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A. Basics in Trichology 1 month duration 1 module 8 lectures one written
examination at the end of the module.
1. Introduction into the Hair Sciences
1.1 A History of Hair and Evolution of Trichology

2. Understanding of the Biology of Hair Growth

2.1 Embryology & Anotomy of the Hair & Scalp
2.2 Physiology of the hair & Physical properties
2.3 Biochemistry of the hair
2.4 The Hair Cycle
2.5 Pathologic Dynamics of Hair Loss as They Relate to the Hair Cycle
2.6 Hair Growth and Nutrition
2.7 Hormones and Hair Growth

B. Hair Disorders 3 months duration 3 modules 24 lectures three written

examinations (One written examination at the end of each module) & one
Practical examination
1. Developmental Disorders
1.1 Congenital alopecias & Hypotrichosis
1.2 Structural abnormalities of the hair shaft

2. Hair Cycle disorders

2.1 Telogen effluvium
2.2 Endocrine & Metabolic influences

3. Androgenetic alopecia
3.1 Male Androgenetic alopecia
3.2 Female Androgenetic alopecia

4. Alopecia Areata
4.1 Aetio pathogenesis
4.2 Clinical features

5. Cicatricial Alopecia
5.1 Classification & Aetio pathogenesis
5.2 Clinical Syndromes

6. Psycho-trichology
6.1 Psychological impact of hair disorders
6.2 Clinical Syndromes

7. Paediatric Trichology
7.1 Hair disorders in children Classification
7.2 Clinical syndromes

8. Hirsutism & Hypertrichosis

8.1 Aetio-pathogenesis
8.2 Endocrinology

9. Scalp Disorders
9.1 Inflammatory dermatoses of the scalp
9.2 Nevi, tumours & Cysts of the scalp

10. Hair Ageing

10.1 Hair dyspigmentation
10.2 Senescent alopecia

11. Infections & Infestations

11.1 Infections
11.2 Infestations

12. Traumatic alopecia & Miscellaneous disorders

12.1 Non Scarring traumatic alopecias
12.2 Pressure alopecias

C. Hair Diagnostics 2 months duration 2 modules 16 lectures Two written

examinations (One written examination at the end of each module) & one
Practica examination
1. Patient History
2. Clinical Examination
3. Laboratory Work-up Relevant to Hair
4. Imaging
5. Quantifying hair loss

6. Trichoscopy
6.1 Equipment & Basics
6.2 Patterns and clinical correlation

7. Trichogram
7.1 Traditional Trichogram
7.2 Trichoscopic Trichogram
8. Tricho-mycology

9. Tricho-pathology
9.1 Scalp Biopsy Techniques
9.2 Histopathology of non-scarring alopecias
9.3 Histopathology of scarring alopecias
9.4 Histopathology of scalp disorders
9.5 Immuno-florescence in trichology

10. Advanced Diagnostic techniques

D. Therapy 2 months duration 2 modules 16 lectures Two written

examination (One Written examination at the end of each module) & one
Practical examination
1. Tricho-pharmacology
2. Male androgenetic alopecia
3. Female androgenetic alopecia
4. Hormonal therapy
5. Nutritional therapy
6. Treatment of Alopecia areata (AA)
7. Treatment of Resistant AA
8. Teatment of Scarring alopecias
9. Management of premature canities
10. Psycho-therapy of alopecias
11. Treatment of chemo therapy induced hair loss
12. Treatment of scalp disorders
13. Sensitive scalp
14. Pitfalls, Tips & Tricks
15. Hair Anti-ageing treatments
16. Evolving Controversial tratments

E. Tricho Care 1 month duration 1 module 8 lectures One written

examination (One written examination at the end of each module) & one
Practical examination.
1. Science of hair & its care
2. Shampoos
3. Conditioners
4. Hair Cosmetics
5. Hair Colouring
6. Hair camouflage
7. Adverse effects of hair care products & Procedures
8. Ethnic Hair

