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Order of Service for Pidyon HaBen/Redemption of the Firstborn

:xne`e ,dcerqd zlgzd ixg` odkd iptl a`d

(The father holds the child and says to the Kohen:)

¦ A§ ip¦ A§ d¤f
This is my firstborn son.

:l`ey odkd
(The Kohen asks:)

zir¦ Ä F` ,FO`¦ l§ mg¤ x«¤ xh«

¤ R¤ `EdW ¤ LxFk § A§ Lp§ A¦ il¦ oY¥ l¦ ,it¥ h§ zir¦ Ä i`n©
?`z̈i§ xF`
© C§ n¦ `Ÿa© § Igª n§ c¦ M§ mir¦ l̈q§ Wn¥ g̈ c©rA§ FzFCt§ l¦
Which do you prefer: to give away your firstborn son, who is the first issue of
his mother’s womb, or do you prefer to redeem him for five shekels as it is
instructed in the Torah?

:aiyn a`d
(The father replies:)

.`z̈i§ xF`C
© n¦ iY¦ a©
§ Igª n§ c¦ M§ FpFic§ t¦ in¥ C§ Kl̈ `d¥ e§ ,ip¦ A§ z ¤̀ zFCt§ l¦ ip¦ £̀ ut¥ g̈
I wish to redeem my son, and I present you with the cost of his redemption as
it is instructed in the Torah.

:jxane odkl exqenl utgd z` e` sqkd z` ecia oikn a`d

(With the redemption money in hand, the father recites the following blessings:)

,eiz̈Ÿev§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl« ¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` ïi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.oA¥ d© oFic§ R¦ l©r Ep«Ëv¦ e§
Blessed are You, O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us
in His Word, and has commanded us regarding the redemption of the son.

.d¤Gd© on§
© Gl© Ep«r̈iB¦ d¦ e§ Ep«n̈I§ w¦ e§ Ep«ïg
¡ d¤ W
¤ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` ïi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Blessed are You, 0 L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has kept us in life,
and has preserved us, and has enabled us to reach this season.
:ekxane wepizd y`x lr eici z` ozep jk xg`e oeictd z` lawn odkd
(The Kohen accepts the money, placing his right hand on the infant’s head,
and blesses him:)

¤ pn§ k¦ e§ mi¦ x«©t§ ¤̀ M§ midŸl¡
¦ ` Ln§ U
¦ i§
Make G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe.

¥ e§ Li«l¤ ¥̀ eip̈R̈ ïi§ `V̈i¦ .‚«P¤ gi
ª e¦ Li«l¤ ¥̀ eip̈R̈ ïi§ x ¥̀ ï .Lx«¤n§ W
§ i¦ e§ ïi§ Lk§ x¤äi§
.mFlẄ Ll§
May the The L-rd bless you and keep you. May the L-rd make His face shine
upon you and be gracious unto you. May the L-rd lift up His countenance
upon you and give you peace.

¤ t©
§ p z ¤̀ xŸnW
§ i¦ ,rx¨ lM̈n¦ Lx§ n̈W
§ i¦ ïi§
The L-rd will protect you from all evil; He will guard your soul.
The redemption of the first born son reminds us that we are truly the L-rd’s, since
in Messiah Yeshua we’ve been “bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and
that we owe HaShem all that we are & have. And so we picture in Pidyon HaBen
that as our Heavenly Father gave Messiah as our redemption, so as His followers
we too give and dedicate our best as “a praise to His glory” (Ephesians 1:6)!

oFUÜA§ mk¤ Y§ ¤̀ cin£ ¦ rd© lE

§ lFWk§ n¦ il¦ a§ A¦ mk¤ x§ n̈W § l¦ lFk©i xW ¤ £̀ l© e§
Epz̈Ÿ` r̈iWFn
¦ d̈ dn̈k§ g̈d© Fca© l§ Fl xW ¤ £̀ midŸl`
¦ l¥ .FcFak§ i¥pt§ l¦ mini ¦ n¦ Y§
i¥pt§ l¦ dl̈Ẅn§ n¤ d© e§ fŸrd̈e§ dl̈cªb§ d© e§ cFaM̈d© Fl Epi¥pŸc £̀ gi
© W
¦ n̈d© r© EW¥iA§
.on¥ `¨ c©r in¥ lFr§ lE § dŸ©rn¥ ml̈FrÎlk̈
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in
the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only G-d our Savior,
through Yeshua HaMashiach our L-rd, be glory, majesty, dominion and
authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
(Exodus 13:2; Numbers 6:24-26; Psalms 121:7; Jude 1:24, 25)

:jxane ecia oii qek odkd lhepe

(The Kohen takes a cup of wine and recites:)
¤ B̈d© ix¦ R§ `xFA
¥ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` ïi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Blessed are You, O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe,
Creator of the fruit of the vine.

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