tailor made designs based on inlet feed conditions and guarantying outlet specifications.

Modularization Concept
The purpose of modularization is to provide a completely prefabricated skid-mounted unit, thus
minimizing site works. One unit is composed of several interconnected modules, one module is
composed of several assembled skids. Module construction is performed in a workshop or yard
remote from the final project site and equipped with adapted manufacturing and personnel

Why to choose Modules ?

The delivery of a complete skid-mounted module is a key choice in the following contexts:

Remote areas, with complex access for construction means and lack of manpower
Extreme climates, where working possibilities are restricted by seasonal constraints
Lack of labor quality and availability
Offshore sites, where on-site manufacturing is hardly possible and plot area optimization
is compulsory
Existing plants, where on-going operations are an obstacle to safe on-site manufacturing

PROSERNAT Advantages - PROSERNAT modules offer the following advantages:

Shortened schedules: a 25% schedule reduction is usually achievable during project

execution when modular construction is considered. The major schedule reduction is
obtained because the module construction can be performed at the same time as the
construction phase on-site. By the time the modular unit reaches the owners site, the field
is ready for module installation and connection with existing facilities.
Cost savings: by maximizing workshop construction and assembly, full advantage is taken
from an efficient and organized work progression. 40 to 100% higher labor productivity is
usually achieved and supervision time with a trained manpower is generally reduced by
25%. Cost savings are also achieved on field, where a modular unit requires less plot area
and simpler foundation than a similar stick built unit.
Improved safety requirements: most of the labor intensive tasks are achieved in a workshop
or on a yard chosen for its favorable and efficient working conditions. Construction permits
are not necessary and there is no interaction with on-going site operations, it greatly reduces
owners safety concerns.



III. Services
PROSERNAT offers a complete scope of engineering and aftersales services answering the
operations key challenges including process licensing, feasibility & conceptual studies, basic
engineering design, FEED studies, process selection & cost studies, safety reviews, site assistance
for commissioning & start-up, technical training, troubleshooting & technical expertise,
revamping engineering studies, advanced process control, detailed engineering, modular
construction & procurement and construction assistance.

o Engineering Services
o Aftersales Services

III.1. Engineering Services

PROSERNAT offers several gas treatment technologies that can be assembled to form an
optimized set to meet the needs of our customers regardless of the load to be treated. PROSERNAT
is a real gas architect who offers a solution for each unit operation (separation, drying, sweetening,
partial liquefaction, combustion and reaction). In this context, a wide range of studies can be

Conceptual designs from Clients inquiry

Conceptual designs from R&D or pilots results
Reliability studies
Basic studies that are most often associated with licensed technologies (Drizo , MEG
reclaiming, Advamine, Advasulf).
Sometimes FEED on average plant size
Debottlenecking studies
Site expertise



Conceptual and Reliability Studies

The main objective of conceptual studies is to determine the best architecture for treating a gas
and bring it to the specifications required for injection into pipelines. They require a well
knowledge of the different existing processes available on the market to select the best suited to
the needs. R&D projects are also sources of studies. We can define an industrial unit from pilot
tests. This full-scale exercise brings many questions: process feasibility, research equipment
suitable for service, investment costs and operating costs, impact on safety and environment. These
are real challenges that require both innovative qualities and pragmatism.
As PROSERNAT is also supplier of gas processing modules, we can offer generic studies to
reliable operation of the units by comparing and offering equipment (heat exchangers, pumps,
internal) best suited to the service.

Basic books and FEED

A great part of studies carried out by PROSERNAT are basic books in which we will find such
material balances, data sheets of equipments and PIDs. These books are developed for one or more
technologies (Drizo HP , MEG reclaiming, Advamine , AdvaSulf ) and allow the detail
engineering company to build the units.
PROSERNAT can go further than the development of a set of basic books. Sometimes we realize
FEED for medium sized plants with the following main objectives:

Writing a set of project specifications such as the definition of piping classes

The creation of a 3D model 30%
The preparation of requisitions for the long lead items
Conducting risk assessment and impact studies
The calculation of the CAPEX/OPEX
Sometimes the writing of the EPC bid requisition

Existing units in Operation

PROSERNAT is regularly asked to carry out studies on existing units in operation for which the
client is considering an increase in capacity or performance improvement. To carry out such
studies, it is necessary to retrieve the documentation of the installed equipment and sometimes
perform a function test of the unit to know its performance state.
Another type of study on existing units are the site expertise where the objectives are mainly to
improve the operating conditions, the overall performance of the unit, the safety and environmental
impact. Our senior engineers supported by our experts are regularly asked for this type of mission.



III.2. After Sales Services

PROSERNAT offers a complete scope of engineering and aftersales services answering the
operations key challenges including process licensing, feasibility & conceptual studies, basic
engineering design, FEED studies, process selection & cost studies, safety reviews, site assistance
for commissioning & start-up, technical training, troubleshooting & technical expertise,
revamping engineering studies, advanced process control, detailed engineering, modular
construction & procurement and construction assistance.

PROSERNAT Advanced Customer Services is a single source provider for personalized customer
services. Our people team is entirely dedicated to any aftersales concerns including : field studies,
revamping, troubleshooting, warranties, operational technical support, training, start-up &
commissioning assistance, training and spare parts management.




Respond to industry need for operating support

Answering to increasing demand for adapted and upgraded solutions
Help our customers' maintenance
Secure future projects

Multiple Offers Format

Light: basic service with faster on demand support

Custom: basic service + 1 or more options as needed
Full: basic service + all options of global services management

PROACS Packages
The Spot solution:

Custom services on demand

One time deal (no long term commitment)

The Comfort package, a long term relationship securing:

Production shut down savings (prevention)

Preferential service rates
Adapted process solutions (pre-studied)
A guaranteed priority response

The Guaranty package, a long term package with the Comfort solution benefits and an
extended guaranty proposed.




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