F. Tricho Surgery 2 months duration 2 modules 16 lectures two written

examinations (One written examination at the end of each module) & one
Practical examination
1. Setting up Hair transplant
2. Choosing the right patient
3. Evolution of Tricho Surgery
4. Follicular Unit Transplantation
5. Anaesthesia: Blocks, Local Infilteration, Role of Sedative
6. Harvesting with strip
7. Separation and role of magnification
8. Plantation by slit and place
9. Plantation by Transplanter
10. Post operative care

11. Follicular Unit Extration (FUE)

12. Harvesting with FUE
13. Plantation in FUE
14. FUE in FPHL
15. Balanced View, Pros and cons of FUT / FUE
16. Importance of Continueing Medical treatment


Donor marking, Donor site preparation, Shampoo, Pre-op donor marking,
Receipient marking, Local Anesthesia, Toweling Strip: harvesting, closure,
dressing, Strip fixation Slivering under digital video microscope, Preservation
Dissection of follicles under digital video microscope Live plantation of harvested
follicles Separation, Loading, Delivery & Plantation with transplanter
G. Tricho Lasers 2 wks duration 1 module 4 lectures One written
examination (One written examination at the end of each module) & One
Practical examinations
1. The laser physics in Trichology
2. Lasers for hair removal
3. Lasers for hair growth
4. Choosing the right laser
H. Future Trichology 2 wks duration 1 module 4 lectures one written
examination (one written examination at the end of each module) & one
practical examination
1. Introduction to hair follicle stem cells and tissue engineering.
2. Isolation, Culture and Expansion of hair follicle stem cells.
3. Pitfalls and breakthrough in follicular cell implantation
4. Setting up a trichology clinic


1. Diseases of Hair and Scalp Edited by RODNEY DAWBER, Third Ed,
Blackwell Science publications
2. Hair and Scalp Disorders Common presenting signs, Differential diagnosis
and Treatment by Rodney Dawber, Dominique Van Neste, Second Ed, Taylor
and Francis publications
3. Dermatologic Clinics Update on Hair disorders by David A. Whiting, W.B.
Saunders Company publications
4. Handbook of the diseases of the hair and scalp by Rodney D. Sinclair; Cedric
C. Banfield; Rodney P.R. Dawber, Blackwell Science publications.
5. Hair Treatments Poucher's perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps Edited by Hilda
Butler, 10th Ed, Kluwer Academic Publishers
6. Hair Growth and Disorders Urlike Blume Peytavi, Antonella Tosti; David A
Whiting; Ralph Trueb; Springer International Publishers
7. Aging Hair by Ralph M Trueb; Desmond J Tobin, Springer International
8. Follicular Unit Extraction Step by Step Methodology by Kuldeep Saxena
9. Hair Transplantation by Walter P Unger, Ronald Shapiro, Mark Unger and
Robin Unger, informa healthcare
10. Trichology Diseases of the Pilosebaceus Follicle by Francisco Camacho,
william Montagna t, Karger Publications
11. Disorders of Hair Growth Diagnosis and Treatment 2/e by Elisa A Olsen.
McGrawHill Publications


1. Atlas of Trichology David A Whiting
2. Atlas of Anatomy & Histopathology of the Hair Follicle David A Whiting
3. Atlas of Hair and Nails by Hordinsky; Sawaya; Scher, churchill Livingstone
4. Atlas of Cosmetic Dermatology by Zoe Diana Drelos, Churchill Livingstone
5. Diagnosis and Treatment of Hair Disorders An Evidence Based Atlas by
Antonella Tosti; Bianca Maria Piraccini, Taylor and Francis Publications
6. Spectrum of Clinical Hair Disorders A century of cases by S.
Murugusundram, Chennai Skin Foundation and Yesudian Research Institute

1. International journal of Trichology Official Publication of the Hair Research
Society of India, Pubmed indexed
2. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery Official journal of Association
of Cutaneous Surgeons of India, Pubmed Indexed

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