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and TEDx| Updates | Cri2cal Thinking

ICTs in Educa2on Webinar 2
February 10, 2015

Advanced Teachers College: IOL
Paramaribo, Suriname

TED and TEDx

See also: Tedx (hNp://


Teaching Anity Groups, Blogs, and Backwards Design

Blogs Your e-Porfolio

On your home page, the public needs to see your name

and the fact that this is your teaching portfolio

o No duplicate entries (images, video, or text)

o Tone: be personal and creative, but also be aware of the

impression you are making

o Merge I teach because and your Teaching Philosophy


Blogs, Teaching Anity Groups, and Backwards Design

Teaching Affinity Group Statistics: Experience
o 29 people have no formal experience in classrooms
o 9 people: 1-3 years of formal experience
o 4 people: 4-6 years of formal experience
o 17 people: 7+ years of formal experience


Blogs, Teaching Anity Groups, and Backwards Design

Teaching Affinity Group Statistics: Subjects and Levels
o Not yet certified: ICTs, primary, also very wide range
o 1-3 years: 12% primary school, 88% secondary
o 4-6 years: 1 out of the 5 is in primary school setting
o 7+ years: 30% are in primary, 70% in secondary


Blogs, Teaching Anity Groups, and Backwards Design

Teaching Affinity Group Statistics: Degree Goal
o 49 people want 3-year program
o 8 people: want 2-year program
o 4 people: specialized degree

Evaluation Criteria:
o School Directors
o Outside Evaluators
o Student Performance and Parent/Student Feedback

Cri2cal Thinking: Great Minds Think Dierently

Cri2cal Thinking: This Week


Critical Thinking: Why Now?

Critical Thinking Film Festival

How Critical Thinking is Great Teaching

Discussion: Becoming a Critical Thinker Yourself

Classroom Design: Climates for Critical Thinking

Optional Reading: Critical Thinking Magazine

10 Team-Building Exercises for Critical Thinking

Assignment: Creating a Critical Thinking Lesson Plan

Discussion: Reflections on Module 1

Teaching Cri2cal Thinking Early

Thinking Big When They are Little

Cri2cal Thinking Arms

Educa?on Theory

Cri2cal Thinking Arms

Educa?on Theory

Cri2cal Thinking Arms

Educa?on Theory

Cri2cal Thinking Arms

Educa?on Theory
Reggio Emilia

With Respect, Love, and Apprecia2on

Dr. Fred Mednick


with special apprecia2on for Mr. Milton Top

Director, Advanced Teachers College: IOL
Paramaribo, Suriname

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