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Colegio Laico Angol

Arvalo Alarcn

Prof. Macarena

Idioma Extranjero Ingls

UNIT 3: We are what we eat.

Lesson 2
Extra material

Staying Healthy

Name: ________________________________ Grade: ___________________ Date: ___________________

WARM UP: Lets start.
You will watch a power point presentation about
the main topic of this lesson. You will also watch a
funny video called Silly songs with Larry whose
script is placed below, pay attention to the words
in bold.

We will learn: Relative pronouns

We will make: A poster
We will think of: The importance of a
healthy diet.
We will practice: Oral

The dance of the cucumber (Bob the Tomato

English speech)
Watch the cucumber; see how he moves, like a lion
chasing a mouse. Watch the cucumber; Oh, how
smooth his motion, like butter on a ... bald monkey.
Look at the cucumber. All the vegetables envy their
friend, wishing to dance as he.
Dancing cucumber, (x3) Dance, dance, yeah!"
Look at the tomato, isnt it sad? He can't dance. Poor
tomato! He wishes he could dance like the
cucumber free and smooth. But he can't ... Okay!
Stop the music! What do ya mean I can't dance? I can
dance! What about Uncle Louie's polka party? Didn't
you see me dancing at Uncle Louie's polka party?"
Larry: "No comprendo."
Bob: "No comprendo? I'll show you 'No comprendo'!"
Jr.: "Mom! Dad! Look over here! Get a picture of me
next to the cucumber in authentic Argentinian garb!"

Listen to the cucumber, hear his strong voice like a

lion about to eat. Listen to the cucumber, oh how
sweet his voice
the breath from his throat is like a chorus of little
birdies. Listen to the cucumber all the vegetables
envy their friend wishing to sing as he.
Singing cucumber, (x3); sing, sing, yeah!
Listen to the tomato, Isn't it sad? He can't sing. Poor
tomato. He wishes he could sing strong and sweet
like the cucumber, but he can't ... Can't even ...
whistle! All right! That's it Seor! Come over here and
let me sing YOU a song!"
Larry: "Adios, amigos!"

Dad: "Okay, Junior. But we'd better hurry--I think the

dwarves have your mother confused with someone
else! Say 'Peas!'"

Narrator: "This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune

in next time to hear Larry sing ..."

All: "Peas!"

Larry: "Bob is really angry! I hope he doesn't catch

me! It's so hard to run with this sombrero on my


DISCUSS: your impressions about the song you have heard.

Did you like it?

Work alone
BEFORE READING, answer the following questions:
1. Which type of food do you prefer?

Fruits and vegetables

Fries and

2. Which is your favorite Fast Food restaurant?


3. Answer TRUE or FALSE to the following statemnts:

a. _____________You should eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods.

b. _____________Everyone should enjoy plenty of candy, ice cream, and soda.
c. _____________It is smart to maintain a healthy weight.
d. _____________Eating moderate portions is suggested by doctors.
e. _____________Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating.
f. _____________Adults who eat high-fat meats at every meal are probably eating in a healthy way.
g. _____________Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, some types of cancer, and other illnesses.

h. _____________Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits;
vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish, and other protein foods.

i. _____________You should eat fruit only once a week.

j. _____________Statistics show that people who practice healthy eating live longer.


DISCUSS: What does the drawing represent,

are you in agreement?



Match the following pictures with their possible English


______ meal

______ work-out

Now read the text called: How to grow Healthy, on your English Book on page
75 and follow your teachers instructions.




______ fibre

whole meal
whole grain


______ low fat

LETS THINK! Taken into consideration what you have seen, discussed and reviewed; what
do you think the text is about?



Have a look at the FOOD PYRAMID and think about

your own diet, which type of food do you eat? Do you
think your diet is balanced?

Some extra tips:

1. Eat food that has less amount of fat.
2. Bread which is made with whole-wheat flour is better
for your health.
3. People who have a good diet and practice sports live
4. Practice sports when you are on holidays will improve

Exercises: Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun (from the box) to complete the
nutritionists advice:
Teenagers and diet


Teenagers' diets should sustain growth and promote good health. During this time, a
number of physiological changes occur that affect nutritional needs, including rapid
growth and considerable gains in bone and muscle (especially in boys). This is also a time
_____________ teenagers begin to develop real independence from their parents,
_____________ sometimes have so many troubles to make their children eat healthier,
making decisions about the food you want to eat.
It is good for you to be independent, but do not confuse independence with bad and rebel
habits. If you eat what your body really needs you will have a good health, otherwise you
will start feeling sick. Look at some of my advices and try to make a good decision:
Do not skip any meal, if you do not eat at the right time youll be so hungry that you will
eat a bigger quantity of food _____________ the one you really need.
Try to change the chocolate and crisps
_____________ contain less fat like fruits.




a healthier snack

Eat in places _____________ you can choose something else apart from sandwiches, hot
dogs or sodas, try to taste a Caesar Salad with a good natural juice.

Now you have done the exercise try to complete the rule for the use of relative pronouns.

We use who to
make reference

We use where to
make reference

We use that instead of

using _________ or

We use which to
make reference

We use when to
make reference

LANGUAGE FOCUS: We use Relative Pronouns to give additional information about

something without starting another sentence avoiding repetition of certain words.


Now that you have learnt and reviewed vocabulary

related to food, create your own Pictionary with the
new vocabulary. Feel free about the design, but keep in
mind to classify food into:



Cereals and grains

Work in pairs
Written Activity: Work in pairs and create a poster promoting a good diet and healthier food
intakes. Have a look at the example below:

*Note: This work was made by younger students.

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